Showing posts with label Tanaath. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tanaath. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

JayPee: 20130909 Ever Beyond Special: Tolec - Setting things straight || + MY info shed some light on the shadow.. kept parts of information.... see it in a diffrent angle...

i wonder what tolec has to say, on Jay pee's show i saw come by today (funny i referenced to Jay pee re some he called i can be.. ha-ha #controversial... got Q's do ask. its the level of Q that leads to what kind of answer one can/get. im always open.. for Q's or input, or addon info   // 37min into the video nothing interesting..

Published on Sep 9, 2013
so those that know KS know where Samjase fits in in that area/groups
part transcribed...
he(Tolec) learned about his origins. +- 1100/1250 years ago..
my soul & spiritual essence was created in the location of tigetta starsystem which is one of the main stars of the open pleadian star clusters, also called pleades constalation. ogiinal soul and essense is from Dakote, 4 planets, pela, vire, erra, and erra is actually the planet of the woman who is called samjase...  billy meier..  1hour10min.
1hour 30min  mark of video.

he still waiting for his brown star to settle near Venus.. geese...
see also The Atlantian Conspiracy and Roundtables : samjase....
Angelic Human 12-Tribes and Indigo Maji Grail Lines Summary1.pdf 
AD - Intruder/Distortion list  
and he(tolec) reffrenced/named drunvalo melchizedek.. jeah Thoth teached him the crap-reversespin-Merkabah... teachings... pss
and the 5d-earth.. is the reptilian/archon agenda- creation..deception worlds. see also randi green repostings.. BPR...  TTGN


Sunfire is the official incarnated diplomat and representative to the Galactic Federation of Planet on Earth/Terra.
I can confirm her genuity, as I have attended many Forerunner Meetings with her during the Preparing Stages onboard GFP and Silver Legion ships and biospheres, before we incarnated to this planet.
- Machiventa Melchizedek Tantarum
more video;s re same topic also