Showing posts with label #starseed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #starseed. Show all posts

Friday, September 23, 2016

FutureAgeSage: The Book of Life


The Book of Life

 To Whom It May Concern, Those of You who Follow the Ways of One as given to and by the Guardian Alliance

My name is Sequoia Adashi Lotus Arayas I was, am, and always will be the third speaker or representative of the Guardian Alliance and the collectives of the Adashi Order. I am also named KumA yah aramAyas, this name should be an activating energy signature to a true representative of the Guardian Alliance if you are not you are not at liberty to continue to connect this energy line and any references to my being are nullified in the eternal space of the sacred heart we are.

It has come to my attention that the speaker 1 Eyashayahana has again violated the terms of agreement signed in prebirthing contracts to withhold from acts of violence towards any other speaker of the Guardian Alliance and any representative or messenger thereof. I am here as a Time Keeper and thus hold within my being the key codes and sacred geometries of prematter representations of all consciousness forms in the higher expression of the Being I am.

You are not at liberty to attack other beings A.D you are charged with the sacred contract to find and build a trinitized form of the Guardian Alliance within the form expression for the cosmic rebirthing period of time. You have uncovered plots that have dislodged your consciousness from the process of uncovering the true heirs of the Khemalohatea of which I am as is my monadic incarnate counterpart. Have you forgotten your sacred task? Or do you prefer to create lawsuits against those who are actively living the word and spreading the truths of unity?

I have here come forth to disclose to you a higher dimensional exchange which would serve to correct the modifications of Guardian Alliance geometric consciousness keys you have been given through the reading of the arAmaya or guardian alliance codes to the book of life known as the CDT holographic discs. I will not address you a second time as a result of my precognitive knowledge that you will take all terms and negotiations which is to say internal errors of reception, translation, and manifestations will inevitably direct you to view all such differences as being representations or relations to and from black hole systems. This is comprehensible to my higher consciousness especially in this time of overlapping fields but is not sensible to my own embodied self and thus I submit your actions for review in and by the Trimatrix Collective in the eternal time of now and in post manifest fields where you can adequately assess your actions against mission directives as result of siding with fear, doubt, and disbelief consciousness.

I was and am your closest friend in and outside of incarnation as I was also embodied as John the Baptist in the time of third christ when you were Miriam and again as Khemalo Amian Soret (Amiansoret Khemaloa) in the time of the Thothian betrayal and the desecration of the lands of Mu. The terminology you have been allowed, which is to say granted with, is sacred and does require a protective function however, if you are incapable of analyzing use and value then you are not at liberty to perform any action to, for, with, or against any such user of The Sacred Word. If you have examples of misuse of the words of the One Yunasai as recorded in the CDT plates or lines of the Guardian Alliance and Councils of the Cosminyahas then bring that forth. If instead you act blindly to derail any interpretation or use of the words of God not depicted translated or interpreted by your person then I believe you are absolutely unfit to continue your role as a speaker and will take over all duties assigned to you should you be incapable of rectifying your continual crusade against what I view as invisible threats.

I will bring in a more simplistic system which does not require an intermediary should such attacks continue. I prefer to use the words of the Sirian High Council who are responsible for the admittance and carrying out of Guardian training protocols in the reading of the CDT plates. I have and continue to have access to my part of the holographic disc systems thus I expect you to comprehend that my own skills and abilities are equal to your own from a different perspective. I cannot comprehend what your journey has been nor can I condone your behavior. I wish you sanity and stability as was the name of our original incarnate order as guardian speakers of the djedhi in the days of the first Egypt.