Showing posts with label Emotional Body Healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emotional Body Healing. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Ascension Whispers: Your Power to Create


The body is a vehicle, or container, that allows our Source conscious mind to experience thoughts. That is the only purpose and role of the body. All of humanity are of the “same” Source conscious mind. The planetary, Source conscious mind is the “core of the planetary hologram”. The planetary hologram is created within the zero 12 point sphere of the planetary conscious mind, or the “planetary plane”. The planetary conscious mind is held within the “solar plane”. The solar plane is the zero 12 point sphere of the solar sun conscious mind.

Our planetary, Source conscious mind is a lower energy, replicated mind of our sun conscious mind. ONLY our planetary conscious mind should be in control of our body.

The part of yourself that you call “you” is the planetary conscious mind. The part of yourself that is “looking” and “experiencing” the holographic reality field, within your body, IS the planetary, Source conscious mind. All of humanity is Source embodied. All of humanity is of the same Source conscious mind.

When humanity became disconnected from the Source conscious mind, over 26,000 years ago, the energy of Source that “was embodied” created an inorganic sub-conscious mind. It is the sub-conscious mind that had been in charge of, controlling, the bodies of humanity. Now that humanity is once again connected to the planetary, Source conscious mind, the conscious mind is the only mind expression that should be in control of the body.

The largest percentage of humanity remain in a sleep walking state, not yet able to become aware of the thoughts, held within conscious mind. Their body continues to be controlled by the sub-conscious mind, while they continue to heal to become aware of conscious mind. Many will not become aware of conscious mind until they complete the earth life experience and step out of the human body form. They still require more healing to allow them to become aware of Source conscious mind and the beliefs they continue to hold onto can block that from occurring.

Such people are not able to think beyond the illusion of manifest matter. They are not able to consider an unseen force, other than perhaps a “hidden god”, who is creating all of creation. They are not yet able to consider the fact that they are Source embodied. They continue to experience and “play out” the imbalanced thoughts, held within the sub-conscious mind. This is why the earth hologram continues to express with so much imbalance. Those who remain in a sleep walking state continue to create the imbalance.

For those who are awake, it is quite easy to become aware of the higher energy of Source that humanity is now receiving. Such people can “feel” the increasing energy, within their body. Not all people have yet associated it with the higher energy of conscious mind. They may only be aware of the higher energy as creating uncomfortable body symptoms. It is simply a result that all of humanity are at different levels of healing. Some ARE becoming aware of the thoughts of Source conscious mind. All such thoughts speak of love, balance, healing and all thoughts we would consider as positive thoughts.

Because the largest percentage of humanity remain in a sleep walking state, experiencing and creating imbalanced thoughts, such thoughts are the “critical mass” thoughts, that are being projected as the planetary hologram. That is why we can look anywhere and see imbalance.

Thoughts are zero charged, held within the zero point sphere, and only exist as “potential thought experiences” until they are drawn into the body. As we have the life experience, see and experience the things we do, it is a process of drawing thoughts into our body. The planetary zero point sphere is also called the collective pool of thoughts. Our Source conscious mind “projects” thoughts into the collective thought pool and each, embodied expression of Source, draws thoughts into and through their body, to experience the thoughts of our Source conscious mind.

However, the imbalanced thoughts of the sub-conscious mind are also projected into the collective thought pool. That is why we can become aware of them, anywhere we look.

When we are looking at the hologram, seeing and experiencing the things we do, we are pulling thoughts into our body from the collective thought pool. When we become aware of “new thoughts” that speak differently than the accepted norm, we are becoming aware of thoughts held within conscious mind as they “step down through our body”, into the collective thought pool.
When we sit quietly, focusing within our self, we are focusing “within” our Source conscious mind. Sleep walkers are focusing within the sub-conscious mind. For example, when we focus to try to understand something, to try to find the answer to a question, we are focusing within mind. Because most remain focused within the sub-conscious mind, I simply say a “state of mind”.

We cannot discover the thoughts, held within conscious mind, by looking for them within the hologram, because they are held “within us”. We can look at the thoughts of conscious mind as they flow back through our body, from the collective thought pool. That is what you are looking at now. You are looking at the thoughts of conscious mind, projected into the collective thought pool, and being delivered to you through me. I AM a “thought” of conscious mind, as is all of humanity. You are reading the thoughts held within my thought expression. They are thoughts I have embodied, translated through my body system, and I am gifting them to you for your consideration.

As you read, or integrate, the thoughts I share with you, they create “sparks” within your own body. Sparking creates more sparks, which create new brain cells, and allows you to think about thoughts you may never knew existed to consider. That is my current role, as an embodied expression of Source. To share the thoughts of conscious mind to allow sparking to occur within the body of anyone who has reached a point of healing to allow them to consider such thoughts.

To state one more time, the part of you that is looking through, experiencing within, your body is a state of mind. Mind is what consciousness is. If your mind was not plugged into your body, the body would die. That is what allows the body to die, mind unplugging from the body.

When I become aware of “new thoughts”, from conscious mind, they seem to simply drop into my brain. Sometimes it is a very large data packet of information. I see them all at once. It is as if a map is laid out before me, to look at and read the map.

When we are becoming aware of thoughts flowing back through our body, from the collective thought pool, we become aware of them in linear sequence. The body takes in streams of thoughts and we experience them as if they unfold one after the next. You are becoming aware of these thoughts in linear sequence, as you read the symbol of the thoughts, which we call words, in this article.

It requires a whole lot more time to put the thoughts into word symbols than it does to simply see the entire data packet at once. That is because putting the thoughts into word symbols requires the operation of the whole body, whereas looking at thoughts that open within your brain only requires the operation of the brain. It is why the body grows tired from putting thoughts into word symbols, whereas simply having thoughts open in your brain does not tire the body as quickly. In fact, it makes the body feel like it is high wired, with higher energy. However, as you look at the data packet, and integrate the energy of the thoughts held within it, the body will reach a point where it feels absolutely exhausted, and you must allow it to sleep to readjust to the instant burst of higher energy.
That is why it takes me so long to share things with you. It is a nonstop process of new thoughts dropping into my head and my body crashes into sleep mode after integrating them. Add to that, the increased infusions of energy we are now receiving from the sun mind and my body feels like it is on a roller coaster. The body can only integrate so much energy in any give cycle. When it reaches its maximum amount for its cycle, it will force itself into sleep mode. That is why you may reach a point of integration of a data packet and not be able to see beyond that point. The body must be allowed the time it requires to integrate the higher energy.

Understanding the Role of the Body

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Ascension Whispers: Education – Healing into Personal Power

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Note: Viewing of the videos on the AW youtube channel will be necessary to understand this post fully.



Healing begins through education as the first step of conscious healing requires knowledge that healing is needed.
Healing into personal power is not a process of offering knowledge and healing tools and then those things becoming a crutch. Healing into personal power cannot occur if the individual continues to believe they must rely on the teacher to tell them what to do next.

The life forms of Earth have become dis-empowered via memory loss and lack of Source energy to such an extreme that the majority cannot yet remember they are Source embodied and that the life experience is not being done to them but that they are creating it their selves.

It is necessary to offer knowledge to assist the life form to first remember how they are creating the life experience which opens memory and begins to return awareness of personal power.

Only by remembering personal power, remembering the personal connection to Source and regaining self trust can a life form regain personal responsibility for everything they experience inside and outside of their self.

The distorted system of the Earth hologram has been created and controlled via the inner distorted virus via distorted thoughts and the process of daily living and survival seems like it is controlled within every sector of the life experience.

The people of Earth easily accept the factions of control through held beliefs and thoughts of concepts such as the devil, satan, ET groups and secret societies. This is not a new occurrence within the mass consciousness and has been held in place for thousands of years via the inner distorted virus.

The masses find it very easy to believe that a hidden, unseen force is responsible for the chaos, imbalance and control and this is a result of personal experiences with inner and outer demons that seem to be very real.

Simply because the thoughts of the masses have been controlled by the distorted thoughts of the inner virus for so long and because of memory loss, the mass consciousness accepts imbalance as part of the life experience and are shocked or amazed when things work within balance to such a degree that it seems like a miracle.

The desire to heal into balance remains but seems like an impossible feat simply because at this time there is no one on the planet with open memory of what it “feels” like to experience within a balanced reality field; the concept of miracles offer hope yet always seem to be out of reach and possibly even fairy tales.
Simply offering an assisted healing system will not allow healing into self empowerment, it would only be one more program that became lost among many programs that are already available on the planet, some of which simply promote more control and dis-empowerment.

The inner distorted virus has used the life forms of Earth for so long to do its bidding and co-create its desires that it seems natural to the largest percentage of the population for someone to tell them what they should do and to take care of their needs when disaster and chaos strike.

It is for these reasons that the people quickly turn to the political, religious and medical communities to lead them and tell them what they should do and provide for their needs of well being.

Every life form on the planet and the planet itself carry the infection of the distorted virus consciousness and feel helpless within a sea of imbalance and there will remain those who are more than happy to control and tell people what they should do and how they should live until the virus is completely purged from the planet which will not complete until the planet returns to its healed expression in 87 years.

The battle to heal from the virus cannot occur by placing ones energy within the outer hologram and focusing on what is occurring within the outer hologram because what is occurring within the outer hologram is a result of what is held within.

Only by focusing within, by remaining constantly aware of the personal thoughts and “reprogramming” the distorted thoughts can awareness of the healing that is taking place occur.

The dis-empowerment and control of the virus has created and fosters the belief of an external savior within the largest percentage of the population. The concept of a savior is adapted to fit into any belief system; it may be thought of as an embodied face that is going to appear in the outer hologram and instantly remove all imbalance or it may have been adapted to think it is going to be some higher ET life form that is going to remove chosen ones from the planet and take them off to a balanced reality system.

Such beliefs have been held within the mass consciousness for thousands of years and such beliefs are exactly the same with the only difference being the concept of who and what the savior will present as.
Only by remembering that all of creation is energy, the energy of Source, how creation occurs and that all life forms are Source embodied can real healing occur and the false belief of an external savior be healed within the conscious collective.

The process of healing into balance still fits within the ancient thought that healing does not occur via supplying the fish, healing occurs by teaching the individual how to fish and provide for their own needs.
The dis-empowerment that has occurred within the Earth hologram is so severe that if the current food supply system were not in place hundreds of thousands would very quickly starve to death simply because they have no idea how to feed their selves and the food supply system has been allowed to be completely controlled.

The current desire is to offer knowledge and understanding to remember truth that will empower to allow those who can hear to take back control for their needs, personal healing and well being while healing to remember allowance and free will.

Allowance does not mean sticking your head in the sand and ignoring what is going on around you. Healing into balance requires remembering the importance of the whole and how each piece of the whole is required to allow anyone to heal.

Allowance requires understanding personal strength and how & where to apply that personal strength to assist into whole healing while remembering that you do not have the right to control anyone but yourself as all hold the gift of free will.

It is known that there are those who are anxious for personal healing and may currently feel they need to be told what to do to facilitate personal healing and there are those who do not feel they need such assistance who have reached a point of healing to allow them to remember their personal power and the support and strength they know via their personal connection to Source.

It is desired to offer as much support into healing as possible for the whole without interfering with free will and when enough knowledge has been offered to allow the opportunity to allow for an “informed choice” there will be offered some tools for assistance with personal healing but you do not have to wait until such tools are offered to work on personal healing and making a stronger connection to Source. There are already some tools offered on the AW website that can assist with personal healing but the main key is daily consistency of focusing on and communing with Source as well as constant awareness of personal thoughts.
What limitations might your thoughts be imposing upon you? If you believe you cannot “you will not” because your beliefs will create exactly as you believe.

What are you filling yourself with from the external hologram? Are you filling yourself with thoughts and ideas that speak of forces with a desire to control, consume and create chaos? If those types of things are what you are choosing to focus your thoughts on then that is exactly the type of experiences you will create.
Ask yourself why anyone might find it challenging or impossible to find 30 minutes a day to simply be one with Source and be quite and commune with Source. Is the imbalanced life experience so important that there is no time to work on co-creating balance? If it is then it will be quite unpleasant to experience healing into balance.

Why might people put the needs and desires of others as more important than their personal needs or desires? Do you run yourself out of energy daily trying to take care of everyone else and have no energy left to take care of yourself?

Do you feel it is selfish to take care of yourself first and if so why do you feel that way? Such a feeling spawns from lack of self love and trying to ensure that others continue to supply the love that feels missing within. It is a game of chasing your tail and never getting anywhere and spawns dis-empowerment for others by not allowing them to take care of their own needs.

Lack of self love spawns from false beliefs that say you are not good enough or unworthy in some fashion and such false beliefs can only heal by consistently filling yourself with the love of Source.

You ARE important! You are an extremely important part of the whole and without you there would be a missing piece within the whole and then who would take care of all of those needs of others that seem to be so important.

If you choose to allow time for yourself daily to simply relax, be quite and still and focus on Source within you then you can quickly discover that all of the love and acceptance you will ever need is held within and that you can easily fill yourself with the love of Source and then it becomes much easier to gift that love and eternally gain more for yourself.

Loving Joy to All,


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Ascension Whispers: Root of all Imbalances + Personal Share of Physical Body Symptoms

Understanding more of creation and your relationship to it.
The inner distorted virus is trying to hold on / maintain and knows its end of expression is close at hand.

The extreme physical body symptoms that have shown their self in numerous ways during points of more of the higher energy of Source turning on is not simply because of the distorted condition of the Eternal Life Grid, held within.

The distorted virus has always battled with the higher energy of Source that turns on within the internal structure because to the virus it is as if it is being bombarded by an attack of higher energy. To the distorted virus, the higher energy of Source seems like an aerial and ground attack of rapid firing energy missiles that it must fight to survive.

The strategic control & command post of the virus has always been from the 11 & 10 points of the distorted internal grid structure and in the physical body anatomy correlate to the brain area. It is the virus battling for control from those location points that creates the severe symptoms in the head region of the physical body form.

We could think of the distorted points of the 2/3 fall grid compared to the way we think of things within the hologram; the 11 point being the seat or house of the ruling king and the 10 point being the command headquarters, the 9 point being the frontline of battle and all lower points receiving the fall out ripples from the front line.

When we think of the waves of the higher energy of Source turning on as waves of energy with peak points we can recognize the heightened physical body symptoms increase when riding the waves up to the next peak point and gradually decrease riding the wave back down the other side.
It has been the approach to the peak points of the higher energy of Source when the inner virus has expressed strongest defensive attacks to try to maintain control and it is during those points when the inner battle of energy presents the heightened physical body symptoms. The heightened physical body symptoms can indeed feel like there is a war raging within.

The physical body symptoms will increasingly decline on and after Freedom Day because the infusion of the higher energy of Source that will flow through the system when planetary star gate 12 comes back on line will be the strike force of stronger energy of Source against the distorted virus.
Source does not battle at any time as Source does not need to, Source simply turns on higher and higher levels of energy so the battle is always one sided from the distorted virus trying to maintain control of the system which the higher energy of Source is reclaiming.

Of course the distorted virus would rather the people of Earth not think of anything but pain and suffering because it knows that the thoughts of the people will continue to create exactly what the thoughts are creating and it has been in critical mass control of the largest % of the thoughts of the Earth population for 26,000 years.

Thought control coupled with 2/3 energy loss is how the distorted virus has used the masses of Earth to create the imbalance within the hologram so it is completely aware that it is soon to lose control over the thoughts of the masses and this translates into loss of control of the entire Earth hologram.
The physical body of the masses and the planet has been held within an extreme stressful and toxic environment with the masses thinking the environment was natural; for all of these reasons, it is suggested to do the best you can to eliminate as much stress as possible and allow gentle comfort for the physical body.

If you are encountering extreme head symptoms it can be quite challenging to allow yourself any time thinking of higher thoughts and ideas and if you desire to simply sit within the God space and focus your thoughts and feeling on the Loving Joy of Source you can find peaceful release from the thoughts that may be raging through you at this time.

There may even be thoughts that seem to come from nowhere and desire you to doubt everything about yourself and Source. Such are not your own but are coming from the distorted virus as it battles to maintain control so there is no need to focus on them and accept them as your own as doing so will only create trashing about for the emotions and physical / emotional body.

Simply focusing on the White Light of Source will allow you the strength to ride out the storm and the sun shines eternally on the other side of the storm.

Loving Joy to All,

Personal Share of Physical Body Symptoms:

December 5th brought very intense physical body symptoms with majority focused in the head and base of skull. Intense migraines, feeling the scalp not big enough to hold contents, extreme pain at base of skull; blurred vision, dizziness, intense ringing in the ears, lack of attention for anything, tender scalp and feeling as if scalp tenderness slowly creeping down back of skull. Moments of feeling as if movement occurring inside of skull.

Physical body feeling exhausted but unable to sleep because of feeling like a ball of energy bouncing around the room; eventually fell off to sleep for 6 hours followed by a brief awakening then slept for 3 more hours.

Awakening on December 6th felt some relief from extreme pain in head and scalp but thoughts still feel disjointed. Being reminded of a time when I was laid up in a sick bed for several weeks as a small child with measles and the feeling of when the body was starting to get better from the illness and a mental desire to get up out of bed and play with toys but the physical body was not strong enough to allow for such so laid in bed making flowers out of Kleenexes until falling back into illness sleep.

Same type of feeling today when I look around my personal hologram; desire to do things in the hologram but feel like the body is still too ill to find the strength to get up and play with the toys (hologram).

Am being guided to remember that sick bed as a child and apply that same now feeling to the experience shared in the videos on the AW youtube channel and the hospital ward bed of remembering about the sub-conscious mind. Am now applying the same feeling of the childhood sick bed to being in that bed and the desire to break out of the sickness of the inner distortion and get up and play with the toys of the hologram but not yet strong enough to do so.

I am now being guided that the feeling of wanting to get up and play and yet not feeling physically strong enough is a result of the same type of feeling of a fever breaking from a long illness and the body finally feeling some relief and a bit better but still not strong enough to engage and that the Freedom Day event of December 12, 2013 is going to be the day when the feeling of release from that sick bed will occur.

The days leading up to Freedom Day remind me of being a child and anxiously awaiting Christmas Day and the excitement of opening the special “gift” that is sure to come. The planet is feeling like that as well; a small child who simply can hardly stand the excitement of waiting for the gift to unwrap.

Just a personal share of this now moment for those who might like to compare their now moment body challenges.

Love & Joy,

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Ascension Whispers: "The Walls That Bind" Next layer of Emotional Body Healing

Understanding more of creation and your relationship to it.


The planet has now entered into a next, deeper layer of Emotional Body Healing which means that all life forms on the planet have as well and will feel and experience it to the degree their energetic system will allow.

When a life forms has experienced a deep enough level of Mental Body integration and began the process of Emotional Body healing, which allows mental awareness that they are indeed Source embodied, the next phase is healing to “Become” Source embodied. Which means it is now time to allow yourself to begin the process of expressing through your every moment with the “knowing” that you are Source embodied.

What does it mean to “know” one’s self as Source? Do you stop every few moments of your day and think about yourself as yourself; most likely not. You are simply yourself and you know yourself as yourself. Do you stop to think if you can breathe before you take your next breath? Unless you have physical challenges that hinder your ability to breathe, you do not. You simply breathe in and out automatically. It is the exact same feeling to simply know one’s self as Source.

When you know you are Source embodied it then allows you the ability to apply that knowing into every moment of every experience and doing so can allow you to make higher choices and instantly know how to shift the energy of any situation you encounter. It also allows you greater awareness of appreciation for all life forms and become better skilled in finding ways to gift the love of Source to other life forms. For every gift of Source that you give away in love, you receive at least three times that amount back.

Being “mentally aware” that you are Source and “feeling” in your every moment through your Emotional Body that you are Source are two completely different things. Because your Emotional / Physical Body cannot yet remember that it is Source and through the distorted, lower thoughts that are currently embedded within your Emotional Body, you continue to feel any degree of anything that does not feel like Source Embodied.

If you desire, you can certainly pretend that you are fully aware that you are Source embodied but until your Emotional body knows this as well, you will continue to be limited within the confines of what your Emotional body believes.

If you have read previous sharing, then you are more than aware of the importance of healing the Emotional Body. That will not be repeated in this message as it is already here for you to discover, if you have not already.

The layers of embedded, lower, compacting, light blocking thoughts that are currently held within the Emotional Body have occurred over eons of time and they must be transmuted and cleared in layers as you could not withstand clearing them all at once and it would not be possible within the confines of the distortion you are currently immersed within.

Some layers can be cleared simply be sparking them with higher energy and transmuting with each spark. Other layers will require more assistance simply because of what they hold.

In order for your Emotional Body to heal to remember that it too is Source, it will require more of Source energy or more of Source light to be able to shine through your Emotional Body and the many layers of lower, distorted thought patterns block the energy of Source from shining within and through. When Source energy cannot shine through, it creates the darkness and this in turn creates all things that hold distortions within the darkness. If you choose, it is now time for you to turn on more of Source light within yourself.

It had not been previously possible to begin transmuting this next layer of distortions that are held in your Emotional Body simply because there had not been enough of the energy of Source available to transmute this layer safely and effectively. It is now possible to begin healing this layer of your Emotional Body and Planet Earth has now begun the process so you may already be starting to feel it unfolding within your hologram but may not be aware of what it is about.
The next layer you can now begin healing of your Emotional Body is called a “Walled Layer”. This layer holds so many walled up emotions that it pretty much looks like a fortress with no entry or exit point. This Walled Layer holds all of the emotions that you have stuffed in this life time simply because you did not know what else to do with them.
Here is a short list of examples of things that have been stuffed within this layer;
  • Grief from losing a loved one to the physical death process.
  • Fear of rejection or sadness from being rejected.
  • Fear of letting go of anything.
  • All of the emotions that have ever been encountered in a battle for energy with another.
  • Fear that comes from being in a life threatening accident or of someone you love being in such.
  • Fear of dying or taking off the physical body.
  • Fear of being attacked, physically, emotionally or mentally harmed by another. Many of these types of emotions are so extreme that people will block the experience from memory recall completely.
  • Fear of failure.
  • Fear of change.
  • Previous history with relationships separating and all of the chaos that went with it.
  • Childhood trauma which can include parental abuse, sexual abuse, being bullied or excluded.
  • Experiencing death of a parent during childhood.
  • Feelings of being a failure as a parent.
  • Feelings of being the black sheep of the family.
  • False Guilt.
And the list could go on and on. When you encounter these types of emotions many around you most likely tried to assist you to the best of their ability and offer you comfort and love and you had no choice but to manage to get through it somehow and keep on keeping on.

You did have a choice but very few on the planet are aware of this and what that choice might be. The choice is to make a stronger connection with Source and send it ALL to Source in the moment to transmute right then and there but even so, the other layers of distortions held within the Emotional Body act as a magnet to draw things in.

This layer that you are now able to access and begin healing holds any number of lower thought patterns, memories of emotional traumas and experiences that you most likely do not want to remember, talk about or even think about and certainly do not want to re-experience.
Simply because they have been so extreme for your Emotional Body to endure, your Emotional Body has built walls around all of these emotions. If you could see them with your physical eyes, they would look like brick walls to you but they are actually made out of crystal; walls that will not allow anything in or anything to get out.

As you now begin to become aware of this layer of your Emotional Body you most likely feel your emotions starting to cringe or your attention to turn away and not want to even think about it. That is your Inner Child rebelling and preferring denial about any such thing.


Your Inner Child is terrified to even be reminded about the layer of Walls least they have to experience all of that all over again. Take a deep breath and allow yourself comfort in knowing you do not have to experience any of those things again. They can be transmuted, released and healed from your Emotional Body without you even having to remember what is buried there. They can be healed through Source energy without having to bring down any of the walls and letting loose anything that is held within them. They must be if you desire to continue your goal of healing back into balance with Source.

The process of healing this layer of your Emotional Body has already begun and this is why many are already starting to feel the effects of such healing. You may be experiencing people whom you thought was out of your life for good or at least out of your awareness, stepping back in to show their selves again. You may be experiencing old thoughts and memories coming up to your awareness that reminds you of grief and pain.

You may be feeling unusually exhausted, as if your physical body simply wants to sleep and forget about anything else. You may be encountering the prospect of trying out something new and feeling terror if you even try yet you have no idea why you would feel such.

You do not have to experience any of those lower thoughts and feelings stuffed within this walled layer of your Emotional Body and can choose to co-create healing for them by working with Source energy before the healing process becomes so strong the crystal walls begin to shatter to allow Source energy to enter and heal these things.

You can do this by co-creating spheres of Source energy around every single wall that exists there and allowing Source energy to “expand inward” to heal the wall and everything that is held within and transmute and release them from your Emotional Body.

Releasing what is currently trapped within the walls of this layer of your Emotional Body will allow more of Source light to shine within and through you and in turn, will make it that much easier for you to simply “know” you are Source and continue on with your desires for healing back into balance with Source.

Here you will find an exercise to assist you in beginning to heal this walled layer of your Emotional Body – White Light Spheres Of Source
