September 5, 2011 ARCTURIAN CORRIDOR Your Multidimensional Reality II
By Dr. Suzan Caroll
September 5, 2011
Your Multidimensional Reality II
Inter-dimensional Travel
Greetings from the Arcturians, we see that many of you, our grounded expressions of SELF, are now awakening, and are fully awakened, to your multidimensional consciousness. Consequently, we come to you to assist you in better understanding your expanded abilities. Just as you may need to adapt to the expanded abilities of a new computer, you are now in the process of adapting to the expanded abilities of your multidimensional consciousness. In our last meeting: ( we assisted you with your expanding ability of inter-dimensional communication. We meet with you now to assist you to better understand your ability of inter-dimensional travel. It is these multidimensional abilities that will assist you in being a vanguard of Personal and Planetary Ascension.
The process of inter-dimensional travel is actually a form of reality jumping. In order to jump realities you must know and totally believe that it is possible. Doubt comes from fear, and fear lowers your consciousness to a frequency that is too low to jump realities. In fact, you jump realities many times a day with the wavering of your consciousness. For example, imagine that you were going to one of your grocery stores.
Let us say that you awoke from bed early enough to meditate and align your consciousness with the reality filled with joy and love. With peace and happiness you set off in your automobile to get your groceries. However, you are so enjoying your bliss that your focus drifts from the road and into the beautiful sky, which causes you to drive directly through a stop sign.
You do not realize this mistake as you are watching a lovely bird flying just above you. Then you hear a short tone of the siren and see flashing lights behind you. You look in your rearview mirror to see a police car. Instantly, your consciousness drops and you are in a lower resonance of reality. You feel fear activate your adrenaline, which rushes through your body. Your thinking moves to how you will afford this ticket and wonder what you did wrong. You are no longer happy, and you no longer notice that the sky is beautiful and clear.
How do you get back to the reality in which you began your day? The answer is that you meditate. In the same manner as you began your lovely day gone wrong you can return to your higher state of consciousness. If you can remember to put aside your thoughts of fear and worry and to safely park your car, you can take another long moment to look into the sky, and then close your eyes. You can breathe deeply and return to your higher state of consciousness. In this manner, you will know that the problem of getting a ticket was a reminder that while doing certain Earth activities you must remember to stay fully grounded.
It is through “mistakes” such as this example that you remember to expand your consciousness, not only into the higher dimensions but deeply into the body of Gaia. As members of the Planetary Ascension Team you have volunteered to retain an earth vessel until Gaia has completed Her process of Planetary Ascension. We are here to remind you that the frequency of your collective consciousness is rising with your every breath. Consequently, it is vital that you remember to repeatedly integrate your expanded consciousness into your daily life. Since energy travels in circles, the higher you go into the Spirit Realm, the deeper you must go into the physical world to fully ground your expanding energies.
We see that many of our grounded ones are chafing at the bit to experience the grand finale of ascension. And a wonderful finale it shall be, but there may or may not be a fanfare or definitive moment of ascension, YOU are the authors of your new reality. We are here to assist you, but this is YOUR ascension. YOU are creating it. However, KNOW that your ascension is a process, which you have already begun. We cannot tell exactly how you will experience ascension, as your version of reality is determined by your perception.
Your beliefs determine your state of consciousness. Your state of consciousness determines your expectation. Your expectation determines your perception, and your perception determines your reality. The reality that you perceive is the reality that you experience. This last sentence is the key to inter-dimensional travel. Hence to travel inter-dimensionally, you must:
- Believe that you are capable of inter-dimensional travel
- This belief in your SELF expands your consciousness
- With expanded consciousness you expect to perceive higher dimensions
- Since expectation guides your perceptions, you will begin to perceive higher dimensions of reality
You may wish to document your journey in some manner so that you can better remember it. It is often difficult for your human computer/brain to remember these journeys if you have not documented them. Furthermore, once documented you can share your experience with others. Sharing your experience will assist you to ground it into your daily beliefs, consciousness, expectations and perceptions. Also, if our grounded ones find the courage to share their experiences, they greatly influence the beliefs, consciousness, expectations and perceptions of the collective reality. Eventually, inter-dimensional travel will become “normal,” and a component of the Collective and Planetary Consciousness.
On the other hand, sometimes your journey ends because of time constraints, or because you can no longer maintain that higher state of consciousness. You, our brave grounded ones, are more accustomed to third dimensional consciousness. Therefore, your brains are still calibrated to that frequency. With practice, the Multidimensional Operating System of your computer/brain will come fully online, making the perception of higher and higher dimensions of reality a “normal” experience.
At that point, the third dimension will become the grounding point for your Multidimensional SELF, as well as Gaia’s physical earth body. Since you and Gaia are both in the process of ascension, you are realizing that your third dimensional expression of reality is coming to a close. This awareness can have a great influence on your emotions. Therefore, it is important that you honor each emotion, for the Mastery of your emotions is one of the biggest challenges you have had in your earthly incarnations.
Preparing for Ascension 4 - THE POWER OF EMOTION
When you are traveling in your consciousness, you will “run out of fuel” if you allow any fear-based emotions to invade you which will cause your consciousness to plummet into the third dimension, or worse, into the Lower Astral Plane. Therefore, if you begin to experience fear, call to your Inner Guides and/or a higher dimensional expression of your SELF. If you feel you cannot do that, then just open your eyes. Once you see the physical world around you, you will return to the habit of being third dimensional.
The frequency of unconditional love provides you with the smoothest ride into the higher worlds. Unconditional love instantly connects you with your Celestial and Galactic Family who will protect and assist you on your journey. This guidance and protection will facilitate the maintenance of your expanded consciousness. It is through the power of your expanded consciousness that you are able to experience your other realities. You can travel from one reality to another by changing the state of your consciousness and remembering that your imagination is actually the power of your fifth dimensional thought.
Most importantly, your power lies in your Knowing and Believing that YOU are a great Multidimensional BEING! This belief will give you the power to become the Master of your thoughts. If you can master your thoughts in your daily life, you will automatically be the Master of your thoughts throughout your inter-dimensional journeys. Remember that there are many versions of your Multidimensional SELF, so the dimension to which you will travel will be determined by the version of your SELF that is doing the steering/thinking. Because of this, it is best to begin your journey with the primary thought of surrendering to the highest expression of your SELF to whom you can surrender within that moment.
Your experience of your “self” is determined by your belief, consciousness, expectation and perception within any given time. When you travel inter-dimensionally, you experience your “self” in higher frequencies of reality. As you progressively experience higher and higher frequencies of reality, your sense of SELF expands. Each time you have an inter-dimensional journey, you will gain more confidence in the process. Thus, you will be able to surrender to higher and higher frequencies of your SELF, who can guide you into higher and higher frequencies of reality.
What is important for you to remember is that YOU are your consciousness, and your physical body is the form you consciousness holds in order to physically experience the third/fourth dimensions. YOU are your consciousness and your body merely contains YOU. However, YOU, your true Multidimensional SELF, is infinitely everywhere, in every reality, in every dimension, in every frequency because you are a component of the ONE. Since everything that you perceive is a component of the ONE, everything that you perceive is a component of YOU!
Many newly incarnated ones on Earth have not yet taken on the burden of third dimensional programming and can easily travel into the higher dimensions. In fact, they often do so, but this process is not perceptible to others, such as their parents, because they blink out of third dimensional space/time. Hence, to the vision of others they are just closing their eyes for a moment. Many of you did this as a child. However, if you told adults of your experiences their response was often, “It is just your imagination.” Hence, you began to doubt your excursions into other worlds or you kept them a secret.
It was this doubt and secrecy that created the fear of being different or crazy or that you were doing something wrong, which caused you to forget your innate skill of inter-dimensional travel. For this reason, it is important that you share your inter-dimensional experiences with others. Your courage to break free of your third dimensional programing will give others the courage to do the same. This will allow more and more of you to remember your innate, multidimensional perceptions and abilities.
Your ability to travel inter-dimensionally, along with all the rest of your myriad multidimensional skills, is stored in the 97% of your DNA known as “junk DNA”. Therefore, you do not have to learn anything. You only have to unzip these DNA files with the multidimensional light and unconditional love that you are constantly downloading. We are always available to assist you with this download process. All you need do is ask. As you download these higher frequencies of energy, your Junk DNA will automatically be activated, and the Multidimensional Operating System stored in the 97% of your previously unused DNA will come online. In fact, this process is occurring more and more each day.
Once you have regained your multidimensional consciousness, there will no longer be the illusion of separation, and you will experience your self as ONE with ascending Earth. Critical mass has already been reached within your current expression of third dimensional Earth. Because of this, Ascension into the fifth dimensional reality of your choice, is alive and well within Gaia’s Unity Consciousness of the NOW.
This fourth dimensional reality is much like an afterglow that can only be maintained while there is a greater percentage of light than dark. Once the light of the afterglow ascends into the fifth dimension, the fourth dimensional glow will return to its fifth dimensional source, and the illusion of third dimensional Earth will disappear. There are as many versions of ascension as there are those who ascend. This differentiation of experience is the reason why the Force of the ONE copied itself into many expressions of form on countless experiences of reality.
When you want to take a form during your inter-dimensional travels, you can find an expression of your SELF who is holding a form in that realty and merge with that frequency of your SELF. On the other hand, you can create a form of light that resonates to that frequency. Either way, the form will need to match the frequency of your consciousness. Hence, taking a form is similar to a radio wave signal signaling one of your radios. That signal can only enter the “channel” that resonates to the same frequency of that radio wave.
When you take a form you will experience the dimension of the reality. However, whenever you slightly change the frequency of your consciousness, your form will begin to resonate to a different frequency of reality. As we said before, your change of focus is primarily achieved by changing your state of consciousness. It is your frequency of a consciousness that aligns you with the resonance of any given reality, as well as with any form that you create or inhabit within that realty. Hence, whenever you change your consciousness, you will also change the version of reality that you are experiencing.
Every form in every reality is actually a point of awareness through which the Force of the ONE perceives life. The fragment of your Multidimensional SELF that holds a form in the lower worlds of separation, usually does not remember that YOU are a portal through which the ONE perceives life. Instead, you believe that you are a separate being that is limited to your form. YOU are not your form. YOU are the component of the ONE that inhabits that form. In other words, WE all are ONE Being with myriad different versions of experience.
One of these realities may be aboard one of the Starships in which many of Earth’s grounded ones have a higher expression of SELF. Many of us on the Starships that surround your planet have also taken an earth vessel in your “time” to be able to assist from above, as well as from the planet’s surface. Another reality that our grounded ones can easily visit is on New Earth in which Earth has become a member of the Galactic Federation. Many of you greatly enjoy that reality. You love the instant transportation via the Portals. Of course, there is no movement involved with the Portals because you instantly arrive at your destination. Therefore, you may choose to travel in one of the swift, gravity free automobiles. From these vehicles, you can see your reality while you travel through your new world.
You also enjoy the instant manifestation of any item you need via the replication machines, and all of you love the complete freedom from financial worries. There is no money on any fifth dimensional reality and healing is light years ahead of your present dimension. Because of this, there are no diseases, and the few injuries that do occur can be instantly be healed. Most of all, you enjoy the freedom from fear. Fear does not resonate to this frequency, so it is non-existent. In fact, fear is non-existent in any reality that resonates to the fifth dimension and beyond. Fear is the result of separation from Spirit, from your SELF, from others and from your planet. Thus, there is no fear within the unity of New Earth.
Many newly ascended ones need to rest on New Earth, which resonates at the threshold of the fifth dimension. This rest is usually required to heal your thoughts and emotions from the fear and pain of your multiple incarnations in a dualistic reality. New Earth is much like the third dimension without the concepts of separation and the fear that results from it. Also, New Earth has the advanced technology that has been hidden from you by the rulers of your present version of Earth.
If you still are attached to a human body, human homes, some form of education and jobs, you may wish to enjoy New Earth where you live in houses and are primarily planet bound. However, in this borderland reality you can experience Star Cruises, which are much like ocean cruises or airplane trips to a faraway location. On New Earth, you have the opportunity to gradually awaken to your Multidimensional SELF without the burden of financial issues and health problems. Therefore, you can continue to live a life similar to the one you are living now, but without the challenges of duality.
New Earth resonates to Unity Consciousness. Hence, all fear is instantly transmuted into love on New Earth because there is no sense of separation. You do not need to work hard to attain survival needs, as there is no money. “Another person” can no longer rule you, as you are all ONE Being who works as a unit to create a New World. It is the creation of this new reality that draws our ascending ones to live on New Earth. After myriad incarnations in a third dimensional Earth, it is such a great adventure to be among the ones laying down the foundation of a new reality.
By staying in New Earth at the borderland of the fifth dimension, you can enjoy the process of remembering how to manifest with your thoughts and emotions. Once you are completely comfortable with your power of manifestation, many of you will move into the mid-fifth dimension where instead of society instantly providing you with your needs, YOU become the power of your manifestations. On the other hand, some of you will choose to return to your Homeworld to visit your Galactic Family or go directly into the realms of pure light to return to your Angelic or Elohim expressions of the ONE. In the meantime, you can visit your options for ascension via your inter-dimensional travel.
To begin our journey, please release your attachment to the limitations of space/time, so that you can travel within the NOW. Step into your inner Arcturian Corridor to activate your fifth dimensional consciousness and align your inner and outer perceptions to the ONE of the NOW. Even though you are aware of your physical vessel, trust that your experiences are the perceptions of a higher frequency of our Multidimensional SELF. In this manner, you can accept that your earth vessel is grounded in Gaia, who is serving as your anchor, as well as your protector.
You have been indoctrinated for many third dimensional lifetimes to believe that your inner vision is not real and that only your vision of the physical word is real. You are now breaking free of that illusion and living the truth of your great powers of inter-dimensional communication and travel. With your increasing freedom from third dimensional illusions, you can experience realities far beyond your former limitations. Trusting your inner perceptions is an important key to ascension. Thus, rather than perceiving your self as a human looking OUT into third dimensional Earth, think of your self as a Multidimensional Being looking IN to your multidimensional world. It is through these inner perceptions that you can free yourself from the illusions of the physical world.
Furthermore, please remember that just as different temperatures of water intermingle in your oceans, different frequencies of reality intermingle in Cosmic Space. Allow your power of imagination to perceive this Cosmic Space around you. This frequency of reality resonates to the fifth dimension. Therefore, remember the Mastery of your thoughts and emotions, as they will be greatly amplified and instantly manifested in this “frequency pool” of the Cosmic Ocean. Also, since this area is fifth dimensional, the energy that you emanate will instantly return to you.
Take a moment to use your power of emotion to FEEL the multidimensional light and unconditional love of this area. Surround your essence with this energy field to maintain your connection with your Multidimensional SELF. You can raise your consciousness to these peaks of emotional perception, which few planetary societies have been able to attain, because you have been brave enough to live in a reality with a huge density of fear and have still awakened. It is your expanded light and love that allows you to enter this frequency of Cosmic Space.
FEEL the light and love of the glorious colors of the surrounding inner/outer space, and focus your thoughts on your collective journey. This frequency of reality is beyond your third dimensional perceptions, but you can merge with our Arcturian energy, and the collective energy of those with whom you share this journey, to assist you in maintaining your multidimensional consciousness. Because you have allowed your consciousness to perceive the fear-based events on Earth and have blessed them with your unconditional love, you are now able to perceive this frequency of reality.
As you travel into this frequency of reality, you feel the Kundalini rising in your body. Your Lightbody wants to shine beyond the limitations of your physical skin, so you take a moment to firmly ground your self in the body of Gaia and experience your self as a planetary Being. Once you have done so, you can continue your trek through this area of space with the physical form of Gaia serving as a grounding anchor. In fact you are so connected to Gaia that you and the planet are ONE. All of you who are volunteers of the Planetary Ascension Team will be having wonderful inter-dimensional journeys, but you will be urged to wait to transmute into Lightbody until Gaia is ready to come with you.
You are like the stone in a slingshot. The rubber band that holds the slingshot is pulling back further and further, so that even in your daily life, you are feeling the immense tension of this potential acceleration building up within you. It is this building of potential energy that determines how far into the higher dimensional realties you can go when the rubber band is let loose and the stone accelerated into its path of trajectory. To remain in complete control of this type of situation you need to calibrate your release point into the highest expressions of Planetary Ascension and make sure you have aimed your intention into the signature frequency of New Earth that is in alignment with your multidimensional mission. You also need to be the Master of your Emotions and choose unconditional love again and again.
Within this frequency, your thoughts get clearer and you remember why you have experienced “bad things” in your life. Something fear-based was developing because your ego was in control and was moving you in a direction that was out of alignment with your highest purpose. At that point, your Soul took control of the helm and drove you into a “ditch” to give you some time to think more deeply about how you wanted to create your life. When you surrender your thoughts into the Flow of this expanding frequency, you easily understand how your challenges were only places in your life in which you were getting out of alignment with your Soul Path.
These experiences were much like driving on the freeway while you were so tired that you were falling asleep and gliding into another lane. If it were not for the bumpers between the lanes, you could have gone into another lane. It was these difficult moments that actually signaled that your emotions had become fearful and your thoughts were not in alignment with your Path. Therefore, your problems were signals to find your Center again, for from this Center, you were ONE with your SELF.
As the visions begin to dim, you see the Galactics who have been assisting Earth’s return to Her Center Path. You experience these Galactics as many energy fields, some are encased in Starships and others, who are beyond the need for a flying vessel, are traveling as pure consciousness. As you commune with these higher-dimensional Beings, a great calm flows through you and pulls your energy deeply into your core.
Those who can visit and commune with this frequency/area, have a consciousness that resonates to the fifth dimension 51% of the time. In fact, those who are aware of this area of space are actually those who have ascended within their consciousness, yet still hold a physical form to assist with Planetary Ascension. Therefore, they are Ascended Masters who are still maintaining their earth vessels. Your energy is now returning to your earth vessel and your eyes are opening. You can hear the traffic noises and feel your earth vessel around you. You are back on ascending Earth and fully contained within your earth vessel.
The shift is taking place right now. However, this change cannot be observed by your third dimensional perceptions. You will need to call primarily upon your High Heart to FEEL how the energies have changed. Then, you will need to believe in these feelings more than you believe in the illusions of your crumbling 3D Matrix. This Matrix is not meant to enter this area/frequency of space, and it will not. Therefore, those who resonate to the old paradigm of “power over others” and “service to self,” will not enjoy the speed at which their own thoughts and emotions return to them.
Your higher dimensional expressions of your Multidimensional SELF are cheering you on as you approach the “finish line.” Please do not be concerned with the amount of “time” necessary to prepare for your new adventure, as YOU are the creator of your life NOW. The expanding frequency of light and love entering your body will activate your fifth dimensional abilities of manifestation and expanded perceptions. Furthermore, your biological computer/brain is learning to function multidimensionally. Your Multidimensional Operating System will gradually and safely activate your unused DNA, as well as the 90% of your brain that has been unused while your earth vessel resonated to the third/fourth dimension.
We remind you that you don’t have to “do” anything and Know that you have an inner breaking system. Therefore, if you begin to feel overwhelmed, please call to us, the Arcturians, or to whatever Guides you are working with and ask for a rest. During this rest take as much time as you need to integrate what you have downloaded. The best way to facilitate your integration process is to remain calm, be in Nature, enjoy your loved ones (this opens your High Heart more), take naps, get enough sleep, eat carefully and according to your body’s needs and drink enough water.
All of our grounded ones are familiar with what they need to do in order to afford their physical form the “time” to fully integrate the expanding frequencies of light and octaves of unconditional love that are now being downloaded. Yes, unconditional love has octaves. With every increase in frequency, your High Heart can attune to higher and higher dimensions of reality, which allows you to feel more expanded versions of unconditional love.
As your High Heart continues to open, your Three Fold Flame glows brighter and brighter to regulate and calm your process of transmuting into Lightbody. Furthermore, your original “first eight cells” within the ATMA of your Three Fold Flame will gradually release your genetic memory of all your incarnations on Earth, as well as your myriad expressions of SELF throughout the Cosmos. Please stay tuned to our energy, as we will continually send more information regarding your process of ascension.
The Arcturians, the Galactic Federation and the Celestial Protectors of Earth
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