Showing posts with label Pat Cegan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pat Cegan. Show all posts

Friday, December 28, 2012

Snippets from Source — #150

Snippets from Source — #150

owl in hand

Inspiration comes with love,
not with threats and fear.
When one is inspired, we
want to excel, to do our
best. Together you and I
will be a source of inspiration
using love as the generator.

Source of All Inspiration.

I nitiate action with love
N ew beginnings give hope
S weet words are swallowed easier
eople copy what they see — model what you want
nitiate new ideas with love, never fear
R epeat lessons are usually needed
A ct as if your dream was already realized
T hank-you gives miracles
I nstill confidence in others
neness is the goal
ow is the time for new beginnings

Monday, December 24, 2012

Music of Faith

feminine energy

Cast off the old for
it serves you no more.
Seek the new which
blossoms within. Do not
fear being naked for if
you do not take off the
old garments, you can not
put on the new.

Dance to the music of faith;
start to move without knowing
where it leads. Let your soul
beat the drum, the choreography
is of the moment. Forget all
you’ve ever learned about dancing
and let your body move with its
own knowing. Make each dance a
prayer, an opportunity with the
Divine. Do not dance to please
others but rather to express the
true you. If others take pleasure
in your dance, so be it, but do
not let that be the purpose.

Dance outside in the floresta,
under the stars, in day’s gentle
breezes. Let the energy of our
Mother fill your every movement.
Be one with the Divine.

All of us are dancers. It is only
our false pride which hinders our
movement. Let go, let your body
and your soul move with wonder.
Dance your prayer.

D are to move to your inner music
A ccept and love who you are
N ow is the time for transformation
C ast off the old
E enjoy the liberty that is your due

Friday, December 21, 2012



Nothing is superfluous;
everything has its purpose.
There are no co-incidences,
accidents, causes without
effects. Once we really
understand this, and pay
attention to how this
operates in our lives,
our perspective must change.
Stop and ask, “Why is this
happening? What can I learn
here? Do this and you will
begin to see the kaleidoscope
of connections in life.

A State of Grace


Love is a state of grace.
When you are in imbalance,
you are not in the timelessness
of love. To be well, serene, you
must be in this state of love,
aware of the Divine you
connected to All.

Like the flower of the sun,
turn to the light. If you
falter, face the sun,
drawing in the light. Give
praise, sing your gratitude,
rejoice and let no one
steal your joy.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Snippets from Source #148

Snippets from Source #148 

Everyone decides his strategy
for the game of life. Mystery,
intrigues, rivers to cross, damsels
to rescue, dragons to slay, hero or
villain, champion or victim.
You keep on guessing what will be
your next move. We already figured
out that you are the hero; the angels
are placing bets on you. They cheat a
little and help along the way. Listen
carefully when they whisper to you.
Chess Master Source

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Snippets from Source #145

Snippets from Source #145

shy owl
Teach by doing what you want
the student to learn. Praise
generously so the learner knows
what he is doing right. A great
teacher remembers he is a student, too.

Professor Source

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Lessons of Illness

The Lessons of Illness

beautiful tree

Do all illnesses have a
spiritual cause? A tree
bears the fruit of its nature.

Illness is neither good
or bad, but simply is one
more way for you to learn–
patience, forgiveness,
compassion, love. Examine
carefully the origin of
your pain. Look deeply into
your suffering for surely it
holds great lessons for you.

via The Lessons of Illness.