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Monday, December 29, 2014
Monday, December 15, 2014
Coast to Coast - Akashic Record Access (2014-12-13)
Coast to Coast - Akashic Record Access (2014-12-13)
Accessing the Akashic Record
Date: | 12-13-14 | ||||
Host: | Richard Syrett | ||||
Guests: | Douglas James Cottrell, Magda Havas, Douglas Cottrell Jr. |
"Mediumship is a connection between myself or my mind and someone else who is another consciousness who is discarnate," he revealed, adding that during his process the conscious personality mind is subdued to allow the 'soul mind' or higher self to communicate. This allows Cottrell to locate and examine someone at a distance, connect with the Akashic Record, and receive specific remedies to help that person. It has a tendency to be highly accurate, he noted.
In the second hour, Doulas Jr. guided a discussion between Richard and Cottrell, who had entered a deep meditative state through which his higher self was able to speak and access information. Richard asked Cottrell about the likelihood of a major EMP event in North America within the next few years. "As to the possibility of a totality as to the effect of electronic equipment resetting and disrupting, this is highly probable," Cottrell revealed in a voice slightly different than his conscious way of speaking.
Richard also inquired about the probability of an eruption of the Yellowstone caldera. "Very likely, this is indeed going to happen. You will find that there will be a wall of lava, there will be volcanic ash, there will be choking and suffocating those that would be in an easterly direction from this location," Cottrell's 'soul mind' responded. He also confirmed life on Mars, the UFO/ET reality, and shift of world power from the west to the east.
Musical Plants
In the first hour, Associate Professor of Environmental & Resource Studies at Trent University, Magda Havas, talked about her research into electromagnetic pollution and notion that plants can respond to their external environment. Havas described an experiment in which a lie detector was used to measure how various electronic devices caused physiological stress in people. Plants hooked up in a similar way reacted to environmental stimuli with changes in conductivity as well, she explained.A MIDI interface designed to convert this change in electrical conductivity into sound allowed the plants to produce music, Havas continued. "We had these plants hooked up in my lab... and suddenly they would start playing," she said, noting how it felt like they were conscious, almost sentient beings. Havas played audio from a YouTube video of Robert Connolly conducting his plant band with a quartz crystal singing bowl.
Monday, October 27, 2014
The Reuche, the Eternal Life Krist Cross, at the Eckasha’s center the
Heart of the God Seed
is the most powerful of all Geomancies/ Ascension
Star Gate Navigation Tools
recently returned
to humanity…
Reuche Light on Starry Sky

Friday, October 10, 2014
Monday, September 29, 2014
Offplanet Radio: Duncan O’Finioan – Falling Darkness – Part 1 & 2
Duncan O’Finioan – Falling Darkness – Part 1
OffPlanet Radio – 09-28-2014 – randy Maugans with Duncan O’Finioan – recorded 9-18-2014
OffPlanet Radio – 09-28-2014 – randy Maugans with Duncan O’Finioan – recorded 9-18-2014
OffPlanet Radio – 09-28-2014 – randy Maugans with Duncan O’Finioan – recorded 9-18-2014
Previous interviews
After over four months of absence from public view, and from his own home and safe terrain, Duncan O’Finioan returns for a briefing on the activities he has engaged with his partner, Miranda Kelly. This is part 1 of an extensive interview that covers what we can only call the “falling darkness”.
“Broken Voice Prayers” – Ceremony Of Darkness
Previous interviews
After over four months of absence from public view, and from his own home and safe terrain, Duncan O’Finioan returns for a briefing on the activities he has engaged with his partner, Miranda Kelly. This is part 1 of an extensive interview that covers what we can only call the “falling darkness”.
- Pentagram Chemtrails ,Time was reset for 3 years from 2011
- The passing of Dave Corso – Duncan talks about Dave Corso and the falling out that resulted in the 2012 split between Duncan and Dave.
- Ebola, inoculations—Mark of the Beast (8:45); the Armageddon Script; government tracking of people re: injections.
- ISIS/ISIL – CIA-created terrorist cells of fulfilling prophecies in the Quran/Bible.
- The Powers That Be control outcomes based on so-called prophecies; Zionism, Synagogue of Satan
- “…coming to a head…” This darkness, deep and widespread.
- Duncan: “I’m not the same person I was…”
- The controllers taking control of the land; the land going “dark”
- darkness soaking into the earth. Desolation.
- 1Mt. Shasta visitation: The darkness is more than the spirits can push back…spreading darkness…20:00 – Darkness confronted by light
- 23:00 – Only people can change the planet…the darkness is winning. CERN is still green-lighted
- Time loops, time speeding up; time “feels wrong”. Time was reset three years; reset over.
- 35:00 – The 2012 scenario: 2-3% change in human behavior; What/who caused the the time reset. The Gray Walkers reset after attempts by cabal to escalate prematurely.
- Removal of the Restrainer—all limits are off. Dark//light white/black…heightened contrast.
- This cycle will end; civilization will be rebuilt.
- The past 3 years have been a standstill period, relatively.
- (NOTE: after this interview was recorded The US began an invasion of Syria, supposedly to stem “ISIS”)
- Earthquakes again stepping up.
- Astrology and black magic rising.
- Angels, demonics, fallen angels and the real source of evil; the electronosphere: internet/wifi/EMF affects on the human physiology and subliminal implants.
- 1:15:00 – The Plan is generational and multi-level. “They” are NOT stupid.
- The NEED for humans to get back to basic state of love and not surrender to the cabal’s plans to make us all “dark”…and more (listen carefully)
“Broken Voice Prayers” – Ceremony Of Darkness
Duncan O’Finioan – Falling Darkness – Part 2: Wars of the Gods
OffPlanet Radio – 09-28-2014 – randy Maugans with Duncan O’Finioan – recorded 9-18-2014
Part 1: Falling Darkness
Previous interviews
Part 2 of the interview is an extended conversation, casual but with some points that get developed as we went along.
Part 1: Falling Darkness
Previous interviews
Part 2 of the interview is an extended conversation, casual but with some points that get developed as we went along.
Podcast: Play in new window
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Topics include:- Update on Miranda and the “work schedule”, more missions, pushing back the darkness and getting stronger with each job
- 4:00 – The back story on Azazel and the war in heaven; Azazel a badass. Angels not fluffy; Azazel is attached to CERN! (first time for that!); Beelzebub: The Lord of the Flies; loosing of the Watcher angels: a choice to return to 1st estate, or stay and fight;
- 8:00 – The inside scoop: angels loosed and lining up on side; ancient gods returning. Ragnarök- end of the age; part of ongoing battles—as above, so below.ök ; the Odin/Thor mythology-the metaphor for the angelic wars
- After CERN—go home and fight another war. Other worlds, planets, realms-9 parallel worlds; Earth is the jump point for the other worlds. CERN is the gate to connect “hell and heaven”; (ref: see the 1st Avengers film).
- The limitations of the physical self and “battlefield humor”.
- 19:00 – we are defined by our actions
- A brief detour into a discussion on Guinness, beer, liquor, and spirits; Meade and ceremonial drinks; healing properties of meade
- Where does our food come from? GMOs and modification of humans
- 30:00 – Ultimately the planet —- and us — will need to be reconstituted; the onslaught of strange diseases: an attack on the activation, or reactivation, of so-called “junk” DNA—“ascension”. The “god factor”.
- Passivity and hypnosis through media saturation and energy pollution; “jacked-in” and detached from the environment.
- 37:00 – A possible new book series from D&M: a novel teaching series
- 40:00 – Demonics vampires and werewolves; ghosts and releasing spirits;
- 42:00 – Species of vampires: Reds, Whites, and Blacks— and people who ARE vamps!
- 47:00 – Grimms’ fairy tales and the existence of gnomes, trolls, werewolves; wraiths, shadow entities; “the shadow within the shadow”
- 51:00 – Respect to entities (opponents, enemies).
- 53:00 – The 1st rule of the warrior: respect your enemy. Better to die tan to be taken over. People who have been consumed by the darkness the yset out to battle. Despising vs. respecting adversaries.
- 57:00 – Pop culture of making “nice” with dark entities
- 59:00 – Mass stupidity!
- 1:00:00 – Moving ahead of perceptual time, presence of mind; precognition and awareness slightly “ahead of the clock”
- Return to the old ways: shamans and connection to the natural world. Not “plugged-in” to the electrosphere;
- The battle of the One: one person changing is a “win”; as we extend ourselves we are met by forces of both light and dark.

Sunday, September 28, 2014
Energetic Synthesis - Quantum of Light - Newsletter September |
September 2014
Quantum of Light
Dear Ascending Family,
For many years the Omniversal Family Tree of Krystal
Star known as the Guardians, have been relaying a wide array of
information about the Ascension process that our planet and human bodies
undergo at the end of an Astrological Age. We are moving into another
interval of the higher octave through the bifurcation of time fields,
which results in the phenomena of timeline collapse. For many, this
manifests as a bookend to delineate the ending of the past, such as
ancestral patterns and forces many of us to undergo a resetting of our
inner foundation and way of life. These phases of timeline collapse
generally bring with them many levels of exit points, resetting, ego
dismantling in order to extract the false and reinstate a more accurate
and progressive direction for the Soul. We must progress towards group
consciousness and being of service to the whole. For those unaware of
Ascension, the uninitiated or uninformed; this time can be confusing and
painful to navigate.
Currently, little is understood about the
consciousness evolution process nor allowed in the mainstream to bring
this topic into greater credibility, thus visibility to the masses.
At the end of the Precession of Equinoxes, we align to the galactic core; Stargate portals open, and we are eligible to proceed with an Ascension timeline, the beginning of the next grand cycle. This propels us into the potential future timelines in higher octave systems that far exceed the current state of collective planetary consciousness. To access the higher future potentials there are also destructive timelines and probabilities that must come to an end or collapse. When humanity refers to the past or future, it actually is referring to a particular sub frequency along the space/time continuum. So when we clear a past trauma event in time, we generally are clearing blocked sub frequencies that were located in our chakra system and lightbody (and the planetary body).
For those of us that came from the future time and remember those potentials of consciousness freedom, this alignment in the Galactic core is experienced with great celebration and relief. However, the compassion for the plight on earth has brought many of us here in the Ascension timeline from other galaxies to help this planet's re-education process to heal and evolve beyond war and enslavement (there are more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe).
Quantum Mechanics is Ascension Math
Ascension is the complex quantum mechanics governing the movement of consciousness or intelligent energy throughout time and space, in the past, present and future timelines. To more deeply explore and comprehend what the Ascension Cycle and its impact means to the planet and humanity, one would need to have a deeper understanding of Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Theory and Ascension Theory are deeply enmeshed and interrelated; both are heavily disputed and ridiculed in current mainstream sciences.
Quantum Mechanics is a branch of physics which deals with physical phenomena or "quantum" energy at the atomic and subatomic levels, providing a mathematical description of the dual particle-like and wave-like behavior and interactions between energy and matter. In physics, a quantum is the minimum amount of any physical entity involved in an interaction. Quantum is used to describe the fundamental framework for understanding how the Universe works at the smallest scales of energy units.
At the center of Quantum Mechanics is the Planck-Einstein relation. Planck-Einstein's energy–frequency relation relates the energy of a photon, the Quantum of Light, to its electromagnetic wave and rate of frequency. Essentially, this formula quantifies the energy property of matter and its direct interrelationship with frequency and wavelength. This provides the framework for constructing quantum mechanical models at subatomic levels, which mathematically quantify the existence of multiple dimensions in time.
Transferring and Converting Energy
In physics, energy is a property of objects that is transferable in certain fundamental interactions. Energy in objects can be converted in form and transferred, but ultimately not created or destroyed. When we apply quantum understanding, we start to apply the mathematical laws based on potential energy transference made through multiple dimensions in time. To clarify this point, accessing one's consciousness impacts the transference and/or conversion of light energy throughout multiple timelines.
Therefore the properties of energy, in its variety of forms, whether visible or non-visible, directly impact the scale of different qualities of consciousness (spiritual bodies) and light energy transference throughout multiple dimensions. Each dimension and its timeline is composed of subatomic particles of light moving at different frequencies and wavelengths. For example, the chakras work like magnetic devices in these multiple dimensions and they automatically attract the densest electromagnetic energy in their spectrum of light energy from that dimension. When we focus on our chakras we can help to convert these denser energies and intentionally transmute them with the higher light frequencies of our inner Christ spirit.
This means that all light energy properties have potential interactions that control the movement of energy, from place to place, thus adjusting qualities of energy-frequency in matter for the past, present and future. As we make the choice to participate with our light energy transference in whatever location in time, this directly impacts our consciousness evolution in every dimension. Our choices from moment to moment contain the energetic probability to either heal or harm our lightbody. This illustrates the energetic-frequency impact upon all living things based upon the choices of personal and collective consciousness which exist within multiple dimensions and multiple timelines, simultaneously.
Consequently, this also directly impacts the scale of different rates of intelligence and sentience operating within in a form or body in multiple dimensions. So it is accurate to say that Consciousness and its rate of intelligence can be converted in scale or transferred in form across time and space, but ultimately not created or destroyed. By recognizing that our Soul and layers of Spiritual Bodies are states of consciousness and light energy-frequency, and not religious dogma, we begin to see the scientific probability of the Soul. Our Soul exists in another dimension of time and space, until we choose to bring it here and embody its spectrum of light. One question to ask is what quality of energy-frequency are the Soul or Spiritual bodies? Can one attune one's mind and body to that specific energy-frequency in future time and what happens when you do? Is this energy-frequency measurable in result or resonance?
Consciousness is intelligent energy which can be expanded and directed by focused awareness, independent of time, upon the radiant energy of the Spiritual Bodies through their Quantum of Light. To physically interact with another dimension, the frequency of one's consciousness needs to be aligned to that dimension.
Expanding Consciousness is Light Transference
When we address Light as radiant energy-frequency it becomes clearer that Quantum of Light is the Universe's way of transferring packets of intelligent energy into consciousness throughout time and space. Those packets of intelligent light energy-frequency are also called light symbol codes or DNA fire letters. These light codes are delivered to the planet and to a human body through energy-frequency current which is called Kundalini.
There is planetary Kundalini which is directly interfaced with the human body Kundalini which is located in the tailbone. The Kundalini and light codes received through the chakra system is absorbed into a form-holding blueprint (that is our 12 Tree Grid) and that stores information for how that "form" of new consciousness energy will manifest. The blueprint re-arranges itself in the Lightbody to align to the newly received templates of consciousness light and sound. This occurs at a microcosmic or personal human body level and the macrocosmic level of the planet, through the Solar System and Cosmos, and is a part of the Quantum Mechanics of all creation.
At the end of the Precession of Equinoxes, we align to the galactic core; Stargate portals open, and we are eligible to proceed with an Ascension timeline, the beginning of the next grand cycle. This propels us into the potential future timelines in higher octave systems that far exceed the current state of collective planetary consciousness. To access the higher future potentials there are also destructive timelines and probabilities that must come to an end or collapse. When humanity refers to the past or future, it actually is referring to a particular sub frequency along the space/time continuum. So when we clear a past trauma event in time, we generally are clearing blocked sub frequencies that were located in our chakra system and lightbody (and the planetary body).
For those of us that came from the future time and remember those potentials of consciousness freedom, this alignment in the Galactic core is experienced with great celebration and relief. However, the compassion for the plight on earth has brought many of us here in the Ascension timeline from other galaxies to help this planet's re-education process to heal and evolve beyond war and enslavement (there are more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe).
Quantum Mechanics is Ascension Math
Ascension is the complex quantum mechanics governing the movement of consciousness or intelligent energy throughout time and space, in the past, present and future timelines. To more deeply explore and comprehend what the Ascension Cycle and its impact means to the planet and humanity, one would need to have a deeper understanding of Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Theory and Ascension Theory are deeply enmeshed and interrelated; both are heavily disputed and ridiculed in current mainstream sciences.
Quantum Mechanics is a branch of physics which deals with physical phenomena or "quantum" energy at the atomic and subatomic levels, providing a mathematical description of the dual particle-like and wave-like behavior and interactions between energy and matter. In physics, a quantum is the minimum amount of any physical entity involved in an interaction. Quantum is used to describe the fundamental framework for understanding how the Universe works at the smallest scales of energy units.
At the center of Quantum Mechanics is the Planck-Einstein relation. Planck-Einstein's energy–frequency relation relates the energy of a photon, the Quantum of Light, to its electromagnetic wave and rate of frequency. Essentially, this formula quantifies the energy property of matter and its direct interrelationship with frequency and wavelength. This provides the framework for constructing quantum mechanical models at subatomic levels, which mathematically quantify the existence of multiple dimensions in time.
Transferring and Converting Energy
In physics, energy is a property of objects that is transferable in certain fundamental interactions. Energy in objects can be converted in form and transferred, but ultimately not created or destroyed. When we apply quantum understanding, we start to apply the mathematical laws based on potential energy transference made through multiple dimensions in time. To clarify this point, accessing one's consciousness impacts the transference and/or conversion of light energy throughout multiple timelines.
Therefore the properties of energy, in its variety of forms, whether visible or non-visible, directly impact the scale of different qualities of consciousness (spiritual bodies) and light energy transference throughout multiple dimensions. Each dimension and its timeline is composed of subatomic particles of light moving at different frequencies and wavelengths. For example, the chakras work like magnetic devices in these multiple dimensions and they automatically attract the densest electromagnetic energy in their spectrum of light energy from that dimension. When we focus on our chakras we can help to convert these denser energies and intentionally transmute them with the higher light frequencies of our inner Christ spirit.
This means that all light energy properties have potential interactions that control the movement of energy, from place to place, thus adjusting qualities of energy-frequency in matter for the past, present and future. As we make the choice to participate with our light energy transference in whatever location in time, this directly impacts our consciousness evolution in every dimension. Our choices from moment to moment contain the energetic probability to either heal or harm our lightbody. This illustrates the energetic-frequency impact upon all living things based upon the choices of personal and collective consciousness which exist within multiple dimensions and multiple timelines, simultaneously.
Consequently, this also directly impacts the scale of different rates of intelligence and sentience operating within in a form or body in multiple dimensions. So it is accurate to say that Consciousness and its rate of intelligence can be converted in scale or transferred in form across time and space, but ultimately not created or destroyed. By recognizing that our Soul and layers of Spiritual Bodies are states of consciousness and light energy-frequency, and not religious dogma, we begin to see the scientific probability of the Soul. Our Soul exists in another dimension of time and space, until we choose to bring it here and embody its spectrum of light. One question to ask is what quality of energy-frequency are the Soul or Spiritual bodies? Can one attune one's mind and body to that specific energy-frequency in future time and what happens when you do? Is this energy-frequency measurable in result or resonance?
Consciousness is intelligent energy which can be expanded and directed by focused awareness, independent of time, upon the radiant energy of the Spiritual Bodies through their Quantum of Light. To physically interact with another dimension, the frequency of one's consciousness needs to be aligned to that dimension.
Expanding Consciousness is Light Transference
When we address Light as radiant energy-frequency it becomes clearer that Quantum of Light is the Universe's way of transferring packets of intelligent energy into consciousness throughout time and space. Those packets of intelligent light energy-frequency are also called light symbol codes or DNA fire letters. These light codes are delivered to the planet and to a human body through energy-frequency current which is called Kundalini.
There is planetary Kundalini which is directly interfaced with the human body Kundalini which is located in the tailbone. The Kundalini and light codes received through the chakra system is absorbed into a form-holding blueprint (that is our 12 Tree Grid) and that stores information for how that "form" of new consciousness energy will manifest. The blueprint re-arranges itself in the Lightbody to align to the newly received templates of consciousness light and sound. This occurs at a microcosmic or personal human body level and the macrocosmic level of the planet, through the Solar System and Cosmos, and is a part of the Quantum Mechanics of all creation.
Consciousness and matter are both forms of
energy-frequency. What we think and how we feel generates electrical
impulses, which travel from the Central Nervous System, the brain
receivers and down through the spinal column and radiate from the
chakras. The quality of that electrical energy governs the
electromagnetic functioning of the chakras, which influences the overall
frequency of one's lightbody. Personal consciousness is the sum total
of all of one's thoughts, emotions, intelligence, beliefs, and attitudes
as an energy-frequency. Personal consciousness originates as brain wave
energy and the lightbody is energy-frequency, both forms of
energy-frequency are intimately interconnected and influence each other.
The generated frequencies are either positive or negative until
synthesized. Chakra blockages are directly caused from the exchange of
energy transmitted by one's consciousness or artificial structures or
oppressions. This process is energy transference, which refers to the
exchange or transfer of light energy between the physical body and the
Different colors of light, different energy-frequencies of light all create different properties of electromagnetic radiation waves and different amounts of radiant energy that interact with the Quantum of Light. Light with a lower energy-frequency will have a longer electromagnetic wavelength. The rate of frequency and wavelength are inversely proportional to each other. This means that as one increases, the other decreases and vice-a-versa. The product between the rate of frequency and its proportional wavelength is the measurement of the speed of light through space/time. This means that energy-frequency, wavelengths, oscillation of light are interdependent on each other in order to increase or decrease their properties existing within every object, body or creation.
As light travels in waves and bounces off an object; this is called reflection. When light travels and bounces off a human being, the impact of these forces upon one's energetic body and how they resonate with the fundamental frequency of one's being is called, the Law of Resonance. How these forces of light resonate with the human energy field, as they are either compatible or not, will impact how that light code will refract through the internal DNA lens. The internal DNA lens, the state of the internal structure of lightbody, will dictate what experience the person will have when in exposure to the ranges of energetic-frequency (Spectrum of Light). As a person meditates on inner stillness and intends to remove artificial machinery and clear the mental and emotional body from conflict, the internal energies and chakras become more transparent and balanced. More transparency and energetic balance allows a higher capacity to resonate and thus, reflect higher energy-frequencies of the light source.
Light waves also bend and refract; this happens when the light waves are bent as they pass through a transparent object. The lens in a pair of eye glasses helps people see more clearly by bending the light rays to help the person's eye adjust reflected images at a distance, close up or far away.
Holographic Light Projector
Different colors of light, different energy-frequencies of light all create different properties of electromagnetic radiation waves and different amounts of radiant energy that interact with the Quantum of Light. Light with a lower energy-frequency will have a longer electromagnetic wavelength. The rate of frequency and wavelength are inversely proportional to each other. This means that as one increases, the other decreases and vice-a-versa. The product between the rate of frequency and its proportional wavelength is the measurement of the speed of light through space/time. This means that energy-frequency, wavelengths, oscillation of light are interdependent on each other in order to increase or decrease their properties existing within every object, body or creation.
As light travels in waves and bounces off an object; this is called reflection. When light travels and bounces off a human being, the impact of these forces upon one's energetic body and how they resonate with the fundamental frequency of one's being is called, the Law of Resonance. How these forces of light resonate with the human energy field, as they are either compatible or not, will impact how that light code will refract through the internal DNA lens. The internal DNA lens, the state of the internal structure of lightbody, will dictate what experience the person will have when in exposure to the ranges of energetic-frequency (Spectrum of Light). As a person meditates on inner stillness and intends to remove artificial machinery and clear the mental and emotional body from conflict, the internal energies and chakras become more transparent and balanced. More transparency and energetic balance allows a higher capacity to resonate and thus, reflect higher energy-frequencies of the light source.
Light waves also bend and refract; this happens when the light waves are bent as they pass through a transparent object. The lens in a pair of eye glasses helps people see more clearly by bending the light rays to help the person's eye adjust reflected images at a distance, close up or far away.
Holographic Light Projector
Monday, August 18, 2014
Energetic Synthesis: Expanding Consciousness - Newsletter August
August 2014
Expanding Consciousness
Dear Ascending Family,
Consciousness is Energy
During the Ascension Cycle the planet
and humanity is undergoing vibrational shifts which radically impact the
individual mind, the collective race mind, the planetary mind; all
which exist at uniquely different frequency rates of Consciousness. Each
of the uniquely different frequency rates of Consciousness form a
distinctive level of energetic intelligence or sentience. Sentience is
the varied ability of any type of entity to have a subjective perceptual
experience as a characteristic of intelligence or as a facet of
developing higher sensory perception.
The higher the overall frequency of the
Consciousness that uniquely forms the energy of any entity is the
relationship to more advanced levels of intelligence and sentience. It
is a natural biological process for all human beings to have the ability
to evolve and to Expand Consciousness whichincreases levels of sentience.
- What is Consciousness? Consciousness is energy, and energy is Conscious, they are both interchangeable. All energy is intelligent. Our Soul and Monadic spiritual body is Consciousness and therefore Intelligent Energy.
- What is Sentience? Sentience is the ability of any type of entity to have a subjective sensory or perceptual experience as a characteristic of intelligence, higher mind or as a facet of developing higher sensory perception. Sentience levels, the acquiring of senses, are based on the quality of energy and Consciousness rate of frequency which works as a function through that body.
- What is Expanding Consciousness? Increasing energy through the intentional connection with higher frequencies is what changes the rate of vibration. What we think and how we behave is a rate of frequency. If we change how we think and behave we raise our frequency. Access to higher frequency is how one accesses higher intelligence which are levels of higher operating sentience. Expanding Consciousness goes beyond acquiring mental knowledge in linear thinking and into the realm of direct cognition and higher sensory perceptual experiences. Expanding Consciousness allows one to perceive things as they really are and not what one wishes them to be. Expanding Consciousness means:
- increasing energy to the body, mind, heart and spirit
- increasing intelligence through non linear thinking
- increasing consciousness frequency
- increasing sentience and sensory abilities
- increasing connectivity between body functions; physical, mental, emotional, spiritual
- increasing awareness of intelligent energy in all things
- increasing the connectivity of higher spiritual bodies
- increasing frequency rate of combined energetic bodies
- increasing energetic synthesis which initiates dormant DNA/RNA
- increasing health and wellbeing through homeostasis
- increasing peaceful and benevolent feelings
- decreasing energy blocks which reduce density levels in matter
- decreasing pain, addiction and suffering
- decreasing deception, lies and delusions from magical or wishful thinking
With the Sophianic Body Correction underway, the transformation of our Expanding Consciousness merges
with the greater scientific understanding of initiating previously
dormant DNA/RNA. The capacity of DNA activation made through expanding
consciousness, by expanding energy and higher frequency rates, plays an
important and direct role in spiritual ascension. The continual
expansion of consciousness will push humanity to go beyond linear
thinking and adapt to nonlinear thinking in order to resolve the many
issues humanity faces.
Linear vs. Non-Linear Thinking
Linear thinking is the process of
thought following known step-by-step progression where a response to a
step must be elicited before another step is taken. (Step 1, Step 2,
Step 3….) Linear thinkers put things in order as they experience them in
a sequential manner, like a straight line. A straight line between two
points has been the way we have been educated as the most effective way
to get from one place to another. Linear thinkers see the world mostly
as black and white (the polarity structure or bi-wave influence). A
person limited to linear thinking has mental blocks in reaching more
options for resolution or reaching compromise because they cannot
perceive outside a certain parameter. An example of limitation in linear
thinking is the capacity to creatively problem solve an issue if the
primary procedure breaks down, to find alternative ways, to inquire or
ask the right question in the problem solving equation, or to find the
balance point for resolution. Additionally, linear thinkers do not
communicate with the consciousness inherent in living things, like the
land, animals and nature. Because linear thinking is repetitious and in
many situations the outcome or result never changes, this stunts higher
sensory perception and suppresses consciousness. The mind gets stuck in
a gear of belief and linear experience that it cannot shift out of. The
more inflexible the mind, the weaker it is.
Most people perceive the external
structures of reality based on information conveyed by their main
senses, which is their operating sentience level. Some people have five
main senses that are controlled by their Unconscious Mind functions, and
others with developed higher sensory perception, have accumulated more
sensory ability by expanding their access into their higher mind
function. If sensory information is missing, partially blocked, or
misunderstood through wrong perception, people impose their semblance of
linear order without the benefit of all the proper information. This is
assuming something to be true and accurate while holding only the
tiniest infinitesimal variable that prevents one from seeing the whole
facts or larger picture. Purely linear thinking ultimately confines the
intelligence to the lower aspects of mind and lower instinctual senses.
Linear thinking contracts energy. Linear thinking contracts
consciousness and limits expanded sensory feelings such as intuition.
Thought addicted linear thinkers close down their heart and this closes
down their body feeling mechanism.
Non-linear thinkers have developed a
capacity for spiral thinking and problem solving which extends into
multiple directions or as an outward expansion spiral. Rather than
thinking in step by step moving in one direction, spiral thinkers
inherently know that there are multiple starting points from which one
can apply the solution to a problem. Spiral thinkers are able to
traverse the many directions the problem may have and find the central
root or causal issue of the problem, rather than trying to solve the
surface symptom. Most world problems have a causation of which many
layers of other problems are stacked on top in layers as the result.
This is the same as a medical diagnosis giving a label to something that
does not address the deeper cause and its root infection. Most linear
thinking keeps the mind sliding on the surface going back and forth and
finally in a circle which remains static. Nonlinear or spiral thinking
allows the mind to go deeper to the root of the problem, spiral it out
in multiple directions from its source, which is the most effective way
to impact deeper resolution and change. Spiral thinkers are accessing
beyond the functions of the three layers of ego mind. They access a new
higher sensory ability through the contact made to the higher mind,
which is a function of higher consciousness or spirit-energy
intelligence. Training your mind to go beyond linear thought and into
nonlinear thinking expands energy, expands consciousness and potentially
opens ones heart and feeling centers.
How Does Energy Contract and Expand?
Energy is Consciousness and it either
contracts or expands to maintain or increase its frequency rate. The
process of how fast or slow energy contracts back towards its center
point of source field is the Vibration rate. The process of how fast or
slow that same energy expands away from the center point of the source
field is the Oscillation rate. The combination of both the pattern of
Vibration (contraction) and Oscillation (expansion) speed is what
determines the frequency rate of all energy and things. As our personal,
collective and planetary consciousness raises frequency, the matter
world, including our physical bodies, also becomes less dense as our
frequency increases.
The meaning of higher frequency
consciousness and sentience are intentionally confused through linear
thinkers. Some of those linear thinkers are in panel debates arguing in
circles as the supposed experts because they have many initials behind
their name and credentials in their scientific field. Rather than have
open dialogues of cross pollination in the progressive development of
mainstream sciences, divide and conquer mentality is present within the
circles of experts competing for some precedence in their field. The NAA
does not want any of the scientific communities collaborating together
in nonlinear thought in a unified stance for serving humanitarian based
ethics. That would foster expanding consciousness, compassion and
empathy for the human condition where nonlinear thinking could actually
solve some major planetary problems. They would rather reward the
standard procedures which generate conflicts of interest, backbiting,
lack of empathy and one-upmanship for a competitive race to the finish
line to see who gets the next awarded grant money from the Rockefellers.
Mainstream Science Confirmation Bias
Linear thinking along with this problem of selfish ambition before human ethics, contributes to scientific confirmation bias.
No person in academia wants to suffer the consequences of making new
scientific discoveries that the mainstream science community will
aggressively crucify. Academic careers are ruined in this way while out
casting the target for victimization. Sadly, this negative behavior is
neither supportive to developing human potential, nor resolving the many
critical problems of the planet through acquiring new scientific
Depending on which of the mainstream
sciences that attempts to discuss the nature of Consciousness,
Consciousness takes on a variety of meanings in the area of science that
has confirmation bias based on peer consensus. Confirmation bias is the
tendency to favor information that confirms one's beliefs or personally
invested hypotheses. People display this bias when they gather in a
"reality bubble" of group consciousness, that they interpret in a biased
way to defend their power, status or position.
At Oxford Universities with such fellow
emeritus as Charles Darwin and his protégé Richard Dawkins, there is an
intellectually superior advocacy of atheistic science as an agenda in
the high status, high powered and highly awarded academics. Atheism
holds the belief there is no soul, there is no after life existence, and
all of the people that have those experiences directly are discredited
through a diagnosis of delusions or brain hallucination. In his 2006
book "The God Delusion", Dawkins contends that a supernatural creator
does not exist and that religious faith is a delusion—"a fixed false
belief". The likelihood that any person achieving a Master Degree in
Science at Oxford would be willing to challenge this absolute
precedence, set by fellow emeritus that atheism and Darwin are
intellectually superior as models of evolutionary biology, is made slim
to none. Anything beyond this Darwinian belief system is thought idiotic
and ignorant because Oxford implies it so. This is confirmation bias.
Although Dawkins has reacted to the
religious dogma of NAA religion with atheistic fervor, (and we all know
why) he has missed the major connection point. The marriage between
expanding consciousness, higher levels of operating sentience and
ethical world humanism all relate entirely. One cannot be a true
humanist and be separated from the Soul by insisting it is a delusion.
The Soul is an intrinsic part of the empathic sentience of a human
being. The World Soul and its empathic sentience have nothing to do
with World Religion. When one cannot recognize Soul in the self, one
cannot recognize Soul or levels of sentience that is present in other
living things. This sets precedence for confirmation bias for the
scientific basis of atheism across all mainstream sciences. Most
certainly this gentleman has not had direct communication with his Soul
or contact with higher intelligence beyond himself. These are the people
in academic leadership responsible for molding the world's most
prestigious educators and thinkers.
The goal is to create intellectual mind
machines at the most prestigious academic levels to block direct sensory
experience of higher Consciousness, as directed through highly
respected faculty like Dawkins. This way humans will use high technology
in barbaric methods to cut into other humans, chop up animals, rip out
body parts, fuse DNA with cross species and genetically implant our
brain with computer chips as the academics at Oxford applaud this as
humanist based "evolutionary biology". This is the newly burgeoning
ideology of Transhumanism, merging eugenics, artificial intelligence and
technology with human biology, which essentially is the idea of
evolving humans into cyborgs. This is a perfect cover for promoting the
Controller reptilian mind control in the academic ranks to oppress human
consciousness and shut down direct knowledge of heart based sentience.
Friday, July 18, 2014
Energetic Synthesis: Sophianic Body Correction - Newsletter July 2014 |
July 2014
Sophianic Body Correction
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Dear Ascending Family,
This next stage of the planetary
restoration cycle is the continuance from late December 2012. The
Mother's Cosmic Aether is returning to inspirit throughout the kingdoms
of elemental matter. From deep inside the earth core moving up into the
crust, collecting pieces on its pathway by returning them into
reconstituted substances that may evolve into forms of wholeness or
rehabilitation. These pieces encompass many levels of the earthly
elemental kingdoms; microorganism, insect, mineral, plant, animal, all
creatures which are a collective part of the planetary consciousness.
Thus, we have begun another deeper phase of the Ascension cycle with the
Sophianic Body Correction.
The first weekend in July began another
evolution cycle of the Mother's frequency encoding instruction sets into
the planetary magnetic field supported from the plasmic architecture of
the Krystal Kaleidoscope. These magnetic properties, along with plasma
conductive gases, are thrusting up from the earth core into volcanic
pipes and volcanic arc chains and their many islands on our planet.
Indo-Australian Plates
Currently, these magnetic field
vibrations are more pronounced in the Southern Hemisphere of the Indian
Ocean and the Indo-Australian oceanic floor. The epicenter of the
surging (from the earth core thrusting upwards into the crust) is
hitting into two of the deepest oceanic trenches in the Indian Ocean,
the Diamantina Deep Trench and the Java (Sunda) trench by Sumatra, at
the outer borders of Western Indonesia on the Indian Ocean. The
geographical areas surrounding the Indo-Australian tectonic plates and
the Antarctic plates are very active now. The Indian Ocean floor is
spreading at the force of magnetic pressure made between these deep
trenches, and it is applying pressure into the boundaries which move the
oceanic and continental plates.
This activity is a natural part of the
quantum mechanics of the Ascension cycle and the bifurcation of time in
the fields. The planetary magnetic dipole shifts rebalance the mass of
polarities in the bi-wave spectrum (+Positive –Negative electromagnetic
charges) in the planet's hemispheres and quaternaries. The quaternaries
make up the mineral, plant, animal and human realms. This is a resetting
of the accumulated polarities of forces that occurs on planet at the
end of the precession or the Ascension cycle. This heralds the Sophianic Body Correction,
the restoration of the Mother's magnetic sound vibrations by
transmitting her coded magnetic fields back into the core and throughout
the planetary consciousness fields. This gradual process of shifting
the weight of planetary magnetism reduces certain magnetic and
gravitational impacts from the moon. Such as, the correction of
inorganic orbital paths (wobbles) between these stellar bodies and the
correction of the magnetic compaction created by tidal forces which
impact planetary sea levels.
The volcanic islands, craters and
mountainous rock volcanoes act as piezoelectric instruments (compression
sensors) of the magnetic fields rate of compression caused by massive
amounts of intermittent magnetic flux. Additionally, the volcanoes are
found where the tectonic plates are either diverging or converging
together, they act to modulate eruptions of gases to escape from beneath
the surface. As well, these act as transmission antennae of magnetic
vibration and plasma conductive gases into our lower atmosphere
(troposphere) leading up into the magnetosphere. More submarine
volcanoes, shield volcanoes and volcanic pipes will be thrust up from
the core of deep magma sources ejecting gemstones and diamonds to the
surface crust, as Mother intends for Sophianic Body Correction.
Mother and Child Reunited
On the earth surface, the etheric
filaments of the collective planetary field ley lines are filling with
the imprints of corrected blueprint patterns containing magnetic sound
vibrations. These also help to create chalice configurations for the
Mother principle to run her life force through the smaller tributaries
of the earth. These corrected configurations are intersections for
flowing life force current that circulate throughout the planetary heart
system, sonic waves through the oceans, waters and rivers, as they are
pumped through the Aurora Portal Networks and Mother Arc Hubs. The
planetary hearts (circulatory systems of life force current) can be
reversed, blocked, blackened (dead) or repaired to become conscious and
living diamond heart body systems. The Diamond Heart in the earth body
is essentially the definition of the Sophianic Body of Mother.
These combined networks are sequentially being built into the planetary
body to run re-encryption patterns from the Aurora Christos and Aurora
Mother in tri-wave and plasma current. This is the process of sound
waves creating light, in order to repair DNA mutations, mitochondrion
and many levels of miasmatic damage. This is spiritually symbolic to the
understanding that the Mother of God and the Christos Child are being
reacquainted and reunited on earth at this time. Unfortunately, not all
children of earth will recognize their real Mother in this cycle.
Blood Altered by Magnetic Shifts
Magnetic fields are physical and
environmental forces that produce a variety of responses in cellular
biology that include changes made in DNA-RNA messaging and many genetic
factors. When there are changes made to the planetary magnetic field,
changes made to the rate of electromagnetism (EMF) exposure, this
directly alters cellular processes, gene expression and blood plasma.
Functioning proteins in the human body, such as in human blood plasma,
bind in relationship to the quality and exposure of the EMF field.
Proteins perform a vast array of functions within living organisms,
including catalyzing metabolic reactions, replicating DNA, responding to
stimuli, and transporting molecules from one location to another. Blood
plasma acts as the protein reserve in the body, protecting against
infection and diseases and has a vital role in delivering the functional
proteins required for DNA synthesis. The quality of our blood and blood
plasma is what gives instruction to the entire set of proteins that are
expressed by our genetic material, in all cells and tissues. This means
that the blood directly communicates to the body through proteins, what
has been encoded into our DNA. This protein synthesis communication
made between DNA, RNA and mitochondria of the cell is being altered by
the shifting magnetic field.
Additionally, our red blood cells
contain hemoglobin which is a protein built on a core of four iron atoms
that have functions related to the state of the iron core and magnetism
of the earth. Hemoglobin in the blood carries oxygen from the lungs to
the rest of the body where it releases the oxygen to burn nutrients.
This provides energy to power the functions of our body, in the process
called energy metabolism. This is significant because the change made to
our blood is directly related to how energy is evolving to be
metabolized in our body and consciousness. This will be increasingly
apparent as we pay attention to these signs changing energy consumption
and use of energy resources on the planet. Return to the rightful owner,
also means the shift of energy metabolism changing inside the microcosm
of our body to reflect upon the macrocosm of the earth. This is an
important stage of ending the Controllers consumptive modeling to reach
the balance of conservation principles in order to find inner
sustainability, thus energetic balance in these systems. A major
component of this shift is within the mystery of the higher functions of
the mitochondrion.
Mother's Mitochondrial DNA
When we equate the gender principle
inherent in our creation and that our Mother principle is returning
energetic balance into the earth core through the magnetic field, the
next step is the implication to repair the Mitochondrial DNA.
Mitochondrial DNA is the DNA located in mitochondria, structures within
cells that convert chemical energy from food into a form that cells can
use, adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP measures the amount of light
quotient held by the cell and tissues of the body and is directly
related to the embodiment of spiritual consciousness, which is energy
and critical for energy metabolism.
Mitochondrial DNA is only a small portion of the DNA in a cell; most of the DNA can be found in the cell nucleus. In most species on earth, including human beings, Mitochondrial DNA is inherited solely from the mother.
Mitochondria have their own genetic material, and the mechanism to
manufacture their own RNAs and new proteins. This process is called
protein biosynthesis. Protein biosynthesis refers to the process whereby
biological cells generate new sets of proteins.
Without properly functioning Mitochondrial DNA, humanity cannot effectively generate new proteins for DNA synthesis. Nor store the levels of ATP required to generate the light from the cell to embody our spiritual consciousness. Thus, through the Mitochondrial DNA damage humanity is grossly addicted to consuming everything in the external world to fill this energy void within our cells. (See NAA Alien set up for Addiction)
Because we have known nothing else
in our recent history and have erased memories, humanity is unaware that
we have existed with severely dysfunctional Mitochondrion.
This is a direct result of the Mother's
DNA, magnetic principles and proton structure extracted from this earth
and a synthetic alien version of "Dark Mother" that was put into the
planetary architecture to mimic its functions. Humanity has been without
its true Mother principle functioning on the planet and evidently this
is recorded in the cells of our Mitochondrial DNA. This event has been
described many times as the NAA invasion of Planetary Logos through
controlling the magnetosphere and magnetic field.
The inner mitochondrial membrane is
sorted into numerous cristae, which expand the surface area of the inner
mitochondrial membrane, enhancing its ability to produce ATP. It is
this area of the Mitochondrion, once functioning properly, that
increases the ATP energy and generates light into the cells and tissues
of the body. The cristae higher function in the mitochondrion is being
activated in the ascending groups beginning in this cycle.
Synchronically, the name "cristae" has been given through scientific
discovery when its direct implication is related to the activation of
the crystal gene.
Estrogen Receptors Shifting
The Mother Mitochondrial DNA and
magnetic shifts have many factors which are making adjustments and
symptoms to the reproductive cycles of females. Estrogen hormones
activate estrogen receptors which are proteins that go into the cell and
binds to the DNA making adjustments to the genetic expression. Cells
can communicate with each other by releasing molecules that produce
signaling within another receptive cell. Estrogen is secreted by tissues
such as the ovaries and placenta, crosses the cell membrane of the
recipient cell, and is bound by the estrogen receptor in the cell. The
Estrogen receptor controls messaging between the DNA and the messenger
RNA. As such, many females are undergoing unusual, strange cycles of
their menses at this time which tend toward estrogen dominance.
Changes to estrogen levels are happening in both men and women, so be
aware of listening to what your body may need to help support this
change. Taking care of the liver, detoxifying, eliminating sugar
consumption, removing hormone inducing or hormone injected foods,
balancing bacteria in the intestines and body is helpful to support
estrogen balancing.
Mitochondrial Disease Depletes Energy
Mitochondrial diseases are from genetic
mutations imprinted into the DNA sequences. Artificial architecture
placed into the planet, such as alien machinery, with intention to make
genetic modification to usurp the Mother's DNA, manifested DNA mutation
and DNA damage to all species. Mitochondrial diseases take on unique
characteristics of blocked energy in the body because of the way the
disease accumulated through inherited maternal genetics in ancestral
Mitochondrion is critical for every day
cell function and energy metabolism which also leads to spiritual
progression of soul and oversoul (monad) embodiment. Mitochondrial
disease reduces effective overall energy production for the available
body-consciousness energy, stunting human development and spiritual
growth. Thus, the body ages and gets diseases faster; the personal
energy is deactivated thus depleted. This severely limits the amount of
usable energy available for the brain development and all neurological
system functions. Depletion of energy reserves for building brain and
neurological development contributes to spectrums of autism,
neurodegeneration and other brain processing deficiencies. Defects in
mitochondrial genes are associated with hundreds of "clinical" diseases
prevalent in primarily blood, brain and neurological disorders.
The blood, brain and neurological
function of the planetary body is equated to the architecture of Ley
Lines, Chakra centers, and Stargate systems which run the energetic
current (blood) to form an consciousness body known as the 12 Tree Grid
of the Planetary Templar. The blood, brain and neurological functions of
the human body are equated to the same 12 Tree Grid of the Human
Templar. Once the Templar and its DNA instruction set are damaged or
mutated, the blood, brain and nervous system is damaged or mutated. If
our blood, brain and nervous system is blocked or damaged we cannot
translate language, we cannot communicate with higher sensory
perception, and we cannot build multidimensional light bodies to receive
higher wisdom (Sophia). Our species language at many levels, including
our DNA language has been confounded and scrambled by those who have
sought to enslave and brutalize the earth.
As we know, much of the kinetic or other
external energy sources are aggressively controlled by the power elite
to suppress human development and to stop the possibility of equitable
use or fair exchange of resources to be shared among the earth
population. The NAA strategy is to control all energy and power sources,
(even control the DNA and soul) thus create a ruling class and a serf
or slave class. Orion group's archontic deception methods are to divide
and conquer; thus, the population is much easier to control while
traumatized in fear, ignorance and left poverty stricken.
DNA, RNA and Proteins
All living beings are reliant on three
main molecules for essentially all of their biological functions. These
molecules are DNA, RNA and proteins. The two strands of DNA run in
opposite directions to each other and are therefore adjacent to each
other (anti-parallel). It is the sequence of these four nitrogen bases
along the backbone that encodes biological information. Under the
genetic code, RNA strands are translated to specify the sequence of
amino acids within proteins. These RNA strands are initially created
using DNA strands as a template in a process called transcription.
Without DNA, RNA and proteins, no
biological life would exist on earth. DNA is an intelligent molecule
that encodes the complete set of genetic instructions (the genome) that
is required to gather, maintain, and reproduce every living being. RNA
has multiple vital roles in the coding, decoding, regulation, and
expression of genetics. RNA's primary responsibility is to make
proteins, according to the instruction sets encoded within a cell's DNA.
DNA is made up of sugars, a nitrogenous base and a phosphate group. RNA is the same.
DNA, the nitrogenous base is made up of nucleic acids; Cytosine (C),
Guanine (G), Adenine (A) and Thymine (T). Metaphysically, each of these
nucleic acids is connected to the elemental substance of the planet as
Air, Water, Fire, and Earth. When we pollute these four elements on the
earth, we pollute the corresponding nucleic acid in our DNA.
However, in RNA the nitrogenous base is
made up of nucleic acids; Cytosine (C), Guanine (G), Adenine (A) and
Uracil (U). Also, each of the RNA nucleic acids is connected to the
elemental substance of the planet as Air, Water, Fire, and Earth. In
both DNA and RNA, the Mitochondrial DNA serves as the fifth principal
element of Cosmic Aether which is sourced only from the Mother. This is an example of allotropy
which is the property of some chemical elements to exist in two or more
different forms, known as allotropes of these elements. Allotropes are
different structural modifications of an element. Our DNA is the
allotrope of the four main planetary elements.
The main biological function of a
nitrogenous base in DNA is to bond nucleic acids together. Adenine is
always paired with thymine, and guanine is always paired with cytosine. These are known as base pairs. Uracil is only present in RNA, replacing thymine and pairing with adenine.
Both RNA and DNA use base pairs (male +
female) as a complementary language that can be converted back and forth
between the DNA to RNA by the action of the correct enzymes. This
male-female language or based paired structure provides a backup copy of
all genetic information encoded within double-stranded DNA.
Reverse Base Pairing
All DNA and RNA function upon the gender
principle of base pairs that hydrogen bond together. Base pairs must
bond in the sequence of which allows DNA and RNA to communicate (as per
the original design of our 12 Strand DNA, the Diamond Sun Body). As well
as allow the RNA to produce functioning proteins that continue to build
the rungs that synthesize and correct the double helix of DNA. Human
DNA has been tampered with through mutation of the base pairs and
reverse bonding the pairs or inserting editing sequences through
engineered organisms, such as virus. This base pair tampering relates to
the gender splitting technology of the NRG which impacts all male and
female language and their relationships. DNA copies are created by the
pairing of nucleic acid sub units to the male-female base pairs present
on each strand of the original DNA molecule. This pairing always occurs
in specific combinations. The reverse base pairing of DNA as well as
many levels of genetic modification and genetic control, contribute to
the suppression of DNA synthesis. This is the intentional suppression
of DNA activation of the 12 strand original design, the Silicate Matrix
which is assembled and built by proteins. This genetic suppression has
been aggressive since the Atlantian cataclysm. This is directly related
to the suppression of hierogamic union which is achieved by proper DNA
base pairing which can build and assemble the proteins to unscramble DNA
fire letters.
RNA Editing through Aspartame
One example of genetic modification and
experimentation in the population is the introduction of aspartame.
Aspartame is chemically synthesized from aspartate which degrades the
function of uracil –thymine relationships in DNA, as well as impairs
functions of RNA protein synthesis and RNA messaging with DNA. RNA
editing through the addition and deletion of uracil and thymine is
recoded into the mitochondria of the cell, of which mitochondrial damage
promotes neurological diseases. Thymine is an aggressive protector of
the integrity of the DNA. Additionally the degradation of uracil
produces the substrates aspartate, carbon dioxide, and ammonia.
Nitrogen Cycle Tampering
As a consequence of the industrial
revolution, the introduction of the military complex through Negative
Alien contact, the global nitrogen cycle has been significantly altered
over the past century. Although nitrogen is necessary for all known
forms of life on Earth, the fossil fuel wars are intentionally enforced
by the NAA to pollute the earth and damage the DNA. Nitrogen is a
component in all amino acids, as incorporated into proteins, and is
present in the bases that make up nucleic acids in RNA and DNA. However,
fossil fuel wars, forcing the use of combustion engines, creation of
chemical fertilizers, and pollution emitted by vehicles and industrial
plants, human beings have contributed to severe toxicity transfer of
nitrogen into biologically available formats. Nitrous oxide, carbon
dioxide, methane, ammonia all contribute to the soup of greenhouse gas
that poisons the earth, drinking water and oceans. These pollutants
damage and mutate DNA.
Elemental Change to Pain Body
Thus, many of us have been feeling the
elemental changes in our blood, body parts (especially the skin layers
which react to blood changes) and deep shifts in our cells and tissues.
The animation of matter from the magnetic shift will also penetrate the
layers of our emotional-elemental body, which has deep impacts to
cellular responses and cellular memories buried in the Instinctual Body
(Pain body).
The current shift in the elemental body requires transmutation which may have a sensation that is similar to observing the decomposition of matter
in the cycles of life. Microorganisms, enzymes, some parasites and
insects act as the earthly matter alchemists and enzymatically shift the
elemental composition or digest the waste product of decomposing
matter. This is the spiritual alchemy of the magnum opus of our human
and planetary spiritual ascension as the great work in progress.
As such, many of us may sense our
body rapidly detoxifying or eliminating waste product and feel our body
attempting to find homeostatic balance with its internal microorganisms
and parasites. The strange sensations come with enzymatic change of the
chemical composition inside our elemental body. This is a decomposition
of the miasmatic energies attached to elemental matter. This may exhibit
a general symptom of different external sensation of skin itchiness,
skin crawling feeling, rashes, boils, acne, signs of minor infection,
This new cycle will pressure each of us
to pay attention to our Instinctual body, our emotional-elemental pain
body and what it is undergoing. The solar and lunar force relationship
and their combined impact to the planetary body polarity of forces are
adjusting to these recent impacts in the magnetic field.
Unfortunately, without higher principles
of understanding the Natural Laws, this results in great chaos and
suffering in those who persist in wielding destruction, division and
promoting violence, whatever its method.
However, there is an ongoing exodus of
lunar forces, moon chain beings, Fallen Angelics from our planet and
Solar System which continues to transpire now. As the quarantines are
lifted beyond the Solar System, those aligned to the Ascension (or are
pure of heart), go deeper into the reconfiguration of their sacral
energy centers from lunar influences to solar influences. This
bifurcation between the solar and lunar forces continues the shift not
only to the emotional-elemental body, but inside the sacral center and
all reproductive organs. This brings correction or epiphany to many
issues related to sexual misery programming that has been based on the
hidden histories with these moon chain entities. Mother's magnetic
instruction sets and mitochondrion are rebuilding the Solar Feminine and
the Solar Sacrum for her children of the earth.
DNA Synthesis
Knowing that our emotional-elemental
body is shifting from carbon based atoms to higher based elementals
through higher frequency activation and planetary magnetic shifts; we
may connect the dots in our own bodies' spiritual progression related to
its personal alchemical processes. With the Sophianic Body Correction
underway, the alchemical transformation of our consciousness evolution
has come to merge with the greater scientific understanding of DNA
Synthesis. DNA synthesis has the same meaning as DNA activation which
plays an important and direct role in spiritual ascension. Mother is
returning the record of Mitochondrial DNA through current magnetic
shifts which reinstate our blood, brain and neurological system
blueprint to higher functioning to bond with the DNA of our true
Transit of Fallen Angelics
Recently, a process of transiting began
for multiple hierarchies buried in the lower astral and earth realms
related to Fallen Angelic groups with its primary gatekeeper;
Raziel-Rachab. There are deeper links to the planet Mercury logos and
Raphael, of which the Laws governing Galactic principles are shifting
its architecture. This is related to rehabilitation of planetary logos
and the correction to the models of "Fallen Angels" and "Fallen Gods".
This process of transit has been hard on our physical body as the
residue of the fields moving through are very toxic, like decay,
decomposition of matter, with sensations of disease, infection and
cancer. This is because this collective species field in the planet and
in human beings is very diseased. For some Starseeds that are involved
with this process now, this surfaces the sensations that occur in the
cycles of decomposition of matter. This potentially will surface an
increased observation of related bug infestation, such as, insects and
spiders in the surroundings. If guided, harmonize the environment and
communicate calmly with these kingdoms as they are agitated and
According to the Book of Raziel, God
sent the highest of the Angels, Raziel, to teach Adam the spiritual laws
of nature and life on earth, including the knowledge of the planets,
stars and the spiritual laws of creation. These magical books are known
to Kabbalistic teachings as Sepher Ha-Razim and Sefer Raziel HaMalakh.
The Angel Raziel also taught Adam the
knowledge of the power of speech, the power of thoughts and the power of
a person's soul within the confines of the physical body and this
physical world, basically teaching the knowledge with which one can
harmonize physical and spiritual existence in this physical world.
Shifting Cancerian Waters
Through large transits such as
described, this process greatly shifts the elemental balance. As the
cosmic aether of our true Mother is added to the elemental ingredients
of our planetary body substance, the alchemical transmutation required
for DNA synthesis accelerates in our body. This is the process of
polarity integration between the newly reassembled parts of adding (or
subtracting) the required patterns being synthesized into the body
consciousness. As we are exposed to the Galactic principles of the
Cancerian Constellation watery influences, this phase can be deeply
emotional, deeply buried in subconscious and bring the purging of deep
soul wounds.
If there are imbalances running, this
may manifest as the breaking of bonds, breaking up of relationships, the
breaking up of an assembly, organization or the status quo. Everything
is undergoing a process of refinement, distillation and purification.
This emotional or elemental (physical) purging is the required
dismantling to remove subconscious blockages, unneeded primitive forces,
astral waters, alien machinery and obsolete or inorganic material. This
means we will feel the immense pressure to clear out our bad habits,
destructive behaviors, toxicity and negative ego thoughts that we have
not yet broken free of. This is because if we do not make attempts to
clear out these destructive behaviors and toxic relationships, it will
make us sick. Conversely, for those of us that have been working on
inner energetic balance (clearing negative ego behaviors), this time
will bring a big support system to help us to feel emotionally freed
from personal suffering.
The C Word
Cancer has heavy ancestral genetic
patterns and their components that greatly influence emotional miasma
and their harmful blockages located in the body. The disease called
Cancer is primarily from unhealed emotional wounds located in the soul,
which then penetrate into the etheric and elemental body. This disease
route has been linked into this constellation influence with a
magnifying purpose. The C word is an automated assigned verbiage that
incites terror in the hearts of many people who consider it a death
sentence. This is not accurate. This is a collective negative
implant to influence disease that mainly profit the pharmaceuticals.
With the spreading of NAA indoctrination, many people do not realize
cancer is primarily a spiritual disease, the emotions are wounded, the
soul is sick. Exposure to extreme toxicity, such as radioactive waste
and chemical pollution is also a major impact. However, in youngsters,
uncleared emotional miasma in the bloodline and family of origin is
recorded in the DNA of the offspring. In the elderly, the immunity
exhausts itself and shuts down from toxic exposure; easily succumbing to
the collective miasmatic programing for death. Most are prescribed a
myriad of combined prescription drugs which greatly alter the blood and
bio-neurological system, and that is greatly damaging to the soul body
connection after death of the physical body. (The average 50 year old
fills 13 prescriptions, the average 65 year old fills 20 different
prescription drugs annually).
During sleep and after death, each
individual vibrates to the realm of which s/he has earned through purity
of thought and choices made in the quality of accumulative time and
energy (consciousness). The process of which we travel upon the
multidimensional planes is all a matter of synchronous vibration; an
individual travels to their natural home, whether it is of high or low
vibration. This is one reason knowing the difference between the Houses
of Ego and building the House for the Spirits of Christ are of critical
importance for spiritual progression and freedom.
This current constellation influence
will amplify these issues; emotional wounds, heart blockages, soul
fragmentation, inherited behavior and spiritual sickness (that if
uncorrected) lead to the diagnosed words assigned to cancer. Being
aware this is amplified in collective consciousness helps us to be
informed and be able to better support our family, friends or
acquaintances that are struggling with these issues in the macrocosm.
Biochemic Tissue Salts
With the change in functioning of the
mitochondrial DNA, it may be helpful to research Biochemic Tissue Salts
to help support the conductive properties of the cells and neurological
system. This ancient knowledge was studied and understood by many of the
Ancient Mystery Schools, such as in Alexandria, Egypt and Greece, the
importance of mineral cell salts in the process of spiritual initiation
into hierogamic union (Hieros Gamos), which allows higher frequencies to
be embodied through the nourishing of the cells with the mineralized
energy form that is required to transmutate the cell. Tissue salts
consist of the natural elements occurring in the body itself, they are
identical substances. They form the basic constituents of the cells,
tissues and organs, and the body uses their energies for metabolic
functions. When tissue salts are required for these functions, there
should be an adequate supply available in the body and its fluids to
draw upon. If there is an insufficiency the cells convert their material
structure to provide the energy, and the cell goes into a depleted
state. Should this cycle continue, namely of material substance
converting to provide energy without nutritional replacement, the cells
lose their ability to function correctly. For more research on this
matter see Biochemic Cell Salts.
Perpetual Presence in Trans-time
This Trans-time continuum cycle reaches
its peak in mid-July to override NAA architecture that has intentionally
been used to damage or mutate human and planetary DNA. This means
those on the ascending timeline will be supported to connect with new
functions of Mitochondrial DNA, develop new connections with the Mother
of God principle on earth, and begin spiritual processes of DNA-RNA
repair. The combination of events now are the first time DNA repair
(through 12 Strand DNA encoding from the Mother Mitochondrial DNA and
Aurora re-encryption of elemental matter) and rehabilitation has been
encoded into the planet at this level.
What is most important now is to
relax the body and mind through daily meditation, and to clear negative
ego, emotional pain, stay calm and neutral. Pure alchemy
exists within the energetic balance of the core spiritual essence within
the natural state of the divine being. To connect with inner spiritual
alchemy, one must extract the artificial machinery influences and
intentionally remove the Houses of Ego that
may have been programmed within the self. As we are opening into
states of consciousness in the Trans time continuum, consider to
conceive of Unity consciousness through meditation by expansion of space
and within infinity in time. In meditation focus upon:
- Perpetual presence in all Time and Space.
- Perpetual Presence in dreaming and waking states combining into Oneness.
- In accessing memory of perpetual presence - all dread vanishes.
- Attempt to reach neutrality in mind towards all existing things. (Neutrality is neither love, hate nor indifference).
- Hold mentally the capacity of sameness, equilibrium and constant calm.
- This discipline attracts and increases the virtues of The Spirits of Christ. This acquires the virtue of Peace and Benevolence towards all things.
- Seek improvement in one's humanity and spiritual expression without praise or blame, or Victim-Victimizer archetypes.
In true alchemy one does not superimpose
one's will or ego to really create anything. All we do is allow
ourselves to be the vessel of God Spirit and provide the condition for
Nature (God) to do what Nature (God) does. We must discover our real
inner truth located within the essential core being, to seek the inner
knowledge of the authentic self. It is caused through our essential
divine nature when in full observance, dedication and devotion to the
Natural Laws of God, The Law of One. We look to provide the purely
natural conditions for our authentic state of being in so that the
Natural Laws can operate effectively without artifices. And so those on
the ascending timeline will now be subject to the Natural Laws of God of
which perform as an organic function of consciousness evolution.
Trans-time Integration for DNA Repair
Many of us are at different stages of
the ascension process, yet at every level with a sincere heart and
conscious participation we can access exactly what we require.
The first suggestion is to meditate upon the 12 Tree Grid with intention
to move through each personal sphere knowing this is one's direct
connection to each of the Stargates of the earth and aspects of
identity. Focusing on each sphere starting at the first level (1-12),
ask to know your main tribal identity within the 12 Tribes and to
receive the genetic time codes that main tribal identity requires. (ES
community has many 12 Tree Grid meditations that one can devote
specifically to this process). Once you feel connected to that dimension
of tribal identity, you may feel called to meditate with the
corresponding Planetary Emancipation Gridwork and Stargate meditation
For those that have calibrated to the
Hieros Gamos system in the ES Community, dedicate a session for this
same purpose. In most cases one will be guided to the Chakra Crystal
Keys Mapping Module or CCKM. This content has the architecture which
communicates in detail the issues of this request. For planetary
service, CCKM templates are built to help support
planetary field and quaternary field DNA repair for multiple Guardian
teams working to support planetary rehabilitation.
Focal Point
The vibrational match that is weighted
in whatever frequency that dominates the complete body consciousness,
(the energetic aura of a human beings entire spectrum of thoughts,
feelings, emotions and actions in this now moment), and the combined percentage of what that creates in the material plane, is the weighted energetic average.
The weighted energetic average is the sum total of internal polarity of
forces in their state of balance or imbalance. To bring balance we
establish neutrality with all things.
Our Trans-time aspects will vibrate
towards us as they belong to us in Natural Law. If we are obeying the
Natural Law, the Natural Law (Law of One) will return our aspects to us
as the rightful owner. The block to this happening is ego, pain, and
suffering, the self-justification for negative behavior that indulges in
the consensual high risk relationships to satanic or luciferian forces.
Since the bifurcation, the lower
dimensional realms have stopped reincarnation wheel back into NAA
electrocution (memory wipe) and mind control on the earth. Now all
beings that are passing their body will be moved and routed to another
timeline, and that includes options they did not have before in terms of
rehabilitation and reeducation to be free from NAA enslavement. We
have observed work program projects for rehabilitation, learning and
grasping the consequences of ones actions after death on the Astral
plane. For those human bodies that are in the spirit families of
the NAA, and refuse rehabilitation from war, killing and maiming others
at will, they will be returned to these collective groups and evicted at
the appropriate time.
Please only take what is useful for your
spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage
and bravery to be a truth seeker.
I am the Cosmic Sovereign law Made Manifest. I am God, Sovereign, Free!
Until next stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!
With a Loving heart, Lisa
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