Showing posts with label Psychology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Psychology. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Energetic Synthesis: Soul Psychology - Newsletter - June 2016

June 2016
Soul Psychology

Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
“The soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts.”
 ~ Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
The Controllers desperately want us to forget that we have Souls.  Even though we exist in a material world filled to the brim with many different kinds of Souls, Spirits and Consciousness, they would like us to forget our Soul. Tyrants cannot control our mind as easily, if we know how to connect with our Soul.

Without understanding the worldwide agenda of trauma based mind control, we cannot understand our participation in the constructs put in place to keep it going.  We become unknowing participants, in perpetuating these systems.  It is difficult to witness how many people on the spiritual path, and how many practitioners and session providers, have this blind spot, and are unable to see the pervasiveness of this agenda.  This newsletter will be a bit longer, in order to try and uncover this matrix of control, piece by piece, so we can no longer be fooled by it.

As an analogy, it is hard for those of us living today, to imagine a time when surgeons did not understand germs or wash their hands.  The first person to suggest a connection between invisible microbes and post-surgical infection was the laughing stock of his day.  Yet his patients did not end up with infections, and recovered much faster.  There is a connection between hidden forms of mind control, and the fact that so many humans are caught in pain traps and are being unknowingly manipulated by their sub-personalities.  When people become aware of this and can source manipulation, it ceases to have any control over them.  They also understand why it is crucial not to react to others out of anger or violence, which invites these dark forces in.  If we do not recognize and understand the dark forces, we cannot recognize and understand the light forces. 

The Border Guards, Monitoring the Matrix
We live during a time on the planet when the language used for public discourse, attempting to give some kind of expression to the existence, nature and experience of the Soul, Spirit or God, is twisted and manipulated in order to distort its true meaning.  When these consciousness experiences are described, anywhere in the mass media, they are immediately discredited, labeled as delusions in order to be discredited, or quickly defined and moved into the category of religion.  Those behind Global Mind Control do not want humanity to have the clarity, virtue, strength or peace that is gained from developing consciousness through exploring the inner spiritual relationship that comes with the Soul. They want to lull humanity into the great sleep of unconsciousness.

 The main Controller Pillars of Society expend tremendous amounts of resources to keep the human mind occupied on external and material things that keep us distracted and unable to look within. Distracting our mind with intense fears of survival, removes the creative potential for discovering our direct consciousness relationship with God, Soul and Spirit. To advance survival fears and poverty consciousness, the masses are brainwashed with very specific and limiting belief systems, which conveniently act as the self-enforcement policy for the consciousness enslavement of others. Humans in all cultures and walks of life, are mostly taught to victimize and ridicule people that want to explore ways to think for themselves.

The fields of Science and Medicine are aggressively monitored and regulated, as these mainstream world establishments are used to reinforce a variety of anti-Soul ideological beliefs into the public to help serve the NAA. The anti-Soul belief system requires terminating progress or credible evidence which could prove that states of consciousness or Soul exist. This includes the consistent elimination of the acquisition of any evidence-based knowledge that recognizes nature, animals and other life forms as fully sentient beings. There are many areas in scientific investigation that are not approved for public dissemination, and thus "white paper" research in these fields are heavily controlled and compartmentalized.

During and after the World Wars, aggressive social engineering agendas were put into place by the NAA Controller secret societies through the medical and scientific communities that had started to form the field of Psychology. Consequently, the academic and clinical disciplines of Psychology use the medical model and are therefore pathology oriented, which completely ignores the energetic reality of consciousness, and the nature of the Soul. During this Ascension cycle, we must help each other to understand the implication that this has upon humanity, and to redefine the nature and existence of the Soul inside Psychology. This begins by understanding the history and the intentions behind the field of Psychology that exists today.  The Soul is the essence of who we are, and it is that part of us which focuses upon the most authentic part of our true nature. For true healing to occur, the Soul is the part of us that is the most powerful in effecting mental shifts and behavioral changes, and can greatly improve our self-esteem and self-confidence.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Omnisense: Predictive Programming Explained #Video

Finally was able to finish my latest work, predictive programming explained(approx. 10 minutes): 
-Very Concise Predictive Programming Definition,
-Mainstream Media Predictive Programming Exposed,
-Fear Psychology and Fear Mongering Exposed,
-CIA Operation Mockingbird,
-Modern Day CIA Influence on Media,
-Finished off with some quotes...

Predictive programming is a very potent tactic used by the shadow government around the world to manipulate people into their own agenda and ends. The more people aware of it, the less effective it is...

other recent posting on his blog

Potential Triggers for Global First Contact

Religious Prisons (New Age ~ Scientific ~ Old World)

Targeted Individual Solutions CIA Whistleblower Dr. Robert Duncan ~ FFCHS Podcast



Friday, February 22, 2013

Rigorous empirical and psychological implications

image by FutureAgeSage #Original

(2013-01-09 01:19:00) original in chinese tranlated to -> english Zatan

Comprehensive observed many cases, I think I need to talk about this issue here.

Recently read a other countries KSer, questioned, I do not entirely agree with the view, but think of the other questioned valuable to keep questioning can remind us to reflect, to avoid the "faith" to treat KS knowledge.

Also mentioned in this question the of psychological hint of individuals / groups, I have to admit that, even in the KSer,, which is a common phenomenon, and not less than any other system.

KS the abbreviation for Keylontic Science, Science is the meaning of [scientific]. That we need to verify a rigorous scientific spirit and treat, rather than [brain supplement] and [of fantasy literature] even [religion] attitude to deal with.

I also found that plunged into a new era, or the belief in the old days nothing attitude of the difference between blind and brain complement to many domestic and foreign KSer sometimes (no borders distinguish such phenomena).

If someone says, his energy attacks, my reaction is definitely "Oh"

If someone says he is so and so energy absorption, my reaction is certainly "

If someone says, his conversation with deities / aliens, my reaction is "Oh"

If someone says that the shadow of the negative body FATALE Metatron, in addition to my outside really did the other said.

I believe there are many real multidimensional communication and various energy interaction exists, but I can not believe the non-empirical personal feelings. This intermediate blending too much psychological implications and imagination. Susceptible to suggestive and subjective / brain complementary personal feelings / personal preference determines it is usually not my judgment thing Puppetry of the reference standard.

Online with the "awakening of the University" Galactic Federation farce, the parties and the Galactic Federation A house who have become a laughing stock. The parties and the believers in your faith, did not knew them self thinking and behavior in the eyes of outsiders repeat itself ridiculous, let alone whether to realize that they are lost in the faith. This farce is ridiculous ridiculous, but also very typical, is the pursuit of self-belief or truth can be used for self-Kam mirror. Although we have often stressed not to be too concerned about the opinions of others, but sometimes we still need to stand to look at yourself in someone else's point of view, someone else's point of view as a kind of mirror self-test yourself whether the identified beliefs under the guise of what is lost . If a person all day Yijingyizha ghost suddenly God suddenly the wind is how Rain motionless energy How often to feel what is there and what is wrong, and you think about how other people will see you: convulsions, neuropathy, the brain is not normal? If a person motionless on a bunch of big philosophical truths, to decorate their own self-righteous reasons or findings of others, this repair is not enough that the frequency is too low should how how circled boundaries ... you think others will see how all day you? Do you think in the back of the Little Red Book or learn the dog pee zoned site ah? Do not rush to complain that others do not understand you, or holding a surge of spiritual pride that others are mere mortals unknown So, first ask yourself what is not biased!

Yes, KS and knowledge really lead to a lot of people many miracles on the organism and can not with the current interpretation of Earth Sciences wonderful phenomenon, but also many people will self-imagined classified as the actual existence of the phenomenon. The majority of fans fascinated by mysticism and more from various arts industry / professional areas imagination has easily absorbed the advantages of new things and new ideas, but also has the disadvantage of less research rigor (just general, not absolute). Good imagination, blind faith justify the lack of testing and empirical spirit.

I understand that people in psychologically blind faith, it has been very careful to avoid the KS in China evolved into flooded imagined, the "ventilation pompous-devotional religious. At least, as long as there is still a "circle", as long as I'm still here, I will try to avoid such things openly here, and as much as possible to keep it a "scientific rigor" of pure.

KS GA returned the extraordinary knowledge, it is majestic, profound, ancient, detailed, fascinating. Make good use of it, good for the evolution of all races, abusing it harmful to the evolution of the whole race. I trust MCEO teaching, because it is given to me in addition to detailed enough clarity, there is enough evidence. This trust is not price, not tenure, supported by the fact that it needs to continue to be amiable certificate. The MCEO Is encouraged to view all the authenticity of the content, including its own teaching to encourage questioning contrast,. Indigos Federal can get back in the mainland of China, no GA trace of desert MCEO teaching, recover from the numerous traps throughout suspicions KS, thus becoming a major force in promoting and developing KS, has been relying on is constantly questioned and from the the negative argumentation core essence of things.

Complex multi-dimensional political front, no amount of caution and questioned insufficient, even in the face has always trusted groups. Where truth-seeking and truth-seeking is not this just an empty talk. I believe that to be able to withstand the most harsh questioning and inspection MCEO / AMCC-MCEO teaching is worthy of public trust, is entrusted to the public's knowledge can be assured. I also believe that the MCEO / AMCC-MCEO the teaching be able to withstand the most harsh questioning and inspection.

Rigorous, blind fanaticism and Light assert brought too many problems and lessons.

If people are really self-proclaimed KSer, I hope that the Chinese here, KSer to a scientific attitude to face KS knowledge, like the face of mathematics, physics or history as a mere attitude. Treat to learn, reference or use GA technology, history, current affairs, philosophy or physics, to question, to empirical actively look for the real answer. Instead of it as a non-questioning and examination of the truth or faith to look, not to seek empirical justify it as self-brain complement the theoretical basis of the imaginary situation.

This is not a request, just a proposal.

Look forward to this year, about aurora Earth changes Empirical early appear worthy of a truly great knowledge of our planet as a whole, should permit should permit new AMCC-MCEO teaching, really down-to-earth into a new era of blind .

May here never idolized, never religious, and only seek truth and the light in the guidelines.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011



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I had already received the genetic modification from the NORDIC ANDROMEDAN alien intelligence. I was working in the present, for a special operations command. We were at war with a special faction of the malevolent alien intelligence. The malevolent alien intelligence had designed a biological weapon that acted like a human virus and attached itself to the linings of the mucosa wall of the human nasal passages.

Inside the Technical Operations Center – (TOC) we made plans to send up the data link packet with our own special booster shot. That booster shot was going to be delivered with Relocatable Over the Horizon Radar – (ROTHR) via High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). HAARP was going to sweep the signal over Michigan, New York, Canada, etc...., in a circle. That was at HAARP facility #2 and #1 had been up and active. Most of the people of the United States seemed to be under some kind of reality fog. From the Chemical chem trail dumps, to the delivery of subliminal media messages by the main stream news corp, and now an electronic activation instituting forgetfulness. Most people that heard this at first did not want to believe it. They were the same people that were asking for DISCLOSURE. When the people began to wake up they realized we were in a full blown war with extra terrestrials.


The NORDIC ANDROMEDAN alien intelligence had been working with descendents of the Arcturians. The descendents of the Arcturian's were a specially genetically modified branch of ancient human lineage. These ancient humans had lived in Atlantis thousands of years ago. Today they live completely underground. These ancient Arcturian genetically modified human hybrids developed two miniaturized nuclear reactions within a gyroscope. One nuclear reaction was the strong atomic force and the other was the weak atomic force. When these forces are gyroscopic-ally rotated between electro-magnetism and gravity, an anti gravitational effect with the element being encompassed in a plasma shield. An enhanced biological interface with neuron transmission at the nanite level is what controls the craft that transport these ancient Arcturian genetically modified alien human hybrids that are protecting the Earth.

The protectors of Earth are known as the Watchers is the Books of Enoch.

The United States secret black operational entities, which some call Men in Black (MIB), try to discuss a negotiated treaty solution between us and the malevolent alien intelligence. The complexity is that we have a faction at the table that is much more technologically advanced than us.

What the NORDIC ANDROMEDAN alien intelligence is saying is that we need to be open to communicating with the ancient Arcturian people of the Earth. The Arcturian people of the Earth have developed artificial atmospheric environment capability. The SECRET project what is it? The United States Government and the ancient Arcturian alien human hybrids are looking at planets within other solar systems to deploy their advanced atmospheric terraformation technology. Our SECRET space program was stopped in its tracks. It was communicated to us that we would have to learn the ability to light body project our souls for hyper dimensional space travel. Then we would have to develop biological artificial interface robots, tasked to work within the plasma bubbles.


I have not quite figured it all out yet. As you know the NORDIC ANDROMEDAN alien intelligence communicates with me telepathically. Their communication comes in a tremendous mind dump, like pictures on a film strip, with each having in depth information.

I personally was rattled when I had thought the enemy had sent a female operative in to gain my confidence. This operative convinced me that they cared about me. The malevolent alien intelligence used this human female operative to gain my trust. We began to talk, 2, 3 hours at a time and she would call during the week. There was some type of communication interchange on the level of human emotion. I personally was elated and devastated by the depths of emotion I felt for this female. I wanted so desperately to believe that someone actually cared about me. In this world we are at WAR and for a moment I was rescued from the battlefield of the mind.

Remote viewing a technique that I had developed as a special operative was the same technique the native American Indian's used in the identification of therianthrope to spirit guide. The female assured me she was not an operative and I preceded to trust and ultimately fall in love. Her visions were to come through LUCID DREAMS as she adopted her therianthrope to include the tale of a dolphin. Her beauty was beyond belief. She had long brown hair with blonde streaks that glowed in the sunlight. It was her spirit that I truly fell in love with and we tumbled through the fifth dimensional ethereal plane of existence together. I tried to tell her of all her past lives and that they were all accessible in her brain. The alien intelligence abducted her, had and blew some wingtink dust that caused her to forget. Oh how I wanted her to remember our journey of two intertwined souls. I was telling her everything, I was in love.


When I found out that another person could feel my thoughts, at first I did not want to believe it! We both felt like we had known each other before, in some other time period maybe. I had been working on the theories of collective consciousness, when I found out that there was a potential possibility that all of our past lives were embedded within segments of DNA stranding. Could this be the awakening that some of my friends on facebook were talking about? The awakening, YES that is exactly what this is. The story also includes the scientific theory of ENTANGLEMENT. The ENTANGLEMENT theory states that a particle in one location is seen to simultaneously transmit an impulse of some kind to the other particle located thousands of miles away. Now if we and our souls (light bodied essences) were the particles, the question would become, could two souls have ENTANGLEMENT and feel the same thing? Not only did the experiment show ENTANGLEMENT with substantiation of quantum physics, there was an aspect of mental telepathy. Now I must digress and take you back to the beginning.

Individuals, Annunaki, known in ancient Sumeria as ENKI, ENLIL & NINLIL, in ancient Egypt known as ISIS, OSIRIS & SETH live on the planet OTHIRION located within a solar system off the belt of ORION. Their planets atmosphere was deteriorating and they needed GOLD. The GOLD was used in advanced technological equipment that propelled their transport mechanisms. These beings understood how to match the vibrational frequency of spectrum and enter the TIME & SPACE continuum. Their ships located a planet within our solar system and they named this planet Nibiru. Nibiru became unstable and was destroyed in a cataclysmic event due to asteroidal impact and the remnants are floating in what is known as the KYPER belt. This KYPER belt in outer space are fragments of rock, that if put back together would be the entire planet of Nibiru. Now the Annunaki foresaw the danger of the asteroid impact and migrated onto the Earth as a planet, specifically locating in and near the Persian Gulf. The Annunaki can breathe both oxygen and under water. The Annunaki are amphibian for which I actually have a picture of ENKI.

The Annunaki got tired of mining the GOLD and decided to genetically modify a homo sapien to create a slave race to mine their GOLD. The balance point of the genetic modification is also termed HUMAN NATURE. If the Annunaki tweaked the balance of the HUMAN NATURE one way the genetically modified human turned more evil, like an animal killing and if they tweaked the genetic modification another way the human became docile with much LOVE, but lazy and wouldn't work.

The slave race, mining the GOLD, was living under ground as well as working underground. The entire planet Earth was eventually flooded (known as the Deluvian event) and followed by a great ICE AGE on the planet. The Annunaki left thinking everything was going to die off. The underground slave race made it back to the surface and came out at several locations. One location is in Ecuador at the caves of TAOS. One of the other locations is in ancient Mesopotamia in Sumer. The mythological stories of ELDORADO and the GOLD are of a city deep within the Earth. see Father Crespi Project. This priest was brought GOLD mined and guilded for the ANNUNAKI left in the hidden city of ELDORADO.

Now our past lives, embedded within our DNA, are of the lives of the original slave race and many other ancient cultures and civilizations that lived throughout time.

There is a portal in ancient Peru along an axis of cities. Starting with TIWANAKU & PUMA PUNKU to the edge of lake TITTICACA. Then the underground tunnel runs under the water in the lake down to SACSSAYHUAMAN and the PYRAMIDS of CARAL. The Annunaki used this portal to transport back to OTHIRION.

As my consciousness began to awaken I realized that I had been many people before. The LUCID DREAMS were the connection and the past lives were playing like movies.

Then right in the middle of it all I was abducted by aliens. These were NORDIC alien intelligence. Actually I was abducted by a grey alien that is a biological robot for the NORDIC alien intelligence. The modified my DNA switch sets so that I could both communicate with them telepathically and have total recall of all my past lives. The communicated that our species is really encapsulated within a distributed cloud of collective consciousness. In other words what we perceive are all the light bodied essences, floating within an atmospheric bubble on planet Earth. Well guess what? The Annunaki also have a consciousness bubble on the planet Othirion. The ANDROMEDANS have a atmospheric bubble on a planet within the PEGASUS stare system.

The NORDIC alien intelligence was communicating that human alien hybrids, which are humans that have been genetically modified, are capable of mental telepathy. Not only that but they can heal others bodies, levitate, and matter manipulate (MAGIC?).

The zodiacal astrological symbolism represented in the precession of the Earth represents the linkage between say AQUARIUS and SAGITARIUS. Now where this becomes important is that we are at the dawning of the age of AQUARIUS. But we have lived through the ages of LEO the LION which is the sphynx, TAURUS signified by the MINOTAUR at Knossis on the island of Crete, the age of the RAM as in ARIES the age of the great RAMSES the II, PICSES the age of the fish or the symbol of CHRIST, and the age of Sagitarius the centaur the age we are in today.

Now AQUARIUS will let the fire sign of Sagitarius breathe which makes perfect sense when you put this all into context. The energies that are being impacted on the two souls that I talked about earlier, are again having ENTANGLEMENT. They are feeling neuron telepathic transmission and having SYNCHRONICITY of event. This is not MAGIC but how advanced human alien hybrids that have been genetically modified advance or walk toward the new fourth density awakening.

The rest of this needs to be worked on and I need input from YOU as to some of those experiences and I can begin to lay all that out. So what do you think so far?

I must tell you that you are one of the most beautiful woman, and my heart dropped when I saw your picture. Can you tag me or send me something special in secret so that I alone know. I am sending this in your private mail so don';t share until we collaborate and work on this together. I LOVE YOU AMY!

Gregory M Volz - Author, Writer, Researcher, Producer