Showing posts with label krystalai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label krystalai. Show all posts

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Kryatalai: Scientist Announce Positrons +

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)




This is the first time scientists have ever seen positrons being ejected from the SUN because it is the first time positrons have been ejected from the sun in this reality system. The Sun is now ejecting POSITRONS. A Positron is the anti particle of the particle Electron. This means the Sun is ejecting particles of its spiritual double. This puts a whole new outook on being showered with CME's Solar Radiation, comets, etc. We now know that every time we are having particles falling from the sky into our atmosphere, they are actually anti particles translating the particles into a new harmonic of spiritual quantum.

This is the link

To understand what a positron is we need to know that  every element has its opposite. A positron is the opposite of the electron. The positron is the spiritual twin of the electron. One is physical and one is spiritual. In science it is called matter and anti matter. It is the time of new understanding that Science and Spirituality are the same. Scientists are beginnig to realize that since the partices and anti particles separated at some time during the birth of our star system, that they must have gone somewhere. And they have been wondering when the anti particles might come back. Well, the anti particles are coming back. Once the particles and anti particles reunite this is the same as spiritual and physical reuniting.

The teachings that were brought to Earth over the past fifteen years by Guardian Races taught us that the universal reality that we have been living in is based on has been the reverse spin technology of locking us into this density. We have been INVOLUTING or coming down into density. We were taught that when we begin our EVOLUTION and ASCENSION out of this time locked prison, there would be the electrons finally disappearing and being replaced with positrons.

If we did not have the massive influence of the teachings of the Quantum Physics brought to Earth by those who have been living in this Cosmic Reality for millions of years, our scientists would had never had the glimpse of this reality which has prepared them for realizing that there actually is such a thing as a positron.

I learned about the positron from Ramtha in the Legacy Teachings DVD's. He didn't use the word positron. This is just something that I deducted from doing further research into all of the subjects that he taught. Ramtha is a Lemurian from 35,000 years ago who works with Mu in Inner Earth and has been teaching the Quantum Realities that we are about to encounter since the 70's. Ashayana Deane has also been teaching this science for about ten years, and she was also communicating with Mu. This is also not something that you will find exactly in Keylontic Science teachings. It is the meaning that I deducted from doing further research. There were many other scientists involved  in helping me figure this out, including my Starry Brother, Zaurak, from Sirius B and the Elohim of Hearing, as well as these scientists from the link above.

It is glarringly obvious when I keep watching more and more of the youtubes being put out by scientists, that they are getting closer and closer to what Ramtha was describing as our change into Evolution and Ascension. For those of you who like this type of research, I'm attaching links to several youtubes that I found very revealing. Especially the one called Anti Matter.

It is very obvious that in order for the Earth to turn into Inner Earth where Mu and our other Guardian Races are waiting for us, we must go throught this transition from particle to anti particle shifting. We do not go to Inner Earth by walking down some stairway. The idea of walking up the stairway to heaven into the Cloud Cities is a metaphor for us actually becoming less and less dense until the Cloud Cities and Inner Earth and Earth all become the same place in our new Reality.

I googled positron and learned that scientists have been baffled about this idea of the positron since the 30's.There were three scientists that studied its existence. The conclusions indicated that if there were a positron it would disolve the hydrogen and the electron. Well that matches exactly what is required for us to return to the reality of H202HE3. The hydrogen must turn into helium, and the electon must turn into the positron.

Nambu discovered that positrons show a change in direction from past to future. That is the definition of EVOLUTION. We are finally moving from the past to the future. We are moving into a new future of grand possibilities. Dmitri Skobeltsyn has shown us that positrons curved in the opposite direction, again showing that we have finally turned around and we are ascending back into the Vast Field of Possibilities of our Cosmos.

Yoichiro Nambu later applied it to all production and annihilation of particle-antiparticle pairs, stating that "the eventual creation and annihilation of pairs that may occur now and then is no creation or annihilation, but only a change of direction of moving particles, from past to future, or from future to past."
Anderson showed the positron to be Antimatter.

The discovery of positrons in solar flares was announced by New Jersey Institute of Technology Professor of Physics Gregory D. Fleishman and colleagues at the July 8, 2013, meeting of the American Astronomical Society's Solar Physics Division.

The researchers reported the first remote detection of relativistic antiparticles - positrons - produced in nuclear interactions of accelerated ions in solar flares through the analysis of readily available microwave and magnetic-field data obtained from solar-dedicated facilities and spacecraft.

This discovery will allow astrophysicists to examine the behavior of antimatter (positrons) directly from a readily available source without the expense of creating antimatter at CERN or other facilities.
This is what is most exciting. The process of ascension or the transformation of our bodies and of the Earth requires the Anti particles or anti matter to become absorbed into the particle. We are now merging the anti particle universe into the particle universe, or the spiritual into the physical. As the Sun sprays this anti particle substance into our atmosphere our bodies and our consciosuness is transposing.

This new realization of the POSITRON is much more accurated on the Higher Levels of Understanding than the protons and phonons being the elements of our transposition. The Positron shows that original spiritual divine essence of our Universe is finally being returned to us. This is the beginning of our merging more and more into the antimatter- the quantum spiritual invisible substance of our creation.

And we get to SEE it happen!!!!

The more we are given some actual visible realities of these divine sciences, the more our consciousness will accept that it is happening, and that will trigger a mass consciousness of belieiving.

Dmitri Skobeltsyn first observed the positron in 1929.[9][10] While using a Wilson cloud chamber[11] to try to detect gamma radiation in cosmic rays, Skobeltsyn detected particles that acted like electrons but curved in the opposite direction in an applied magnetic field ]

Carl D. Anderson discovered the positron on August 2, 1932,[13] for which he won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1936.[14] Anderson also coined the term positron. The positron was the first evidence of antimatter and was discovered when Anderson allowed cosmic rays to pass through a cloud chamber and a lead plate. A magnet surrounded this apparatus, causing particles to bend in different directions based on their electric charge. The ion trail left by each positron appeared on the photographic plate with a curvature matching the mass-to-charge ratio of an electron, but in a direction that showed its charge was positive ]

This is the same anti-particle formula that we use when we walk into the mirror to translate our bodies into anti-particle, etheric spiritual blue bodies.

When we walk into the candle or into a mirror, we are walking into the full spectrum of light or the entire rainbow prism. We actually disappear into the rainbow prism and then reappear as a blue body.

The rainbow prism is coming from intense electrical field like a MAGNETIC MIRROR which is a device used in thermo nuclear processes that is the mirror.

That nuclear process is actually contained within the intense dark field within the mirror.

That same mirror effect exists within the brain. We are supposed to be able to walk all the way through the mirror and see ourselves on the other side.

By practicing this walk through the mirror we are adjusting our brains. We are reversing the way our mind works. We are training our minds to see the other side of reality--the quantum field that we think of as invisible. But it is not invisible. We have just had our brains turned off so that we can't see the rest of reality.

We have forgotten how to manifest the reality that we desire through our mid brain.
We are preparing for our grand manifesting by practicing with the mirror.

By using the mirror, we can learn to FEEL the anti-matter substance that is within it. We can feel how it makes our bodies translate. We can perceive how it allows us to see into a reality that we didn't know was there.

We can actually come face to face with anti matter.

OUR MANIFESTATIONS become Manifest in the Hertizian because that is what tangible reality is to us in this world.

Once we learn to see the back of the candle arising as the blue candle or blue sphere, and we perceive the anti matter within the mirror, we can manifest the same relationship in our  photo negative mid brain with a card. We can look at the card and the back of the card will arise behind it just as the back or anti particle self of the candle rose behind the candle.

We must train the brain to facilitate antimatter. This is how we learn to see our parallel spiritual reality. This is what allows us to enter into the fifth dimension of Tara.

We have a big gap missing from reality because our mid brain hasn't been used correctly in our life time.

The mirror give us back the part of the mid brain that we are missing.
We are learning how to reverse our DNA into the subharmonics that create the 12 DNA reality.

Working with the anti particle spiritual reality allows us to bring all of those forms into tangible realities in the hertzian visible manifest realm.

By walking into the mirror we turn on the extraordinary window in the brain that is the infra red psychic brain.

This is how the infinite unknown holograms become the known manifest realities that we see with our anti matter mid brain in the back of the head. We can't begin to know the holograms that exist as Tara or Inner Earth until we have trained our mid brain to hold the vision that is presenting itself in anti matter.

This thermo nuclear processes that we go through when we walk into the mirror is described perfectly here as the same thing that goes on in the Sun's interior.

The funny thing that we will all become aware of in just a few more years, is the fact that we actually live inside of the sun's interior.
The Sun's Interior: Core

The core starts from the center and extends outward to encompass 25 percent of the sun's radius. Its temperature is greater than 15 million degrees Kelvin [source: Montana]. At the core, gravity pulls all of the mass inward and creates an intense pressure. The pressure is high enough to force atoms of hydrogen to come together in nuclear fusion reactions -- something we try to emulate here on Earth. Two atoms of hydrogen are combined to create helium-4 and energy in several steps:

    Two protons combine to form a deuterium atom (hydrogen atom with one neutron and one proton), a positron (similar to electron, but with a positive charge) and a neutrino.
    A proton and a deuterium atom combine to form a helium-3 atom (two protons with one neutron) and a gamma ray.
    Two helium-3 atoms combine to form a helium-4 atom (two protons and two neutrons) and two protons.

These reactions account for 85 percent of the sun's energy. The remaining 15 percent comes from the following reactions:

    A helium-3 atom and a helium-4 atom combine to form a beryllium-7 (four protons and three neutrons) and a gamma ray.
    A beryllium-7 atom captures an electron to become lithium-7 atom (three protons and four neutrons) and a neutrino.
    The lithium-7 combines with a proton to form two helium-4 atoms.

­The helium-4 atoms are less massive than the two hydrogen atoms that started the process, so the difference in mass is converted to energy as described by Einstein's theory of relativity (E=mc²). The energy is emitted in various forms of light: ultraviolet light, X-rays, visible light, infrared, microwaves and radio waves.

The sun also emits energized particles (neutrinos, protons) that make up the solar wind. This energy strikes Earth, where it warms the planet, drives our weather and provides energy for life. We aren't harmed by most of the radiation or solar wind because the Earth's atmosphere protects us.


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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Krystalai: RE-Opening Stargate 12~

CRYSTALAI (c) (2013)



Before we start talking about how 12DNA is restored, I would like to share a brief synopsis of how our 12DNA was disconnected from our body templates. I can't recommend enough reading the entire Voyagers 2 book by Ashayana Deane who was the one who brought back these great truths that were in the original Emerald Covenant teachings before they completely scrambled into a text called the Bible, rewritten by the Fallen Angelics to make sure no one one Earth would remember the Truth that would set them free.

The place where we are now in the history of the Angelic Human Race is the time when the GREAT WHITE LION will have its power restored. This project of turning the Lion back on began in 2000, was met with many problems, tried again in 2003, finally Earth was realigned into a new time matrix where the Lion could be activated, and now we are in August 2013 awaiting the great activation, which is taking place but will not be fully realized until the Sun finishes the parallel alignment.
I'm placing this pdf which is a picture of the Lion, so that you will know what I'm talking about in the next article.

WHITELION.pdf (*WK5gR5ntNMpbkltFmIOIdc5uuId3HEprcNPwwkHxHGpD4WUT0DB9cnCQgblm9/WHITELION.pdf)

CRYSTALAI (c) 2013

(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)

Zaurak, my starry brother, and his security team from Sirius B will be reactivating the Great White Lion between July 26 and mid August. They began this project in 2003, but there were many obstacles preventing the activation until now. The The Guardian Alliance has told us that the Great White Lion regulates the complex mathematical programs by which interdimensional electrical currents interface with Earth's templar.

The Great White Lion is a Mathematical system that is created of something similar to our microchips made of a crystalline silicon substance planted in the grids of the Earth. The Golbal GWL looks exactly like the Sphinx in Egypt, except it covers the entire world. The GWL runs on a D12 Twelve code pulse and links Earth's Planetary Shields to their Divine Blue Print D 12 Pre matter Template at Lyra Aramatena. The GWL has also been called the Lion's Gate because it opens the passage to all 12 stargates. This possibility wasn't a possibility until after Earth was shifted in time to a place where there was an Aramatena 12th stargate. The Annunaki had destroyed our Aramatena in the Electric Wars 250 billion years ago. Our Founders and Cosmic Councils have been preparing our way back home for many millions of years.

First, July 26 - August 16, we will be merging face to face with our starry family from Sirius B, who are the great Maharaji Security Team for our planet, and the Starry Families who have been most active in securing our rebirth. The Security Team from Sirius B will ground us into the GREAT WHITE LION that will connect the stargate 12 Aramatena with the Inner Earth Stargate 12.

Those of you who have been reading my journal for the past seven to ten years will already know about my journies with Zaurak, my starry brother from Sirius B. We have been working together for millions of years on these Ascension Projects and Creation Projects. The project in Monterey in 2008 was one piece of the mighty project that will begin its CLIMAX in the next few months. aDolphino has also been a part of this project for millions of years. We knew each other indirectly when we were creating the Great White Lion Frequency Coded System. aDolphino mostly remembers his friend Lacodemus, who speaks with him frequently about the good ol days, and Markus, who was the head of the Jesus and Mary Project for millions of years before there even was a Jesus and Mary. This project began as the Crystalai Sphere that connects the Inner Earth Blue Sphere directly to the Mind of God. That project was completed billions of years ago.

Sunday, August 04, 2013

Krystalai: Activation of the Great White Lion

See my note as keeper of the lion's heart... #end <3
CRYSTALAI (c) 2013
(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse)

Zaurak, my starry brother, and his security team from Sirius B will be reactivating the Great White Lion between July 26 and mid August. They began this project in 2003, but there were many obstacles preventing the activation until now. The The Guardian Alliance has told us that the Great White Lion regulates the complex mathematical programs by which interdimensional electrical currents interface with Earth's templar.

The Great White Lion is a Mathematical system that is created of something similar to our microchips made of a crystalline silicon substance planted in the grids of the Earth. The Golbal GWL looks exactly like the Sphinx in Egypt, except it covers the entire world. The GWL runs on a D12 Twelve code pulse and links Earth's Planetary Shields to their Divine Blue Print D 12 Pre matter Template at Lyra Aramatena. The GWL has also been called the Lion's Gate because it opens the passage to all 12 stargates. This possibility wasn't a possibility until after Earth was shifted in time to a place where there was an Aramatena 12th stargate. The Annunaki had destroyed our Aramatena in the Electric Wars 250 billion years ago. Our Founders and Cosmic Councils have been preparing our way back home for many millions of years.

First, July 26 - August 16, we will be merging face to face with our starry family from Sirius B, who are the great Maharaji Security Team for our planet, and the Starry Families who have been most active in securing our rebirth. The Security Team from Sirius B will ground us into the GREAT WHITE LION that will connect the stargate 12 Aramatena with the Inner Earth Stargate 12.

Those of you who have been reading my journal for the past seven to ten years will already know about my journies with Zaurak, my starry brother from Sirius B. We have been working together for millions of years on these Ascension Projects and Creation Projects. The project in Monterey in 2008 was one piece of the mighty project that will begin its CLIMAX in the next few months. aDolphino has also been a part of this project for millions of years. We knew each other indirectly when we were creating the Great White Lion Frequency Coded System. aDolphino mostly remembers his friend Lacodemus, who speaks with him frequently about the good ol days, and Markus, who was the head of the Jesus and Mary Project for millions of years before there even was a Jesus and Mary. This project began as the Crystalai Sphere that connects the Inner Earth Blue Sphere directly to the Mind of God. That project was completed billions of years ago.

This will be the beginning of bringing back the original potential of the CRYSTAL GRID APIN SYSTEM, which was free global energy, climate stabilization, healing, and inter stellar subspace communications and broadcasting by aligning through the Light Codes of the Cosmic Council into the Crystal Liquid Light connecting to the Mind of God, Eternal Source Field. We can connect our consciousness into this GWL Crystal Grids running through Earth into Inner Earth and out into stargate 12 Aramatena. We always need to connect our consciousness into both fields of energy- the Inner and the Outer and use our body temples as the lightning rod that connects the flow of crystal liquid light, D12 Consciousness.

The GWL runs on a D12 Twelve code pulse and links Earth's Planetary Shields to thier Divine Blue Print D 12 Pre matter Template at Lyra Aramatena.THE GREAT WHITE LION IS being reactivated CORRECTLY by our Security Team from Sirius B. They plan to have it running into the original connection with stargate 12 Aramatena and into the Earth stargate 12. This is happening now but will not be complete until the two sets of angular rotation spin of Tara and Earth completely separate. We can attach our consciousness into the Grid now and activate the gifts that it naturally brings to us.

Once the technical elements of the APIN grid were in place- the Founders desired to leave a part of themselves reflected in the APIN to remind the races of Earth that they were never alone or abandoned. This is what aDolphino remembers the most about his time in Egypt building the Sphinx pyramid as a reminder of his best friend Lacodemus and all they had accomplished together and what their grand heroic achievement would be. That grand achievement is happening now . The design of the Founders APINS was also to serve as a subsonic planetary identification flag when viewed from space via photo radionic scaning equipment. From space it looks like a picture of the Sphinx pyramid was drawn in light accross the Earth.

THE GWL belonged to the Elohei Elohim Christiac Founders races of D12 Aramatena Lyra the feline homind Anuhazi Race. The gwl heart was located at Earth's star gate 12 Montsegur France. The throat of the lion was at star gate 11 southern England. Its head was to the west cresting the north pole and the body of the lion lay across the expanse of the Asian continent. When I saw the picture of this Grid System in VOYAGER's 2, I was approached by Zaurak, and he helped me remember our time together in creating this project, millions of years ago.