Showing posts with label Freedom Teachings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freedom Teachings. Show all posts

Friday, February 17, 2017

The Hidden Secrets of Easter Island !!! [Full Long Documentary] ++ see ADDON #pinned

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“ There exists in the midst of the great ocean, in a region where nobody goes, a mysterious and isolated island,” wrote the 19th-century French seafarer and artist Pierre Loti. “The island is planted with monstrous great statues, the work of I don’t know what race, today degenerate or vanished; its great remains an enigma.” Named Easter Island by the Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen, who first spied it on Easter Day 1722, this tiny spit of volcanic rock in the vast South Seas is, even today, the most remote inhabited place on earth. Its nearly 1,000 statues, some almost 30 feet tall and weighing as much as 80 tons, are still an enigma, but the statue builders are far from vanished. In fact, their descendants are making art and renewing their cultural traditions in an island renaissance.

To early travelers, the spectacle of immense stone figures, at once serenely godlike and savagely human, was almost beyond imagining. The island’s population was too small, too primitive and too isolated to be credited with such feats of artistry, engineering and labor. “We could hardly conceive how these islanders, wholly unacquainted with any mechanical power, could raise such stupendous figures,” the British mariner Capt. James Cook wrote in 1774. He freely speculated on how the statues might have been raised, a little at a time, using piles of stones and scaffolding; and there has been no end of speculation, and no lack of scientific investigation, in the centuries that followed. By Cook’s time, the islanders had toppled many of their statues and were neglecting those left standing. But the art of Easter Island still looms on the horizon of the human imagination.

Just 14 miles long and 7 miles wide, the island is more than 2,000 miles off the coast of South America and 1,100 miles from its nearest Polynesian neighbor, Pitcairn Island, where mutineers from the HMS Bounty hid in the 19th century. Too far south for a tropical climate, lacking coral reefs and perfect beaches, and whipped by perennial winds and seasonal downpours, Easter Island nonetheless possesses a rugged beauty—a mixture of geology and art, of volcanic cones and lava flows, steep cliffs and rocky coves. Its megalithic statues are even more imposing than the landscape, but there is a rich tradition of island arts in forms less solid than stone—in wood and bark cloth, strings and feathers, songs and dances, and in a lost form of pictorial writing called rongorongo, which has eluded every attempt to decipher it. A society of hereditary chiefs, priests, clans and guilds of specialized craftsmen lived in isolation for 1,000 years.

More extra notes/Addon:

The amount of earth covering it(statues) should give a indication oh how much time has passed...

Center Star Gate - SG Cue Site - CS Arc Gate - AG
 1 Halley, South Pole Cyprus Adare, Ireland Red

 2 Sarasota, Florida Easter Island, Chile Stonehenge, UK Orange ( From: mid12allignments.pdf - By Noel Tobin )

* TRIBE-2: Maahali-Bruea (pronounced: Ma a ha' LE- BrU' A) Start gate signet codes, seed locations and races: SG-2 Florida Seminol Native Amaericans SG-2 Sarasota Florida, and Breanoua black and brown skinned Haitian-Bimini island races. Easter Island (Rapa Nui) Cue Site-2 Muavaharivi and Jeruselum Israel Vortex-2 Hebrew Races. Maji Indigo Grail line: Mu'A of Lemuria (Hawaii) , Easter Island and southwestern native American descendant tribes. Original Hebrew (Hibiru Cloister and Melchizedek cloister hybrid) races of Jeruselum and Jordan 

 * * TRIBE 12: A-reah-Azurta (pronounced: a-RI'-a Zoor'-ta) Star Gate DNA signet codes, seed locations and races: SG-12. Monsegur Southern France SG-12 white-skinned and original MU'a Lemurian Kauai Hawaiian brown-skinned, dark eyed races, exiled to Easter Island and Machu Picchu Peru (builders) Maji Indigo Grail line: original Mu'A Kauai Hawaiian brown-skinned and KatharA-Cathari white skinned races of Southern France.
 (angelic 12 human-tribes seeding 3) 

 References: Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings ® Also in voyagers II Chapter:


Pages 371 to 372 

or buy the book 

ill add links to the newer website where the excavation images from recent times are uncovering the full bodies of the statues


References: Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings ®

Sunday, June 05, 2016


1 from the: 12 Twelve Attitudes And Twelve Responsibilities of Mastery


Our present society continually teaches us to "want more," "need more," "be more," "do more" etc. We are constantly influenced to perceive what is lacking in order to motivate us to buy more, work more, pay more taxes and be "good little consumer sheep." Very rarely do we stop to think about all that we DO have, beginning with the gift of Life and mental free will choice.

Through this disoriented perceptual filter we can cultivate a 'full-blown' mutation of mental consciousness. In this mutated consciousness, we begin to believe that "we are entitled," that "someone OWES-us" (GOD, the Universe, our parents, spouse, children, employer, government, etc....). Once we fall into this "You OWE me" mind trap, we set ourselves up for continuing self-created frustration, as we place unrealistic and untrue expectations upon life, others and ourselves. We can also often get mighty angry or hurt when we find the universe does not conform to our imagined "pictures." No one OWES us anything! If we feel we are "owed," then we are entertaining LACK CONSCIOUSNESS and a void within the Self is being recognized.

If we give to another in order to RECEIVE for ourselves (such as do banks, and often parents, spouses or lovers), and the other does not "pay back" what we expected to receive, we may feel cheated, "taken advantage of," or "owed." In fact, these situations often emerge in our lives as lessons to teach us that giving should be done for the GIVING ALONE, and not for the expected return.

If we give what we desire to give, for the joy of giving, we do not feel owed. If we live for the joy of living, without forcing our demands or expectations upon life, we will not feel that "life has short changed us!" It matters not what your neighbor possesses, because in comparing ourselves to each other to see how we "measure up" to each other, we are in effect, continually being distracted from seeing and utilizing the blessings that are our own. If we can work to cultivate the ability to APPRECIATE even the smallest of gifts, blessings and gestures, we will begin to create a life that is at least "half full" instead of "half empty." In terms of universal physics, what you focus your attention upon expands, what you resist persists and what you do not give the energy of Appreciation to will eventually de-manifest right out of your experience.

When you approach the world through the chosen filter of genuine GIVING, you are in effect, being an "electrical transmitter," sending energy out to the world around you. When you release electrical energy in this way, you become more "magnetic," as the sending out of energy creates magnetic vortices within the Diodic Grid of your Kathara anatomy.

The "magnetized" Diodic points then draw in more universal energy supply, at a higher frequency and quality than the expressed energy, to re-fill the energy void created by the "giving." When you
approach the world with the attitude of "getting," this natural physics process becomes inverted. The more you try to "pull" energy from the outside world, the more your energy becomes "stuck" in the Diodic Grid as miasms. The miasms progressively reduce the quantity and lower the frequency of the natural energies you can internally draw from the universal supply. Giving, even in its simplest form of giving Appreciation, keep the natural energy flow moving. Whatever you give out will return to you amplified. This also works in reverse, however, and giving out a bad attitude of ego, arrogance and "garbage" will cause more of the same to flow your way. Appreciate what you have. LOVE IT, find perspectives through which the joy of it can be known, and know that in the act of genuine Appreciation itself, you will set loose the powers o manifesting more of what you desire and less of the illusion of lack. The "Universe Owes Me" mind trip is one of the most powerful self-sabotage games in the world. Trade it in for consistent Appreciation and your world will progressively expand to hold the reality of the things you most desire. If you feel put upon by the world, and resentful for having your desires unmet, YOU OWE YOURSELF SOMETHING! You owe yourself a greater understanding of the nature of creation and better use of your personal power within the life creation game. SAY THANK YOU to the GOD-SOURCE more often help yourself remember what things you have to appreciate, and many more of the kind will be sent along your way.

©A'shayana & A'zahyana Deane. 2009, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MeED Freedom Teachings ® Series

Friday, January 15, 2016

KS Reality Talks: Stephen Redding Part 1+2 - 9 & 15 January 2016

KS Reality Talks 
 Christopher V Comstock 
An interview talk with  Stephen Redding 

Some of the subjects discussed:
KS and the Human Psyche
Organic KS vs GMO KS
'Building Earth' memories,
Different agendas within the Shield,
Other groups coming in and applying their political agendas to the planet .
E'ashas emotional issues and repeating patterns,
How KS doesn't focus much on dealing with and healing emotions.(really need to mention A&Rs, they touch VERY SLIGHTLY on it)
Being cut off from parts of the group for speaking things we feel.
Relating with others that follow different belief systems.
Healing ourselves, co creating healing with others
A bit on David Garza
Bonding and ETss
Jobs and staying true to our purpose
Easha copyrights
Getting ousted from groups, FatalE
A bookstore experience
The Norway Spiral event
Question about agendas -'Secret Book of John'
Detox and Diet

MUSIC 'Murmuring Mermaids'Artist: Lunz Album: Lunz Reinterpretations Released: 2002
Follow up - 2
MUSIC: General Fuzz - Comfort Zone 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

KS Reality Talks: ' Rakmeister '( Rha / EG ) January 12 2016

KS Reality Talks
Christopher V Comstock
An interview talk with Rakmeister (RhA/EG)

Censorship with the FT's (Freedom Teachings) is discussed in great detail. Some discussion of what the 'Stealth Shield' is. Rakmeister shares how he has developed his own line of information from the FT's and the expansions he has experienced from this. We discuss the many different representations of the FT's and where the 'official' version of histories and agendas begins and ends.

Or listen/download via soundcloud Audio/only

Youtube channel:
 KS Reality Talks
Chris V Comstock
Rha S ananda (EG)

Soundcloud: (not working)


Tuesday, December 29, 2015

KS Reality Talks:: Dr. Paul Theriault - 5-5-2015 (Part1)

An interview talk with Dr. Paul Theriault. 
In this talk we discuss these topics:

'Nibiru' past lives,
what an 'Adashi Return' is,
Atlantean past lives
the meaning of the word 'Alhumbhra' and the many interpretations
the difference between 'Tantric & Fauntic' twins

'Um ah A ThrA' E'Nah A Eckasha' - Sabira Woolley 
 'You Wish' - Nightmares On Wax

Video in 7 Parts

Youtube channel:

chris comstock 



KS REALITY CHECK: A Transparency Project 

 Christopher V Comstock

Paul Theriault 

Thursday, February 05, 2015

Epsilon – Protection Technique

Epsilon – protection technique

All languages represent portions of the tonal vibration scalar – templates that make up the scalar-grid of the body’s manifestation blueprint. Written language symbols are scalar-standing – wave guides that translate into tonal vibration electrical impulse within the body’s scalar template.

The electrical impulses emerging from oral and written language forms effect the functions of the DNA, physical body and the perceptual facilities of embodied consciousness.

Language patterns translate into mathematical codes within the contours of consciousness and the body’s blueprint, serving as operational instructions to the body-mind-spirit system.

The Epsilon Sequence utilizes 4 specific language symbols from the Greek alphabet to engage specific, tonal vibrations and mathematically sequenced, interdimensional electrical impulses within the body’s scalar-wave template.

This mathematical formula for directing interdimensional electrical impulse through the body and DNA template serves to block, disengage and neutralize the inorganic scalar-frequency transmissions used in most types of visitor interdimensional implant technologies.

This simple technique can be used any time to clear the bio-energetic field of inorganic and unnatural frequency implants and can be used in attempted abductions directly to override the bio-neurological block intruder visitors use to immobilize their abductees.
It is unlikely that visitors, such as the Zeta, will proceed with an attempted abduction or implantation if they cannot immobilize the abductee using their standard motor-function override frequency-pulse technologies.
This technique is also useful in blocking the dis-harmonic, disease-causing frequencies of UHF, ULF and Electro-Magnetic Emanations and energetic transmissions such as those used in HAARP, EMP and Scalar-Pulse technologies.
1. Visualize the Epsilon Symbol in the color-frequency of Gold (8th-dimension) stationed at the Pineal Gland in the center of the brain. INHALE. Then use the EXHALE breath to move the Symbol down the Central Vertical Current of the body to the area of the Base of the Spine, in the center of the Tail Bone (where the dormant Kundalini “life-force energies” are stored).

2. Breathe normally while visualizing the Symbol inside the Tail Bone, and mentally repeat 3 times the words “Epsilon-Phi-Beta-Phi” (a tonal-vibration “Mantra” that translates into mathematical-electrical instructions for the body’s scalar template).

3. Use the next INHALE breath to draw the Epsilon Symbol back up the Central Vertical Current of the body to the 4th Heart Chakra. EXHALE and breathe normally while visualizing the Symbol inside of the 4th Chakra.

4. On the next EXHALE, repeat the “Epsilon-Phi-Beta-Phi” Mantra mentally while using the EXHALE breath to expand the image of the Epsilon Symbol out of the 4th Chakra into the bio-energetic field, as if the Symbol now surrounds the entire body like an “egg” of energy.

5. INHALE and repeat the Mantra again, then use the next EXHALE to push more energy from the 4th Chakra into the image of the Epsilon Symbol surrounding the body, making the Symbol glow bright Gold. Repeat the Mantra once more on the next INHALE and once more “energize” the Epsilon Symbol around the body with the EXHALE.

6. Focus your attention at the Pineal Gland and once more visualize the Gold Epsilon Symbol in the Pineal, while mentally repeating the Mantra 3 times. Upon completing the Mantra, INHALE — and on the EXHALE push the Symbol out of the Pineal Gland into the bio-energetic field around the head until it disappears.

download as PDF

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

This one Goes out the tha Arhayas-Productions groupies that only repeat others.. and cannot theirself.... yet... yep...


We've removed or disabled access to the following content that you posted on Facebook because we received a notice from a third party that the content infringes their copyright(s):
Photo from album: "Fotos da Linha do Tempo", "i think a claim them will get for say 50K $ is a good number. for mass repeat DMCA abusers & legal character/Impersonation...



We've removed or disabled access to the following content that you posted on Facebook because we received a notice from a third party that the content infringes their copyright(s):
Photo from Album: "Timeline Photos", "so now Arhayas* thinks  they can claim my Eckasha Rha Symbol.  ok now that is what i call a mistake.  and ill have it re-instated. and the claime will get challanged .. and will get a counter-claim for false DMCA abuse. and me know legals... and stuff very well. so good. fine thats how ya wanna role. lets role.  *for that seems to match other take-down events.... so assume its same folks..  #Timing..", uploaded on January 5th, 8:22am PST

For reference, this content was removed due to Report #1573952816149765.


We've removed or disabled access to the following content that you posted on Facebook because we received a notice from a third party that the content infringes their copyright(s):

Photo from album: "Emerald Guardians Original Official Codes CC Artworks", "Reuche Light

By: Emerald Guardians

CC", uploaded on 23 January 16:32 PST

For reference, this content was removed due to Report #312164532306906.


We've removed or disabled access to the following content that you posted on Facebook because we received a notice from a third party that the content infringes their copyright(s):

Photo from album: "Emerald Guardians Original Official Codes CC Artworks", "Eckasha Rha [Photocopy Edition] Self-coloring

CC", uploaded on 23 January 16:24 PST


We've removed or disabled access to the following content that you posted on Facebook because we received a notice from a third party that the content infringes their copyright(s):

Photo from album: "Emerald Guardians Original Official Codes CC Artworks", "Transformation Flower

 #Base12 #CoreTemplate #Mechanics #Reuche

By: Emerald Guardians

CC", uploaded on 23 January 16:26 PST


#Arhayas_Productions #Groupies  #KHY #FAILSAFE #SANANDA


And than i will request for full release of claimees information , to be used IN court case that will sue you....  yep.   (could but shouldnt be needed...  if we all work for the betterment.. )


Lyla i hope you and your new B-friend have a good time. oh that reminds me does that appollo guy still infiltrate your biofield. as your compromised....    if you want a quote of you lemme know ill add your words to it.

all claims have been counternotified. and others recent 3days ago claims will get the same.....


ARI RhAyas K'Asha Aha-yana Rak'Ayhea S'anada


Emerald Guardians

The One .... Host Core Blue/White Shield Holder...

Friday, July 04, 2014

The Structure of our Universe (The Freedom Teachings)

The Structure of our Universe

An Introduction to the 15-Dimensional Time Matrix

Our planet Earth exists in one of countless energetic structures called 15-Dimensional Time Matrices. Time Matrices are created by God/Source within God/Source Itself, in order to experience anything that God/Source desires. We are created in the “image” of God/Source and as a result we are Co-Creators with God/Source. WE create with our thoughts and are entirely composed of the energy of God/Source. All creation is composed of the Conscious Energy of God/Source and is formed by the process of God/Source stepping Itself down from large to small units of conscious energy. This process of stepping down of Source’s conscious energy into manifestation is called “The Stair Step Creation Process”.

God/Source steps itself down into any manifest form by replicating and distributing Conscious Energy into compartments that are specifically structured according to Divine Blueprint. The Divine Blueprint structure of any Time Matrix contains 5 sets of 3 compartments. These intricate and specifically structured compartmentalized energy systems are called Time Matrices. The process of Source stepping Itself down to create a Time Matrix is initiated by an “OUT-breath” and an “IN-breath” of Conscious Energy.

These creational BREATHS of God/Source are created by the polarization of what are called Partiki or ante-particle units of consciousness into Partika or anti-particles and Particum or particles. The perpetual motion of “fission” and “fusion” (separation and replication) from Partiki units into Partika and Particum units is called “Partiki Phasing” and is the basis of what is known as the Divine Trinity. Partiki phasing results in a “flashing on and off” of units of consciousness which, when grouped together, form “flash-line sequences”. Flash-line sequences make up the structure of ALL creation, ALL Life Forms, including what we may see as protons, neutrons and electrons in our Earth Reality Field (or hologram).

The Dimensions

In Keylontic Science, we learn that a Time Matrix is a structure composed of 15 Dimensions and that each compartment within it contains Partiki Phasing or flash-line sequences that are unique to that compartment. In the outer dimensional levels of the Time Matrix, for example in Dimensions 10, 11 and 12, flash-line sequences have the qualities of higher oscillation and lower vibration. In the inner most Dimensions such as in Dimensions 1, 2 and 3, flash-line sequences have the quality of lower oscillation and higher vibration. These qualities mean that in Dimensions 10, 11 & 12, partiki phasing is more rapid and matter forms are less “dense” and in Dimensions 1, 2 & 3, partiki phasing is slower and matter forms are more “dense”.

The Densities

There are FIVE sets of 3 specific compartments called Harmonic Universes within each 15 Dimensional structure or Time Matrix. These groups of 3 compartments can be thought of as “Platforms of Perception”. Each Harmonic Universe is also known as a Density and the terms ‘Density Level’ and ‘Harmonic Universe’ (HU), are used synonymously. Within each of the five Densities, the specific 3-dimensional structure allows for the perception of a 3-dimensional hologram or reality field. Each expression of God/Source or manifest Life-form has a level of Itself in each of the Dimensions and Densities.

In Humans, these levels of Self or expression are called:

Incarnate (stationed in Dimension 1, 2 & 3 or Density ONE)

Soul (stationed in Dimension 4, 5 & 6 or Density TWO)

Oversoul (stationed in Dimension 7, 8 & 9 or Density THREE)

Christos or Avatar (stationed in Dimension 10, 11& 12 or Density FOUR)

Rishi (stationed in Dimension 13, 14 & 15 or Density FIVE)

Similarly, there are expressions of our Earth at each Density level or Harmonic Universe:

In Harmonic Universe ONE, it is called Earth

In Harmonic Universe TWO, it is called Tara

In Harmonic Universe THREE, it is called Gaia

In Harmonic Universe FOUR, it is called Aramatena

Each of the levels of Self in each Density has a characteristic quality of flash-line sequences and this results in a matter form that is unique to each Density. For example in Density ONE, matter forms are primarily carbon-based and those in Density TWO are carbon and silica-based. Those in Density FOUR are primarily liquid light. In Density FIVE, units of consciousness are not manifest into “matter” or biological forms and for this reason are called pre-matter. Density FIVE is also known as the Primal Light Field and contains Collective Groups of Consciousness of Source that form the biological forms within Densities ONE to FOUR.

Harmonic Universe
or Density Level
Containing Dimensions
Type of Matter or Biology (“Reality” System)
Identity of Being

Harmonic Universe-5 (also called Density-5 Time Cycle)
Dimensions 13, 14 & 15 (also known as the 3 Primal Light Fields)
Ante-Matter, which is
thermo-plasmic light
Rishi, or Higher Self

Harmonic Universe-4 (also called Density-4 Time Cycle)
Dimensions 10, 11 & 12
Pre-Matter, which is hydroplasmic liquid light
Avatar or Christos Self

Harmonic Universe-3 (also called Density-3 Time Cycle)
Dimensions 7, 8 & 9
Etheric Matter, which is
Silica based biology
Oversoul Self

Harmonic Universe-2
(also called Density-2 Time Cycle)
Dimensions 4, 5 & 6
Physical Matter, which is
Carbon-silica based biology.
Soul Self

Harmonic Universe-1 (also called Density-1 Time Cycle)
Dimensions 1, 2 & 3
Gross Physical Matter, which is carbon based biology
Incarnate Self

Holographic Projections of Consciousness

The process of God/Source expressing Itself as smaller and smaller Units of Consciousness leads to ALL Creation taking place within God/Source Itself in the Same Space and in the Same Time. The perception of being contained within a confined 3-dimensional Density and the perception of linear time and space are a result of the structure and function of what is known as the 3-Dimensional Hologram. Although we, as Humans and expressions of God/Source, often experience that we are separate from God/Source, this is only an illusion created by the phenomenon of the Hologram.

Time and space are also a result of the Hologram and allow for conscious entities to experience motion and linearity surrounding their holographic experiences. Although, in absolute terms, Time-Space is an illusion, the creation process, which includes the experience of Time-Space, will be experienced as ‘real’ within the constrains of the structure of the Time Matrix, as long as that individual consciousness is stationed within a Time Matrix System. God/Source’s original intention in experiencing Itself was to allow for individuated expression, and to know and experience Itself directly as both the creator and the creation.

Consciousness experiencing a Reality Field within ONE 3-Dimensional Hologram experiences Itself as separate from the other four Densities or Reality Fields within the 15-dimensional Time Matrix because of the presence of specific energetic structures between each Density called Magnetic Repulsion Zones or Void Zones. These Void zones function to “separate” the flash-line sequences and Units of Consciousness that are stationed at each Density level. These Void Zones are therefore important in creating the illusion of separation between levels of consciousness stationed within each Density and allow for individuated experience and individual expression of God/Source at each Density level. In Biological Ascension, we are able to open these Magnetic Repulsion Zones at will, to experience our other conscious Selves stationed in other Density levels, simultaneously. This is often described as a state of “At-One-Ment”.

The flash-line sequences within each dimension are unique to that Dimension and the Partiki Phasing within these flash-line sequences have what is called a specific Angular rotation of Particle Spin (ARPS). There is a 90-degree shift in ARPS between neighbouring Dimensions and a 45-degree shift between neighboring Densities. The 90-degree difference in ARPS between the three dimensional bands within a Density are key to creating the illusion of a 3-Dimensional Hologram and the illusion of linear time and space. The differing ARPS of neighbouring densities in addition to the Magnetic Repulsion Zones or Void Zones give the illusion that the Densities are separate, when in fact they are in the same space and time. The existence of these 3-Dimensional Holograms within the same space and time is often described as the Spheres within Spheres of Creation.

A greater understanding of Creation mechanics and the structure of our 15-Dimensional Time Matrix and Personal Bio-spiritual Structure can be found in the Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System™ which is available as a home study package and is listed in the Recommended Products for Newcomers section.


#1 with being taken down/offline. since 30-06-2014.
you can grab that  those Recommended Products for Newcomers here as a torrent. 
#2 images i have added.  excerpts from , Dance for Life Manual. & Camelot Interview Manual
more images ill add that go well with this posted. so update i will a.s.a.p.

i made a backup/Archive back in april of this year

with A1-Website-Downloader
File: 16.4 MB
(use WinRar/WinZip to unpack the .rar file -> folder)
(Use Index.php to start using the Site Offline~)

 updated Working~Download links

inside folder image snapshot:

also...   still browse-able online here:

more material Available as Download(P2P*) best client dl:Utorrent* here:


Friday, April 04, 2014

Freedom Teachings: The Cosmic Clock Re-set

Rehost - Azuritepress
The Cosmic Clock Re-set : Entering the Reusha-TA Great Healing Cycle

Recorded Phoenix - 2003

This "Arc Gate 7" Planetary Shields Clinic convened following the successful Shields work during the times of the Great Silence (Hetharo - May -03) and Great Thunder (Hethalon - August 03) and the consequent anchoring of the Christos Seed Atom, the inception of the Cosmic Clock Re-Set Cycle and the initiation of the New Vision of Co-evolutionary Peace, and forms the basis of future Shields Clinic missions, Dublin 11/ 2003 and India 05/ 2004.

Contents include: 
Section 1: Secrets of the "Wheels within Wheels" - Christiac "Time Clocks" of Creation, the Universal Monad and Universal Veca and Density Merkaba Axis Alignments. 
Section 2: Universal Creation Templates, Manifest Galaxies and the "24 Elders Before the Throne"; Galactic and Meta-Galactic Merkaba, Vortex Mechanics and the scientifically identified Cosmos.  
Section 3: The "Local Neighbourhood" - our Solar System, Star Gates, the "Solar Shield Clock" and Zodiacal "Time Clock" Misalignments.
Section 4: Stellar Merkaba, the Solar Shield, Celestial Misalignments and the Moda-AdhUrA "Time Seed" - Planetary Moda-AdhUrA and the "Fall of Brenaui" Race Karma Zodiacal Fetal Imprint.
Section 5: Anatomy of the Personal Moda-AdhUrA Complex and Etheric Duct and Membrane System. Section 6: The Reuche Cosmic Clock, Time Cycles, Reusha-TA and Reuche-a Time Shifts and the Moda-AdhUrA - Universal Veca "Time Machine Mechanics".
Section 7: The Cosmic Clock, "24 Elders Before the Throne", "4 Faces of the Soul", Moda-AdhUrA and the many selves in Time.
Section 8: The State of Universal Christiac At-ONE-ment: the Moda-AdhUrA, Zodiacal Gender Mutation, "Gender Twins", "Sacred Sex" and the HonetilE'a and AthonetilE'a States.
Section 9:The Reuche and Zodiac Clocks and the Mahadra-Adhrana Manifestation Wheel. Section
10: The Moda-AdhUrA, Mahadra-Adhrana and LE-TeU-A Manifesting.
Section 11: Secrets of "Clarion", "Khryon", "Maitreya" and the Ad-DON-Draea and Budhara Races. Section 12: The 2003 - 2012 Reusha-TA Cosmic Clock Re-set Cycle - Anchoring the Pillars, the Rainbow and Magenta Races and the Ad-DON-Draea "Crystal People" Christiac Vision Seed.
Section 13: LE-TeU-A Focus Group Manifesting Circles and LE-TeU-A Manifesting.
Includes 4 Techniques: Technique 1: The 24 EirA Lotus Breaths; Technique 2: Re-setting the Personal "Time Seed"-Activating the Moda-AdhUrA Complex and Density-1 Merkabic Parameter Field. Technique 3: Arc-7 Planetary Shields Clinic - Activating the Universal Christiac Vision Seed. Technique 4: Transcending the Zodiacal Fetal Imprint and Brenaui Race Karma (Phase I - Reverse Code Induction, Zodiacal Alignment Code 1, available from APMCEO website).

Thursday, April 03, 2014

Freedom Teachings: The United Intruder Resistance (UIR)

Rehost - Azuritepress

The United Intruder Resistance "Michael-Mary" Turnstile Matrix (& Calgary Rainbow Roundtable). Recorded in Calgary, Canada, February 2002.
Contents Include:  Illuminati One World order Agenda & the Atlantean Pylon Implant Network (APIN) Legacy, Progression of Intruder APIN Templar conquest, 9-11 Infrasound Sub-Space Sonic Pulse projection, Planetary Shields release Schedule, Radial Body, Merkaba & Trion-Meajhe Field Mechanics, Radial Body Healing and the Veca Codes, Veca Healing: Restoring the Trion Field, Eckasha (God Seed) Healing: Restoring the Meajhe Field, 12 Strand DNA Template, Vector Codes a& Seals, Crisis Intervention Expedited Amenti Opening Schedule, Intruder UIR Races & their Affiliations.  Includes: APIN, WTC/ Pentagon Disaster, Canadian Turnstile matrix, General Phantom Grid, Radial body & Manifestation Mechanics, Real Christ crucifixion, Jehovian Seals & Axi-A-Tonal Lines, Expedited Amenti Opening Schedule 2001-2012

what side has been (ab-)using you? if video wont load issue in on 4shared's side(use the download option)

Freedom Teachings: The Lemurian & Atlantian Legacies

Rehost - Azuritepress

The Lemurian & Atlantian Legacies...the Secrets of the Arthurian "Round Tables." Lecture and two full day workshops filmed in NYC, Easter 2001. Introduces and explains the Great Atlantean conspiracy, the Grail Quest Wars, the Luciferian Covenant, the continuing battles to control Gate 11, the meaning of the Arthurian Legend and the Maji (Indigo/Eieyani) Grail Lines, the genealogy of the Human Angelic Race Line, the significance, meaning and purpose of the Flamekeepers, the 12 Tribes and the contracts they are called to serve now. The workshop reveals the significance and detail of the "Cycles of the Rounds," the contents of the major, suppressed, "Books of Maps & Keys, the secret of the Tribal Shield Rainbow Round Table and relationship to the Angelic Human's original Sacred Mission as well as the nature, composition and interface with the Earth's Planetary Divine Blueprint. The 12 Cycles, simultaneous incarnation and relationship to human DNA is detailed, and the relationship to accelerated, personal, spiritual actualization is explained. Techniques for fastest activation of the personal 12 strand DNA are given, including: Tribal Shield Activation, Emerald & Amethyst Awakenings, the Crystal Temple meditation, Cue Zone creation (safe zone/interdimensional interface) together with the original Anuhazi language Tribal Keys (Psonns) - the sound programs used to correctly activate the DNA and Primal Life Force Currents. The materials from this workshop (and extended further in Kauai May 2001) form the foundations for full understanding and involvement with the Christos Re-alignment Mission occurring on all dimensions at this "time." This is the first detailed briefing and action plan for the awake Angelic Human released by the Guardian alliance - massively emphasizing the significance of our participation in divine Right Action and how it must be achieved!

The entire LoA series. Changelings and prophecy detailing the forbidden history of Atlantis. 

Legacy of the Lost, Freedoms of the Found Hidden...


Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Freedom Teachings: Winds of Change +

Search for Torrent/Workshop "title" here:  or 
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 Another WS for those that have some missing parts in their own works gathered over time.  or to review some once again.

Winds of Change, Tides of Transformation, Visions of Joy for a Transitioning World - Hetharo - Filmed Live - Phoneix, AZ May 23-25, 2008

This workshop is unique in many ways and the new information that came through reflected the enormity of both our cosmic situation and the phenomenal new Hydro-acoustic Theory/Therapy information. The orientation evening is marked by a wonderful introduction to the subject matter of The Planet in Paradox  The Perils and Potential. As 3D life and Earth changes become increasingly challenging, the Guardians will progressively relay to us the tools with which to respond. Part of this response-ability will involve embodying something called the God-like subjective objective Ah-JhA-areia state of consciousness. What a gift! Other subjects covered included Demons, the Dhani Shield and Codes, the different levels of Earths Ascension host (NET Earth, Median Earth, AshaLA, Shala and Urtha), the importance of the GhaRE Body in the processes of both transmutation (re-enlightenment) and transfiguration (re-spiritualization), Plate Harmonics and the Krystic Global Swat Team that will play an important role in restoring Earth waters to undergo the natural process of hydrolase conversion (restoring its hydrolase component - H2O2He3).

2 other  were:

Revelations of the DhaLA-LUma

This Workshop is about the Cosmic Evolutionary Cycles we are entering into, and what it means to enter the KaLE-Hara Transition Cycle, after a KaLA Eyugha End Cycle.  When a system enters the KaLE-Hara Cycle, which we have done as of August 12, 2007, 3 distinct paths become available. The first path the KaLE-Krysta Cycle is the name of the Ascension Path, and ascension means taking the body with you.  The Ascension Path starts with the turnaround out of the 4th Eckashi Expansion Cycle, and into the transition KaLE-Hara Cycle, which is before the Adashi Return Cycle.  Also included with the KaLE-Krysta Ascension Path is what is called the Hosted Ascension, where we have a period of time of Host on this planet left (223 years), where we can incarnate into an Aquafereion Regenesis Body, if our present bodies cannot make the shifts.  The second path is the KaLE-RAma step back, rebirth cycle, where one does the Middle Edon, then the Outer Domain Cycles over again, and it is neither a fall nor an ascension path.  The third path is the KaLE-DEma, which is the path of fall.  The life forms on this planet will be taking one of these three paths.  The Ascension Path ties into the Vertical Maps, the Journeys, the Aurora Slide Zones, and New Ascension Earth, which the Easter & Peru Workshop also covered.

Introduction to the Teachings of the KaLA-Um-Sha-TaRA.  These teachings are the first part of a set of 3 encyclopedia sets, which are collectively considered the Books of Adashi.   The Books of Adashi correspond with the 3 Ascension Adashi Return Cycles, and shortened are called the Book of KaLA, (first set that corresponds to Adashi Cycle One, and graduation from the KaLA Eyugha 4th and last Eyugha of the Eckashi Cycle), the Book of ShaLA, (ShaLA corresponds to graduation from the Adashi-1 Edonic ShaLA Eyada Cycle, into Adashi-2 AahLA Eyada) and the Book of AahLA. (AahLA corresponds to graduation from the Adashi-2 Adonic AahLA Eyada, into the Luma EturNa Cosmic Krist Body, and return to God-Source). These teachings are a part of the extended teachings of the Maharata Texts, but the Maharata Texts were for the Outer Domain Cycles.  The Books of Adashi are for ascension through the Core Domains and are huge, and these teachings have not been translated on this planet before.     

Doorways Through Time
Doorways Through Time & the Drums of Aquafereion "Circle of Life" Drum Circle Celebration
Recorded Live - April 10-12, 2009 Sarasota, FL

"The Circle of Life & the Gift of Co-Creation-Loving Earth, Embracing Our Mother". * The Perfection of Creation: The Law of Reciprocity/Attraction, the Mass Hologram & Probable Realities * Beyond Mass Illusions: Mass Beliefs, Bio-filters & Probability Alignment * Preserving the Probability of Ascension:

The Mass Drama, MCEO paradigm, Time-Leaps, Probability "Hopping-Blending & Bleed-through", & "The 6th Probability". *Doorways Through Time & the Aurora Continuum: Solomon's Shield, GrUal Door, Middle Earth & Gates of Edon. * The Circle of Life & the Drums of Aquafereion: Rhythm, Dance, the Ah-LEi-yas of Momentum & the Edonic Code "The Circle of Life Aquafereion Drum Circle Celebration & World Peace Meditation" Healing Earth's "Holy Grail", Celebrating the Net-Earth GrUal Door and the Middle-Earth Gates of Edon plus Aurora Continuum Time-Travel Technique-1"Entering the Aurora Continuum". 

Aurora Continuum Group Shadra-Shield Projection- "The Probable Universe & the Mass Hologram". * The Structure of Probabilities; Probable Selves & Probable Universes* "Parallels", "Probables", Planes & the Structure of Time; Accretion Cycles, Sextant Time-Loop & Time Doorways. "Probable Selves, Probable Earths, Potential Futures & 2012". * 2012 & the 12th Probability; The "12 Earths", Current Drama, Probability Hopping & the Aquareion Kryst Mission * 2012, Mayan Mishaps and the "End-Time That Isn't"; Solar System 2012 Alignment with Galactic Black Hole Core, Earth Stewardship, Solomon's Shield, Omega Code.

Dragon Wars & the Mayan End-Times Prophecies" "Dream-Weaving; Living in a PERFECT WORLD, NOW- Personal Evolution, Co-Creation, Empowerment & Materialization Power-Tools Topics Include: * Evolution of STATE- From Children to Co-Creators * The Perfect, the Ideal & the IS- Making Peace with Opposite Expression * The ECK-ON-omy of Abundance- Encryption, "Vibration" & the "Law of Reciprocity" * Owning your "Vibration"- Personal Ideas, Beliefs & Responsibilities in Krystic Co-Creation * Creating your Desired "Vibration"- Personal Empowerment within the Mass Illusion.

DIRECT-MATERIALIZATION POWER-TOOLS: Sa-A'-Dhas and the IAMIT-Formula Krystal River Aqua-Tone Hydro-Acoustic Systems™ Sa-A'-Dha/ IAMIT Power-Tools Practicum *Engaging Guardianship; Intro to "Time-Travelers Guide to Symbols & Their Uses"- The "Staah-LEi'-yas of Translocation and the Seat of Edon"("Cockpit of Co-Creation"). Aurora Continuum Time-Travel Technique-2: Journey to the Seat of Edon (Co-Creation Cockpit) Using Staah-LEi-yas-1 and the Aurora Continuum to access the "Recliner Room" of the Middle-Earth-Watchtower "Seat of Edon". Home-Play Assignment: The 33-Day Staah-LEi'yas Bio-filter Shift & Edonic Awakening.