Showing posts with label Fallen Angelics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fallen Angelics. Show all posts

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Energeticsynthesis: Checkerboard Mutation - August 2018 - Newsletter

August 2018
Checkerboard Mutation
Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,
We are witnessing some positive tipping points in the war over consciousness as the earth is naturally dropping density, which means moving beyond the influence of some alien machinery used to run reversals in the earth grids. The planet is going through a 6D–7D wing building, which is the first level of hierogamic union, making this level of consciousness embodiment more available to humanity now. This has special significance to the fulfillment of the Paliadorian Covenant and the rehabilitation of the Michael Christ and the Gold Ray Seraphim. The United Kingdom has been a focus recently in viewing why sexual energies are so targeted and manipulated as an energy source. Sharing updates on the Nibiru Diodic Crystal (NDC) under Stonehenge primarily controlled by the Thoth, Enki, and Enlil Collectives from Nibiru, and its relationship to the main collection center for sexual misery energy harvesting called the Nephilim Reversal Grid or NRG network. As they are losing ground the NAA are trying to advance forms of sexual misery and confusion, which essentially act to reverse, split and block gender principles from unifying, to further feed these reversal grids. We look at gender principles in DNA codes, the impact of unplugging or scrambling DNA that contains genetic time codes, which influence stations of identity and control over the timelines of earth. If you have recently had that sense that you are shifting your position in time and space, I hope that you find this information supportive for connecting the dots.
The shift into the next harmonic universe has shifted the ratios of the particle and anti-particle energies within the planetary body, and in the human body, altering the planetary and individual merkaba spin. The rate of spin that activates the particle and anti-particle merge occurring in the lowest dimensional layers, ripples out into the higher dimensional layers which produces a depolarization effect in sections of the planetary grid. When certain polarities synthesize into neutral, this changes the spin and rotation of the available energy potential and the energetic movement of current on the ley lines. The altering of the planetary merkaba spin is releasing certain effects of the Checkerboard Mutation sonic pulses in sections of the planetary grid. Several combined astrological events, the trinity of eclipses and the wave riding into the magnetic peak have circulated massive amounts of plasma current throughout the earth grid, activating previously dormant sections above and underground. At this time, there are funneling plasma energy fountains generating depolarization impacts that are running throughout several important power centers in the earth, such as the Giza Pyramids, Stonehenge and the Temple Mount.  The opening of these planetary gates into their Galactic and Universal counterparts are specifically important in the reclamation of genetic time codes, cellular alphabet and the organic sequencing of the original 12 strand human DNA.
As the planetary body activates into higher harmonic stations, the NAA attempt to counter and block access to these higher frequencies through artificial technologies and holographic inserts, directing assorted electromagnetic assaults to the earth. We have several types of artificial intelligence sonar technologies being directed towards these power spots to instigate the circulation of the lowest spectrum of frequencies, and to steadily increase densification and polarization in the field. The NAA use dimensional blending experiments and alien technology in order to control the physical 3D matrix of human perception. This is intended to maintain the extreme densification of the 3D matter plane that is required for keeping the Checkerboard Mutation and its reversal networks operating throughout the planetary grid network.  Reversal Networks are assorted alien machinery that use artificial intelligence programming to simulate, replicate and imitate the organic forces of creation for the express purpose of collecting, siphoning and redirecting the consciousness energy of humanity into bi-wave reversals. These anti-life reversals were programmed into advanced AI technology, which allow the NAA to easily siphon and steal the consciousness energy of earth and humanity. The caveat is that humanity must be diverted from ascension and continue to self-identify as a warring and divided species. One that focuses their attention on the NAA created predator mind belief system, such as the crucified Christ storyline that continues to feed the collective consciousness into reversals that support blood sacrifice and the death culture.
During the next cycle of morphogenesis, the states of matter are becoming much less dense, which rearranges matter forms throughout the layers of multiple dimensions in new ways. This creates shifts throughout the timelines, reorganizing the events from the past moving them into different areas of the future timelines. This variation in the densification of the matter fields further alters the rate of spin in the planetary merkaba fields, which is naturally correcting sections of the horizontal ley lines that were feeding into assorted alien machinery that generate the Checkerboard Mutation. The Checkerboard Mutation is required to enforce the planetary crucifixion implants, which are essentially death seals that feed blood sacrifice networks like the Moloch battery tanks. These crucifixion implants block the 7th dimensional axiatonal lines and all of the 7D energy systems, connected to the female spirit principle on the left side of our body, which has impaired the human embodiment of the Mother-Sophia principle. When the Checkerboard Mutations are lifted or dissolved into higher frequency matter, which causes a depolarization effect, many of the death seals also dissolve or release.
The Stonehenge gateway in the United Kingdom is the mandatory chess piece for the Checkerboard Mutation to remain operational throughout all of the global NAA controlled grids. Currently, a grid war over the epicenter of global control is underway through events occurring in the United Kingdom. The Family of Michael are at the center of this conflict, as they are coveted as pets for the Luciferian elite. This conflict highlights aggressive targeting towards the Christ-Michael masculine principle, through the consciousness war to gain total control over the changing horizontal rod architecture on the earth.
Essentially, the Checkerboard Mutation is generated from multiple alien machinery systems that reverse the energy current throughout the planetary grid networks to split them into bi-wave frequencies. The bi-wave consciousness allows for extreme polarity amplification in the collective consciousness energies, and the splitting between the polarities to generate extreme densification. This is also what produces gender reversals in the human lightbody and gender splitting. These reversals are intended to maintain the reversal networks on the earth plane that keep human DNA unplugged and the NAA in control of the timelines on the earth grids.
Corrections are being made to the Checkerboard Matrix at this time, during Guardian Host gridwork projects, which means we are in the process of reclaiming higher monadic identities, and regaining our potential to reclaim and plugin dormant DNA and genetic time codes contained in the instruction of our true cellular alphabet. The focus during the recent series of the Paliadorian activations has been focused upon masculine rod healing in the 2D layers, through the reclamation of the authentic manifestation template for the Christ-Michael families. The epicenter of the recently resurrected Gold Ray body template is found in the United Kingdom and is being run on the Michael-Mary lines to activate the Avalon Christos genetic codes related to the King Arthur lineage. King Arthur is the protector of the Albion architecture and is a Krystal Guardian Avalon consciousness that has been in stasis on the earth, until the tri-wave consciousness could return. The Family of Michael genetics are being given access through the Krystal Star hosting to rehabilite the gold body core template designed for the Gold Ray Seraphim lineages. This has set the Fallen Annunaki and Fallen Seraphim hybrid lines into a retaliation and frenzy, in order to regain control of these areas in the United Kingdom, particularly the Thoth, Enki, Enlil Collectives.
Ongoing and worldwide, material forms on the earth are undergoing a process of dropping density, which frees the movement of life force that has been harnessed, compacted or stuck in the extreme density of matter. This creates the opportunity to shift into another state of consciousness while maintaining the current physicality. In segments of the population this dropping of density has been naturally releasing alien implants, such as crucifixion implants that function as death seals. When matter becomes less dense, at a certain threshold that matter changes its location in the time and space field and reorganizes itself. This also helps to explain how our physical body is undergoing a process of less densification as the basic compounds of our elemental body are becoming less dense, as our consciousness shifts into another reality. The human body is required to drop density rapidly in order to physically adapt, and this has initiated phases of immense levels of releasing densification through ascension symptoms. This creates ripple effects throughout the planetary grid network and stargate system, which are also rearranging to function with much less densification. This presents major problems for the NAA groups who are losing control over sections of these reversal networks that are required to run the Checkerboard Mutation.  

Reversals Causes Densification of Matter

Since the Luciferian Rebellion, the Fallen Angelic Annunaki factions that are sympathetic to the Nibiruian agendas implanted alien machinery in the earth to set up reversal current networks that artificially forced the lowest density of the 3rd dimensional plane into misalignment with Nibiru. The alien machinery was used to force the planet earth to run reversal currents into the planetary grid networks, which forced an unnatural reversal merkaba spin that greatly increased matter densification. The artificial reversals running in the planetary merkaba field forced the individual inner merkaba spin to run reversals, which resulted in gender reversals and extensive DNA mutations in the original human body blueprint. This effectively damaged the process of spiritual ascension, gender unification and the potential for 12 strand DNA activation, which was required for full ascension and passage through the stargate system.
Since the Luciferian Rebellion when the planetary merkaba fields were set to run reversals, in each future generation it forced a digression in the human body to descend even deeper into the densest areas of the underworld layers. The area in the human body used to radically increase density are based in the sexual misery issues promoted to fragment the 2D-4D layers. As the core manifestation template of the human body descended further into the lowest dimensional fields, the physical body became 66.66 percent denser than the original natural blueprint. The result of the massive increase in densification in the human blueprint, damaged the genetic integrity of the life forms on the earth and this is called the Checkerboard Mutation. Assorted implants and death seals were placed in the planet and humanity, in order to maintain the densification of the matter forms, to more easily pull them into the phantom areas. The extremely low frequency broadcast is used to rapidly increase or maintain densification through promoting primitive and destructive behaviors. This is a divide and conquer warfare strategy to automatically connect the human bio-neurology into the global mind control broadcast, which enforces the NAA enslavement narrative feeding into the Checkerboard 

Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Call into the Ether ~ 31 May 2014 ~ Ra Ka Isha © Speaks #Updated


(1st i posted it as a note... on G+ my circles only. but on 2nd thought ill drop it here.)

So.... the triple-seal i set... in fr... #12 will remain for a while longer.. eta? no eta!.
& group messing with grid.. #LION ,  tot han frack around some more on the Poles*(*N/Z), working against everything...   , made their biggest mistake of 2014 so far. 2013 them fracked up, 2014 again.... their choice and consequences in accordance.. it holds in progressive unfolding of now time status tobe and to come...

Left: note... Andrew..  Right PSG12
And all pointers direct at same folks. in-front "a" the scene and behind the scenes.

 With main lets give out new orders to them unwilling-non-aware-puppets from .UK en .EG(egypt)(and 2 more spots). so them  2 ships...  well better hide them or return... aka leave.. on own will... or re-allign.  or maybe soon "poef" them goners. who knows what future has in store...   No Ai can foresee....  nopes.. 

Rest others can secure other submissions that are part of the whole.  so ill do something else than again wasnt expected well good. gotta be "controversial" once in a while.  and its fun when they cannot forsee whats coming. and their actions just show more of them in their futileness.

So 1st will override some a their places  recode to 12D. and than.. reclaim it yep
 1st that, than: the knock knock on the door.  this is your choice i give you. pick one any one... and think it over very..well as it will effect them whole group.  past present and future.

rest as it was is in motion and under protocol...  protected. and likewise 7 will help the 2 sphere in sphere   (but total 4 spheres is for later time in physicalness maybe onday. )

Same goes for some a them apparitions that turn up at some folks when its info that true and opposite to what them taught them..   and than get mad at them. for posting about it. and than try and deceit some more by keeping them on a leech with melchizedek symbolism and terms all relating to same select few. and exclude the "others" as them they dont want to speak of, as it would expose their modes operandus/of operation. and show what they rly stand for...  and the massive level of soul-group abuse that has been ongoing for ages...     but best way to help a group. is to directly incarnate into it. voila. but that requires balance of essence of being to not be tricked... into.  but firmly stand. just stand ;)

So some will keep supporting the domination and manipulation by non choice.  non freedom and feed the same system/beast. as them persons here have more light than any a them buggers out there.  incl the menace as someone called them. jehovi;s   and that still use past-life manipulation to effect the person in the here and know. beside false memory implants/crystals (dark crystals) that are still embedded in their biofield , untill cleared them cannot rly see....

So i'm setting up my own support grid for my ... thing and from there well rest ima not telling not thinking nor any a that so gl trying to predictive program me for data.....

if with some things im early well good means i have more time to properly prepare Meister style.     as i remove more dust from my long kept hidden past/path ,  like Vril   1920/1960   , or   life before it in Japan,.   or before that 16/1700'ish  re Vatican Medici Banker (matches more data i gotten) and much more to come.  

As the Owls have seen a lot... observe... see... know...    Grande Yanas.
& the Ninja Kittens Squad is on location where needed.
just like i send 3 a my spirit animals on a task and remains as such...

So what does it mean to wake up
Well 1st you gotta see what your doing for and whom directs it than see the bigger context beyond them buggers, and than see that actually what one may have been doing goes against everything one might stand for and ones mission might be...

And some would like to see whole race-lines wiped of the map. as that was same in past and same in ancient past , that/them hasn't changed .   as them keep making same mistake over and over again. and well there is a line drawn till here and no further, and i still dare any a them to step forward if them chooses in opposition and than cross that line and than its their own choice...     and than they will see.   like last time it made a bump in the timeline that wasn't observed ever before and still ripples going out... of it.. in time-space.

So enjoy the summer catch some SOL rays charge up <3

And enjoy the ride.. be smart think & care...    as "now" does matter.

Likewise for ones: spouse , sisters/bro;s mom's/dads sons&daughters one does carry the freq/vib onto,but/if, so you cannot transmit: "that" you cannot embody or hasn't activated. by not knowing and just trying from inner-senses  as we all do/try. so again that's the freewill choice to work on self for self for all others.

And with some well i stand alone. so be it. other things got a core group and other things more in works. and rest under full supervision.
ill walk mah path till one day that i have dreamt might be there. in DRT . DRO.

Funny also how some so silent, re asked Q;s im guessing its over their heads beyond them.. or unwilling to think of.. as them not on that level.  so not many out there to talk on that level about.

Past , Present & Future-Self's are looking at you... What Will You Do...?!!

and DONT FORGET THE ORIGINAL INTENT...      even with the deception blackmail and intermixing of pastevents into a manipulative stage of nowtime.

O.K enough typing....
im of to get mah suntan
shine SOL shine


Ra Ka Isha

The Controverial One

The Eyes of the Cat Storm OP

thats all

A good watch also ->  Andrew Bartzis

To The Awakening Ones

Prognoses of Our Future, June 2014

Our Platform is Leaving the Reversed Monadic Program

Energy Work for June 2014

How this Work and What You will Get for Free

Something to Think About

On the Concept of Source

My notes on elementals and devas

The Monadic Reversal Program

A preview on the articles to come

A little heads up from me

Welcome to the Restoration Zones

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Lisa Renee: What are Fallen Angels? + Strong Moral Character

What are Fallen Angels?

The main classifications of Impostor Spirits that exist in the Interdimensional spaces (In-between spaces) are of Luciferian (False light, False Father) or Satanic classes (Elemental Matter forces, False Mother). These impostor spirits are also called Demons or Fallen Angelics and are extremely ancient beings.

Many people are confused about the nature of “demons” and reject the idea completely due to the superstitious fear, guilt and shame overlays that have been implanted by the False Father religions. However, it is the pathway to wisdom to begin to understand and accept as a part of the creation of planet earth, that they do indeed exist. They exist in a way that is not clearly understood by the masses as a “collective consciousness”. It is important to have healthy respect for these levels of being, and at the same time, to not be ignorant and in fear of the power they have collected on the material earth plane. The power they have amassed is due to the human population remaining in the dark consciousness of deception and illusion where they are not made aware that their own body acts as a vessel for these impostor spirits. When a person allows themselves to be used as a spiritually abusive vessel of negative emotions, (See AD Behaviors) they spread the collective consciousness of that particular negative emotion and/or its demonic presence. This is especially so when they have no self-awareness and are not self-responsible and in command of their personal thoughts, emotions or energies.

As an example, when a person is overcome with carnal desires and is unable to determine that these negative addictions and emotions are spiritually abusive to themselves and others, they become a vessel for such impostor spirit that holds the vibrational match to that negative emotion.  The more mentally fixated and obsessed a human being is about a type of negative energetic signature, the more disfigured and grotesque their lightbody becomes, which attracts demonic presence. When this is not corrected the person descends into insanity and loses energetic and mental cohesion.  The demonic presence will amplify the negative emotion and connect to the collective consciousness of that quality of vibration in the earth plane. So that the person who is “hooked into” the mass consciousness may become so addicted and obsessed they cannot stop the mental looping without a huge personal effort and spiritual devotion to Christ.

Since last year the Fallen Seraphim or Demonic presence of Leviathan has surfaced into the earth fields at unprecedented rate. The Leviathan is the gatekeeper of a legion of entities that feed into its collective consciousness power on the earth. One such “sub-entity” of Leviathans force is the Baphomet. When people call upon Baphomet they are feeding into the Leviathan Fallen Angelic entity.  Additionally, the Fallen Angelics are manipulated by the Negative Alien Agenda, and are abused by extradimensional entities that use these earthly based forces for their agenda. Leviathan is a popular demonic for the NAA to abuse on the earth because its main source of collective vibration makes up the base carnal desires of envy, jealousy, coveting and lust. So the manipulation of the Leviathan forces on the earth, through the NAA entities, yields a tremendous amount of energy based on these collective forces. Many human beings on earth feed into this force when they “covet” a person, place or thing without their personal awareness of what they are creating when they do so.
Coveting is many times mistaken by disconnected and confused people who are desperately looking for their purpose and fulfillment in life. They look at what another person has achieved or has (such as a wife or house) and mistake that set of circumstances for their own meaning and purpose in life. This is wrong and convoluted thinking as one never achieves peace in their heart by making comparisons to other people.  Coveting when not corrected by clear thinking, evolves into cheating and stealing. As many people delude themselves to think if they just “achieve this” or “get that” somehow, they too will become happy and fulfilled in their life.

Nothing is further than the truth.
This is why it is very important as a Krystal being on this earth to be fearless in the face of Demonics and to understand them for their purpose with the earth. To understand how they work is to have the power to not feed into the negative forces that manipulate humans or these Fallen Angelic groups. Only the Spirits of Peace, the Spirits of Christos can liberate humanity from the clutches of these negative emotions and perpetuating negative mental states which lead to demonic posession. These psycho-emotional levels are states of low consciousness that can feed “demons” and the Fallen Angelics, as well as serve the agenda of the NAA.

Now is the time to release fear and accept the wisdom that can be learned from the Fallen Angelics or demons in the earth. The Krystal Star has returned to liberate and eventually free these beings from the tour of duty on earth, and to eliminate the continual abuse these beings have endured. Alistair Crowley, a NAA contactee, was one such abuser whom called upon demons to be bound to do his personal biddings and serve his every whim. He manipulated Solomon Keys and Gnosticism to his own brand of ritual called Thelema. This is not their purpose to be commanded into enslavement to do one's bidding, they should be honored for their role with the earth and not feared. These groups have been just as enslaved as humanity on the earth, as the NAA has thrown the balance of the planet into a collective field of Satanism, and this was not the intention of any of these forces.

What are Fallen Angels or Demons?
Demons or Fallen Angelics are a part of the human and nonhuman collective consciousness on the earth and exist as energetic interplay between human beings that were designed to manifest the required polarities that are necessary for manifestation in the material realms. In this density of the earth counterbalance points were required for the evolutionary process of “synthesis of these main polarities” through the three main sets of forces.

Demons, are a part of the impostor spirits, may have been either a human, or non-human, also comprise those separated from their souls, or discarnate spirits which have never inhabited a human body.  

Demons may be regarded as material corporeal beings, as they are lower spirit beings, which are not inspirited by the breath of God, nor exist in the higher celestial realms.

Humans and nonhumans can conjure these spirits and then become possessed by them and their material or negative nature, especially if they are not mentally clear and emotionally balanced.

First Hierarchy: Fallen Angelics, Fallen Seraphim, depending on their male and female spirit essence, defines their class as false light of the Father (Lucifer), or the material elemental forces that came out of the Mothers earthly body, the False or Dark Mother which is Satanism.
The Four Main Realms of the Fallen Angelics in the First Hierarchy are: Satan/Lucifer, Leviathan/Belial

They each counterbalance to a male and female principle energy aspect in their realm.
They have a main collective energy field they command as group consciousness and related entities in the Predator realm that exits in the material world of forces.
Satan- Anger/Wrath

Lucifer –Pride/Entitlement

Leviathan – Envy/Jealousy/Covet

Belial –Liar/Corrupt

Second Hierarchy:  Fallen Angelic hierarchies which descend in order of Fallen Seraphim to Cherubim, Thrones and Powers. The entity is the gatekeeper to that realm of consciousness and its entities (both human and nonhuman) that are consumed by its negative thoughtform vibration.
Mammon: greed/avarice

Asmoday/Baphomet: lust/addiction     

Beelzebub: gluttony/waste   

Baalpeor: laziness/discouragement

Third Hierarchy: Human Souls in the process of earthly reincarnation cycles that have digressed in to Geni or Jin which is a shadow creature, no longer human, it retains a counterbalance in the higher spirit realms of which it has been disconnected, from its Soul matrix.

Includes: The Human Beings Ancestral or Family of Origin Spirit - The most troublesome ancestral spirit is the souls of those who have committed suicide or died a violent death; the unburied, or restless and dissatisfied spirits. These are beings that cannot be reborn into reincarnation and have been severed from their soul extension community.

Includes Human Souls that consecrated and dedicated their life force/soul to a False God or Impostor Spirit or Demon, in a previous lifetime, in past, present or future, usually for personal gain or access to some power in the material world. This also can be influenced by an ancestral spirit, someone in the ancestral biological family line who is manipulating negative form of that unaware human being.

Includes Human Souls that have died violently or hold strong obsessions from lack of completion in trauma to the being, and are ghostly spirit disconnected from its eternal soul, they exist in a type of purgatory in the in-between worlds with the demon spirit classes. They have been extremely corrupted, compulsive, deceitful, jealous or greedy people in a previous life. As a result of their imbalanced karma, they are afflicted with an insatiable hunger for a particular substance or object. This is comparable to a Hungry Ghost, a spirit who suffers and roams the world as it cannot find peace or absolution to its conflicts.

Excludes Human Souls incarnated into another realm, planet or Universe.
There is no harmony or agreement, of sound or any other kind, between Christ and Impostor spirits. Christ is the Truth personified, while the Impostor Spirits are liars and deceivers.
Once a person is dedicated to Christ, one may gain command of Impostor Spirits in his own mental universe, and is capable to remove their negative influence from his life.
Calling upon the Spirits of Christos to replace these Impostor Spirits and their negative mental thoughtforms is the key to peace and liberation.

The Spirits of Christ
1. Purity 2. Generosity 3. Patience 4. Kindness 5. Discipline/Conservation 6. Diligence 7. Humility
  • Dismantle the House of Lust/Addiction: Evict the Spirit of Lust and Addiction, Call in the Spirit of Purity. Ask God to help you build the House of Purity and live with sexual ethics in your mind and body aligned with Christ Spirit.
  • Dismantle the House of Wrath/Rage: Evict the Spirit of Wrath and Rage, Call in the Spirit of Patience. Ask God to help you build the House of Patience in your mind and body aligned with Christ Spirit.
  • Dismantle the House of Greed/Avarice: Evict the Spirit of Greed and Call in the Spirit of Generosity. Ask God to help you build the House of Generosity in your mind and body aligned with Christ Spirit.
  • Dismantle the House of Envy/Jealousy: Evict the Spirit of Envy and Jealousy and Call in the Spirit of Kindness. Ask God to help you build the House of Kindness in your mind and body aligned with Christ Spirit.
  • Dismantle the House of Gluttony/Waste: Evict the Spirit of Gluttony and Waste and Call in the Spirit of Discipline and Conservation. Ask God to help you build the House of Discipline and Conservation in your mind and body aligned with Christ Spirit.
  • Dismantle the House of Laziness/Discouragement: Evict the Spirit of Laziness and Discouragement and Call in the Spirit of Diligence. Ask God to help you build the House of Diligence in your mind and body aligned with Christ Spirit.
  • Dismantle the House of Pride/Self Importance: Evict the Spirit of Pride and Self Importance and Call in the Spirit of Humility. Ask God to help you build the House of Humility in your mind and body aligned with Christ Spirit.
Blessings to all for a peaceful and loving heart,