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Posted by HATTER on October 31, 2014.
FORWARD: How I came to the knowledge in the messages here and how E’Asha Ashayana Deane would become, for me, the solitary source of truth in the ocean of disinformation on our planet is a rather lengthy story involving face-to-face meetings over the course of many months in 2013 and 2014 from a being who referred to themselves as a “Watcher” of the “children” of earth. The full story of that can be found here. The science of the holographic expression of all things we perceive as reality and how merkaba fields interact with all life forms can be found in E’Asha’s Voyagers II: The Secrets of Amenti. Here is a free copy of the PDF. It is missing some of the first chapters of the book, so this is not a complete history of earth, but it can be used while you are attaining your own copy through retail sources. I am not connected to the sale of these or other publications of E’Asha’s, I am merely directing you to where you can find the authentic history of your human race.
The Star Tetrahedron is the formula of all life within the true 15 level GAIA universe. The math behind this formula is found within the Maharic Merkaba Tetrahedron field of the planets as well as all life forms of each. The secret to this “God Math” is within the function of collecting the eternally-flowing energy from the ether to support life without an “end date”. This is not how all the life forms of the universes work. And in fact, it is specifically something of an amazing anomaly, since others outside of our universe (and INSIDE a false Time Matrix that was placed inside of Gaia’s) utilize the Metatron Tetrahedron math of the Fibonacci Code which is a system that functions through the parasitical exploitation of the energy fields surrounding it, as explained in E’Asha Ashayana’s messages sent to her by our founding father races of the Emerald Covenant. Starting with the Voyagers books and progressing up until the present day, her science reveals the physical mechanics to create sub-atomic prana structure, all the way up to the expression of life itself. Highly complex and vastly outstripping all mere mankind-level rudimentary mathematics, science and physics, which are at a kindergarten level of comprehension comparatively. My work here is not to retell her same teachings, it is merely to put into perspective how this massive database of information is applied to the mortal man.
- Chilli Schock
Terrarium (ARhAyas Ascension) Earth
Update 10/30/14Following the fall of Atlantis some 246,000 years ago, the invader races who had successfully destroyed both the first and second seeding of the Angelic Krystos Human (God Template) Avatar Evolution placed a holographic curtain around the 3-D planet we now think of as “Earth”, the 1st “material” level of the Gaia universe. This curtain effectively created a “universe within a universe”, something of an encapsulated, or trapped “terrarium” planet, functioning in an artificial combination of solar and lunar rays which effect both time, as well as gravity. Both of which has been highly distorted from its intended reality. It was at this time that the planet received what we call a moon today. Though this holographic curtain is called a frequency fence today, it is much more than just that. It is in fact an illusionary solar system embedded within the organic universe, at least partially controlled by an elaborate “star” projection of a highly defined codex in our skies which we know as the astrological bodies which represent Greek “gods” of ancient “mythology”. Conveniently the Greek Gods are only myth, right? I mean, the bible doesn’t talk about “fallen angels”, “giants”, “Hercules fighting gods”, right? Of course it does. But let’s forget that.
6 1/2 minutes into this video, you will hear E’Asha explain that “this planet does not have its own solar plane”. So what’s that?

A solar plane is the astrological area between a sun and the planet itself. Through my recent 6000 hours of study into the matters surrounding the enslavement of man, I have no evidence that an organic dimension within any 15 level time matrix, that there would be the application of a “moon”. Within our encapsulated, or suspended existence, our humanity has been subject to this artificial element that has gone on undetected as “out of place”, because we have never known anything different. However, there is no reference to a “moon” in any of the higher dimensions or densities of our time matrix that I have been given, or have seen spoken about by anyone representing the Guardian Alliance. So what would a moon have to do with our bondage here exactly?
Think of the moon as something I have termed as an “Annu-Zodiak Holographic Projector”. A giant projector that imprints our “heavens” with what appear to be planets and an invention called a “moon”. NASA claims the planets of our zodiak are just too far to travel to, so they are just pretty dots in our skies, and because NASA knows everything, we believe them, (which is a damn neat trick in itself, seeing as there has never been “distance” ever discovered by science in all of time). After all, what could they possibly gain by telling us something totally untrue? It has been reported to me by a source who claims to be very long-time space traveler and personally familiar with the “other side” of the moon, that there is a sun parked directly behind it. And yes, does THIS very much make sense. This report came to me long after I had determined that our moon’s existence was factually artificial to our planet. The satellite we call a “moon” is filtering the rays of our second, organic sun into earth’s atmosphere through its own modulation leaving mankind without the powerful and now lost source of nutrition for all life on our planet below.
Though my personal contact with the Guardian Alliance has not yet confirmed this to be the factual case, I have enough of the truths here to bring forward the science of how this not only would work, but how it is brilliant beyond comprehension to an invader race bent on the perpetual recycle of a natural resource on a planet that also carried with it the ability to see outside of this density and connect with memories of its other 1727 selves scattered across the time matrix unless that natural resource were placed under a frequency fence, blocking their access to these lives and memories. So if the moon is NOT actually a planet that is supposed to be here, how would we know this?
The moon does not spin.
It doesn’t even turn. Like a ball solidly attached to a pivoting center ball, the moon acts as if it does nothing but orbit around earth’s center-most point. Since the days of Plato, the same smiling man in the moon has peered down on mankind. No one bound on this planet has ever seen the other side of that celestial body, making it a satellite. In fact, modern astrophysicists CALL the moon a satellite. And NOT ONE PERSON in a thousand among us realizes that this is so. Ask someone how many planets spin. After all, NASA tells us they do, so their answer will be “all of them”. I mean, why would NASA lie? But IF they “all spin”, then why doesn’t the moon? For this they will have no answer.
Around 300 B.C. Theodorus writes in his first book that the moon had appeared a little while before the war which was fought by Hercules against the giants (Nephilim fallen angels).
Around 250 B.C. Aristarchus and Dionysius Chalcidensis, in the first of their works, report: “Mnaseas said that the Arcadians were born before the moon, and so they were called ‘proselenian’; meaning, ‘before the moon’.”
Velikovsky quotes everyone from Democritus and Anaxagoras to Aristotle and Apollonius of Rhodes to show that such a pre-Hellenic time existed. Those humans living at the time were called Pelasgians, Proselenes (“before the Moon”), and Arcadians (pre-Danai and pre-Deukalion).
Plutarch, Hippolytus, Censorinus, and Lucian all wrote of pre-Lunar people, as did Ovid, who said that “The Arcadians possessed their land before the birth of Jove, and were older than the Moon.”
Indians of Bogota Columbia, agree. According to tribesmen of Chibchas, “In the earliest times, when the moon was not yet in the heavens.”
The moon is a manufactured sphere or “dish”.
The earliest photo ever taken of the moon was by Dr. J. W. Draper of New York, 1839. In this UNDOCTORED picture, it is easy to see the lines of the assembly of the moon’s structure. This is an indisputable and obvious truth to anyone seeing it outside of Stevie Wonder. Click to enlarge.

In this new photo of the moon taken very recently, you can clearly see that even though nearly 200 years have gone by, it hasn’t changed by a single asteroid. It is perfectly identical. And in the outside chance Stevie Wonder is actually reading this, I colored in the seams for you to see it is a manufactured body. Again, be sure to click to enlarge and see for yourself the moon has been left exactly the same as the first image from the early 1800s.

In early Greek Astrology, there were two suns in our “solar plane”. And in fact, Greek language shows us there were two words for Sun: “θεός” Theos and “Ἥλιος” Helios, which were not synonyms. Theos was a star like object and scholars never discussed a possible form of it or distance to – for them it was eternal, very remote and almighty, “unmoved mover” by Aristotle and became synonymous with “god” which immediately took over as the word used to depict “god” in the biblical texts. Ignore the fact it was always referring to a SUN “deity” that brought life to the planet! Just call him GOD from now on. Similarly, Helios was treated in their stories as a deity. Earth mates with him soon after her own birthday and a difference between Helios and Theos was defined like that between husband and father. Helios was obliged to stay by her in a distance that was remote from her on 27 diameters only. It is important to note here that Helios was supposed to be about 27 times the diameter of the earth away from her. Our moon is about 29 times the diameter of the earth away. Guess this is just “coincidence” though.
When we look at other star systems within our galaxy, we find two suns. National Geographic claims that our solar system alone, has “millions of planets with two sons“. This way the sun never sets and the planet never goes into darkness. If an artificial “moon” were parked in front of our second sun, blocking that sun’s rays, then 1/2 of the time, earth would remain in perpetual darkness. Here is a little secret: You don’t need darkness. That is all part of the dark force’s lie that “yin and yang” is necessary for all things. Sunlight carries life-replenishing photonic waves that carry nutritional value. Of this, there is no argument. And sunlight continually circling any planet would sustain life thereon exponentially greater than one, with or without a “moon”.

The moons rays can be shown through empirical evidence to radiate a DIFFERENT type of photonic signature than that of the sun. If the moon DID actually reflect the rays from the sun, then those rays coming from the moon would possess the same effects as those from the source of the reflected rays. However, the moons rays are shown to possess zero heat. How would this happen? If you use a mirror to reflect the flames of a campfire onto say, a stone just outside of the fire pit, the stone would gradually warm up because the rays the mirror is reflecting carry the scalar patterns of a heat signature. The moon’s rays don’t do this. In Living Age by E. Littell, 1867, it had already been established that the moon’s rays do not carry forward to earth the heating type of photonic signature that the sun carries. Not even on a microscopic level.
