Showing posts with label MCEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MCEO. Show all posts

Sunday, December 23, 2012

UR Love Magi ~ UR+L+M+

 "Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. 
They're in each other all along."
RUMI = MI+UR = MIR+(7+7+7)
UR = 22+12+(2+0+1+2)
U+R = 21+18  = 39
21+18 = (7+7+7)+(6+6+6)
(2+2)+(1+2)+(2+0+1+2) = 12 = 3+9 = L
L. = Love
UR+L+M = 39+12+13 = 64 = 56+H

M. = Magi
1+6+2+6 = 3*5 
1+6+26+64 = 33+64 = 97

"Of course there are robots among us. 
There are also Magicians among us. 
I think we take turns playing each role, 
as a matter of fact. 
The Magician defines a reality-mesh 
and the robot lives in it. 
 ~ Robert Anton Wilson = R.A.W.

 I am Awake 
R.A.W. & The Buddha
 R+A+W+I+A = 52 
B+S = 2+19 = 21 = 7+7+7
Robert Anton Wilson on B.S.
(Belief+Systems = B+S = Bull+Shit) 
post scriptum: 
12/12/12 Return Of The White Magi 
The Covenant Of Love & Sound & Science 
12/12/12 Al Kemet Gnosis Meditation:

I checked out of the lie they try to sell us every day
& prefer to look within my inner self
& I use the internet very often to gather information
& inspirations.

The Secrets of Kurt Gödel 
The Secret History
"Life can be found only in the present moment.
The past is gone, the future is not yet here,
and if we do not go back to ourselves
in the present moment,
we cannot be in touch with life."
~ Thich Nhat Hanh

M.T.S. = Metaphysical Telepathic Shadowboxing

EXorCist N°6*2 (E+X+C+N+6*2=32+N+12=58)
@ inner self infotainment (5+8)+E+(8+8+8)=42

"Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters." ~ Albert Einstein

As Above, So Below 

As Below, So Above...
O+T=35: Occult Triangulation

"Coincidence is what you have left over when you apply a bad theory." quote - Percy Williams Bridgman (Nobel Prize Winner in Physics & Philosopher of Science)

The Men You'll Never See ~ D.I.E. ~ 3:22

“The way is not in the sky.

The way is in the heart.”
- Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama)

E.S.=Emerald Sword ~&&&~ E+S=D+A+D+O=X

Isis' Cross & R.A. = Rumi+Aya

   Artist: Alex Groseth
...You come to us
from another world,
from beyond the stars
and void of space.
Transcendent, pure,
of unimaginable beauty,
bringing with you
the essence of love.
You transform all
who are touched by you....

post scriptum:
 A+A+G = 9
Y+T+Y+R = 88
97 = 88+9
Aya "Slippin"

UR Love Magi 
~ UR+L+M+ ~

y  Dado Ra

Friday, December 21, 2012

Holy Sh...(IT) ~ Holy Shift

What the SHIFT??? 
Just EMBRACE it!!! :D 
Let Go & Flow!!!

on 14.11.2012 


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Answers to questions on MCEO and Thetans #TAOCE

Answers to questions on MCEO and Thetans

The last couple of days I have received mails from two KS students having some questions about what is going on with E'Asha and the Al-Hum-Bhra etc. At first I wanted to avoid giving straight answers, because they might come back and bite me in the a.. so to speak but I will climb out on a limb here and give some straight answers anyway.
Mail 1: I wonder, what do you think right now of the plasma body activations and that kind of stuff from al-humbhra (like the long journey from august proposed or should I emphasize, is supposedly necessary for protection against dark flowering before doing anything else, again I'm not sure to really understand what it is)?
and E'Asha these days? (some people talk about Ashayana's energetic signature having changed a lot recently, in a not so good way but I'm not quite sure how to clearly see it if that is the case to begin with (reminds me of your article on Eric Pearl..)) this is not even with starting to speak of ex-speaker 2 and 3!...You talked in an article about the teachings being compromised, do you mean because of the turmoil in the group and between the speakers or after it, the group now that goes on with E'Asha and the infos they are now getting...?
Mail 2: I read on the group that Phantom Earth is no longer there, so there is no imminent threat, that there has been an additional participant in the mission - The Al-Hum-Bhra Counsels, and that the Krystal River mission has been successful in securing the grids (that the grids war is over) and ensuring the safe passage for all those who choose to get out. You, on the other hand, are saying that basically nothing changed and the scenario is as bad as it ever was. If this is so, I'd like to ask you - in your Aug 28 post you are mentioning the middle zone of the disintegrating NET field which would be available for the evacuation - how, and where???
Before I answer those questions I have to be earnest with you: I am not answering those questions from a neutral point of view. I am influenced by my nature and origin and what I am here to do. There is no difference between me and a politician; I answer according to my beliefs and my inner realties, just like E'Asha does. She is the minister of the MCEO group, or the new string in Al-Hum-Bhra, here on Earth and she promotes what she is being given from her inner group as well as I am. She and I belong to two different parties in the great council of true Earth and we do not have the same view of how to govern the process on NETE and the incubated HM-SCOC´s and their LM-PCOE´s.

As I wrote in my first Panergeia Newsletter:
I previously have named Earth as NETE, but because I have left this negative point of view and try to find into the more advanced world view without any cosmic, human or earthly battles, I have changed my choice of words to adjust to this reality. The Panergeia Project acknowledges the wars that are taking place in different parts of our reality field, but is not a part of them. We know some people and groups of higher consciousness are into those realities as well as other LM-PCOE and their HM-SCOC partake in various other kinds of internal and external battles on energy, mind and consciousness.
We might as well get used to the idea that Earth, because of the lift of the energetic quarantine, on different levels, have opened up to a much more differentiated scale of perception, belief systems and possibilities and that the information we receive from within matches the level of information, we are ready to receive as well as what our HM-SCOC wants us to receive in order to outlive the features of energy, it wants to have integrated into the LM-PCOE.
The Panergeia Project, at least my branch, works on how to transform the gross particle reality into conscious wave reality at will and the science, I am receiving, has nothing to do with wars, whether they be religious, scientific or spiritual involving various perceptions of demonic powers, human enemies or alien factions with devastating agendas. These are very real for each participant of those timelines and realities, and there is no right or wrong in this; there are only choices and the intentions of the HM-SCOC towards what reality field that is the best to incubate that kind of involvement and progress which is needed and wanted. 

and further down:
What we are aiming for is the capability of being able to transform the gross body into other properties at will just like the techniques we are using on our space craft’s. Why those properties are not implemented in the LM-PCOE has to do with the treaties and agreements that were made in other timelines and parts of the holographic reality. Let it be enough to know that the PP has never been in agreement with the plans that were made between the leading parties, MCEO being one of them, and the other participants of this field, and therefore we are working hard to reinstall this property into the human body, the LM-PCOE, in order to being able to use this quite normal capacity in other similar fields. Our lineage strains from the Elohim/Elohei strain and other similar groups of higher entities which is why we are capable of integrating ourselves into the earthly fields of reality. 
We were here before the holographic principles were applied to parts of true Earth and it would therefore not be a total lie to say that we are citizens of true Earth trying to reinstall the codes of the true humankind into the holographic particle entity or mankind.
What I am working for is therefore to find the technology and way to re-implement the codes that will offer a way out for the ones who wishes to, becoming a part of the true humankind, i.e. true citizens of true Earth, that is the reality field of which NETE or the degraded holographic reality field is a part of. 
We co-operate as well with other groups of entities, that is HM-SCOC and above, which for various reasons have some participants of their communities integrated in NETE and other similar adjacent reality fields of which some are closely related to Earth, intersecting NETE and therefore have encoded holographic properties, i.e. restricted and elusive features which prevents the projected entity to shift into other timelines and reality fields at will.
When this is being said, what has it to do with the visions I got back then? Do they correspond with the Earth I see today? 
First: I do agree with that the signature of E'Asha has changed. As I see it, this has to do with the process she has been through and the new council behind her. I am not cleared or in liberty to view Al-Hum-Bhra; they are out of my sight so to say and because of this I cannot give a description of them. What I can say is that they are not from True Earth and that they are foreign to me; they are newcomers in the council which is not uncommon – it´s quite normal for different races to participate in our councils. 
What I am in liberty to say, thinking on them and sensing their signature, is that they have the MCEO group and their various soul matrices best interest at heart, albeit the overall purpose in the art of war within different lineages are about to change into a much more advanced state, and that they are here to prepare the partakers of the old systems of war within the Alliances into a new stage of consciousness. 
Yes, the Phantom Earth has dissolved, but this is the part of the Thetan agenda and their cleaning up after the lesser advanced reptilian agenda. They have no need for feeding grounds or hybrids to prey on; they are as well upgrading the old drama to a new level and in doing so, they have opened the grids for everybody to get out, allowing us and the MCEO to secure our old grids and pipelines of consciousness, enabling those who are able to travel along and use them. As the Thetan guardians told me, btw, a long time ago; they have never had the intention on destroying or capture those who remember their origin and therefore are in contact with their HM-SCOC; they have some total different priorities that are far more vicious and dangerous in the long run. Because of that we are all in a period of transition, reinforcing and restructuring ourselves for the new to come on all levels, which will outplay itself in the reality fields we enter, when we leave Earth.
The overall plan of dividing Earth stands, but it has been negotiated that the restrictions are not as tightly as described earlier. This has to do with the release of energies within the Thetan lineage as well as the success they have had in implementing various higher DNA technologies from their mind-fields into our world, being able to produce nanotechnologies which in the long run will make them able to create their own artificial hybrids directly out of NETE´s particle material.
The division will happen at the end of 2147 and NETE is on its dissolving path, but this means freedom to us and this is why you all ask yourself those questions: Are you ready to continue within the Al-Hum-Bhra agenda taking the art of war into new levels due to the rapidly evolving artificial races within the highly evolved Thetanian races and their allies? You are having doubts, because your HM-SCOC is having doubts and is trying to reach you through your intuition; making you open to new realities and perhaps new tasks. 
Whenever there is doubt, there is progress and there is a hint in this that everything is not the way it should be. 
The messenger from the Al-Hum-Bhra asks me to give you this information, that is all of you that are doubting on whether to continue or not, and has no real connection, individually, to your HM-SCOC – you are used to act on group decisions and are now entering the choice whether to go solo or to follow the group into the next levels. He says: 
“What does your heart tell you? Integrate the fire letters of the higher levels of art, of which we have given you in the last series of workshops. No one is obligated to join us in the new wars, but everybody is obligated to follow their true self and inner wisdom. We are working on releasing the bonds in the soul matrices incorporating higher individual vibrations and this is the pull you feel. 
This will enable you to leave the group prematurely and yet, if you stay, it will allow you to discern more correctly on your own. Many of you have not been able to get information on your own due to the strong bond in the group of soul-matrices, that is no one makes decisions for themselves because this would harm the main purpose of the group, but times have changed and the new allies that you are about to enter into have much higher degrees of freedom at will and you need to have those levels as well in order to collaborate with them. 
It is times of uncertainty and times of changes, and we wish you to decide whether you are joining us or will leave the group. We have agreements with other rescuing parties on Earth to accompany you, if you chose to leave, and the doorways are ready in the grids which you have been told to use to get out. 
But what is not being said is: when you enter the grid, you have to make the choice of staying or leaving the group. We could not come forth with this information before, but the grids ARE secure and the passport you have been given are for real. We will always keep you in the light and in prosperity, as the former council promised you, and we will send you a new teacher, if you should choose to leave within this lifetime. If or when you leave, you will be under our guidance and we will see to that you get out safely, not entering the afterlife or the circuits of rebirth on Earth. Be well and be safe.”
I can only say: This being was full of the original Chrystic light (the true MCEO consciousness as it was in the old days before it grew into a war machine) and what a delight. It has been a long time since I felt that kind of love albeit I have to admit that he was not a higher member of the council, just a clerk, and therefore only gave part of the overall picture; but the most important part of it was that you are safe no matter which path, you choose to take, so if you choose to leave, you will still be part of the MCEO group, but will enter a new timeline and hence a new perception field of what you think is being thought. The MCEO/Al-Hum-Bhra group is therefore, it seems, undergoing a reconstruction into different subgroups, and you have to choose to stay there, join other groups or go solo.
Finally I want to say: Get out of the illusion that the MCEO/Al-Hum-Bhra is a consolidated group of members in agreement; the old factions in MCEO from Tara and Gaia have their view of what is the best course to take, and the Al-Hum-Bhra has been invited from the more forward looking parties of the council. They debate within themselves which course of action to take and these discrepancies are felt all the way down into the earthly groups on Google etc. So you have to make a discussion on your own what to listen to, and what to rule out as opinions from factions, you are not a part of.
The specifics of the plasma bodies etc. are not technologies I am familiar with, albeit the dark flowering is very real. In my point of view, MCEO only used the terminology of the plasma body due to the collective awareness of the higher properties of matter, which is incorporated into the concept of the plasma body, as a cross breed between wave and particle reality or solid and ionized matter. And as I see it, the image of the plasma body, as a higher state of matter, fits quite well with the new awareness they are trying to incorporate in the KS material, preparing the mind-field of the members for the new features that is being encoded into the LM-PCOE.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Primal Life Force Currents And Antakarana - Universal Kundalini

Primal Life Force Currents & Antakarana (Universal Kundalini)

Rehost - Image.bayimg

By: FutureAgeSage

Antakarana, represents 9 levels of polarized electro-magnetic energy frequency that form 3 currents (Life Currents) of 3-dimensional energy called the Universal Kundalini, which form lower frequency Dimensions 1-9, creating Etheric, Semi-Etheric and Gross-physical Matter Densities.
The life-force currents corresponding to the first 9 dimensions and first 3 Hova Bodies, Matter Densities and Shields are referred to as the Kundalini Energies.

The 3 embodied Kundalini Currents are the TELLURIC, DORADIC and TEURIC CURRENTS.
Each Kundalini Currents is a Triadic Current - a set of 3 dimensional currents that function together and are separated by Magnetic Repulsion Zones

Each of the 3 Kundalini Currents is spiraled within the regions of the first 8 CELLS of human conception, located at the TAILBONE at the base of the spine. (The incarnating consciousness anchors its identity and Christos Manifestation Template within the FIRST 8 CELLS, to initiate Fetal Integration Process).

Activation of the 3 Kundalini Currents progressively creates integration of the higher dimensions of consciousness and de-densification of molecular structure.
When ALL of the frequencies within the 3 embodied Kundalini Currents, the 4th Kundalini Current - The Kee-ra-shA is activated.

Activation of the Kee-ra-shA anchors the 12th Dimensional HYDROPLASMIC BEAM within the body, initiating the process of Cellular Transmutation and intentional de-manifestation and Dimensional Ascension of the human biological form.

The Kee-ra-shA 3 Primal Light Fields are often called the Um Shaddai Ur (Pillar of First Cause Light), from which the 12 Rays of the Universal Kundalini Life Force Currents emerge.
The human Kee-ra-shA begins at conception with the building of the Kundalini and the “Silver Cord”, bridges of inter-dimensional frequency that connects the fetus to the Soul Matrix and through which fetal integration of the soul essence occurs.

When the conception occurs part of the incoming soul essence first enters the original 8 cells at the base of the spine that will grow to become the fetus, establishing an energetic link, often called the Kundalini Energies, between the embryo and the incoming soul essence.

The amount of energy stored in the Kundalini will be determined by the capacity of the genetic code to hold ULF and UHF energy; the soul essence energies that cannot integrate into the DNA will be stored in the Kundalini center at the base of the spine.

Once the fetus begins to accelerate in vibration and grow, due to the stimuli applied by the soul essence, the faster vibrating portions of the soul essence energy are fed into the fetal body, forming 3 energetic coils at the base of the spine that connect the fetal body directly to the race morphogenetic field in Earth’s core and the Soul Matrix in HU-2.

This coiling spiral of ULF and UHF energy becomes the Kundalini energies, which slowly feed the body during its growth to physical maturity.

As the Kundalini Spirals are being set at the base of the spine within the fetal pattern, another bridge of frequency is set into the body in the regions of the Navel, Heart and Crown Chakras and with the Pineal, Thyroid and Thymus glands.

This part of the  Kee-ra-shA energies creates a bridge of 9-dimensional frequency, a ”Silver Cord”, that opens the Crown chakra vortex for full fetal integration and connects the body form at the navel and several other regions of the body, to the sustaining energies of the Soul Matrix and Nada Hova Body.

The Kundalini energies at the base of the spine connects to the Silver Cord frequency bridge forming a ”main vertical current of energy” running through the fetus and the morphogenetic field, through which the body and consciousness will progressively raise in vibration and expand as physical growth and soul essence integration continues over time.

In most contemporary humans the Kundalini Spirals usually remain dormant throughout the lifetime, following their original placement at conception.

The Kundalini Spirals are connected to the Silver Cord and to the Pineal Gland at the brain center, and only become activated when the Pineal Gland receives enough stimulation of higher dimensional frequency as the Soul Integration andDNA activation process proceeds.

The Kundalini Spirals are brought to life only through activation of DNA strands 4 and above, which occurs through the Soul Integration process.

Most people will not experience Kundalini Activation - the process by which the”Pillar of Light” frequency bridge between the higher identity levels connects with the body through the Pineal and the Silver Cord at the navel.

DNA Template and Kundalini Activation do not occur via “wishful thinking” or “hopeful intention”, they are processes of natural Bio-spiritual CREATION PHYSICS,  which occur via educated, conscious direction of energy and genuine Spiritual Wisdom.

There is a natural Divine Right Order of energy mechanics that govern the manifestation of consciousness in biological form; the mechanics of this order must be understood and appropriately applied if one expects to attain genuine Bio-spiritual Mastery.

ManU - ManA - EirA:
(Divine Trinity - Life Force - Primal Force Currents)
(ManU - Void, ManA - Light, EirA - Sound)

The Primal Force Currents are the forms that Consciousness takes on in order to come into manifestation… these forces are made up of Partiki/Partika/Particumwhich are units of Consciousness that cycle in a specific way through all the levels of the anatomy in the Manifestation-Transduction Sequence according to the Krist Code.

They are the fabric of the Unified Field and the substance of the Scalar Waves that form the Templates upon which matter and consciousness manifest.
The living expression of God-Source identity as God-force or Eternal LIFE FORCE in known as the ManU Force that is composed of De-polarized “OMNI-POLAR”(Tri-polar) positive-negative-neutral charge PARTIKI units.

This ManU Force is often known as the “Holy Spirit” or “Great Spirit”.
From within the unified ManU expression of God-Source emerge simultaneously the 2 smaller, polarized ”Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine” ManA and EirAGod-Force / Life Force expressions.

Together these first 3 expressions of God-Source AS God-Force/Life Forcecreate the TRUE “Divine Trinity” of Cosmic Creation.

The ManU, ManA and EirA God-force Life Forces are NOT external ”Creator Gods” demanding “worship”; they represent the first three levels of living God-Source consciousness expressing as conscious, sentient, intelligent Life Force energy, existing within God-source.
ALL energy, consciousness and manifestation emerge WITHIN and are COMPOSED OF the Life Force energies of the God-Force Trinity.

Separation from God-source is only an illusion we can create for ourselves while within individuated manifestation, when we forget the OMNIPOTENT nature of Creation through the OMNIPRESENT God-force Divine Trinity.
The Eternal INTERNAL Flame of ManU (Holy Spirit) energy is often called the “Amoraea Flame”, which means “Eternal Flame of Divine Love.”
Source creates the first downstepping, and through this process creates Within Itself:
  • The ManU  - 1st PKI - Void Eternal Still Point
  • The EirA    - 1st PCM - pre-sound vibration - Divine Mother Creation Seed - Contracting receiving force.
  • The ManA - 1st PKA - pre-light, Divine Father Creation Spark - Expanding Transmitting Force.
The Cosmic Shield of ManU-Holy Spirit consciousness serves as the Cosmic STILL POINT of Creation, and holds within itself the smaller Cosmic Templates of Divine Masculine-ManA and Divine Feminine-EirA  consciousness, called thePOLARITY SHIELDS, through which sets of negative-electrical charge ParticumUniverses and Positive-electrical charge Parallel Partika Universes characterized by the experience of space-time-matter-movement, perpetually circulate into and out of manifestation through the Cosmic Shield and the inherent KRIST CODE DESIGN of the Cosmic-kristiac and Universal-Christiac Merkabic Circulatory System.

The Holy Spirit Eternal Internal Flame is NOT just a “spiritual concept”, it is atangible, quantifiable standing-wave of living ManU God-Force consciousness expressing in the form of a standing-wave of Energy Radiation, within the Universal Christos Seed Atom AND within the embodied Personal God-Spark Seed Atoms of every living manifest form.

‘In the beginning was the Void (Still-point: ManU)
 and within the Void God spoke the Word (pre-sound vibration: EirA)
 and from the Word came the Light (pre-light oscillation: ManA)
and from the Light came All Creation of the Higher and Lower Heavens’

Ec-ka-sha - The Cosmic Holy Trinity
ManU - “EC”, the “Void”/”Womb”/God-spirit/Divine Sourcecreates Partiki-reion-raeon-ionon-neutron Units.  ManA - “Ka”, the “Light”/God-spark/Divine Father creates PartikA-trions-ectrons-dions-electron Units EirA  - “Sha”, the “Sound”/God-seed/Divine Mother creates Particum-meajhon-eiron-mion-proton Units.

So to Re-cap,
All things in manifest existence are perpetually fed energy and consciousness, in the form of inter-dimensional frequency, via the Universal Life Force Currents.
1) Khundaray: The three levels of Primal Sound Field Currents that form theEnergy Matrix. Eckatic, Polaric and Triadic Currents of Standing Sound Vibration.

2) Kee-ra-shA: The three levels of Primal Light Field Currents emanating from Primal Sound Field form First-cause Ante-matter Density Dimensional Light Field of theTime Matrix.
2.1 Eckatic-Blue Flame D-13 (Primal Ray from which the 2 other Primal Rays emerge)
2.2 Polaric-Gold Flame D-14
2.3 Triadic-Violet Flame D-15

3) Maharata: Three levels of frequency, D-10, D-11 and D-12, interwoven together to form the D-12 Omni-polar Universal Christos Field of Pre-matter DensityHydroplasmic Liquid Light. (Divine Blueprint Pale-silver Liquid Light)

4) Antakarana: 9 levels of polarized electro-magnetic energy frequency that form 3 currents of
 3-dimensional energy called the Universal Kundalini, which form lower frequency dimensions 1-9, creating Etheric, Semi-etheric and Gross-physical Matter Densities.

Honest Thoughts of an Owl

By: FutureAgeSage


  see also
Universal Life Force Currents

Friday, December 14, 2012

Azure Dragon Society Nexus / 96ST Magazine - Dragon Story & EnergyLight Codes / 4 Elements&Winds&Directions / Rodin Vortex- BlueFlame....BlueRay...


Azure Dragon Society Nexus


96ST Magazine - Dragon Story


Dragon Energy - Light Codes


The Blue Dragon (&) blue Crabs 2


 The Azure Dragon is one of the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations. It represents the east and the spring season. It should not be confused with the mythological yellow dragon that is associated with the Emperor of China. It is also referred to in media, feng shui, other cultures, and in various venues as the Green Dragon and the Avalon Dragon. It is known as Qinglong in Chinese, Seiryū in Japanese, Cheongnyong in Korean, and Thanh Long in Vietnamese. It is sometimes called the Azure Dragon of the East (simplified Chinese: 东方青龙; traditional Chinese: 東方青龍; pinyin: Dōng Fāng Qīng Lóng, or sometimes simplified Chinese: 东方苍龙; traditional Chinese: 東方蒼龍; pinyin: Dōng Fāng Cāng Lóng).


rest of that posting see link below

Cheers Dado Ra Unseen Forces 青龍 Azure Dragon Society Nexus & The Occult

In some cultures Antares has been viewed as the heart of the Azure DragonDragon. The Chinese see Antares as the Azure Dragon with the Dragon’s tail extended to touch the Milky Way or the Path of Light. This Dragon was seen as emerging from the Milky Way and descending to Earth as a powerful guardian and symbol of majestic wisdom and abundant blessings. These are the light codes beaming to us as the Moon passes this Behenian star.
Kundalini,. well ....check..   Khundaray haha.... @this blog also. 

Image by: FutureAgeSage

96ST Magazine - Dragon Story

Uploaded on Jan 10, 2012

Dragon arranged in 12 of China's traditional lunar new year fifth, corresponds to the earthly branches are e

The Dragon is the fifth sign of the Chinese Zodiac, the corresponding earthly branch is Chen

In the 12 Zodiac Dragon, is the only mythological animal,

The only mythical creature among the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac.

In myth and legend, the Dragon is a miraculous animal, with shrimp, dog noses, eyes, antlers, cow mouth catfish, lion's mane, the Snake's tail and

Fish scales, talons, nine species of animals into one of nine did not like the image.

In Chinese mythology and folklore, a dragon is regarded as a divine and celestial creature with the eyes of shrimp, mouth of a bull, nose of a dog, antlers of a deer, whiskers of a catfish, mane of a lion, tail of a snake, scales of a fish, and claws of an eagle. It thus comprised the features of nine animals.

So far, no one has to prove the existence of dragons real, relationships between humans and dragons, and history that can be traced back to thousands of years ago.

The relationship between humans and dragons stretches back thousands of years.

Nobody today can prove the existence of dragons,

For Asians, Dragon creature in the creature, is an extremely high level of worship, the ancients, Feng Lin, turtle, Dragon

Known as the "four spirits", and regard them as an auspicious, harmonious, long, noble characterization. Long even in the Chinese astronomical four images

Also has a seat, just green dragon and white tiger, rosefinch and Xuanwu.

The ancients named the unicorn, phoenix, tortoise, and dragon the 'four spiritual creatures', who had the connotations of auspiciousness, harmony, longevity, and supremacy. The dragon also appeared in the Four Symbols of the Chinese Constellation: the azure dragon, the white tiger, the vermillion bird, and the black warrior.

the vermillion bird

Legends of human ancestor Fu XI, Nu, Dragon people first (or the snake people), also known as "Dragon mother". So people claimed themselves as "descendants of the Dragon"

Nonetheless, the legend said that the forefathers of mankind, Fu Xi and Nu Wa, both took the form of a human head and a dragon body (or a human head and a snake body in an alternative version). Therefore, they are sometimes called the dragon ancestors. Owing to this, the Chinese tend to call themselves 'the descendents of the dragon'.

Chinese Emperors will also call themselves "real Dragon Emperor" for God "real" incarnate.

The ancient Chinese Emperors usually addressed themselves as 'The Son of Heaven', and assumed the title of 'Genuine Dragon'.

In VISIBER digital mysteries, it is as mysterious as the Dragon,

The wisdom encoded in VISIBER numbers study is

akin to the mystery surrounding the dragon

It was an earth-shattering force

It has the power to move the heavens

Enough to overwrite the old history, creating a new culture.

The strength to rewrite history and the force to usher in a new culture.

Everyone alive digital Dragon heart, maybe you have never seen,

Do not even know it exists, but you may also have to tame it, it would drift like the ability into full play.

Every one of us has the spirit of the Dragon alive inside us. You might not have known of its existence, but you can learn to become aware of it, tame it, and tap into its enormous power, thereby bringing yourself soaring into the clouds of success.

Digital Dragon, is sort of a spiritual symbol, or it can be a skill potential, but can also be a learning object.

The spirit of the Dragon signifies your innate talents and hidden potential. It can also provide inspiring lessons, and can serve as a blueprint to guide you on your path of life.

Digital Dragon wakes sleeping, just start at a number from your own personality.

Tap into your Character Number to awaken the Dragon inside you!

Dragon and the number 1

King of authoritative, domineering pressing, the wise King, led the most

Dragon and the number 2

Double Dragon play bead, superb interactive, can say good, communication first

Dragon and the number 3

Fierce Dragon crosses the River, the creation of new, fast win, swift

Dragon and the number 4

World, Dragon, see extensive, careful sharp, well planned

Dragon and the number 5

Five dragons, is not moving, like a mountain, holds to the doctrine, a clear direction

Dragon and the number 6

Dragons prance about, hold high the banner, tenacious talent, superior smart

Dragon and the number 7

Colorful Dragon charm stunning, strong analytical, popularity, excellent

Dragon and the number 8

Wolong nature reserve, potential energy is abundant, responsibility for

Dragon and the number 9

Yang Tianlong, unlimited creative, witty, successful extreme

Four Elements ~+~ What are the Air signs in Astrology

Dragon Energy (bringing in the light codes)

Dragon Energy ( bringing in the light codes )

What is Dragon Energy and how can it help us with an Ascension path?

Photographs Magenta Pixie/Darvex photography and Stock Xchng
Music by Kevin Macleod of IMCOMPUTEACH

Video created and edited by Magenta Pixie

she incorrect re ShumanResonance* correlation... works in different manner.. rest good vid :)

(*part of poison apple..)

dragons also and crabs* :) and ofc *AKA ISLAND's deer Shield... site background..

The Blue Dragon (Glaucus atlanticus) blue Crabs 2

The Blue Dragon (Glaucus atlanticus), one of the world’s rarest and most beautiful mollusks.
-The Aquareion Krystal River-....

Bhendi-Dur’O -ah-MA’-Jha Ute-AurorA (OOt-  ah-RO’-rA’) Aqueion (Ah-QE-on)

(Urtha-AquafarE “Blue Dragons”)

Marko Rodin VortexbasedMathemetics & Correlation to 7Rays..... DUHHH!!!

says RA~ a 2-6-7..

Consciousness Energy Path 111: Vortex Based Mathematics: 121 = 11*11 = ARC+20+UR+RaTa = Arcturus & 108 = Hristos

The Divine Path – Blue Ray Incarnations
What are the karmic implications of letting down those that were contracted to follow you and your teachings through the shift?

Can you talk about the Blue Ray individuals and what exactly is their role here at this time of Ascension?

The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine respond to these questions through their conduit Magenta Pixie

All images by Stock Xchng, motion graphics by stockfootageforfree
Music by Kevin Macleod of Incomputeach
Video edited by Catzmagick Productions


Ra Ka Isha~ = BLUE LUNAR HAND Tone 2(lunar<3) Kin #67  | 20-05-83 / Same mah 3rays.. xd 2-6-7…*

Saint Santiago 熊@saintsantiago

11 is the master. 12 is the stargate. 13 is the cosmos.

Geretweet door Ra Ka Isha

ill keep my other stuff drawings/diagrams notes .... re last ^part. haha



Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Guardian Race: The Felines ~ “Lion Cat People”

A Guardian Race: The Felines “Lion Cat People”

Posted by Dado Ra at Monday, December 10, 2012

The Felines are one of the two primary races in our universe. They arrived here by invitation of the Founders. Having successfully completed their Universal Game and completing their universe, a group of 45 Felines volunteered to come to this universe to help setup and oversee the same game here. The Felines are a bipedal race that stand 12 to 16 feet tall. Their skin is covered by a sort of soft fuzz, and though they don’t have fur, they do have manes and both the males and females have long hair. 

Their eye color ranges from blue to gold and can change from blue to gold as they mature. They also turn from a golden brown color to white. 

The overall Feline temperament is warm, sanguine and intellectual. As they mature they take on more of a somber, introspective and gentle nature. The elders are revered for the wisdom, compassion and insight. 

As a race they are extremely close and have a great sense of fair play. The females are revered and honored in equal status with the males. And true to the feline way, they are all very curious and inquisitive. 

As part of the Universal Game, the Founders gave the Felines a new planet in the Lyra Constellation for their home. The Felines named it Avyon. Now this is not the exact pronunciation, nor spelling , but it is close enough. The real name cannot be translated into English. 

Avyon was a paradise planet with mountains, lakes, streams and oceans. This blue planet was very much like our present earth in form and variety of vegetation and life forms.
When the Felines arrived, they were in etheric form, and therefore, went through the stage of evolving a physical body in which to reside on the planet. After many millions of years they evolved the lion and other felines and began incarnating into those forms.
As part of the plan, a portion of the original Felines stayed in etheric form to provide guidance to those incarnating. They would be the equivalent of your modern day Christos Beings. Remember, this was a 3D planet and once the etheric felines incarnated they would fall under the veil of amnesia that is part of the workings of a 3D planet of free will. 

As time passed, and through countless incarnation cycles, the Felines evolved a line of felines that walked upright and retained the consciousness of their etheric counterparts thanks to the periodic incarnations of some of the etheric Felines, and DNA from a bipedal mammal similar to the Ape, that was evolving on the planet as well. 

With the DNA from the ape-like mammal the Felines were able to take on a more human-like body while retaining most of the facial features and other characteristics of the feline. It was from this crossing when it reached a certain stage that the genetic line known as the Royal Line of Avyon, or House of Avyon, came into being. 

The etheric Felines would continue to take turns incarnating to provide not only DNA upgrading, but teaching and training in higher dimensional principals lest their planet bound brothers and sisters get stuck in the non-sentient animal incarnation cycle. As you can see, the Felines evolved on Avyon in much the same manner as Humans evolved here on Earth. The only difference is that the Humans did get stuck in the animal cycle. More on that on the Universal History page.
In time the conscious Felines grew large enough in number to take on the responsibilities of planetary guardians of their home world. They continued to evolve and eventually developed the technology for space travel and then warp technology. Their etheric brothers and sisters continued to act as their guides.

Many among them became geneticists (a Feline specialty) and began helping to develop life forms of various kinds for planets and stars in the universe. Some among them became great space explorers and scientists of various kinds. It was during this stage in their development that the Felines would turn their attention to that bipedal mammal they owed so much to, and begin a program of genetic crossing and upgrading that would give them a soul and, in the process create a new species that would become known as the Humans.

After numerous crossings and genetic upgrades, the Adamic Human was made. There were two strains, the redheaded strain being the more outgoing and energetic, and the platinum blonde strain being the more gentle-natured and introspective.
After many thousands of years of continued careful crossing breeding, the Feline/Human hybrids began to be more common in the royal line of the Felines, The House of Avyon, than the purebred Felines were. Yet, this was the plan.

In time the purebred Felines would become the ancient ancestors of the Humans with only their genetic traits as a reminder of the connection between them. And though the genetic relationship between the Felines and Humans has been forgotten by modern man, the Felines remain in our consciousness as a regal creature, worthy of our respect and love.

The Felines remain the loving and supportive guardians of their genetic offspring, the Humans. They have continued in this role through time and all dimensions of the Universal Game.