Showing posts with label Peacewalker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peacewalker. Show all posts

Thursday, March 01, 2018

Peace Walker: Stages of Spiritual Alchemy – Capricorn

Paths of Enlightenment 

admin word
Stage 10 – January 18  to ...
Alchemical Theme: Fermentation, Illumination
Element: Earth

Telomere Repair, Stabilization within the new energy-architecture of Albion, clearing Leviathan and Behemoth influences, Clearing BST Marks, Removal of Thothian Timelines, lessening of lunar influences on the mental body and with the menstrual cycle, cleansing of the ileocecal valve and bowels and eviction of demonics, activation of the Cradle of Lyra within the sacral bones, diamondine overlay of higher frequency currents from Aqualasha, clearing memory and trauma from birth transduction sequence, Nadial complex upgrading, Michael Mary clearing Splitter tech clearing, Solar star repair, Buddhic Mind harmonization and clearing, frequency fence dismantling, soul fragment recovery, Implant removal, Centering in no-time, Embodiment of Avatar consciousness

Capricornus is Latin for “horned goat” or “goat horn”, and it is commonly represented in the form of a sea-goat: a mythical creature that is half goat, half fish. Capricornus is one of the 88 modern constellations, and was also one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd century astronomer Ptolemy. The constellation is located in an area of sky called the Sea or the Water, consisting of many water-related constellations such as Aquarius, Pisces and Eridanus. It is the smallest constellation in the zodiac.

Fermentation is the spiritual alchemical process which shifts the production and source of energy that is required for the body functions. This stage begins to change how the ATP production is made in the mitochondria of the cells and how that energy is distributed to cellular tissues. New requirements of vital energies are manufactured by increasing the ATP pump, which increases available energy needed to continue the life processes. There is an increase of ATP measured in the cells as the person is able to hold more light in their physical cells, increasing their consciousness. This also relates to increasing the size and quality of the auric light body. The body is much physically stronger now even if vitality feels low. Also, the fermentation process is used to produce different levels of enzymatic substances, which the physical body uses to support a variety of shifting hormonal and chemical reactions. During the ascension stages of symptoms, this is commonly experienced as a highly physical shift in the digestive, immune and brain processing.

© Sequoia Arayas 2017 

Friday, January 05, 2018

PeaceWalker: Stages of Spiritual Alchemy – Ophiuchus

Stages of Spiritual Alchemy – Ophiuchus


Stage 9 – OPHIUCHUS – November 30 to December 17
Alchemical Theme: Unification, Wound Healing
Element: Water/Aether

THEMES: Creatrix connectivity, Pure Transparent Crystalline Light, Divine Mother and the cleansing power of cosmic love, recoding the DNA, Aligning to th cosmic heart of Lyra in Andromedan Universal Center and The Aurora Re-encryption latticeworks, Rebirthing, Cleansing the blood, breath, and mitochrondria. Purification of past traumas. recollecting memories from alternate timelines and resurrecting harmony to the monadic station of identity and resonating into embodiment stages of the christ-sophia blueprint, energy-architecture, and flows of living unity. Clearing connections to the Silver Gate system and wave spectrum of the metatronic and nephilim mind. Releasing hybridzation and galactic war trauma, removal of victim-victimizer archontic deception mind programming. Preparation for integration of the solar mind RA consciousness. Activation of triwave geomantic reconfigrations.

The constellation Ophiuchus is known as the “Serpent Holder” and sits 180 degrees across from the Orion constellation (Osiris). The Orion constellation sits in the opposite direction, which would be considered the anti-galactic center. Ophiuchus and Orion are mirror images of opposing polarity. Together, they represent the ascending path through the Gate of Man meeting at the Gate of the Gods. The many Ascension stages we endure to reach our spiritual Magnum Opus, are the stages of humanity moving through these sequences of consciousness gateways. We all incarnate as earthly beings that evolve through the Precession of the Equinoxes. This takes us through the consciousness realms moving through the ecliptic path of the Gate of Man to eventually complete the evolution cycle, which intersects at the Galactic Center. Once we unify the consciousness experiences through the Gate of Man intersecting with the Galactic Equator at Ophiuchus’ feet, we are potentially given access to The Golden Gate. This allows us to proceed on the Ascension path to become resurrected eternal spiritual beings unified with the Cosmic Holy Spirit.

This phase is the solar alignment with the Cosmic Aether which is at the core of the Galactic Center, which represents pouring of healing spiritual waters into the earth and humanity from Mother God. Previously, these waters were corrupted by entrapping the Mother principle and Gold Ray Seraphim on earth by the knowledge coveting Serpent. Hence, this is also the symbol for the Fallen Angel. This is why this constellation is both ruled by the Golden Eagle spirit and the Snake. During the ascension cycle this constellation is to return to its original geometry, to represent the union of all polarity as the perfect blueprint of energetic balance and harmony for humanity. Through the embodiment of this energetic balance into perfected unity, in the upcoming Pisces cycle, the knowledge and wisdom is given back to the truth seeker. Therefore, in its highest expression this constellation represents the potential blueprint of divine perfection in a Human Being. It also represents the pending birth of the Christ child growing in the womb of the Divine Mother. It is one with all things and has no opposite. It is capable of healing all human wounds and amplifies spiritual healing in this cycle. It is related to the symbol Phi and reemerging Sophia. See The Golden Gate.


© Sequoia Arayas 2017 

Monday, November 27, 2017

Peace Walker: Stages of Spiritual Alchemy - Scorpio

Paths of Enlightenment 

admin 11/22/2017 word

Theme: Separation, Stillness Element: Water
Geometric Imprint: Icosahedron


Intend to remove and terminate all aspects of false ascension recorded in the brain, head, and 8th chakra which extends to the higher heart. Clear out all holographic inserts, false or foreign genetic signatures, artificial or inorganic structures from these body parts and the front and back spirals of the 8th chakra. Clear your bodies of all galactic war trauma and monadic timelines of false or replicated monadic twins. Clear mind control, thought forms, phase disrupters, holographic inserts, pathogen pullers & karmic superposition and enslavement devices that interfere with your free will of expression and actualizations of God. Clear all rituals, spells, curses, symbols, as well as black magic and their structures now. Clear the negative past life or artifact connected to these programs. Clear all related attacks of multidimensional vampires and cording and their cord through all time and space through the verticals of the transharmonic gate.Remove trauma impact from mass consciousness energy leakages connected to those false ascension programs and false archangel and ascended master programs.


It lies between Libra to the west and Sagittarius to the east. It is a large constellation located in the southern hemisphere near the center of the Milky Way. Scorpius contains many bright stars, including Antares. In Greek mythology, the myths associated with Scorpio almost invariably also contain a reference to Orion. According to one of these myths it is written that Orion boasted to goddess Artemis and her mother, Leto, that he would kill every animal on the Earth. Although Artemis was known to be a hunter herself she offered protection to all creatures. Artemis and her mother Leto sent a scorpion to deal with Orion. The pair battled and the scorpion killed Orion.


In the required alchemical process of embodying our pure consciousness, there is a separation and isolation from that which interferes or contaminates the spiritual consciousness. These are the phases of which we may experience a separation or sequestering away from certain influences or forces. This isolation or sensation of wanting to sequester is a natural process, such as in acquiring a deep stillness. When it is required, we will find that isolation in order to be still and know we are one with God spirit. Once we can sense the growth of our inner spirit, we will have phases where we will look to isolate, or isolation will happen organically. This allows us to focus inside, communicate with and germinate our spiritual consciousness into fullness.

© Sequoia Arayas 2017 

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Peacewalker: Stages of Spiritual Alchemy -Libra

Stage 7 – LIBRA – October 31 to November 22
Alchemical Theme: Sublimation, Transmutation
Element: AIR

Terminate dismantle and remove false ArcAngel Michael and fallen first ray interface in to and through the crown. Clear the Michael/Mary turnstile grid connections and feedlines. Clear Faith ray distortions. Remove the consciousness implants of the fleur de lis and the vesica pisces which are used to siphon this crown. Take extra time on this particular chakra to terminate, release and sever any other sub-programs or feeds into multiple layers of your light body.
As you bring neutral centering in your essence of heart-based non-mental relationship you bring the the divine in you to witness and so return your body to eternal living light. Terminate and remove intermediaries and artificial and false ascension programs that do not serve your highest purpose and ascension mission.clear, release and remove karmic contracts, ancestral records that have now become parasitic to your biological ascension process. With loving intention command and claim your sovereign right to choose clear through soul protection and unconditional love and forgiveness for all that you have experienced or were unaware of which arises remove El Morya imbalanced parasitic and distorted first ray associations and clear through to the core. Ask God and higher self to delete through all time and space any contract or agreement that is inorganic to christ-sophia unified consciousness. Clear the crown and remove false logos programming and energy architecture as well as the timeliness of monadic field invasion. Welcome the return of the clear light of God through your mind fields, brain, and central vertical column.

In the process of spiritual ascension as we elevate our consciousness, we naturally learn to sublimate and transform negative emotions and negative energy. As we develop the observer consciousness within, we are able to witness our emotions and external events without identifying that we are that emotion or event. As we observe the emotions or events, we alchemically transform them and sublimate them into higher substances. In this way we access spiritual harmony, which arranges the energetic environment to the highest expression. Sublimation is a part of the compassionate witness, which is developed through deepened self-awareness of one’s body and higher consciousness. We can learn to observe thoughts, emotions and energies neutrally. Through the elevated consciousness we gain skills in redirecting discordance or disharmony in the self, and this naturally increases energetic harmony inside and out. Once we distill the inner spirit within, the next ascension stage is the natural sublimation and transmutation of negative energies in and around us.


© Sequoia Arayas 2017  

Peacewalker: Breath of Expansion

The Breath of Omni-Love

The communal code offerings have and continue to be a heart resonate blessing birthed from internal connections with source.

This container is dedicated to the oraphim and krystal star seeds, the awakened keepers of the ascension path.

It will continue to fill with new downpours of rainbow aurora bursts and waterfalls of loving affection in visual configurations and neural brain and spirit mapping.

For those interested in cocreating, supporting, and learning more, I am now co-creating a group container called Omnilov3 which will house an online ascension magazine, and several monthly meditative gatherings.

This is a ground floor gathering to a new wave of ascension teachings perspectives and heart-centered source-guided integration instructions.


© Sequoia Arayas 2017