Showing posts with label Lightbody. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lightbody. Show all posts

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Energetic Synthesis: Discerning Energy Distribution

by Lisa Renee, Energetic Synthesis / Time Shift Blog

February 8, 2016

Our nervous system is entirely responsible for the functioning of whether or not we are capable to receive, transmit and decipher higher frequency impulses and intelligent energy communications. During the Ascension cycle, our planet and humanity is exposed to an entirely new set of frequencies, coding and consciousness that is being transmitted from the Sun, Stellar bodies, as well as, from higher consciousness bodies designed to awaken humanity.  Further, if we can access these energies we are capable to be of service to the whole by anchoring them within our Lightbody, which then allows us to ground them into access within the planetary body grid system. If these frequencies are carried into access points that can run these intelligent energies of Krystal coding through the planetary grid network, it allows other human beings anywhere on the globe to access them much easier. Humans may not realize that intelligent higher consciousness coding is spreading onto the planetary grid network, and this potentially can change the way a person thinks, behaves and perceives reality. An individual person in Australia undergoing spiritual awakening, may not realize that many awakened groups of people on the earth have actually been running that frequency into the planet in order to catalyze their awakening. Most people feel their awakening very intimately and do not realize it was stimulated by their interconnection to their fellow human beings holding points of light on the grid, that have awakened in prior ascension waves. When we are capable to hold higher frequency, we can potentially change the morphogenetic field of the collective consciousness on the earth, and this builds a gradual domino effect of global awakening. Nothing can change the truth that we are all interconnected and energetically impacted by the actions and choices of others, and this will be reflected as either choices for the greater good of all or for selfish motivations.

However, if our brain or nervous system is being used to run spiritually destructive behaviors, involving ourselves in petty emotional dramas, manipulations and fear based programs, we will not have the energy available to receive or conduct these higher frequencies. We can be blocked from receiving these higher frequencies even when we are directly exposed to them, from excessive distraction in materialism, or uncleared accumulated negativity. There is tremendous amount of chaotic forces being purposely spread in order to confuse, obfuscate, distract and trap the masses into very low frequency behaviors that continually drain their energies. Forces of chaos are used both to instigate energy distraction into feeding fear programming, but also to energetically harvest people to play out emotional theatrics and focus all their time on meaningless pursuits. Additionally, on planet earth we are exposed to an array of neurological toxins designed to impair the organic functioning of the autonomic nervous system and keep brain wave activity in high stress states. Pharmaceuticals, vaccinations, chemtrails, ELF, radio wave and wi-fi exposures, genetic modified foods, preservatives, aspartame and recreational drugs are all designed to impair or damage the nervous system over a period of time with continued exposure, dulling the higher sensory ability and suppressing consciousness of the human being. When we become aware of the potentially harmful effects hidden inside the push of mass consumerism, we can make better choices to protect ourselves and our energies from being unconsciously drained by these forces using consumptive modeling to push their products on us.

If our nervous system is intercepted or interfered with via extremely low frequencies (ELF) or radio waves that use blocking transmitter technology, auric harness or mind control programming frequencies, it jams up the energy receiver antennae of our nervous system. This means our brain picks up static noise and confusing states of racing thoughts from the collective consciousness programs that further scramble our multidimensional perception. Mind control technology is used to promote use of the negative ego in the public, so once a person masters the discipline over impulses and qualities of negative ego, they can avoid being controlled by these fear based thought programs being broadcasted. If our higher consciousness reception is scrambled from excessive fear based thinking, we lose coherence and this scrambles our brain processing and its ability to signal to our cells and DNA. This describes how humanity arrived at the current state of our disconnection on the planet, with most of our usable DNA scrambled and unplugged through blocking nerve synapses from firing in our brain and cultivating a society of destructive behaviors that lead to nerve damage. We are entering a time of support for nervous system regeneration on the planet, and we can participate with these increasing healing frequencies as we choose.

As a result, during the last months many of us have been sensing upgrades and repairs to the nadial complex areas located behind our heart chakra. The Nadial System refers to the entire Nadial Complex, Nadial Plexus, the Nadial Body and its Nadis Capsule. The Nadial System is the entire system of the etheric blueprint body of the soul matrix which is responsible for our physical bodies Central Nervous System functioning and its relationships to send messaging to the Brain. Nadial complex repair circumvents harmful messaging that sources from alien machinery that may be implanted  in the Nadial Complex, that is disrupting the life force energies existing in the atomic body. This body is located in the first dimension, which interfaces with the planetary body and earth core. The 1D Atomic Body layer also connects to the Soul Matrix parallel dimension, and this is an area of vulnerability to astral layer exploitation from dark forces. Atomic repair is also to remove transposition filters that steal life force or create drains at the unconscious mind or Root Chakra levels in a person’s lightbody. These harnesses or filters are generally located in the root areas of an individual lightbody, are designed to overtake the autonomic nervous system functions, and are implanted from the astral plane. When you observe people completely controlled by their unconscious impulses and have little to no self-awareness about any of the destructive behaviors or harmful actions they are externalizing, you can bet they have many kinds of mind control implants controlling their root chakra.

Ultimately, the planetary brain and its bio-neurological relationships that influence the main functioning of humanities autonomic nervous system, is being completely reconfigured at this time to begin to change the imbalances of energetic distribution on the planet. The Krystal Spiral transmissions support the clearing and release of artificial intelligence based instruction sets and implants that have been inorganically programmed into our brain, nervous system function and therefore into our physical body by the controller forces. When our planetary brain was invaded, human beings became bound to a false set of laws generated through artificial intelligence, made by non-human interests desiring to create a race of enslaved beings that would work for their energy harvesting systems.

Thus, at this time, it is important to be able to accurately discern the energetic source behind the powering of any system. We will need to ask where the energy source of a system is being generated and if there are excessive expenditures of energy being drained through energetic harvesting. As we progress in the new time cycle during the bifurcation, every detail of our existence will be under magnification, as we interact with any kind of energetic system. The clarity of where we direct personal energy and attention has been amplified, in order to plainly see where our energy is being directed and how it is being used. Upgrades to our nervous system functioning and nadial system, will help make this more obvious to discern.

In this new energy paradigm, all of our personal choices will be representative of where we discern the subtle energies present, along with our internal energies, and if those combined energies are effectively self-generating and self-organizing. We will naturally look for systems that are energetically balanced, sustainable, stable, transparent, clear and serving the greater whole with proper value exchanges. We must ask the deeper question of ourselves, are we feeding closed source, parasitic systems that are losing energy distribution? Or are we willing to transform ourselves in order to give our energy towards the greater cause of open source systems that are moving towards expanding and balancing energy distribution? Now, we are given the choice to figure this out for ourselves, based on our personal resonances and frequency level.

(Source: ES Newsletter, Diamond Heart Transmissions, February 2011)

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This article originally posted HERE.

see also another recent post
The Cosmic Egg 

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Monday, March 24, 2014

12D Clearing & Protection Meditation + Note + addon

Crystalai (2013)
(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse) 

Image by: FutureAgeSage


This meditation should be done at least 2 times a day once when you first get up before you do anything else and right before you go to sleep at night. Do this continuously and you notice things getting better in almost every way.

Here is some background about the elements within the Meditation.

The 12th Dimensional Self is your Christ Self- your true immortal self hood.
You can bring this 12D star into your Consciousness for complete protection from the 3D world. First see the star inside of your head. Feel the Christ Energy in the Star. Ask to feel the Christ Energy in the Star.
Next, take the star down to the center of the Earth and ask it to collect the 13th dimensional energy of the Earth's Core. Bring the Star up to about one foot below the Earth's Crust. This is the place where the Christ Grid and Christ 12D frequencies are in the earth. Feel the star grow under you at this point. Feel this star of Christ energy grow under your feet.

Next, bring the star up over your head, about one foot above the head. See a shield of Christ Energy and protection ENVELOPE your body. Place your body in this seal every morning when you wake up. And do it over and over again until you feel your self locked in this seal completely safe from anything in the 3D world.

This is a gift from Christ. It is your divine right to have this protective seal and to use it. There is no reason to live anywhere except in the Christ Consciousness Energy Seal.

The 6 pointed star is the geometric symbol of the 12th dimension and it carries the frequencies of that dimension (it is in the same shape as the Star of David, but it isn't the Star of David).

White is the color of the 12th dimensional light and white light carries the frequencies of the 12th Dimension. Using this symbol and light in meditation, you bring these frequencies in and it carries the codes to reset your Divine Blueprint of your perfect self that is free of all things that are unlike Source.

The 12th Dimensional frequencies creates a strong and clear energy around you where lower frequencies that come next to these frequencies are transmuted to the higher 12th dimensional frequencies (the Law of Vibration) which gives you a strong, clear and free passage through all of the Spheres.
Image Used For Educational/Non Profit FAIR USE! 
A & A Deane, All Rights Reserved;
 Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

The 12th Dimension is the dimension of the Christ frequencies. The (your) 12th Chakra is located about 12 inches below your feet. Your 12th Chakra contains the frequencies of the 12th Dimension (Christ Frequencies) and connects you directly to the 12th Dimension. Your 13th Chakra is at the core of the Earth and has 13th Dimensional energy. All of the Chakras work this way and connect you to the specific dimension of the Chakra. This is why the 4th Chakra is now the new base chakra for the 2nd Sphere - the New Earth and all of your chakras of 4 - 21 are wide open. The 1-3 chakras are now becoming like placeholders for all of the good things from them are moving up or have already moved up into the 4th and 5th chakras, and all of the other things from chakras 1-3 need to be demanifested so they are put to rest.
The meditation contains making a flame hologram around you that comes out from the 12th Chakra that is 12 inches below your feet that goes up to Source and that goes down to the core of the Earth.

The key to staying out of the confusing low frequencies of "the world" is to place your body within the flame that holds the frequencies of your Christ Self and to keep yourself emersed in the highest frequencies day and night.

This hologram to place your body in is created by activating eight six pointed stars and infusing them 12th Dimensional frequencies then placing all 8 of the stars together into one star that becomes a sparkly white in color and then bringing that combined star into your Pineal Gland at the 6th Chakra at the center of your head and letting the energies flow through your entire body, bringing that star down to the core of the Earth to absorb the 13th Dimensional frequencies from your 13th Chakra and also absorbing all of the Earth's healing frequencies of love, then to bring it up to your 12th Chakra 12 inches below your feet, and then create a flame around your body that goes all the way up to Source and all the way down to the core of the Earth.

If you find that the energy is a little too much for you using all 8 stars at once, you can make one six-pointed star and infuse it with 12th Dim. energy and do the meditiation. Once comfortable with that, you could keep increasing the amount of stars until 8 stars is comfortable enough to work with.

When you finish this Meditation you will feel your body encased in this flame - this Crystal garment around your body and thoughout your body that locks this frequency into and through you. When you start feeling "out of focus" do the meditation again.

This is the beginning point of activating frequencies. The Real power - the real frequencies that raise us beyond this 3D Form are in the Earth and in the Universes beyond the Earth, which are also contained within you, once known. The Kingdom of Heaven is within.

NOTE: I think of Breath as the Will of Spirit. My breath is what draws or moves divine energy/frequencies. My inhale generally draws energy. My exhale generally moves the energy. So, I generally inhale to draw frequencies and I exhale to move these specific frequencies to other places. Also, in meditation, I breathe in between doing thing and INHALE and EXHALE to move frequencies.

NOTE: If my body starts to tense up when running frequencies, which it sometimes does because consciousness goes way faster than your body - the body is playing catch-up with the hightened frequencies and sometimes it's tendency is to tense up - it's normal. So, if that happens, just say, "My body is relaxed, Now" or/and "My chest is relaxed, Now" or/and "My throat is relaxed, Now." We are gods and are masters.

NOTE: We are gods and we have the power to make things happen as we say, so we can easily say, "12th Dimensional frequencies, Now" and 12th Dimensional frequencies will start running through our body. That's the way it is. So be that.

Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse

Visit Cosmic Dolphin Magic at:
Crystalai @2011  

6 8 12 24 48 Star/Petals can be used.  same as Hu4 Merkaba is not same as a Hu1 Merkaba....
& re Nodes in Template: 10/11 and color see notes/comment

How to build your personal 12D Shield:

Co-Create your body shield, your personal energy field. The 12th dimensional shield is a practice that fortifies & strengthens our Aura by reconnecting us to our 12th Dimensional blue print or Kryst/Krystal Body. As we shield ourselves, we learn energetic boundaries of our Aura. And then we can learn to boundary test our Aura to discordant energies that are uninvited.

The shield also helps us to re-imprint our body to physical energy sustainability, & health achieved by bringing balance to the body. It also allows communication to be restored with our spiritual forces & star family. It also empowers our body, ourselves to re-awaken the wisdom of our true origins which may mean we start to decode light language or start to understand more about the hidden history of our planet & race.

So as we work with the 12D shield, we use the six-pointed star, which is two triangles of Merkabah that is representative of our Merkabah Body. The 12th Dimensional Light Shield is an excellent way to build the integrity of your lightbody while repelling negative or dense energies from sticking to your energetic body/Aura.

(Source: Lisa Renee - Energetic Synthesis)

or use the Eckasha Rha for this technique :)  

  (12D +15D External+Internal flow)

by: Sequoia Arayas~ futureagesage
“ Core Manifestation Template; Original Tree of Life
by: Sequoia Arayas~ futureagesage
Core Manifestation Template; Original Tree of Life

a note.for this one... as its indeed incomplete and also lacking current time.. NowTime status/condition colors for dimensions in question~

Otto Jakobson: Metatronic colors....

Otto Jakobson: Missing central line (horizontal)

RaKa Isha: well those are the normal colors they use from 1st charka upwards... , same as older KS worksop i re-saw last week, holy grail quest ha year2000,. incl a trip up with innerchild. and indigoBlu does have traces a violet of the next..layer so its kinda ok shadewise.. (just all darkertinted) / / , what central line,. you mean the one in distorted
grid had.. at 8 @middle.... pss comeon.. if you mean between 6/7
doesnt require one.. as corridor. but jeah could be there., / / top
colors fine also, blackblue and blackgrey/silver , so tell us than what
are METATRONIC colors. since you point at it. so tell... (i guess
one means the connecting lines-coloring.. between NodePoints

Otto Jakobson: In KS they use a lot of metatronic colors.

Otto Jakobson: 10d blue-black is artificial, and 11d silver-black, also artificial.

Otto Jakobson: Nonartificial
10d - blue-violet, and blue-green for more macrocosmic accretion
levels. 11d organic - pale aquamarine blue, and macrocosmic - bright
pale silver. 12d - organic - white-gold liquid light with trinity

Otto Jakobson: The top and bottom parts of that tree are too elongated. They should be 90 degrees.

Otto Jakobson: The central corridr is required for the connection between 6d and 7d.

Otto Jakobson: Red-to-violet for 1-7 is often used by metatronic sciences, somehow it made it into KS.

Otto Jakobson: A very good color for the node points is golden-silver-white.

RaKa Isha: jeah
, B/T enlongated i noticed also haha not properly scaled. and middle
yep. (im not sure they know how to colormix that it shows in the pale
neon shades for the 10/11 ones ha (and i guess less interaction on that level also so partly unaware also for NowTime // it made it into KS
cause thats the distortion were dealing with body&planetary in
seperation thus manifests , templatewise. just like chakra2 is still
an issue.

RaKa Isha: its
not his finest work of them all thats for sure haha (though some he
gets the colors better, but thats more the one he uses many shades
into1. )

Otto Jakobson: Dimension 1 sphere can be white too.

RaKa Isha: yep true,as below that is plasma again,..
22 hours ago

Otto Jakobson: Colors
that use black for dimensionalized, are not fully krystic. Black is the
color of the void, no dimension embodies that with the color black.

RaKa Isha: if
you have blackblue in a whitegoldish encasing. its not that black..
perceptionwise. its kinda sparkling antracietgreyblack and thus can
work with the issues that were in them layers. from a allconnected
pillar. i guess (beside indeed the voidness that was created long ago,
that got it into such state)

Otto Jakobson: Black shouldn't be part of 10, 11d. That was a mistake.

RaKa Isha: jeah i think we can agree on that one haha

Otto Jakobson: Blue-violet - good for 10d. Blue-green, macrocosmic 10d. 11d - microcosmic - aquamarine blue, 11d macrocosmic - pale silver

RaKa Isha: where does the greenishpart cme in than>howwise. the blu i get how downstep interrelatednesswise for 10. 11 i get.

Otto Jakobson: Those colors are independent of the red-to-violet colors. They correspond to energy matrix plasmas.

Otto Jakobson: Dimensions
in fully healed form take on plasma colors, the red-to-violet for 1-7d
are a layer that is not fully healed, exists in a dualistic state.

Otto Jakobson: https://sphotos-a-cdg.xx.fbcdn... The basic 12-d kathara tree of manifest light (12-dimensional manifestation template) (timeless plasma colors)
By: Otto Jakobson:

(direct link pic for ones not on FB.. @ him / or me)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


August, 2011

Greeting, I AM El Morya,

I speak to you again of being an Ascended Master with a physical form. All of the Ascended Masters throughout the ages have had the ability to maintain an earth vessel for varying amounts of time. St. Germaine was known to have an earth vessel for centuries. He is an example of the power of transmutation because he serves on the Seventh Ray of Transmutation and Ascension.

Transmutation and ascension are the same because the transmutation of the frequency of physical matter into the frequency of spiritual energy is the core of ascension. When you decided to incarnate on Earth, you inserted your multidimensional energy field into a physical encasement. Unfortunately, you usually forgot that YOU were the essence and NOT the encasement. Fortunately, many of you are now remembering that you are the essence, the spirit, and the energy of the ONE that enlivens your form. When you are done driving and you leave your car, the car does not disappear, nor do you. However, when you are in your car, you and the car appear to be ONE.

During sleep and meditation, many of you step out of your vehicle. However, it is important that the vehicle is parked before you leave it. Would you leave your car while it was moving? In the same manner, you would not like to step out of your earth vessel while you are walking down the street. Just as a moving car could crash if you left it, your body would fall if you left it while you were moving. For this reason, Ascended Masters learn to be fully conscious of how much of their Essence is inside their physical form. As an Ascended Master you will learn that when you visit the higher worlds, you make sure you park your vehicle where it is safe. Then, you can return to it when you are needed in the third dimension.

Fortunately, your inter-dimensional travels are out of time. Therefore, what appears to you to be a substantial journey, appears to others as only the blink of your eyes. However, this eye blink must occur only when the body is safe. The physical form is quite delicate and difficult to maintain at optimum health in the lower frequency of the third dimensional world. As you know, molecules of life decay over time in the physical world and are susceptible to injury and illness. This fact is especially true when your essence/spirit is visiting other realities.

When you visit the higher frequency worlds, you can merge with one of your many higher dimensional expressions of your SELF, or you can choose to visit these worlds in a formless state of pure consciousness. On the other hand, you may want to create a higher dimensional form to represent your visiting consciousness. These forms are created with multidimensional light and unconditional love. Hence, they are infinite and indestructible, and they automatically disarticulate and return to the ONE when you are no longer using them.

An advantage of being an Ascended Master is that your multidimensional consciousness has marvelous healing powers, which can be used on your physical vessels. However, the high frequency that heals your earth vessel also creates a sense of great exhaustion for beginners. To have a consciousness that is resonating to a much higher frequency than its container is very tiring for the container. Hence, frequent naps, meditation and excursions into Nature are important while residing within your earth vessel. Walking in Nature is important so that you can more fully ground yourself into the body of Mother Earth.

Once grounded, it is easier for you to accept Gaia’s assistance. The form for the Planetary Consciousness of Gaia, planet Earth, allows your body to have a break from the burden of holding a form of a much lower frequency than your consciousness. Eventually, as well as during Planetary Ascension, your higher consciousness within your carbon vessel will transmute (raise the frequency of) every cell and atom of that vessel into its fifth dimensional counterpart of Lightbody. In the meantime, your Ascended Master consciousness will remind you how to use your multidimensional healing powers to heal and maintain your third dimensional vessel. Then, you can more easily continue to use your clay vessel until your Personal and Planetary Ascension has been completed.

In the meantime, your ascended consciousness will upgrade your vessel from the inside out by activating your “junk” DNA. This 97% of your DNA, which has been labeled as “junk DNA” by your scientists, is actually the hard drive for your transmutation into Lightbody. Therefore, it expedites your ability to experience the transmutation process into Lightbody, while your consciousness still inhabits your clay form. As this transmutation continues, your expanded perceptions will increasingly come online and your clairvoyance, clairaudience etc. will assist you to consciously perceive the multidimensional energies entering and integrating into your third dimensional world.

These perceptions are the best antidote for the 3D fear virus, which can be very disruptive to your ever-changing physical vehicle. Once you can consciously perceive the higher dimensional energy fields as they flow into and merge with your personal vessel and your planetary vessel, you will KNOW beyond any doubt that you ARE ascending. When you first begin to perceive these molecules it is helpful to close your physical eyes and observe your reality with your opened Third Eye. Your third Eye allows you to perceive these energies, whereas your High Heart assists you to merge into, communicate with and understand the message of these energies.

To try out these multidimensional perceptions:

  • Take a moment to look around your present surroundings through your Third Eye.

  • Release all thoughts.

  • Center your emotions into a neutral place.

  • Calm your body and sit with a straight spine to align and open your chakras.

  • Expand your consciousness by modulating your breathing so that your exhale is twice as long as your inhale.

  • LET GO!

Take a moment to process your experience with your expanded consciousness.

Before you go about your day, make sure that your consciousness is fully integrated into your earth vessel before you move it. In other words, before you move your vehicle:

  • Fasten the seat belt.

  • Adjust the mirrors, especially the rearview mirror.

  • Check the fuel level.

  • Start the engine.

  • Check out your surroundings.

  • Then, move your vehicle.

When you are done using your vehicle, park it in a safe place, lock it so that no one else can use it and surround it with light. Don’t forget to clean your vehicle, check the oil and make sure it has enough fuel. Do NOT drive your vehicle unless your primary attention is in the third dimension. It took you a long “time” to awaken this vehicle to its true nature. It is much easier to maintain it than it would be to get a new one. You have waited, studied and incarnated in myriad timelines in preparation for this opportunity to hold a physical form during this time of Personal and Planetary Ascension. Therefore, YOU are the treasure of your Multidimensional SELF.

Your Ascended Master SELF perceives the energy that embodies the third dimensional form. However, your human self sees the form without full realization of the energy that created it, fuels it and gives it life in the third dimensional world. Therefore, when your earth vessel is parked and safe, practice your Ascended Master perceptions by perceiving the energy that creates, enlivens, sustains and connects all life.

At first, you may only be able to perceive the molecules of life while in a meditative state of higher consciousness, as the volume of that sensory data will overwhelm your mundane consciousness. However, as your multidimensional consciousness comes fully online, it will become increasingly natural to see energy and form simultaneously. In the meantime, I invite you to call upon me for assistance. I will be honored to answer your call. My Brother in the Light, St. Germain, will now address you.

I AM El Morya


Beloved Grounded Ones, I AM St. Germain,

I wish contribute to my dear friend El Morya’s message about keeping a physical form while being an Ascended Master. I see that you, dear grounded masters, tire of the hardship of the third dimension and wish to expedite your return Home to your true vibration. Most of you have served the cause of ascension for myriad lifetimes, and wish only to bask in the glory of multidimensional light and unconditional love. I can joyfully tell you now that you are, indeed, coming to that moment.

However, as you have learned in your many incarnations, the last 3/9ths of any project is the most difficult. First of all, you are exhausted with the process. And, second, everything that you put off until “later” because it was too difficult is now in front of you. Please know that you were correct in putting off certain tasks, as they required your Ascended Master consciousness to address and successfully complete them. Furthermore, the frequency of Earth was too low for many of your higher actions to be understood and appreciated by the collective consciousness of that era. Hence, many brave moments fell into the oblivion of the mass amnesia.

Auspiciously, now that you are standing at the very threshold of Planetary Ascension, the frequency of Earth is higher than it has been since the fall of Atlantis. Therefore, be patient. Many of the problems of your darker times will be automatically released because the frequency of fear and duality can no longer tolerate the resonance of planet Earth. Hence, the transmutation of physical matter into spiritual energies will be greatly facilitated.

As Ascended Masters holding a physical form, you have volunteered to participate in the final transmutation of darkness into light and duality into unity. Initially, you may experience this transmutation with sadness, for indeed, your old world is dying. It is appropriate to feel sorrow at the end of an era. Even though it was an era of great challenge, many of you who took forms found great love, victory and even enlightenment in the midst of the separation and limitation of the last 12,000 years.

You have had some lives of great victory and others of horrible suffering. We also know that fear and anger were constant threats during your many physical incarnations. However, you were brave enough to return, again and again, to serve in trying to stem the ever-increasing energetic downfall of Gaia’s body. We Ascended Masters know how difficult incarnations on Earth can be, but we also know the joys and victories that are possible. Hence, we understand that there is a reason to morn. We wish to tell you all that NOW you can allow yourselves to relax into the joy of your return Home to your true frequency of expression.

Therefore, your final act before ascension is to clear your physical form, which is truly a component of Gaia’s form, of the many fear-based emotions, thoughts and memories. You have been brave warriors far beyond your knowing. In fact, please take a moment to recognize how brave you have been to return again and again to a planet in which you had a greater possibility of feeling fear and sorrow than love and joy. But, return you did, lifetime-after-lifetime.

At first, you could not remember your many incarnations and came into each incarnation as if it were your first. Worse yet, you could not remember the glorious returns Home into the higher worlds that you experienced after incarnations of spiritual expansion. On the other hand, in some incarnations you became so lost in the ever-present darkness that it took many lives and returns to the lower realms of the fourth dimension before you could remember your true SELF.

Blessings, dear grounded ones, for in this incarnation you have remembered your true, Multidimensional SELF while still holding a physical form. In fact, you have remembered that you are NOW and have ALWAYS been an Ascended Master. Therefore, do not be fooled by the crumbling 3-D Game as it degrades around you. Release that which is leaving with unconditional love and joy of completion. At the same time, embrace whatever fills your being with the love and light of your true SELF.

I remind you to fully acknowledge that YOU are an Ascended Master who is still logged into the third dimensional Matrix of Earth. With the detached compassion of an Ascended Master, calmly observe how the third dimensional structures of limitation and separation are degrading more and more each day. In response to this observation, first transmute your every fear-based thought or emotion into unconditional love. Then, project that unconditional love into each and every situation that comes into your awareness.

Whenever a fear-based thought, emotion or situation enters your awareness you may call upon me for assistance by using my most powerful Mantra of:

Blaze, Blaze, Blaze

The Violet Fire
Transmuting ALL Shadow Into

Light, Light, Light

Repeat this Mantra three times to transmute darkness/fear into light/love.

Just as ultraviolet is the highest frequency of the third-dimensional light spectrum, a higher octave of Violet Light resonates as the highest frequency of every octave of light. In fact, there is a Violet Temple of Transmutation leading to the threshold of every dimension of reality to assist the cosmic traveler to adapt to that expression of reality. When you call upon the Violet Fire, you are pulling in the energy of these many Violet Temples, as well as the force of transmutation.

The force of transmutation, which can change a lower frequency of form into its higher frequency counterpart, has been at the core of all creation since Gaia first took Her planetary form. Transmutation has the power to raise a person, place thing or even thoughts and emotions into a higher frequency of expression. As you now take your higher form of Lightbody, it is the Violet Light that will ease your transition from matter into spirit.

Please call me and I will answer. It is my Mission and my privilege to assist you with your personal and planetary transmutation.
St. Germain

Calling The Violet Fire





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