Friday, February 17, 2017

The Hidden Secrets of Easter Island !!! [Full Long Documentary] ++ see ADDON #pinned

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“ There exists in the midst of the great ocean, in a region where nobody goes, a mysterious and isolated island,” wrote the 19th-century French seafarer and artist Pierre Loti. “The island is planted with monstrous great statues, the work of I don’t know what race, today degenerate or vanished; its great remains an enigma.” Named Easter Island by the Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen, who first spied it on Easter Day 1722, this tiny spit of volcanic rock in the vast South Seas is, even today, the most remote inhabited place on earth. Its nearly 1,000 statues, some almost 30 feet tall and weighing as much as 80 tons, are still an enigma, but the statue builders are far from vanished. In fact, their descendants are making art and renewing their cultural traditions in an island renaissance.

To early travelers, the spectacle of immense stone figures, at once serenely godlike and savagely human, was almost beyond imagining. The island’s population was too small, too primitive and too isolated to be credited with such feats of artistry, engineering and labor. “We could hardly conceive how these islanders, wholly unacquainted with any mechanical power, could raise such stupendous figures,” the British mariner Capt. James Cook wrote in 1774. He freely speculated on how the statues might have been raised, a little at a time, using piles of stones and scaffolding; and there has been no end of speculation, and no lack of scientific investigation, in the centuries that followed. By Cook’s time, the islanders had toppled many of their statues and were neglecting those left standing. But the art of Easter Island still looms on the horizon of the human imagination.

Just 14 miles long and 7 miles wide, the island is more than 2,000 miles off the coast of South America and 1,100 miles from its nearest Polynesian neighbor, Pitcairn Island, where mutineers from the HMS Bounty hid in the 19th century. Too far south for a tropical climate, lacking coral reefs and perfect beaches, and whipped by perennial winds and seasonal downpours, Easter Island nonetheless possesses a rugged beauty—a mixture of geology and art, of volcanic cones and lava flows, steep cliffs and rocky coves. Its megalithic statues are even more imposing than the landscape, but there is a rich tradition of island arts in forms less solid than stone—in wood and bark cloth, strings and feathers, songs and dances, and in a lost form of pictorial writing called rongorongo, which has eluded every attempt to decipher it. A society of hereditary chiefs, priests, clans and guilds of specialized craftsmen lived in isolation for 1,000 years.

More extra notes/Addon:

The amount of earth covering it(statues) should give a indication oh how much time has passed...

Center Star Gate - SG Cue Site - CS Arc Gate - AG
 1 Halley, South Pole Cyprus Adare, Ireland Red

 2 Sarasota, Florida Easter Island, Chile Stonehenge, UK Orange ( From: mid12allignments.pdf - By Noel Tobin )

* TRIBE-2: Maahali-Bruea (pronounced: Ma a ha' LE- BrU' A) Start gate signet codes, seed locations and races: SG-2 Florida Seminol Native Amaericans SG-2 Sarasota Florida, and Breanoua black and brown skinned Haitian-Bimini island races. Easter Island (Rapa Nui) Cue Site-2 Muavaharivi and Jeruselum Israel Vortex-2 Hebrew Races. Maji Indigo Grail line: Mu'A of Lemuria (Hawaii) , Easter Island and southwestern native American descendant tribes. Original Hebrew (Hibiru Cloister and Melchizedek cloister hybrid) races of Jeruselum and Jordan 

 * * TRIBE 12: A-reah-Azurta (pronounced: a-RI'-a Zoor'-ta) Star Gate DNA signet codes, seed locations and races: SG-12. Monsegur Southern France SG-12 white-skinned and original MU'a Lemurian Kauai Hawaiian brown-skinned, dark eyed races, exiled to Easter Island and Machu Picchu Peru (builders) Maji Indigo Grail line: original Mu'A Kauai Hawaiian brown-skinned and KatharA-Cathari white skinned races of Southern France.
 (angelic 12 human-tribes seeding 3) 

 References: Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings ® Also in voyagers II Chapter:


Pages 371 to 372 

or buy the book 

ill add links to the newer website where the excavation images from recent times are uncovering the full bodies of the statues


References: Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings ®

Friday, February 03, 2017

KS Reality Talks: 2-1-17 Pat Barkman

INTRO: 'River Of Time' -Bill Miller
OUTRO: 'Peaceful Storm' -Anonymous Native American Flutist

Pat introduces herself and explains her "patient zero" experiences of being warmly welcomed only to be shunned by virtually all of the most recognizable factions in Melchizedek (including Templars, Metatron, Enoch, Masters of the Crystal Skulls, and the modern day Hyksos line). She shares specific details of how she was then also shunned by all the splinter groups of the contemporary mission. She goes on to explain the historical context for shunning and how it may serve a main objective of "the virus" which has been to drive separation between incarnates, harness their freewill choice and then use it to assimilate. Pat shares her discoveries in KS demonstrating that 'virus' has been active in this matrix for hundreds of billions of years. According to Pat, this is not a new concept. She goes on to point out that this 'virus' concept has been used to amplify karmic fear patterns that have been prominent in the Turaneusiam race. 

Pat explains the way she learned her understanding of down-stepping that demonstrates how not everyone in the outer worlds has their point of individuation in the inner worlds. From Pat's perspective, the vast majority of people on this planet individuate in the Melchizedek God seed. Pat shares her own unique perspective of how this mission can finally succeed. Using the Teachings to heal.

Pat's site:



'The AMCC-MCEO-GA™(2012 - present) translations (AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils of Cosminyahas-Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order-Guardian Alliance) and the MCEO Freedom Teachings Series™(1997 - 2012)''

E’Asha’s earlier AMCC-MCEO-GA™ translations Foundational Programs include the Voyagers Series Books,The Amenti Series™ Classes™, the Keylonta Primer Transcript™, Keylontic Morphogenetic Science™, The Tangible Structure of the Soul™ Program, The Life Empowerment Workshop Series™-,The Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System Series-™, The Emerald Covenant Planetary Templar Stewardship Initiative™, The Spiritual Discovery Workshop Series™, and The MCEO Freedom Teachings Series™. The Foundational Programs are AMCC-MCEO-GA™ authorized Speaker-1 verbatim translations from the local-level Cloister-Dora-Teura Plate Silver-Discs Series™ (the CDT-Plates) of the AMCC-MCEO-GA™ Record. 

The earlier Foundational Programs & MCEO Freedom Teachings Series™, as well as various distorted, falsified, edited and plagiarized facsimiles thereof, are currently available, in whole or in disorganized parts, through numerous independent sources on the internet. Such independent sources of distribution are not endorsed or authorized by the AMCC-MCEO-GA™, or by E’Asha Ashayana, and thus the AMCC-MCEO-GA™, or E’Asha Ashayana, can make no claims or assurances as to the accuracy or integrity of content regarding any AMCC-MCEO-GA™ translations offered by such independent sources or their affiliates.


We have found the Keylontic Science teachings/information to be the most effective way to reawaken a deep connection through understanding the True Nature of reality. Please note that we are in no way associated with ARhAyas Productions ( The Guardian Alliance have advised us that due to the escalation of energy and activations occurring during this infusion cycle (SAC- Stellar Activation Cycle) that we connect with a level of ourselves called the Plasma Body. To connect with the Plasma Body, the Guardian Alliance has advised us to run the techniques found here: The advice is to run these techniques before any other technique. This includes the older Freedom Teaching material or any other energy techniques found on the internet. The Plasma frequencies are part of the Inner Domains realities which hold an undistorted connection to Source.

If you would like more information on co‐creating an interview, you can contact Chris:
Skype: chrisvcomstock
Thank you greatly for BEing here and assisting in these times.