16 Feb 2012
Incoming Cosmics encourage and support love of Self, meaning, Higher Self. Those aligned with with path to Higher Self find peace with these Cosmics, as they release all “need” concepts.
Higher Self aligns with “Peace in Solitude”, and not with the now-dissolved “I need companionship” paradigm of common society.
“Cosmics” are held in distinction to “Solars”, “Gaias”, and refer to Cosmic influences, not specified the type or form.
Hue-manity needs not further explanation of these concepts, although humanity (small “h”) is always welcome to ask questions. All will be answered.
via http://gaiaportal.wordpress.com/incoming Cosmics Encourage Love of Higher Self
Restlessness… due to significant Alterations in DNA coding
15 Feb

Restlessness may be a characteristic of current sensations in the 3D body. Specific changes and upgrades to DNA familial patterns requires significant alterations in DNA coding.
These DNA upgrades allow ease of transition out of 3D dysfunctional familial patterns and into Galactic family connections. Such upgrades are necessary for full disclosure process to proceed.