Showing posts with label Energy Synthesis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Energy Synthesis. Show all posts

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Energetic Synthesis: Dark Matter Body Activation - Time Shift Blog


Over the past few months there has been another massive magnetic force discharge. This has placed immense pressure on the human body which manifests into different ascension symptoms. The Dark Matter Body of the Earth has been activated to function outside of the black hole technology suppression and to bring forth sophianic or solar female body parts. This stage of Dark Matter Body activation is highly relevant to sophianic body activation that is streaming from Universal Mother Dark Matter Matrix or Harmonic Universe 6 (HU6), for those ready to receive it.   

With the bifurcation and war over timelines, the schism between the organic aligned realities and artificial realities grows within the collective consciousness. One such retaliation attempt is surfacing into view as the highly commercialized promoted shift made under the recent newly branded name, Metaverse. The implications are the NAA's attempts to subvert humanity into a virtual play pen through the promise of being entertained with bread and circus tactics, which acts as the consciousness trap to power up the Artificial Tree of Life, or base 10 inverted reality system.

Simultaneously, the Dark Matter body has begun to generate more pranic life force that is building new light body sheaths for the Earth body. As a result, there are many changes happening as the Subatomic Particles of elemental matter are rearranging to support the planetary body shift into the ascension timeline.  All communication systems that connect with these levels of the planetary light body structure, such as the Core Manifestation Body are undergoing fluctuation, reconfiguration and rebuilding interstellar links that reconnect earth portals to realign into multiple star systems and celestial bodies. The holographic geography is shifting, along with the false 23° tilt that disconnected various energy vortices and power grids in the planet’s megalithic structures.

As we move into the next stage, there are new communication systems coming online to help realign dormant Earth portals, such as connecting these megalithic structures. Some of them are visible on the surface of the earth grid and there are many that are not visible. This is occurring as a massive shift at the quantum scale is changing the Law of Structure in our planet, specifically in the architecture that governs function over our matter body, as well as our consciousness bodies. The Dark Matter Template Body or Rasha body is this area that governs function over our matter body, merging with the eternal source layers of our higher consciousness bodies. We've noted a new stage happening with activity in Harmonic Universe 6, the Universal Mother Dark Matter Matrix weaving aurora krystal connections of corrected elemental coding into the planetary consciousness instruction sets.

As the planet is preparing to move into the ascension-disclosure timeline, there are so many things changing it is hard to find words for how all of these related pieces fit together. The appearance of the organic planetary dark matter template activation synchronized with major geomagnetic events occurring, as well as the Transfiguration of the lunar forces and the reduction of the effectiveness of the alien technologies used to artificially control the magnetic and gravitational fields, which are all part of this. The dark matter body is the connection link that exists between the eternal light spiritual source body and the finite level of the light source body, it is what builds the layers of the Lightbody for the material atomic body. Essentially, the eternal spirit body creates the layers of the dark matter body, the dark matter body creates the layers of the lightbody, and the lightbody creates the layers of the physical matter body at the atomic level. During bifurcation shifts, we are observing the dark matter template and the dark matter body layers appearing in sheaths and solar ouroboros rings, that are coming online and activating a new functional level of connecting the Earth body to the eternal source flows.

The Dark Matter Template is the Blueprint on which the eternal source particle atoms and molecules are built, in order to generate the layers of eternal light. This is actually a type of matter body that is fully merged with eternal spirit substance. The dark matter body undergoes a process that appears like full resurrection into light matter, at which point the elemental matter or atomic matter of the body has been resurrected into an eternal light substance body. The state of resurrection that exists as the dark matter body alchemically transforms itself through the intense heat of spiritual fire and bursts into pure light matter, is what defines the building of the eternal Eukachristic spiritual body.

The beloved Aurora flows are very clearly helping to build the Earth’s dark matter body layers and re-encrypt what science would classify as periodic table elements, with flickering and glittering opalescent rainbow pearl energies being observed as they are weaving through the layers, in a beautiful tapestry of flowing plasma currents. As the planetary body is able to hold these activated dark matter bodies, it is the same for each of us on the earth to have the direct potential to interact with these same Krystal forces. This is a major development for the Guardian Ascension support team that is helping us to build the human dark matter body, that exists as the extension of our lightbody. The dark matter template holds a cell that has the instruction set for the new elemental body, the elemental body that is specific to the matter substance that is connected to the harmonic universe or timeline that we are evolving towards. The process of building the Rasha body also spiritualizes the blood, through what is called the Krystal Waters, through which the Krystal blood prepares to animate the creation of the Eukachristic Body.

The Krystal Waters are the eternal living waters sprung forth in the first eternal creation, and are to be called upon to soothe and heal the soul and crystal heart and Diamond Sun body. Additionally through these waters, the spiritualized blood of Christos flows from the Fountain of Eternal Life and Youth. Krystal waters support the Aurora project in elemental re-encryption of the bodies, blood chemistry, and in healing the damage of blood toxicity and miasma recorded as reversals in the bloodlines. The dark matter body gives us another level of support to clear and heal bloodline issues, inherited from alien hybridization and recent global attempts to inject assorted weaponized elements and poisons into angelic human blood.

Black Goo

Nanotechnology is the manipulation of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale and for our purposes of discussion, on the quantum levels. Recently the massive influx of Cosmic Rays and intergalactic plasma gases into the earth core and Polar Regions, along with the alien attempt to harvest and collect this new incoming energy source, has revealed the deeper purpose of Black Goo. The massive plasma gas transmissions are shifting the dark matter template in the earth at the elemental level. This is being observed as transforming carbon allotropes that are present in fullerenes or Buckyballs. Carbon allotropes such as fullerenes are solids in normal conditions, but are changing their state of matter into liquids at subatomic scale, from the massive amount of recent plasma gas exposure. A fullerene is a molecule of carbon in the form of a hollow sphere, ellipsoid, tube, and many other shapes. Spherical fullerenes are also called Buckyballs.

The Dark Matter Template is the dark matter instruction set of the planetary body, and it has been filled in certain areas with this Alien sourced Black Goo. It was programmed into the dark matter template of the Albion Body and appears to have had its point of entry into earth around the time of the Nephilim Wars. This "alien black goo", acts as a faux synthetic artificial intelligence elemental that mimics and controls carbon allotropes and how they function in the dodecahedron structures on earth. It is clearly how the Negatives have been accessing carbon elements to control matter forms, including control over genetic expression of the human body. This programmable Alien AI has infected carbon material and is what has taken over the platonic solid Dodecahedron and related pentagonal geometries that build time space constructs. These time space constructs are instruction sets in the morphogenetic field that run into the Ley Lines of the planetary body. This is how they have built artificial realities and false Timelines and projected them into false holograms. The spherical fullerene has something to do with the AI control over carbon-based matter at the molecular level that can control genetic expression.

Nadial Capsule

The Chakras or in the later development of the glandular centers send their processed energy as intelligent spirals into the Nadial Capsule which forms around the manifest biological form. The nadial capsule is comprised of the three-dimensional layers of the harmonic universe, in which the consciousness is stationed as an identity. The Nadial Capsule instructs how the consciousness must organize itself into the manifested DNA and RNA cellular biology. The DNA-RNA in matter sends its intelligent design to the Nadial Structure, which acts as the blueprint for energetic transmission and energetic receivers that form into the blueprint for the physical Brain and nervous system. The central nervous system transmits into the molecular structure and then into the nuclear core in the 1D atomic body, which informs the Dark Matter Template.

(Source: Ascension Glossary - Dark Matter Template)



Monday, September 07, 2015

Energetic Synthesis: Beyond Wall in Time – SEPTEMBER 2015


Beyond Wall in Time

On the earth, we have penetrated through another portion of memory layer that moves past our Solar System records and is connecting to the quarantine field called the Wall in Time. The Wall in Time is a quarantine field barring us from accessing many higher dimensions from the chaotic time of the Electric Wars. A huge war broke out over this First Root Race Seeding on 7D Future Earth Gaia, and this is called the Electric Wars. This timeline holds a major causal trigger event memory when artificial intelligence was in its earlier stages, used as psychotronic warfare against the earth population. From this point in time, AI technology was set into motion from higher dimensions of control to gradually pull the earth down into inorganic black holes.  Much of the Electric Wars was fought with AI machines being programmed from remote satellites or NAA ships cloaked inside phantom black holes. These are subspace and hyper-dimensional pockets used to cloak ships or bases directing energy weapons, such as massive EMP blasts.

This time creates both beginnings and endings relating to the next stage of spiritual consciousness evolution that is chosen by humans and nonhumans, as we must progress or move through that time-space field during this phase. There are areas in the lower densities with time pockets that are undergoing dimensional collapse and are being transformed when they are exposed to Cosmic Plasma Rays, as these areas cease to exist as that same body or form at that specific time and space. There are many areas being opened up now, such as phantom pockets, that have existed in our Universal Time Matrix over the last 250,000 year cycle that can no longer exist in the form it was previously. The body, spirit, intelligence or raw materials, that which was made by the “builders” that existed in that phantom realm, must be transformed in order to be moved and routed into other time space continuums.  We have had positive and benevolent interdimensional species helping us to reinforce the protective buffer field around the Solar System, as the Wall in Time quarantine fields are being adjusted, moved, dissolved and worked on, especially in the problematic Buddhic fields in the 11th dimension.  During the trauma events during the Electric Wars, this quarantine was necessary to protect the neighboring civilizations outside of our Solar System, so they would not be pulled down into the lower phantom fields through black holes. Since the Electric Wars, we have had a phantom “black” earth that existed as a negative form of itself in the lower timelines that is manipulated by the NAA, mostly through their artificial software programs. Starseeds have been busy building new trinity architecture for the new earth fields that exist outside of the Wall of Time, and outside of these spaces infected with phantom black holes. The Electric Wars event is recorded as cellular memories into the raw material of earth and its form of artificial intelligence exists buried in the Black goo that can be accessed in the Underworld timelines, which also connects directly into the AI fields of the “black” or phantom earth.

As above, so below, and we have had a hidden version of the Electric Wars taking place this summer throughout the earth fields. As we observe the AI agenda getting more aggressive, we can feel that includes next generation of military grade weaponry that is being aimed at the public in the most densely populated areas, and certainly those of us on the Ascension path. Many people on the Ascension path or spiritual awakening path are being targeted to be derailed, to make us sick/weakened/scared and to collect data on us in order to project that data into false holograms for the building of synthetic biology and artificial virtual realities (False timelines).  They do not want those of us holding the frequency higher than the split occurring at the Wall of Time, because they know we can go beyond that barrier now and be free from their AI control in the “black earth”. Thus, they are trolling for any weakness in us now, so be mindful and careful to take good care of yourself.
It is more important than ever to do your best to not allow fear, controlling or any manipulating behaviors when in contact or exposure to any of these infected Controller Pillars of Society structures, especially if you live or are exposed to densely populated areas. This is how they catch a person into their AI program through trackers, that are similar to SPE’s but operate in AI hive mind clusters. Be vigilant in making sure your communication lines and axiatonal (vertical) lines are clear, and strong. The negatives are working every angle to interfere, hijack or derail our direct communication links into the organic matrix to our God Spirit and where we can communicate outside the wall of time. Pay special attention to crown, head, skull, ears, and above your head where the 10D solar star is. If you can, get out of city walls and into nature, water, mountains, trees, devas, as when we communicate with our earth and nature family they will help to assist us greatly now.

Be careful when exposed to any person or circumstance in these Controller areas, they are all being primed for Transhumanist propagation into false timelines:
•          Religious-Academic-Sciences-Financial

Please be especially careful with anything in regards to financial control/banking, money and related fears that are result of poverty or fears of future finances. This is being promoted now as an aggressive way to collect data on us into tracking devices that are used to record our accumulated thoughts and consciousness,  that leads us to our organic future timeline. These financial systems are being recruited from top down the pyramid to track people and implant them with AI trackers. Be aware of the game they play to control you through money fears, and do not play the game, pay attention to your thoughts and observations when you are exposed to anything in the Financial world. The Egyptian money curses (Babylonian Black Magic) are now running AI programs that collect data and trackers, and they are being run by the major banking system cartels on earth feeding the off planet AI. If you remain neutral and observe, do not react emotionally or from fear based programs that they are stimulating, you will remain free from their money fear matrix.

Keep focusing on what you have right now, focus on the needs you have met right now, bless all finances dedicated to God works and service, and keep love in your heart as the direct relationship to right relationship to energetic currency that will manifest your organic future timeline. The organic timeline is the path of our highest future, and they are trying to destroy that potential in us, by diverting it with AI cloning to make us believe something is real, when it is not. They are working hard now to take us off path, so pay attention and do not make any impulsive decisions. Even if you get dark portal people interfering with you, try to be neutral, stay calm and do not let it upset you. Remain in control over your body and consciousness, any attempts now are designed for harassment of our weak spots to scare us. Refuse to be scared by these dark portal people and continue to work your spiritual processes for clearing.

The bifurcation is creating strange dynamics in the outer field, both sides of polarity are amplified heavily, the ascending areas are extremely bright and high frequency, and the descending areas are filled with the lowest and blackest forces in existence. The biggest challenge we have now is navigating the labyrinth while staying low on the radar, when dealing with the controller structures and the controlled people on the earth that are infected by heavy mind control and are used to self-enforce the hive mind thoughts on the rest of the population.

We have entered this dimensional doorway into another playing field, and this comes with possibilities of elevating our consciousness to align with the new creation timeline or descending into the black matter that is connected to the phantom earth timeline. The recent aggression of artificial intelligence software targeting has been to harvest more of humanity to feed into the phantom pockets and their black holes, to pull more people into the lower density time cycle.  Those humans that do not elevate their embodiment into higher light frequencies, so that they can hold higher light percentage above the black force fields, will experience extreme stress and compaction pressure on their bodies in the coming cycle. We are in a special window of time that begins sequential gateways that are opening for transit, routing and supporting spiritual evolution into the Consciousness Corridors. We are at an exit point, and some people will choose to leave the planet during this time. Some will access the highest expression into the Corridor of time while in a body on earth, while others still holding the black matter inside their elemental body, will drop their body in order to continue on some path of matched vibrational evolution through the Corridors. Not everyone can ascend fully, and will be given the life experiences in the Corridor to continue to learn how to expand their consciousness at their own pace. These new possibilities that we experience in the new creation, go hand in hand with our own responsibility to accept or deny personal sovereignty as a multidimensional and spiritual being. To be self-realized is to be actualized in the likeness of God spirit, a state of being radiant with the virtues of the Christos Intelligence. As we embody the Krystal Star or Christos-Sophia pattern, this is bringing heaven to earth which is the Heavenly Jerusalem principle that helps to restore energetic balance to the planet and transmits peace to the people.

Krystal Intelligence is the Embodied Christos-Sophia - Is Unity. As we radiate God’s Eternal Living Light and Unconditional Love, we cease to need to absorb or consume the light energy of others. We cease to use personal will to manifest or have a need to exert control over others. As we learn now to become a conscious co-creator while in form, we are given access to the Creatrix field to help manifest alignment to our highest expression potential and future organic timeline that lies within our personal DNA blueprint. This is generated from the state of Oneness and being of Service to Others, which is the mandatory platform of spiritual evolution on earth in the next Universal Cycle.

The Creatrix field is the part of the infinity spiral that exists within the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End as it is found within the Mother of God Principle. Without holding love for your Mother, one cannot know of it or find it. All is Infinite within the Center Point of Union with God Source and it is our Mother’s Holy Spirit that takes us there. We are laying the foundation for the New Creation Cycle and this is a part of the new beginning leading to the path of Seven Higher Heavens. In order to open this dimensional doorway, we have accessed the timeline memories of which all humanity has passed through the Ring of Fire which in turn passed through the Wall in Time. Some of us have been horrified, sad or terrified in the last few months and this may have related to this sensation as impending doom. It is a memory field that we are finally remembering, and this tragedy does not have to manifest on the planet in this open window of time.

This dimensional doorway has flooded a host of new frequencies, downloads and memories to integrate into our planetary grid and within our own physical bodies. As we integrate the energetic polarities of humanities lost experiences in the history of our species evolution, it is possible that we can choose to synthesize these lower vibrations into a higher vibrating pattern. These patterns will recreate themselves within current contemporary settings, in family dynamics or other human interpersonal relationships. We can choose how to respond rather than react to these intense memories and their energetic influence.

We can end the Great Suffering and Sorrow for all of humankind by using Compassionate Witness of these attritions recorded in the timeline.

Through this dimensional doorway, our planetary consciousness has pierced a veil to which has great implication on humanities future development as sovereign and free beings. To end suffering is a part of becoming sovereign and free. To participate with evolution is to yearn to become a knower of the great mysteries of our God spirit. To end suffering, one must honestly face the deepest and most intimate parts of themselves. Every being will make this choice from their point of consciousness awareness and perception. As we move through this Wall In Time, we are being forced to face the deepest aspects of ourselves and each other. Fears, phantoms and delusions must fall away, while facing the painful memories of our own experience of separation through the Wall of Time and our illusion of dis-unity. This is a core spiritual fear that manifests humanities great suffering, as our group soul was splintered and descended into great and terrible darkness from this event. We have been terrorized with the belief that we would never be saved or experience wholeness again. This spiritual fear is the perceived death and subsequent belief of the total annihilation of our selves.

We may face this belief system or re-live the experience of our own physical annihilation in order to arrive to the truth of our Eternal spiritual nature. This is the Phantom Death. The illusion in time is that we will die. To embody the inner spirit of God’s Source is to transcend fear of death, and all perceptions of death become a moot point. As the Phoenix rises up from the burning ashes of its own dead body, the consciousness is resurrected to live in its new Eternal body with God spirit.

Your personal and direct relationship with God Source inside you is the only relationship that matters. In that relationship all things are saved. There is nothing around you that touches your personal environment that will die when you bring your Eyes of God into Oneness - to remember them as Perfect. This is the GREAT WORK! All beings have this choice available to them at any moment. However, they must transcend their mental sickness and insanity to choose to embody the energetic balance of their inner spirit. There is no faking to the Eternal Watcher of All. Salvation does not exist in the mind. It exists within the Pure Heart and is at One with the Heart of God itself.

We are now potentially embodying as God’s Co-Creators to help reanimate all that has been “killed” in the multiple other timelines. That which has appeared to us as dead in the timelines, is remembered by the Creator to be rehabilitated or resurrected into Eternal Life. These creations reanimate to be placed within the Creatrix to be birthed whole in the next Universe Cycle, the Seven Higher Heavens.
Many of us will increase lucid dreaming states that are a part of the reanimation or the clearing of holographic bits of the fragmented mind memories existing within our spiritual bodies. With these timeline membranes dissolving, the dream state and waking state become more blurred in the dimensional blending. Do not let this frighten you. We are leaving three channels of broadcast and integrating more channels. Multidimensional awareness, lucid dreams, bi-location through dreaming states, while awake or asleep - will amplify. We may be a part of dreaming the New Universe for earth, bringing her into manifestation through the Creatrix field while we are opening the potentials leading us into the organic future timelines.

The Aurora Krystal Star luminaries from the next Universe are here to help us reclaim these pieces and spiritual bodies to be reanimated into the New Universal Cycle for the higher self of Earth. These Guardians protect the creation by embodying connections and even walk into an identity in every dimensional station of time. As we awaken from the inanimate clay of human flesh - we ignite the Fire of God in our hearts through the beloved Aurora Krystal Star Host to animate our flesh into the Eternal Body. We then become the Reborn Children of the Sun, The Embodied Guardians of the Creation. This potential is laid out before us in the new organic timelines available now.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Energetic Synthesis: Blood Covenants

Blood Covenants

12 May 2015
The "blood covenant" is the way that the False Gods (Negative Aliens and Imposter Spirits) have chosen to trick humanity out of their original relationship with their One Source Creator, and hijack their sovereignty through the process of believing in the sanctioning of Blood Sacrifice or ritual bonds as acts of religious piety. These False Father Gods, ( i.e. Yahweh, Jehovah, Annunaki) use Blood Covenants to communicate and interact with human beings. When a human being enters into a Blood Covenant through religious or other spiritual forms of indoctrination, this seals the person's Aura with a sigil or Soul binding that states a "claim" onto that individual. The persons free will is hijacked as the human has been tricked to believe that the Annunaki extraterrestrials impersonating the One creator is actually a God, when he is acting as an intermediary to take claim and ownership over human beings that were born with the inherent divinity of the Inner Holy Spirit and Inner Christos. The False Gods both covet and hate the Inner Holy Spirit because it is the Mother aspect of God, of which they detest, and because they were not given the divine design of sovereignty that humans beings were given in their free will right to choose.

All Blood Sacrifice is Satanic Ritual Abuse and requires much soul retrieval and soul healing work on a planetary scale during the Ascension Cycle. Many ancestral bloodlines have ancient histories of Blood Covenant made with NAA races off planet, believing these otherworldly entities were Gods. People were taught to believe that killing animals and people in large amounts would be pleasing to these Negative Aliens Gods, who would in turn bless them and help their families to be prosperous and protected. This is a cruel ruse of deception and lies from these bloodthirsty predators. These suffering souls, having being killed over the wars over God, or made as a blood sacrifice, were the energetic power source harnessed to retain the crucifixion insert and its violent religious belief system architecture. One of the main systems of planetary control is the religious fundamental Christian programming. It was these programs that were manipulated to condition the planetary field and the collective human mind into believing these as Truths and revelations from God. These were the mind control manipulations to worship a False God, and the energetic results were vampiric to the group human divine soul.

As an example, a Blood Covenant is made with the anti-Christ forces in the name of Yahweh who transfer the soul binding rites to the Moloch during infant or child circumcision. The blood spilled from the baby marks a claim on the Soul to be bound to the Moloch entity which is directed to the Yahweh collective, an Annunaki faction of the NAA, that pose as False Gods to lure humanity into servitude bindings in the afterlife. Excerpts deciphered by religious scholars in the Old Testament:
"God concluded a covenant with Abraham (Gen. xv. 18, xvii. 2, 7) by which He entered into a special relationship with him and his descendants for all time; and as a sign of this covenant he enjoined on them the rite of Circumcision. This Abrahamitic covenant, expressive of the religious character of the descendants of Abraham as the people of Yhwh, the one and only God, was renewed on Mount Sinai when, before the giving of the Law, Israel as a people pledged itself to keep His covenant (Ex. xix. 8). After the giving of the Law Moses sprinkled "the blood of the covenant sacrifice" half upon the people and half upon the altar of the Lord (Ex. xxiv. 6-8), to signify the mystical union of Israel and its God. Of this "everlasting" Sinaitic covenant between God and Israel the Sabbath is declared to be the sign forever (Ex. xxxi. 13-17). At the same time the tables of the Law upon which the pledge was made were called "the book of the covenant" (Ex. xxiv. 7), and the Ten Commandments "the words of the covenant" (Ex. xxxiv. 28); and so the tables containing these became "the tables of the covenant" (Deut. ix. 9, 15)."

In addition to blood covenants made to control the bloodlines, the Reptilians promote Rh Negative Blood as a result from their hybridized DNA. This narrative is untrue. However, it is because they seek to destroy all Oraphim/Christ hybrids and their DNA potential from spreading, growing or changing the Consciousness structure in humanity, which inherently will change the entire DNA of the earth population. They want to kill off the Rh Negative hybrids through genetic modification or control them directly through militarized operations, keeping them misinformed and sick through the various methods already mentioned. They have attempted to compromise their DNA in various ways, such as through tricking humans to make Blood Covenants with False Gods. Much of this is reinforced through family of origin religious beliefs that are passed down to babies and children who grow into adulthood not understanding what is transpiring.

Rh Negative bloodline is blood that is inherently "karmic-less" blood, the ancestral miasm from previous human generations is not recorded in the same way as "karmic" blood patterns that are passed down into future generations. The karmic (miasma) patterns of repeated lifetimes on earth are energy stamps that are recorded in the blood of every being that is born into this dimension. (This is also how blood covenants are passed down to the future offspring without the person being aware of this arrangement.)  Rh Negative blood is sourced from the Stars, as such they may be called Starseed people.

Because there are less karmic energetic imprints in the blood, higher spiritual –energetic bodies of the Rh negative person have a tendency to function or operate at increased levels than in the majority of the human population. These include higher sensory abilities such as telepathy, empathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, direct spiritual knowing, reading energies, ET contact and awareness that may develop into higher compassionate tendencies towards other humans and the earthly kingdoms. This bloodline has a natural resonance to reconnect with higher DNA activation. For this reason ET's such as Greys studying DNA code and attempting to replicate DNA, abduct more RH negative people.

For the above reasons, Rh negative people are primarily manipulated with superimposed karmic burdens, many sourcing from Annunaki or other reptilian distortions made in the blood. This is the attempt to distort the blood pattern of the Rh negative person so they cannot be successful or productive in changing the DNA or consciousness structure on planet. Because their blood holds higher DNA potential the NAA and reptilian races do not want this phenomena to occur through the planetary consciousness fields. This impact is known as the hundredth monkey effect, when the collective consciousness reaches certain patterns these influences can impact the collective consciousness on earth. The NAA works against this phenomena from occurring in order to maintain their agenda of promoting a human slave race, on this planet and for other planets which they seek to control. Most reptilian races favor the corrupted Nephilim, ( a being motivated by greed, money and power as they are manipulated by Controllers) who exist as half or more Annunaki in their DNA, to sympathize with their agenda and maintain the belief systems on earth that promote race superiority, genetic discrimination, and social and financial hierarchy as defined by class or a rank assigned.
In this understanding of clearing blood covenants through recessive gene, ancestral gene and hybridization gene of Rh negative bloodlines, we apply core fear release programs to the Rh negative bloodlines as we bear witness to each other. This is taking intention to clear all blood covenants made that connect miasmatic history through recessive genes, ancestral genes and hybridization and genetic modification of past, present and future lifetimes.

A brief blood clearing treatment is offered below, for those who may feel this clearing of benefit.

Prepare your 12D shield and command your personal space as a God-Sovereign-Free being that serves the Law of One.

Beloveds, I ask to apply Core Soul Protection to the family of origin of DNA, source field DNA and all bloodlines related to the Rh negative lineages, please go to origin to the off planet DNA and blood record, please go to the causation in the timeliness of the original human DNA that is free of all alien genetic modification or hybridization.

I ask our beloved Guardian teams that work with the Albion body as we are in a phase of coming into an awakening of the Albion body.

I intend to clear all blood covenants and related overlays that have been put on the Rh negative blood and the history of recessive genes in the bodies that I am inhabiting at this time.
I clear blood covenants in the human DNA, original human DNA, diamond sun DNA and all the way into the Albion body of the earth.

Clearing blood covenants:
Applying core soul protection to the family of origin DNA, Rh negative bloodlines to the original diamond Sun DNA record.
  • Restoring the soul record
  • Reclaim the consciousness memories in all time
  • Please repair any damage made in (my) lineage of Rh negative blood.
  • Hybridization
  • Fibrin
  • RBCs (red blood cells)
  • Hematopoiesis
  • Microorganisms that comes from chemtrails
  • Clear damaged blood cells of Rh negative lines recessive through the blood that has been brought forth.
  • Clear hybridization damage
  • Repair soul fiber damage
  • Repair the damage in the blood itself
  • We ask to bring Krystal Waters through this blood group, individual blood healing, as God would have it be.
  • We bring forth the amplifier of the Krystal Waters as a resonant tone.
  • We call our family of Christ, may the Krystal Waters protect and support our blood.
Eternal water sprung forth in the eternal creation Holy Mother, Holy Father, please soothe and heal the soul and Crystal body with the crystal waters. We ask these water to spiritualize the blood of Christos and to flow through the fountain of eternal life and eternal youth. Krystal Waters, please support our project of elemental encryption of our body's blood chemistry and to heal the damage of blood toxicity, miasm and hybridization recorded as reversals in the bloodline.

For a moment, intend to deeply feel and connect to our bloodstream and blood. Imagine and bring the intent to merge with the Krystal Waters and spiritualize the blood of Christos-Sophia. See the blood spiritualized and it's living life force throughout your venous system, throughout the arterial system and pumping through your heart protecting, healing and spiritualizing our blood in a living light blood chemistry. As we spiritualize our blood, to heal our blood of all that is tainted from ancestral genetic or miasmatic hybridization reasons. Beloved, please clear our blood record.

Please clear the spleen of its inherited genetic karmic records and wounds from any identity in time and space.

As we purify our blood, we ask the spirits of Christ to dwell in our flesh, in our mind and in our body and to circulate in our blood. Spiritualizing our blood and therefore repairing all energy receivers. The entire nadial system, radial system and the umbilicus connected through our blood, in the eternal living light.

Please correct fibrin, red blood cells and other microorganism imbalances through lab made chemtrails, toxins or other chemicals considered pathogens that are directly engineered and manufactured to harm Rh negative blood. I ask to bring this into clarity and to remove any and all DNA instruction and RNA instruction sets which carry this reverse mutation protein chain. Clear all reverse synthesis bond made through these pathogens in the blood. Clear the DNA and RNA instructions set to the original human DNA without modification as per recorded in the higher silicate matrix body of the Albion body of the double diamond sun human, the cosmic human on this earth.
  • Clear DNA RNA
  • Clear physical blood to brain barrier and generate upgrade
  • Blood treatment clearing
  • Clear degeneration
  • Clear septicemia
  • Clear anemia
  • Correct the bone marrow production as per the Rh negative of divine design
  • Corrects spleen function
  • Correct any lipoprotein disorder
  • Blood disorder
  • Genetic mutation
  • Miasmic ancestral karmic
  • Replace the organic matrix blood treatment
  • Timeline collapse past, present, future lifetimes in fetus, newborn, child, teenager, adult, and senior. Correct impacts and disease causation.
  • Collapse the timeline and replace organic matrix through all timelines.
  • Clearing any disease memory in the body from all timelines
  • Clear all memory and influences from disease memory.
  • Remove mismatching or wrongly attached body parts in the genetic or ancestral history related to hybridization modification or genetic experimentation on or off planet.
Please take this clearing off planet – Saturn blood covenants made in any lifetime, clearing Saturn blood worship of damage to the blood of my Rh negative lines.

I asked to terminate any and all alien agendas, mind control software that is using reverse DNA, RNA instruction sets to be recorded in the mitochondria, chromosomes, and the DNA, RNA messengering between the cells.
  • Clear Saturn blood worship of Rh negative control histories.
  • We ask in the Book of the Law to Return to Rightful Owner now.
  • Returning to rightful owner all human beings that are originally connected to the original human DNA off planet to the Rh negative blood.
  • We ask to return to rightful owner here and now all that belongs to each person directly.
As the living Avatar of Christ and light of God that I am, I cancel contracts and agreements that have been made with any off planet entity guide or alien in this timeline or reality related to blood covenants and that which is designed with the intention of the destruction of the Rh negative blood line and the original human DNA pattern of the diamond sun silicate matrix in the Albion body.
We ask to clear the Albion body and to reanimate the Albion body with return to rightful owner and returning the Rh negative blood and blood patterns to the original human DNA pattern. All that is not in the highest alignment in service of God and the cosmic sovereign law of one, we terminate these contracts and agreements through the ancestral line, through the genetic line and through the collective consciousness line of the human species and race of which we are a part.

We terminate redemptive vehicle, crucifixion contracts and their phantom systems from using Rh negative human DNA bloodlines through the Albion body.

We also address all splitter technologies which have been used to split apart human DNA and create toxins in the Rh negative and original human blood.

Terminate the redemptive vehicle crucifixion contract and related phantom systems from the original human DNA and bloodlines now - including the Rh negative blood lines recessive genes and the ancestral genes of which go back to the original human DNA.
  • Clearing Alien Implants
  • Replication or hybridization trauma
  • as appropriate through each of the locations of dimensions and location of the body of the original human DNA
  • Clearing blood covenant of replication or hybridization trauma
  • Human animal hybrid
  • Anunnaki hybrid
  • Dracon hybrid
  • Nephilim reversals
  • Solar Lord and warden implants
  • Axiom seals
  • Curse implant trauma
  • Fallen Angelic seals
  • Anu Seal
  • Orion solar cross
  • Crucifixion implants - left lung and heart, left knee

Please clear all Crucifixion memory implant removing blood covenant Rh negative blood distortion from the historical lines of the Albion body, collective body, collective consciousness body, human body, Left lung heart - harmonic triad all bodies clear now. Clearing all stolen replicated damage genetics as God would have it be.

Please Identify, Locate, Remove and Repair all appropriate stolen replicated or damage genetics from hybridization, cloning, replication, as well as enslavement trauma, upon the human DNA through any blood covenant which is connected to the blood.
  • We terminate all redemptive vehicle contracts.
  • We terminate all superimposed karmic loads of miasma.
  • We terminate all crucifixion contracts, enslavement contracts and related phantom systems from impacting our God consciousness and all of our double diamond sun Christ bodies.
  • I ask my avatar of Ascension and Christ consciousness to return all aspects of DNA, unity codes, fire letters, all body parts, wings, energies that have been misdirected or usurped through hybridization or blood damage.
  • We ask them to be returned now to the rightful owner in the name of self sovereignty here and stated and commanded into presence.
  • Again, connecting to the Albion body as the collective now.
  • Return all energies, essences, body parts that are in divine right order now!
  • We call back now all that is our self-sovereign God power and right.
  • Beloveds, thank you thank you thank you!
  • All is one with the light - for I am unity.
  • Coming into Krystal Star of Azoth and seeing the overlay of Krystal Star of Azoth in the heart chakra Back to front,
  • Front to back
  • Inner to outer
  • Outer to inner
  • Left to right
  • Right to left
  • Stabilize.
In Krystal Star of Azoth, Beloved Seven Sacred Suns:
Allowing the Krystal Star of Azoth divine firewater in our heart, in our blood, as we fully allow the carrier wave of the Krystal Star to be with us, within our blood and to assist in purification and spiritualization of the blood of Christ within us. Clearing in the field of superposition or possessions which need to be transited at this time. Holy Mother, we ask for Krystal Star intercession and transit of all creation, shape shifters, structures and entities.

Please perform Simple Triad Sweep run through and clearing through the transit vortex.
  • Transiting possessions
  • Shadow creatures
  • Release bindings
  • Release blood covenants
  • Clear the negative forms and apply the Core Soul Protection on the way out through the Mother Arc Portal
  • Balance center and stabilize the bodies.
  • Correct the cellular memory and perform timeline collapse from source of origin of the original nature of these creatures
  • I ask Holy Mother and Sophia to reclaim all that is originally yours
Return again into the usable substance and elements, which can be reconstituted into the holy presence. We apply unconditional love and forgiveness and forgetfulness now. Please clear human karmic miasma levels related to blood covenants that has been set forth in connection to the Albion body.

Please clear planetary karmic miasma levels related to blood covenants and again restoring original human DNA record of the specialized Krystic blood to the Albion body. Collapse and return all identities to integrate through Crystal diamond sun matrix in the organic matrix of God, as God would have it be through Crystal Star intercession and crystal matrix re encryption of the elemental body. As God would have it be, I am one with the holy presence and through all eternity, I am Unity and One with God.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

(Source: Blood Covenant Clearing and Ascension Glossary, Transcription by Kimberly)

Monday, May 04, 2015

Energetic Synthesis: Single Soul Occupancy #Newsletter April 2015 #shifting Timelines

April 2015
Single Soul Occupancy

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

We live in a multidimensional world with every kind of spirit force one could imagine.  With each successive portal opening, membranes that used to separate realities are collapsing, and more beings are sharing space with us. There are new levels of support for those of us on the path with this understanding and context. This newsletter will serve as an entity primer, discussing the necessity of Single Soul Occupancy, with some suggested tools for spiritual deliverance.  The good news is that recent changes in the architecture have made the extraction of parasites and entities that have been plaguing this planet, much easier. 

Since December's major portal opening, we have undergone sequential events that have radically shifted the Universal Geomantic Structure. This is the architecture linking celestial bodies, constellations, and stars with our planet. During the Easter Weekend, transmissions activated the planetary body to communicate with the intelligent living matrix of the Canis Major constellation and the Sirius Star System. This activated previously dormant or corrupted communication links and ley line networks into the planetary body. These new links cannot be circumvented by alien machinery or their synthetic timelines. These triad communication networks are analogous to dropping a new intergalactic wireless internet hook up from Sirius B and the massive Sirius Sun, into the planetary body.

The main axis of this network was placed in the 33rd North Parallel line and is intended as a support for the Starseeds that work the grids in service to the Cosmic Sovereign Law. Additionally, this new network supports progress with the alien invasion problem located in the Equator line of the planet, with an infestation of nests and phantom wormholes.

This is significant because this is a demarcation point in the war over consciousness memories that relate to the future timelines of evolution of the human race on this planet. This planet has been in a war over consciousness memories where the truth of human evolution histories has been erased.  This has been done by multiple competing species, with attempts to completely destroy historical records in the timelines, by the NAA groups. This phase will reveal more in depth extraterrestrial involvement with our planet and with humanity. This means that all issues relating to alien mind control, hybridization, abduction, military programs (such as MILAB's and Secret Space programs abusing technology), galactic history, underground bases and the many species interacting with us, will be ramped up to the next level of disclosure.

We are entering potentially explosive timelines with extraterrestrial disclosure, which open into this year and ongoing into 2017. As we learn more about multiple species agendas, we must improve energetic discernment of the variety of forces that we interact with. These are both seen and unseen forces that take advantage of our lack of awareness. Because we are awakening from the Dark Aeon of alien hybridization, which is the primary reason for the imprisonment of our consciousness, we must shake off these parasites and reclaim our sovereign right to Single Soul Occupancy. We are providing a basic primer to address the most common issues of parasitism that are the result of alien hybridization, implantation and genetic manipulation of the consciousness of the human being. Once informed, any person may be empowered to identify and terminate the source of spiritual oppression.  Through the Law of Consent, we can remove its access and influence upon our spiritual bodies.

In order to be spiritually freed from mind control and energetic possession, we must comprehend the necessity of commanding our right to sovereign Single Soul Occupancy within our body and energetic aura. The original blueprint for all who incarnate into human bodies on this planet, is Single Soul Occupancy.

Alien Implantation is Reptilian Ownership

Many people on this earth carry an assortment of fragments, attachments, ancestral beings, alien implants, Fallen Angelics, and potentially one or more alien hosts as a result of hybridization, miasma, karmic bloodlines, or alien abduction. Mind control programing and their holographic inserts, allow the consciousness body of the individual to be infiltrated through the energetic signature of the alien implant. Mind control programs enforced through alien implantation, and their entity attachments or possessions, are two sides of the same coin. The energetic signature of the alien implant will depend on the genetic and consciousness relationship that person has, to the entity that has placed the implant in their human target. Many of these entities believe that humans are their personal property, so the alien implant will have specific information from the extradimensional source of the species that have "laid claim" to that individual, family line or group.

The mindset of the Reptoids and other invading species of the NAA, is that humans are their personal property to be used as a resource that serves their domination agenda. The degree to which they perform benevolent actions towards humans, is the degree to which that action serves their enslavement agenda. Overall they are calculating liars and masterful deceivers, and will say anything the human wants to hear, in order to manipulate the results to serve their agenda. Like a farmer that may tend to a sick cow in the herd, it is so he can get more milk out of the cow and continue to make money from his farm. This is similar to the collective thought form of the NAA, who consider human beings as a portion of their overall portfolio of investments.

Multiple Occupants = Soul Possession

Through the Law of Consent, it is your sovereign right to command your space and demand Single Soul Occupancy in your body, mind, and consciousness. Single Soul Occupancy is the original Soul Matrix design for the 4th, 5th, and 6th dimensions that unite these three layers into one wholly merged and integrated consciousness within your physical body. Many people on this earth are not Single Soul Occupied, and have multiple occupants, soul fragments, attachments or entities hosting them. How has this happened?

The hidden agendas of multiple invading extradimensional species include hybridization programs, breeding programs, genetic modification and manipulation of human DNA. The manipulation of human DNA works both for the genetic enhancement of the preferred bloodlines that are hybridized with primarily reptilian genetics, while others are genetically digressed and "dumbed down" to be a working slave class. Whether a person is abducted and subsequently genetically altered with enhancements to perform certain roles, or digressed in order to be made a spiritual zombie, both methods of genetic modification are the result of the invading species agenda to completely dominate earth resources.  Humans are grouped into the planetary resources as slave labor, replicated into clones, imaged into future synthetic holograms, or used as bargaining tools with other species. As an example, children are coveted for abduction and sold on and off planet for sexual slavery by these NAA groups. This is why Sexual Slavery is a global epidemic and will not improve until humans realize that the sexual misery programs and pedophilia are sourcing from the NAA. This is not human.

The primary species that are supported by human hybridization, through alien abduction and alien genetic manipulation, are varieties of Reptoid and Insectoid species. Military Controllers prefer enhancements with reptilian genetics because the Reptoid species have higher psionic abilities, which include remote viewing, astral projection and shapeshifting. From many years of bloodline and genetic manipulation, many family lines that are subjected to alien abduction and genetic experimentation are recruited into the military for a variety of covert operations. This includes MILABS and secret space programs that are ultimately designed to support the Archontic Deception and Negative Alien Agendas. This is to further enforce human enslavement and thus, impose complete ownership over all human beings. Many humans on the earth today are the result of alien hybridization, and as such, have a genetic predisposition that allows them to be a host body for a variety of extradimensional entities. When a human has been genetically modified by an alien species, it allows that body to be used as a portal for that alien consciousness. It does not matter what kind of hybridization has occurred, every being has the right to command Single Soul Occupancy and learn how to rehabilitate their consciousness as a God-Sovereign-Free being. The key is practicing the Law of One and healing the predator mind that you were downloaded with.

What is MILAB?

Friday, July 18, 2014

Energetic Synthesis: Sophianic Body Correction - Newsletter July 2014

July 2014
Sophianic Body Correction
Lisa Renee

download as mp3
Dear Ascending Family,

This next stage of the planetary restoration cycle is the continuance from late December 2012. The Mother's Cosmic Aether is returning to inspirit throughout the kingdoms of elemental matter. From deep inside the earth core moving up into the crust, collecting pieces on its pathway by returning them into reconstituted substances that may evolve into forms of wholeness or rehabilitation. These pieces encompass many levels of the earthly elemental kingdoms; microorganism, insect, mineral, plant, animal, all creatures which are a collective part of the planetary consciousness. Thus, we have begun another deeper phase of the Ascension cycle with the Sophianic Body Correction.

The first weekend in July began another evolution cycle of the Mother's frequency encoding instruction sets into the planetary magnetic field supported from the plasmic architecture of the Krystal Kaleidoscope. These magnetic properties, along with plasma conductive gases, are thrusting up from the earth core into volcanic pipes and volcanic arc chains and their many islands on our planet.

Indo-Australian Plates
Currently, these magnetic field vibrations are more pronounced in the Southern Hemisphere of the Indian Ocean and the Indo-Australian oceanic floor. The epicenter of the surging (from the earth core thrusting upwards into the crust) is hitting into two of the deepest oceanic trenches in the Indian Ocean, the Diamantina Deep Trench and the Java (Sunda) trench by Sumatra, at the outer borders of Western Indonesia on the Indian Ocean. The geographical areas surrounding the Indo-Australian tectonic plates and the Antarctic plates are very active now. The Indian Ocean floor is spreading at the force of magnetic pressure made between these deep trenches, and it is applying pressure into the boundaries which move the oceanic and continental plates.

This activity is a natural part of the quantum mechanics of the Ascension cycle and the bifurcation of time in the fields. The planetary magnetic dipole shifts rebalance the mass of polarities in the bi-wave spectrum (+Positive –Negative electromagnetic charges) in the planet's hemispheres and quaternaries. The quaternaries make up the mineral, plant, animal and human realms. This is a resetting of the accumulated polarities of forces that occurs on planet at the end of the precession or the Ascension cycle. This heralds the Sophianic Body Correction, the restoration of the Mother's magnetic sound vibrations by transmitting her coded magnetic fields back into the core and throughout the planetary consciousness fields. This gradual process of shifting the weight of planetary magnetism reduces certain magnetic and gravitational impacts from the moon. Such as, the correction of inorganic orbital paths (wobbles) between these stellar bodies and the correction of the magnetic compaction created by tidal forces which impact planetary sea levels.

The volcanic islands, craters and mountainous rock volcanoes act as piezoelectric instruments (compression sensors) of the magnetic fields rate of compression caused by massive amounts of intermittent magnetic flux. Additionally, the volcanoes are found where the tectonic plates are either diverging or converging together, they act to modulate eruptions of gases to escape from beneath the surface. As well, these act as transmission antennae of magnetic vibration and plasma conductive gases into our lower atmosphere (troposphere) leading up into the magnetosphere. More submarine volcanoes, shield volcanoes and volcanic pipes will be thrust up from the core of deep magma sources ejecting gemstones and diamonds to the surface crust, as Mother intends for Sophianic Body Correction.

Mother and Child Reunited
On the earth surface, the etheric filaments of the collective planetary field ley lines are filling with the imprints of corrected blueprint patterns containing magnetic sound vibrations. These also help to create chalice configurations for the Mother principle to run her life force through the smaller tributaries of the earth. These corrected configurations are intersections for flowing life force current that circulate throughout the planetary heart system, sonic waves through the oceans, waters and rivers, as they are pumped through the Aurora Portal Networks and Mother Arc Hubs. The planetary hearts (circulatory systems of life force current) can be reversed, blocked, blackened (dead) or repaired to become conscious and living diamond heart body systems. The Diamond Heart in the earth body is essentially the definition of the Sophianic Body of Mother. These combined networks are sequentially being built into the planetary body to run re-encryption patterns from the Aurora Christos and Aurora Mother in tri-wave and plasma current. This is the process of sound waves creating light, in order to repair DNA mutations, mitochondrion and many levels of miasmatic damage. This is spiritually symbolic to the understanding that the Mother of God and the Christos Child are being reacquainted and reunited on earth at this time.  Unfortunately, not all children of earth will recognize their real Mother in this cycle.

Blood Altered by Magnetic Shifts
Magnetic fields are physical and environmental forces that produce a variety of responses in cellular biology that include changes made in DNA-RNA messaging and many genetic factors.  When there are changes made to the planetary magnetic field, changes made to the rate of electromagnetism (EMF) exposure, this directly alters cellular processes, gene expression and blood plasma. Functioning proteins in the human body, such as in human blood plasma, bind in relationship to the quality and exposure of the EMF field. Proteins perform a vast array of functions within living organisms, including catalyzing metabolic reactions, replicating DNA, responding to stimuli, and transporting molecules from one location to another. Blood plasma acts as the protein reserve in the body, protecting against infection and diseases and has a vital role in delivering the functional proteins required for DNA synthesis. The quality of our blood and blood plasma is what gives instruction to the entire set of proteins that are expressed by our genetic material, in all cells and tissues. This means that the blood directly communicates to the body through proteins, what has been encoded into our DNA. This protein synthesis communication made between DNA, RNA and mitochondria of the cell is being altered by the shifting magnetic field.

Additionally, our red blood cells contain hemoglobin which is a protein built on a core of four iron atoms that have functions related to the state of the iron core and magnetism of the earth.  Hemoglobin in the blood carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body where it releases the oxygen to burn nutrients. This provides energy to power the functions of our body, in the process called energy metabolism. This is significant because the change made to our blood is directly related to how energy is evolving to be metabolized in our body and consciousness. This will be increasingly apparent as we pay attention to these signs changing energy consumption and use of energy resources on the planet. Return to the rightful owner, also means the shift of energy metabolism changing inside the microcosm of our body to reflect upon the macrocosm of the earth. This is an important stage of ending the Controllers consumptive modeling to reach the balance of conservation principles in order to find inner sustainability, thus energetic balance in these systems. A major component of this shift is within the mystery of the higher functions of the mitochondrion.

Mother's Mitochondrial DNA
When we equate the gender principle inherent in our creation and that our Mother principle is returning energetic balance into the earth core through the magnetic field, the next step is the implication to repair the Mitochondrial DNA.  Mitochondrial DNA is the DNA located in mitochondria, structures within cells that convert chemical energy from food into a form that cells can use, adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP measures the amount of light quotient held by the cell and tissues of the body and is directly related to the embodiment of spiritual consciousness, which is energy and critical for energy metabolism.

Mitochondrial DNA is only a small portion of the DNA in a cell; most of the DNA can be found in the cell nucleus. In most species on earth, including human beings, Mitochondrial DNA is inherited solely from the mother. Mitochondria have their own genetic material, and the mechanism to manufacture their own RNAs and new proteins. This process is called protein biosynthesis. Protein biosynthesis refers to the process whereby biological cells generate new sets of proteins.

Without properly functioning Mitochondrial DNA, humanity cannot effectively generate new proteins for DNA synthesis. Nor store the levels of ATP required to generate the light from the cell to embody our spiritual consciousness. Thus, through the Mitochondrial DNA damage humanity is grossly addicted to consuming everything in the external world to fill this energy void within our cells. (See NAA Alien set up for Addiction)

Because we have known nothing else in our recent history and have erased memories, humanity is unaware that we have existed with severely dysfunctional Mitochondrion.

This is a direct result of the Mother's DNA, magnetic principles and proton structure extracted from this earth and a synthetic alien version of "Dark Mother" that was put into the planetary architecture to mimic its functions. Humanity has been without its true Mother principle functioning on the planet and evidently this is recorded in the cells of our Mitochondrial DNA. This event has been described many times as the NAA invasion of Planetary Logos through controlling the magnetosphere and magnetic field.


The inner mitochondrial membrane is sorted into numerous cristae, which expand the surface area of the inner mitochondrial membrane, enhancing its ability to produce ATP. It is this area of the Mitochondrion, once functioning properly, that increases the ATP energy and generates light into the cells and tissues of the body. The cristae higher function in the mitochondrion is being activated in the ascending groups beginning in this cycle. Synchronically, the name "cristae" has been given through scientific discovery when its direct implication is related to the activation of the crystal gene.

Estrogen Receptors Shifting
The Mother Mitochondrial DNA and magnetic shifts have many factors which are making adjustments and symptoms to the reproductive cycles of females. Estrogen hormones activate estrogen receptors which are proteins that go into the cell and binds to the DNA making adjustments to the genetic expression. Cells can communicate with each other by releasing molecules that produce signaling within another receptive cell. Estrogen is secreted by tissues such as the ovaries and placenta, crosses the cell membrane of the recipient cell, and is bound by the estrogen receptor in the cell. The Estrogen receptor controls messaging between the DNA and the messenger RNA. As such, many females are undergoing unusual, strange cycles of their menses at this time which tend toward estrogen dominance. Changes to estrogen levels are happening in both men and women, so be aware of listening to what your body may need to help support this change. Taking care of the liver, detoxifying, eliminating sugar consumption, removing hormone inducing or hormone injected foods, balancing bacteria in the intestines and body is helpful to support estrogen balancing.

Mitochondrial Disease Depletes Energy
Mitochondrial diseases are from genetic mutations imprinted into the DNA sequences. Artificial architecture placed into the planet, such as alien machinery, with intention to make genetic modification to usurp the Mother's DNA, manifested DNA mutation and DNA damage to all species. Mitochondrial diseases take on unique characteristics of blocked energy in the body because of the way the disease accumulated through inherited maternal genetics in ancestral bloodlines.

Mitochondrion is critical for every day cell function and energy metabolism which also leads to spiritual progression of soul and oversoul (monad) embodiment. Mitochondrial disease reduces effective overall energy production for the available body-consciousness energy, stunting human development and spiritual growth. Thus, the body ages and gets diseases faster; the personal energy is deactivated thus depleted. This severely limits the amount of usable energy available for the brain development and all neurological system functions. Depletion of energy reserves for building brain and neurological development contributes to spectrums of autism, neurodegeneration and other brain processing deficiencies. Defects in mitochondrial genes are associated with hundreds of "clinical" diseases prevalent in primarily blood, brain and neurological disorders.

The blood, brain and neurological function of the planetary body is equated to the architecture of Ley Lines, Chakra centers, and Stargate systems which run the energetic current (blood) to form an consciousness body known as the 12 Tree Grid of the Planetary Templar. The blood, brain and neurological functions of the human body are equated to the same 12 Tree Grid of the Human Templar. Once the Templar and its DNA instruction set are damaged or mutated, the blood, brain and nervous system is damaged or mutated. If our blood, brain and nervous system is blocked or damaged we cannot translate language, we cannot communicate with higher sensory perception, and we cannot build multidimensional light bodies to receive higher wisdom (Sophia). Our species language at many levels, including our DNA language has been confounded and scrambled by those who have sought to enslave and brutalize the earth.

As we know, much of the kinetic or other external energy sources are aggressively controlled by the power elite to suppress human development and to stop the possibility of equitable use or fair exchange of resources to be shared among the earth population. The NAA strategy is to control all energy and power sources, (even control the DNA and soul) thus create a ruling class and a serf or slave class. Orion group's archontic deception methods are to divide and conquer; thus, the population is much easier to control while traumatized in fear, ignorance and left poverty stricken.

DNA, RNA and Proteins
All living beings are reliant on three main molecules for essentially all of their biological functions. These molecules are DNA, RNA and proteins. The two strands of DNA run in opposite directions to each other and are therefore adjacent to each other (anti-parallel). It is the sequence of these four nitrogen bases along the backbone that encodes biological information. Under the genetic code, RNA strands are translated to specify the sequence of amino acids within proteins. These RNA strands are initially created using DNA strands as a template in a process called transcription.

Without DNA, RNA and proteins, no biological life would exist on earth. DNA is an intelligent molecule that encodes the complete set of genetic instructions (the genome) that is required to gather, maintain, and reproduce every living being. RNA has multiple vital roles in the coding, decoding, regulation, and expression of genetics. RNA's primary responsibility is to make proteins, according to the instruction sets encoded within a cell's DNA.

DNA is made up of sugars, a nitrogenous base and a phosphate group. RNA is the same.

In DNA, the nitrogenous base is made up of nucleic acids; Cytosine (C), Guanine (G), Adenine (A) and Thymine (T). Metaphysically, each of these nucleic acids is connected to the elemental substance of the planet as Air, Water, Fire, and Earth. When we pollute these four elements on the earth, we pollute the corresponding nucleic acid in our DNA.

However, in RNA the nitrogenous base is made up of nucleic acids; Cytosine (C), Guanine (G), Adenine (A) and Uracil (U). Also, each of the RNA nucleic acids is connected to the elemental substance of the planet as Air, Water, Fire, and Earth. In both DNA and RNA, the Mitochondrial DNA serves as the fifth principal element of Cosmic Aether which is sourced only from the Mother. This is an example of allotropy which is the property of some chemical elements to exist in two or more different forms, known as allotropes of these elements. Allotropes are different structural modifications of an element. Our DNA is the allotrope of the four main planetary elements.

The main biological function of a nitrogenous base in DNA is to bond nucleic acids together. Adenine is always paired with thymine, and guanine is always paired with cytosine. These are known as base pairs. Uracil is only present in RNA, replacing thymine and pairing with adenine.

Both RNA and DNA use base pairs (male + female) as a complementary language that can be converted back and forth between the DNA to RNA by the action of the correct enzymes. This male-female language or based paired structure provides a backup copy of all genetic information encoded within double-stranded DNA.

Reverse Base Pairing
All DNA and RNA function upon the gender principle of base pairs that hydrogen bond together. Base pairs must bond in the sequence of which allows DNA and RNA to communicate (as per the original design of our 12 Strand DNA, the Diamond Sun Body). As well as allow the RNA to produce functioning proteins that continue to build the rungs that synthesize and correct the double helix of DNA. Human DNA has been tampered with through mutation of the base pairs and reverse bonding the pairs or inserting editing sequences through engineered organisms, such as virus. This base pair tampering relates to the gender splitting technology of the NRG which impacts all male and female language and their relationships. DNA copies are created by the pairing of nucleic acid sub units to the male-female base pairs present on each strand of the original DNA molecule. This pairing always occurs in specific combinations. The reverse base pairing of DNA as well as many levels of genetic modification and genetic control, contribute to the suppression of DNA synthesis.  This is the intentional suppression of DNA activation of the 12 strand original design, the Silicate Matrix which is assembled and built by proteins. This genetic suppression has been aggressive since the Atlantian cataclysm. This is directly related to the suppression of hierogamic union which is achieved by proper DNA base pairing which can build and assemble the proteins to unscramble DNA fire letters.

RNA Editing through Aspartame
One example of genetic modification and experimentation in the population is the introduction of aspartame. Aspartame is chemically synthesized from aspartate which degrades the function of uracil –thymine relationships in DNA, as well as impairs functions of RNA protein synthesis and RNA messaging with DNA.  RNA editing through the addition and deletion of uracil and thymine is recoded into the mitochondria of the cell, of which mitochondrial damage promotes neurological diseases. Thymine is an aggressive protector of the integrity of the DNA. Additionally the degradation of uracil produces the substrates aspartate, carbon dioxide, and ammonia.

Nitrogen Cycle Tampering
As a consequence of the industrial revolution, the introduction of the military complex through Negative Alien contact, the global nitrogen cycle has been significantly altered over the past century. Although nitrogen is necessary for all known forms of life on Earth, the fossil fuel wars are intentionally enforced by the NAA to pollute the earth and damage the DNA. Nitrogen is a component in all amino acids, as incorporated into proteins, and is present in the bases that make up nucleic acids in RNA and DNA. However, fossil fuel wars, forcing the use of combustion engines, creation of chemical fertilizers, and pollution emitted by vehicles and industrial plants, human beings have contributed to severe toxicity transfer of nitrogen into biologically available formats. Nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia all contribute to the soup of greenhouse gas that poisons the earth, drinking water and oceans. These pollutants damage and mutate DNA.

Elemental Change to Pain Body
Thus, many of us have been feeling the elemental changes in our blood, body parts (especially the skin layers which react to blood changes) and deep shifts in our cells and tissues. The animation of matter from the magnetic shift will also penetrate the layers of our emotional-elemental body, which has deep impacts to cellular responses and cellular memories buried in the Instinctual Body (Pain body).

The current shift in the elemental body requires transmutation which may have a sensation that is similar to observing the decomposition of matter in the cycles of life. Microorganisms, enzymes, some parasites and insects act as the earthly matter alchemists and enzymatically shift the elemental composition or digest the waste product of decomposing matter. This is the spiritual alchemy of the magnum opus of our human and planetary spiritual ascension as the great work in progress. 

As such, many of us may sense our body rapidly detoxifying or eliminating waste product and feel our body attempting to find homeostatic balance with its internal microorganisms and parasites. The strange sensations come with enzymatic change of the chemical composition inside our elemental body. This is a decomposition of the miasmatic energies attached to elemental matter. This may exhibit a general symptom of different external sensation of skin itchiness, skin crawling feeling, rashes, boils, acne, signs of minor infection, etc.

This new cycle will pressure each of us to pay attention to our Instinctual body, our emotional-elemental pain body and what it is undergoing.  The solar and lunar force relationship and their combined impact to the planetary body polarity of forces are adjusting to these recent impacts in the magnetic field.

Unfortunately, without higher principles of understanding the Natural Laws, this results in great chaos and suffering in those who persist in wielding destruction, division and promoting violence, whatever its method.
However, there is an ongoing exodus of lunar forces, moon chain beings, Fallen Angelics from our planet and Solar System which continues to transpire now. As the quarantines are lifted beyond the Solar System, those aligned to the Ascension (or are pure of heart), go deeper into the reconfiguration of their sacral energy centers from lunar influences to solar influences. This bifurcation between the solar and lunar forces continues the shift not only to the emotional-elemental body, but inside the sacral center and all reproductive organs. This brings correction or epiphany to many issues related to sexual misery programming that has been based on the hidden histories with these moon chain entities. Mother's magnetic instruction sets and mitochondrion are rebuilding the Solar Feminine and the Solar Sacrum for her children of the earth.

DNA Synthesis
Knowing that our emotional-elemental body is shifting from carbon based atoms to higher based elementals through higher frequency activation and planetary magnetic shifts; we may connect the dots in our own bodies' spiritual progression related to its personal alchemical processes.  With the Sophianic Body Correction underway, the alchemical transformation of our consciousness evolution has come to merge with the greater scientific understanding of DNA Synthesis. DNA synthesis has the same meaning as DNA activation which plays an important and direct role in spiritual ascension. Mother is returning the record of Mitochondrial DNA through current magnetic shifts which reinstate our blood, brain and neurological system blueprint to higher functioning to bond with the DNA of our true origins.

Transit of Fallen Angelics
Recently, a process of transiting began for multiple hierarchies buried in the lower astral and earth realms related to Fallen Angelic groups with its primary gatekeeper; Raziel-Rachab. There are deeper links to the planet Mercury logos and Raphael, of which the Laws governing Galactic principles are shifting its architecture. This is related to rehabilitation of planetary logos and the correction to the models of "Fallen Angels" and "Fallen Gods". This process of transit has been hard on our physical body as the residue of the fields moving through are very toxic, like decay, decomposition of matter, with sensations of disease, infection and cancer. This is because this collective species field in the planet and in human beings is very diseased. For some Starseeds that are involved with this process now, this surfaces the sensations that occur in the cycles of decomposition of matter. This potentially will surface an increased observation of related bug infestation, such as, insects and spiders in the surroundings. If guided, harmonize the environment and communicate calmly with these kingdoms as they are agitated and confused.

According to the Book of Raziel, God sent the highest of the Angels, Raziel, to teach Adam the spiritual laws of nature and life on earth, including the knowledge of the planets, stars and the spiritual laws of creation. These magical books are known to Kabbalistic teachings as Sepher Ha-Razim and Sefer Raziel HaMalakh.
The Angel Raziel also taught Adam the knowledge of the power of speech, the power of thoughts and the power of a person's soul within the confines of the physical body and this physical world, basically teaching the knowledge with which one can harmonize physical and spiritual existence in this physical world.

Shifting Cancerian Waters
Through large transits such as described, this process greatly shifts the elemental balance. As the cosmic aether of our true Mother is added to the elemental ingredients of our planetary body substance, the alchemical transmutation required for DNA synthesis accelerates in our body.  This is the process of polarity integration between the newly reassembled parts of adding (or subtracting) the required patterns being synthesized into the body consciousness. As we are exposed to the Galactic principles of the Cancerian Constellation watery influences, this phase can be deeply emotional, deeply buried in subconscious and bring the purging of deep soul wounds.

If there are imbalances running, this may manifest as the breaking of bonds, breaking up of relationships, the breaking up of an assembly, organization or the status quo. Everything is undergoing a process of refinement, distillation and purification. This emotional or elemental (physical) purging is the required dismantling to remove subconscious blockages, unneeded primitive forces, astral waters, alien machinery and obsolete or inorganic material. This means we will feel the immense pressure to clear out our bad habits, destructive behaviors, toxicity and negative ego thoughts that we have not yet broken free of.  This is because if we do not make attempts to clear out these destructive behaviors and toxic relationships, it will make us sick. Conversely, for those of us that have been working on inner energetic balance (clearing negative ego behaviors), this time will bring a big support system to help us to feel emotionally freed from personal suffering.

The C Word
Cancer has heavy ancestral genetic patterns and their components that greatly influence emotional miasma and their harmful blockages located in the body. The disease called Cancer is primarily from unhealed emotional wounds located in the soul, which then penetrate into the etheric and elemental body. This disease route has been linked into this constellation influence with a magnifying purpose. The C word is an automated assigned verbiage that incites terror in the hearts of many people who consider it a death sentence. This is not accurate. This is a collective negative implant to influence disease that mainly profit the pharmaceuticals. With the spreading of NAA indoctrination, many people do not realize cancer is primarily a spiritual disease, the emotions are wounded, the soul is sick. Exposure to extreme toxicity, such as radioactive waste and chemical pollution is also a major impact. However, in youngsters, uncleared emotional miasma in the bloodline and family of origin is recorded in the DNA of the offspring. In the elderly, the immunity exhausts itself and shuts down from toxic exposure; easily succumbing to the collective miasmatic programing for death. Most are prescribed a myriad of combined prescription drugs which greatly alter the blood and bio-neurological system, and that is greatly damaging to the soul body connection after death of the physical body. (The average 50 year old fills 13 prescriptions, the average 65 year old fills 20 different prescription drugs annually).

During sleep and after death, each individual vibrates to the realm of which s/he has earned through purity of thought and choices made in the quality of accumulative time and energy (consciousness).  The process of which we travel upon the multidimensional planes is all a matter of synchronous vibration; an individual travels to their natural home, whether it is of high or low vibration. This is one reason knowing the difference between the Houses of Ego and building the House for the Spirits of Christ are of critical importance for spiritual progression and freedom.

This current constellation influence will amplify these issues; emotional wounds, heart blockages, soul fragmentation, inherited behavior and spiritual sickness (that if uncorrected) lead to the diagnosed words assigned to cancer.  Being aware this is amplified in collective consciousness helps us to be informed and be able to better support our family, friends or acquaintances that are struggling with these issues in the macrocosm.

Biochemic Tissue Salts
With the change in functioning of the mitochondrial DNA, it may be helpful to research Biochemic Tissue Salts to help support the conductive properties of the cells and neurological system. This ancient knowledge was studied and understood by many of the Ancient Mystery Schools, such as in Alexandria, Egypt and Greece, the importance of mineral cell salts in the process of spiritual initiation into hierogamic union (Hieros Gamos), which allows higher frequencies to be embodied through the nourishing of the cells with the mineralized energy form that is required to transmutate the cell. Tissue salts consist of the natural elements occurring in the body itself, they are identical substances. They form the basic constituents of the cells, tissues and organs, and the body uses their energies for metabolic functions. When tissue salts are required for these functions, there should be an adequate supply available in the body and its fluids to draw upon. If there is an insufficiency the cells convert their material structure to provide the energy, and the cell goes into a depleted state. Should this cycle continue, namely of material substance converting to provide energy without nutritional replacement, the cells lose their ability to function correctly. For more research on this matter see Biochemic Cell Salts

Perpetual Presence in Trans-time
This Trans-time continuum cycle reaches its peak in mid-July to override NAA architecture that has intentionally been used to damage or mutate human and planetary DNA.  This means those on the ascending timeline will be supported to connect with new functions of Mitochondrial DNA, develop new connections with the Mother of God principle on earth, and begin spiritual processes of DNA-RNA repair. The combination of events now are the first time DNA repair (through 12 Strand DNA encoding from the Mother Mitochondrial DNA and Aurora re-encryption of elemental matter) and rehabilitation has been encoded into the planet at this level.

What is most important now is to relax the body and mind through daily meditation, and to clear negative ego, emotional pain, stay calm and neutral. Pure alchemy exists within the energetic balance of the core spiritual essence within the natural state of the divine being. To connect with inner spiritual alchemy, one must extract the artificial machinery influences and intentionally remove the Houses of Ego that may have been programmed within the self.  As we are opening into states of consciousness in the Trans time continuum, consider to conceive of Unity consciousness through meditation by expansion of space and within infinity in time.  In meditation focus upon:
  • Perpetual presence in all Time and Space.
  • Perpetual Presence in dreaming and waking states combining into Oneness.
  • In accessing memory of perpetual presence - all dread vanishes.
  • Attempt to reach neutrality in mind towards all existing things. (Neutrality is neither love, hate nor indifference).
  • Hold mentally the capacity of sameness, equilibrium and constant calm.
  • This discipline attracts and increases the virtues of The Spirits of Christ. This acquires the virtue of Peace and Benevolence towards all things.
  • Seek improvement in one's humanity and spiritual expression without praise or blame, or Victim-Victimizer archetypes.
In true alchemy one does not superimpose one's will or ego to really create anything. All we do is allow ourselves to be the vessel of God Spirit and provide the condition for Nature (God) to do what Nature (God) does. We must discover our real inner truth located within the essential core being, to seek the inner knowledge of the authentic self. It is caused through our essential divine nature when in full observance, dedication and devotion to the Natural Laws of God, The Law of One. We look to provide the purely natural conditions for our authentic state of being in so that the Natural Laws can operate effectively without artifices. And so those on the ascending timeline will now be subject to the Natural Laws of God of which perform as an organic function of consciousness evolution.

Trans-time Integration for DNA Repair
Many of us are at different stages of the ascension process, yet at every level with a sincere heart and conscious participation we can access exactly what we require. The first suggestion is to meditate upon the 12 Tree Grid with intention to move through each personal sphere knowing this is one's direct connection to each of the Stargates of the earth and aspects of identity. Focusing on each sphere starting at the first level (1-12), ask to know your main tribal identity within the 12 Tribes and to receive the genetic time codes that main tribal identity requires. (ES community has many 12 Tree Grid meditations that one can devote specifically to this process). Once you feel connected to that dimension of tribal identity, you may feel called to meditate with the corresponding Planetary Emancipation Gridwork and Stargate meditation (PEG).

For those that have calibrated to the Hieros Gamos system in the ES Community, dedicate a session for this same purpose. In most cases one will be guided to the Chakra Crystal Keys Mapping Module or CCKM. This content has the architecture which communicates in detail the issues of this request. For planetary service, CCKM templates are built to help support planetary field and quaternary field DNA repair for multiple Guardian teams working to support planetary rehabilitation.

Focal Point
The vibrational match that is weighted in whatever frequency that dominates the complete body consciousness, (the energetic aura of a human beings entire spectrum of thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions in this now moment), and the combined percentage of what that creates in the material plane, is the weighted energetic average. The weighted energetic average is the sum total of internal polarity of forces in their state of balance or imbalance. To bring balance we establish neutrality with all things.
Our Trans-time aspects will vibrate towards us as they belong to us in Natural Law. If we are obeying the Natural Law, the Natural Law (Law of One) will return our aspects to us as the rightful owner. The block to this happening is ego, pain, and suffering, the self-justification for negative behavior that indulges in the consensual high risk relationships to satanic or luciferian forces.

Since the bifurcation, the lower dimensional realms have stopped reincarnation wheel back into NAA electrocution (memory wipe) and mind control on the earth. Now all beings that are passing their body will be moved and routed to another timeline, and that includes options they did not have before in terms of rehabilitation and reeducation to be free from NAA enslavement.  We have observed work program projects for rehabilitation, learning and grasping the consequences of ones actions after death on the Astral plane. For those human bodies that are in the spirit families of the NAA, and refuse rehabilitation from war, killing and maiming others at will, they will be returned to these collective groups and evicted at the appropriate time.

Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker.

I am the Cosmic Sovereign law Made Manifest. I am God, Sovereign, Free! 

Until next stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa

References: (2003). DNA: the secret of life. Berry, Andrew; Watson, James., (1953). Molecular structure of DNA and Nucleic acids, Watson and Crick papers., Wikipedia references DNA, RNA, DNA Polymerase, Proteins, Nitrogen Global Cycle, Sefer Raziel HaMalakh. (1887).H.P. Blavatsky, Diagram of Meditation, Adapted source.