Showing posts with label lisa renee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lisa renee. Show all posts

Monday, September 26, 2016

Energetic Synthesis: Passing by Black Hole Systems - #TSB

Time Shift Blog

Passing by Black Hole Systems

Dear Ascending Family,

Given the absolute chaos and energetic intensity during the last weeks that have been accumulating pressure in the planetary fields as a result of the Magnetic Peak cycle, I felt to share recent personal experiences from my heart, as it has been a very challenging time for so many people. For some of us on the spiritual awakening path, especially for Gridworkers, this time has been filled with 360 degree rounds of psychotronic aggression, blank slating, psychic warfare, black magic, kill codes, dark projection of AI holograms, 3D controller structure entrapment scenarios, everything and the kitchen sink that the regressive entities and dark forces use as weaponry to target and harm Starseeded or Indigo people. I feel so sorry that this incredible darkness and pain is being directed into and surfaced into the human realm and masses without any tools or proper context being given about Ascension, as the contents of the buried unconsciousness bubbles up like a sewage pipe of energetic vomit spilling into so many directions. I can feel the panic inside people that are desperate for some kind of relief from the confusion and pain they feel from this magnetic field pressure coming in from all sides, also occurring as a result of traveling so close to the phantom realms. Since the Magnetic Peak, my guidance has informed me to become very still, and to stay low and down, going inward and keeping my focus on my work responsibilities and upon the internal sensations of my inner spirit. When this guidance comes in to stay low, it is the same as when an animal is being hunted for food by predators, in many cases the animal being hunted gets very still and conserves energy. In my self-imposed stillness, I have been traveling to view the Phoenix Grid in Egypt, and the portals of Black hole systems that lead to Wesedrak, looking for where there are vulnerabilities in the earth where these black hole systems and reversal portals have been connected into the damaged areas of the earth body. As a result, it can be tracked to agendas playing out on the surface, seeing how these extremely dark creatures from the black hole systems are conjuring SRA (black magic) to become more active in the earth people that are weak or asleep. As an example, the misguided belief that blood sacrifice clears the sins of the people, the ignorant actions that conjure demonic forces into the lives of people that believe these are Angels or Light beings, as the result of these practices. Certain areas are being filled with People that are possessed and parasitized, as these black forces are elbow to elbow with many of those with low fear vibrations in the human population. Many of these forces are going for the children and teenagers, especially in the impoverished areas because they are vulnerable. These forces have told the Satanic Church to go and open black portals in these areas in order to get the Black hole systems opened directly in certain demographic areas. The Satanists believe they are building black houses and opening the gates of hell for Satan, and if they know Satan is a Negative Alien, then they are well informed. The same black forces leading back to the parallel black hole system, is feeding barrages of misinformation to the light workers or vulnerable people that are fear based, generally to attack others, or to breed extreme confusion and paranoia at every level. It is very hard for many people to place their trust anywhere at this time, as the distortions and deceptions are very heavy with an agenda to spin misinformation and chaos, so people cannot tell what is black or white, what is up or down, what is real or false. It is a gaslighting manipulation technique to destroy the inner spiritual compass, or the heart guidance of the people.

During this year’s Magnetic Peak, with gravitational anomalies contributing to the black hole system vulnerability on the earth, this time has been taken advantage by these Black Hole creatures to direct as much black substance to light bearers, Star people, to attempt to slow them down, discourage them, stimulate persecution, victimization, hopelessness, despair, suicidal thoughts and beliefs that we are all going to be trapped here. When we remember that the agenda to suck the earth down into the black hole systems has been a long standing threat of intimidation from these NAA invaders and Satanic creatures, it is obvious they are still pounding on that drum trying to trick us and subvert our real selves for activating our highest potentials. Stay strong and do not let these creatures get you down, they are desperate and clawing for any way to make an inroad. We are slowly separating from these black hole systems, and thus the Guardian Teams have also been working on installing many Override Pillar Gates to handle transits at the death exit cycle, and to stabilize the earth grids while this is happening. We are progressing, but we are in a deeply disturbing evolution phase because the mass unconsciousness of human pain surfaces, it can feel like a massive wave of blackness, and black voids ( these are these black holes) and it can feel overwhelming to witness by the emotional body of empathic and sensitive humans.

The majority of people on this planet do not have access to the knowledge we have about planetary ascension, many of us have had direct consciousness experiences or contact as a result of our spiritual ascension process that help us to better navigate the dark, while the majority of the humans have no idea what is even happening to them, and they are traumatized in pain and fear, herded like sheep to be slaughtered by the cruel and inhumane tactics of the NAA. Yet, I know that for us to make it through this phase into the best possible position of helping the majority of the earth population, keeping the ascension timelines and the ascension knowledge alive in human consciousness, we have to walk through the most extreme and depraved levels of unconsciousness and shadows to bring the light of God into the most diseased and damaged areas. As those awakened with inner light, the true light warriors for God, we undergo the decension into the hell realms to fearlessly face the dark experiences, and during travel into the hell realms, we are exposed to some brutal energies in so that we can hold these experiences into compassionate witnessing. We are recollecting the time records and recording what really has happened here. This can be exhausting, but it is important to keep focused on why we are here on this earth, to help liberate her, to help liberate earth humans from their alien oppressors, even when they are so traumatized they cannot recognize who the real oppressors are. Humans suffer from Stockholm syndrome, and fight to enforce their enslavement into the alien structures that have stolen their consciousness away and filled them with darkness.

In this phase of bifurcation, as we travel the span of realms that opened into the black hole system, it’s a rough time, these forces are gathering every kind of leverage they can to wield attacks against the general earth population. At this time we have very few people on the earth that are truly walking the path of ascension, and it’s clear we really need more people to wake up and start walking their talk. This leads me to a painful issue which is the constant bewilderment that there are still spiritual communities that choose to attack each other, attack other spiritual communities they do not agree with, over ridiculous pettiness, misinformation, promoting confusion and negative ego power grabs, rather than waking up to remember why we are here in the first place. To build a consciousness platform for unity intelligence, we must accept unity is diverse, and we must bridge these gaps with unconditional love and compassion, which is the role for most awakened people as polarity integrators.

On 9/9, another spiritual community filed a DMCA claim of copyright infringement to take this ES website down, and the Ascension Glossary website down. I would like to pose the question for all of us to ponder and reflect in the spiritual community, or those on the awakening path, how this is helpful for anyone, and who is to gain from this action? The earth has very little information available about Ascension, and it is absolutely bewildering to me that I get as many attacks from people who call themselves spiritual people as I do from the Negative Aliens. What in the heck is wrong with this picture? What is it going to take for people in spiritual communities to practice unconditional love, compassion, unity to find acceptance for each other’s experiences, and stop magnifying every detail out of proportion, spreading malicious gossip, trying to stop others from expressing their experiences about the Ascension process? Or strangling others from being able to function well, when the planet is under siege from invaders. Who do you choose, the invaders or humanity? There is nothing productive about the Vicitmizer archetypes that use violence and attacking towards any human, this feeds into the divide and conquer strategies that the NAA use against all of us to keep us chasing our tails, promoting division and wasting precious energy. Those in the families of Krystal Star choose harmlessness, towards all people, we can only deflect and defend, not attack.

I have had a baffling spiritual awakening experience since 2000, in that there is a person on this earth that placed copyright on consciousness experiences and communications that I had before I knew she existed. Somehow this person teaches advanced ascension mechanics, yet does not realize that all consciousness code can be picked up in the multidimensional time field of earth in the instruction sets, and therefore has catalogued and represented me as fraudulent, a plagiarist of her material to other people. I have had direct Guardian contact at the time of walk in. Apparenlty, she says that cannot happen. As this website is a direct evolution of my own direct consciousness experiences, it has been confusing to have another person show up to say they own the experiences that I have had directly, and that I am infringing on her right to own human body parts, and human lightbody structure. I do not understand a person that can place copyright ownership on the human beings core manifestation body. This has been the latest claim to take the websites down. Further, it has been very challenging to understand that what I see in my own inner vision has been placed in the legal ownership of another human person. That has put a crippling effect on my ability to express my own consciousness experiences, and I believe hampers my ability to be of service to the people that need the help the most. This earth needs coherent, sane, humanitarian, selfless and loving people that want to be of service to others, and serve the purpose of helping others re-educate themselves to the changes that are happening on the earth. This planetary shift effects every fabric of our lives, along with the personal and collective state of consciousness. And with that personal commitment, I continue to persevere through bizarre claims and attacking, being labeled a plagiarist, in so that the planet and humanity will have access to Ascension material that is not under 3D legal copyright ownership control. That all people can access what they need to in regards to Ascension, as their right to help themselves and others, and they do not have to dodge bullets and be running away from legal complaints being served upon them. Many times, I feel a day late and dollar short, but the obstacles placed on Ascension material is very heavy, it is a serious topic embroiled in larger global conflicts for public disclosure. Thus, it is hard to penetrate the resistance that is directed to stop people like myself.

This is why I would like to request those in the spiritual communities take a moment to find some kindness in your heart to stop criticizing every last word you think you understand better, stop berating people that are more public than yourself. Start to have some human kindness in your heart for the absolute shit storm many Ascension speakers, presenters, and stewards undergo, to even make it this far. Please stop criticizing and pointing fingers to blame others and get busy on working on your own spiritual pieces and actualizing your mission. Believe me this is not a glamorous job, and it takes all of one’s devotion, dedication and strength. Being slightly public, people constantly project deceptions, images, lies and pure crap on what I should or should not be doing. If you cannot place your life on the line and place 100% dedication at this moment to serve the Ascension timelines, because you have other obligations in your life, like marriages and children, etc., then start introducing the practices of the Law of One in every area of your life. Start to apply behaviors that are genuinely Loving and Kind to everyone and everything that is possible, and be a productive and positive cause in this world to do good works and be of service. We need simple human kindness more than anything right now.  I appeal to the spiritual community to stop bickering and complaining and get to the real spiritual work of being a truly loving and kind human being. Nothing will change on this planet if you are feeding into the divide and conquer tactics and victimizer programs by blaming and accusing others, feeling miserable and allowing yourself to sink into the mire and become a black hearted human being. The purity of heart is what protects us in every way, while the shadows of your mind will haunt you and invite the demonic forces to take control over your body. Choose wisely and know that you have friends in ES community working very hard here to help in the ways we can be of service to support the Ascension. Thank you for reading about my recent personal experiences, while enduring a phase of dark aggression. Bless you and may peace be with your heart at this time.

Thank you for being here and thank you for being of service on behalf of all of us.

With love and appreciation,


Sunday, September 18, 2016

Energetic Synthesis: Adaptations - Newsletter- September 2016

September 2016

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

The planet has just completed its Magnetic Peak cycle, which discharged a massive amount of magnetic force into the earth. The subatomic particles of elemental matter are rearranging to support the planetary body shift into the next harmonic universe. All communication systems connected to these levels of planetary architecture are undergoing fluctuation, reconfiguration and potentially re-building interstellar links that reconnect earth portals to realign into multiple star systems and celestial bodies. This massive shift at the quantum scale is changing the laws of structure in the architecture that governs function over our matter body, as well as our consciousness bodies.

For many multidimensional people on the path of Ascension, how we connect into many levels of the consciousness structure has radically changed, our lightbody is radically changing, and our physical body is undergoing a series of Adaptations in order to meet the new energy requirements. Our previous ways of consciousness connection and communication are in fluctuation, while our lightbody is being reconfigured to accommodate the changing planetary architecture, solar architecture and beyond. 

Essentially, we are the last generation of people that were born into consciousness slavery on the third dimensional earth. We will have known consciousness slavery, and will have put an end to it in this lifetime, while in this physical body. Ascending humans are evolving into developing new abilities that change the characteristics of what it means to be human, from Dreamwalking, to Transfiguration, Translocation and Transmigration.  These are revealing more of the Diamond Sun templates function as a consciousness transport between time fields, and what true freedom is. This month's newsletter will attempt to bring awareness to these multi-dimensional changes, and the opportunity we have to consciously participate as the living expression of the changing laws of structure.
Spiritual Ascension is the progression of human consciousness, governed by complex quantum mechanics as it moves throughout time and space, which is essentially about moving our consciousness intelligence from one station of reality to another. The human body is a holographic light projector for transmitting the intelligent energies of the Soul-Spirit, and is capable of shifting that Soul-Spirit body into another station of reality, into one that exists in a higher dimension of time. Descending our Soul-Spirit from the higher realms to inhabit in our cells, while shifting our consciousness into another station of reality, is happening at this time. This shift into another station of reality is made possible while we are inhabiting our current physical body and have the same birth name identity.

In previous cycles, to shift the consciousness of the Soul-Spirit in this same way, we would require another identity and body to incarnate into another timeline that existed in another station of reality. This process we have done many times before and it is described as reincarnation. During the Ascension Cycle, we have the unique ability to change the current location of our consciousness bodies, as we undergo a succession of spiritual initiations, while we have the same physical body. The accumulated memories of our Soul-Spirit intelligence streams that we have transformed within many other previous lifetimes, are being shifted out from their former location in time, as the state of our current identity and consciousness shifts. This can also be described as a mass human Soul body retrieval that is returning to populate the earth body, to be reclaimed by the physical bodies or the individual people that they actually belong to. Many people on the earth who are not awakened at this time, have aspects of their higher self that have been stuck in some damaged area of the earth body, from previous timelines where great trauma and cataclysm had transpired. As we change the location of where our previous station of identity and Soul-Spirit body had existed previously in the time field, it requires some Adaptations in order to acclimatize our physical body to these changes that are impacting the Collective Soul and the planetary consciousness structure.

Humans that can more easily adapt to the current myriad of environmental challenges and energetic factors, are undergoing types of Adaptations that are catalyzing physiological changes. The physiological changes are designed for deep and powerful consciousness transformation to be possible within a physical body on the earth. In some circumstances, as the physical body undergoes physiological Adaptations, these changes catalyze more of the metabolic, organ and glandular systems to activate or wake from dormancy, in order to prepare for the spirit to inhabit the body. The Adaptations are connecting through the bodily systems to increase vital force circulation, which facilitates connection into the spiritual-energetic circuitry. Many energetic circuits and meridians on the planet have been disconnected or damaged. As a result the main forces that exist in the human body, the life force, physical vitalities and spiritual energies, were not interconnected or functioning properly. This has contributed to the overall disconnection and lack of communication between the higher spiritual bodies and the physical human body, which impacts the entire human race.

Biological Evolution
The physiological Adaptations that are influencing humanity are in response to the series of biological and spiritual evolutionary markers that are profoundly impacting the planetary architecture, planetary elementals, and the earth element itself. The combined changes are further impacting the human phenotype as it has been documented within scientific consensus. The human race phenotype is a generalized expression of characteristics and traits influenced from the combination of the genetics, behavioral and environmental factors, as well as the variety of influences stemming from the collective consciousness. Science does not include the many factors of artificial intelligence, genetic modification and mind control, playing a direct role in shaping and controlling the traits of the human phenotype. The human phenotype describes the physical characteristics and traits that define the species of human beings. As we transition from one root race to another, these species factors, such as the physiological functions of the human body, are rapidly responding to the massive alterations that are occurring in the earth body. This means that the collective human blueprint and human bodies are responding to the impending biological evolution that is required as a result of the planet’s structural shift. The current evolutionary pressures are causing (energy to form) anomalies to occur, especially within many environmental and physical factors. This new consciousness platform requires specific physiological Adaptations to the genetic changes that are occurring in the human race, in order to acclimate to the new set of conditions and energies that we are being further exposed to, as they are related to the human evolutionary process. Those awakening now are in the forefront of embodying these Adaptations as they are the consciousness bridge spanning into the future birth cycle of the next root race of the human species.
Adaptive Traits lead to Identity Rebirth

Structural, physiological and behavioral Adaptations are necessitated by the deep impacts that are being made by current evolutionary forces sweeping onto the planet, reaching critical mass. Behavioral adaptation to the changing consensus that humanity is manifesting the consciousness state of the global reality through a self-directed thought follows energy paradigm, as well as, adapting to the energetic conditions that realization imposes on the entire species, is an example of adaptive traits coming online. Behavioral adaptations such as these resonate with the Universal Laws and as such, they further activate the higher DNA functions in the human biology.

For the human race to survive in this new energetic terrain, we are being forced to transform our beliefs and develop a variety of new behavioral patterns of adaptive traits. Adaptive traits stimulated by higher truths, such as comprehending the Universal Laws through which we are governed, further support evolution of the collective human race blueprint, by helping to catalyze the future generations’ capacity to better evolve into higher functioning DNA. The human race is currently in a phase of Adaptation to the planetary evolutionary process, and this is a difficult reeducation and learning process required to continue to evolve and develop higher consciousness. It is made difficult because of the current mind control state over the nature of reality and the lack of public knowledge being shared about the rapid shifts impacting the planet, that describe planetary ascension. At the individual level, each person must decide if they are willing to open their mind and release dependencies upon the old paradigm and their subjugation to the Controller archetype as their main authority. The Controller archetype of the False King of Tyranny exists everywhere; inside people that are politicians, employers, gurus, any person we give our power away to willingly. At this time, we must distinguish the differences between discerning Tyrants and true Leaders, as these are very different roles and should not be confused or equated. A true Leader does not want to take our power away, while a Tyrant will take the position of total authority over others. To spiritually evolve, we cannot play into the Controller games anymore, we must reclaim our personal power and accept responsibility for ourselves.

The thought paradigm must shift so that our species is able to acclimate to the new energy platform, which essentially is creating a new energetic terrain and new earthly habitat. Our species is evolving into the next progression of root race, and the body we inhabit now is a hybrid. It has the ability to spiritually evolve and transition into the new root race DNA imprint with the support of the planet’s new consciousness structure.  Essentially, we are the last generation of people that will have known consciousness slavery, and will have put an end to it in this lifetime, while in this physical body.
Currently, those on the ascending path may undergo deep transformation that is similar to a personal identity rebirth, which reveals a new higher self-version in place of their former ego selves. The rebirth process is the soul actualization of the personality, the soul ray infuses the layers of ego with the higher qualities of the true essence and higher nature of that individual.

To go through this dimensional shift, we must change the destructive ways of thinking and behaving we had inherited from the 3D thought forms of the Controller’s predator mind, and adapt to the accumulative impacts that the current energy shifts create. If we can reeducate ourselves to learn what it means to stay in the energy flow of the moment and not resist the need for change, then adaptation to the planetary shift is much easier.

The intergalactic transmissions are recreating the structures of the planet, and are essentially, recreating the human race to evolve into the higher self-version of their former personality selves. This process is undetectable to the five main senses of a person who is limited by 3D consciousness, and refuses to break through the reality boxes that they co-created with the 3D earth elements. Generally, the profile of this person is developed in their mental body and personality, and unintegrated with the other levels. There is a difference between reality boxes that are co-created with personal choice, and those which have been used to ensnare people into consciousness traps, based on the hidden pain and trauma that they believe IS the reality box. The discernment is in knowing when people are being intentionally deceived, using the predator mind, in order to use other people’s energy that has been parasitized and stolen for the Controller agenda. Which is forcing people to repeat their painful trauma patterns, without their consent or knowledge, in order to gain more material power and control over them while they are inside the reality box.

Quantic Field Impact to Space-Time

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Energetic Synthesis: Cause and Effect - Newsletter - August 2016

Cause and Effect
August 2016
Cause and Effect Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

During this time of bifurcation our inner energetic integrity is being tested.  This is the time to take stock of how well we are coping with the madness of the earth, as the collective mind of humanity travels the Dark Night of the Soul. Whether asleep or awake, our self-mastery is measured through how we personally deal with stress and chaos. No person on this earth is exempt from exposure to the massive fields of chaos, confusion and darkness that exist in the collective mind of humanity.
If we are not doing well with adaptability, flexibility and neutrality in our life situation, we must make adjustments to gain strength with this skill set. All people must take responsibility for the quality of their thoughts, behaviors, and actions.  This month we explore the principles of Cause and Effect

As we undergo the bifurcation of time during the Ascension Cycle, it is supportive to understand that the current planetary consciousness shift radically magnifies and speeds up energetic forces that are governed by the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. As we move into the next Harmonic Universe, the Law of Cause and Effect manifests much more quickly, more accurately with the frequency being matched, and with more intensity on the material plane of earth than it ever did before.  In every area of our life, when we generate belief systems, thoughts, behaviors, emotions and actions, this accumulates into energetic content that combines with the vibrationally matched consciousness fields that are in the environment. Moving forward, the energetic content that we send out will return back to us with increasing immediacy, and even instantaneously. Whatever the quality of energy that we broadcast out into the Universe, it sets into motion the accumulative frequency of the energetic content that will be directly returned back to us. This is why it’s crucial to be able to find our inner stillness in meditation, and broadcast as much unconditional love, forgiveness, peace and gratitude to the Universe, as possible.

The third dimensional timelines to which we have been accustomed, are much more dense and infected with layers of artificial intelligence, subconscious mind fragments, phantom spaces and dark entities. As a result of the density, the return of the corresponding reciprocal energies that occurs in the process of Cause and Effect, is slowed down in the lower density, has less energetic concentration, and takes longer to manifest in the sequence of our personal timeline. It was harder for us to connect the dots between the causal event and the actual effect our thoughtforms and emotions had upon the environment, because it took much longer, required more energetic strength and willpower to bring it into manifestation.

During the Ascension Cycle, Starseeds and Indigos have been especially targeted with superimposed karmic loads and implants, for the purpose of slowing us down and requiring incredible spiritual strength in order to be in positive alignment with the Law of Cause and Effect. Our group experiences the boomerang effect of the planetary miasma, as this collective race karmic backlash is directed from dark entities, to keep us weighted down and trapped in this lower density. The tendency to experience more interference on our path to derail our mission, forces us to learn more quickly the necessity to maintain clear and pristine energies through spiritual housekeeping. However, the capacity of dark forces to circumvent the Law of Cause and Effect to their advantage is radically changing now, which is highly supportive for our group. In the new timeline shift, the people feeding the lower mental body constructs are receiving rapid repercussion from the Law, while those awakening people that are working to open their heart and be loving, are reaping the positive energetic rewards much more quickly.

AI Systems Bypass Natural Laws
Planetary gridworkers understand the 3D reality was rigged, through the insertion of the holographic inserts, implants, mind control and artificial timelines used for the Controller agendas. In the previous cycles, the groups of people actively feeding the NAA artificial timelines, implants and dark entities, were massively rewarded with power and resources.  These groups were effectively taking shortcuts with the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. Taking shortcuts means they were stealing the consciousness energy of other people through alien machinery and AI technology. They were inserting false holograms to create the causality for their desired effects in the timelines, and then reaping the rewards of others hard work and consciousness energy. They did not generate this consciousness-energy themselves. They either stole it from other people or it was given to them from higher ups. This included stealing through blood sacrifice, wars and astral binding.   They were rewarded as long as they adhered to the NAA plan to carry out the Controller agenda.

Some people do not know that consciousness energy exists, so are not aware of the extent to which these dark forces exist. So human parasitism has been able to thrive on the earth plane. Simultaneously, the ascending people that are working for planetary consciousness freedom from the AI technology are getting psychically attacked. They are encountering obstacles of interference and getting heaped with the karmic loads, which these Controller groups were generating as a waste product. Artificial intelligence and Satanic forces generate a tremendous amount of toxic waste product. This pollution damages and infects the consciousness-energetic matrix of a structure. This collective karmic exhaust is returned back to the individual people of the earth, in order for them to work it off, when it was not exactly being generated by them.  AI systems are used to bypass the natural Laws of consciousness, and this is one method for creating consciousness slaves on the earth. Those chosen to be the slaves are used to energetically process all of the collective waste product, while they lose their privileges of accessing consciousness, as it is being stolen from them. The Masters use the collective energy to maintain their power and rank, while they generate even more polluted waste by setting up anti-life systems that operate in reverse to natural forces, while accusing the slaves of being nothing more than imbecils and eaters of resources.

The Law of Cause and Effect in a natural consciousness system, without AI mind control, works in alignment with the consciousness energies of each person, so that our own deeds and actions bring our own results. In the previous cycles this was not happening in many cases in the shorter term, because of the abuses of technology, and the AI machinery intended to create slavery. This alien technology being targeted to awakening people, made it much harder for those who truly wanted to support humanitarian freedom. In the previous time cycle, we’ve had to work much harder to get past the enslavement system, because the lower dimensional fields on the earth are rigged with many varieties of AI technology.
Most of humanity is not aware enough to discern the energetic signature of AI, or sense the difference between artificial intelligence that operates in reverse to the natural laws, and the organic state of consciousness architecture that operates in harmony with natural laws. The regressive entities and much of humanity continually defy the Laws of Nature, which manifests as grotesque, defective and diseased creations in the earth body. However, this shift in the planetary architecture is beginning to change now, as the natural laws are being reinstated on the earth, via Guardian Hosting, which means accountability is made for every action at the end of the time cycle. No one ultimately gets away with anything it is just a matter of time.

Laws on Earth are Changing Now
To be in alignment with the Universal Law of Cause and Effect, and to have the Law work to return an abundance of positive and loving energy to us, comes with an important caveat. We must be governed from our heart based qualities, and be willing to discover true compassion and empathy for everyone, digging deep into our heart in even the darkest moments. Practicing loving kindness and forgiveness in every moment possible. Every decision we make, every direction we take, must be based upon our heart based feelings of higher spiritual guidance, and in alignment to the service of the Universal Laws. When we are in harmony with the Laws, we are in harmony with creation, and our life takes on greater ease, grace, comfort and fulfillment in ways not thought possible. The way we make decisions in the outer world has changed forever as our spiritually initiated heart is aligning with the Laws of God. This divine source connection is what protects our aura from enduring the types of intensely concentrated dark interference that some of us have endured in the 3D timelines.  We may continue to bear the gaslighting methods that are used by the dark forces to assassinate our moral and spiritual character, but the truth will always reveal itself and be made known over time. Dark forces and people that are dark portals are predictable as bullies, victimizers and control freaks that manipulate. They seek to use intimidation, deception and manipulation, through fear based false narratives in order to maintain control over reality because that’s the only trick they have left.

If we persist in needing to use control or manipulation methods in our daily life, we will experience the Cause and Effect backlash, or the karmic return of mental bondage to the old destructive patterns of egoic behavior. This is confusing for many people on the earth receiving the Cause and Effect backlash now, because they are being returned to the energy that they have repeatedly created with their false identity, in the planetary field. The more a person has deliberately deceived others, the more energies of self-deception and confusion they will face in the external. The methods that used to work very well for them in the material world, when they were rewarded with lots of money or power, are not working for them anymore in the new timeline. They do not realize the Laws in this reality are changing to be based on the forces of love, therefore the beliefs, behaviors and actions must become more transparent and honest to accommodate this change. The backlash of receiving negative energy that a person has sent out into the field is happening with greater intensity and quicker timing. Dark entities jump on that negative energy as its generated and amplify it into the collective fields, as large as they can. This intensifies the impact of the negative energy, which can be seen as the manifested forces of chaos, confusion and insanity, as it is being returned to its causality in the collective field. From the collective field, those people resonating with those negative forces become individual conduits or vessels of chaotic expression. Because they do not know what to do with the incredible amount of negativity building up inside of them, they are confused, lost and acting out in self-destructive ways.

It is imperative that the Law is understood, that every Cause has an Effect, every Effect has its Cause, and there is no such thing as random luck or chance. We all have to go deeply within our heart to study our real authentic self, to figure out the causality links in our spiritual purpose, by understanding the lessons we must master in life. To find the deeper causality of our incarnation on the earth at this time, we begin by looking at the patterns that repeatedly show up as lessons. If we look at the causal patterns present in our life since birth, we will see the arc of their effects threaded throughout our personal timeline. These point us towards the lessons we must master in adulthood to go beyond the pain and obstacles that we have experienced, which lead us to graduate into higher competencies that ultimately help us to achieve energetic balance and consciousness freedom.  Everything we experience in life, has jewels of strengthening virtue hidden within it, to teach us to become better and stronger people, so that we can gradually learn how to conquer all of our fears and conflicts. These are principles of self-mastery, inherent in the process of spiritual initiation, which is achieved over time by learning lessons and developing virtues to gain higher spiritual wisdom. No matter what is happening in the outer world, we must come into harmony and peace inside ourselves, so that we can live within the same quality of harmony and peace with the world, even when the external is extremely discordant and chaotic.

Causality is a Universal principle that everything has a cause. It is the active relationship that exists between Cause and Effect and it is the relationship of bringing new creation, new life, and manifesting something that turns possibilities into actualities. Causality is the continual link made between all of the Cause and Effect connections that are made throughout time, the chain of causal connections that have no beginning or end. The consequences of effects that are made from this infinite causal chain of connection simultaneously ripple forwards and backwards in time. When our consciousness connects with the many causes, which had created the ripple of effects over time, at the point of energetic association, this may modify, transform, or intensify the forces, which interact with all of those same effects in time. We have a unique opportunity, during the bifurcation, to influence these causal chains.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Energetic Synthesis: Timelines Shift - Newsletter - July 2016

Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,

We are nearing a time of more visible and tangible changes for the planet and for the collective consciousness of humanity.  For those of us who are able to participate consciously in this process, these changes are very encouraging, even as the workload feels like it is increasing. For those who are not able to consciously participate, they will be participating none-the-less.  As planet Earth shifts her station of identity and moves into her soul embodiment, all those who keep their bodies will make this transition with her.  We may soon witness a collective Dark Night of the Soul, as humanity unknowingly moves onto a higher frequency platform, causing all that has been unseen, unhealed, and unintegrated to bubble to the surface.  As chaotic as this may appear in the outer scape, the pressures being applied are essentially supportive. In this newsletter we will delve deeper into the mechanics of this unfolding process, in order to better understand how we might best participate with these changes at both micro and macro levels.

There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world. This has shifted the way the original human race blueprint relays its intelligent information into the collective consciousness fields of earth. When the collective fields shift in this way, it means there has been a frequency shift in the collective agreement that impacts the overall consciousness evolution on the planet, therefore, the Timelines Shift.

As current Timelines Shift, this also shifts the coordinate location and energetic contents of the past and future timelines existing on the earth plane, all at the same time. There are powerful infusions of plasmic light and new time codes that are filtering onto the earth, as we pass through the Silver Gate. An intersection point exists between two circuit paths, the path of the Sun and Galactic Equator, which opens a gateway in-between the Taurus and Gemini constellations. As the Sun transits through Gemini, the transmission of its zodiac principle greatly influences the earth body, and therefore influences the behavior in the collective consciousness of humanity. Currently, the pressures are high to synthesize the pairs of opposite that exist in the world of forces, to evolve beyond the lower density black substance that has been buried in the collective consciousness fields of the earth. A lot of that black substance has been manifested into timelines from embedded alien architecture, which imitate the Mother’s creation principle, and is what the dark entities tend to hijack. The building up of pressure in between these opposing forces and groups is reaching its peak, which is bifurcating or splitting apart timelines. This is greatly amplified in the collective fields, especially during the Summer Solstice through mid-July, as planetary Timelines Shift.

The new timelines are to transcend the previous histories of alien hybridization and the destructive victimizer programming that has been installed in the lower collective consciousness. These new timelines are similar to an airplane runway that is designed to help bridge the current reality of the earth (that is the result of the accumulated energies of the past destructive histories with NAA), to connect with the higher reality potentials of the divine human on the future earth. We are on the runway that leads to our higher reality potentials in the future timeline now. Not everyone is on the same timeline. Try to remember this fact to help bring greater comfort, when experiencing intense, sudden and spontaneous life altering changes that are more likely to occur during this time.

Corrections are being made to the current collective human DNA imprint that is reconnecting new future memories, therefore, new timelines into the various planetary regions and within the crystal caverns. These areas hold the histories of the seedings on the earth, along with the entire genetic record and the history with the planetary 12 Tribes. The planet’s lower dimensional frequency bands and their energy vortices are rolling up and dissolving into the Grail points, which changes the species memory records. As Timelines Shift, it changes previous trigger events recorded throughout history, and thus, has a chain reaction that changes future memories in the ancestral and genetic code of the planetary tribal identities. The planetary architecture is transmitting the ancient history of humanities true origins from the Ancient Builder Races, as the original instruction set is transmitted from the awakening Albion body. Our species memory goes much further back before the seedings of the planetary tribal identities. This informs the collective consciousness field and other nonhuman species, that humanity did not come from the Annunaki or other off planet races, or those races that were involved in genetically modifying and cloning the human genome in the past. The Albion and Cathar body hold the Holy Father and Holy Mother Principles in the earth. As these bodies gradually unify, they are releasing more original coding into the collective consciousness fields, which contain the true identity of the Ancient Builder Races or the Guardian Host. This event directly changes many of the histories and timelines that are recorded upon the earth.

Immortal vs Eternal Being
As the Albion body awakens, the genetic code of the human body’s history throughout the timelines reveals alien hybridization and DNA unplugging, as a temporary earth experiment required to rehabilitate or transit immortal regressive entities at the end of the Ascension cycle. This dark history spun out the false timelines and AI programs, and the phantom matrix areas that are the result of the accumulated species memories of the regressive races. The NAA races downloaded their predator mind into the 3D earth in order to take over the collective consciousness (Global Brain), and then gradually take over human bodies that have eternal coding imprints. During the Ascension Cycle, we had the window of opportunity to track the AI infiltration in the groups of immortal regressive entities, to its point of origination and causal event in the timelines. Most all of these regressive entities in the NAA are at some point in their timelines, AI infected and assimilated. This reverse engineering planetary grid project had to take place on the 3D earth plane, in order for this corruption to be inoculated and finally eradicated in the future timelines, and to stop this infection from fully spreading in the Universal Time Grid. The genetic experiment attempted to genetically bond with over twenty immortal extraterrestrial races DNA code (Alien Implants), with the original eternal human DNA code. Observation to track the genetic experiment reveals how the war over timelines has impacted multiple species, to choose as a collective race to be immortal, rather than choose the path of evolution to become eternal.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Energetic Synthesis: Soul Psychology - Newsletter - June 2016

June 2016
Soul Psychology

Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
“The soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts.”
 ~ Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
The Controllers desperately want us to forget that we have Souls.  Even though we exist in a material world filled to the brim with many different kinds of Souls, Spirits and Consciousness, they would like us to forget our Soul. Tyrants cannot control our mind as easily, if we know how to connect with our Soul.

Without understanding the worldwide agenda of trauma based mind control, we cannot understand our participation in the constructs put in place to keep it going.  We become unknowing participants, in perpetuating these systems.  It is difficult to witness how many people on the spiritual path, and how many practitioners and session providers, have this blind spot, and are unable to see the pervasiveness of this agenda.  This newsletter will be a bit longer, in order to try and uncover this matrix of control, piece by piece, so we can no longer be fooled by it.

As an analogy, it is hard for those of us living today, to imagine a time when surgeons did not understand germs or wash their hands.  The first person to suggest a connection between invisible microbes and post-surgical infection was the laughing stock of his day.  Yet his patients did not end up with infections, and recovered much faster.  There is a connection between hidden forms of mind control, and the fact that so many humans are caught in pain traps and are being unknowingly manipulated by their sub-personalities.  When people become aware of this and can source manipulation, it ceases to have any control over them.  They also understand why it is crucial not to react to others out of anger or violence, which invites these dark forces in.  If we do not recognize and understand the dark forces, we cannot recognize and understand the light forces. 

The Border Guards, Monitoring the Matrix
We live during a time on the planet when the language used for public discourse, attempting to give some kind of expression to the existence, nature and experience of the Soul, Spirit or God, is twisted and manipulated in order to distort its true meaning.  When these consciousness experiences are described, anywhere in the mass media, they are immediately discredited, labeled as delusions in order to be discredited, or quickly defined and moved into the category of religion.  Those behind Global Mind Control do not want humanity to have the clarity, virtue, strength or peace that is gained from developing consciousness through exploring the inner spiritual relationship that comes with the Soul. They want to lull humanity into the great sleep of unconsciousness.

 The main Controller Pillars of Society expend tremendous amounts of resources to keep the human mind occupied on external and material things that keep us distracted and unable to look within. Distracting our mind with intense fears of survival, removes the creative potential for discovering our direct consciousness relationship with God, Soul and Spirit. To advance survival fears and poverty consciousness, the masses are brainwashed with very specific and limiting belief systems, which conveniently act as the self-enforcement policy for the consciousness enslavement of others. Humans in all cultures and walks of life, are mostly taught to victimize and ridicule people that want to explore ways to think for themselves.

The fields of Science and Medicine are aggressively monitored and regulated, as these mainstream world establishments are used to reinforce a variety of anti-Soul ideological beliefs into the public to help serve the NAA. The anti-Soul belief system requires terminating progress or credible evidence which could prove that states of consciousness or Soul exist. This includes the consistent elimination of the acquisition of any evidence-based knowledge that recognizes nature, animals and other life forms as fully sentient beings. There are many areas in scientific investigation that are not approved for public dissemination, and thus "white paper" research in these fields are heavily controlled and compartmentalized.

During and after the World Wars, aggressive social engineering agendas were put into place by the NAA Controller secret societies through the medical and scientific communities that had started to form the field of Psychology. Consequently, the academic and clinical disciplines of Psychology use the medical model and are therefore pathology oriented, which completely ignores the energetic reality of consciousness, and the nature of the Soul. During this Ascension cycle, we must help each other to understand the implication that this has upon humanity, and to redefine the nature and existence of the Soul inside Psychology. This begins by understanding the history and the intentions behind the field of Psychology that exists today.  The Soul is the essence of who we are, and it is that part of us which focuses upon the most authentic part of our true nature. For true healing to occur, the Soul is the part of us that is the most powerful in effecting mental shifts and behavioral changes, and can greatly improve our self-esteem and self-confidence.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Energetic Synthesis: Fearing Spiritual Knowledge

Fearing Spiritual Knowledge

Humanity was largely conditioned to accept violent religion and forms of brainwashing by corrupted religious and governmental authorities to prepare human beings to submit to alien false gods and dark forces. Through the use of enforcing bullying, threats and intimidation over many generations, humans came to accept violence and blood sacrifice as directed by Gods will. Humanity also accepted stupefying levels of persecution, degradation, and discrimination through being shamed, humiliated and beaten down, to believe they are not worthy of receiving spiritual knowledge or truth, and required an appointed holy intermediary. This appointed intermediary is the controlled by the alien false father god, which hijacked the direct relationship to the creative forces and elemental spirits of the earth, as well as interfered with the inner spirit and evolution of the human being.

This is why most all spiritual knowledge on this earth is demonized as the work of Satan, and is filled with rumors and malicious gossip in order to further manipulate fear and confusion in the masses. As long as humans are being terrorized by the concept of gaining spiritual knowledge and truth, they will continue to flee in fear from accessing that knowledge. Knowledge is power and is why the NAA prevents knowledge from being made available to all people. All levels of accessing open source information, knowledge and education in the global population is under direct attack to keep it suppressed or under control on the planet. This is the NAA directing this from their top-down chain of command into their human Power Elite representatives. This is why we must make an effort to educate ourselves about the larger control agendas playing out on the earth at this time.

Satanic forces have spread aggressively on the earth through the Archontic Deception Strategy and through this, they have commandeered control over many of the earthly material structures. This has happened largely because this agenda to suppress knowledge of what is happening remains hidden through many deceptions and lies, and humans are unaware that they have been allowing it to happen. It is important to remember that Satanic and Luciferian forces and their hierarchies are nothing more than parasites. They need this creation to exist and they exalt themselves in their parasitism with their attempts to control and possess humanity and the earth. These Imposters inherently hate humans and desire to spread agony and misery, as they feed on human pain. As we free our mind from fear based mind control and stop giving our power away to alien gods, we must remember this important point as a part of developing our spiritual strength and inner purity. As spiritually mature humans, we have to rise from the invaders terrorist ideology of human persecution and fear, to come to know that we are divine humans connected to eternal truth and eternal light through the God self within.

Humanity holds the power of that truth spirit of God inside each of us. Each person must claim this truth and never let it go or give it up to anything or anyone. The truth spirit has the power to liberate these Fallen Angelics, earthly forces, and Imposter forces from their bondage to the prison wardens, the Satanist and Luciferian forces. 

The earthly elements and their symbols have been demonized and abused as a part of the persecution of human beings, to live in terror of retribution from their false Alien Gods, who will torment them for accessing spiritual knowledge. This is a tactic to keep human beings terrorized to prevent them from accessing spiritual knowledge about their own spiritual bodies, which prevents people from expanding their consciousness and evolving. Well-meaning people start spouting judgments designed to self-enforce ignorance such as; this symbol is dark, this element is corrupt, this content is satanic, this person is evil. Many people have not the foggiest clue what they are actually speaking about and may be repeating something they heard without researching the facts. Some dark force has fed it into their ego mind to repeat verbatim, which is the alien religion script for mind control and keeping people in the cycle of dark ignorance.  The dark forces want to create as many martyrs and victims on the earth as possible. It's the mind slide that tells a human "you are not worthy to access this spiritual knowledge, you peon, so stay away from that spiritual information, you must submit to my tyranny of ignorance and authority without questioning."

We must dispel these grave inaccuracies and dispel the dark ignorance of fear that is spread by well meaning, yet spiritually uninformed or fear based egoic people. One will never assess wisdom and clarity with accuracy, until they are free of fear and fully committed to their spiritual truth, while allowing others at the same time to live in their spiritual truth. Spiritual Truth is ultimately fearless and harmless. One can always speak the truth without repercussion or harm, to a person who is really living in the truth.

Since late 2012, the human body is more vulnerable to being used as a potential dark portal, as the person becomes consubstantial to the collective human forces of negative ego, represented by the Satanic or dark forces of those hierarchies. Additionally, this is exacerbated from alterations in the magnetic and gravitational fields of the earth, which result in dissolution of certain dimensional membranes. Essentially, what used to be several separated fish tanks have consolidated into one vast fish tank, where all the contents are now shared and swimming together freely. This has both positive impacts and negative impacts to those unprepared to deal with the new varieties of subtle forces entering into their personal reality from the earth realms.

If a person fixates on certain qualities of the houses of ego and they succumb to the obsessions that feed into those negative forces, they are easily possessed by that primary thought form. Later on, the negative thought form may progress to the level of possession, specific to the fallen angelic or the spiritual hierarchy it represents. These are the main qualities of the Negative Ego that are used for dark portal possession by these Fallen Angelic and Dark Force Hierarchies:
  • Anger/Wrath
  • Pride/Entitlement
  • Envy/Jealousy/Covet
  • Liar/Corrupt
  • Greed/Avarice
  • Lust/Addiction
  • Gluttony/Waste
  • Laziness/Discouragement
Avoid playing out these negative emotions and behaviors, do whatever you can to clear and cure yourself of indulging in obsessing in any of these spiritually abusive behaviors. Fallen Angelics are a part of the Imposter Spirits that comprise these collective forces into its energetic theme. They may have been either human or non-human, can comprise those separated from their souls, or discarnate spirits which have never inhabited a human body. Demons may be regarded as material corporeal beings, as they are lower spirit beings, which are not inspirited by the breath of God, and cannot exist in the higher celestial realms. Humans and nonhumans can conjure these earthly spirits and then become possessed by them and their material or negative nature, especially if they are not mentally clear, emotionally balanced or coherent.  If these dark forces are not evicted or corrected for their access to manipulate your body, mind and consciousness, they eventually bring confusion, agony and misery to the human being.

Humans that have not developed strong impulse control and have not cleared negative ego automatic thoughts are at higher risk for being used as a dark portal, when they go unconscious. This can be remedied through consistent meditation, prayer and self-inquiry to remain in present time as the conscious observer or witness to events. As extensions of the Cosmic Christ spiritual hierarchy, we hope to emphasize clearly the vulnerabilities and weakness that exist in adults and children so we can help to inform others, when we are asked for help.

How do dark forces and fallen entities attach to or infiltrate the human body as a dark portal?
  • First, when we are reckless and careless with our body and indulge in the Houses of Ego (especially fear, guilt and shame) or engage with negative emotional theatrics continually, go unconscious and automatic reactions without disciplined self-awareness, we are a Stage One Risk.
  • Second, when we are in automaton states with obsessive mental looping, paranoia, angry or violent, hypnogogic, trance states (without 12D shielding), addicted to having cellphone or technology on our body and near our head 24/7, disrupting our electromagnetic field, we are a Stage Two Risk.
  • Third, when we indulge in addictive states, either with drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, gluttony, hospitalizations, or take any psychoactive or psychotropic drugs that change brain function, we are a Stage Three Risk.
  • Fourth, when we indulge in promiscuous sexual activity, have sexual addiction, sexual shame, play seduction games, and use regular forms of pornography, sex clubs, and prostitutes or engage in group sex, we are a Stage Four Risk.
  • Fifth, is the class of deviance and sexual perversion, which is completely controlled through possessing entities. Behaviors such as pedophilia, sadism, bizarre sexual fetishes, or any kind of agressive violence, where pleasure and pain receptors are reversed in the Soul Matrix. A person with reversed pleasure centers (receives pleasure from inflicting pain or violent actions) is under the control of satanic forces.
It is important to comprehend the stronger and more coherent one’s auric field and the more self-awareness that you have, the less exposure you will have to all of these vulnerabilities and risks to negative energy. The goal is to focus time and attention on developing your spiritual body and to work your meditation tools to build energy, strengthen your energy body, and stop energy leakages, with directed single-mindedness.

For purposes relating to taking back control over one's own mind, body and spiritual consciousness, from those humans and negative forces who have abused the Law of Structure on this planetary body, we are discussing the foundation of the Law of One to be of Service to Others, and it's critical importance for increasing spiritual strength and energetic protection in chaotic fields.

What we hold as our intention in our personal thoughts, is what we hold as our Consent towards that thought-form and its vibrational quality and force, as well as the energetic consequence of the thought-form substance we have created which impacts the self and others. What we think is what we create through our Intent, Consent and Structure. If we learn to reframe our thoughts to Service to Others and devote ourselves to developing Law of One behaviors and actions in our life, we will become aligned to the authority of Christ Consciousness, which will protect us from dark force infiltration. The Law of One is the Universal Truth that All Is One. Thus, one who practices this understanding of the Law of One acts and makes decisions based upon his or her awareness that every action has a consequence to the self and to others. Furthermore, one who exemplifies the Law of One understands that when one person suffers, all people suffer (whether they realize it or not). As the One Self-God Self, to be in “Compassion in Action” towards others is then to be in harmony and right relationship to Self, which is the ultimate spiritual strength as one holds peace with all things.
The Basic principles of Service to Others include:

• Individuals perceive the connection of love in all things and give unconditional love and compassion towards others,
• Individuals are dedicated to their spiritual Consciousness growth and to help others with their spiritual development,
• Individuals are dedicated to transforming Negative Ego thoughts through developing GSF Behavior modeling,
• Individuals share information and knowledge with others as open source in unified cooperation,
• Individuals have a complete lack of concern for satisfying their materialistic ego needs or satisfying drives of the houses of ego,
• Individuals acknowledge that every person is a spiritual being on their own personal path of spiritual growth and discovery,
• Individuals are committed to experiencing a shared positive reality of World Humanism with others on the Earth.

It is very clear to most of us that we are a part of something humongous happening on planet Earth. The Ascension impacts everyone and has personal implications that hold different meanings that are very intimate to each person. Connecting with your Soul, connecting with God Source is very personal. As a part of the human race we all know what it means to suffer horribly in pain and feel completely alone in the darkness. As we endure this Ascension Cycle, remember, it is about Kindness Above All. Honor where you are at in your growth process, take the time that you need, and allow yourself the space to heal and find the kindness for yourself. As you strengthen your core and can expand your sphere of influence, then practice random acts of kindness towards others. One second of criticism, sarcasm, belittling, or hateful words can mar and scar a child or any person for life. One second of kindness can elevate that child or person to accomplish greatness that allows them to find and connect with their soul. The Soul is Kind and Loving. God is Kind and Loving.

(Newsletter : Portals of Consciousness, Ascension Glossary: Law of One)

Energetic Synthesis: Coherence - Newsletter - May 2016

CoherenceMay 2016
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,

This planet is ascending into the higher frequencies of plasma, which greatly impact the principles of CoherenceCoherence is a necessary energetic principle to understand on the Ascension path as we progress towards personal consciousness expansion. When we dismantle the old enslavement profiles from this reptilian based Controller society, each of us must make the effort to explore new models of spiritually beneficial behavior, focusing on those humanitarian traits that support individual and collective growth to help evolve spiritual advancement. As we undergo successive levels of bifurcation, this is the point where the decision framework comes in for each person. People make decisions based upon the kind of motivations, thoughts, and actions they have as general thoughtforms influencing their lifestyle. 

The higher the quality of overall energy made available to a person, place or thing, the more stable and connected the personal and environmental experiences in that area become. Energetic stability increases harmonization within the overall energy available and this contributes to increased Coherence. As personal coherence increases, this increases the quality of energy that supports the higher functioning of the mind, emotions and body. When Coherence is present in the mind, emotions and body, it supports spiritual links that connect us into our higher spiritual consciousness.
The lower the quality of overall energy available to a person, place or thing; the more unstable, disconnected, and chaotic the personal and environmental experiences in that area become. Energetic instability that is created from the loss of energy, as well as the inability to access higher frequency, contributes to the downward spiral of energetic incoherence. The functions of human thinking, human emotion and behavior, as well as the overall functioning of the physical body, will lose coherence when the frequency operating in that person is too low. As a result, all of these areas of collective human behavior are increasingly losing coherence on the earth, when they are not capable of shifting into higher frequency patterns. If we refuse to change negative ego behaviors or address personal emotional conflicts, these mental and emotional blockages will persist. If intense emotional conflicts are not corrected, they produce energy blockages, which further block access to higher frequency and higher consciousness.

When the extreme polarities present in the environment produce a mixture of coherent and incoherent energy fields, these combined forces will reach their highest peak of opposition, and when this happens, an energy split occurs. This event is called the point of divergence, which is when the fixed point of equilibrium in the energy field reaches maximum pressure and a bifurcation or frequency split transpires. This is the result of the equilibrium pressure that exerts force in between two opposing energy fields, one coherent field, the other an incoherent field, which cease to be able to co-exist in the same time and space. The point of divergence that splits these energies apart, acts to harmonize these energies to become more naturally synchronized to the frequency level, to which they are best matched or most compatible. When the synchronization of these new groupings of energy occur they align themselves to their vibrationally matched timeline. As well, they are matched to the probable outcomes in that timeline that are connected to that specific overall frequency. Frequency synchronization is how our spiritual intelligence aligns us to the best timeline, in order to support our continual journey of spiritual evolution, so we can learn how to become more energetically coherent.

Many of us are observing these patterns of bifurcation, or splitting apart, and the synchronization of the energy fields based on personal resonances that either create increased Coherence, or lack of coherence. This occurs during the Ascension Cycle, and impacts everyone and everything. Most people do not understand the principles of energetic coherence. Hence, this information serves the purpose to help better understand that Coherence, or lack thereof, is the result of the present bifurcation occurring in the energies of the earth, and is greatly impacting human behavior. 

Principles of Coherence in Universal Law

Energetic Synthesis: Coherence - Newsletter - April 2016

recalibrateApril 2016
Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

Plasmas are the most common form of matter, encompassing more than 99% of the space in the visible universe. Plasma permeates the entire solar system, as well as the interstellar and intergalactic environments. Yet very few people are aware of Plasma or what it is. When we are observing the Milky Way, the constellations or a bright star in the night sky, we are seeing luminous spheres of plasma that are held together by their own internal magnetic field. The nearest visible luminous sphere of plasma to the earth, is the Sun.

Plasmas are electromagnetic systems made from groupings of particles, which exhibit an overall zero net charge in its collective result.  Plasma can also be described as an ionized gas existing within an electrically neutral medium, or in groups of unbound positive and negative particles. Plasmas are extremely conductive, and they carry electrical currents and generate magnetic fields. Plasma, the fourth state of matter, is a type of gaseous substance that consists of ions and free electrons. However, gases and plasmas are distinct states of matter. Plasmas display vastly different properties and complexities, which far exceed those found in gases or other states of matter.  A distinguishing quality of Plasma is that it has collective behavior, which changes its impact in a field, based upon the whole. Plasma is difficult to study because it is extremely hot and does not have a definite shape or a definite volume unless it is enclosed in a container.

A Plasma can be created by heating gas or subjecting matter to a strong force or electromagnetic signal. Heating Plasma decreases or increases the number of electrons, which create positive or negatively charged particles called ions. When the Plasma is cooled, the positive ions and electrons combine to form atoms, which produces an ordinary gas. Plasmas are extremely hot and as they cool, they will lose their charge and transform their state.

The human body is made up of atoms and ions. Thus, the human body is capable of a biological ionization process that generates Plasma when exposed to certain forces. During the Ascension cycle, the human body potentially undergoes the alchemical process that generates the internal Plasma light. This is what builds the etheric Lightbody structure for the higher consciousness bodies to function. To generate internal Plasma light and build our Lightbody, we need an abundance of energy. To receive an abundance of energy, we must devote our personal energy and direct our consciousness, to powering up our spiritual development. We conserve our energy in the material world, so that we can direct more energy towards expanding our consciousness. This is how we learn to build and exchange energy with the God Source fields. As we meditate and patiently build our internal energy so that we can achieve inner balance, we stop energy leaks and wasting energy. We increase our direct connection to the God Source which helps us to direct personal energy to spark the plasmic light. The silicate matrix DNA template is the original human crystalline blueprint that is activated in the human body, when contact or connection is made with plasmic light.

In plasma physics, Plasma is not generally considered to be a solid. However, particles when mixed with plasma, can create solid states of plasmic infused matter. This is what is happening through the expansion of consciousness, within the ascending human bodies on the earth. Plasmas may be propagated into solid matter through applied electromagnetic forces of heat and energy that are created by the human body’s natural bio-spiritual function. The human body is a natural resonator that interacts and responds to harmonic oscillations or vibrating systems of energy in the environment. Essentially what this means is that the human body, when in its natural state, is able to stay in balance and harmonize the field. If displaced from its equilibrium position, from exposure to discordant or disruptive energetic forces, the body will naturally apply restoring forces that return it back into energetic balance. If the body is given access to an abundant supply of life force energy, it will begin to automatically heal itself. This means we must do all we can to return to our most authentic and natural state of being, through holding meditative states of inner stillness every day.  We still our mind by reprogramming our thoughts away from the negative ego and mind control that we have been exposed to. When we hold present moment awareness, with no thoughts, we are the most authentic in our true nature. While we prolong our natural state of being in the now moment, we experience forces of restoration that return our consciousness and body back into balance. When this energetic balance occurs, the color wave spectrum and frequency state of that matter, our physical body, is shifted into crystalline patterns and more complex colors of arrangement.

Plasma when exposed to magnetic fields, form filament structures that form bonds that interconnect with all other states of matter. So as an ascending human develops the ability to embody plasmic light, these filaments are directly experienced as interconnected lines of light that connect to everything and everyone. This includes the state of consciousness, which can truly experience Oneness or Unity.

This is how we get solid plasma, it is made possible through the amazing alchemical process of the ascending human body. By directing our consciousness to connect our body, connect our particles to plasma light, electrons collect on the particles and start to create a plasmic crystalline structure that builds filaments, which connect and communicate with all things.

Bio-Plasma and the Soul-Spirit