Showing posts with label Expat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Expat. Show all posts

Monday, September 07, 2015

Omnisense Conversation with "The Expat"

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

I do not agree with everything said in this video. For example I do not believe that Anunnaki came from a planet Orbiting in our solar system. Nor do I agree with many other things he says... But I think overall it’s pretty good. Maybe some people agree with him more, maybe some me, doesn’t matter as I think both perspectives are well put together…

I received several severe electronic attacks while editing this video(had to sleep it off twice). So that is evidence to me it is over the target in some areas.

Omnisense Conversation with "The Expat"

•Interdimensional Satellites
•Other Planes of Existence
•Electromagnetics in Relation to Thought forms
•Jade Helm
•Chemtrails and Making the Body an Antenna
•Using the Earths Electromagnetic Field as an EEG for Thought Surveillance
•An Extraterrestrial Term Explained “Small Planet Syndrome”
•Strategy Behind Rapture Model
•Strategy Behind Saviorship Model
•Iodine Preparedness
•Airlines in Alaska having their Flight Attendants come down with Cancer
•The New COINTELPRO ~ Mind Control Assets
•Pro Hemp Sentiments
•Money Not Being the Root of all Evil
•Extraterrestrial Influence on Earth and How Dark ET influence is more overt, while Benevolent Extraterrestrial Influence is More Preventative(unseen)
•Microwave Hearing aka v2k & Differences Between it and Sonic Technology Japan Has in Advertisements
•Virtual Reality and Electronic Telepathy Based Surveillance and How Dark ETs and Black Ops Agents Interface with Reality via Technology