Showing posts with label Energy Synthesis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Energy Synthesis. Show all posts

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Energy Synthesis: As the Cosmos Turns.... by: Lisa Renee

Endings .....
All of these incredible combinations have pushed many people and circumstances to boiling points, through major life upheavals and transitions and some of them have been quite challenging. So this particular timeline is about huge completions, doors slamming shut, beyond the deepest depth of internalized changes, and our simultaneous rebirth into the new world while we prepare for our grand debut. It is all just about ready to be kicked off for our anticipated "show time" which as a cycle is a phase altering your reality at this time. (Reminder: YOU ARE on a spiritual mission and on the brink of a creative breakthrough into a new reality! Just in case you forgot in the purple haze of the last serving of the energetic 144 course meal dished out by the Universe!)
We are still being influenced by the current Uranus-Pluto-Jupiter T-square which may produce spontaneous, erratic, destructive behavior in the spiritually unaware and emotionally reactive type of person. For those more spiritually developed, this configuration will motivate us to adapt quickly to radical change and to find creative solutions to rise above destructive scenarios and emotional havoc.
It's actually all very exciting, but given what we've just been through with the T-Square arrangement, we need to be particularly careful because many people are still a bit shell-shocked from all the barrage influx of energies. Be gentle with yourself and others.

Some things are ending rather abruptly and you may not see why immediately, but have faith and trust that something is moving you into your new energy space. Currently the sparks are flying as the situations that are coming to an end may have had some harsh edges to it. However, don't let yourself get engulfed in the flames... the fires can be put out quickly when you nurture yourself and others with unconditional love and compassion. There is much we are letting go of. Please be calm and stay on course.

Polarity Conflicts
The Astrology and its energy impacts is yet another shift of intense energy that is catalyzing humanities progress into one of the increasing polarity spirals. Our downward or upward spiral of personal evolution will again be exponentially increased by these recent forces. For those of us more consciously interacting with these forces, it will be apparent this is serving to propel us to our soul destiny. This influx of energy is amplifying these spirals creating an ever increasing polarity junction between the 3D and Multidimensional (MD) fields of possible realities.
I have been witnessing the latest stages of our delineation during this frequency split and observing that it has created amplification in the outward perception of polarities. I have been witnessing a lot of humans in the old 3D programs like "us vs. them" and it must be "this way or the highway" or it's "wrong". Over the last month in these intense astro-energy conjunctions, these old patterns progressively surface in the factions within the classic types of polarity struggle.

The advisory has mentioned this will be highly problematic for us at this level of reality (and ongoing) and it's important to not let it suck you into its grand illusion. The ego loves a story and it's the tiniest of fine lines to navigate this evolutionary time in order to be clear and integrated with our new Multidimensionality. Stay out of the archetypes of drama playing out the storyline by maintaining a state of engaged detachment and observation.

Ultimately when you are inquiring within to ask the inner discernment questions, you must be positioned to surrender it ALL at the Altar of your Heart. This opens to allow the Super-conscious Genius of your Higher Christos Self to guide you in each moment. How can we judge any part of this process in another? We must be more tolerant and accepting of each other during these unique times. We each have such a perfectly orchestrated purpose that we are contributing to the One Divine Source.

A Rock and a Hard Place!
If we have been in dissonant situations that must change, we have felt incredibly dense, compressed and compacted these last weeks. Rest assured it's a temporary cycle, the Guardians have discussed many reasons as to why we are feeling such physical density as we actually "drop" this density from our bodies. One interesting note the advisory mentioned to me is that the planetary fields are undergoing shifts changing the sustained state of concentrated magnetism. (They spoke of how the Electro-Magnetic Fields (EMF) move substance into manifestation and the fact this process of EMF movement is changing rapidly on the planet right now) They gave preparations as to say we would feel like we were being squeezed within a very small space, akin to being in a birthing canal right before we are being born into the world. This birthing pain is in the middle of contraction and is exactly where we may find ourselves now. More self care and rest is needed from this constriction as when it occurs like this in our physical bodies as it leaves us more vulnerable to negative elementals, thought-forms, mind control and other lower vibration phenomena. All we can do to keep ourselves "expanded" and relaxed is important to stay calm and cohesive (sane). It is very important to do your daily spiritual housecleaning now and I highly recommend the ES Core Triad practice daily as the daily spiritual vitamin to keep you fortified and strong.

New Earth Element Encryption
The latest energetic shift developing for our Ascension Biologies that I am witnessing for some of us now, is that the elemental physical body is getting upgraded at the subatomic and molecular level. This subatomic level of our elemental-physical body blueprint commences at the first layer of our "core manifestation template". This "template" is the 1st dimensional layer that consciousness utilizes to manifest in the physical worlds. Also, this first layer is at the 1st Dimensional level of the Earth plane and its vital energies are synthesized and transmitted through our bodies via our Root Chakra or 1st Chakra. Those ready to receive these new elemental encryptions are starting the process of being released from the old energy structures (this includes the timelines of its cellular record in our bodies) that existed in the 1st dimensional level and being reorganized with new elementals, new divine particles from the 12 D Blueprint levels of the future planet Earth. KA RA YA SA TA AA LA!

We are still processing the effects of recent shifts and we will feel much more integrated if we can relax into the process. However, this has created a host of unusual physical symptoms that I want to share with any of you that may be transiting through physical changes.
  • Feeling toxicity moving through your body.
  • Heaviness in your digestive area and liver as they are working overtime to process these energies.
  • Skin breakouts, rashes and pimples
  • Spleen issues may have sympathetic points of stress. (Bleeding on nose tip and nose areas)
  • Inner Ear and sinus activity, congestion, fluids, ringing and strange sounds.
  • Unusual "smells" or odors coming from your physical body. Most common is a burning type of smell, or "smoky" smell. Your body is burning off density molecularly.
  • Feeling pregnant or bloated type of symptoms.
  • Sleeping and needing to lay down.
  • Vertigo, spins and some time space disorientation.
  • Entities, tricksters and astral "surreal" like dreams and scenarios showing up.
  • Many have had the bout of Ascension Flu to keep you down to rest and integrate the spiritual work of your energy selves.
  • Excessive fears around security, stability, future safety, issues with father archetypes of protection.
This is a good time to purify yourself in all means necessary and as you feel guided. Stay bundled warm and check in with physical detoxing as it may need to be placed on your to-do list. Rest, Drink, Breathe and Expand in all ways you can! Time for a pajama party and a cup of hot tea!

(Source: Multidimensional Intersection April 2007)

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Energy Synthesis: Spiritual Sun Behind the Sun - Nov 2013 - By Lisa Renee

Spiritual Sun Behind the Sun

November 2013
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,

The consciousness within our Solar System is undergoing its own level of solar initiation through the massive amount of solar flare plasma emissions. A solar flare is a burst of light, radiation and intelligent energy which erupts from the sun’s magnetic atmosphere. Solar flares affect all layers of the solar atmosphere, when the plasma is heated into millions of kelvins, the flares produce radiation across the electromagnetic spectrum at all wavelengths. These light frequencies range from radio waves to gamma rays, although most of the energy is spread over frequencies outside the visible spectrum to the naked eye.

Currently, the sun is consistently firing off the strongest solar flares we have experienced in which science measures as an X class flare, falling into the category of the most intense levels of solar explosions. In less than two weeks the sun has released over 28 solar flares, with some of the most powerful coronal mass ejections that have reached the earth. Coronal Mass Ejections (CME’s) are a mass of charged particles and magnetic field energy that bursts from the sun like a volcanic eruption. Coronal mass ejections interact with Earth’s ionosphere which change the shape and direction of the magnetic field, as well as generate geomagnetic storms, auroras and increase the range of the earth’s plasma fountain. It is clear evidence we are undergoing an intense Solar Initiation of radiating plasmic light which is rapidly progressing humanities evolution (or digression) on our chosen spiritual journey upon this earth.

In addition to the extreme pressure of this Solar Initiation, we are being influenced by the current Uranus-Pluto-Jupiter T-square which may produce spontaneous, erratic, destructive behavior in the spiritually unaware and emotionally reactive type of person. For those more spiritually developed, this configuration will motivate us to adapt quickly to radical change and to find creative solutions to rise above destructive scenarios and emotional havoc. With the frequency changes configuring around the planet Uranus, this will stimulate the creation of new technologies and innovations from societal organizations that simply no longer work. This is the next trigger event in a series which precede the breakdown of the systems of control and the cessation of promoting purely materialistic values. There is a breakdown of individualistic ego structures required in order to have a group humanitarian breakthrough for positive change in the future. To the spiritually uninitiated, this may appear to be a mental, physical or nervous breakdown for those individuals who are being forced to change their lifestyle now. The cost is taken at the individual ego level as it is the overall group consciousness, the health of the collective, which is at a much higher energetic priority now. We are leaving the rule of selfish ego and moving into the awareness of the larger group of planetary consciousness.

This timeline marks the early initiation that ends the rule of the False King of Tyranny archetype and its continual abuse of power through technological mind control upon the earth. The awakening Holy Father is illuminating his return as theSpiritual Sun behind the Sun returning benevolence merged with true power. However, the end of the rule of the Tyrant must be internally and spiritually chosen by the individual. For many on the earth the tyrant archetype has become a bad addiction of victim/victimizer polarity that may be hard to break free of. The ending of tyrannical control requires the spiritual responsibility to end all victim related patterns. Humanity must wake up from its bad dream and find the courage to imagine new consciousness possibilities, as we free ourselves from the past grips of tyranny.

The Seven Suns in the One

Energy Synthesis: Till Your Own Soil / Reclaiming Goddess Tiamat - By Lisa Renee

02 December 2013 - Written by Lisa Renee

Till Your Own Soil

Many of us are experiencing this bifurcation period in our life as “under construction” with an undercurrent of continual evaluation and reflection. Many of us have had to stand back with detached observation and stay behind the enforced construction site “yellow tape”, while the demolition derby came into your reality with a wrecking ball and a bulldozer. For others, we have been waiting patiently for the right time and the right place to join into the new energy stream. This has had a massive impact in many ways to our life circumstance in any kind of relationship, (personal or professional) within any kind of organization, or any other type of dynamic that has been running an obsolete energy system. These energies, astrologically, cosmically, planetary or otherwise, are forcing transformation into a new base setting of which we operate from. For some of us this is a real testament to our ability in “letting go”. We are being forced to let go of obsolete relationships, power imbalances and their emotional patterns, and that is not generally a fun experience, albeit, it is necessary.
We have to move out from physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual stagnation, and if something or someone is a suppressive influence on your spirit, that situation is being dismantled. Most people have a hard time with endings, so good behavior is not always present. It is especially difficult when we have formed bonds with other people we love, generated stories that include them in our future landscape and then one has the realization that story is not going to happen. This time cycle is similar to a hard-drive reset, we are rebuilding the inner foundation and outer foundation of which our lives are based upon or around. Any interactive dynamic between people, places and things, that is now obsolete in this current energy level, even if it “appeared to be working”, is getting an overhaul, evaluation, and massive transformation. Remember that this is your inner spirit navigating you through these changes, in ways your mind is not necessarily thrilled with at the time. Shifting your perspective to look at these opportunities to learn, strengthen and grow beyond your current belief systems to expand consciousness, is what the purpose of this time really means. Have comfort in that knowing, that you are Rebuilding Foundation, if you are having a difficult time during these life altering changes.

Changes are “Johnny-on-the-Spot”!

Once again, the more adaptable, flexible and fearless one is in the face of massive transformation and change, will be the relative experience one has while the dust flies and the energetic chaos continues. It is similar to a set change or location change on a movie production set. (Prop master and gaffer, where are you?) Massive reconstruction is happening now in the field and that lends to more surreal, weird and unusual experiences. However, many of us that are seasoned on the ascension path, are not new to this type of paranormal phenomena, it’s another day in the life of a light-worker. However, these powerful forces bring a new sweeping wave of people getting a fast shake down into the “awakening fold”. This intense current is moving very fast and it requires spontaneous acceptance of massive life altering changes. In fact “spontaneous” may be an understatement, this time requires “now moment” life changes in a split second of which directions are laid out on the spot. Some of us may still try to register to the brain what is happening, but by the time it registers, the change is already been made and gone. Those of us that have developed the ability to listen and follow the inner spirit without hesitation are marveling at the new energetic efficiency of changes being made. The energy available to us now makes it quick, rapid, efficient and crystal clear!

However, many humans are not well equipped to counter and neutralize the kind of stress that these changes and their events, exert on the individual person. These types of life altering patterns without evolutionary context and tools can be experienced as traumatic and painful. That means fear, chaos, despair and trauma are very high in the collective fields, and we have many confused people wondering what in the heck is happening. Many people identify with these fear forces and negative feelings as stemming from their own internal misery and that is not exactly an accurate perception. The collective human energetic weight can feel like a crushing density without some development of inner foundation and inner clarity. This confusion is also transpiring in many extra dimensions outside of our 3D fishbowl, adding more intensity to the entire melting pot of transformation.

The Melting Pot 

The fiery heat of the melting pot is the necessary process of synthesizing the opposing forces in our life, and as we move through this end cycle, we undergo the forging required through the “remixing” of these forces. Like hot metal being forged into shapes, the spiritual forging of a human being produces a host of new characteristic human strengths, that “forged” human has the capacity to evolve into a superhuman through the biological ascension process.

Through the spiritual ascension process, we are exposed to great internal heat, environmental shifts and energetic catalysts to effect a deep chemical change, a change so profound on our being, that it has molecular and atomic consequences. Ultimately the consequence of all of this pressure in all of its forms, as it is applied internally, and externally, has a profound impact on one’s consciousness. As an example to understand this archetypal pattern, the tarot card of Temperance represents this same alchemical mixing and blending to achieve equilibrium, ultimately as a result of the joining of forces. Those feeling the weight and density of these life changes may feel empowered and lifted to reflect or meditate on the meaning of Temperance in your life. Many times when we have context for change the suffering is removed.

Temperance is almost invariably depicted as a person pouring liquid from one receptacle into another. Historically, this was a standard symbol of the virtue temperance, one of the cardinal virtues, representing the dilution of wine with water. In many decks, the person is a winged person/angel, usually female or androgynous, and stands with one foot on water and one foot on land.” 

This most certainly is our theme this year with the Hieros Gamos, the necessary return of balancing inner and outer forces, and that process is especially being enforced now, in every area of our lives. If there is a relationship or organization we are involved in that is not flowing in the same energetic stream, that situation is gearing up for completion and the redirection of its resources. This is also serving as an energetic alignment and convergence of congruent timelines, for each being and its circumstantial level of growth. The areas that we are not balanced or in congruent flow with our inner energies, are generally viewed from the perspective of pain and suffering. Physical pain, mental pain, emotional pain, can be very present in the body now, and that gives one the opportunity to address that pain and do the work necessary to transcend that pain. With an evolutionary context and some basic tools, this pain will lead us back into balance with ourselves, as we apply a proper perception with a positive attitude.

With an evolutionary context, we can begin to comprehend our larger connection to the macrocosm, or Universal forces, and we can allow ourselves to relax into that Universal flow. Once we can see our existence as a higher self within a larger group consciousness, our individual issues fall away and we cease to be so absorbed in our perception of personal suffering. Yet, the suffering experience can be productive when inquiring on the nature of the pain. Where are the areas in your life you feel pain or suffering, and what message is it giving you? Let this lead you to a new version of yourself, when you are free of internal fear, you are free to move away from suffering. This allows one to converge with others who are sharing the same energetic alignment path, which creates more balanced energy and value exchanges through the interaction between more congruent parties. There is no bad or good, it all comes down to resonance, inner congruency and the proper alignment of mutuality.Seeds must be sown where they can grow and flourish. We do not expect to grow a harvest from the bedrock of stone. One must till their own soil no other can do that for you.

(Source: Work in Progress, Sept. 2012)

Reclaiming Goddess Tiamat 

25 November 2013 - Written by Lisa Renee  

Tiamat was the Living Goddess of the 10th Gate, and the living intelligence gatekeeper to the Christ-Buddha-Avatar matrix. She was exploded into bits by the Moon Chain lineages and Marduk who used her essence to recreate lunar forces to replicate her essence in reversal formats. Marduk gave this intelligence to Enki/ Ea who decided he would invade Sumeria and play Annunaki God to the humans and gave his version of accounts that the Anu created the human beings and therefore they were the Gods of this planet. This was a way to create humans as slaves. Somehow Marduk did this to the Kumaras whom he was showing his anger, (who are the Chohan Ray Masters, otherwise known as the Ascended Masters of the New Age – El Morya, Kuthumi et al, there was some bad blood about Human-Orion Wars brought karmically to this planet with this complex situation). Without “her” we were unable to have our 10th Chakra and all its functions work in our bodies, as she was the link to communicate with our Avatar self. She is a part of the Triple Goddess Formation and apparently the Merging Shield is the Living Creature Matrix to remind me/us that we are to rebirth her essence again onto our planetary body, and then hence our own physical body. Because we went through the wall in time on the 28th, we are able to gain access to this incredibly ancient part of ourselves. The 10th Chakra has lines around our Left side and its main portal is a network from behind the left ear, to the crown and to the Soul Star directly above our crown, about 6 to 8 inches above our head. This is like a communication portal from our Avatar (triad) Christ consciousness intelligence, and without this communication hub in our Lightbody, we cannot sense communication at that frequency level. So it is like expressing that this is the decoder of language to “hear” or directly sense that communication inside our own body, directly. The destruction of Tiamat (like a heaven and earth principle living together in perfect harmony) is synonymous with the destruction of sacred marriage (union of opposites), the split in the wall in time, and the shift to patriarchal domination and/its electron distortion. The shift to patriarchy was inevitable and planned through the last cycle, however the levels of destruction nearly took creation to annihilation.