Showing posts with label FAtalE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FAtalE. Show all posts

Friday, January 15, 2016

KS Reality Talks: Stephen Redding Part 1+2 - 9 & 15 January 2016

KS Reality Talks 
 Christopher V Comstock 
An interview talk with  Stephen Redding 

Some of the subjects discussed:
KS and the Human Psyche
Organic KS vs GMO KS
'Building Earth' memories,
Different agendas within the Shield,
Other groups coming in and applying their political agendas to the planet .
E'ashas emotional issues and repeating patterns,
How KS doesn't focus much on dealing with and healing emotions.(really need to mention A&Rs, they touch VERY SLIGHTLY on it)
Being cut off from parts of the group for speaking things we feel.
Relating with others that follow different belief systems.
Healing ourselves, co creating healing with others
A bit on David Garza
Bonding and ETss
Jobs and staying true to our purpose
Easha copyrights
Getting ousted from groups, FatalE
A bookstore experience
The Norway Spiral event
Question about agendas -'Secret Book of John'
Detox and Diet

MUSIC 'Murmuring Mermaids'Artist: Lunz Album: Lunz Reinterpretations Released: 2002
Follow up - 2
MUSIC: General Fuzz - Comfort Zone 

Monday, December 03, 2012

MCEO-AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils Summary: About the Uby race and "Christo destruction" Agenda

2012-6-7 the MCEO-AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils Roundup: about the Uby race and "Christos destruction" agenda

(2012-06-08 13:31:10)

Category: Translation 
MCEO-AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils Summary
Translation: Black Jack

Words Notes:

1. Nightmares incubi (plural incubus)
2 succubus succubi (plural succubus)

"Chambers English Dictionary, 2003, a new version provides the following general definition:

Nightmare: alleged incarnation for men and women sleep with them roll sheets. -814 Page
Succubus: alleged incarnation as women, men sleep with them roll sheets. -1651 Page

MCEO freedom of teaching, a more thorough explanation of these words; 2005-2007 given Thetan, Bourgha, Equari and "U-by the fall of race-related, these races from E-Umbi time cracks and Micca-Mecca-composite black hole / wormhole network entry. The "Nightmare Succubus fall of the race" unified called "Ubys. "Ubys / Succubus / Dream Morocco" and related terms in this reply Finally, "MCEO-AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils 2012-6-7 Summary" below, provides an overview of the pointed out at the earliest when and where appeared in MCEO free teaching.

The MCEO-AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils 2012-6-7 A Summary
About Uby race and Christos destruction agenda

A Wa-ZE-yenta and Wha-JhE'A-Ta FAtalE mixed-blood the fall of Equari-phim/Uby family of system, the use of the the "Brenta de-Leu-ra ion synthesizer" and "false reverse violet ion beam" (2012 April and May seminar mentioned), Solomon nursing field, green, purple ring break in August 2011. Racial infiltration FAtalE-Uby 入阿奎菲莱恩 Host retaining field of purple, green core and ring, there gradually spread the Dark Flower disaster ".

It is precisely because this dark flower of disaster, and thus with clear actions to support FAtalE "destroy the Christos Host agenda, so the invitation moderate warning of the April 2012 workshop and healing, MCEO seminar in May 2012 was permanently suspended the contract for speakers 2 and 3 . This is the May 2012 seminar, all the MCEO Kathara client meeting / teaching activities / module project and all MCEO spiritual granted St., baptisms, weddings, etc. "is the MCEO-AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils formally suspended , until further notice (until after the review and take remedial measures),reason which is to protect the public, to avoid FAtalE frequency transmission to promote their "destruction" Christos agenda.

Currently, FAtalE intend of the MCEO-AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils and MCEO spokesman publicly slander in an attempt to shift the public teaching of the Tan-Tri-A'jha the MCEO (turn translated from Al-Hum-Bhra crystal disk, you can trust to protect or assist in the response to the dark flower disaster sacred DhA-ya-TEi planes Ascension Star Gate mechanics and Kristol plasma treatment more applications), hiding the truth from the public teaching is unorthodox. The MCEO-Ma-Sha-Ya-Hana / AL-Hum-Bhra FAtalE intend framed Divine Tan-the Tri-A'jha Ascension Star Gate teach is "recognized stellar roll sheets false teachings", this is a downright lie; MCEO teaching will not be "recognized stellar roll sheets MCEO seminar recently focused sacred Tan-Tri-A'jha teach, is to focus on the" the Ascension Star Gate energy running mechanics, the 'Patra and NE-A "Dra' action "from October 11, 2011, the MCEO India seminar confirmed, and does not involve rolling sheets practice.

FAtalE attempt to slander MCEO seminar in August 2011 - the skater 11 introduced the the MCEO-Tan-Tri-A'jha taught big reason is because they want to deception induced the public to think about the "MCEO spokesman are false message released in August 2011, and 'spokesman has not credible', so that they can 'hijack MCEO free teaching, and Kathara projects' and delete compiled from August 2011 onwards given all the information. " FAtalE are trying to "delete compiled or distorted the MCEO Mary - Sand - Ya - Hana Parliament released in April 2012, August 2011 Solomon purple / green ring behind the nursing field message", MCEO Mary - Sand - Ya - Hana August 2011 Edict of active Al-Hum-Bhra Security Covenant, The the 2011 India seminar began operation the MCEO-Tan Tri-A'jha plasma healing Applied Technology, May 2012 MCEO-AL-Hum-Bhra The release the historical archives all Cosminyahas level of the permanent lifting of 2,3 spokesman before MCEO contract Magistracy Councils announced, and now the MCEO-Al-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils in May 2012 the "open Cosminyahas hall.

These "can not be changed Cosminyahas files" the disclosure of information, in particular, will endanger like John the Baptist, Jesus -9 "the reputation of the famous historical figures, because according to Cosminyahas hall of the file is displayed, they should bear in" Christ Ji destruction "during the" the Christos mission "" sowing the fall the 666 FAtale anti-Christos gene Line and responsibility reproduce today (mentioned in the file, The FAtalE and Anunnaki thave made distortions into the planetary " Halls of Amenti records "and" CDT message disc 11 ") those have been distorted/deleted/re-compiled .  Cosminyahas hall files Not only discloses more historical info that was  lost / or altered(is being repaierd), but also let the plasma frequencies of  this "the download Cosminyahas hall files and load them into the core of the Earth and Planetary Halls of Amenti, which will gradually be an activation of non-coding DNA and surface-gene  dormant in Christos factor, which will allow more people, including people who are suffering from the darkness of flowers disaster, to repair their the Christos DNA code sequence out of the current "55 - speed - Metatron-NET-DNA bound, through the Crystal River Host, DhA-Ya-TEI planes Star Gate, hosted Ascension.

In FAtalE-Uby plan, they actually are trying to defame the MCEO-AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils and their designated representatives, their plan is to:

A. an attempt to take over the the MCEO free teaching / Kathara project, specified FAtalE as "false summit" and deliberately delete knitting distorted part of MCEO Freedom Teaching and the the MCEO sacred Tan-Tri-A'jha teach. They intend to delete compiled and blockade orthodox MCEO transmission in August 2011, "slander and thus erase the parliament first the MCEO-AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils, abuse of the Kathara healing system, the use of I do not know love people to create and promoting the dark-flowering catastrophe , and to implement their own mathematical applications and false 'Uby trademark' false 'Tantric roll sheets teach', Ann inserted before the August 2011 the MCEO free teaching .

B. an attempt to block the public's awareness and shake the public mood, a never changeable Cosminyahas file transfer translates data to impede "the awakening of the collective mind, because once these" lost history part was sent also to become the collective consensus " awakening "will eventually happen.

C. In particular, they want to try to prevent further frequency the anchor Cosminyahas hall (by possible large-scale, long-distance, quickly spread dark flower Awakening "... in an attempt to control the collective DNA activation, rewritten in 2012, "blockade" of the "reverse purple, green ring Solomon Host care field", May hope in the field of nursing Solomon residual Christos part into Metatron reversed generated.) now MCEO-AL-activated under the Hum-Bhra security, it will not be realized; but this is probably not stop them try ...

FAtalE of all farce To ensure FAtalE-Uby victory in the December 21, 2012, dragged into the Earth and its life supporting field cracks deforming space-time system calibration. FAtalE-Uby etc., from which black holes, which black holes go back ' good ", but  unfortunately this is unlikely Yes ah, we are now in 2012 ... and it is under our eyes the final conflict drama "staged (this war for some of us it is located very close to or visit the battlefield").

Here is the MCEO-AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils guardian are "little advice" ...

"You may not be able to identify a FAtalE-Uby (individual) or a fall of by name or looks, but if you look at you through their words and deeds Identification them. Guardian have just given us all a basic plan on FAtalE-Uby "gentle reminder" They're trying to proceed to take over of the MCEO Freedom  Teachings / Kathara and the MCEO-AL-Hum-Bhra Council representatives and MCEO first spokesman break faith "; actually prevent the public from further access to the orthodox MCEO teaching, while attempting to obstruct the" Download Cosminyahas hall Files to Earth. All in order to "get 2012-12-21 the FAtalE Altona cracks victory" (in fact, they realize not), and then continue their history "collective - the mind - control - Metatron-NET" game.

Now, we can not say the MCEO-AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils "did not give us advance warning" ... We all have the right to choose our Union ... I hope we can be a wise choice.

1999-2012, The MCEO Freedom Teachings, she has used in the past Ubys, Succubus, nightmares, and related terms

Ubys (nightmares and Succubus) first appeared in MCEO Freedom Teaching "in January 2005 arose mission -8 / evacuation standby" Earth drama is added to the "EcKasha dragon war" (Equari Ubys , Thetans), Bourgha-Budhara treaty, they take this "triple -9 - complex" (January 2005 India Seminar) is activated, and began to open to the Earth temple Micca-Mecca E-Umbi time to crack the entrance and a black hole / wormhole System. Relevant information to continue Tenerife seminar in February 2006, April 2006 Easter Symposium, 2007 1-4 month courses throughout the 1-4 order "Aquafereion 12 tribes", after this period each appear kinds seminar.

Today's Earth dramas are plays of the fallen Equari Ubys and Thetans implicated and they activated Micca-Mecca complex entrance and E-Umbi time, eventually resulting in 2007-3-25 the Sun Bhardo cycle begins, forcing need " the Crystal River  Host " tocarrying out evacuation missions". Starting from Christ period, Uby-FAtalE Wa-ZE-yenta and Wha-JhE-Ata have been on the planet and a fallen line withe the 666 race gene(triple-F Factor)" is related to "fall factor starting from Atlantis, period and spread Christ-fallen from 666 potential." Each "FAtalE incarnate" has one DN2 to DN5 fallen Equari-phim/Uby hybrid "overlord" adhesion property of the element. They are with them. And the Crystal River Host,  and Christ mission were targeted. In 1999, they began their global "core staff and key operators of" flower of darkness awakening when this 2009-2011 step up the pace when they successfully "undermining Solomon planetary body shields green, purple-ring"; since 2011, dark flowers awaken further accelerated, but from a planetary perspective "is not quite in full bloom". Under Security in the MCEO-AL-Hum-Bhra arbitration councils, Krystal River Host mission still stands. Yes ... ... We live in 2012 ... ...

AL-Hum-Bhra MC Moderator

(cleaned up the mistranslations a big google made) 

reposted also here original chinese(retranslation) 

Saturday, December 01, 2012

Solomon Host Shield and Fall of the Phim racial situation briefly #Dark-flowerering

Solomon Host Shield and Fall of the Phim racial situation briefly #Dark-flowerering

Image by: FutureAgeSage~

Solomon Host shield and Fall of the Phim racial situation briefly
Author: Paul Theriault
Translation: Black Jack
“Following E’Asha work or their people interested only in October 2012 is a critical period.
Solomon Host Shield is used to maintain a stable planetary energy structures, and in this period he was torn into two parts, mingled Kristol (or life support) energy and dirty (or Life depletion) energy.
In August 2011, the Solomon Host Shield, by a group called FatalE there (they are actually much like Alien movie xenomorphs) injection reverse purple plasma is destroyed. They attempt to get rid of the two Solomon Host Shield, four rings (the Host Shield is divided into four rings, internal blue / white ring work is involved in Open Star Gate, central green ring work to maintain the Star Gate open, purple ring ‘s job is to lead people into the Star Gate, Aurora Host Shield use has not been elucidated). Compromised the two rings is a green ring and purple ring.

The two compromised the ring has been isolated, reverse purple plasma are they internal growth. These two rings will be crushed at some point in October 2012, can be released into a Host Shield, joining the upcoming expansion of the Blue and Aurora care field, they can work together to take over the green, purple care field function and continue to ensure the stability of the Earth (as long as the Earth is to be stable).

On the positive side, the Host Shield splintered makes reverse energy is released, not to endanger the hold on the blue / white care field or aurora care field people, anti-ascension facilities will be provided on this planet resulting in pleasing impact.
During this time many people will feel quite confusing. Estimated that the best approach is to help themselves to the anchor white / blue plasma, and irreversible plasma. They are usually anchored in the carrying is called of K +8 genetic factor that. Complete travel technology, you can obtain this factor, thereby anchoring white / blue plasma assist hosted avoid yourself everywhere drag.
Take care of yourself. ‘

If you really love life, do not just look at the theory, you have to do to do that travel technology.
You can personally go and frequency must be yourself and SolomonHost Shield  holds, and help yourself now holds a stable frequency. More people with this driving technique, there is more of the irreversible plasma can be anchored in the planet, the situation will be more stable.
Also, I think that these plasma technology is indeed a physical bodily integrity through the Star Gate channel key. I think it may soon become possible. Recently E’ASha free released some information on the seminar, so I think regardless of ability to pay, and now everyone can go with their own wishes, E’ASha have been severed and Azurite Press (control taxiing by material) relationship.

[I should start from taxiing by 1, and gradually into sliding by 12, or should this series is more suitable for the part now? 】

You can start from any part you like. But before entering any other technology, the first driving technology provided above is very important, because it contains a plasma frequency helps to cope with the recent reversal. Basically, sliding 12 is closer to the current situation, however, there are some very good information in the previous seminars. Whether you want to start from where the line, not necessarily in chronological order. But the premise is that you must complete travel technology.
E'Asha mentioned that she recently working and cosMYah to work with. Cosmyah seven ultra the universe (or CosMayah), and a central core the super universe (called cosminyah) jointly certain of the Group. Has been completed there in the cosMAyahs lifecycle to go cosminyah of life (or the popular theory called Ascension).

CosMAyah generally called "external create Cosminyah generally called" internal to create ".
Center of the Cosminyah is is called Al-Uma-Un. The center seed atom the CosmYah (or cosminyah CosmAyah).

Use this travel technology is projected to enter the seed atoms. In that original garden from seed, you will get the template imprint of their own energy. Stored in that imprint will never be distorted if the original plan, you have to do.

In addition, you will receive 8 crystal, this group of crystals will be put into your body. 8 crystal can be regenerated plasma frequency, and from cosminyah core transport and plasma frequency. They also control your body at this level of the DNA template.

In the words of E'Asha, we learned Humans usually have at least a 12-stranded DNA template (double-stranded DNA, which means that 24 single-stranded).

Called indigo, most have a higher number of DNA strands (range, generally in the 24-48 chain), so that they can perform their mission to operate more energy.

This travel 8 crystal controlled 144 plasma DNA strand DNA strand template. It will overwrite your template, however, many of your DNA chain (regardless of whether they have a much distortion) will be corrected, and these chains will be activated in linking up your potential ability to network.
So in fact, this travel technology is a significant starting point of all 144 chain.
This travel needs through a long list of Al-Hum-Bhra channel from internal Cosminyah core even the edge to external CosmAyah most.

I would also like to add that every chain is said here each double helix DNA chain. Some of the fall of the agenda to a more cunning scam claiming to activate the 12-stranded DNA is activated six double-stranded DNA, rather than the 12 double-stranded DNA. In general, only 6 DNA is usually very easy to have a the 11.5 chain (23 single-stranded) DNA Anunnaki control is activated. They often become permanent.

[I would like to learn more about these being features, Solomon Host Shield]
First, Solomon Host Shield is actually energy disk, keep the planet stable between now inject good energy and dirty energy, not torn.

Secondly, reminding FatalE background may be appropriate.
Some there has passed the Ascension, the return of divine origin.
This part there choose to remain individualized, you can live in a universe different, and our local super-center of the universe. The this place called cosminyah, the paper generally called the DHA-Ya-the TEI the (pronunciation day-yah-teeee) planes area.
To do so there is called the Phim race. The most Phim happily living in cosminyah. Other incarnation to Jin the external creation (CosMAYaH) to life, to help the problems encountered beings here. Have come to assist the current drama.

Phim basic energy called plasma. Although lower their total number in all life, but Phim body good operation of a very high level of high-frequency plasma, and it can anchor into the border planets and regions to help stabilize them in critical situations.

There is one instance of a group called the Aquari The Phim enter this local universe begin their work, and to deal with the negative impact of the neighboring Fall. This fall of a very bad situation, full of endless misery and suffering that is encroaching from the fall of the system (if interested can look Bourgha fall of) groups in this area.

In this case, two things happened. To explain it, you need to account for more background information about Phim.

Phim biological field already has such a high level of energy, even if they just touch the edge of the external creation systems, they can also make an explosion. So they own the energy is divided into two life called Aden and Yoshi. These two life incarnation of the same system, to find each other, then common to introduce them to the rest of the quantum energy exchange process, these quantum is stored in the the DHA-Ya-TEI planes (reference glide 12-1 detailed description) .
Thus, in this condition of the outer field, two things happened.

First: A the called the Uby of Bourgha there began sneaking into Phim. On Earth, Uby common name nightmares Incubi and Succubi Succubi or kinky demon sex demons.
There are posing Phim partner, energy exchange with them, for the introduction the Uby of all quantum …

Anyway, because Uby energy exchange distorted quantum energy flow, and then contaminated their Phim partner plasma, lead the Phim error activated and anchor into distortion plasma. So then twisted Phim infection distortion plasma will there toward the fall of, rather than help them from healing.
Finally, these issues are more complicated. Sometimes, the system Aquari part of their fall to work together. They know what happened, admit defeat, and decided to follow Kristal’s River Host where the rest of the time allocated to them live.

Then the second thing happened. Our local universe, there is a group there called Annu (contemporary New Age movement called the Anunnaki) began to attack them.
Regardless Annu now is how to describe their own (thothians, enochians, jehovians, pleidians, sirians, etc.), in which case their behavior is extremely despicable system of torture, cruel persecution and killing many there are. Fall of Aquari, Although the fall, but still see themselves as leaders and regulators in this system, so they tried to help in the forefront of this attack, because they can. This allows them to become the target. Many of them have been captured, killed, and abuse.
In this case, the fall of Aquari outbreak. They have lost faith in the divine origin began surprised why such terrible things are allowed to happen. They believe that under the distortion this creates is flawed, and they decided to implement the original goal of Bourgha to rebuild a “perfect” new creatures in their thoughts, this is starting to look very good.

Fall of Aquari join the war, and driven Annu returned home (matrix). They decided to rebuild the creatures, and dominate all other species they encounter, because those other species can assist their goals. Moreover, because the The Annu treat their behavior, so that had a huge hatred the fall of Aquari of Annu. In their own words, they are determined to “completely destroyed the virus called Anunnaki from all existence.

Thus they become Equari – the fall of Phim race. Because their original biological structure, so they are called White Dragon.

Phim still capable to use plasma. So in the end, they created a able to collect the organic plasma machinery, recombinant these ions, and then use them as fuel to create an artificial universe. This the universe needs through to engulf other natural universe development. This is their attempt this planet Earth.

They are extremely successful conquest of the other species. Original who Bourgha aquaintances the Thetans and Draconians race, there are some other race are E-quari take over, out of fear for their and their reconstruction creation agenda.
Over time, some of the most powerful Equari and earliest causing them to fall Uby mestizo race (the Annotation: formation FatalE). Uby can actually convert the form of a little, but their original form look like insects.

Dragon + insects = Alien Xenomorph (this is just my personal describe others I have not seen it that way).
Binding ability through sexual, Phim race fallen very high coding can be operated reverse plasma energy flow, suppress external creation of any other energy flow and through ontological binding and chakras binding.

This binding allows them to spread to all beings reverse plasma, and stimulation of living beings plasma system, a way sentient beings dragged into the fall of the creation of the universe. This process is termed dark flower in full bloom.

70% of the When the dark flower repression there (one being energy system probably has dark flower in full bloom) FatalE actually can have sex with their victims combined slowly into FatalE.
If you go to pay attention, you can see this phenomenon. Currently it has happened a lot since. This is a strange fusion process, originally there not be closed, this happens usually encroachment;, but was taken over and possessed of consciousness fusion. The occupation in the eyes of others, like change a person.

This is definitely not a movie plot, believe me.
However, in order to avoid panic reactions, a plasma will not be FatalE reversed. It is called the the 8 solar plasma, through the eight crystal to transfer it anchored in the body, you can travel to get eight crystals by performing I provided above. Travel will send to K +8 factors, it is anchored to the genetic code of the plasma.

All information from E’Asha. I agree with the direction of her work, and think that this is correct.
This travel technology is free of charge, has posted above. You can voluntarily choose whether to use it, but I think this is valuable in some cases.

Explained skater 12-2.
Destruction of Solomon nursing field is reverse purple plasma, it is actually fall Equari Phim reversible plasma glide 12-1 mentioned in a reversal of the density of 2 purple plasma version.
Huge across time reversal purple plasma in a the called brente de-Leu’ra plasma generator matrix mechanical reorganization and change, and built an artificial green and blue plasma ray, a man of 14 ties, and a set of forged God sexual planes (and DHA-ya-TEi planes compared).

August 8, 2011, the nursing field is from the Brenta generator massive injection of purple plasma destruction. And this process is not only happened once. In August, E’Asha mentioned this process in detail, some chart illustrates glide by 12-2 inside. Actually in Andorra in May 2011, when we introduced for the first time to evacuate the aircraft (taxiing, 7), reverse plasma began anchoring Metatron seed crystal atoms. The situation began to deteriorate, then Rayas security it is necessary, E’Asha preparation began in February 2011. Then in March 2011, false 12:3:3:3 BPR broadcast by Solomon nursing field. In June of the same year, guard towers and emergency distress signal anchor Reverse violet rays, last August 8 in the same year, purple care field is pierced, purple care dark flower of the field began to bloom, Then the Aerhanbona contract is activated. This security contracts thoroughly anchored, began to prepare activated. During this period, been implicated in of India (Demonfest that) the Green nursing field, dark flower in full bloom.

Dark flower of plasma waves glide by 12-1 when activated slowed. Glide by 12-2 and 3:00, green, purple care field is isolated, began to generate reverse frequency, so that they will be over in October upload and crushed.

The dark flower can be reversed, but only at the critical point. Less than 30%, can be completely healed. 30-70%, can not be reversed, but it can be managed. There are more than 70% of the general does not want to help, but if they are willing to still be able to help, although they will always struggle with their Equari overlord.

The dark flower can be spread in many ways, such as treatment modalities like Reiki or Kathara granted St. Contact or any close energy. It can also be sexually spread very effectively, though this is not only spread. It can also be a large area spread through the group or group care field