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Showing posts with label Tri-Wave Energy. Show all posts

Monday, December 05, 2016

EnergeticSynthesis: Increasing Sentience - Newsletter - November 2016

12solticeNovember 2016
Increasing Sentience
Lisa Renee

This month, we learn more about Increasing Sentience and the main collective consciousness forces involved in spiritual warfare on this earth. Currently massive internal power shifts are occurring that reorganize the hierarchy of the main players, in the Controller groups, that have been exerting the dominate world power. The shake up within the Power Elite network is revealing the darkest underbelly of deception, corruption, bribery and disturbing abuses of power that include clear evidence of Satanic Ritual practices.  For those unprepared for the layers of disclosure and revelations of the greater truth that exists in the highest echelons of the power brokers, such as those players in government, politics, finance, high society, and entertainment, these can be painful and desperate times. If we look to the surface, the deceptions of the 3D façade are crumbling away and those with the eyes to see, are observing how far down the rabbit hole really goes. These are the darkest areas filled with many different narratives of gross abuses of power and deceptions, being carried out through the mainstream media to brainwash people into believing that we live in a free society.

Many are breaking away from the mainstream now, desperate to find some truth or clarity in the alternatives. They have realized that they are being intentionally deceived by those people in power by those in whom they had placed trust. Humans are not living freely on this earth. This thrusts our focus to the unpleasant and painful truths of the crimes committed against humanity, and that as a species we must come to recognize and identify the cause. If we cannot see what it is and we cannot identify these crimes, this hidden scourge keeps using the same lies and manipulation to cover up the truth.  We must do our best to stay awake through the Dark Night of the Planetary Soul, as this is what the stages of disclosure look like. However, as we observe these disturbing dramas, we must not overwhelm our emotions to polarize our consciousness into feeding the victim archetypes of hero, savior or enemy. This is the phase of dismantling the control system, and observing the shake down of what has been hiding behind 3D consciousness. As the internal fighting for control continues, it will reveal more to us every day, about the true nature of this reality.

This is a time to be brave, courageous, calm and self-aware as truth seekers. A time to dedicate ourselves to serve our inner spirit with every breath and know which consciousness we want to co-create. We are in this together.

It is a natural biological process for all human beings to have the ability to constantly evolve themselves and expand their individual consciousness, through experiences that awaken greater self-awareness. As a person grows to perceive levels of awareness beyond the survival needs and desires of the individual self, they begin to perceive the larger collective layers to which they are interconnected, which in turn, increases their level of sentience. Increasing Sentience increases our perceived connection to the whole and continually develops our self-awareness, which is relative to the reflection of the collective consciousness. When we are Increasing Sentience into greater enlightenment, we have knowing that every thought and action we choose is directly connected to the whole, as we are co-creators of our world. As we gain embodiment of personal truth to expand consciousness, we gain more influence to help shape the collective consciousness we are interconnected with. When we observe the state of the world today, all of humanity has to reflect on the causal chains and spiritual reasons for the current state of the collective human race consciousness. How did the people on the earth create the conditions to become the global reflection that is shown in the collective consciousness today? How are the World Leaders chosen and how do they remain in power? How did earthlings, become defined by those in the intergalactic community as mass murderers, war mongers, crucifiers, killers of life and nature, without remorse or empathy? When we ask these questions with a sincere heart, we will be confronted with many unpleasant truths about humanities true history.

Sentience Redefined
Science defines sentience in the limited capacity of the personality’s ability to think and to feel, to perceive and directly experience something that exists purely in the realm of the subjective mind and physical senses.  In our interpretation, sentience encompasses the consciousness existence of all living things. Whether in form or formless, this includes all beings and forces that have some level of consciousness. Thus, the term sentient beings may constitute many dissimilar classes of species, existing at different levels of consciousness. It will also include many diverse energetic forces, which characterize the nature of multidimensional existence. As an example the physical body, emotional body, mental body and spiritual body, all encompass multidimensional levels of sentience that correlate to the overall functioning of consciousness that make up an entire person. Each multidimensional layer of a person, whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, reveals sentient information that is intrinsically connected to the collective consciousness, yet remains energetically unique to that individual.

When we recognize our multidimensional identities, we start to see that all of these layers are energetically connected to larger bodies that make up the forces of collective consciousness memories. When we open the door to multidimensional consciousness, we go beyond individual consciousness or ego. We begin to sense the collective forces of nature; such as the animal collective, race collective, planetary collective, solar system collective, galactic collective and cosmic collective. All of these layers of collective consciousness and many more, can be contacted telepathically and made accessible from inside of our multidimensional consciousness body layers. When we know that these many layers of collective consciousness co-exist, it opens the dimensional doorway to explore all kinds of sentient beings. We progressively recognize that we are coexisting with many worlds teaming with life, beyond our wildest imagination. We can learn how to speak and communicate telepathically with any part of this collective consciousness, if we really care to devote the time to train our mind and set our heart based intention to do so. As we discern the existence of the collective consciousness, we learn who we truly are as multidimensional spiritual beings and how we co-create our reality.

Discerning Collective Consciousness
Although the untrained mind can only sense direct physical attributes, the true morphogenesis of our multidimensional existence is generated through the multiple levels of sentience. Together these form into the entire collective consciousness identity, or that from which we gather to form the experience of a self. As we grow our capacity to perceive the collective consciousness layers that exist as interconnected to the self, we no longer define as being attached to an individual self. Because ultimately, the realization is reached that there is no individual self. We are multidimensional consciousness connected to many different streams of sentience that generate the entirety of the collective consciousness agreement, which we experience on the earth. Through continually increasing our sentience to gain enlightenment, we can discern the energetic quality of collective consciousness that we prefer to align with and express through our consciousness body. Thus, in the consciousness evolution process we gain spiritual sovereignty and free will choice. Whereby, removing ourselves from the superimpositional forces of the larger collective consciousness matrix that others have chosen to express, which are no longer congruent to our essential nature.

Without exercising personal choice that comes from developed energetic discernment, an individual is left to express the larger impersonal forces of the collective unconsciousness and the controlled manipulation of impersonal forces in the environment. Through the physics of the energetic reality, the person expresses the core energetic resonance they embody, which harmonizes with the larger collective consciousness body, which they attract. To have choice beyond the collective unconsciousness matrix, one must develop higher sentience towards greater enlightenment, and begin to perceive how the layers of the collective consciousness function throughout creation. Enlightenment in this context refers to being released from the confines of service to self, suffering, dark ignorance, attachment to material things, and the state of soul disconnection. The same states that reinforce the continued cycles of death and reincarnation into the lower realms, without consciousness memories, identities or spiritual purpose remaining intact.  It means we are released from the states of consciousness, which exist in the larger collective unconsciousness.
The collective unconsciousness body of the earth is evolving to reflect the change in the collective consciousness consensus agreement, to shift human consciousness into the next harmonic universe. This consciousness shift reclaims the soul aspects in order to embody the entire collective soul matrix into the matter worlds. Imagine who you would be if you remembered all of your other lifetimes, had direct soul realization and could access that repository of knowledge at will. That is the groundwork being laid for the future direction for the ascending timelines, and the continued evolution of the human race on this planet.