Showing posts with label azurite888voyager. Show all posts
Showing posts with label azurite888voyager. Show all posts

Friday, January 24, 2014

Out Of Body Experiences Validated By Scientific Study

Out Of Body Experiences Validated By Scientific Study

Dado Ra: Azurite888voyager
Are out-of-body experiences valid? Dr. Crookall at the University of Aberdeen has written 9 books on out-of-body cases due to the overwhelming amount of evidence in their favour. A survey of 380 Oxford students showed that 34% had an OBE. A separate survey of 902 adults revealed that 8% have had an OBE. In a study of 44 non-Western societies, only 3 did not hold a belief in OBEs. Another study showed that out of 488 world societies, 89% had at least some tradition regarding OBEs. So this phenomenon is familiar and lots of people claimed to have experienced it before, but is there any scientific credibility to this phenomenon?

A fascinating experiment was done by Dr. Charles Tart, who was a Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of California. He had also served as a Visiting Professor in East-West Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies, and as an Instructor in Psychiatry at the School of Medicine of the University of Virginia. A study he published in the Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research may be the most infamous OBE study ever done.

He documented the out-of-body experience of a young woman who was one of his research subjects. She was in a room with nothing but a bed, a shelf, a clock, and an observation window where Dr. Tart observed from another room. She also had electrical devices hooked up to her head to detect brain wave activities, which can be seen in the diagram below.

What makes this particular out-of-body experience remarkable is that she was able to leave her physical body as Dr. Tart watched from the other room and read a 5-digit number of 25132 off of a piece of paper that was on a shelf in the corner of the room. The number was at a significant distance above the bed so that she would not be able to read the number even if she was standing, and she reported seeing the correct number him upon return to her physical body which remained attached to the bed as she was being watched. EEGs, REMs, and galvanic skin response were all recorded before and during her OBE which indicated a significant alteration in the readings during the time she left her body. Her OBE a good example of “veridical perception” which is where verified events are observed while in an out-of-body state.

As Dr. Tart concluded: “While the physiological data are limited by dependence on her retrospective report in correlating physiological pattern with the experience, it seems as if her out-of-body experiences occurred in conjunction with a non-dreaming, non-awake brain wave stage characterized by predominant slowed alpha activity from her brain and no activation of the autonomic nervous system. Two incidents occurring in the laboratory provide suggestive evidence that the out of-the-body experiences had parapsychological concomitants. In summary, this brief study found a fairly clear-cut correlation between several of Miss Z’s reported OOB experiences and a physiological pattern characterized by a flattened EEG with prominent alphoid activity, no REM or skin resistance activity, and normal heart rate”

This is huge, because not only does it show that the experience of leaving your body is correlated with abnormal changes in brain-body activities, the test subject was also able to go and read a 5 digit number. She also reported the correct positioning of the piece of paper that had the number on it, which as flat on the shelf as opposed to leaning against the wall which is what she was expecting. By the way, the odds of guessing a 5 digit number first try are less than 1 in 59000, so to claim that she just so happened to guess it right on her first try is out of the question.

I have had 2 out-of-body experiences myself, one of which I observed real events happening in a different location in my house, so I can personally testify to their validity. I saw exactly what my dad was doing and wearing, and I saw exactly what was on television at the time, all of which were verified to be true after I awoke.

What skeptics are really good at is leaving out pieces of evidence that they can’t explain, and point to how some scientific studies have replicated the feeling of being out-of-body by some virtual means. There is a difference between the illusion of being somewhere else, and actually seeing real events happening in locations that your physical body has absolutely no access to. This study is another piece of evidence that gives serious scientific credibility to the idea of a soul.

For more on veridical perception:

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Christ was in India: The Missing Years of Yeshua +

Cheers Dado Ra ~  Vladimir Gvozden

Duality within the Knights Templar
+++ Emerald Covenant vs. Luciferian Covenant:
... The Mission of Jeshua, John and Miriam later resumed between 559-608AD, when the Quest for the Holy Grail, the Atlantian Conspiracy and the hunt for the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box and star gate tools continued in the drama of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round table.

King Arthurus, or "Arthur" was born from a Druidec Maji Grail King lineage originally from Nohasa and later exiled to Lohas Atlantis (The current day U.K.). Arthur and his selected Signet Council ''Knights'' were commissioned to fulfill the Emerald Covenant Mission that Jeshua, John the Baptist, Miriam and the Essene Maji were unable to complete due to the Hyksos-Hassa King raids in the 23 AD Essene Divide. Arthur's legendary sword "Excalibur" was a battle sword fashioned to hold the Staff stargate tool from the Arc of the Covenant Gold Box. which Arthur and Victorous (son of Meridan) retrieved from the Vale of Pewsey in England, where John and Miriam had buried it in 23 AD.

Victorous, son of Meridan, came to be known as "Merlin" Arthur's Vizier and court mystic in the Arthur Legends. Victorous' father Meridan was a Knights Templar Annu-Melchizedek Black Arts Occultist, his mother was of a Celtec Maji Grail King line originally from Lohas Atlantis.Victorous' life and service to King Arthur were overshadowed by the struggle of "good vs. evil" that existed within his genetic programming. Arthur's wife Guinevere was of a Celtic Maji Grail King line originally from Lohas Atlantis. Guinevere's sister Saeane, not Guinevere, was the lover of Arthur's imposter Knight "Sir Lancelot," a Luciferian Knights Templar sent in to sabotage the Emerald Covenant Mission. Knights Templar Annu-Melchizedek races intentionally distorted true Arthurian period history. Teachings of the RRTs and Star Gate Signet Councils were hidden in occult secret societies of the Knights Templar. The historical realities of the Maji Grail King lineage and Arthur's Emerald Covenant Mission were intentionally "re-written Nihiruian Anunnaki style," romanticizing Victorous ("Merlin") and other characters that assisted the Knights Templar in undermining Arthur's Emerald Covenant Mission.

~ from: Page 315 "Voyagers II: Secrets of Amenti"
by: Ashayana Deane (aka: Anna Hayes)

[MCEO = Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order]

post scriptum:
+++ The 12 Primary Star Gates
of our Universal Templar Complex are:
12D Lyra Aramatena
11D Lyra Aveyon
10D Lyra Vega
9D Andromeda Mirach
8D Orion Mintaka
7D Arcturus Bootes
6D Sirius B
5D Pleiades Alcyone
4D Sol (our Sun)
3D Planet Earth
2D Epsilon Eridanus
1D Theta Orion

"Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled."
— The Kybalion

Yeshua ben Yosef / Jeshua ben Joseph (Hebrew-Aramaic)
Isa / Issa / Isha (Arabic / Iran / India / Nepal / Tibet)
Isa / Yasu (Arabic-speaking Christians refer to Isa as Yasu)
Isa (female name: "Iron" in Teutonic, "Rainbow" in Chamoru)
Isus Hristos / Исус Христос (Serbian name)
Jesus Christ (commonly known name)
Kryst & Christos (ancient names for christed beings)

"What if what you term as God
heard everything you thought
and considered it a request for it
to give you what you were thinking?
Would you change the way that you think?"
quote - American Monk & Zen Priest Dr. Steven L. Hairfield

Dr. Steven L. Hairfield wrote a few great books.
For example:
"The Twelve Sacred Principles of Karma"
(by Dr. Steven L. Hairfield)
"A Metaphysical Interpretation of the Bible"
(by Dr. Steven L. Hairfield)
Dr. Steven L. Hairfield's website:

india excerpts : 3Christs...  and Diffrence in J9... and J12....

The realigned Sphere of Amenti was kept in storage within the UHF bands of D-3, now under protection of the Azurites of the Ra Confederacy. At age 20 (8 AD), following his study in Persia and India, Jesheua-12 was taken to Egypt by the Priests of Ur. At the Great Pyramid of Giza, while Jesheua-12 was between 20 and 33 years of age (8 AD through 21 AD), he and the Blue Flame Melchizedek Essenes secretly orchestrated ascension for various groups, directly through the portal passage of the Arc of the Covenant. (Ascensions conducted while the Halls of Amenti were closed could only be done through the energy field of a 12th-level avatar, whose bio-energetic field could carry the energy fields of others through the seals on the Sphere of Amenti. Through the energy fields of the avatar, people could pass through the Arc of the Covenant, into the Blue Flame of Tara’s morphogenetic field and into Tara.)

Prior to his ordination in Egypt, Jeshewua-9 had traveled throughout Nepal, Greece, Syria, Persia and Tibet, training in various inter-faith doctrines. Jesheua-12 studied primarily in India and Persia before coming to Egypt at age 20 and his Templar teachings showed a stronger eastern orientation than those of Jeshewua-9. The training and ascension activities of Jesheua-12 and the Blue Flame Essenes remained primarily hidden and practiced as a secret “mystery school” within Egypt at Giza and in various other locations. The teachings of Jeshewua-9 became more well-known, which caused him progressively more persecution from Roman influence and also within some factions of the Hebrew and Templar-Melchizedek race lines who did not accept deviations from the original patriarchal Templar creed as set within the Jewish religion by King Melchizedek.

Another man, by the name of Arihabi, who was a Jerusalem-bom Hebrew-Annu-Melchizedek, was led by the Elohim, through a series of visions, to believe that he was the true Jeshewua-9, and this is the man who was crucified. Neither of the avatar Christs [was] crucified, and both of them left genetic family lines within the Hebrew-Melchizedek races. The sacrifice of Arihabi was orchestrated to divert attention away from Jeshewua-9, his family and his lineage. The resurrection of the “body of Christ”/Arihabi, was orchestrated by the Elohim through the use of holographic inserts, but Arihabi was indeed resurrected following the holographic display. In return for his assistance in diverting attention from Jeshewua-9, the body of Arihabi was restored to life by the Elohim, even though he was not an avatar. He was then taken to India, where he lived for another 30 years. Upon his natural death, Arihabi’s soul essence was ascended to Sirius B through the Third Eye of Horus portal bridge. After his ascension to Sirius B, the Elohim granted him special favor and adjusted his energy field so he could ascend to the Sirius star system in HU-2 via the planetary core of Sirius A in HU-1.

 i know randi green wrote about Arihabi , also at one time opn her blog., and how that fits.... same context  as teh above.

The Atlantian Conspiracy and Roundtables (Part 1): 


" Stone of Truth And Justice "
So i say.. :

Differentiaion is Key.... for understanding the interconnected nature of all.. , to rly "See" and not be a Fool.. , played tricked, & deceived.. for their not so pure means/doings.   past and present. 
To embed is to Embue. so have a closer look at self what is....  yep . ofc denial is free will choice also.  and some a them folks will show their own affiliations by  their own Actions and Words.  just need the ears to hear. & thise that  see. as an  un-attached observer...   and you will get teh picture... bigger pic..  ,  and you cannot heal someone whom doesnt want to...
Responsible for their own actions in accordance with their past and present doings. make up them Nowtime-self.  and some still so fracking stuck in "old games Old energy"  unwilling to see beyond their own delusional creation reality manifestation creation , again free willl...    

yeah ive had enough of this BS..
 no more. no fracking more.
its done,over.  

signed the cotroversial one...


R.A.W. ~ Don't believe in anyone else's B.S. (Belief System)

Emerald Covenant:

Name given to the “Creation Contract” for the seeding of the life-field in our Time Matrix in the Pre-Matter (Liquid Light Christos Field) Density-4, dimensions 12, 11 and 10 of the “Christos Founder Races” (the primary biological manifest race before the creation of the Human genetic line) that was orchestrated through a cooperative agreement of intended peaceful co-evolution between the Yanas and the Density-5 Emerald, Gold and Amethyst Order Breneau Founders Races.

(Voyagers I – Page 162)

i got another note.. on that merlin character.. and person nowtime linked .. and how that fits but thats for another time. 
here keywords..
Lemurian & Atlantian legacies ,
 HYKSOS.... F them..
Victorous..   (father black magician knights templar. 
Merlin -> = -> Metarin .  medidan = father-of-merlin\

  • Here s your Reading ... today, this week, etc..
    1 CARD ... Present
    1. The Magician
    The power of communication, thought and words, to create your self and your world by right use of this power. A time to become self aware and to take responsibility for one’s thoughts, words, and one’s actions.
  • Signet Amenti
    Signet Amenti

    2 CARD .............. Past
    14. Temperance reversed Confusion and delusion, believing what you want to believe, lack of clarity. Time for being calm and quiet, for listening to your heart, time for compassion, but without pity, blame and regrets. Avoid intoxication and addictive patterns, which are attempts to obscure real feelings.
  • Signet Amenti
    Signet Amenti

    3 CARD .............. Future
    5. The Initiate We are all being initiated in Love in this life. Look within to see the play of spirit awakening your inner self and bringing the inner light into the outer world. A time of listening to the inner harmony, of creativity and self expression. Relationships that are fun, lighthearted, uplifting.

    thanks Eli 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Lisa Renee: Purging Archontic Deception - June 2013

June 2013 ~ Newsletter ~ Shifting Timelines
Lisa Renee ~ EnergeticSynthesis ~  
Purging Archontic Deception
Purging Archontic Deception ~ Lisa Renee, June 2013
 "Dear Ascending Family,

There is so much activity going on in the fields with interplanetary "shocks", electrical peaks and geomagnetic storms (see Geomagnetic Jerk) of which when we remain flexible give us the required momentum to catalyze some major transformations that progress us forward. This is a time of being exposed to proverbial shocks and literal electrical shocks, as the Universal "lighting rod" moves us into the next stage of spiritual activation. Our bodies may feel like a live wire, the electrical stimulation just pulsing and tingling through our nerve endings. Some of these shocking waves may come in behaviors that form from perceived betrayals or relationship conflicts; this is to surface previous hidden issues that have not yet been "seen". To see something that was hidden when it was always in front of you, yet, was being perceived differently, can be greatly alarming. Yet, the empowerment and wisdom is in recognizing the object, event or being for what it really is, when it is newly perceived in this changing energetic terrain. The geomagnetic shifts on planet are making us look at things much differently. We are also able to sense energetic blueprint structures and geomantic code (codes that direct energies in a certain pattern or frequency) in the field more than before. In this way, we can reconcile conflicts and pain when we can begin to recognize what it is (the program control code; i.e. implants, etc.) and perceive it accurately with neutrality and non-judgment. (To clear or alter the code for beneficial impact) How much we are willing to know through non judgment is the counterpoint that measures how deep the rabbit hole goes. That measurement is left to the self determination of what is spiritually ethical for your core soul being.

As we face the nature of spiritual ethics inherent in the Cosmic Sovereign Law (Universal Law of One), we go deeper into facing its mysteries. The time cycle we are entering on planet earth is capable to Purge the Archontic Deception. This phase of time is also being referred to as The Great Purging of the Lies of Omission. In this layer of comprehension, the larger truth is in humanities extraterrestrial origin, and it is in what has been hidden and left unsaid that has done the most spiritual damage. 

Lies of Omission

A Lie of Omission is a method of deception and duplicity that uses the technique of simply remaining silent when "speaking the truth" would significantly alter the other person's capacity to make an informed decision. To better understand how lies of omission are used as a loophole to gain access to control our planet, let's define what we know to be "lying".

A Lie is simply defined:

  • To make a statement that one knows to be false, especially with the intention to deceive.
  • To give a false impression. Any circumstance that gives or is meant to give a false impression.

Different Deception techniques that involve Lying:

  • Misinformation: To invent or perpetrate a false story with the intent to deceive or mislead.
  • Confuse: to employ tactics to divert attention from the real issue, to argue and confuse the issue, or deliberately use ambiguity or doublespeak in order to deceive or mislead.
  • Derail: To change the subject of discussion or inquiry in order to avoid the truth (for example, one might pretend to be offended in order to stop a conversation about one's questionable actions).

A Lie of Omission is the most insidious, most pervasive, and most common lie that is perpetuated on the entire planet. Commonly, those who use this type of lie have tricked themselves into believing that to intentionally remain silent when ethical behavior calls for one to speak up, is not a lie at all. In spite of overwhelming evidence that their silence deceives, misleads, and often causes untold grief and misery, they refuse to speak the truth. The biggest lie people tell themselves about lies, is that a Lie of Omission is not a lie!

This human frailty is 100% responsible for the Negative Alien Agenda and its Archontic Deception thriving on planet earth. The anti-dote to Lies of Omission, is to speak the truth to the people around you in the best way you are capable, especially if you are aware of the larger impacts to their health, safety and future. 

People in the government, people in the military, people in the medical fields, people flying crafts with chemtrails, people being abducted and harassed by extraterrestrials, need to speak the truth! 

When we stop lying to ourselves and are willing to look at the truth on planet earth, we open ourselves to receiving the knowledge from our direct experience. Knowledge protects us from being continually victimized by Lies of Omission, whereby prompting you to ask the right questions when necessary.

Mother's Wisdom Aspect is Sophia

This is a time of great spiritual advancement possible at the individual levels, where any area of deception that included covert and hidden agendas can be finally be seen, questioned, thus purged. Within the energetic balance returning through the "Krystal Host", the Mother God Principle of Sophia also may return to the Earth. Through her divine spark we have the ability to "know" and integrate her ancient feminine wisdom. Once we see what has been hidden from us all along, we will feel pain in that knowledge when we recognize the great deception. However, we also gain Sophia's valuable wisdom. The wisdom of Sophia is what gives the Chalice from which we may drink from the fountain of Eternal Life. If we stay awake through the pain as we pass through the dark deception, we are greatly rewarded with the accurate perception of inner truth (spiritual light). It is alignment with our inner truth (spirit intelligence) which increases our skill level with personal discernment and accurate assessment of the worlds. From proper alignment, we live in a state of inner peace and spiritual ethics that are reverent to Life. Mother's reverence for life is a Ray of Pure Love that feeds and grows our heart, soul and being in every way. As our heart and soul is nourished and expanded in Mother's Love, the aspect of her wisdom, Sophia, is finally freed from the Underworlds and reborn into matter. Our path of restoring the feminine principle included the necessity of reclaiming Sophia's pieces from the Underworlds, giving birth to her wisdom in the physical world through the female body.

Clearing Parasites

This budding reverence for our self and others puts us on the path of growing our consciousness in the power of Love, in order to build the strength required to become an embodied Christos (balanced superhuman). We must build the "House of God" for Christos within our own bodies through loving acts of purification, detoxification, purging, extraction, removals, and clearings. We are reclaiming the body of Christ and thus, we are called at this time for purging (clearing) our bodies of parasites. It is time we can make a great impact to clear physical and energetic parasites that feed off our body and our consciousness (energies).

At this time we are being called upon to recognize, question and then purge that which is false, inorganic, diseased, machined, cloned, implanted or alien. All of these are a form of parasitism. 

We have met the time of the Great Purging. We will find ourselves put to task to explore what this means and how we must participate. This purging begins at individual levels and expands outward into collective levels.

Sophia Reveals the Archon (Parasite)

As the Mother's feminine aspect of wisdom (Sophia) returns to reclaim the earth's brain (logos), it is she whom merges with the masculine "active" principle of power in order to accurately envision what has become of the earth. It is Sophia's return into matter through Mother Arc that sees the truth of the recorded hidden histories and the abusive technologies located in the Planetary, Solar, Galactic and Universal Logos. These are not written "Books of Record" or false god holograms that are being perceived as history, this is the cognition of the direct energetic signatures that have impacted creation for what it has manifested today, in the NOW time. The Masculine alone (or Misogynist) cannot see or "read" these layers as he requires Sophia's wisdom to directly view them. This is why the Archons inherently hate Sophia as she can perceive what they cannot, as it is in this activated superpower that She will defeat them.

For refusing them access to her wisdom (consciousness), they are blinded by fury and thus "she" has been debased into a prostitute, tortured and banished into the Underworlds for replication and breeding. That replication is made in artificial (archontic) code which harnesses female reproductive organs vital energies (breeding) which are inherent in sexual alchemy and matter manifestation. (The prostitution of the sacred feminine code) Her ovaries and ovum are harnessed with bi-polar geometries and reversal Arc codes (i.e. fleur di lis) that are designed to continue to reproduce enslaved humans for the fractured collective soul. The more planetary soul splitting, gender splitting and parasitism that happens in the astral planes, the more birthing rates increase population on the earth surface. We can observe the results of that torture made upon the direct oppression of women and children, as well as the parasitism of the entire earthly creation. The rape of Sophia (divine feminine) condemned her to the underworld in vain attempts to replicate her principle artificially, through prostitution and forced breeding, what she naturally embodies. This is the shadow side created by the Archons misogyny program (Orion Group's patriarchal domination) to control the Feminine, and thus control the sexuality and birthing rates of the reincarnating soul population for their controller agenda. Thus the Archons and their controller code have been living in the shadows of deception as a parasite off humanity and the planet

The Conflict in Spiritual Advancement

It is the merge of Mother's feminine wisdom on the earth that reveals the time of the great Purge of Archontic Deception. The revelation of this knowledge overcomes the False King of Tyranny (Archontic program codes) and its lies of omission from continuing to enslave the earth population (the temporary state of matter). The Mother God aspect of wisdom, Sophia, is the embodiment of that inherent truth within the Natural Laws which cannot be replicated or falsified in matter. (exists with the eternal state). The planet and its peoples cannot go against Mother Nature (the natural laws) forever without a correction or annihilation in the timeline. This is the inner conflict of which humanity faces now. Choosing where we place our valuable life force; on the temporary nature of instant gratification, or the eternal nature of our spiritual truth. Each one of us has a choice in how we take what we know in the now and apply it for the greatest spiritual advancement of our person. As we advance spiritually, a natural by product is spiritual ethics that amplifies in our hearts desire to help spiritually advance and free all of the planet and humanity. 


The Archon is defined as a False King Tyrant Ruler that controls through masks of deception promoted through warring technological abuse, such as mind control, frequency implants, and military strategies and can be applied to human or non-human (alien) sources. It is both the military human and non-humans shared greed for domination of which they both employ hidden advanced frequency technologies designed to perpetrate and promote the Archontic Deception.

Saying the Unsaid

When we speak our truth to bring these experiences and reveal them for public witnessing, the covert actions of hidden manipulating agendas of the Archons have a much harder time manifesting in the physical reality. This is why it is always best to be honest, transparent, even with the hard circumstances we deal with in the 3D people around us. If we express what we know and "say it" - we are refusing to allow any part of our energies to be ambiguous and therefore manipulated to create a false impression by dark entity motivations. The hard truth we learn on this planet is the "Lies of Omission". The Archontic Secrecy is maintained through manipulating "Lies of Omission" and creating facades that mislead the public. This is further enforced through intimidation and threats, the military tactic used to hide unethical use of mind control or bio-warfare technology on the public, both human engineered and alien. Further, through military smokescreens of "protecting freedoms" the draconian infected military complex uses uninformed humans as guinea pigs for their chemical, technological, war and genetic experiments. This article is about U.S. medical experiments that are alleged to be unethical, non-consensual, or illegal.

In recent history, this is how the N.A.A. perpetrates some of its major crimes against humanity; they infiltrated the military industrial complex and slapped "national security" clearance on top of its "secrecy programs". There is no accountability to any of the "secret black operation projects" of which the commanding officer (most commonly a sociopath supersoldier) is allowed to run amok. (How many brutal killers and rapists are harbored in the military?) It is a loophole to get away with manipulating the masses out of their consent and free will through the "unseen" mind control technology abuse and experimentation. Spraying chemtrails and forced vaccinations are one fine example.

Additionally, it is extremely important to emphasize that when we accept the accurate truth that this planet has been invaded by a force of entities that believes it is a superior race and uses the military and technological mind control to enslave the inhabitants of earth to live in terror and fear, we can recognize its tactics, motivations and agenda easily.

In recognizing the agenda we have already revealed its weakness, which is why they hide and use covert action to maintain the deception. Once we can see these tactics and understand what they are doing, they are incredibly vulnerable. So in greater comprehension of their agenda and motivation to enslave others, we gather more strength and are able to overcome their methods.

Mother Purges Alien (Archon) Fragments

Cosmic Mother is reintegrating anti particles from the phantom matrix (dead energy spaces) levels, and there is a fall out of a tremendous amount of alien memory and implant fragmentation that is stemming from the enslavement programming from the False Father Gods or the Alien Archon hierarchies. These collective fields have pieces, holographic bits and a lot of debris from alien farmed memory programs used by these False Father Gods (Alien Archons) to implant humanity, mentally, physically and within the soul bodies. These are frequency alternations that are implanted in the aura to control or harness parts of the spiritual bodies and their functions. During this phase, it will be extremely helpful to communicate directly with your God Self Avatar Self and direct it to scan your body for inorganic machinery and alien implants. We must break all bonds, cords, clones/copies and attachments to these levels of being (clear the parasites) and only connect directly to our One God Spirit.

To make it 100% clear, the HGS system is designed for this implicitly - to locate, remove and repair alien machinery, alien programs, alien memories and all the inorganic garbage that has been placed as an intermediary between a human being here in 3D and these higher realm Archon thugs. This is to purge this alien coding out of your multidimensional body, mind, spirit, soul and consciousness so that the direct connection to the Original One Spirit can be reconnected. Unification with the Cosmic Mother in all of her forms is explicitly helpful with the removal of these inorganic alien structures, devices, implants and genetic engineered entities. Cosmic Mother is reclaiming her creation and through her these structures disintegrate.

To connect directly to the inner source light, all the intermediary structures and alien machinery program coding need to be cleared from your bodies, and this is completely possible now. I cannot stress enough DO NOT LET ANYTHING RUN YOUR MIND. Stay aware of the reason you do everything, stay self-aware, ask yourself - "Why am I doing this activity?"

Alien Implant Profiles

Implants are used in key areas of planet to instruct the human nervous system to release life force (chi) energies and body parts to be given to this network for siphoning and control over the population. Implants are used to override or run programming in your personal bio- computer. Your bio-computer is your physical body. So implants impact your health, your mental state, your emotional state, your ability to access consciousness and your sense of "self". Genetic history plays a part in the type of implant or level of psychic and energetic harassment one receives from these networks. Where and when you were born will give you clues to the types of implants related to your genetic history.

Identified Implants: Archon genetic engineered entities or Suppressor Parasites (SPE's), Variation of small black shapes ( some with attached wiring), Chest/heart harness, Dodecahedron mind control harness, Disease booby traps, Etheric weaponry ( knives, cleavers, etc.). See the Alien Implant Module (AIM) for most general listing.

Implant Remedies: Knowing these structures exist is the most powerful form of terminating its influence over your body, nervous system and your consciousness. These implants alter the frequency structure of your aura and consciousness through the messaging made on the Central Nervous System (CNS). Through your consciousness you can alter the frequencies and remove them from their harmful effects. Do not be afraid of it. Personal 12D shielding, commanding your space and stopping addictive behaviors from controlling you, or allowing yourself to be an automaton, will stop allowing these parasites into your body. Those of us that are etheric surgeons also - by knowing this exists - will be able to identify the culprits and help to free people from this type of enslavement to addiction and misery. Additionally we will be called to take it out of planetary networks when it becomes available in the timeline. First we must identify it in the human body so we can take it out of the planetary body. As we unify and come together to share our findings we become a part of the planet support team to free humanity from this insidious enslavement matrix. Alien implants and parasites are another way this consciousness enslavement is enforced.

For now:

  • Remember to "seal" your astral body along with wearing your 12 D shield. This should give more relief from the etheric and astral pressure from implantation. That process is using the Golden Egg to seal your astral layers. Practitioners should practice this astral body seal with their energy session clients. Example: See a Golden Egg with the golden ray frequency inside your brain and 3rd eye. Drop the Gold Egg to your tailbone and blow it out of your perineum area. See the bottom root chakra sealed in a gold lid. Create another Gold Egg in your brain and drop it into your 2D chakra. Blow it front to back and see the chakra cones sealed in a golden lid (both front and back). Create the last Gold Egg in your brain, drop it into your Heart Chakra and blow it out front and back, see the front and back chakras sealed in a golden lid. If you feel vulnerability anywhere else, like your head or neck, repeat the process in that area and blow it out to surround your head and then your whole body while encased in your 12 D shield.
  • Ask Avatar Christ or God Self to Identify, Locate and Remove all cords, DNA bonds, clones/copies, attachments, fragments to any and all extraterrestrial contacts, entity contacts, monadic families, that are INORGANIC and ALIEN MACHINERY from your MENTAL BODY, SOUL BODY, MONAD BODY And all Spiritual Source light. Then REPAIR all holes, tears and portals to the past, present and future timelines. Last, Return to Rightful owner all aspects that belong to your soul-spirit. If you are calibrated and in agreement with the HGS, carry out an AIM session for yourself.

Archontic Genetic Engineered Entities (SPE)

This "SPE" is one of the main sources of voice recognition mind control that is implanted most commonly through the gallbladder meridian. It is a parasite, so its life cycle and how it burrows into the bodily matrices, is exactly like a physical parasite. In understanding how Alien implants and SPE's function, is to understand parasites. Your goal is to purge (detoxify) parasites in every way you can from your body. A very important thing to understand is that physical parasites in the body create disease, energy blockages and increase the body's vulnerability to mind control technologies. This is what the Archons want, to weaken our bodies with parasites to be subservient to their control. This is why the medical system will not apply live blood microscopic analysis, frequency testing, or acknowledge pleomorphic change of microorganisms** inside the human body as responsible for disease. If this became medically acceptable it would reveal parasites and toxicity as the cause for all disease and we would eradicate the need for synthetic drugs and medical barbarism. Energetic parasites are the source of physical parasites and pathogenic microorganisms. The more alien implants we have, the more energetic parasitism happening in our life force and vital body essences. If we are covered with infection and parasites we are living in a rate of decay which greatly impacts the quality of our bodily function, to which we are not made aware.

The Archontic Genetic Engineered Entity or SPE (Suppressor Parasite Entity) briefing:

SPE's are jelly fish or crab grass like blobs with "tentacles" that are genetically engineered by the Archons to implant the side (lateral) head of the target, can be either right or left or both sides. They generally are implanted in the Gallbladder (GB) meridian from the outside corner of the eye and wrap around the ear like the GB meridian. These engineered machines "mimic" the person's thoughts, voice and create a voice recognition pattern with the person/host brain pattern and chemistry. This implant takes time to ""train" the body to "listen" to the artificial entity, and as the person is unaware that the mind control is being used to influence their thoughts, actions and behaviors, the entity actually "grows". It has a hub/brain in the center blob which has etheric tentacles that will grow to stimulate parts of the CNS/ autonomic responses in the spinal nerves and spinal cord. In more advanced stages it will be the voice inside the host's head, pushing thoughts into your mental body. It feeds and grows on the life force of the host like a parasite. The thoughts are programmed to genetically mimic your own voice recognition pattern which hardwires the brain to react automatically as the brain thinks it is receiving self-impulsed thoughts. This is to create human military machines (super soldiers) or create sociopaths, who do not ask questions but just carry out orders or react without applying reason or intelligence.

The N.A.A. uses males more to carry out these acts of violence and to get them to do so, will implant them with some variation of these SPE's. I have noted the tentacles when they grow create instinctual reactions in the person, and this can eventually grow the addiction matrix to be at the whim of this controlling SPE entity having trained the brain pattern.

It is possible to pull them out of the body from the GB meridian channel with your hands and fingers. In my direct experience, the balance of female-male hierogamy (HGS) in energetic session work makes the removal of these insidious objects easier. Some of us Star People will activate our meridian channels in our hands to be able to actually "pull" these frequency alterations in the field out and away from the persons skull. The ability to pull out implants with the hands is referred to as the "Orion Codes". This is because this is a remnant from the Orion Wars. The HGS is a tool to work with this as we get more skill and expertise learning how to disarm and destroy these creatures at their source location in the temporal area of the brain and skull.

In the interim to stop them from being implanted or growing further if you are suffering from this kind of attack:

  1. Be conscious of their existence and know they're there, do not allow yourself to go on auto pilot and identify them as not a part of your organic self.
  2. Do not feed them in any kind of frenzied emotional or sexual displays. Calm and discipline your emotions.
  3. Palpate the temporal lobe you can feel them "pulse" with your fingertips. Especially when you catch them off guard.
  4. Work with the gallbladder meridian meditation and ways to increase the flow of your GB meridian energies. Study the GB meridian and in meditation focus all of your might on removing these and asking for your Ascension Medical Teams and Guardian Krystal Host support. Here is a link to further understand the Gallbladder meridian and its function with the body.
  5. Acupuncture may help move the energy flow in the areas the tentacles are embedded.
  6. Detox your Gallbladder and Liver to help remove parasites both energetic and physical. Parasites are a source of mind control and disease.
  7. Energy session workers may be able to gather the 12D GSF energy in your hands in a ball, encapsulate the entity brain/hub inside your hands energy ball and build the energy momentum to destroy it. The thing will hide itself and cloak itself, so it's important to not engage with it in conversation at any level.
  8. Intuitively you may learn to pull out the structure through the GB meridian pathway out of the finger tips or the toes which is entirely possible, although it may be painful to the subject. (Hair gets in the way around the ear) When you capture the entity and pull it out, it will create cracking energy noises over the joints - you can hear the energetic structure moving past joints.
  9. Meditate, clear negative ego and hold inner peace and this stops them from growing, they wither away and make them easier to pull out like half-dead weeds.
  10. They seem to be related to the C1/C2 dislocation at the back of the cranium and spine and crucifixion implants. These implants seem to make their removal much more difficult, so when the Atlas Adjustment occurs and there is a systematic release of the crucifixion implants, these jelly fish creatures are much more easily pulled out at the side temporal lobe. So a part of the issue is waiting for the person to evolve to a point where they can participate with their own spiritual growth, and recognize these creatures, otherwise pulling these out can feel like a violation to the body.
  11. Our ES meditations and HGS will help the sequential layers of releasing, we have had many people verified their case of personal SPE removal. Many of us have found Rife machines with plasma photon tubes effective at disintegrating many types of alien implants. Several have reported in our community that they were given an "etheric gold spray", a Golden Egg Seal for the Astral Body which has lubrication and nullification effect which pulls them out easier. We have opportunity now in the planetary field to clear these parasites and become free of these insidious and malicious entities.

For more observations, research and graphic aids on this issue please go to the Implants and Parasites section of the ES website.

Gaining Clarity of Purpose with Energetic Healing 

During this time of purging physical and energetic parasites you may feel guided to call upon energetic healers to help you. With healing or session modalities, the practitioner's access the level of their own octave of spiritual light quotient and below, in order to service an energetic exchange with their client. If the client has a higher frequency then the practitioner the exchange is generally vibrationally incompatible (unless it is for a karmic lesson exchange). This is why it is important to develop personal discernment in your choice of healing modality and practitioner. The modality will also be aligned to the matched frequency of the founder/creator of the healing modality. The founder and creator of any format are bound to the energetic containment of the responsibility of that creation. (As we are aware there is also extreme interference to interrupt a modality by dark forces who want to hitch hike or catch a ride on the energies. Wearing your 12 D shield or HGS Calibration method is the best protection for both parties)

There is no value assigned at any level, and any type of modality serving a specific level of being can be beneficial, as long as the person feels aligned vibrationally to the healing session. Here at ES our mission is to serve a template of Galactic to Universal modality and the spoken language reflects that energy signature. This is why the language can feel new or confusing - as it has not been on the planet like this before, and we are laying a new foundation as a template for the planet and humanity. Galactic history has frequency memory and will activate a person at the cellular level. This is the phenomena of why in our ES lexicon of language many people feel it first, before mentally comprehending what was actually being said literally. The information presented is not just words, it has a place in Galactic and Universal history. When a person is listening to the sessions shared in the ES community, they are starting at the 10-11-12 Triad and working "down" into their personality body to decipher the translation. This is why sometimes many people take a while to actually "feel" or sense something. The body at its lower physical density cannot feel it. Later on, as the bodies integrate and acclimate to higher frequencies, the body starts to link up with the Christos Triad and the physical body starts to "feel" again.

Most people on planet earth start healing from the personality up. Reiki and many energy modalities work this way. The ES Guardian template is working from Christ triad (12D Avatar) to descend down through communicating inside the 12 D pillar. The 12D pillar is the Handshake Hub that allows the Christos Triad to start to anchor in the foundation and descend into the downward spiral to embodiment physically. Sometimes the 12D hits a block somewhere in a section of the light body that the person cannot feel or know where the block is originating. Sometimes going to that specific level of being, say such as Soul level helps the blockage remove its obstacle path so the "descension" process of the Christos body can continue its embodiment pathway without burning out the nervous system or brain. Listening to your inner guidance and sometimes following a zig zag path will lead you to the sequence needed for your lightbody development. I witness sequences in the biological and planetary timelines as critical for personal healing development, all the time!

This process can only be felt from the sensory body from personal discernment whether this "feels right" for each person. However it is the reason why I am not allowed to simplify Guardian language or dilute the energetic signature of what is shared so that the human mind can immediately recognize what's being said. (This work is not for mass consumption) This is because that consciousness technology information has been wiped out or stolen from the planetary body so humanity would not recognize the language mentally. Through mind control implants certain topics are "mind slided" so the person is unable to have comprehension in their language center in their brain. This is yet another reason removing mind control implants is critical for better comprehension of the Negative Alien Agenda. Many times healing is nonlinear and nonverbal, and the frequency of what is relayed allows it to bypass the person's mind control system. The Healing process and reconnection process only happens through feeling, not thinking. When finding an energy facilitator here are some brief guidelines:

Personality Levels (1-2-3D)

Addressing the personality functions, individual mental and emotional body trauma. Chakras are cleansed and reset into proper spinning pattern (receive input energies, release output energies). Timeline accessed is within biological genetic memory - fetus to passing. Full access to current family of origin memory. Limited access to ancestral and spiritual body memory.

Soul (4-5-6D)

Collective Race memory and the beginning of heart/love opening through spiritual energetic source on planetary level. Access to Nadial systems (etheric nervous system) and personality birth transduction - the soul connects to etheric Ka layer to form and birth the physical self. Multiple soul identities are accessed, usually earth based memories and referred to as "past lives". Starseeds have a soul extension that is extraterrestrial and not earth based. A soul body healing for a Starseed from a Earthseed healer is not likely unless the Star guidance intervenes. This is the most common frequency used in earth based healing and is effective at certain times.

Monad (7-8-9D)

Planetary Logos memory - memory in other stellar and planetary bodies, entire multiple species and tribal memories. Extraterrestial and multiple identity memories surface. Stargate, ley lines and genetic line memories are accessed. Access to the entire Soul Birthing transduction sequence. Hybrid memories ( i.e. Nephilim) are located in 9D.

Christ Buddha (10-11-12D)

The Solar Logos fields and Lunar Chain histories. Memory in Galaxies, multiple planetary logos and solar and lunar chains of existence. Access to Monadic birth transduction sequence. Monadic Twin healing begins to prepare for Unity field embodiment.This unity state is called Hieros Gamos or the Risen Christos.

Spiral in No Time (144/Zero Point) All is One. One is All.

Multiversal and Aurora Fields which lead into the Seven Higher Heavens and Next Universal Order through Andromeda. This is accessible through Mothers Arc Gateway during the Ascension timeline and is the portal that leads into the New Universal Body.

I hope by sharing this information while on my mission will help more of us to understand this enslavement structure and become free of its effects. I also hope that it empowers more of us as "energy facilitators" to recognize these systems operating in the many people who suffer horribly from its "infection" in their body. If more of us can view this "objectively" as an artificial structure operating from the negative alien influence, it will cease to operate. That is our collective goal, for those who really wish to be free.

May we pray together for each member of our Light and Star community to be safe, to be connected, protected in the Cosmic Sovereign Law, no matter what intimidation tactics are attempted to be perpetrated. Please inform yourself about Dark Manipulation tactics and Intimidation tactics so you can defend and protect yourself and others from bullying techniques when you bring this topic up for conversation. Thank you to all of our Starseed community, and sending heartfelt appreciation to every one of you.

Big love and unity hugs, Lisa"

**Note for Pleomorphic change in Microorganisms
The reason pleomorphism is important to us and is proven in microscopic Live Blood Analysis is that we begin to understand at the core of all disease is parasitism, and the root of all disease (imbalance) on earth is also parasitism. When we apply this to the macro levels, we start to see the larger picture of the NAA as parasites and how that has impacted our world in every way. We have millions of names to call something that is diseased or sick, yet, it all boils down to causation and mutation of ONE THING - Parasitism. This is why anything having to do with parasites and toxicity (waste product,chemicals) causing disease or mutations is persecuted in the medical community. If we discover that and it goes mainstream the REAL PARASITES and the result of their toxic waste will be discovered, the Archons. Pleomorphism is the term used to describe the fact that some microorganisms can change form. At its most conservative scientists discovered in the last century that some fungi might in some conditions manifest as molds (filaments) and in other conditions manifest as yeasts (blobs). So "thrush" might be a mold (Monila or a name very similar) or a yeast (Candida) and it wasn't until about fifty years ago that they realized that Candidiasis and Moniliasis were the same disease. "Morph" refers to shape/form that shifts.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Isis' Golden Third Eye SunRay Heart Meditation: 464

Isis' Golden Third Eye SunRay Heart Meditation

464 = 443+14+1+2+0+1+3 = 443+7+7+7
 "We don`t see things as they are, we see them as we are."
quote ~ Anais Nin
Through a simple shift of perspective, we change our inner and outer worlds when we realize fully that we are vibrational energy beings. Being in love is being in the vibrational energy frequency of love. Emotions and thoughts are both energy. Feelings are the physical translation of vibrational frequencies flowing through your body. The Soul is one aspect our Higher Self and it is through the Soul from our Spirit that we experience the quality of our thoughts through feelings and emotions. This is how we experience what we are giving our attention to, be it consciously or unconsciously, and then manifesting into creation. The kind of thoughts one chooses to occupy themselves with or entertain for a long period of time repeatedly, sets up a mental wavelength that that person is resonating on and becomes cloaked like an atmosphere around them. This also acts as a field through which they emit energy through the feelings and emotions of those thoughts. This then repels or attracts persons away or towards one another according to their vibrational affinity. We are electro-magnetic energy beings. We have polarized aspects to ourselves. Equal forces of energy with different qualities that, when harmoniously balanced, function as a whole energy consciousness.

There are higher frequency thoughts and lower frequency thoughts - thoughts are energies. Our true nature resonates at the most highest spiritual thought vibration of the one Infinite Creator. Being that we all receive thought that is flowing out from the One Universal mental reservoir, we then all have the ability to receive any thought we allow ourselves to receive which is then felt and expressed as creativity.

In the beginning Humans were full of insight and emitted a spiritual light that poured out from between his eyes, an area that the Elders called the Third Eye. This was well known by the spiritual healers of old and by teachers and disciples of the Mystery Schools of Learning. This light was referred to in many ways: a vital energy, a force from the soul, an invisible antennae, a vapour of cosmic power. The Aquarian Age, (also known as Zep Tepi - meaning the ending of time and new beginning) is a period when the Truth which has been hidden, that which has been unknown, will take its true place in life with its owners, where the natural resources for man's inner qualities and abilities, not commonly known, will rise to their full capacity and reopen the Third Eye. The Aeon we are in now, is one of great planetary and cosmic ascension. We owe it to ourselves to raise our vibrations and consciousness to align with our divine nature. In doing this we create our ideal reality in harmony with the universal mind.
The Heart Centre is the Great Central Sun within your inner Universe and it is through the heart that purification and transformation takes place when we align with the Creator Spirit within. We can chose to live from either fear or love based intentions. Fear is based on the illusion of seperation and lack but Love reunites us with the reality of our oneness of all that is. It is time to shine and to be all that we can be for others and ourselves in gratitude, abundance, creativity, bliss and love for creation.

Journey To The Source 'A Guided Meditation'

post scriptum:
Ma'at, Isis, Horus & Nefertari:
סרבית המנון אלוהים של צדק

“Time is a game played beautifully by children.”
Heraclitus (established the term Logos)
+++ Hathor & Isis:
The Great Goddesses of Ancient Egypt