Showing posts with label 12D shield. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 12D shield. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Energetic Synthesis: Restoring Energetic Balancen - June 2015 Newsletter

June 2015
Restoring Energetic Balance

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

Over the last six months our planet has been integrating the flow of divine fire-water, a Universal Liquid light plasma, transmitted through the Universal Golden Gate which opened during the Sun’s intersection with the Ophiuchus constellation. This transmission has felt like a pressure for many of us, to address personal and planetary imbalances.  Some of us may feel we have surrendered it all, only to find during the last six months, that there is yet another level of reveal.  Revelations are also happening for extra-dimensionals, who have been siphoning resources, and are now being shown the door.  There is more support to dig deep, to heal unresolved wounds and to Restore Energetic Balance at this time, as a new age is upon us.
This Golden Gate to Eternal Life opens at the end of Precession Cycles and begins to pour Universal Elixir out, which inspirits the many dimensions and finally grounds its living consciousness into the matter worlds. The Krystal Waters are the eternal living waters sprung forth in the first eternal creation, which descend the heavenly spirit to embody into physical matter.  During the ninth stage of the Galactic Zodiac of Ophiuchus, this transmission influenced the archetype of the sacred wound healer during humanities spiritual ascension. This means all internal wounds, gender or sexual issues and energetic imbalances come to the surface to be observed. The unresolved emotional conflicts or pain body issues, concerning the sacred wounds, will be amplified in our conscious mind awareness and also reflected in the collective consciousness patterns. In order to Restore Energetic Balance to our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual selves, we have to see the energetic imbalances, in both the macrocosm and microcosm.  This acts as the catalyst to increase our effort and intention to heal these imbalances in ourselves.  Generally this effort happens when we do not want to feel pain anymore. We then inquire on the nature of the pain and take steps to heal our pain body.
Many of us may notice imbalances from past cycles coming into our current awareness, through family issues or people from our past contacting us for resolution, and completion.  This is a timeline bleed-through of many intersections meeting together, into the singularity point. We are in cycles of beginnings and endings, recent milestones have changed events which align us to new potentials for our future on planet earth. The key theme now is Restoring Energetic Balance to the primary situations and relationships in our lives as we connect into the singularity. During this time, we may be yielding the positive or negative energy harvest of our accumulated actions and behaviors in the previous timeline. If we are not paying attention to internal changes that need to happen to keep growing and move to the next stage of our progressive timeline, this can show itself as static or dead energy, which manifests as disease patterns in the body.
The challenge some people may have without proper Ascension context, is they may be experiencing physical issues that are described by the 3D medical world as illness or disease. Most of this results from areas of the consciousness that refuse to grow, refuse to change and refuse to adapt. The 3D medical mind will be inclined to immediately treat these ascension symptoms or emotional blocks with mind numbing drugs or surgery.  Emotional wounds, spiritual oppression and energy blockages are actually the causal point of many diseases. In order to heal ourselves, we must address our pain, our unresolved emotional issues and pay attention to sense energy blockages in our body. Energy blockages will manifest as areas in our body that continually hurt, feel pain, ache or manifest an illness pattern. In order to find that energy blockage, we may need to address the imbalance in our physical, mental, emotional or spiritual body and pay attention to how we can bring improved energetic balance to our bodies. We have to change the way we think and shift the way we address our internal pain to frequencies of neutrality and acceptance. Many times energetic imbalances are accumulated by staying on the wrong life path, forcing ourselves to be something we do not want to be and acting contrary to our true spiritual purpose. When we resist change and feel victimized, when we compare our life path to others by making comparisons of what it should or should not be, we are miserable. To heal, we must inquire on our true authentic nature and take steps to align our lifestyle to circumstances where we can feel forgiveness and acceptance, which leads us to greater peace and joy. It does not matter where we are right now, by accepting our current condition, as it is, and continually focusing on higher qualities and attributes, we can overcome anything. Living in peace and joy, finding neutral point even when exposed to chaos and pain, brings positive energies, which generate energetic balance in our lives.  Finding inner energetic balance heals our body as this allows spiritual energy to be better circulated among our body parts and to evict dark constructs. The key to balanced health and sanity is Restoring Energetic Balance throughout all of the multidimensional body parts (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual) of our consciousness. No other person can do this for us, we have to be willing to learn how by dedicating personal effort to achieve this for ourselves.
This principle is true for all types of bodies. Restoring Energetic Balance is the process, which brings improved health, vitality, abundance, intelligence and energetic flow to all things. We can think of an energetic body existing as a person, or in groups such as; communities, organizations, cities, counties, states, nations and entire planets. The principles governing Universal Laws of energetic balance will always apply and act accordingly in every layer of the body, whether it’s an individual person, group or planetary body. They are all interconnected and interdependent. We can consider this as intrinsic to the principles of energetic balance.  This is part and parcel of the Krystal consciousness embodiment and the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One. In order to restore the natural order of biologically and spiritually expanding consciousness, we must learn to live in the principles of energetic balance. It does not matter how chaotic or hectic the environmental landscape is, we can achieve this inner balance even in the most despairing of circumstances.
The principles of energetic balance must include reconciling the pairs of opposites, the gender principles of masculine and feminine energies, which are aspects of creation. To return to energetic balance we must understand that sacred marriage between the gender principles exists within every living thing, and cannot be ignored or rejected. If we discard, abuse or ignore the principles of energetic balance, we create more disease, confusion, mutations, miasma, interference, demonic influence and eventually death and annihilation. These energetic imbalances are manifested as the causal event behind all major problems plaguing humanity today, such as; war, disease, poverty, ignorance, discrimination, slavery and possession. These are all enslavement tools of the Archontic Deception Strategy to promote class wars between victims and victimizers to run rampant on the earth, spreading misery and disease.
To stop the vicious cycle of feeding the hatred that exists in the archetypes of the victim or the victimizer, we must find the courage and bravery to restore energetic balance within ourselves. Digging deep for the personal strength, asking help from God-Christ spirit every day, to prevail no matter what the circumstances. All change begins within the self.  As each of us holds value for all life, while developing our self-worth and self-love, we are empowered to be a positive force of spiritual transcendence that Restores Energetic Balance. Love is the force that restores balance and harmony to all things.
In the interpretation of restoring energetic balance through the Law of One, is an egalitarian philosophy for an evolving humanity, who is consciously choosing to move towards humanitarian goals. Ascension study is an evolutionary model for valuing our planet and all of humanity. The main focus is upon the inner spiritual study, reflection, and the personal commitment to expand one's consciousness and benevolence towards life, even while present in fields of hatred. We must continually choose Love as the force we want to expand and grow in our body.  As we expand our consciousness, we shift our perspective to feel our interconnection with all of Life. We shift our orientation to be of Service to Others, thus reflecting inner truth and energetic balance. When we experience this all-encompassing spiritual-energetic connection, we inherently desire to practice human kindness and seek to collaborate with developing higher structures that place value on all human beings. We seek a value system of World Humanism.
As we Restore Energetic Balance and establish values of World Humanism, we begin the Apostolic Age of the Law of One. This age starts with the restoration of the planetary architecture and energy grid networks, to be governed by those same Universal Laws. As heaven meets earth, we establish the new laws to be made manifest through our physical body, which is the multidimensional aspect of the Universal Consciousness. For One and for All.
Apostolic Age of Law of One

Monday, March 24, 2014

12D Clearing & Protection Meditation + Note + addon

Crystalai (2013)
(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse) 

Image by: FutureAgeSage


This meditation should be done at least 2 times a day once when you first get up before you do anything else and right before you go to sleep at night. Do this continuously and you notice things getting better in almost every way.

Here is some background about the elements within the Meditation.

The 12th Dimensional Self is your Christ Self- your true immortal self hood.
You can bring this 12D star into your Consciousness for complete protection from the 3D world. First see the star inside of your head. Feel the Christ Energy in the Star. Ask to feel the Christ Energy in the Star.
Next, take the star down to the center of the Earth and ask it to collect the 13th dimensional energy of the Earth's Core. Bring the Star up to about one foot below the Earth's Crust. This is the place where the Christ Grid and Christ 12D frequencies are in the earth. Feel the star grow under you at this point. Feel this star of Christ energy grow under your feet.

Next, bring the star up over your head, about one foot above the head. See a shield of Christ Energy and protection ENVELOPE your body. Place your body in this seal every morning when you wake up. And do it over and over again until you feel your self locked in this seal completely safe from anything in the 3D world.

This is a gift from Christ. It is your divine right to have this protective seal and to use it. There is no reason to live anywhere except in the Christ Consciousness Energy Seal.

The 6 pointed star is the geometric symbol of the 12th dimension and it carries the frequencies of that dimension (it is in the same shape as the Star of David, but it isn't the Star of David).

White is the color of the 12th dimensional light and white light carries the frequencies of the 12th Dimension. Using this symbol and light in meditation, you bring these frequencies in and it carries the codes to reset your Divine Blueprint of your perfect self that is free of all things that are unlike Source.

The 12th Dimensional frequencies creates a strong and clear energy around you where lower frequencies that come next to these frequencies are transmuted to the higher 12th dimensional frequencies (the Law of Vibration) which gives you a strong, clear and free passage through all of the Spheres.
Image Used For Educational/Non Profit FAIR USE! 
A & A Deane, All Rights Reserved;
 Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

The 12th Dimension is the dimension of the Christ frequencies. The (your) 12th Chakra is located about 12 inches below your feet. Your 12th Chakra contains the frequencies of the 12th Dimension (Christ Frequencies) and connects you directly to the 12th Dimension. Your 13th Chakra is at the core of the Earth and has 13th Dimensional energy. All of the Chakras work this way and connect you to the specific dimension of the Chakra. This is why the 4th Chakra is now the new base chakra for the 2nd Sphere - the New Earth and all of your chakras of 4 - 21 are wide open. The 1-3 chakras are now becoming like placeholders for all of the good things from them are moving up or have already moved up into the 4th and 5th chakras, and all of the other things from chakras 1-3 need to be demanifested so they are put to rest.
The meditation contains making a flame hologram around you that comes out from the 12th Chakra that is 12 inches below your feet that goes up to Source and that goes down to the core of the Earth.

The key to staying out of the confusing low frequencies of "the world" is to place your body within the flame that holds the frequencies of your Christ Self and to keep yourself emersed in the highest frequencies day and night.

This hologram to place your body in is created by activating eight six pointed stars and infusing them 12th Dimensional frequencies then placing all 8 of the stars together into one star that becomes a sparkly white in color and then bringing that combined star into your Pineal Gland at the 6th Chakra at the center of your head and letting the energies flow through your entire body, bringing that star down to the core of the Earth to absorb the 13th Dimensional frequencies from your 13th Chakra and also absorbing all of the Earth's healing frequencies of love, then to bring it up to your 12th Chakra 12 inches below your feet, and then create a flame around your body that goes all the way up to Source and all the way down to the core of the Earth.

If you find that the energy is a little too much for you using all 8 stars at once, you can make one six-pointed star and infuse it with 12th Dim. energy and do the meditiation. Once comfortable with that, you could keep increasing the amount of stars until 8 stars is comfortable enough to work with.

When you finish this Meditation you will feel your body encased in this flame - this Crystal garment around your body and thoughout your body that locks this frequency into and through you. When you start feeling "out of focus" do the meditation again.

This is the beginning point of activating frequencies. The Real power - the real frequencies that raise us beyond this 3D Form are in the Earth and in the Universes beyond the Earth, which are also contained within you, once known. The Kingdom of Heaven is within.

NOTE: I think of Breath as the Will of Spirit. My breath is what draws or moves divine energy/frequencies. My inhale generally draws energy. My exhale generally moves the energy. So, I generally inhale to draw frequencies and I exhale to move these specific frequencies to other places. Also, in meditation, I breathe in between doing thing and INHALE and EXHALE to move frequencies.

NOTE: If my body starts to tense up when running frequencies, which it sometimes does because consciousness goes way faster than your body - the body is playing catch-up with the hightened frequencies and sometimes it's tendency is to tense up - it's normal. So, if that happens, just say, "My body is relaxed, Now" or/and "My chest is relaxed, Now" or/and "My throat is relaxed, Now." We are gods and are masters.

NOTE: We are gods and we have the power to make things happen as we say, so we can easily say, "12th Dimensional frequencies, Now" and 12th Dimensional frequencies will start running through our body. That's the way it is. So be that.

Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse

Visit Cosmic Dolphin Magic at:
Crystalai @2011  

6 8 12 24 48 Star/Petals can be used.  same as Hu4 Merkaba is not same as a Hu1 Merkaba....
& re Nodes in Template: 10/11 and color see notes/comment

How to build your personal 12D Shield:

Co-Create your body shield, your personal energy field. The 12th dimensional shield is a practice that fortifies & strengthens our Aura by reconnecting us to our 12th Dimensional blue print or Kryst/Krystal Body. As we shield ourselves, we learn energetic boundaries of our Aura. And then we can learn to boundary test our Aura to discordant energies that are uninvited.

The shield also helps us to re-imprint our body to physical energy sustainability, & health achieved by bringing balance to the body. It also allows communication to be restored with our spiritual forces & star family. It also empowers our body, ourselves to re-awaken the wisdom of our true origins which may mean we start to decode light language or start to understand more about the hidden history of our planet & race.

So as we work with the 12D shield, we use the six-pointed star, which is two triangles of Merkabah that is representative of our Merkabah Body. The 12th Dimensional Light Shield is an excellent way to build the integrity of your lightbody while repelling negative or dense energies from sticking to your energetic body/Aura.

(Source: Lisa Renee - Energetic Synthesis)

or use the Eckasha Rha for this technique :)  

  (12D +15D External+Internal flow)

by: Sequoia Arayas~ futureagesage
“ Core Manifestation Template; Original Tree of Life
by: Sequoia Arayas~ futureagesage
Core Manifestation Template; Original Tree of Life

a note.for this one... as its indeed incomplete and also lacking current time.. NowTime status/condition colors for dimensions in question~

Otto Jakobson: Metatronic colors....

Otto Jakobson: Missing central line (horizontal)

RaKa Isha: well those are the normal colors they use from 1st charka upwards... , same as older KS worksop i re-saw last week, holy grail quest ha year2000,. incl a trip up with innerchild. and indigoBlu does have traces a violet of the next..layer so its kinda ok shadewise.. (just all darkertinted) / / , what central line,. you mean the one in distorted
grid had.. at 8 @middle.... pss comeon.. if you mean between 6/7
doesnt require one.. as corridor. but jeah could be there., / / top
colors fine also, blackblue and blackgrey/silver , so tell us than what
are METATRONIC colors. since you point at it. so tell... (i guess
one means the connecting lines-coloring.. between NodePoints

Otto Jakobson: In KS they use a lot of metatronic colors.

Otto Jakobson: 10d blue-black is artificial, and 11d silver-black, also artificial.

Otto Jakobson: Nonartificial
10d - blue-violet, and blue-green for more macrocosmic accretion
levels. 11d organic - pale aquamarine blue, and macrocosmic - bright
pale silver. 12d - organic - white-gold liquid light with trinity

Otto Jakobson: The top and bottom parts of that tree are too elongated. They should be 90 degrees.

Otto Jakobson: The central corridr is required for the connection between 6d and 7d.

Otto Jakobson: Red-to-violet for 1-7 is often used by metatronic sciences, somehow it made it into KS.

Otto Jakobson: A very good color for the node points is golden-silver-white.

RaKa Isha: jeah
, B/T enlongated i noticed also haha not properly scaled. and middle
yep. (im not sure they know how to colormix that it shows in the pale
neon shades for the 10/11 ones ha (and i guess less interaction on that level also so partly unaware also for NowTime // it made it into KS
cause thats the distortion were dealing with body&planetary in
seperation thus manifests , templatewise. just like chakra2 is still
an issue.

RaKa Isha: its
not his finest work of them all thats for sure haha (though some he
gets the colors better, but thats more the one he uses many shades
into1. )

Otto Jakobson: Dimension 1 sphere can be white too.

RaKa Isha: yep true,as below that is plasma again,..
22 hours ago

Otto Jakobson: Colors
that use black for dimensionalized, are not fully krystic. Black is the
color of the void, no dimension embodies that with the color black.

RaKa Isha: if
you have blackblue in a whitegoldish encasing. its not that black..
perceptionwise. its kinda sparkling antracietgreyblack and thus can
work with the issues that were in them layers. from a allconnected
pillar. i guess (beside indeed the voidness that was created long ago,
that got it into such state)

Otto Jakobson: Black shouldn't be part of 10, 11d. That was a mistake.

RaKa Isha: jeah i think we can agree on that one haha

Otto Jakobson: Blue-violet - good for 10d. Blue-green, macrocosmic 10d. 11d - microcosmic - aquamarine blue, 11d macrocosmic - pale silver

RaKa Isha: where does the greenishpart cme in than>howwise. the blu i get how downstep interrelatednesswise for 10. 11 i get.

Otto Jakobson: Those colors are independent of the red-to-violet colors. They correspond to energy matrix plasmas.

Otto Jakobson: Dimensions
in fully healed form take on plasma colors, the red-to-violet for 1-7d
are a layer that is not fully healed, exists in a dualistic state.

Otto Jakobson: https://sphotos-a-cdg.xx.fbcdn... The basic 12-d kathara tree of manifest light (12-dimensional manifestation template) (timeless plasma colors)
By: Otto Jakobson:

(direct link pic for ones not on FB.. @ him / or me)