Showing posts with label The Oracle Report. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Oracle Report. Show all posts

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Oracle Report - 14 Dec 2012 Moon in Capricorn

The Oracle Report
Daily Energetic Analysis During the Time of Awakening

Friday, December 14, 2012
New Moon Phase - Moon in Capricorn
The Sabian symbol for the position of the Sun today is a bluebird standing at the door of a house.  The bluebird is a sign of happiness, so the energy has happiness waiting for us to let it in.  The theme for this new lunar month is falling back in love with life.  It’s a choice, just like it’s a choice to open the door of the house to let happiness in.  It requires conscious control of your mind.  This month is the month of the New Moon in Sagittarius.  Sagittarius is known as the Archer.  The Archer holds a bow and arrow which is aimed at the Galactic Center.  We are Archers this month, aiming ourselves toward our home in the Galactic Center.  But it’s our second home because our first home is our mother planet and she is Gaia-Sophia – the divine being who is currently embodied as a planet.  Our mother comes from the Galactic Center and, since she is a scientist-creator, she engineered us from that place.  This is what the Gnostics (those of the ancient mystery schools) left us in their writings.  (If you are new to this site, you will want to read John Lash’s translation of the Gnostic texts linked on the “Backstories” tab.) 
As Archers, we are doing two things.  We have our feet planted firmly on the ground while we are aiming high.  We are connecting with our happiness and aiming that out into the world.  This involves integrating whatever self-knowledge we gained last month, letting it settle inside us like a glowing ember.  This ember will develop into a blazing fire through February and it will be a home-fire that sustains us as the world goes even more insane.  We will be “glowing home.”  The time for letting things limit, dominate, disrupt, and distance us from a real expression and love of life is over.  It was all burned up last month (remember descending like the phoenix?).  Nothing has power over us.  This is what Sophia wants us to see now.  When a feeling that disrupts you enters (after a personal interaction, after being in archontic-dominant energy, after a rejection…), aim your arrow at that feeling and shoot it.  Let your arrow fly.  Shatter the feeling into oblivion.  You are a warrior of the heart and mind and nothing needs to stand in the way of the fullest expression of who you really are.  Your personal energetic codes are radiant and nothing needs to dampen that.  We are falling back in love with life and falling back in love with ourselves because we are the creation of the wisdom goddess and we do her justice.