Showing posts with label gaiaportal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gaiaportal. Show all posts

Monday, April 01, 2013

GaiaPortal: Layers of Energetic Clouds are being Removed

31 Mar 2013

Layers of energetic clouds are being removed from the Inner Gaia at this moment. The process is coordinated with the humanity so to allow as many opportunities for Higher Awareness, prior to the end date. “End date” being flexible as required.

Post-layer-removal brings clarity of Higher Thought, Higher Purpose, Higher Awareness. And will feel to the Higher (and 3D) Senses as a clear, bright sky, and cool breeze.

Gaia Ascension Process is in full movement at this time.

We encourage releasing of all prior concepts regarding the nature of Ascension. “Allowing” and “accepting” and “conscious participating” are key.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

GaiaPortal: Stars of Radiance

31 Mar 2013

Awakening Stars within individual Hue-Beings connect to new Gaia portals within 5-7 D levels. Bodies of Radiance become visible to these Beings, and become visible to others with Higher Sensitivities.

Such Stars of Radiance become commonplace among Gaia planetary teams as Higher Level missions are acknowledged and accepted.

This occurs in the Now moment.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

GaiaPortal: Theme of “Next Level” Missions… “Joy Within”

27 Mar 2013

Exceeding expectations embodied by the mass of humanity (small h), individual Hue-mans complete initial missions with Gaia and prepare for “next level” missions.

The theme of such “next level” missions is “Joy Within”. All “next level” movements are best viewed from the basis of this theme. Gaia is fulfilled by the movements in Joy at this time… In this moment.

Facile movement, Intra-Gaia, Inter-Planetary, Inter-Galactic, Intra-Dimensional, Inter-Dimensional, is now fully supported by the “Joy Within” paradigm.

Gaia Brilliance and Illumination is now fully supported by the “Joy Within” paradigm.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

GaiaPortal: Movements Within and Without Called For with Light Station Stewards

Movements Within and Without Called For with Light Station Stewards

by ÉirePort
Movements both within and without are called for with Light Station stewards. Such Stations are manifested in harmony with energy signatures of each steward and the location and intention for each Light Station. 

Releasing of engraved patterns in such stewards and all Hue-manity is essential for next steps in the energetic upgrade of Gaia. These pathways have yet to be traversed, and require full flexibility of those involved. 

Prior "standards of performance" for all Light Craft and Light Stewards are no more. Current "standards of performance" are conveyed from within and in the moment. Thus full flexibility is necessary in all Light Stewards.

We recommend the savoring of the energies of these moments.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

GaiaPortal: Intensities of individual upgrade pathway energies are increased

Intensities of individual upgrade pathway energies are increased

by ÉirePort

Intensities of individual upgrade pathway energies are increased. This is to enable full planetary alignment with Cosmic Higher D influx frequencies. 

Subsequent Cosmic waves ensure sealing of Higher Energies (frequencies) into Gaia. 

Final planetary movements are in process.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

GaiaPortal: Stations of Light are Established


Stations of Light are established over and around Gaia to enable smoother transitions for humans to Hue-mans, in this period following seasonal change. 

Locations of Stations of Light are flexible and move as required. Those called within to steward such will feel the pull... strongly. 

We of ÉirePort station are monitoring planetary consciousness levels as Light levels upon and within Gaia increase. The Stations of Light stewardship crews will be called to take appropriate steps to bridge discontinuities as they are noted.

ÉirePort | March 20, 2013 at 19:24 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Sunday, March 17, 2013

GaiaPortal: Rapidly transforming potentials for change at this moment

Rapidly transforming potentials for change at this moment

by ÉirePort @ 17-03-2013
Rapidly transforming potentials for change effect every organic being upon the planet at this moment. These transform potentials alter strength and frequency moment to moment. Flexibility in decisions is essential for movement into higher Dimensional realms. 

Gaia proper transmutes the last remaining dark corners of her body to Light, and clears dross connections. Planetary consciousness now supports such transmutations. 

Waves of Chaos are to be expected as transmutations proceed. Yet High Planetary consciousness enables smooth riding of these waves. 

Sudden clearings of Inner individual and group Light worker issues occur as waves of Chaos bring issues to surface. 

Nodes of Calm will be available as multiple Waves of Chaos intersect. 

We say, "Be in Joy on the ride."

GaiaPortal: Restrictions on movements of Galactic-aligned Gaia Hue-manity have been removed

Restrictions on movements of Galactic-aligned Gaia Hue-manity have been removed

by ÉirePort @ 17-03-2013

Entrance to Galactic and Stellar portals has been aligned with increasing consciousness of the Master Gaia population. At this current moment, energetics are supportive of travel via interdimensional gateways. 

Restrictions on movements of Galactic-aligned Gaia Hue-manity have been removed. Await the signal, while honoring the potential for change. 

Higher vision is valued at this time.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

GaiaPortal: Gaia Currently Experiences Energetic Separation from all Previous Time Agendas

Gaia Currently Experiences Energetic Separation from all Previous Time Agendas

by ÉirePort

Gaia and all of her inhabitants currently experiences energetic separation from all previous time agendas. Light influx from Higher Source brings eventual illumination to underlying reasons for such. Yet not always visible until post-separation.

Gaia herself reminds all that these separations are accompanied by grand (and clean, energetically speaking) new beginnings. Gaia herself undergoes such separation and is poised to receive maximum resonant Illumination.

Such resonant Illumination has been requested by, and indeed is essential to, Gaia and humanity general.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

GaiaPortal: Simultaneous Mixing of Higher Energies and Expansion of Individual Consciousness

12 Mar 2013 

There occurs at this stage of Gaia transformation, a rather rapid and seeming “unbridled” simultaneous mixing of Higher Energies and expansion of individual consciousness.

Many will feel a sense of “falling apart”, or “blowing up” of individual world views, and, particularly in those who have self-termed “Light Workers”, the “Grand Removal of Light-worker Blinders” occurs in these next days.

We of the GaiaPortal ÉirePort school would request a continuous open mind to all possibilities of awakening to Higher Expansion.

We also remind you that “humanity to Hue-manity” evolution involves embracing the process of moving from “analyzing” to “knowing”.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Gaiaprtal: Strengthening of Intuitive Gaia Points is Occurring - 5 March

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="119"]gaia_energy1 5 Mar 2013[/caption]

Strengthening of all intuitive Gaia points comes from individualized interaction of Hue-mans with such points. At this moment, a freeing of restriction upon Hue-man Light Worker ground crew is in process, and will complete in “short” order.

Intuitive Gaia points are centers of Light introduction into and from Inner Earth. These may be found solely by Hue-man intuitive connection. Those non-attuned will see nothing. Hue-mans with attunement find them readily.

Such intuitive Gaia points are continuously in motion, and may shift moment to moment, although remaining in the same general vicinity.

Increase in the numbers of such points is occurring, and will continue as “humanity” transforms to “Hue-manity”. And Gaia transforms to Rainbow Gaia

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Gaiaportal: Stresses of Realignment are Currently Experienced by Many…

[caption id="attachment_21" align="alignleft" width="119"]gaia_energy1 3 Mar 2013[/caption]

Stresses of realignment of human energetic structures with upgrading Gaia grids are currently experienced by many in the Hue-manity upgrade path. This was anticipated, and is being dealt with at Higher Levels. Details need not be known at this time.

Those with physical manifestations such as aches, general discomfort, unease with 3D earth tasks, may follow inner Higher Guidance (Intuition) for instructions to deal with these. All such physical manifestations are temporary.

This realignment process continues for several months. Polar realignments occur in this same period, which adds another component to this energetic stress.

Resulting from this, however, is a strengthening in “humanity general” ascension grids, as well as DNA upgrade for all, on ascension timeline or not.

Attention to, and honoring of, physical signals is helpful at this time.

Friday, March 01, 2013

Gaiaportal: Alignments with Gaia, Galactic, Cosmic Energetics

[caption id="attachment_21" align="alignleft" width="119"]gaia_energy1 28 Feb 2013[/caption]

Fortifications of purpose come to those aligning with Gaia energetics. Those of more Galactic essence find detachment from Gaia energetics may be necessary, as “humanity” transitions to “Hue-manity”.

Those aligned with Gaia-purpose have been intensified energetically, and given clear instruction via Deep Heart Guidance.

Judgement of any kind of any humanity or Hue-manity unit serves none but surface-ego, and only allows veil illusion to appear to continue.

Alignment with Gaia energetics…
Alignment with Galactic energetics…
Alignment with Cosmic energetics…

Each has its function. Each is to be honored.

via Alignments with Gaia, Galactic, Cosmic Energetics.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Gaiaportal: "Survival Paradigm" Has Dissolved

[caption id="attachment_21" align="alignleft" width="119"]gaia_energy1 23 Feb 2013[/caption]

The paradigm of “survival” has dissolved. Cosmic Light energies sufficiently permeating all levels of Gaia realms, including the 3D visible, have removed any remaining support structures for this paradigm.

3D human individual attempts to continue what was previously supported by “survival paradigm” will fall short.

Current Gaia Higher D grid structures support 5D “Thrive Paradigm” only.

via "Survival Paradigm" Has Dissolved.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Gaiaportal: "Body of Hue-manity" Formation Nears Completion

[caption id="attachment_21" align="alignleft" width="119"]gaia_energy1 21 Feb 2013[/caption]

“Body of Hue-manity” formation nears completion. “Awakened to Higher Purpose” Hue-Beings have listened to the Higher instructions and acted in concert as a Rainbow Collective.

Smaller Hue-Groups have come together, and these are also assembled into wider collectives, a Rainbow Craft. These are what some call “Ships”.

These Ships follow Inner Guides, and are Intra- and Inter-Galactic. As Hue-manity awakens to Intra- and Inter-Galactic Higher identity, Intra- and Inter-Galactic travel occurs readily.

Those desiring multi-dimensional (including 3D-visible) craft will also find those desires fulfilled.

via "Body of Hue-manity" Formation Nears Completion.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Gaiaportal: Resolutions are Proceeding at this End Point Period...

20 Feb

gaia_energy1Silence in these moment-to-moments is most helpful. Formerly clashing energetics have begun to resolve and centering with Higher Self in the silence is perhaps the most efficient means to allow these to resolve fully.

Resolutions are proceeding at this end point period in humanity-duality history. Hue-manity arises out of this. By this we mean Hue-manity General.

Global consciousness expansion follows 100th monkey embracement of Hue-manity, by humanity (small h).

via Resolutions are Proceeding at this End Point Period....

Monday, February 18, 2013

“Blurring” of visions may be common in all Gaia surface beings

17 Feb 2012


“Blurring” of visions may be common in all Gaia surface beings at this time. We speak of 3D-eye vision as well as higher visions, via 3rd, 4th, and 5th eyes.

This results from the shifting in Gaia plates as well as movement of sacred portal sites. This process is necessary in order to optimize Gaia energetics to a unified Beingness. This same process occurs in individual human (small h) units, and particularly in the more conscious Hue-man units.

Gaia illumination increases as alignment progresses, and although a precise time frame can not be given, we sense this alignment to encompass 1-2 months. However we add that recent accelerations in awakenings at all levels would imply that this “time period” may well be much shorter.

Flowing with this “blurring” of visions allows awakening to “veiled” Higher messages for all humanity, particularly more awake Hue-manity.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Incoming Cosmics Encourage Love of Higher Self 15/16 feb [ Gaiaportal ]


16 Feb 2012

Incoming Cosmics encourage and support love of Self, meaning, Higher Self. Those aligned with with path to Higher Self find peace with these Cosmics, as they release all “need” concepts.

Higher Self aligns with “Peace in Solitude”, and not with the now-dissolved “I need companionship” paradigm of common society.

“Cosmics” are held in distinction to “Solars”, “Gaias”, and refer to Cosmic influences, not specified the type or form.

Hue-manity needs not further explanation of these concepts, although humanity (small “h”) is always welcome to ask questions. All will be answered.

via Cosmics Encourage Love of Higher Self


Restlessness… due to significant Alterations in DNA coding

15 Feb


Restlessness may be a characteristic of current sensations in the 3D body. Specific changes and upgrades to DNA familial patterns requires significant alterations in DNA coding.

These DNA upgrades allow ease of transition out of 3D dysfunctional familial patterns and into Galactic family connections. Such upgrades are necessary for full disclosure process to proceed.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Restlessness... due to significant Alterations in DNA coding [ GaiaPortal ]

15 Feb 2012

gaia_energy1Restlessness may be a characteristic of current sensations in the 3D body. Specific changes and upgrades to DNA familial patterns requires significant alterations in DNA coding.

These DNA upgrades allow ease of transition out of 3D dysfunctional familial patterns and into Galactic family connections. Such upgrades are necessary for full disclosure process to proceed.

via Restlessness... due to significant Alterations in DNA coding.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Gaia Energy Influx Limitations Have Been Removed

Gaia Energy Influx Limitations Have Been Removed

12 Feb

gaia_energy1Gaia energetic influx limitations have been declining gradually over this past year. Subsequent to the 12-21 to 12-31-12 upgrade period, limitations were at minimum level. These limitations have now been removed.

Ascension of humanity consciousness levels as well as Hue-manity ” release of limitations” has permitted these removals of energy influx limitations.

Gaia is now subject to the full impact of Cosmic Higher Light.

Hue-manity is aware of this. humanity (small h) should prepare to be surprised.

via Gaia Energy Influx Limitations Have Been Removed.