Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Ascension Whispers: Eternal Conscious Creation - Videos Series


----UPDATED 15-11-13----

A good basic entry level into information. as said in vid1. vs the more advanced folks that have delved into the materials and such. 

 Marie Love Presents:

Eternal Conscious Creation Introduction Video 1

Discover information about an amazing event that will occur on December 12, 2013 as well as truth of creation that has not been available on this planet for 26,000 years now available from Ascension Whispers.

~ The return of the base12-tone Sequence  ~
~ & Return of Divine Trinity ~

Eternal Conscious Creation - Level 1, Part 1, Video 2

Understanding who, what and where is God Source. The Divine Trinity, how is God eternal.

Eternal Conscious Creation Level 1, Part 2, Video 3

Birth of Inner Creation, Spheres within Spheres, Thought Encryption, Color, Consciousness Highway - Unified Field, Eternal Life Forms

Eternal Conscious Creation Level 1, Part 3, Video 4

Eternal Conscious Creation, Layers 1 & 2 of Outer Creation, Light & Sound

Eternal Conscious Creation Level 1, Part 4, Video 5

Ascension Whispers presents Eternal Conscious Creation, creation of the Vertical Pillars of creation, what is on the other side of the Milky Way Galaxy, creation structure, layers of creation.

Eternal Conscious Creation Level 1, Part 5, Video 6

Ascension Whispers presents the Eternal Life Grid for the first time in 26,000 years, Seats of Conscious Identity, See what happened to the Eternal Life Grid to allow the imbalanced Earth reality field that everyone things is natural.

Eternal Conscious Creation Level 1, Part 6, Video 7

Ascension Whispers presents more understanding of why terrible things occur as they do on the planet and in our daily lives.

Eternal Conscious Creation Level 1, Part 7, Video 8

Ascension Whispers presents the concept of the Sub-Conscious Mind.

Eternal Conscious Creation Level 1, Part 8, Video 9

Finally, we reach the Big Bang of December 12, 2013 as well as other information to consider.

Eternal Conscious Creation Level 1, Part 9, Video 10

The Rapture, 100 years of time shifts, planetary healing and much more from Ascension Whispers.


Saturday, October 19, 2013

Lisa Renee: Revealing the Impostor

 Revealing the Impostor

October 2013

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,
Our planet is undergoing an incredible quantum event within the energetic fields as the collective consciousness frequencies are reaching their divergence point; this necessitates the bifurcation of timelines. The bifurcation of time impacts the quantum reality, the unmanifested field potential and the external impacts in the process of which energy manifests into physical matter. Everything we have known to be in our physical world is undergoing rapid shifting to Reveal the Impostor spirit energy that has remained hidden inside our own bodies, minds and perceptions. The impostor spirit is also synonymous with false light, dead energy and unhealed negative ego architecture having the authority over the direction of one's body, mind and spirit.

An Impostor is defined as any entity or human being that is saying words or expressions, or making representations that it does not embody, nor comprehend, nor behave or act in accordance with.

An Impostor Spirit is the Luciferian or Satanic Spirit which promotes false light authority and anti-life architecture through deception, lies of omission, manipulation with malice to promote intentional harm, death or destruction to serve its personal agenda.

The planet and those sensing this shift transpiring now may experience intermittent flushes of fear, visions of phantom death or uncertainty in our future direction, all of which may feel unnerving. This is a time to remember we are safe in our connection while remaining vigilant at staying within our spiritual center, making the adjustments to stabilize our inner core, as we continue to ride through these choppy waters. Many changes, alterations, dismantling, initiations, endings and beginnings are all happening at the same time. What is occurring is beyond mental comprehension and awe inspiring to witness as the perfection of the Universe is revealing itself through the rebalancing of energetic polarity. That which is the accurate energetic resonance of one's consciousness intention will truly attract to its matched vibration while that which is dissonant will fully repel itself away. What quality of vibrational thoughts we hold in our entire being will return as an amplified blessing or painful backlash, depending on the inner integrity and authenticity of the being's totality of spoken words, actions and behaviors. This makes superimposition over others, continual siphoning of others energies for ones selfish motivation, much harder to accomplish in this changed terrain of the Krystal Star Host. This forces self-responsibility, energetic accountability for one's belief systems and matching the integrity of actions based thereon.

This stunning crossroads of change upon us is shifting our planet to Reveal the Impostor spirit energy that has been operating from behind the scenes as the false light systems in this dark age. Every single one of us on this Earth has been greatly impacted and traumatized spiritually by this impostor energy, also used through the negative alien agenda, that has masqueraded itself in our lives. We inherited this impostor spirit energy ancestrally, genetically and historically, as the true origins and memories have been manipulated and hidden from the human race.

Inner Armageddon Dismantling
In physical matter, and within our own bodies, during this time we may feel this stretching and splitting apart sensation which may feel very harsh to our emotional body and heart space. Because the nature of the ego mind is mostly connected to the false light architecture, what is occurring is similar to the disintegration of the inner ego structures and its impostor spirit from continuing to block the higher heart complex. This is activating many people into spiritual initiation to align into their highest expression resonant to that energetic state of heart based being. There is a pushing and pulling between the lower mind internal structures and the higher heart intelligence which may feel like an internal and external war over the body consciousness. The bifurcation of timelines is changing the reality bubbles and as they are pushing and pulling apart space-time, where we all coexist, this may bring upon an Inner Armageddon sensation or relative phantom death experience. During this phantom death experience we will be presented with choices to move into higher integrity alignment and be reborn into a new spiritual energy. This is occurring at the microcosm and macrocosm levels of reality.

Additionally, the bifurcation inherently surfaces confusing feelings and unresolved projections between the masculine and feminine principles of energy. The polarity rebalancing may feel to be splitting apart the gender power centers inside our own bodies, or feel as a separation of internal energies. As we become aware of where the internal gender energy was split apart through the impostor spirit, without our previous conscious awareness, we are given the opportunity to merge, integrate and heal these areas. Also, we may improve how we relate to the gender roles throughout our life by clearing impostor energy. In order to heal, integrate and harmonize internal gender energies, we first break apart the core impostor spirit distortion in order to identify the source causation of its memories.

For many this will involve the 3D negative ego false light architecture in the solar plexus feeling abrasive against the 4D/8D feeling heart complex. This may manifest externally as power conflicts in relationships, where there is a battle between forcing personal will (3D) which places extreme opposing pressure in the receptivity centers of the heart and soul (4D). However, we have a great opportunity to heal the rift of gender polarity as well as recognize where that inner bifurcation existed (when the impostor was inserted) so that we may merge back into wholeness through the unity platform. Some of us may not recognize the unity platform because this is a totally new experience while in a body. This action of healing gender polarity is synonymous with the override of the bi-wave forms while merging into the tri-wave forms. As we unite our inner gender polarity, we unite with the trinity forms, thus allowing our deeper heart connection to expand with the eternal God source and Inner Christos. This forces the eviction of the impostor spirit, and this may feel very strange or scary if one is not aware of the necessity of this purging.

Keeping our mind focused on meditation or spiritually centering exercises, no matter where we find ourselves now, is required to find the inner core and remain in energetic balance. Please continue to dedicate oneself to work with clearing negative ego tools and be open to deeply feel the process of emotional healing through the phantom death energy transmutation. When we feel anxious we can choose to shift and hold one's perspective to apply unconditional love and forgiveness to the now self and other selves. This is the requirement to achieve and maintain the state of inner peace and connection in the middle of this incredible chaos. Keep choosing love, harmlessness, compassion and mercy for everyone and everything while being as accurate and truthful with oneself by checking inner motivations. The planet's highest expression for those that choose this heroic pathway, the ascending timeline, is available and will stay available. The Krystal Star Host is here to stay.

False Light of the False Parent
This Impostor spirit energy was inserted and imprinted as our False Parent, and the spiritual betrayal we have experienced in our heart and soul due to this fact has been crushing for many. Because of the timeline of the Impostor invasion, the False Parent has manifested physically, ancestrally, genetically and energetically (spiritually) throughout our sense of identity. Without our true spiritual identity and being incarnated into an enslaved reality deception, humanity has existed in a severe identity crisis, unaware of its purpose, unaware of being interfered with in its inner source connection. We were tricked into believing the Impostor spirits values and purpose was one of benevolence and love for humanity, when its overall hidden motivation is to enslave and harm us. We will see this revelation of the impostor spirit and false parent ripple throughout all aspects of our societal leadership, and we will need to be strong spiritually and in our personal faith to be able to see the authentic truth. The impostor spirit has hid inside our schools, governments, hospitals, careers, leadership, family members, things we hold most sacred and finally, even inside of us. We believed this False Parent spirit loved us and cared for us, and we are seeing that is not really true. The impostor spirit is not capable or equipped to know true love or benevolence towards life, towards children, towards humanitarian values. Therefore, with this pattern surfacing, this is a very hard and confusing time for humanity to reach this inner spiritual revelation in all areas and walks of life.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Bases 32 Message From a Bottle Part One / Part Two

This is part 2 of the academic study of the Theta state and Alien perception, the epigenetic chnage in humanity via the manipulation of perception and consciousness. Features music from the World band filmed in east London, and on the way to undergroundvideo's former edit suite near Heathrow airport, which makes its presence audible. 


Joshua Patrick reviews the psychological literature of trauma and extraterrestrials/flying saucers, wherein a person's psyche is traumatized in youth, to create a split personality, which retains the original abilities at that time of traumatization. In childhood this includes the powerful theta brain state, magical thinking, and belief systems, that in a holographic concept of reality, can produce magical effects within the mind's eyes of yourself and other people because the state acts as a psychic portal. Josh reviews his paper "Extraordinary Magical Beliefs and their Personal and Social Exchange Value:
Flying Saucers and Extra-Terrestrials As Archetypes of Social Unrest and Inclination For Human Evolution" as projected research, with the history and context of such metaphysical belief systems, and their operability, in light of the substantial amount of alien/UFO evidence and experiences. Josh reviews his own psychic vision of being a clone/hybrid/PGLF in a deep state of trance, as triggered by James Casbolt's hypnotic speech patterns and directed psychic vision from Bases IV.

Links for researchers:-Dark Sorcerer. (2005). Reptilian Imagery and Demonology. Cult of the Dead Cow (cDc). Retrieved from: http://www.cultdeadcow.com/cDc_files/...

Duff, G. (2013). Introduction to the Alien Races Book. Veterans Today. Retrieved from: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/09/...

Ismail, H., Wright, J.,and Small, N. (2005). Religious Beliefs About Causes and Treatment of Epilepsy. British Journal of General Practice, 55(510), 26-31. Retrieved from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/artic...

Kalsched, D., and Sieff, D. (2006). Unlocking the Secrets of the Wounded Psyche: The miraculous survival system that is also a prison. Caduceus, 69 and 70. Retrieved from: http://www.selfcure.eu/userfiles/Woun...

Khalfia, N., Hardie, T. (2005). http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/artic...

Комитет государственной безопасности. (1942). KGB Zeta reticuli Footage.Youtube User ivan0135. Retrieved from: http://www.youtube.com/user/ivan0135

Littlewood, R. (2004). Possession States. Psychiatry, 3(8), 8-10. Retrieved from: http://www.psychiatryjournal.co.uk/ar...

Miller, R. A., Webb, B., Dickinson, D. (1975). A Holographic Concept of Reality. Psychoenergetic Systems, 1, 55-62. Retrieved from: http://www.nwbotanicals.org/events/re...

Miller, R. A. (2001). Synthetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars. Consciousness Technologies Conference, July 20. Retrieved from: http://www.earthpulse.com/epulseuploa...

Nolan, G. (2013). Chile Specimen. The Disclosure Project. Retrieved from: http://siriusdisclosure.com/wp-conten...

Paulton, J. P. (2013). Extraordinary Magical Beliefs and their Personal and Social Exchange Value:
Flying saucers and extra-terrestrials as archetypes of social unrest and inclination for human evolution. To be published.

Raab, M. H., Ortlieb, S. A., Auer, N., Guthmann, K., and Crabon, C-C. (2013). Thirty Shades of Truth: Conspiracy theories as stories of individuation, not of pathological delusion.

Radin, D. I., and Schlitz, M. J. (2005). Gut Feelings, Intuition, and Emotions: An exploratory study. Journal of Complementary Medicine, 11(1), 85-91. Retrieved from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15...

Russian TV. (1996). Russian Small Alien. Youtube. Retrieved from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CU0cHy...

Santilli, R. (1990s). Alien Autopsy. Youtube. Retrieved from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ny-ojm...

Friday, October 04, 2013

Santos Bonacci - Syncretism: Amsterdam 2013 - 2/2


Published on Oct 4, 2013 http://www.PrometheanReach.com
Recorded on September 8th, 2013 in Amsterdam, Holland.
Big thanks to MuHaCiRo StD for original recordings: https://www.youtube.com/user/MuHaCiRo http://universaltruthschool.com
