Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Ascension Whispers: Education – Healing into Personal Power

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Note: Viewing of the videos on the AW youtube channel will be necessary to understand this post fully.



Healing begins through education as the first step of conscious healing requires knowledge that healing is needed.
Healing into personal power is not a process of offering knowledge and healing tools and then those things becoming a crutch. Healing into personal power cannot occur if the individual continues to believe they must rely on the teacher to tell them what to do next.

The life forms of Earth have become dis-empowered via memory loss and lack of Source energy to such an extreme that the majority cannot yet remember they are Source embodied and that the life experience is not being done to them but that they are creating it their selves.

It is necessary to offer knowledge to assist the life form to first remember how they are creating the life experience which opens memory and begins to return awareness of personal power.

Only by remembering personal power, remembering the personal connection to Source and regaining self trust can a life form regain personal responsibility for everything they experience inside and outside of their self.

The distorted system of the Earth hologram has been created and controlled via the inner distorted virus via distorted thoughts and the process of daily living and survival seems like it is controlled within every sector of the life experience.

The people of Earth easily accept the factions of control through held beliefs and thoughts of concepts such as the devil, satan, ET groups and secret societies. This is not a new occurrence within the mass consciousness and has been held in place for thousands of years via the inner distorted virus.

The masses find it very easy to believe that a hidden, unseen force is responsible for the chaos, imbalance and control and this is a result of personal experiences with inner and outer demons that seem to be very real.

Simply because the thoughts of the masses have been controlled by the distorted thoughts of the inner virus for so long and because of memory loss, the mass consciousness accepts imbalance as part of the life experience and are shocked or amazed when things work within balance to such a degree that it seems like a miracle.

The desire to heal into balance remains but seems like an impossible feat simply because at this time there is no one on the planet with open memory of what it “feels” like to experience within a balanced reality field; the concept of miracles offer hope yet always seem to be out of reach and possibly even fairy tales.
Simply offering an assisted healing system will not allow healing into self empowerment, it would only be one more program that became lost among many programs that are already available on the planet, some of which simply promote more control and dis-empowerment.

The inner distorted virus has used the life forms of Earth for so long to do its bidding and co-create its desires that it seems natural to the largest percentage of the population for someone to tell them what they should do and to take care of their needs when disaster and chaos strike.

It is for these reasons that the people quickly turn to the political, religious and medical communities to lead them and tell them what they should do and provide for their needs of well being.

Every life form on the planet and the planet itself carry the infection of the distorted virus consciousness and feel helpless within a sea of imbalance and there will remain those who are more than happy to control and tell people what they should do and how they should live until the virus is completely purged from the planet which will not complete until the planet returns to its healed expression in 87 years.

The battle to heal from the virus cannot occur by placing ones energy within the outer hologram and focusing on what is occurring within the outer hologram because what is occurring within the outer hologram is a result of what is held within.

Only by focusing within, by remaining constantly aware of the personal thoughts and “reprogramming” the distorted thoughts can awareness of the healing that is taking place occur.

The dis-empowerment and control of the virus has created and fosters the belief of an external savior within the largest percentage of the population. The concept of a savior is adapted to fit into any belief system; it may be thought of as an embodied face that is going to appear in the outer hologram and instantly remove all imbalance or it may have been adapted to think it is going to be some higher ET life form that is going to remove chosen ones from the planet and take them off to a balanced reality system.

Such beliefs have been held within the mass consciousness for thousands of years and such beliefs are exactly the same with the only difference being the concept of who and what the savior will present as.
Only by remembering that all of creation is energy, the energy of Source, how creation occurs and that all life forms are Source embodied can real healing occur and the false belief of an external savior be healed within the conscious collective.

The process of healing into balance still fits within the ancient thought that healing does not occur via supplying the fish, healing occurs by teaching the individual how to fish and provide for their own needs.
The dis-empowerment that has occurred within the Earth hologram is so severe that if the current food supply system were not in place hundreds of thousands would very quickly starve to death simply because they have no idea how to feed their selves and the food supply system has been allowed to be completely controlled.

The current desire is to offer knowledge and understanding to remember truth that will empower to allow those who can hear to take back control for their needs, personal healing and well being while healing to remember allowance and free will.

Allowance does not mean sticking your head in the sand and ignoring what is going on around you. Healing into balance requires remembering the importance of the whole and how each piece of the whole is required to allow anyone to heal.

Allowance requires understanding personal strength and how & where to apply that personal strength to assist into whole healing while remembering that you do not have the right to control anyone but yourself as all hold the gift of free will.

It is known that there are those who are anxious for personal healing and may currently feel they need to be told what to do to facilitate personal healing and there are those who do not feel they need such assistance who have reached a point of healing to allow them to remember their personal power and the support and strength they know via their personal connection to Source.

It is desired to offer as much support into healing as possible for the whole without interfering with free will and when enough knowledge has been offered to allow the opportunity to allow for an “informed choice” there will be offered some tools for assistance with personal healing but you do not have to wait until such tools are offered to work on personal healing and making a stronger connection to Source. There are already some tools offered on the AW website that can assist with personal healing but the main key is daily consistency of focusing on and communing with Source as well as constant awareness of personal thoughts.
What limitations might your thoughts be imposing upon you? If you believe you cannot “you will not” because your beliefs will create exactly as you believe.

What are you filling yourself with from the external hologram? Are you filling yourself with thoughts and ideas that speak of forces with a desire to control, consume and create chaos? If those types of things are what you are choosing to focus your thoughts on then that is exactly the type of experiences you will create.
Ask yourself why anyone might find it challenging or impossible to find 30 minutes a day to simply be one with Source and be quite and commune with Source. Is the imbalanced life experience so important that there is no time to work on co-creating balance? If it is then it will be quite unpleasant to experience healing into balance.

Why might people put the needs and desires of others as more important than their personal needs or desires? Do you run yourself out of energy daily trying to take care of everyone else and have no energy left to take care of yourself?

Do you feel it is selfish to take care of yourself first and if so why do you feel that way? Such a feeling spawns from lack of self love and trying to ensure that others continue to supply the love that feels missing within. It is a game of chasing your tail and never getting anywhere and spawns dis-empowerment for others by not allowing them to take care of their own needs.

Lack of self love spawns from false beliefs that say you are not good enough or unworthy in some fashion and such false beliefs can only heal by consistently filling yourself with the love of Source.

You ARE important! You are an extremely important part of the whole and without you there would be a missing piece within the whole and then who would take care of all of those needs of others that seem to be so important.

If you choose to allow time for yourself daily to simply relax, be quite and still and focus on Source within you then you can quickly discover that all of the love and acceptance you will ever need is held within and that you can easily fill yourself with the love of Source and then it becomes much easier to gift that love and eternally gain more for yourself.

Loving Joy to All,



GaiaPortal: Exit strategies have been completed for all Hue-Beings currently operating in multiple dimensions that include 3D and 4D by ÉirePort


Exit strategies have been completed for all Hue-Beings currently operating in multiple dimensions that include 3D and 4D.

"Higher Dimensionals only" operators are not affected.
"Exit strategies" are individual and may take various forms suited to each Hue-Being involved.
Significant energies are required at the current moment to maintain any 3D-4D involvement, and "Higher Level" decision has occurred for all such Hue-Beings to remove from 3D-4D.
Involvement will increasingly be upgraded to 5D and higher, as that is necessary for establishing Light Grids for Nova Gaia.

ÉirePort | December 31, 2013 at 09:11 | URL: http://wp.me/p2sFUY-r5

Monday, December 30, 2013

Andrew Bartzis: Soul Contract Revocation for the Divine Masculine

Click on the PDF link on the page to view the master list of Soul contract revocations. 
This is fully updated with all the ones recently posted

Soul Contract Revocation for the Divine Masculine

I call to all spiritual contracts that exist:

-within my past, present and future beings,
-selves and existence in this dimension and time stream
-and all time streams above and below the Earth centric sine wave of co-existence.

At this exact moment, in the ever-present co-creative moment,

I summon all DNA linage ancestors to create a unified-proper spiritual court of equity so I may find remedy and resolve with all contracts that have inserted fine print during the pre-birth, birth and puberty process. I call forth the proper spiritual court of equity to hear my decree of contract removal.

I call forth all ancestors of all soul relations to hold space in this spiritual court of equity. I call to Earth Mother and all her light beings within all inner and outer space to come forward and occupy this spiritual court of equity.

Oh great mystery who is the source of all power, I call to you. Come with your sacred synchronicity so all beings may hold space with unity consciousness.

I call to Great Spirit who lives within Great Mystery. You the powers of mother Earth manifested, I call to your wisdom, in this “I AM” moment.

Bless me as I walk this sacred soil. Bless me as I breathe your sacred air. Bless me as I warm myself with sacred fire. Bless me with your sacred waters of life. Bless me as I learn to walk with personal power.

Today I travel the great unknown, grant me the wisdom to be humble. Grant me the wisdom to love, even when love is not returned. Grant me the knowledge to balance my way of being. So I may heal my family, my tribe, my nation and our mother Earth.

“I am” ready to invoke my natural rights as a sovereign male being born to Earth mother through a womb of a sacred feminine who was also born this way.

I invoke my natural rights as a being of Earth mother. I was born under the natural laws. With this wisdom of my natural birth I now reclaim my place in the natural world.

I Revoke all energetic contracts with all people I have had sex with that was influenced by propaganda based mass media or pornography. I return my self to the zero point of the fetus in my mothers womb.

I revoke all contracts with all perverted sacred masculine mystery schools who have operated with false information or who have created a patriarchal dominated society.

I cancel, cure or delete all contract that perverts the sacred masculine during the birth canal phase of life.

I revoke all spiritual contracts that create a sense of competition between the male species when dealing with any sacred feminine expression. I revoke all cultural taboos that create emotional distancing from women.

I revoke all perverted spiritual contracts that place me in the incorrect sex that I chose before my birth.

I revoke all contracts that create perversion of the male expression of sensual behavior.

I revoke all contracts that house, hold, or store my sacred masculine energy to promote male dominate sports, activities or entertainment that demoralize or degrade the sacred feminine

I revoke all systems of patriarchal domination of the family unit. I return all definitions of family to the Earth mother so remedy and resolve can be endeavored between all families now healing the patriarch concepts.

I revoke all cultural contracts I incarnated or reincarnated with that create a male dominated society structure. I return the sacred feminine to its right and proper place as equal partners in this co-creation experience of life.

I revoke all spiritual contract with all religions I have existed in that do not give full rights, duties and responsibility in total equity to the sacred feminine and masculine.

I revoke all spiritual contracts that retain me in any way shape or form or force me via soul contract to serve in war. I delete all patriot programming that creates a lust for war.

I revoke all spiritual contracts that define the male as war oriented. I revoke all spiritual contract with all governments that I have served in during all times of war.

I revoke all spiritual contracts that create a war based male dominated military industrial complex.

I revoke all contracts that create a male serving/servicing sex industry that dominates women in any way shape or form.

I revoke all spiritual contracts that create a sense of uncleanliness with in my sacred masculine expression. I revoke all contracts that keep me trapped in shame, blame or guilt created by perverted masculine or perverted feminine personalities.

I revoke all contracts with the incubus and succubus grids I may have dealt within all of my past, present and future lives. I here by banish the entire incubus and succubus grid from my reality for all eternity.

I here by revoke my entire citizenship to all representations of kingship, dictatorship, religious monarchies, religious councils or representative government concepts.

I here by permanently remove my self from all dream time societies interwoven with the system of domination and control that caused the erasure of our oral teachers/historians through out the entire indigenous wold.

I here by revoke every decision I have ever made while in service to the system of domination and control. All decisions made for my by a Male soul contract holding Representative of government are now placed in a proper spiritual court of equity with all ancestors present so we may find remedy and resolve, not justice or judgment.

I now state with full sovereign conviction that I ______ ______ am now fully present in the mighty I am self. I declare from this point forth,I now operate with a permanent spiritual court of equity when relating to healing the divine masculine or feminine so perversion never re-enters my field of expression.

I here by declare that Earth Mother is now in dominion with me for all forms of interpersonal relations for all sentient kind existing and co-existing on Earth Mothers realms.

I call forth all the ancestors to honor this reading of my freewill and enter it into the Earth Akashic record for all sentient kind to understand our freedom comes with the use of freewill at all times.

Andrew Bartzis – Banking System Affirmation


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

5th Annual British Exopolitics Expo: The Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life by Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe +

vrolijk kerst
Merry Xmass
Kurisumasu omedeto
Wesolych Swiat

- Please donate so there are coins to gibe to the poor shibe.
- DOGE: DSCB9Pw5Gso7toigx6uiDosRCg6AXRstHs - Very thanks.
So social, many share

Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe originally discovered bacteria in space with the famous Yorkshire astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle in 1974. Here he presents a lecture detailing recent discoveries of fossilised micro-organisms found in meteorites, and also how living diatoms (a type of algae) have been found falling into Earth's atmosphere from space.These observations continue to strengthen Hoyle and Wickramasinghe's theory of Cometary Panspermia in which microbes found in space originally grew and multiplied in comets in the early period of our solar system before seeding life on planet Earth.

Professor Wickramasinghe is a Team Member of the European Space Agency's Rosetta Mission which will see a robotic probe land on comet 67P/Churyumov--Gerasimenko in 2014 on the 40 anniversary of Cometary Panspermia theory.

Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe presented "The Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life" at the 5th Annual British Exopolitics Expo at the University of Huddersfield on September 28th 2013.

also from: The 5th Annual British Exopolitics Expo

Secrets In The Solar System by Andrew Johnson

5th Annual British Exopolitics Expo ~ Secrets of the Solar System ~ Exopolitics Great Britain 2013

Monday, December 23, 2013

Ascension Whispers: Form, Thoughts, Creating, Perception, Love


Form, Thoughts, Creating, Perception, Love



Note: A few things passed my personal awareness from the hologram these past few days and so I asked Vertical Guidance and below is the message that is for the whole. Of course the response was not what I was expecting but I have come to realize that expectations are deeply over-rated.

Perception of Creation:

The fact that the people of Earth currently view their self as their matter body limits perception of the truth of creation. The matter body is a temporary vehicle made of the same light units the experiential holographic reality field is made of and operates very much like a computer and just like a computer will not come alive (move about, interact, present images) unless there exits an energy supply, stored coding – memory.

When consciousness enters their energy into the light units of the matter body they are the supplier of the energy and coded memory held as thoughts that animate the light units of the matter form.
The consciousness exists as a type of radiation made of units of “non-visible light” and it is non-visible light because it is non-polarized or neutral charged energy expressing at varying degrees of energy quanta. The conscious radiation that animates polarized units of light “IS” Source in smaller energy units and expresses exactly as Source does as neutral, non-visible light which to the life forms of Earth would look like a sea of bright, white light with no defining form within the sea.
The fact that the life forms of Earth are currently unable to shape shift the units of light of the matter body form traps the embodied consciousness and holds it in the same state for the life time of the matter body and the loss of memory the planet has encountered limits the perception of creation.
The limited state of perception makes life forms believe they are their matter body and do not exist without the matter body. Memory loss and being blocked from the truth of creation via the inner cosmic virus prohibits awareness that all of creation is conscious energy. Such limited perception makes it next to impossible to believe that even things like sun beams, rainbows or orbs of light that may show up in pictures are alive, conscious energy because the held belief is that consciousness must be held within an animated matter body form to be considered alive.

Inanimate objects are not considered to be “alive” because consciousness is not animating them. Inanimate objects are made of conscious light but the inorganic state of which the light particles have been fused together does not allow an eternal life grid that would support higher conscious energy and is why inanimate objects will not transpose into higher conscious reality systems.

When embodied conscious identity holds the ability to fluctuate the level of dense light energy the consciousness can move their matter body through the dense light of inanimate objects. It is inorganic for eternal life expressions to be limited by dense light particles but the process of releasing such limitations requires being able to self generate energy and raising units of light into higher light vibration – oscillation sequences and healing is occurring to allow this ability to return to the eternal life expressions of Earth.

Healing into higher conscious thinking and balance with Source requires becoming aware of creation as the energy it actually is instead of thinking and viewing of creation as solid, manifest matter and remembering everything perceived as being outside of the viewer is actually light units expressing at varying degree of brightness with varying degrees of units of light turned off to awareness which allows for the illusion of space between units of light.

The grouping of units of light to create the outline of a form is inherent per the encrypted thought held within the personal conscious identity. Thought and memory are the same thing and once thought patterns or programmed data – coding is encrypted into neutral charged energy the neutral charged energy retains the encrypted thought as memory; very much like a computer retains a software program to come alive when the user tells it to.

It is desired to offer awareness of the need for caution when encountering any external technology reported to create higher body health by altering the held memory because altering memory is the same process of altering the encrypted thought coding and is exactly what the internal, distorted virus does and how it has created a distorted holographic reality field through the living matter light base via the “conscious thoughts” of the life forms of Earth.

Earth science has held the technology to alter memory for many years and will continue to present the technology to the public in many ways reported to improve physical health and well being. People easily and quickly accept such “newly discovered scientific technology” because of the fear of death and is why the medical venue is a great place to introduce new technology.

The masses are not aware that before new technology is flushed into the public arena it has been tried, tested and at least in the process of being applied in the military arena to discover the benefits it can have for all military action, known and unknown.

The intelligent, distorted virus desires to create intelligent, artificial life and once Earth science presents to the public new discovered technology to alter stored memory patterns it will be more easily acceptable to the public when new technology is presented for artificial life that holds “stored memory programming” and follows commands.

This artificial technology will be flushed into the public arena in the near future and it is already being used in automobiles and other smaller technology but a robotic, life size artificial intelligence will be presented to the public in the near future and it will be presented as the next best, newest and highest technology that will make daily living much easier.

The technology will manifest into the hologram with many levels of control and agendas behind it and will be incorporated into the military sector to create robotic armies. No, it is not just science fiction! Science already holds the technology to create such things.

Understanding and embodying more of what it means that the reality field is a hologram can assist awareness into the need to protect the personal memory or personal thoughts and not fall prey to the hyped memory technology when it manifests into the hologram. Such technology will spread into all social systems and will become very popular within the metaphysical sector, offering the next best thing for rapid DNA activation.

We will eventually get to the point of sharing information about DNA activation within the video presentations but for now it is simply desired to bring awareness that nothing outside of yourself or anything artificially implanted into yourself will allow or support such a thing. Turning on more chemicals within the DNA is a matter of turning on more of the higher energy of Source and no one can do that for another in any way.

The masses continue to be held within a volatile position as they go through the process of healing because awakening consciousness can be gullible and trusting which is an inherent quality of Source who loves all of ItSelf and allows all possibilities of free will. The best possible protection against things that are put right in front of you and called something else with an unknown agenda behind them is to accept and believe nothing simply because someone is really good at selling it by controlling the emotional body because that someone is the inner distorted virus.

Of course that does not apply to all technology and some can be quite helpful but when it comes to altering the gene code makeup, such as altering memory patterns, it is suggested to use great caution in choosing.

There is no reason to fear anything and when a life form allows the continued focus to be on Source and allows Source to be the guiding light then making choices can become much easier and it would be wise to not allow yourself to be “pushed” into making a choice because someone is trying to control your emotions.

Gifting and Receiving Love:

There are those in body on planet who are consumed with fear which means the inner virus is in complete control of their thoughts and they are so fearful they even fear to give and receive the love of Source and many in this situation will tell people things like keep your heart chakra closed and then there is the other extreme that says to open your heart chakra. The heart chakra has become associated with the quality of love within the mass consciousness but love is gifted and received via the entire energy body system, not just the heart chakra. If a life forms heart chakra was not open then they would not be in body because the physical body would stop supporting their consciousness.
It is actually the entire physical body that control occurs through and when you can understand that the control is coming from an inner, intelligent, distorted virus it becomes much easier to understand that the entire system is held in some state of control and not just one area of the system.
By consciously choosing to “close” your chakras you are consciously contracting your energy unto yourself and not allowing energy to flow through you which in turn keeps you from receiving the flow of Source energy. But because the largest percentage of the population are not aware of their energy system they do not know how to regulate their energy system and pull their energy fields in close to them when needed instead of simply leaving them wide open to everything around them. Many people are “empaths” and do not yet know they are and empaths tend to draw energy to them like a magnet and “feel” all kinds of responses through their physical – energy systems that others do not yet notice.

The only way to become aware of controlling your own energy is to allow self awareness as to how you are affected by energy and this awakens via healing of personal awareness of personal power which comes from continued focus into higher conscious thinking which can only come from Source.
The inner virus will continue its agenda to control the thoughts and beliefs of the masses until it is purged from the system and its main stronghold is to generate fear through the physical – emotional body. Continued focus and communion with Source is the only thing that can squelch those inner fears that desire to control and consume. You do have a choice and that choice is what you choose to believe!

Healing into balance and higher consciousness requires healing into truth which is a process of becoming aware of more knowledge to consider and see how it feels for you and truth removes mysticism from the equation and is what Earth science desires to achieve but truth also requires knowledge of the non-visible energy of Source. Replacing mysticism with knowledge then allows for self empowerment and healing into the organic self sovereign life expression you were created to be and removes all fear. Finite life forms are not able to know such truth or co-create simply by thinking and is why the distorted virus has not only survived by consuming energy from living systems but uses the organic abilities of living systems to get them to create what it desires via “thinking”.
What are you creating with your thoughts via the beliefs you hold and are those beliefs your own or do they belong to someone else who desires you to accept their beliefs?

All thoughts come from somewhere and all thoughts create and add those creations to the hologram but not all thoughts originate from Source and the encrypted thoughts of Source. The inner, distorted virus has been manipulating the thoughts of the Earth solar system for a very long time and is very experienced at doing so.

The Earth hologram and the life experience is not “being done to you”, you and the masses are creating the hologram yourself so you are doing it all to yourself but it is important to try to retain awareness that the imbalance is a result of the inner, intelligent, distorted virus and is working through you to do its bidding and simply being aware of that allows you power to stop the distorted thoughts that are creating the distorted reality field.

As you go about your daily activities and encounter people, places and things and experience stress, strife, fear and worry ask yourself who is making you experience such things. Is it possible for the life forms of Earth to be under the influence of mind control and if so, who is doing the controlling and where are they controlling from?

How many stories are reported daily on the news channels that people are doing seemingly random things such as going on a shooting spree and people who knew them say they had no idea that person was capable of something like that?

How many things are being planned within black ops sectors to control the masses, the economy, the planetary resources and the planet and how could those life forms even have such thoughts and ideas? Mentally ill? What creates mental illness in which an individual has lost complete control of their thoughts?

There is nothing to fear but there is reason to become aware why anyone might hold fear within them. Stepping out of fear requires remembering your personal power which requires remembering you ARE Source embodied and eternally connected to Source. It then becomes much easier to shift your attention to Source and consciously fill your body with the energy of Source in any given situation.
You could not feel love and desire balance if the energy of Source was not flowing through you nor would you feel unloved or worry that you are not good enough because to feel the opposite of love you must know the feeling of love.

Simple awareness of the “root cause” of all distortion can allow awareness of personal power to return and you hold the solution or anti-virus within you to empower you and assist you to become stronger than the virus and take back control of your thoughts to create what you desire to experience and create the hologram anew.

We are working to present more knowledge to you that can assist self awareness and healing but it takes time because of the need to heal to allow more knowledge to open to awareness but you do not have to wait on more knowledge to choose what you desire to focus your thoughts and attention on.
Protection from the external environment is not simply a matter of putting a lock around your heart chakra as some might desire you to believe it is a matter of “guarding your thoughts” constantly as they are the core program that determines all experiences.

Giving the love of Source, freely without any expectations assures you will continue to receive the love of Source increased of the amount you gifted and gifting the love of Source cannot occur if fear binds and contracts the love of Source.

Awareness includes awareness of the external environment and how it is used to pump thoughts into the mass consciousness to then get the mass consciousness to create those thoughts within the hologram but you can even regain control of that process simply by choosing what you desire to accept into your belief system and focus your energy into which means you can control, simply by thinking, any hidden agenda that you may not currently be aware of.

The holiday season presents a “mind set” of accepted beliefs that it is a season to gift to others but sadly the concept has been hindered via commercial means spawned from a desire of acquisition and creates a lot of stress for many to try to live up to the social expectations put upon the holiday season.
When you give freely the love of Source it does not require any commercial concepts but simply caring, sharing and assisting others with their needs and doing so offers a much fuller return of Source energy than maxing your credit card to purchase more material items.

The joy of the Christmas holiday and the coming New Year offers an opportunity to simply breathe and choose what you would like to do to assist yourself and the whole into healing back into balance and can be a restart point to choose where you desire to place your energy and what you desire to focus upon.

When you allow yourself to “know” you are Source embodied then looking at the external hologram and all of the crazy things that are going to continue to occur for awhile become much easier because YOU are in control of you and no one else.

The New Year will present “exactly” as the masses create it and you can support each other in making it a memorable one.

Blessing of Love & Joy to All



Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Ascension Whispers: Still Thinking


Still Thinking


Hello All,

Just an update because I know many of you are wondering when the next video presentation is going to be ready on the youtube channel.

Thought to share a bit of “my process” with you. Within the next video we will be stepping into the time matrix – galaxy and remembering what I am able to share with you thoughts about what is going on there.

Eight weeks ago I did not think I had much to share at that point of the presentation, goes to show you what I know. :)

Today’s class has been on “light” and understanding a bit about visible and non-visible light. I have come to think of sessions with Vertical Guidance as classes because for me, it really is matter of being in school.

This class has been rather technical for my pea brain but I am to the point where I can begin to step down those pieces and put them into words that our brains can handle a bit better. I say technical because it is showing light units in ways I have never seen them before and how those light units can then create a hologram that we perceive as manifest.

Of course all of that technical data goes along with understanding how it is all a hologram and what does it mean that it is a hologram. I am remembering it is not just enough to simply say it is all a hologram and so not real because that implies our physical body is a hologram as well and not real and yet, we know we are real so what does “not real” really mean?

This is why some bits about visible and non-visible light become important to be aware of and some of what light is doing to allow us the illusion of matter particles. I can assure you that you are “very real” and of course you know that. But we are going to remember where our “realness” resides and how that applies to the concept that creation is a hologram.

Since matter manifest is a hologram, that implies our physical body is a hologram, so where are WE that is creating the hologram? All of this also ties into remembering that we are ALL part of a conscious collective so where does that conscious collective reside?

Silly me to think there was not much to talk about when stepping into the time matrix until we step into the solar system!

It is coming together and will be shared with you exactly when Guidance says, “OK, this part is ready to share now”. Talk about ‘levels”! I realize at this moment I have no clue what that might mean.

Loving Joy to All,



Sunday, December 15, 2013

Energy Synthesis: The Tree of Life - Newsletter December 2013

December 2013
The Tree of Life
(Returning to the Father)

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

We are being pushed incredibly hard now to grow beyond our base auric frequency to strengthen our entire vibrational foundation for progressive and integrative spiritual embodiment. Without a strong spiritual-energetic foundation we are unable to integrate our soul, oversoul and Avatar Christos, thus, we are not capable to create the dwelling for our inner Christos spirit to reside. When we begin the stages of embodying our inner spirit with a loving, surrendered and open heart, we eventually experience becoming increasingly freed through energetic integration. Energetic integration (or sacred union) occurs through the synthesis of polarities held in the pairs of opposite, which is the alchemy of harmonizing opposing forces which leads to embodied states of higher consciousness. As we make progress in clearing energetic blockages into increased self-awareness and self-realization, we ascend upward on the branches of the Tree of Life which hold consciousness experiences in time. These timelines are in the many branches which hold instruction sets traveling between and within the dimensional spheres located in the Tree of Life. This is how we gain self-knowledge as a multidimensional and spiritual being; we travel through the spheres of time held in the holographic layers of the Tree of Life.
It is this spiritual journey of gaining self-knowledge traveling through the Tree of Life which is used to persecute and terrorize the human race through victim-bullying archetypes. This False King of Tyranny archetype (False Father) uses intimidation tactics of bullying and victimization to enforce oppression through circulating spiritual fears in the masses. This massive mind control program used through the patriarchal domination agenda is called the Victim-Victimizer software. If we are weakened by fear, confusion, intimidation and bullying tactics, we can easily be served up into the chomping teeth of the Victim-Victimizer mind control programs. When we are fearful we disconnect from our inner spirit, closing down our heart, and we accelerate our servitude to the mind and/or bondage to the outer spirits of materialism through energetic fragmentation. This fragmentation is designed to destroy our real inner relationship to our God parent by enforcing external terrorism, misogyny and Armageddon scenarios. This religious rhetoric tells us we are doing something wrong that offends or separates us from our real Father and Mother. The mind control abuse generated from these false parent archetypes further promotes these distortions into beliefs spread throughout our biological family of origin. We are capable to heal these distortions if we are willing to move beyond fear, insecurity and low self-esteem.

Each of us has the choice (readiness to go beyond fear) as to how rapidly we want to ascend the branches of knowledge on the Tree of Life. Each branch takes us into life experiences that are designed by consciousness to directly experience self-realization, spiritual actualization in so we may ultimately comprehend the trinity of God force; Love, Wisdom and Power. (GSF)

Bookends in the Cosmic Library
In this incredible time we reached another bookend in the time fields on the weekend of November 29th which had been building pressure since the end of September. We are undergoing a process in the space time fields which is similar to placing "bookends" at the end of a many layers of library shelving. A bookend is an object that is designed to reinforce, or support, an upright row of books. It is placed on either end to prevent books from falling over, such as in a half-filled bookshelf.  If we imagine a Cosmic Library Shelf filled in every direction with volumes of books of storylines, then we may imagine the incredible amount of timelines created to support those many storybooks without collapsing into destruction.

When the Cosmic Library Shelf shifted into the Bifurcation of Time, it had great impact in editing the many books and reorganizing all the storylines (clearing books of record). It also shifted the base frequency in the earth core and allowed a point of which to merge further with the Threefold Founder Rays into matter. (This is the Universal trinity wave source field which forms the basis of all potential tri-wave architecture into the planetary field.) The base frequency is also the coordinate location of a fixed point in the collective time and space field. So when the base frequency changes, so does the nature of time and space. The base frequency is combined from the lowest frequency strings in the overall planetary consciousness fields and the highest frequency strings brought into a point of contact with the unified Threefold Founder Rays. All of these combined layers of energy fields are synchronized into harmonious resonance and/or simultaneously split away from dissonance. Where the synchronized base is currently resonating is the new starting location at a fixed point in time. This base point determines the timeline which resonates for that energy field as it matches to the storyline experience of that person, place or thing. This alters the upward momentum of forces which direct future time, thus, many of us have felt its impact upon our fluctuating lives.Many storylines have recently ended. This has altered our place, our location upon the branches of time in the Universal Tree of Life. 

Synchronizing Resonance in Time
During this cycle of the bifurcation of time, the Founders have altered the holographic structure of the Universal Tree of Life, and that ray alteration directly impacts our personal Tree of Life. Everything contained as the instruction set is recorded in our personal Tree of Life, which is our spiritual blueprint, our manifested identity, our DNA, our destiny plan. Everything we are that continues to intelligently design our forward movement in higher consciousness awareness (of our total interconnected lifestream experience) is a part of the Universal Tree of Life and is currently being reviewed, studied and revised.

When the extreme polarity between combinations of forces that coexist together within a collective energy field reaches its point of divergence, a split or fracture occurs within that collective field.  Those combinations of forces that are in matched vibrational resonance with each other will continue to harmonize and therefore, synchronize together in time. Those combinations of forces that are in dissonant with each other will split, fracture and be moved into an alternative area of choice to better find improved resonance and therefore, evolve into harmony. This is relative to the experiencer and as such the vibrational match will match the frequency quality of the conscious and unconscious thoughts, behaviors and actions. If a person is comfortable being a victim, or scared for their safety, that person will be matched to that frequency experience, with a potential to exponentially magnify their focus on that experience in order to grow past that experience. If a person has grown beyond victimhood and feels safe with God, they will be synchronized in time to continue to expand their consciousness peacefully.

This is a type of breaking apart of the "status quo" to encourage and stimulate intense catalysts for spiritual growth and consciousness breakthroughs.  If we have been static, and not growing past old painful patterns, we may be getting the benevolent bat to swat us out of personal apathy or let go of mental fear programs.  This is so we are moved into the circumstances of which we can better synchronize with our overall frequency resonance and continue to expand rather than constrict. 

This is the energetic setting of the bifurcation. It is a type of breaking apart in order to reorganize and reconfigure the energetic landscape towards the necessary learning experiences to expand our consciousness. The extreme polarities of experiences that exist between love quotients and fear quotients will propel us into the lesson level we must master within ourselves to continue to move through the branches in the Tree of Life. We will either reach inner harmonization in order to move into synchronization of time through resonance, or split itself off through dissonance which moves us into another correctional path of learning.

Strong Base = Strong Spirituality
If we have gained knowledge in the Tree of Life without having the direct energetic experience to integrate that knowledge, we do not embody the wisdom required and this creates weakness at the base (root).  If the spiritual foundation of our Tree of Life is weak, unstable and left insecure, we are very weak.  That weakness will be exploited aggressively by the Controllers to stunt spiritual growth and human development through disconnection. That weakness is targeted at the tender ages in children to grow them into dysfunctional adults. Spiritual knowledge is usurped and distorted by the predator mind through its ego's selfishness and ignorance which disconnects its mind from God realization.  These are how the seeds of hatred are sown. Conversely, if the base level of our Tree of Life is built strong, it is stable and secure, and then we are very spiritually strong. When we are spiritually strong, we continue to grow our spirit and evolve through the Tree of Life.  When we are spiritually strong, we are a fortress of heart based devotion and dedication to serve the highest expression of our goodness as a spiritual being. This heart based devotion progressively builds solid ethics and strong virtues which are the collective attributes that directly attract the Spirits of Christos.

Human Goodness = Virtues of the God Spirit
Virtues are the qualities of goodness that define the very purpose of our lives, the content of our character and the truest expression of our spiritual-energetic nature. Virtues are qualities of goodness which inhabit in the world of forces, as a "spiritual force". When one builds strength in virtue, one builds strength in the power of our goodness which translates into the power of God Force. We reap the quality of our cultivated virtue in that which brings incredible gifts directly from the God spirit. These gifts are referred to as the "Bestowal of Grace" which is received through the sincerity of one's virtuous thoughts or virtuous actions.  It is made clear to define that the Bestowal of Grace is not dispensed through a premeditated intermediary, such as in a Guru or Priest, but is received as dispensation of grace from the personal cultivation of virtues. To strengthen our spiritual foundation at its root in our personal Tree of Life, we must place our relationship to God as primary and find the courage every day to cultivate virtues.

Energy Synthesis: As the Cosmos Turns.... by: Lisa Renee


Endings .....
All of these incredible combinations have pushed many people and circumstances to boiling points, through major life upheavals and transitions and some of them have been quite challenging. So this particular timeline is about huge completions, doors slamming shut, beyond the deepest depth of internalized changes, and our simultaneous rebirth into the new world while we prepare for our grand debut. It is all just about ready to be kicked off for our anticipated "show time" which as a cycle is a phase altering your reality at this time. (Reminder: YOU ARE on a spiritual mission and on the brink of a creative breakthrough into a new reality! Just in case you forgot in the purple haze of the last serving of the energetic 144 course meal dished out by the Universe!)
We are still being influenced by the current Uranus-Pluto-Jupiter T-square which may produce spontaneous, erratic, destructive behavior in the spiritually unaware and emotionally reactive type of person. For those more spiritually developed, this configuration will motivate us to adapt quickly to radical change and to find creative solutions to rise above destructive scenarios and emotional havoc.
It's actually all very exciting, but given what we've just been through with the T-Square arrangement, we need to be particularly careful because many people are still a bit shell-shocked from all the barrage influx of energies. Be gentle with yourself and others.

Some things are ending rather abruptly and you may not see why immediately, but have faith and trust that something is moving you into your new energy space. Currently the sparks are flying as the situations that are coming to an end may have had some harsh edges to it. However, don't let yourself get engulfed in the flames... the fires can be put out quickly when you nurture yourself and others with unconditional love and compassion. There is much we are letting go of. Please be calm and stay on course.

Polarity Conflicts
The Astrology and its energy impacts is yet another shift of intense energy that is catalyzing humanities progress into one of the increasing polarity spirals. Our downward or upward spiral of personal evolution will again be exponentially increased by these recent forces. For those of us more consciously interacting with these forces, it will be apparent this is serving to propel us to our soul destiny. This influx of energy is amplifying these spirals creating an ever increasing polarity junction between the 3D and Multidimensional (MD) fields of possible realities.
I have been witnessing the latest stages of our delineation during this frequency split and observing that it has created amplification in the outward perception of polarities. I have been witnessing a lot of humans in the old 3D programs like "us vs. them" and it must be "this way or the highway" or it's "wrong". Over the last month in these intense astro-energy conjunctions, these old patterns progressively surface in the factions within the classic types of polarity struggle.

The advisory has mentioned this will be highly problematic for us at this level of reality (and ongoing) and it's important to not let it suck you into its grand illusion. The ego loves a story and it's the tiniest of fine lines to navigate this evolutionary time in order to be clear and integrated with our new Multidimensionality. Stay out of the archetypes of drama playing out the storyline by maintaining a state of engaged detachment and observation.

Ultimately when you are inquiring within to ask the inner discernment questions, you must be positioned to surrender it ALL at the Altar of your Heart. This opens to allow the Super-conscious Genius of your Higher Christos Self to guide you in each moment. How can we judge any part of this process in another? We must be more tolerant and accepting of each other during these unique times. We each have such a perfectly orchestrated purpose that we are contributing to the One Divine Source.

A Rock and a Hard Place!
If we have been in dissonant situations that must change, we have felt incredibly dense, compressed and compacted these last weeks. Rest assured it's a temporary cycle, the Guardians have discussed many reasons as to why we are feeling such physical density as we actually "drop" this density from our bodies. One interesting note the advisory mentioned to me is that the planetary fields are undergoing shifts changing the sustained state of concentrated magnetism. (They spoke of how the Electro-Magnetic Fields (EMF) move substance into manifestation and the fact this process of EMF movement is changing rapidly on the planet right now) They gave preparations as to say we would feel like we were being squeezed within a very small space, akin to being in a birthing canal right before we are being born into the world. This birthing pain is in the middle of contraction and is exactly where we may find ourselves now. More self care and rest is needed from this constriction as when it occurs like this in our physical bodies as it leaves us more vulnerable to negative elementals, thought-forms, mind control and other lower vibration phenomena. All we can do to keep ourselves "expanded" and relaxed is important to stay calm and cohesive (sane). It is very important to do your daily spiritual housecleaning now and I highly recommend the ES Core Triad practice daily as the daily spiritual vitamin to keep you fortified and strong.

New Earth Element Encryption
The latest energetic shift developing for our Ascension Biologies that I am witnessing for some of us now, is that the elemental physical body is getting upgraded at the subatomic and molecular level. This subatomic level of our elemental-physical body blueprint commences at the first layer of our "core manifestation template". This "template" is the 1st dimensional layer that consciousness utilizes to manifest in the physical worlds. Also, this first layer is at the 1st Dimensional level of the Earth plane and its vital energies are synthesized and transmitted through our bodies via our Root Chakra or 1st Chakra. Those ready to receive these new elemental encryptions are starting the process of being released from the old energy structures (this includes the timelines of its cellular record in our bodies) that existed in the 1st dimensional level and being reorganized with new elementals, new divine particles from the 12 D Blueprint levels of the future planet Earth. KA RA YA SA TA AA LA!

We are still processing the effects of recent shifts and we will feel much more integrated if we can relax into the process. However, this has created a host of unusual physical symptoms that I want to share with any of you that may be transiting through physical changes.
  • Feeling toxicity moving through your body.
  • Heaviness in your digestive area and liver as they are working overtime to process these energies.
  • Skin breakouts, rashes and pimples
  • Spleen issues may have sympathetic points of stress. (Bleeding on nose tip and nose areas)
  • Inner Ear and sinus activity, congestion, fluids, ringing and strange sounds.
  • Unusual "smells" or odors coming from your physical body. Most common is a burning type of smell, or "smoky" smell. Your body is burning off density molecularly.
  • Feeling pregnant or bloated type of symptoms.
  • Sleeping and needing to lay down.
  • Vertigo, spins and some time space disorientation.
  • Entities, tricksters and astral "surreal" like dreams and scenarios showing up.
  • Many have had the bout of Ascension Flu to keep you down to rest and integrate the spiritual work of your energy selves.
  • Excessive fears around security, stability, future safety, issues with father archetypes of protection.
This is a good time to purify yourself in all means necessary and as you feel guided. Stay bundled warm and check in with physical detoxing as it may need to be placed on your to-do list. Rest, Drink, Breathe and Expand in all ways you can! Time for a pajama party and a cup of hot tea!

(Source: Multidimensional Intersection April 2007)

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Ascensions Whispers: Happy Freedom Day +

Understanding more of creation and your relationship to it.

Happy Freedom Day


Hello Beloved Expressions of Source,

For those who are interested in my personal share of experiences – so far – on this wonderful day of Freedom;

At approximately 11:00 PM on December 11, 2013, I began to notice things occurring in my head. It began with the crown chakra (soft spot area) hurting as it does if you bump your head hard. As I sat and felt this, the palms and feet chakras became very heated and vibrating with energy.

I next saw, with inner vision, the vertical pillar and at the top of it, above the 12th chakra above the head, I saw a vortex of spinning energy that was spinning clockwise around my body as if I was sitting in the middle of a clock with the 6 point in front of me and the 12 point behind me.

As I watched the spinning vortex, the bumped head feeling in the crown chakra began to expand to cover the head but under the skin as well and felt like a crown, bowl or hat sitting on top of the head and then quickly down the back of the head to the base of the skull.

At approximately 11:30 PM, I was guided to begin my daily routine of energy exercises, which my husband joined me for.

As we went through the routine, the spinning vortex continued to spin faster and faster. My palms and feet became so electrified that they felt like flaming spheres of energy.

The entire inside of my body then felt electrified and the particles inside the body felt like excited energy, kind of like the spray that comes from a waterfall. Then the inside freeze out began through the entire body with my teeth chattering. :)

We completed the exercises by 12:00 midnight and was guided to simply sit within the God Space with continued focused breathing, inhaling and exhaling the word “balance” until 12:15 AM.
At about 12:30 AM I made myself comfortable in my recliner and quickly fell asleep and instantly began a series of dream time experiences in which I kept seeing myself in different time periods, looking different in each one and noticing the difference in the surroundings.

It was not a restful kind of sleep dreaming and every hour I was nudged to open my eyes and look at the digital clock on the entertainment center then quickly back into a new time period.

This continued until 6:00 AM on December 12th when my body finally awakened and wanted to soak in a bath, during which time guidance explained that the experience of cycling through the different time periods was a result of rapid infusion of Source energy which literally created a rapid accretion cycle of energy, re-accreting through time cycles that had already been accreted and experienced prior to the Atlantian attack.

Upon waking at 6:00 AM, the entire head still felt quite sore but this faded as I soaked in the bath.
Guidance says that each continued monthly time cycle shift will present similar with higher energy turning on and re-accretion of energy that had already occurred prior to the Atlantian attack.
The planet now feels like she is basking gently in a blanket of energy and the entire planet and all eternal life forms are in energy integration mode which will continue for about  3 days when things begin to feel more balanced until the quickening cycle begins for next month’s time shift.

I am intending that things will settle down now and I can put together the next video share for the youtube channel. A whole lot of wonderful information to share with you!

I must say, in all of the many ways that I imagined what this experience “might” express as, it has expressed in a way I never even thought of but that is nothing new to my hologram as Source continually surprises me. And guidance continues to remind me that Source creates in balance and Source heals in balance.

What does it mean that the higher energy of Source coming into the planet created a series of massive leaps through time? It means the planet and all eternal life forms are now in the process of turning on that higher energy within and that will allow those higher thoughts to express into the hologram. What will that look like? Whatever we desire to co-create!

There will be information presented in an upcoming video that shows how the time matrix – galaxy is actually a “clock” and what that means as far as these shifts in time but I can tell you for certain in this moment that it means we are going “home”, home to our healed expression. There is no turning back now for the Eternal faces of Source as we are all on the home bound train and it is moving full speed ahead.

Loving Joy to All,


Freedom Day Arrival Time


Hello Lovely Expression Of Source,

I am happy to tell you that tonight I was told the time the event will commence on Freedom Day, December 12, 2013.