Showing posts with label multidimensional spiritual science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label multidimensional spiritual science. Show all posts

Friday, September 27, 2013

Lisa Renee: Bifurcation of Time - Sept 2013 #Energetic_Synthesis + note~

House of EgoSeptember 2013
Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,
Bifurcation means the splitting of a main body into two parts. In the mathematical study of change that occurs within a structure or space, bifurcation occurs when a parameter change causes the stability of an equilibrium (or fixed point in a field) to change. The comprehension of the mathematical change that is currently shifting the geometric value of frequency, which further, generates a bifurcation in the structure of time and space, is very relevant to us now. This is directly related to the forthcoming split occurring between timelines which govern our continued consciousness (energy) expression on the earth plane as it is moving into future time. Thus, the planetary fields and humanity are coming to experience the next phase of the planetary Ascension cycle, which is the nature of Bifurcation of Time.

For many years the sequential phase of gradually increasing the frequency sets on the earth is the byproduct of Stellar and Solar Activations transmitting frequency to the planet (and humanity) during the Ascension Cycle. The accumulation of progressively increasing frequency being integrated into the overall planetary field is what shifts us into higher frequency dimensions. When the movement into higher dimensions of frequency occurs in the next higher octave level, it creates a great impact in the overall fundamental (base) frequency on earth. The overall fundamental frequency or “base” is also the coordinate location of a fixed point in a time and space field. So when the base frequency changes, so does time and space. This base frequency is comprised from the lowest frequency strings which are resonating in any kind of energy field, whether it is a human aura (think root chakra red as the lowest base frequency), or a group aura, organizational energy field or the multiple layers of energy within the unified planetary field.  All of those combined fields of resonating energy are potentially “averaged” into an overall base frequency. Where the base frequency is resonating is the location at a fixed point in time, which is the value that determines the range of possibilities of that energy field (as a person, place or thing) in the momentum of forces which direct future timelines.
Additionally, this means our general world perception; world views and values are constructed upon the overall collective consciousness base frequency of every human being on the planet. It is the quality of the frequency in that collective energy field which will directly impact humanity in both personal and environmental experiences throughout time and space. This base collective energy is what we can observe reflected in the fragmented chaos and severe disconnection that currently dominates the entire worldscape. The quality of frequency in a collective energy field shapes our world views and belief systems, influences our world perceptions, and will reinforce values and ideals which will be reflected in the personal choices that we decide to make. Unless humanity breaks away from the Archontic Deception and changes its world view and starts to make different choices, the overall quality of frequency in that collective field remains stagnant and unchanged. The Bifurcation of Time is forcing a direction which will accelerate volatile change in areas (as well as people) that are energetically stagnant or regressive. This change in the nature of timelines pushes humanity to makes choices from the mental attitudes that have been formed from the world view perception and level of consciousness. Thus, the choice is made between the negative ego layers or the spiritualized higher self, based on which alternate is in control of the overall energetic body.

Point of Divergence
The lower the quality of overall energy, the more unstable and disconnected the personal and environmental experience on earth will become. The higher the quality of overall energy, the more stable and connected the personal and environmental experience on earth will become. The planetary collective energy field has many, many layers of intersection links which are building more access points into diagonal lines moving throughout interdimensional fields.  These links make it possible to directly intersect into many different reality timelines, traveling in the past, present and future. This is called transdimensional time travel. The accumulative effect of gradually increasing frequency and changing instruction sets in many of the transdimensional time and space fields has reached a point of divergence. The culmination of reaching this point of divergence within trans-time and space is forcing the shift of the overall planetary energy field parameters. That pressure of force being applied in the planetary energy field is resulting in accumulative intensity and extreme polarity amplification. When the extreme polarity of combined forces that exist together within a collective energy field reaches its apex, a split occurs. This is called the point of divergence within the fixed point in the field (in the range of possibilities) of which a Bifurcation of Time transpires.
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Matter Polarity in Attraction Reversal
At the point of divergence moving forward in time, as the extreme poles of frequency are then split apart, they are further continually repelled from the strong force generated from the simultaneous amplification of each side of the existing polarities. This is a reversal of the current comprehension in 3D particle matter polarity structure in which opposites attract and likes repel.  The way to describe this is as a quantum event transpiring in the anti-particle energy fields where the polarity attraction at a certain frequency threshold reverses. The previous merging of opposing polarities of vibrational force is reduced as there is a bifurcation and thus curvature made within the space time continuum. This bifurcation means the fundamental lowest frequency will spiral into a continual descending pattern which greatly amplifies the increasing low frequency in density (increased energetic compaction). Conversely, the higher frequency threshold will break away from the extreme polarity of the lower base frequency and roll upwards into the next higher dimensional frequency octave (increased energetic expansion and weightlessness). This is similar to expressing that the pressure of vibrational force exerted upon the higher frequency from the lowest frequency, (that creates an average fundamental frequency while co-existing in a group energy field) will cease to exist in the same way as it has in the past.

Friday, July 19, 2013

GaiaPortal: Finalization of Gaia Portal Connections into Fully Operational 5-7D Planetary Grid is in Process at this Now Moment

18 Jul 2013

Energetic couplings and finalization of Gaia portal connections into fully operational 5-7D planetary grid are in process at this now moment.

Such connections and couplings have been designed for New Paradigm multi-dimensional manifestations and will be experienced by multiple Light-aware and non-Light-aware beings, across planetary surface, as well as throughout Inner Gaia realms.

What some might term “mass awakenings” will occur in due time, yet for each individual human unit will manifest appropriately for their individual consciousness level.

The “Might of the Light” will be seen at individual and “mass” levels, and will not be deniable.
Individual and “mass” Higher D strengthening is experienced at this time, whether fully aware or not.
“Explosions of Light” are here… Now.