Showing posts with label Synchronizing Resonance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Synchronizing Resonance. Show all posts

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Energy Synthesis: The Tree of Life - Newsletter December 2013
December 2013
The Tree of Life
(Returning to the Father)

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

We are being pushed incredibly hard now to grow beyond our base auric frequency to strengthen our entire vibrational foundation for progressive and integrative spiritual embodiment. Without a strong spiritual-energetic foundation we are unable to integrate our soul, oversoul and Avatar Christos, thus, we are not capable to create the dwelling for our inner Christos spirit to reside. When we begin the stages of embodying our inner spirit with a loving, surrendered and open heart, we eventually experience becoming increasingly freed through energetic integration. Energetic integration (or sacred union) occurs through the synthesis of polarities held in the pairs of opposite, which is the alchemy of harmonizing opposing forces which leads to embodied states of higher consciousness. As we make progress in clearing energetic blockages into increased self-awareness and self-realization, we ascend upward on the branches of the Tree of Life which hold consciousness experiences in time. These timelines are in the many branches which hold instruction sets traveling between and within the dimensional spheres located in the Tree of Life. This is how we gain self-knowledge as a multidimensional and spiritual being; we travel through the spheres of time held in the holographic layers of the Tree of Life.
It is this spiritual journey of gaining self-knowledge traveling through the Tree of Life which is used to persecute and terrorize the human race through victim-bullying archetypes. This False King of Tyranny archetype (False Father) uses intimidation tactics of bullying and victimization to enforce oppression through circulating spiritual fears in the masses. This massive mind control program used through the patriarchal domination agenda is called the Victim-Victimizer software. If we are weakened by fear, confusion, intimidation and bullying tactics, we can easily be served up into the chomping teeth of the Victim-Victimizer mind control programs. When we are fearful we disconnect from our inner spirit, closing down our heart, and we accelerate our servitude to the mind and/or bondage to the outer spirits of materialism through energetic fragmentation. This fragmentation is designed to destroy our real inner relationship to our God parent by enforcing external terrorism, misogyny and Armageddon scenarios. This religious rhetoric tells us we are doing something wrong that offends or separates us from our real Father and Mother. The mind control abuse generated from these false parent archetypes further promotes these distortions into beliefs spread throughout our biological family of origin. We are capable to heal these distortions if we are willing to move beyond fear, insecurity and low self-esteem.

Each of us has the choice (readiness to go beyond fear) as to how rapidly we want to ascend the branches of knowledge on the Tree of Life. Each branch takes us into life experiences that are designed by consciousness to directly experience self-realization, spiritual actualization in so we may ultimately comprehend the trinity of God force; Love, Wisdom and Power. (GSF)

Bookends in the Cosmic Library
In this incredible time we reached another bookend in the time fields on the weekend of November 29th which had been building pressure since the end of September. We are undergoing a process in the space time fields which is similar to placing "bookends" at the end of a many layers of library shelving. A bookend is an object that is designed to reinforce, or support, an upright row of books. It is placed on either end to prevent books from falling over, such as in a half-filled bookshelf.  If we imagine a Cosmic Library Shelf filled in every direction with volumes of books of storylines, then we may imagine the incredible amount of timelines created to support those many storybooks without collapsing into destruction.

When the Cosmic Library Shelf shifted into the Bifurcation of Time, it had great impact in editing the many books and reorganizing all the storylines (clearing books of record). It also shifted the base frequency in the earth core and allowed a point of which to merge further with the Threefold Founder Rays into matter. (This is the Universal trinity wave source field which forms the basis of all potential tri-wave architecture into the planetary field.) The base frequency is also the coordinate location of a fixed point in the collective time and space field. So when the base frequency changes, so does the nature of time and space. The base frequency is combined from the lowest frequency strings in the overall planetary consciousness fields and the highest frequency strings brought into a point of contact with the unified Threefold Founder Rays. All of these combined layers of energy fields are synchronized into harmonious resonance and/or simultaneously split away from dissonance. Where the synchronized base is currently resonating is the new starting location at a fixed point in time. This base point determines the timeline which resonates for that energy field as it matches to the storyline experience of that person, place or thing. This alters the upward momentum of forces which direct future time, thus, many of us have felt its impact upon our fluctuating lives.Many storylines have recently ended. This has altered our place, our location upon the branches of time in the Universal Tree of Life. 

Synchronizing Resonance in Time
During this cycle of the bifurcation of time, the Founders have altered the holographic structure of the Universal Tree of Life, and that ray alteration directly impacts our personal Tree of Life. Everything contained as the instruction set is recorded in our personal Tree of Life, which is our spiritual blueprint, our manifested identity, our DNA, our destiny plan. Everything we are that continues to intelligently design our forward movement in higher consciousness awareness (of our total interconnected lifestream experience) is a part of the Universal Tree of Life and is currently being reviewed, studied and revised.

When the extreme polarity between combinations of forces that coexist together within a collective energy field reaches its point of divergence, a split or fracture occurs within that collective field.  Those combinations of forces that are in matched vibrational resonance with each other will continue to harmonize and therefore, synchronize together in time. Those combinations of forces that are in dissonant with each other will split, fracture and be moved into an alternative area of choice to better find improved resonance and therefore, evolve into harmony. This is relative to the experiencer and as such the vibrational match will match the frequency quality of the conscious and unconscious thoughts, behaviors and actions. If a person is comfortable being a victim, or scared for their safety, that person will be matched to that frequency experience, with a potential to exponentially magnify their focus on that experience in order to grow past that experience. If a person has grown beyond victimhood and feels safe with God, they will be synchronized in time to continue to expand their consciousness peacefully.

This is a type of breaking apart of the "status quo" to encourage and stimulate intense catalysts for spiritual growth and consciousness breakthroughs.  If we have been static, and not growing past old painful patterns, we may be getting the benevolent bat to swat us out of personal apathy or let go of mental fear programs.  This is so we are moved into the circumstances of which we can better synchronize with our overall frequency resonance and continue to expand rather than constrict. 

This is the energetic setting of the bifurcation. It is a type of breaking apart in order to reorganize and reconfigure the energetic landscape towards the necessary learning experiences to expand our consciousness. The extreme polarities of experiences that exist between love quotients and fear quotients will propel us into the lesson level we must master within ourselves to continue to move through the branches in the Tree of Life. We will either reach inner harmonization in order to move into synchronization of time through resonance, or split itself off through dissonance which moves us into another correctional path of learning.

Strong Base = Strong Spirituality
If we have gained knowledge in the Tree of Life without having the direct energetic experience to integrate that knowledge, we do not embody the wisdom required and this creates weakness at the base (root).  If the spiritual foundation of our Tree of Life is weak, unstable and left insecure, we are very weak.  That weakness will be exploited aggressively by the Controllers to stunt spiritual growth and human development through disconnection. That weakness is targeted at the tender ages in children to grow them into dysfunctional adults. Spiritual knowledge is usurped and distorted by the predator mind through its ego's selfishness and ignorance which disconnects its mind from God realization.  These are how the seeds of hatred are sown. Conversely, if the base level of our Tree of Life is built strong, it is stable and secure, and then we are very spiritually strong. When we are spiritually strong, we continue to grow our spirit and evolve through the Tree of Life.  When we are spiritually strong, we are a fortress of heart based devotion and dedication to serve the highest expression of our goodness as a spiritual being. This heart based devotion progressively builds solid ethics and strong virtues which are the collective attributes that directly attract the Spirits of Christos.

Human Goodness = Virtues of the God Spirit
Virtues are the qualities of goodness that define the very purpose of our lives, the content of our character and the truest expression of our spiritual-energetic nature. Virtues are qualities of goodness which inhabit in the world of forces, as a "spiritual force". When one builds strength in virtue, one builds strength in the power of our goodness which translates into the power of God Force. We reap the quality of our cultivated virtue in that which brings incredible gifts directly from the God spirit. These gifts are referred to as the "Bestowal of Grace" which is received through the sincerity of one's virtuous thoughts or virtuous actions.  It is made clear to define that the Bestowal of Grace is not dispensed through a premeditated intermediary, such as in a Guru or Priest, but is received as dispensation of grace from the personal cultivation of virtues. To strengthen our spiritual foundation at its root in our personal Tree of Life, we must place our relationship to God as primary and find the courage every day to cultivate virtues.