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Please take what assists you and leave what does not. 2-23-2013
Inner Sound Healing:
Just like your Loving Joy Songs will create sparks of higher radiation within your Emotional Body so too can you co-create sound healing with your Krystal Ring of Power.
All light holds a vibration and oscillation sequence and therefore creates sound. There are many sounds in creation which exist that you currently are not able to hear or be aware of. Once you have expanded your energetic structure more and open more receivers, you will become aware of many more sounds.
Because you are composed of light and sound, those are the tools used to speak to your energetic anatomy. Your thoughts are light and light holds a vibration / oscillation rate which generates sound. Each life form is keyed to many different sound tones but each life form holds their "unique harmonics" of sound tones they are coded to.
There are many on planet Earth who hold much knowledge of the effects of sound on life forms and the planetary environment. There are sounds that are inaudible to you that are used on the planet almost every day to create some kind of effect and not all of those effects are healthy for the environment, the planet or the life forms on the planet. Many are using sound technologies in ways that were never intended by Source and unfortunately, those who do such things will reap the results of their choices along their path. Not because Source is sitting in judgment of any of ItSelf but simply because of Divine Physics and what will automatically be drawn to experience for those who choose to work outside of the Natural Laws of creation.
There are sound waves that move through your air ways daily that can be detected if one has the receiver to detect them and if your internal receivers were working correctly, you would become aware of a lot of them but regardless if you can hear them or not, they still have an effect on you in some way.
Simply by turning on your radio or television you receive some of those sounds that are inaudible to your physical ears without the translation of that energy, by the receivers in your electronic devices. If you were able to hear inside of your physical body you would discover that it is quite noisy in there. The process of your physical body working to maintain operation makes a lot of noise. You can quickly hear some of those sounds in the food digestion process or of course your heart beating but there are many more inner sounds you do not hear.
Even when you sit in complete silence and do not hear anything with your ears, your physical / emotional body is hearing sounds all of the time and those sounds are giving it instructions. Some instructions would most likely not be to your desire if you were able to be aware of them. There will remain audible and inaudible sounds in your environment as long as the dual reality field is running on planet Earth and you will continue to be effected by them in some fashion but you can co-create immunity to many sounds that might be harmful to you.
Your physical / emotional body hears every sound you make but also every thought you think. To your physical / emotional body, there is no difference between the two. The sounds you make, the thoughts you have and the words you use give instructions to your physical / emotional body. Instructions that will be followed to allow you to experience those thoughts, ideas and sound tones.
Within your energetic structure is an anatomy composed of crystal. Just like in your watches, crystal holds and transmits energy signals and can be programmed to hold an energetic pattern of instructions. You may not currently be able to be aware of what is encoded in your crystal body anatomy but that does not stop it from operating.
You may be aware of people doing things like using very high pitched sounds to shatter something like a crystal glass or crystal bowl. That is a small example of the effects sound has on all of creation which of course includes your personal anatomy.
If you have chosen to work with your Loving Joy Songs, then you are aware how sounds that are keyed specifically to you can lift you up and allow you to feel better, lighter, more joyful and that feeling is a result of what occurs within your emotional body and releasing stored, lower vibrating thoughts patterns or chunks of coal, as the analogy had been presented.
Your Krystal Ring of Power generates sound tones as well. Everything within creation generates sound tones. Each crystal on your Krystal Ring of Power is keyed to specific frequency levels of the time matrix. You can request assistance with healing any part of your anatomy from your Krystal Ring of Power.
Because your Krystal Ring of Power is coded specifically to you, it will produce sound tones that are keyed specifically to you. Sound tones that you may or may not hear with your physical ears because the sound tones are generated inside of you.
Some are able to pick up on inner sounds that move through them but most will become aware of those sounds as a feeling of waves of energy moving through them. The ability to become aware of such things is dependent on personal receivers operating and allowing energy to translate through the physical levels of the physical body form. More often than not, the physical body will translate energy waves into "thought patterns" that you can then become aware of but if you are not focusing on your thoughts, the thought patterns can move through you so quickly that you might miss them or you may become aware of them and think it is nothing or wonder why you would be having thoughts about something particular.
The first step for any life form to co-create healing within themselves is to know, believe that such a thing is possible. If you do not believe such is possible or you hold doubts that such is possible then you become your own blockage in your desire for self healing. Truth is not something that comes simply because one desires to trust. When a life form cannot remember the truths of their self and cannot remember they are Source Embodied, then trust can seem like it does not exist. Regaining trust in your own abilities and your personal connection with Source is not something another can give to you. You must remember it yourself but if you desire to do so, you can begin the process of trusting through "faith". Krystic life forms trust ALL until they may discover they cannot trust something or someone even though personal fee will choice can allow for trust issues to unfold. Krystic life forms do not have thoughts of imbalance or disorder as Krystic life forms know that ALL hold the ability to to make higher choices that will support the whole. When choices are made that do not support the whole, then they are simply aware that is a result of something that requires healing and will work together as a collective to facilitate the necessary healing.
If you desire to allow yourself to become aware of the thoughts that move through you constantly and how to regain power over yourself through thought awareness, then you will quickly begin to regain trust in your own abilities and it will naturally occur that your trust in Source will continue to expand.
Sounds that you translate with your physical ears that occur outside of your physical body can assist your healing if they are sounds that your personal anatomy are coded to. Inner Sound that is coded to your personal healing can facilitate healing much faster as it does not loose quantum of energy as outer sound does by moving through the translation process of the physical body system. This is why you can co-create much deeper healing within your physical / emotional body by co-creating with your Krystal Ring of Power to self generate inner sounds that are coded to you.
If you remember from the information presented about your Loving Joy Songs, then you are aware that specific sounds tones that are keyed to you, create a "spark of higher energy radiation" within your emotional body. The sparks that are generated within your emotional body are a form of heat radiation and when they strike the lower, stored thought patterns or chunks of coal that are held in your emotional body, they release chunks of coal from the bed of coals stored there and transmute them into higher energy that might look like a vapor to you. They can then leave your personal anatomy and return to Source for healing instantly.
As you go about your busy life, you can listen to your Loving Joy Songs any time you are able and "feel better" from doing so but when you are able to sit in your "Source Space" and focus for the desire of co-creating healing for your emotional body you could choose to work with your Krystal Ring of Power to facilitate inner sound healing for your emotional body.
Krystal Ring of Power - Inner Sound Healing:
1. Prime your Vertical Pillar by sending a spark of your consciousness / mini self, into the God Space.
2. Breath Pure White God Source energy into your Krystal Ring of Power at your AzurA to strengthen the energy you can access for healing in the moment.
3. On next Inhale breathe into your Krystal Ring of Power, use the Exhale breath to move your Krystal Ring of Power down to your 2nd chakra, located just below the navel.
4. Inhale and Exhale into your Krystal Ring of Power at the 2nd chakra and notice that it begins to spin. It does not matter which direction it spins and the spin direction will most likely be different in each healing session as your Krystal Ring of Power is a "Live, Conscious" part of you and knows what it needs to do in each session you connect for healing and co-creation.
5. Notice or imagine that as your Krystal Ring of Power spins, in your 2nd chakra, sparks of light begin to shine forth and spread throughout the inside of your physical body. Each spark of light holds specific sound tones that are keyed to you.
6. Mentally connect with your Emotional Body (Inner Child) and speak / think as if you are speaking to a child with loving, caring thoughts. Tell your Inner Child that you are now going to heal your Inner Child with more healing.
7. Mentally request your Krystal Ring of Power to transmute the lower vibrating thought patterns that are stored within your emotional body.
8. Watch - Listen - Imagine - Pretend; as your Krystal Ring of Power spins see the sparks and tones transmute more stored chunks of coal and vaporize them to allow them to move out of your physical / emotional body.
9. Listen for responses from your Inner Child as your Inner Child may have things to let you know about this process. Always offer comforting, loving, reassuring thoughts to your Inner Child.
10. When you have reached the point of experiencing as much healing as you can in that session, your Krystal Ring of Power will slow down the spin process and come to a halt, waiting further instructions from you.
11. Thank your Inner Child for connecting with you to co-create more healing for your selves and offer assurance that you will continue more healing in the future.
12. You can either give instruction to you Krystal Ring of Power to return to home location in your AzurA or simply enjoy the soft, gentle moments and it will do so of its own accord. Always offer thanks and gratitude for the co-creation of healing. Be gentle and loving with yourself and allow your energetic body time to rebalance before moving about.
The Sound of Silence - Hearing your Vertical Messages:
The constant stress environment you are currently experiencing within can make it quite challenging for you to become aware of the messages you constantly receive from your Vertical Family of Consciousness.
As previously stated, even light carries sound with it which means that your emotional / physical body is constantly translating light and sound from your environment and this can keep your receivers in a constant state of stress of translating and filtering the distorted light and sounds that are currently a part of your environment. If you can allow yourself to regain some control over your thoughts and the effects they have on you, then you can begin to control your personal environment so that it is working more in balance with your desires for healing. Being able to regain some control over the inner environment is just as important as making sure your outer environment offers a relaxing, peaceful space for your healing sessions. It can be very hard if not impossible for you to become aware of your personal communication line if you allow yourself to be constantly trying to filter through light and noise pollution.
Creating a "safe, quite space" for yourself to be within, can assist you to great levels of becoming aware of your personal communication line. Just like someone cannot teach you to ride a bike or teach you to swim because you must "feel" for yourself what it feels like and then the body retains the memory of that feeling, so to can no one teach you what your personal communication line sounds like. The best that can be offered are analogies to try to assist your awareness in what type of thing to look for.
How do you explain to someone the sound of silence so that they can experience it for themselves? Listening to the sound of silence can be quite uncomfortable for many people. This is because of the light and sound pollution that the physical / emotional body is currently accustomed to and when silence is desired, the emotional body thoughts seem to become louder and try to run the show. You may notice that when you try to do something like meditate or shift your focused thought to one specific desire that the auto pilot thoughts turn up the volume and try to make you think or do anything else besides simply be quiet. This is not natural or organic to your original creation design. You should have control over your thoughts at all times. You should have control over ALL energy that flows through you at any time. It can take some longer than others to regain control over the auto pilot thoughts but with practice, it is quite possible to accomplish.
What does the sound of silence sound like? How can you become aware of your open communication line if you cannot remember what it sounds like or feels like?
The sound of an open communication line might be thought of as the way that you think of "dead space" or "dead air". It is not dead at all but you may hold some preconceived thought that it is simply because that thought is part of your current reality field.
With so many cellular phones in use today, it may be hard for you to remember what using a landline phone is like. Some younger people may never have used a landline phone, but most people have at some point. When you are having a conversation with someone using a landline phone and if they hang up their end of the phone but you still remain on the line for bit and simply "listen", you will become aware of something similar to an open communication line. It is as if you can hear air moving about but there is no noticeable sound coming into your physical ears.
It can be quite challenging to find a "space" for yourself to allow yourself to listen to the sound of silence. If you have experienced a time when there was a power outage and you sat alone in darkness, waiting for the electricity to come back on, you will be more aware of the sound of silence but even during such times, it requires being able to remove yourself from noise that comes from outside of your location as well.
Try to create a space for yourself in which there is not outside noise. Remove yourself from appliances, such as the refrigerator or clocks ticking. Even air conditioning or the fan from a furnace. As you work to co-create your quite space, listen closely to become aware of any noises that you take for granted and forget they are in the background. Try to eliminate all external noises.
Once you have created your quite space, focus your thoughts on "one thing". It does not matter what one thing you choose to focus on. A thought is much easier to bring back into focus when your mind wanders than something like an external image but choose whatever works best for you. If you choose a thought then make it simple such as one word that allows you to feel peaceful and calm. It might be the word color, love, joy, peace, balance or anything you like. You would not want to use a word to focus on that holds any type of negative feelings for you, anything that might hold fear, worry, stress, etc. It might be simply pretending you see the image of a favorite flower. Whatever it is you focus on, allow it to be something that you know of very well. This will assist you when your focus wonders and you need to come back into focus.
Whatever you choose as your focused thought, it will assist you in your desired process if you first send a spark of yourself (mini me) into the God Space. This will allow you to instantly access higher energy that will assist your desired goal.
When the auto pilot thoughts start to run and try to take over, simply become aware that is occurring and bring your focus back to your original focus point. Some may require more time in "retraining the brain" how to stay in focus but with practice, it becomes much easier and you can reach a point where you can simply focus on being quiet and accomplish that.
The "Art of Meditation" is simply being able to be quite enough to allow yourself to "hear" Source speak to you. Some believe that mediation must include some type of repeated toning or chanting and there is nothing wrong with that if it will allow one to focus on being quite and simply listening.
Once it becomes easier for you to simply be quiet and quiet the auto pilot thoughts, it will become much easier for you to hear your personal messages. When you feel like you are more in control over the process, then you may find you can reach your quiet state simply by focusing on the in and out sequence of your breathing rhythm. Once you are completely quiet, "listen". Listen for the sound of silence as in listening to the dead air on the landline telephone.
What will you hear?
The sound of an open communication line is a very soft, non-intrusive, slight ringing of blended sound tones to the physical ears. Some might relate it to the sound your ears hear when within a vacuum or perhaps holding your hands tightly over your ears. It is also similar to the ringing sound your ears hear when you fly in an airplane and your ears pop as they adjust to the pressure change. It is not a loud sound but may be compared to what your ears hear when submerged under water.
There is not a pressure change within the ear drums as the ear drums rebalance and turn on the filters to adjust to the higher energy waves that your open communication line is connected to and through. For many people, they hear the sound of silence constantly but are not aware that is what they are hearing. More people are becoming aware of their open communication line but are not aware that is what it is as they may hear constant slight ringing in their inner hearing.
With practice you "can" become aware of your open communication line and when you do, it will be much easier for you to translate the messages that are waiting for you. When you are in your quiet space, do not allow yourself to second guess your ability to receive your messages. This will block you from receiving them. Simply hear, feel, know what thoughts might come into your head and discern if that is something you want to keep or discard. This process will allow you to filter out auto pilot thoughts.
If you do not understand something you receive in the moment, state that you do not understand and need more information. It may come then or at a later time. When you become aware of your messages, it is suggested to keep a journal by your side for each session because when your filters adjust to receive, the messages will come rather quickly. When you first get the communication flowing, it will most likely feel like you are taking message from your answering machine and there could very well be many messages recorded there for you to pick up.
When you begin to hear your messages or simply become aware of them, it might feel like your communication line is really long and extends somewhere far above your head. The illusion of distance does not matter anymore than it matters how far above your head you feel like the God Space is located for you. The reality is that it is ALL occurring inside of you and as you expand your awareness to hold open more and more of Source energy, you will discover that the illusion of distance shortens.
The communication network is operating just fine, loud and clear. It is just waiting for you to pick up your end of the phone line. Your phone is ringing now. Can you hear it?Source:
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