Showing posts with label ANTOINE GIGAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ANTOINE GIGAL. Show all posts

Monday, May 30, 2011



Project Camelot - Kerry Kassidy & Antoine Gigal

Back in March I attended Megalithomania in South Africa and interviewed several speakers. My interview with Antoine Gigal started out with a discussion about the recent revolution in Egypt. Antoine lives in Egypt and speaks fluent Arabic. As a woman she has been given special access to sites on the Giza Plateau as well as elsewhere in Egypt. Her insider knowledge is substantial covering both the ancient past through her detailed investigations and the present.

With the coming shift in consciousness and the movement into a more feminine paradigm she is in an ideal position to bring forward new ways of looking at some of the most complex mysteries in our past. Her theories regarding ancient sites, such as the idea that the Giza plateau was at one time an island is based on intriguing new archeological data. She is definitely someone who will bear watching as we move forward into the future.

Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot

Interview conducted: March, 2011 South Africa

Antoine's website:

Project Camelot