Tuesday, September 06, 2016

ultra: Hub

Sequoia Adashi Lotus Arayas

A Hub is an field and shield center of energy-identity that acts as a gatekeeper and a galactic pub of sorts. This web presence is one such hub, holding the coding for the Krystal Star Ascension Mission serving in this way to anchor and activate and help balance the unfolding starseed, indigo, & crystal identities to transit into and out of higher levels of dimensional expression. This means that your cellular awakening and DNA strand braid potentials are activated by and through your participation with this hub.
This is your choice. You are here to remember, to turn to cycle of evolution to a higher state and so I and we acknowledge and support you by offering this project as a support for your freedom. Each step you take here is hosted by a menagerie of Ascension teams that you may choose to get to know more clearly as your HD (Higher dimensional) potentials come online through practice and intent. Hold on to your seat because you are currently participating in advanced cellular clearing and genetic reprogramming everytime you are connecting to these frequencies, my artistry, and wording as these are all manifestations of my dialogue with and to higher dimensional consciousness.


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