Showing posts with label Energy Synthesis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Energy Synthesis. Show all posts

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Energetic Synthesis: Mother's Island Hubs

  Mother's Island Hubs

Our heartfelt prayers of peace to the people and families of EARTH and IRAQ. Please wear your 12D Shield.

As the etheric filaments of the collective planetary field membranes (which make up the Ley Lines of the earth), are filling with the corrected patterns of subtle vibrational energies, it creates chalice configurations for the Mother principle to run its life force through the tributaries of the earth. These corrected patterns are intersections of the flowing life force current that circulate throughout the planetary heart system, as they are pumped through the Aurora Portal Networks and Mother Arc Hubs. These Krystal Star networks are built into the planetary body to run Aurora Christos and Aurora Mother tri-wave current to heal the planetary heart of massive amounts of collective consciousness trauma. 

Many of us have been feeling the elemental changes and deep shifts in our cells. The animation of matter from the magnetic shift is penetrating the second layers of our emotional-elemental body, which have deep impacts to memories or negative emotions buried in the Instinctual Body which is also known as the Pain body located in our 2nd Chakra.

The shift in the elemental body requires transmutation which may have a sensation that is similar to observing the decomposition of matter in the cycles of life. Microorganisms, some parasites and insects act as the earthly matter alchemists and enzymatically shift the elemental composition or digest the waste product of decomposing matter. As such, many of us may sense our body detoxifying or eliminating waste product and feel our body attempting to find homeostatic balance with its internal microorganisms and parasites. The strange sensations come with enzymatic change of the chemical composition inside our elemental body. This may exhibit a different external sensation of skin itchiness, skin crawling feeling, rashes, boils, acne, signs of minor infection, etc.

A tremendous amount of change to the elemental and emotional bodies is underway now.
This has also been evidenced lately as the planetary body is shaking and quaking lately to reposition itself for an entirely new Magnetic Field Grid Network System to power up new levels of the Mother Arc. The Guardians are calling this aspect of Mother Aquamarine Ray energy, a Magnetic force powering up in our Earth Core, The Mother Arc. The awareness and systematic dismantling of several obsolete controlled architectures in the planetary field have allowed this new architecture to come on line. It is similar to understand we have poked a hole in the mind controlled frequency fence and reconnected our handshake hub to reconnect with the Mother Arc in the earth core and connect with the Universal core. It is through the Mother's Perfect Proton Seed (or Cosmic Egg) that Creation can Heal Itself to its Original Divine Blueprint of the Diamond Sun body of Christos. 

This previous weekend’s sequence of events began another cycle of the Mother Arc emerging from the earth core into volcanic arc chains and their islands on our planet. This is a process of reanimation of the Mother’s magnetic principle from the earth core and into the earth crust, of which the volcanic islands and mountain volcanoes act as transmission antennae into our lower atmosphere and beyond. 

The epicenter of the surging up from the earth core thrusting upwards from the crust are hitting into two of the deepest oceanic trenches in the planet in the Indian Ocean, the Diamantina Deep Trench and the Java (Sunda) trench by Sumatra, outer borders of Western Indonesia on the Indian Ocean. The areas surrounding the Indo-Australian tectonic plates and the Antarctic plates are very active now. The Indian ocean floor is spreading at the pressure of these deep trenches, and its applying pressure in the boundaries of which moves the oceanic plates. Some research links below are provided to consider on the oceanic plates and the trenches impacted at the epicenter. 

The islands in these borders are active with magnetic flux and tectonic plate shifts. It has been mentioned that these are the "Volcanic Arc" chains in the Indian Ocean most active now. It is interesting this activity is only in the Southern Hemisphere at this time. For all of our Western Australian’s and those that live in the Southern hemisphere near volcanic geography and near coastlines, pay special attention to listen to the volcanoes, water and nature in what they are communicating. 

As well this new cycle will pressure each of us to pay attention to our Instinctual body, our emotional-elemental body and what it is undergoing. 

What is the Emotional-Elemental Body? 

In order to understand the Internal Structures of Ego which we also refer to as “Houses of Ego”, it requires the awareness that there are three main layers that function together, the 1st Chakra, the 2nd Chakra and the 3rd Chakra. The three layers of mind work together to serve the functions of the ego in all human beings. Each energetic layer has separate functions yet all three layers are interconnected and directly impact each other. As we learn about the layers in the internal structure of the ego, this clarifies the purpose of identifying what the ego is and how it operates within us. When we understand how ego operates inside our mind we are better equipped to heal the energetic imbalances of Negative Ego and the pain body. 

The second layer is the 2nd dimension, 2nd Chakra that is the pain and instinctual memory storage for the Instinctual Mind and Emotional-Elemental body. The NAA hidden agenda to Mind Control the human race and enslavement of the planetary system through Mind Control has left seven main areas of trauma and damage in the Instinctual Mind in the collective consciousness of the human race. 

The Guardians have identified the seven most painful implants of separation that impact the majority of human beings on this earth now at the 2nd Chakra layer of the Pain Body. These one or more combinations may surface for your witness and healing of buried memories.

1. Unworthiness
2. Shame / Guilt  
3. Lack of Trust / Self Doubt       
4. Betrayal / Abandonment
5. Anger / Rage
6. Fear
7. Entrapment / Enslavement 

This is the instinctual layer of ego which for many people remains a part of the Unconscious Mind as many do not pay attention to the cause of their instinctual drives or Addictions. Many people exist cut off from their feelings and have difficulty identifying their feelings in the moment to moment. This is a side effect of a closed Heart chakra, Soul Fragmentation or blackened heart. The first part of healing is to be willing to pay attention to impulses and drives though dedicated self-awareness. The second layer is directly impacted by the first layer to the degree the painful memory is experienced in the person’s hard drive. 

This second layer is also called the pain body. 

It is the location where unresolved painful memories will manifest as instinctual drives within the person’s ego. If the 1D storage memories are not identified or cleared, the pain of these memories creates “walls of separation” in the 2D layer as a pain body. The pain body further creates “walls of separation” which manifest in the ego as seven primary mental and emotional states identified above. These walls of separation isolate the ego self in the person and as the person identifies with that ego state, they become disconnected from their inner spirit. 

Because the Instinctual Mind is the pain body of the Three Layers of Ego it collects many different levels of emotional trauma and pain and buries it in this area of the body and its "mind" centers. This accumulative pain is collected from previous, current and future lifetimes of Soul Fragmentation as a result of pain, abuse or trauma. When this pain is unhealed it results in split personality, disassociative personalities or in SRA this is called "altars". These fragments are attachments which collect, congeal and attract spirit attachments from the Astral Plane at both the 2nd Chakra and 4th Chakra layers. This over time builds up more painful Miasma, Dead Energy to block the 2nd Chakra and the Soul Matrix from embodying. Further it creates the 2D Walls of Separation within the Three Layers of Ego and embeds inside the Instinctual Mind. 

From the accumulative lifetime(s) of pain builds more walls of separation which are purposely held in place through the Victim-Victimizer software, a self-enforced human enslavement program from the NAA. Through the deep unworthiness and lack of self-love resulting from repeated traumatic abuse, the rejection of God and the crucifixion of the inner spirit is maintained easily. This leads to Negative Ego behaviors to cope with the disconnection from God, which we can observe in the '''Seven Houses of Ego'''. As we build these Houses of Ego from ignorance, we allow their equivalent demonic spirits to dwell inside our mind and body. These demonic spirits increase the power of the Houses of Ego in human behavior which invite the predator forces to use or possess the mind and body at will. This is the definition of mental and spiritual bondage to the predator (dark) forces of the Imposter Spirit. 

Starseeds have an earth mission to heal these memories (and timelines) in a multitude of ways. 

The goal for spiritual protection and to find peace, is to dismantle the houses of ego, evict the demonic and predator forces, and replace them with the Houses of Christ. State your authority and intention to be of service to God and to build a strong relationship with one’s Inner Spiritual Light and Christos. As you devote your attention and focus on the quality of the Spirits of Christ, the Houses for Christ grow stronger.

(Source: Mother Arc Newsletter, Internal Structures of Ego Newsletter, Graphics lovingly donated by P. Goldenlotus))

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Monday, June 30, 2014

Energetic Synthesis: Krystal Kaleidoscope - June 2014 #Shifting Timelines

June 2014

Krystal Kaleidoscope
Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

Returning from a deeply transformative Planetary Emancipation Gridwork project from a distant country, we have been burning the midnight oil to meet the requirements of an extreme effort being made now. No matter where we are at in our human or spiritual development, many feel the weight of the changes and intense pressure building in the environment. When there is applied pressure from the field there is greater chaos, and the environment has been filled with these chaotic forces.

This effort is made in preparation for yet another new level of color frequency spectrums being projected as radiant light holograms into the planetary core manifestation architecture. A Krystal Kaleidoscope of plasmic light mirrored architecture is emerging into physical quantifications of color that project entirely new spectrums of light, frequency and time code. (What this means is that the particle wave manifestation of new color spectrums on planet is being observed, as well as the source code of its emanation generating from the Krystal Kaleidoscope from the Aurora time continuum.) These reflective bands of coded plasmic light are being woven into sequential circuits into certain geographic areas of the planet. One purpose is to build multiple access points in our earth timelines that may potentially resonate in "reflectional symmetry" with the upcoming convergence happening in the Trans-time continuum.

The Krystal Kaleidoscope is being described as such because this architecture operates similarly as to what we can understand from our human perspective as when looking into a kaleidoscope. A Kaleidoscope operates on the principle of multiple reflections, where several mirrors are placed at an angle of degree to one another. Typically there are three rectangular mirrors set at 60° to each other so that they form an equilateral triangle. The 60° angle creates several duplicate images of the objects, five at 60°, and 2 at 90°. As the tube is rotated, the tumbling of the colored objects presents varying colors and configurations in a beautiful symmetrical pattern created by the reflections.

Aurora FlameThe Krystal Kaleidoscope functions in the same way as the more recent architecture that has been placed on planet since the end of 2012, the Krystal Cathedral, Krystal Spires, and the City Four Square operate in mirrored reflection symmetry. What this means is that a figure which does not change its core energetic form, and is capable to hold integrity within itself, upon undergoing a reflection with the Krystal Kaleidoscope, has mirrored reflectional symmetry. Additionally, the mirrored reflection symmetry adjusts any rotational axis of symmetry into the core DNA template of the being. This means if the "reflectional symmetry" exists, that part of the reflection will expand its symmetry pattern throughout its entire DNA unwinding in any existing timelines in the holographic dimensions.  

This is reclamation of all Krystal Identities on earth to be returned for rehabilitation to the Aurora Founder Dimensions in the Trans-time continuum. 

This does not mean we drop the body. What it means is we are connected to the Founder's Krystal Consciousness identities in the Trans-time continuum in order to make the load out of earth humans to the Aurora time continuum in the future. This is the GSF Ascension timeline hosted by Krystal Star.

What this also means is that if there is no mirrored symmetry present in the reflection of that figure or form to Aurora colors, they will not perceive the Krystal Kaleidoscope design, source field of actual identity or any of its creations. This means it is essentially invisible to them because it simply does not exist in their lower dimensional perception of reality. This will eventually present the choice between eviction with the Vandal-Fallen NAA groups, annihilation of their species memory or genetic rehabilitation monitored under Krystal Star host on another globe chain.

Time Vectors hold Fire Codes
The upcoming Gemini influence and other cosmological arrangements around this June's Summer Solstice are projecting a deep process of saturation of primary Aurora color coding through the Krystal Kaleidoscope. The Aurora Rays are plasma wave patterns building layers of kaleidoscopic color coded shields which geometrically intersect with the Aurora time continuum. The Aurora time continuum is accessed within multiple time vectors located in the Trans-time fields.

Time Vectors are time codes which relate to fire codes or fire letters which are directly a part of activating planetary and human DNA. Through the activation of fire codes in DNA one shifts timelines, one can bypass timelines, one can eliminate destructive timelines and one may remember or view cellular memories in other timelines.

When one is observing cellular memories from another timeline, it allows participation with the choices made that had impacted the past, present or future, through changing or clearing those memories that were made in those timelines. This is referred to as "rehabilitation of the timeline" which is made through the repair of genetic damage that was caused by the time vector code that holds the historical record of those accumulated cellular memories.

Color Correction = Changes Cellular Memories
To be permeated with the Omniversal Primary Ray Colors of our Founder's original blueprint being holographically projected from the Krystal Kaleidoscope in the Aurora time continuum is to say that many of us are undergoing a massive color correction to all of our Ray bodies. Also, the Ray attributes and aspects of color waves that have resulted from previous distortions in our manifested creations throughout timelines are in a process of color correction.

Color correction and frequency saturation changes cellular memories and shifts timelines because it simultaneously shifts causal events that led into distortions or genetic damage made to our consciousness bodies. 

This process of Aurora color wave saturation brings with it our original Ray bodies that design our consciousness blueprint, the colors of which our many auric layers were formed. These are Ray attributes of our higher identity cellular memories which penetrate the subatomic layers of our energetic blueprint in this "now self" identity. Unstable forces and extreme polarities buried within our subatomic layers are surfacing now similar to the smelting process in metallurgy. Alchemical processes are applied sequentially to decompose the carbon slag and miasmatic debris layers to extract the purity of our true essence (gold) from the body. The tempering of our personal mettle extracts the pure elemental substances that forge the crystal diamond heart to birth within our golden body.

Of the seven metals known in antiquity only gold occurred regularly in native form in the natural environment. This is because our physical matter is made from the base chemical element of gold and so is our planet. It is strange to think that gold coins became the representation of the external value of our selves, because when the Aliens came to this planet they coveted that gold. Therefore, they coveted humans.

Shifting Subatomic Layers
The current evolutionary theme ending with the recent Taurean transformation is the process of spiritual integration of the reassembled parts the inner spirit has newly created in the energetic layers of the body consciousness. For many people this time has required polarity integration between the newly reassembled parts of these required patterns being synthesized into one's consciousness.

Although many people on earth cannot sense the physical perception of these new color frequency spectrums, these Krystal Kaleidoscopes are color rays that deeply penetrate cellular bodies and stimulate the cells. The deep cellular change to our subatomic layers has polarizing impacts to our sense of identity which physically manifest in our life experiences. This is a great inner purge occurring, all the hidden demons, devils, egos, aliens and their foreign substances and machinery in previous timelines are being ramped up to the surface. Most people in the masses are very confused by what they are looking at, and if it threatens their belief system, they tend to use an ego defense mechanism such as repression, suppression or projection in order to cope. (Learn more about common ego defense mechanisms here)

This can stimulate the person's hidden distortions to explode, or it can stimulate the person's purity from their inner spirit to congeal within their body. One may feel inner peace and comfort, or feel explosive and tumultuous, or ride the roller coaster of both experiences until energetic synthesis of the mind, body, and spirit is complete. This is a part of the Magnum Opus of Spiritual Alchemy.

As we persevere the strength of our inner spirit is the fortitude and strength of our character to cope with the challenges we face with humility, in a flexible and resilient way. Our ego does not have strength to cope with extreme pressures; it is our inner spirit that always prevails to strengthen our character beyond our wildest imagining. The spirit knows if you give up you will have to do it again in some other form or way. Being on the earth during the ascension cycle can be a tough commitment!

Ultimately, the spirit awakening inside each person must choose their personal attributes and beliefs as their way of being in this world, no matter what the external people, places and things are doing. This is making the choice of spiritual-energetic authority every day, whether one believes this is happening or not. The choice is made in the measurable form of what one values and gives power to in their world. The belief systems based on deception and ego defense mechanisms are breaking apart and that dismantling results in many people suffering. Mental pain is created from the inner confusion of being shown that what one actually thought was truth is not, and it is later revealed to be a level of great deception.

Through our ego's dark ignorance we suffer from not understanding the reasons why we feel we have been deceived and therefore, betrayed. When humans hurt from constant pain of deception-betrayal cycles, they tend to blame something or someone on the external for the deep pain they feel.  The more attached we are to the material world, the more we think that we were in full control of our lives, the worse we suffer when we approach the spiritual phases of ego defense dismantling.

The current convergence into Trans-Time, a sequential result of the bifurcation in time, amplifies lower polarity collective thought forms and dark energies for those beings that hold more percentage of that density in their body. Generally, this is technological mind control and the genetic damage from alien machinery and alien hybridization that these groups of humans are totally unaware of due to the hidden NAA agenda. The bio-neurological genetic damage is a mental sickness that is spiritually abusive and destructive to the self and others, with intent to harm.

Studying Archontic Deception (AD) Methods
As the descending matrices amplify in certain areas on planet, and those groups of people subscribe to its forms of behavioral hatred and killing, they are mercilessly used by forces they do not understand. Many humans of all age groups that hold high percentage of darkness are taken over by these feral forces by acting out the NAA archontic methods of the consciousness war against humanity. By studying the profile of Orion Groups and the NAA factions, (See Archontic Deception Behaviors) one can easily chart this collective anti-human behavior and its mind control playing out in the unconscious masses. One AD strategy is to program trauma and death patterning into children as young as possible. Children become unresponsive to death and killing as if it's of no consequence or importance. This is a biological warfare strategy to mind controls a race of people into automatons and psychopaths. Recently, in the collective we can see an increase of teenagers and young adults being manipulated into committing mass murders of their own family members or schoolmates.  These are levels of possessions, such as thought-form possession and entity possession that use archontic mind control thoughts to manipulate what that person perceives as an external reality.

Once one has context for the AD strategy, methods and behaviors it is a survival tool to refocus, clear and switch these behaviors off when you are exposed to extreme stress and chaos. To improve peace in a largely dysfunctional world, we require attitudinal behavior guidelines to overcome the insanity of the Archontic Deception and their anti-life forces. All decisions one is able to make from an informed position by identifying Archontic behaviors as they happen, and refusing them from controlling your behavior, will increase personal discernment and energetic resonance of peace in one's life. The only thing any person can change is themselves through their heart responses and behaviors. The change starts within.

These NAA factions are weary and desperate of what they can measure as the quantic energy yield that is changing hands in their control. Yet, many are still not aware of the current implications.

Through Trans-time convergence, the complete erasure of the Orion invasion timelines on earth is the potential that the Krystal Kaleidoscope Architecture holds inherently in its mirrored reflection symmetry. 

Trans-Time Continuum Convergence
As we move into the Trans-time continuum cycle the potential to access all 12 Planetary time cycles through each of the 12 previous Astrological Precessions is occurring. This potential opened from the combination of:
  • Universal Galactic Core aligns with multiple Omniversal Cores in Ascension Neutron Window
  • Universal Founders Threefold Flame sparked into matter fields (1D-2D-3D)
  • Four Pillars of Man activated its tetrahedron structure into 12 Pillars of the Guardians through Inner Worlds
  • Guardian of 12 Pillars anchored into all Three Parallel Universes in the Triune
  • The 12 Pillars tetrahedron in the Triune formed the Geometric Tesseract of the Cosmic Cube Matrix of 144,000 architecture is built from schematic held by Oraphim
  • 3D Earth has contact with Aurora Time Continuum, GSF Ascension timelines
  • Earth has opening in Trans-time to access Omniversal Founder Codes that bond the entire Personal Christ identities to the Founder DNA. 
  • Earth has potential in Trans-time to access Time vectors the replace Fire Codes that shift timelines that erupted from Orion Invasion causal event of the NAA over 208,000 years ago.
Additionally, this is made possible from the massive sound pillars that have been secured on planet and are able to reinforce various level of the Krystal Star architecture in the four main areas of Easter Island, Jerusalem, Norway and Peru. Secondary and tertiary architectural fortifications are being held in small planetary bodies that lay in the periphery of the "Ring of Fire" in the basin of the Pacific Ocean. These Aurora rehabilitated pillars when activated into their tetrahedron structure (four triangular faces) are also called the 12 Guardians of the Tribal Shield which are created from the consciousness network referred to as the Four Pillars of Man. Ultimately the tetrahedron structure forms the base of the Geometric Tesseract which is the Cosmic Cube Matrix of God's 144,000, which is the architecture held by the Oraphim for City Four Square.  The Founder Guardian Oraphim are the Keepers and protectors of the City Four Square schematic in its geometric Tesseract design (Cosmic Cube Matrix). These are the Omniversal Time Code Keepers that we are capable to interact and communicate within this dimension of the earth timelines during the Trans-time continuum opening.

This Trans-time continuum cycle reaches its peak in mid-July within a six year cycle of Guardian projects established to override NAA architecture that was/is pushing future timeline events into the Alpha-Omega or 911 Agenda.  Six years ago the Guardian Groups were working in the preliminary layers of the timelines in the four planetary rounds infected with alien machinery to meet this current window of opportunity in the Trans-time convergence. Reviewing this timeline in 2008 will give clues to current revelations happening now as we move deeper into the Krystal architecture and timeline repair.

Quoted from August 2008, "Illusions Shattered":
There are four (4) evolutionary rounds of three (3) Planetary Cycles totaling 12 dimensional timelines that comprise the particle and anti-particle Universe. The Ascension cycle is about accelerating through a gradual particle/antiparticle merge of these 12 timelines. The four rounds within each Age of the 12 dimensional time cycles are approximate 26,000 year cycles. These rounds (Astrological Ages) are also known as the "Precession of the Equinoxes", which refers to the precession of Earth's axis of rotation with respect to inertial space.

Within each cycle there is more nested cycles, currently we are in a multiple cycle convergence which creates windows of opportunity for access into other Trans-time dimensions. Now it is possible that we meet the co-resonant vibrational points in the timeline that cross into other timelines beyond when the last Universal Ascension Cycle transpired over 208,000 year ago. This co-resonant vibrational access point in the Trans-time continuum is converging with the Triune of Universal cycles beyond 312,000 years ago. There are three parallel universes which intersect on a Triune Scale which impact all of the Universal Timelines and evolutionary rounds. Beyond the combined meeting point of the triune of time vectors from 208,000 years ago the DNA template and Founder 48 Strand Shield are accessible through the Trans-time continuum by Oraphim levels in this current identity station. 

Why is this Important for Humanity?
This timeline is before the Orion Invasion which resulted in many timelines of cataclysm which further required wormhole caps and frequency fences related to NAA intruder invasion timeline events and other direct causal events relating to alien hybridization, both from agreed upon hybridization contracts and those created from forced alien abduction.

Accessing this timeline brings a whole new level of finding, accessing and downloading the original angelic human race cellular memories that belong to the entire Personal Christos gestalt of consciousness. These are huge amounts of Christ Consciousness identities that are located throughout many different timelines in the Triune of Universal Scale simultaneously.

Restoring the original cellular memories of the Personal Christ Consciousness template for every human being that is incarnated in this timeline is made possible through a vibrational access point in this trans-time continuum convergence. The unknown factor is where the embodiment will take place at group soul levels, however, this means that many humans in the current process of soul death or fragmentation will have another chance at Krystal rehabilitation beyond the astral plane. The Astral plane is in the process of dying because it has to, from what has occurred there.

This Trans-time opening is converging with Oraphim Founder consciousness from the higher Spectra God worlds to collaborate in building Krystal architecture (shields) that bond the entire Personal Christ identities to the Founder DNA. 

Krystal Kaleidoscope

Monday, March 24, 2014

12D Clearing & Protection Meditation + Note + addon

Crystalai (2013)
(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse) 

Image by: FutureAgeSage


This meditation should be done at least 2 times a day once when you first get up before you do anything else and right before you go to sleep at night. Do this continuously and you notice things getting better in almost every way.

Here is some background about the elements within the Meditation.

The 12th Dimensional Self is your Christ Self- your true immortal self hood.
You can bring this 12D star into your Consciousness for complete protection from the 3D world. First see the star inside of your head. Feel the Christ Energy in the Star. Ask to feel the Christ Energy in the Star.
Next, take the star down to the center of the Earth and ask it to collect the 13th dimensional energy of the Earth's Core. Bring the Star up to about one foot below the Earth's Crust. This is the place where the Christ Grid and Christ 12D frequencies are in the earth. Feel the star grow under you at this point. Feel this star of Christ energy grow under your feet.

Next, bring the star up over your head, about one foot above the head. See a shield of Christ Energy and protection ENVELOPE your body. Place your body in this seal every morning when you wake up. And do it over and over again until you feel your self locked in this seal completely safe from anything in the 3D world.

This is a gift from Christ. It is your divine right to have this protective seal and to use it. There is no reason to live anywhere except in the Christ Consciousness Energy Seal.

The 6 pointed star is the geometric symbol of the 12th dimension and it carries the frequencies of that dimension (it is in the same shape as the Star of David, but it isn't the Star of David).

White is the color of the 12th dimensional light and white light carries the frequencies of the 12th Dimension. Using this symbol and light in meditation, you bring these frequencies in and it carries the codes to reset your Divine Blueprint of your perfect self that is free of all things that are unlike Source.

The 12th Dimensional frequencies creates a strong and clear energy around you where lower frequencies that come next to these frequencies are transmuted to the higher 12th dimensional frequencies (the Law of Vibration) which gives you a strong, clear and free passage through all of the Spheres.
Image Used For Educational/Non Profit FAIR USE! 
A & A Deane, All Rights Reserved;
 Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

The 12th Dimension is the dimension of the Christ frequencies. The (your) 12th Chakra is located about 12 inches below your feet. Your 12th Chakra contains the frequencies of the 12th Dimension (Christ Frequencies) and connects you directly to the 12th Dimension. Your 13th Chakra is at the core of the Earth and has 13th Dimensional energy. All of the Chakras work this way and connect you to the specific dimension of the Chakra. This is why the 4th Chakra is now the new base chakra for the 2nd Sphere - the New Earth and all of your chakras of 4 - 21 are wide open. The 1-3 chakras are now becoming like placeholders for all of the good things from them are moving up or have already moved up into the 4th and 5th chakras, and all of the other things from chakras 1-3 need to be demanifested so they are put to rest.
The meditation contains making a flame hologram around you that comes out from the 12th Chakra that is 12 inches below your feet that goes up to Source and that goes down to the core of the Earth.

The key to staying out of the confusing low frequencies of "the world" is to place your body within the flame that holds the frequencies of your Christ Self and to keep yourself emersed in the highest frequencies day and night.

This hologram to place your body in is created by activating eight six pointed stars and infusing them 12th Dimensional frequencies then placing all 8 of the stars together into one star that becomes a sparkly white in color and then bringing that combined star into your Pineal Gland at the 6th Chakra at the center of your head and letting the energies flow through your entire body, bringing that star down to the core of the Earth to absorb the 13th Dimensional frequencies from your 13th Chakra and also absorbing all of the Earth's healing frequencies of love, then to bring it up to your 12th Chakra 12 inches below your feet, and then create a flame around your body that goes all the way up to Source and all the way down to the core of the Earth.

If you find that the energy is a little too much for you using all 8 stars at once, you can make one six-pointed star and infuse it with 12th Dim. energy and do the meditiation. Once comfortable with that, you could keep increasing the amount of stars until 8 stars is comfortable enough to work with.

When you finish this Meditation you will feel your body encased in this flame - this Crystal garment around your body and thoughout your body that locks this frequency into and through you. When you start feeling "out of focus" do the meditation again.

This is the beginning point of activating frequencies. The Real power - the real frequencies that raise us beyond this 3D Form are in the Earth and in the Universes beyond the Earth, which are also contained within you, once known. The Kingdom of Heaven is within.

NOTE: I think of Breath as the Will of Spirit. My breath is what draws or moves divine energy/frequencies. My inhale generally draws energy. My exhale generally moves the energy. So, I generally inhale to draw frequencies and I exhale to move these specific frequencies to other places. Also, in meditation, I breathe in between doing thing and INHALE and EXHALE to move frequencies.

NOTE: If my body starts to tense up when running frequencies, which it sometimes does because consciousness goes way faster than your body - the body is playing catch-up with the hightened frequencies and sometimes it's tendency is to tense up - it's normal. So, if that happens, just say, "My body is relaxed, Now" or/and "My chest is relaxed, Now" or/and "My throat is relaxed, Now." We are gods and are masters.

NOTE: We are gods and we have the power to make things happen as we say, so we can easily say, "12th Dimensional frequencies, Now" and 12th Dimensional frequencies will start running through our body. That's the way it is. So be that.

Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse

Visit Cosmic Dolphin Magic at:
Crystalai @2011  

6 8 12 24 48 Star/Petals can be used.  same as Hu4 Merkaba is not same as a Hu1 Merkaba....
& re Nodes in Template: 10/11 and color see notes/comment

How to build your personal 12D Shield:

Co-Create your body shield, your personal energy field. The 12th dimensional shield is a practice that fortifies & strengthens our Aura by reconnecting us to our 12th Dimensional blue print or Kryst/Krystal Body. As we shield ourselves, we learn energetic boundaries of our Aura. And then we can learn to boundary test our Aura to discordant energies that are uninvited.

The shield also helps us to re-imprint our body to physical energy sustainability, & health achieved by bringing balance to the body. It also allows communication to be restored with our spiritual forces & star family. It also empowers our body, ourselves to re-awaken the wisdom of our true origins which may mean we start to decode light language or start to understand more about the hidden history of our planet & race.

So as we work with the 12D shield, we use the six-pointed star, which is two triangles of Merkabah that is representative of our Merkabah Body. The 12th Dimensional Light Shield is an excellent way to build the integrity of your lightbody while repelling negative or dense energies from sticking to your energetic body/Aura.

(Source: Lisa Renee - Energetic Synthesis)

or use the Eckasha Rha for this technique :)  

  (12D +15D External+Internal flow)

by: Sequoia Arayas~ futureagesage
“ Core Manifestation Template; Original Tree of Life
by: Sequoia Arayas~ futureagesage
Core Manifestation Template; Original Tree of Life

a note.for this one... as its indeed incomplete and also lacking current time.. NowTime status/condition colors for dimensions in question~

Otto Jakobson: Metatronic colors....

Otto Jakobson: Missing central line (horizontal)

RaKa Isha: well those are the normal colors they use from 1st charka upwards... , same as older KS worksop i re-saw last week, holy grail quest ha year2000,. incl a trip up with innerchild. and indigoBlu does have traces a violet of the next..layer so its kinda ok shadewise.. (just all darkertinted) / / , what central line,. you mean the one in distorted
grid had.. at 8 @middle.... pss comeon.. if you mean between 6/7
doesnt require one.. as corridor. but jeah could be there., / / top
colors fine also, blackblue and blackgrey/silver , so tell us than what
are METATRONIC colors. since you point at it. so tell... (i guess
one means the connecting lines-coloring.. between NodePoints

Otto Jakobson: In KS they use a lot of metatronic colors.

Otto Jakobson: 10d blue-black is artificial, and 11d silver-black, also artificial.

Otto Jakobson: Nonartificial
10d - blue-violet, and blue-green for more macrocosmic accretion
levels. 11d organic - pale aquamarine blue, and macrocosmic - bright
pale silver. 12d - organic - white-gold liquid light with trinity

Otto Jakobson: The top and bottom parts of that tree are too elongated. They should be 90 degrees.

Otto Jakobson: The central corridr is required for the connection between 6d and 7d.

Otto Jakobson: Red-to-violet for 1-7 is often used by metatronic sciences, somehow it made it into KS.

Otto Jakobson: A very good color for the node points is golden-silver-white.

RaKa Isha: jeah
, B/T enlongated i noticed also haha not properly scaled. and middle
yep. (im not sure they know how to colormix that it shows in the pale
neon shades for the 10/11 ones ha (and i guess less interaction on that level also so partly unaware also for NowTime // it made it into KS
cause thats the distortion were dealing with body&planetary in
seperation thus manifests , templatewise. just like chakra2 is still
an issue.

RaKa Isha: its
not his finest work of them all thats for sure haha (though some he
gets the colors better, but thats more the one he uses many shades
into1. )

Otto Jakobson: Dimension 1 sphere can be white too.

RaKa Isha: yep true,as below that is plasma again,..
22 hours ago

Otto Jakobson: Colors
that use black for dimensionalized, are not fully krystic. Black is the
color of the void, no dimension embodies that with the color black.

RaKa Isha: if
you have blackblue in a whitegoldish encasing. its not that black..
perceptionwise. its kinda sparkling antracietgreyblack and thus can
work with the issues that were in them layers. from a allconnected
pillar. i guess (beside indeed the voidness that was created long ago,
that got it into such state)

Otto Jakobson: Black shouldn't be part of 10, 11d. That was a mistake.

RaKa Isha: jeah i think we can agree on that one haha

Otto Jakobson: Blue-violet - good for 10d. Blue-green, macrocosmic 10d. 11d - microcosmic - aquamarine blue, 11d macrocosmic - pale silver

RaKa Isha: where does the greenishpart cme in than>howwise. the blu i get how downstep interrelatednesswise for 10. 11 i get.

Otto Jakobson: Those colors are independent of the red-to-violet colors. They correspond to energy matrix plasmas.

Otto Jakobson: Dimensions
in fully healed form take on plasma colors, the red-to-violet for 1-7d
are a layer that is not fully healed, exists in a dualistic state.

Otto Jakobson: https://sphotos-a-cdg.xx.fbcdn... The basic 12-d kathara tree of manifest light (12-dimensional manifestation template) (timeless plasma colors)
By: Otto Jakobson:

(direct link pic for ones not on FB.. @ him / or me)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Energetic Synthesis: The Song of Christos Sophia. February 2014

Download as mp3
February 2014

The Song of Christos Sophia

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

My secret... It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.

~The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint Exupery

During this window of opportunity in the Ascension timeline, the entire World Collective Soul is undergoing a deep alchemy process to reawaken its spiritual essence inside of its material body. This renovation springs forth the essence of the original creator's exhaling breath to animate and inspirit its life force within the cells of earthly matter and elemental forces. Inside the process of material creation there are many worlds of forces that are potentially used to shape intention and consciousness blueprint. These intentions are what bring forth into the external manifest what we see with our eyes as material substance. The material substance coexists within many combined forces, such as energy fields of elemental thoughtforms enmeshed with geometric symbols.

At this time, the essence of force intention which has animated into earthly matter and into its many external creations will begin to reveal its "true nature" fully to the observer.  

That true nature is its source field and this will be made known to those with a deeply feeling heart. Those who live by the guided intelligence of the heart-brain are the ones to see rightly, what was previously made invisible.

The true nature of any entity, creation or manifestation can be felt and seen through the developed heart consciousness, which may be discerned in its quality through an energetic signature. When we have developed energetic discernment we can differentiate the quality of dead energy (anti-life) and living light energy behind words, thoughts, images and manifestations. The three main spiritual forces that are contained within the World Collective Soul in earthly matter are the collective consciousness which is connected to either the forces of Christos (Living Light), Luciferianism (False Light) or Satanism (Material Force or Elemental Matter).

As the etheric filaments of the collective planetary field membranes (which make up the Ley Lines of the earth), are filling with the corrected patterns of subtle vibrational energies, it creates chalice configurations. These corrected patterns are intersections of the flowing life force current that circulate throughout the planetary heart system, as they are pumped through the Aurora Portal Networks and Mother Arc Hubs. These Krystal Star networks are built into the planetary body to run Aurora Christos and Mother Arc tri-wave current to heal the planetary heart of massive amounts of collective consciousness trauma. Together, through these grid networks, the Aurora Christos and Mother Arc intelligence are reclaiming the original ancient Christ Templar knowledge for this earth. This hierogamic architecture of Sophianic knowledge has been protected by the off planet Krystal Star consciousness of Aurora and The Orders of Christos in the Seven Higher Heaven Universes. This sacred heart tone is the beautiful music of which announces the Aeonic Pairing that plays the Song of Christos Sophia into the Universe.

Song Of Sophia

Sophianic Body Correction Begins

The sacred Aeonic Pair of Cosmic Aurora Christos and his wife, the Mother Sophia, are reunited through their Heavenly Hierogamic union as it has been made possible through their combined consciousness in physical embodiments on the earth now. Their sacred marriage to the Eternal Living Spirit of God is As Above, So Below; which heralds the beginning of the material body restoration. The restoration is the animation of the Holy Spirit of God to inspirit throughout elemental matter and to collect its pieces to return them back into wholeness. Thus, we begin the spiritual correction of the Sophianic Body in this earth through the divine marriage made with her husband, the eternal consciousness of the Aurora Christos. Throughout many dimensional worlds, together, the Song of Christos Sophia may sound to play the Heavenly Music of their mutually twinned heart chord. The Song of Christos Sophia is a magnetic sonar sound field which generates organic light from the female principle. It is the true heart tone music of the Universal daughters of God. It is born from the sacred heart aspect of the Holy Mother Arc which embraces the crystal heart of wisdom for her daughters the Christos So|Phi|A.

Friday, February 07, 2014

Energy Synthesis: Trustworthiness


Image by: Future Age Sage
Trust is the primary factor in how people work together harmoniously in projects, are willing to listen to one another, and build effective relationships at every level. Yet many people are unaware of the behaviors and actions that influence trust. Trust is the critical link to creating all healthy and positive relationships, both personal, professional and certainly within any kind of group or community setting.

The capacity levels for trusting means that one has developed a current capacity for trust and is willing to risk trusting others. However, when risking putting one’s trust in others, it is wise to first evaluate the trustworthiness of the individual’s character (such as a leader of a group, etc.), or by assessing the person or groups motivation for its value system, in order to accurately assess if the trust that is being given is appropriate or if it is misguided and misplaced. If a person or group’s main motivation is for power, status or to make profits, at the expense of the human beings involved, that is not a group of people that are trustworthy as its primary goal is shaped with low moral character. Only each person can make that choice themselves to determine if who or what they are building trust with is relative to their personal resonance and spiritual goals. 

Trustworthy people know that trust is gained more by stable and consistent ethical conduct than with just thoughts and words. Their daily conduct and treatment of others provides evidence of their intent to be honest, reliable, loyal, unbiased, humble, accountable, cooperative, just and communicative. Our conduct must be motivated by trusting others, in addition to our desire to be trusted by them. Trust is always a two-way interaction or mutual exchange. 

Trust is the basis for: 
•           feeling able to rely or depend upon a person/group, that they will act in accordance to what they say,

•           telling the authentic truth even when it is difficult, being trustworthy in all dealings that impact the group and doing so with compassion,

•           cooperating with people and experiencing dedicated teamwork within a group,

•           observing competency or abilities in creating a stable and consistent environment that is organized around group objectives,

•           taking thoughtful risks of vulnerability, such as expressing ones views with honest transparency to others or in a group,

•           experiencing believable communications with good intentions felt between parties,

•           Getting past previous life experiences that have damaged our trust,

•           Forgiving the misplaced trust one has given to people who are untrustworthy,

•           Asking the right questions to build confidence that one is not being misled, misinformed and tricked through another’s duplicitous motivations,

•           Caring about the people, community and group, treating everyone’s right to be here as equal, unless they are intent on destruction of building trust,
If we feel into the above points, we may be able to really see how incredibly important it is to establish trust in our every communication and be committed to building trust in ourselves in so that we may learn how to find trust with trustworthy people. Without this commitment to build trust and cultivate trust every day in our life - we will not achieve cooperative relationships or collaborative success in creating a community or environments that feels safe, loving, compassionate, caring and humanitarian.

For trust to exist between people or in any organization, a certain amount of transparency must pervade the intentions, direction, actions, communication, feedback, and ways to problem solving. The best way to maintain a trusting relationship interpersonally or in a community environment is to keep from breaking trust in the first place. 

So let’s bring to light what breeds “distrust” and breaks down communications between people and groups. These are behaviors of untrustworthy or unsafe people. 

•           Direct deception of perpetrating a lie for whatever reason, failing to tell the truth, often with the intention to deceive or confuse, 

•           Lies of omission, deliberate attempts to deceive another person/group by omitting portions of the truth. Lies of omission are particularly egregious as they give people false impressions and attempt to influence behavior by omitting important details, 

•           Failing to walk the talk, it destroys trust if one fails to demonstrate the quality or behavioral expectation that has been expressed directly to the person/group. It destroys trust to not be reliable and fail to do what you said you were going to do. Words are easy; it is the behavior and motivations that are consistently demonstrated in compassionate actions, even when under tremendous pressure, that helps people/groups build trust, 

•           Casting blame, insults, put-downs, labels, criticisms, comparisons, and diagnoses which are forms of judgment, as in what is “good or bad” or promoting superior or inferior beliefs on others, 

•           Making demands that implicitly or explicitly threaten or intimidate others with a form of blaming, shaming, aggression or punishment if they fail to agree or comply with a certain perspective, 

•           Denial of responsibility via “doublespeak” language that is used to obscure awareness of personal responsibility and accountability to actions,

 •           Making comparisons or assigning value between people as in judging them, 

•           Actions of self-entitlement, taking over group resources, many times without consideration for others, lack of self-awareness and lack of considerate comprehension of the influence one’s words, actions or energies have upon others in the group, 

•           Making assumptions based on half-truths or harmful gossip, jumping on the bandwagon and taking sides of division based on no knowledge of facts and details.

Trustworthy behavior is modeled in the ethical conduct that we observe in people with strong moral character. Strong moral character in partnership with placing value on the ongoing spiritual development of krystic attributes manifest emotionally stable, consistent, balanced, loving, 
 compassionate and peaceful people. When people and our community places value on these moral characteristics as an inspired goal for self-improvement - this creates an invincible strength when the group is unified within community consciousness. If together, in our spiritual communities, we place our dedication to the strengthening of our group moral character in partnership with the Spirit of Christ, it is very hard to interfere with our positive and loving influence on the earth. This is our highest expression and inspiration here. 

To make improved choices about where one chooses to place trust with others and how to build strong moral character within, here are some key characteristics of trustworthy people: 

Key Characteristics of Trustworthy People: 
•           Authentic
•           Actions and words match
•           Able to say “no” respectfully and “yes” dependably
•           Keep agreements or renegotiate if necessary
•           Able to admit it when they do not know something
•           Able to be both flexible and reliable
•           Show genuine feeling for you if they need to let you down
•           Willing to make compromises but never compromise core principles or personal integrity
•           Consistent ethics, positive values, or principles inform their behavior
•           Willing and able to tell you things you do not like to hear–kindly
•           Able to disagree without needing to argue, or to have friendly disagreements that lead to increased understanding
•           Let you know how they feel, where they stand, and how you stand with them
•           Able to recognize, accept, and enjoy the differences between you
•           After considering others, be sure to turn the same list around on yourself.

To assess trustworthiness is a requirement of having an accurate assessment of conditions, situations and the ethical standards which make up a person’s character or a community’s values. The qualities of trustworthiness will always reveal the deep moral character of a person’s real motivations; hence it is extremely important to understand. In ES community we value all aspects of trust at a high level of which we aspire to model as best we are capable.

With a loving heart, Lisa

Research sources:
"heart of nature"
....... ...

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Energy Synthesis: The Tree of Life - Newsletter December 2013
December 2013
The Tree of Life
(Returning to the Father)

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

We are being pushed incredibly hard now to grow beyond our base auric frequency to strengthen our entire vibrational foundation for progressive and integrative spiritual embodiment. Without a strong spiritual-energetic foundation we are unable to integrate our soul, oversoul and Avatar Christos, thus, we are not capable to create the dwelling for our inner Christos spirit to reside. When we begin the stages of embodying our inner spirit with a loving, surrendered and open heart, we eventually experience becoming increasingly freed through energetic integration. Energetic integration (or sacred union) occurs through the synthesis of polarities held in the pairs of opposite, which is the alchemy of harmonizing opposing forces which leads to embodied states of higher consciousness. As we make progress in clearing energetic blockages into increased self-awareness and self-realization, we ascend upward on the branches of the Tree of Life which hold consciousness experiences in time. These timelines are in the many branches which hold instruction sets traveling between and within the dimensional spheres located in the Tree of Life. This is how we gain self-knowledge as a multidimensional and spiritual being; we travel through the spheres of time held in the holographic layers of the Tree of Life.
It is this spiritual journey of gaining self-knowledge traveling through the Tree of Life which is used to persecute and terrorize the human race through victim-bullying archetypes. This False King of Tyranny archetype (False Father) uses intimidation tactics of bullying and victimization to enforce oppression through circulating spiritual fears in the masses. This massive mind control program used through the patriarchal domination agenda is called the Victim-Victimizer software. If we are weakened by fear, confusion, intimidation and bullying tactics, we can easily be served up into the chomping teeth of the Victim-Victimizer mind control programs. When we are fearful we disconnect from our inner spirit, closing down our heart, and we accelerate our servitude to the mind and/or bondage to the outer spirits of materialism through energetic fragmentation. This fragmentation is designed to destroy our real inner relationship to our God parent by enforcing external terrorism, misogyny and Armageddon scenarios. This religious rhetoric tells us we are doing something wrong that offends or separates us from our real Father and Mother. The mind control abuse generated from these false parent archetypes further promotes these distortions into beliefs spread throughout our biological family of origin. We are capable to heal these distortions if we are willing to move beyond fear, insecurity and low self-esteem.

Each of us has the choice (readiness to go beyond fear) as to how rapidly we want to ascend the branches of knowledge on the Tree of Life. Each branch takes us into life experiences that are designed by consciousness to directly experience self-realization, spiritual actualization in so we may ultimately comprehend the trinity of God force; Love, Wisdom and Power. (GSF)

Bookends in the Cosmic Library
In this incredible time we reached another bookend in the time fields on the weekend of November 29th which had been building pressure since the end of September. We are undergoing a process in the space time fields which is similar to placing "bookends" at the end of a many layers of library shelving. A bookend is an object that is designed to reinforce, or support, an upright row of books. It is placed on either end to prevent books from falling over, such as in a half-filled bookshelf.  If we imagine a Cosmic Library Shelf filled in every direction with volumes of books of storylines, then we may imagine the incredible amount of timelines created to support those many storybooks without collapsing into destruction.

When the Cosmic Library Shelf shifted into the Bifurcation of Time, it had great impact in editing the many books and reorganizing all the storylines (clearing books of record). It also shifted the base frequency in the earth core and allowed a point of which to merge further with the Threefold Founder Rays into matter. (This is the Universal trinity wave source field which forms the basis of all potential tri-wave architecture into the planetary field.) The base frequency is also the coordinate location of a fixed point in the collective time and space field. So when the base frequency changes, so does the nature of time and space. The base frequency is combined from the lowest frequency strings in the overall planetary consciousness fields and the highest frequency strings brought into a point of contact with the unified Threefold Founder Rays. All of these combined layers of energy fields are synchronized into harmonious resonance and/or simultaneously split away from dissonance. Where the synchronized base is currently resonating is the new starting location at a fixed point in time. This base point determines the timeline which resonates for that energy field as it matches to the storyline experience of that person, place or thing. This alters the upward momentum of forces which direct future time, thus, many of us have felt its impact upon our fluctuating lives.Many storylines have recently ended. This has altered our place, our location upon the branches of time in the Universal Tree of Life. 

Synchronizing Resonance in Time
During this cycle of the bifurcation of time, the Founders have altered the holographic structure of the Universal Tree of Life, and that ray alteration directly impacts our personal Tree of Life. Everything contained as the instruction set is recorded in our personal Tree of Life, which is our spiritual blueprint, our manifested identity, our DNA, our destiny plan. Everything we are that continues to intelligently design our forward movement in higher consciousness awareness (of our total interconnected lifestream experience) is a part of the Universal Tree of Life and is currently being reviewed, studied and revised.

When the extreme polarity between combinations of forces that coexist together within a collective energy field reaches its point of divergence, a split or fracture occurs within that collective field.  Those combinations of forces that are in matched vibrational resonance with each other will continue to harmonize and therefore, synchronize together in time. Those combinations of forces that are in dissonant with each other will split, fracture and be moved into an alternative area of choice to better find improved resonance and therefore, evolve into harmony. This is relative to the experiencer and as such the vibrational match will match the frequency quality of the conscious and unconscious thoughts, behaviors and actions. If a person is comfortable being a victim, or scared for their safety, that person will be matched to that frequency experience, with a potential to exponentially magnify their focus on that experience in order to grow past that experience. If a person has grown beyond victimhood and feels safe with God, they will be synchronized in time to continue to expand their consciousness peacefully.

This is a type of breaking apart of the "status quo" to encourage and stimulate intense catalysts for spiritual growth and consciousness breakthroughs.  If we have been static, and not growing past old painful patterns, we may be getting the benevolent bat to swat us out of personal apathy or let go of mental fear programs.  This is so we are moved into the circumstances of which we can better synchronize with our overall frequency resonance and continue to expand rather than constrict. 

This is the energetic setting of the bifurcation. It is a type of breaking apart in order to reorganize and reconfigure the energetic landscape towards the necessary learning experiences to expand our consciousness. The extreme polarities of experiences that exist between love quotients and fear quotients will propel us into the lesson level we must master within ourselves to continue to move through the branches in the Tree of Life. We will either reach inner harmonization in order to move into synchronization of time through resonance, or split itself off through dissonance which moves us into another correctional path of learning.

Strong Base = Strong Spirituality
If we have gained knowledge in the Tree of Life without having the direct energetic experience to integrate that knowledge, we do not embody the wisdom required and this creates weakness at the base (root).  If the spiritual foundation of our Tree of Life is weak, unstable and left insecure, we are very weak.  That weakness will be exploited aggressively by the Controllers to stunt spiritual growth and human development through disconnection. That weakness is targeted at the tender ages in children to grow them into dysfunctional adults. Spiritual knowledge is usurped and distorted by the predator mind through its ego's selfishness and ignorance which disconnects its mind from God realization.  These are how the seeds of hatred are sown. Conversely, if the base level of our Tree of Life is built strong, it is stable and secure, and then we are very spiritually strong. When we are spiritually strong, we continue to grow our spirit and evolve through the Tree of Life.  When we are spiritually strong, we are a fortress of heart based devotion and dedication to serve the highest expression of our goodness as a spiritual being. This heart based devotion progressively builds solid ethics and strong virtues which are the collective attributes that directly attract the Spirits of Christos.

Human Goodness = Virtues of the God Spirit
Virtues are the qualities of goodness that define the very purpose of our lives, the content of our character and the truest expression of our spiritual-energetic nature. Virtues are qualities of goodness which inhabit in the world of forces, as a "spiritual force". When one builds strength in virtue, one builds strength in the power of our goodness which translates into the power of God Force. We reap the quality of our cultivated virtue in that which brings incredible gifts directly from the God spirit. These gifts are referred to as the "Bestowal of Grace" which is received through the sincerity of one's virtuous thoughts or virtuous actions.  It is made clear to define that the Bestowal of Grace is not dispensed through a premeditated intermediary, such as in a Guru or Priest, but is received as dispensation of grace from the personal cultivation of virtues. To strengthen our spiritual foundation at its root in our personal Tree of Life, we must place our relationship to God as primary and find the courage every day to cultivate virtues.