Monday, June 03, 2013

Butterfly poem 15

Butterfly poem 15

GaiaPortal: 2 June - Movement of Gaia Surface Energies has Smoothed Disturbances…

2 Jun

Movement of Gaia surface energies has smoothed disturbances arising from Gaia energetic restructuring. Mass movements of humanity-general, as well as Hue-manity particular, has shifted into what may be called an “Eternally Upward” direction.

Awakenings of humanity-general proceed at quickened rate, as the smoothed Gaia surface energies allow undisturbed free thought. Such smoothed energies encourages open mindedness in individuals.
Gaia now speeds what could be called, “heart openings”, although perhaps better described as “Soul Being Contract openings”, to occur in all individuals.

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Offplanet Radio: Chris Carter: Science and the Afterlife

Chris Carter: Science and the Afterlife

OffPlanet Radio Live - 05-01-2013- Hour 2: Randy Maugans with Chris Carter

Oxford educated author and researcher, Chris Carter, returns to discuss the the third volume of his trilogy, which contends for a truly scientific affirmation of life beyond the material world and, not just the survival of consciousness, but its pre-existence. Carter's work informs, expands, and enlightens the discerning inquirer, while also taking on the vocal minority skeptics/cynics of CSI (Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, formely known as CSICOP), who have hidden behind the scientific banner while failing to produce one object work of reearch. At the end of the conversation, these so-called "skeptics" are merely atheists and secular humanists with a deep bias and little investigative depth.
OffPlanet Radio Live - 05-01-2013- Hour 2: Chris Carter: Science and the Afterlife -Right click to download MP3 audio

GaiaPortal: Gaia Movements and Cosmic Energetic Upgrades

Gaia movements, initiated by Gaia, have aligned portals required for Cosmic energetic upgrades. These movements are beyond physical and will not be sensed as such.

Inner Gaia movements are purely energetic, and also occur in conjunction with the intended Cosmic energetic upgrades.

Unfinished “karmic” emotional business will resolve as these energetic upgrades occur.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

GaiaPortal: Healing Energy Streams Flow from Portal to Portal… - 23/24 Apr


Healing energy streams flow from portal to portal as Gaia balances with Hue-manity and humanity (smaller h) energies.

Light Workers called to portal adjustments are encouraged to follow healing energy flow within, as this aligns with the Gaia Healing energy streams, and will lead each to their Gaia healing portal center.

As Hue-manity aligns, and more and more of humanity (smaller h) begins to align, with these healing energy streams, and accepts those processes within themselves, Gaia rests in the resulting peace, and needs not the “catastrophic” adjustments previously thought necessary.

Those promoting the “doom and/or gloom catastrophe” scenarios will find difficulty in expressing those ideas, as their time is over. The current energetic state of Gaia does not support, in any way, that type of energy intent.


Energetic Clarity is Drawn Forth…

23 Apr 
gaia_energy1  Energetic clarity is drawn forth from individuals at this moment. Purification of individual vibrations ensures that full harmonization of humanity with Gaia is accomplished.

Central to Gaia ascending frequency process is coordination of Hue-manity Beings at multiple planet 3D locations, for worldwide Higher D frequency attunement. Essential is utilization of Higher Aural capabilities present in all Hue-Beings.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Spiritual Energies for April 22nd, 2013 (Monday) - Channeled Angel & Tar...

Your Daily Channeled Angel & Tarot Card Reading / Spiritual Energy Forecast for Monday, April 22nd, 2013! Happy Earth Day! :-) - private

This is a channeled message given through a divination card reading, done in the spirit of world-service to humanity.

It is given through Henry David Stites, also known as "The Starseed Psychic".

Friday, April 19, 2013

GaiaPortal: Energetics of Gaia are Staged for Stepping to Next Level


Monitors of Gaia report that energetics of the Gaia planetary body are staged for stepping to the next level… Energetically, on Individual and Collective basis, as well as “Galactic-ally”.
Hue-manity has embraced that which resonates with this process. “humanity” (small h) has consented to the possibility of a “next level”, and thus procedures for “up steps” of “humanity” (small h) have been analyzed, approved, and set in motion.
As these are Higher-than-3-4D, many have sensed the results of the up steps already, and have secured the “humanity to Hue-manity” transformation in the current time line.
Those walking “alternative to the “up step” time lines will find themselves directed back onto the “up step” time line. All currently residing upon (and within) Gaia have agreed to this re-direction, challenging as it may be for some of the “humanity” (small h) group.