Friday, May 05, 2017

FutureAgeSage: Krystalline Brain Map

Krystal River, Christ, & Holy Mother Sophia
Wash my neurons, dendrites axons of all electromagnetic disconnection of all chemical imbalance
Wash my corpus callosum, my pineal, pituitary, hypothamalmuc, and thalamic nuclei
Keep the code of the christiac heart-mind throughout
Recalibrate and re-encrypt the cerebrum, cerebellum,
the frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, and limbic white and grey matter
Extend the healing waters to my central and peripheral nervous systems &
Ignite the central star, the core tone of return, and bring about my highest now moment
of awakening

May the krystal river cleanse and heal my incarnate, soul, and monadic station of identity
May the krystal river call me to my higher home within
May the krystal river love song emerge now within every cell of my body
so that I may serve as a bridge to full restoration of the organic human hologram

So be it and so it is

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Energetic Synthesis: Geomagnetism - Newsletter - March 2017

March 2017
 Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

In the ES community we have been paying great attention to the importance of the 2012-2017 evolution window and preparing for the immense transition the planet is undergoing this year, as conscious and informed as possible.  This is in sharp contrast to so many who have no idea that these global changes are happening, or how they are being directly impacted.  We are seeing more people start to lose coherence, exhibit lunacy, or having their light bodies knocked out of their physical body.  This produces a lack of physical coordination, clumsiness and disorientation, people that are not grounded within their physical body, as the foundation beneath our feet is changing. This month we will try to connect some of the larger Ascension Cycle shifts happening at multidimensional levels, with some of these strange and surreal experiences that people are having.  The earth is going through a massive Geomagnetic transformation, which creates both opportunities and vulnerabilities at this time.  These radical changes in the magnetic field impact the functions of our personal biology, our mind, and our consciousness. The war over timelines is more pressurized and the people who are unaware, can be easily swept up in powerful forces they would not consciously choose to participate with. It is highly suggested to focus on staying in your core, being inner directed and connected to the God source, as well as to conserve energy and use common sense in avoiding areas of potential chaos or disruption.
The Earth’s magnetic field is an ever fluctuating phenomena that greatly influences the world of subtle forces. It directly impacts all human activity, the environment and the matter world in a myriad of ways. The Earth's magnetic field acts like a giant invisible bubble that shields the planet from the energies in space, such cosmic radiation. The Earth’s magnetic field, also called the geomagnetic field, is the magnetic field that extends from the earth’s interior to where it intersects with the solar wind, as a stream of charged particles emanating from the Sun. Geomagnetism is the study of the earth's magnetic field and all associated phenomena and forces that impact it. Many of us will recognize that very little information about Geomagnetism is reported to the mainstream public because the magnetic field and gravitational waves on the earth are highly controlled and manipulated to suppress consciousness in a variety of ways. However, undisputed facts about the rapid weakening of the earth’s magnetic field have been verified by some researchers. As of 2014, the rate of the earth’s magnetic field weakening had greatly increased. What was previously measured as a five percent weakening per hundred years, has now increased to a five percent weakening per decade. This allows the space weather or cosmic energy to penetrate and interact with the earth’s atmosphere and crust more and more. The Geomagnetic North pole is moving many kilometers a year across the Arctic Ocean towards Russia, while the Geomagnetic South Pole has left the continent of Antarctica and is moving towards the Indian Ocean. The Geomagnetic poles are moving every year towards the equator. There are massive changes occurring in the earth’s magnetic field that are transforming life on earth as we’ve known it, and yet the topic rarely makes the news.
If we clearly comprehended Geomagnetism, humanity would have free energy, understand time differently, would look at the moon contrarily, and it would forever change the methods science uses for carbon dating fossils and rocks. If humanity actually understood the earth’s magnetic field and gravity, it would present many conflicts in the theory of evolution that are presented in the fabricated historical chronology.  Previous carbon dating methods have had radical time measurement differences that science does not share openly with the public. This is also the result of the magnetic field of the earth shifting and weakening.
Recently, when going deeper into the holographic architecture of the planetary body, it is clear that there are major geomagnetic shifts occurring, that are producing incredible changes in the physical properties of the planet earth. If the physical properties of earth are changing, then it means the physical properties of our bodies are also shifting. Even the physical elements themselves are changing in chemical composition. The matter composition of our bodies is being altered, which impacts the state of human consciousness in moving towards an ascending arc or a descending arc throughout time. These changing geomagnetic properties have deep repercussions at the quantum level, which shift the balance within the state of electromagnetism, which greatly impact the rotational spin rate of energy on the planet. The change in spin rate influences the earth’s rotation, which is the rotation of the planet around its own axis.  If we view the planetary body from above, from Polaris or the North Star, the earth is turning counter clockwise. The axis line is the vertical central channel or Staff, which functions as the main energy channel or Hara Line within the center of earth’s consciousness body, interfacing with many dimensions of subtle forces leading up the frequency scale into the Universal Core.
Currently, the radical shift in the magnetic field and core earth resonance is impacting our physical coordinate location in time and space. Our bodies are skipping forward through time rapidly attempting to keep up with Geomagnetic shifting that is occurring in the planetary body. This has been observed as many people being jerked out of alignment with their physical bodies, and noticing the energy layers and the core spiritual bodies are not centered properly on their vertical channel. When people are misaligned and not fully grounded in their inner core and physical bodies, accidents, injuries and near death experiences are much more common. The changing Geomagnetism is also impacting the dark matter field and the interplay between the natural subtle forces, which change the way energy transduces into matter as it moves from the unmanifest level, into the manifested form.
Recent geomagnetic shifts have resulted in alterations and failures in the way microwave technology, alien black hole technology harvests and produces, primarily black subtle forces to circulate in the earth and humanity. Black subtle forces are contained in dark matter, gravitational waves and are generated by the artificial magnetism in lunar transmissions from the moon. The manipulation of the earth’s magnetic field and gravitational forces are designed to manipulate DNA, control the carbon based matter on the earth body, as well as simulate these substances in labs, for use as nanotechnology weapons. Essentially the alien's technological manipulation of the black subtle forces and dark matter have been used to manipulate and suppress the molecular structure in matter, producing artificial magnetic effects in order to compact and compress the molecular structure of the earth body and the human body. Molecular compression is similarly to the piezo-electric effect, as matter is being squeezed it gives off biological light emissions. In order to comprehend the nature of primal subtle forces, and the reasons behind the NAA proliferating more and more of the black subtle forces in the earth, we will discuss these primal forces more deeply.

Three Primal Forces hidden in Nature
The main powers of cosmic intelligence that are hidden within all of creation are also found within matter. These consist of three main primal qualities that are contained within the subtle forces of consciousness, to which we are all exposed. The awareness and choices we make to interact with these subtle forces and their qualities, determine the rate of our spiritual growth and consciousness evolution. The consciousness of nature functions through these intelligent forces. These are spiritual qualities that exist within these subtle forces that either expand our consciousness or contract our consciousness. These three qualities are available in every spectrum of frequency and energy in existence, that are natural or organic to creation. To heal our mind and body we must understand how these subtle forces work and learn to flow in harmony with them, because they exist at every level in the world and also inside of ourselves.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Plasmatic Templar Restoration

" Plasmatic Templar Restoration "

Journeys With Rebecca Guest Tobias Beharrell (March 27 2017)

We welcome back Rebecca Jernigan to her show, Journeys,
with her first guest as her future co-host, Tobias Beharrel

E.T. Languages


Copyright © 2017 Wolf Chat. All Rights Reserved.

The 8 STEPS: Triumph Induction & Activation

The Go Vertical Code Induction sequence.
The 8 STEPS Triumph Induction & Activation from August 8th 2016 - KDDL 3 Program. The technique is copyrighted by Arhayas Production.

Free Techniques

It is recommended that the below techniques are completed in chronological order before completing any other journeys or workshops.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Arhayas: Voyagers - The Secrets of Amenti - Volume 2 - 2nd Edition


Voyagers - The Secrets of Amenti - Volume 2 - 2nd Edition

Return of a classic! First published between 1999-2012, Voyagers® II: The Secrets of Amenti features the original theoretical teachings of the Guardian Alliance as transcribed by E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas (formerly published under Anna Hayes & Ashayana Deane pen names), and stands as the forerunner to the vast bodies of continuing information known as the Kathara® Bio-Spiritual Healing System, the MCEO-Freedom Teachings® Series, the Tan-Tri-Ahura® Teachings, and the ShiftMasters®, HostMasters® and Keylontic® Discourses for Daily Living/KDDL® Courses. This book was greatly expanded in 2001-2002 as the 2nd Edition, which was published until 2012, and now Voyagers® II: The Secrets of Amenti -2nd Edition is back in print!
One of most informative, fascinating texts available on the purposes, processes and mechanics of human evolution, monumental events of 2000-2017, humanity’s extra-ordinary origins and evolutionary destiny, and the hidden purposes of the New Age Movement. This book imparts timeless insights into the nature of current events, with information even more pertinent now than it was in 1999.
Provides first revelation of the Keylontic® Morphogenetic Science paradigm, with detailed theoretical information on time mechanics, interdimensional planetary evolution, the science of Dimensional Ascension, integration of multi-dimensional identity, DNA mechanics and accelerated Bio-Spiritual Evolution.
This book also introduces Stair-Step Creation, a comprehensive model of 15-Dimensional universal physics and the corresponding 15 Primary Chakra System and 12-strand DNA Silicate Matrix authentic human gene code. The Stair-Step Creation model provides a unified, holistic perspective on the Science and Spirituality of Creation.
Discover the secrets of humanity’s evolutionary destiny that have been hidden within our ancient, traditional and New Age sacred mystical and religious teachings, and explore unique perspectives on humanity’s lost history, the 3 Seedings of the 12 Tribes, the DNA Checker-board Mutation, and the Atlantean Final Conflict Drama that is currently playing out on Earth.
This book is a classic read of theoretical, historical, and practical significance that assists to inform and provide context for the many advanced Guardian Alliance programs which followed.
580 Pages – 1999-2002 original release
Available as Electronic PDF download or Print Binder-Book
Note: Printed version comes as a 3-Ring binder and is larger format than originally released book. (Amazon, Apple and Epub formats coming soon!)

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Offplanet Radio: Duncan O'Finioan: Supernatural Eruption - Feb 20, 2017

Duncan OFinioan: Supernatural Eruption

Duncan O'Finioan: Supernatural Eruption


Emily Moyer & Randy Maugans with Robert Duncan O’Finioan

Duncan O’Finioan returns for an update on the climate in the dark realms. Working with survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and others, beset with supernatural entity interference, he discusses the process as the rifts open on the Earth realm. The hidden wars, time stream manipulation, DWave computer and the Many Worlds theories of Hugh Everett; parallel universes; quantum computer “alien gods” and hyper-dimensional crystals; Atlantis as a future event that folds over into our past-present-future state; Duncan shows some of the tools of the trade; the CERN effect on reverberation of time warps; “Missing 411” connected to dimensional rifts open up in the natural earth portals; “three days of darkness” will be the complete tearing of the dimensional veil; “it’s about to get worse”; politcal turmoil distractions; a separation of worlds; spiritual warfare in the trenches; 2017 is the year of polarity, the year of distraction; SRA healing and soul retrieval; entities as software programs running in the background; the conclusion is: You need to tune out the noise, and get tuned in to the inner realms.