The energy of change is certainly in the air today, and our cards indicate that this is ultimately for the best. Don't fight against the current of flow from the Universe - instead, enjoy the process and where it is taking you, full of confident faith in your spiritual Vision. Have a wonderful Friday everyone! :-)
#1 Positive Change. Paravati. wheel of faith/fortune... #2 GOING WITH THE FLOW. Ace of cups. water.... Blue True love... change.. transformations... A Little Bird Named La Va - Let The Waters Flow #mp3 1/3/6/9/12 Snow Snow Owl Olw No No More More. Ra RA. #END black panther... AurorA Bluean
Want to see something freaky and very telling? In witchcraft and demonology, spells are “cast” by means of “magic mirrors” – which are believed to be the entrance to other dimensions. “Through the looking glass” is more than simply symbolic, and the Qabala mystery religions teach that “Lilith” enters into this “world” via “mirrored walls” which are “the entrance to her cave.”
Now comes the freaky part. On May 1, 1776, Sabbatean cult disciple Jacob Frank conspired with Adam Weishapt and Amschel Rothschild. In a highly demonic ritual, the trio communicated with “Father Lucifer” who revealed unto them the “Darkest Priesthood the World had ever known!” The Jewish “Frankite” cult named their organization the “Illuminated Ones” (Lucifer, the “Son of the Morning” brings “first light” or “enlightenment” to the world.) The House of Rothschild controls much of the earth’s wealth. Their elitist organization is called the “Illuminati”.
Frank, Weishapt, and Rothschild
In demonology, secret names have power inter-dimensionally when reversed or “mirrored”. Thus Illuminati becomes itanimulli. Check out what happens when you add .com to itanimulli:
Click on it, and see what comes up. DOES ANYBODY THINK THIS IS JUST COINCIDENCE???
Following this post and discussion on the radio show, I was alerted to a couple of websites that discuss this much more in-depth.
and then this one from “Free-Loving American” (who is a bit of a “potty-mouth”):
Bottom line? It doesn’t matter WHO owns the domain name and “redirects it”. THE QUESTION SHOULD BE WHY was this done to begin with?? What would “possess” Mr. Fenley to do this deed in the first place? More to-the-point however, is simply why would the NSA not strenuously object to this happening? Furthermore, ATT&T and “” may be more closely linked than many would think at first glance.
P.S.S Follow the post of “Ken” below. Here is my response to him:
BTW, Ken — this is exactly the Story Behind the Story of “Dracula” by Bram Stoker. It tells of the emigration to London of a shape-shifting, blood-drinking, “Count” from ancient Romania – but in a “fiction” novel format. This “Count” has three, mysterious wives, and was the topic of many incredible stories circulating around London at the time, including blood-drinking rituals, immortality, and the abduction of children (aka “blood libel” and “Jewish Ritual Murder) as the necessary ritual ingredient in maintaining eternal youth and vitality. This is all based in fact, actually – and Stoker at the time he wrote “Dracula” was actually employed by The London Telegraph newspaper. I submit that MANY TRUE STORIES were edited out of the Telegraph – because, you see, Rothschild controlled the Bank of England – and the “Telegraph” had to be very careful in exposing “Truth” of this genre.
According to WikiPedia: “Before writing Dracula, Stoker spent several years researching European folklore and mythological stories of vampires. Dracula is an epistolary novel, written as a collection of realistic, but completely fictional, diary entries, telegrams, letters, ship’s logs, and newspaper clippings, all of which added a level of detailed realism to his story, a skill he developed as a newspaper writer.” I think it odd that WikiPedia would make sure to add: ‘but completely fictional’. Oh yea?? Since when are “ship’s logs”, “letters and telegrams” and “diary entries” COMPLETELY FICTIONAL???????
Vlad Tsepes (Count Dracul)
Jakob Frank (Count Dracul?)
Castle Dracul - Romania
I submit Stoker was telling the TRUE story of the Sabbatean Cult’s movement from Transylvania into England — all of the central tenants of the novel “Dracula” have a basis in occult practices and demonic “gifts” of the disciples of Rabbi Sabbatai Svi. The descendants and adherents of Illuminati co-founder Jakob Frank (a disciple of Sabbatai Svi) indeed began concentrating their efforts in London, shortly after Rotshchild gained control of banking and the stock market there. Take a close look at the images of Jakob Frank and “Vlad the Impaler” — they may well be one and the same “immortal” being. At the very least, there is an undeniably clear “family resemblance”. I submit, TRUTH is stranger than fiction — yet fiction gives the public an “escape hatch”.