Nina on Mind Control in the UK, and her background. The Ammach project controversy is visited at the end. Nina's back ground and the initial steps in the UK Mind Control programs, in the mid 20th century.
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Thursday, July 25, 2013
Bases 29 Nina MK Ultra and SSS Part 1/2/3 + Ammash Analysis
Monday, July 22, 2013
The Oracle Report: Monday, July 22, 2013
Full Moon Phase - Moon In Capricorn/Aquarius
Ruling Mahavidya: Dhumavati
Todyay we will switch from our usual practice of being like a wise owl to being like a wise lion. What do you immediately sense as you place your mind there?
The lion in this picture possesses the full strength of his being, but he is engaged in a meditative state (oneness) with his surroundings. Her recognizes that, at the moment, there is nothing he needs to do.
Today we are wise to be like this lion because we are not in control of what is happening. But we are not helpless or powerless. On the contrary, our power will build throughout this Full Moon phase.
During this Full Moon phase, the Wisdom Goddesses who show the faces of Gaia-Sophia, the Mahavidyas, are creating structures of the mind. We are on “receiver mode” with a massive download taking place. The main purpose of this is to “sweep” away mind parasites that reinforce negative beliefs about self and replace them with new futures.
In some ways we may feel “locked out.” It is good to get used to this feeling (and in fact, revel in the knowledge that a force of grand proportion is working on our behalf).
Can you let go and let things proceed? This is the mission today.
Project Camelot: Tyler Clark - PsiTracker
Published on Jul 22, 2013
This is an interview with Tyler Clark which I did at the Super Soldier Conference in May of 2013.
Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot
Bases 25 Part 3 Interview with an MIB , Jay Collins
The Super Soldier Summit alleged MILAB abduction event continues, with the Exclusive First EVER!!! Interview with a Man In Black, or MIB._________________________________________________________________________________
Jay Collins asked Miles (now in West London) for a Skype Disclosure on the infamous Men In Black. Part of Bases 25.
Fantasy or fiction.. or the real deal. With disturbing and graphic descriptions, and Miles himself now in the frame as One Of The Super Soldiers. Taken to Area 51, 100miles north eats of Las Vegas, and a little post event visit with John Lear and Octoform (EIGHT LEGs) creatures on the moon (Off camera and not recorded.. its called PRIVATE)
John described how 2 of his grand children were recently taken to the Moon, and exposed to these 8 legged Mantis creatures.
This and more... see Part 4.
See Kerry Cassidy and Project Camelt and James Rink for further detailed interviews on this Super Soldier Summit mass MILAB event with 18 people taken for the Trip Seats (See Bases ONE 2010)
Once again this is RAW data, and for Research Only and Cannot be Verified... unless you know someone who can......
51:20 , i so agree #FWH ,-> yep pieces a shit.
and a greenie also... (cheers tammy), bugsmasher.. ha. (cheers andrew) ** both On air... #radio was said to Craphat's calllin on them2 hosts show #RR. // he cant match my game.. im a diffrent leaque ha. o i concluded and found back than that Dept of BS picture back than, that i got them all tagged in ha #FB and his comments also on public posts.. i set to. <3
google: formerwhitehat & exposed & rakmeister. or see facebook folder for nice pics a to z.. :)
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Inner Technologies: The 12th Dimensional dreamtime + Foundations of Consciousness
The 12th Dimensional dreamtime
Third dimensional physical reality is a holographic projection of energy-consciousness; all manifestation is an individuation of Cosmic Source-Consciousness into diverse inherently coherent and energetically interconnected intelligence fields. The human organism is composed of a limited series of interdimensionally imbedded energy-consciousness systems. Knowing this reveals that reality itself is the manifestation of a higher dimensional thought-form, it is a dreamtime whose solidity is completely contingent upon energetic quantum differentials. In a simpler sense, this means if you change your energy–consciousness frequency you can progressively remove the limitations of dimensionality; from another perspective this also means that your overall energy-consciousness state determines your experience of existence.
Original Blueprint
The electrical oscillatory dark energy or dark matter is the formless foundation that the 12th dimensional template is birthed from and continues to interact with to perpetually generate energy. In this sense, all forms of manifest existence can be viewed to represent degrees of separation from Source which in an energetic sense involves increased degrees of magnetization, mass, and of the vibration to the particles composing the form.
As form manifests in lower dimensional layers the particles of light-sound crystallize into fixed multidimensional form-holding frequency waves (holographic blueprints).
The core manifestation template is the underlying (or overarching) holographic structure of the human organism. It exists at the 12th dimensional reality field and is composed of organized vortices of liquid light-sound-multidimensional waves. The movement to this station of identity involves many levels of activation, realization-integration, and actualization or energy-consciousness fusion via consciously changing the matter-state of one’s fixed form. Thus spirituality in its clearest sense pertains to practices that generate a bioenergetic movement or return of consciousness to its original dematerialized higher frequency state of pure interconnected oneness.
: # 12th dimensional # starseed # liquid light # keylontic # unity # oneness # meditation # cosmology # hidden history # consciousness technology # multidimensional # energetic self-mastery # galactic # activation # ascension # enlightenment
Foundations of Consciousness
The Multidimensional Human
Ascension involves the acceleration of matter, the
increase of quantum, and the expansion of consciousness. The technology
of consciousness, or ;inner tech’ is a name I have selected to encompass
the spectrum of mental structure or architecture and emergent processes
related to them (including inter and intradimensional projections) for
altering the multidimensional system of the embodied identity, the
planet, and solar system.
The entire paradigm underlying and empowering these
perspectives might best be entitled New Earth (or Aurora Earth)
Sciences as they have and continue to arise from the frequency lines and
fields from these origins as relayed by the many individuals who
consistently yearn and strive to uphold the highest source consciousness
connections, the utmost integrity or internal cohesion, and the most
love and light in the streams of their hearts, minds, and bodies.
Our ability to create change may presently be
relatively weak, requiring Herculean efforts or not but the underlying
principle is the same and that principle wisdom is that we have a
co-creative energetic connection to existence, that the universal forces
respond to us, and grows with us such that we continue to nourish the
paths and practices of those connections. That personal relationship is
of the most value and forms the immutable foundation for all progression
to consciousness elevation or return. The efficiency we develop also stems from the internal alignments we make with higher consciousness entity-gestalts.
Our thoughts create multidimensional change.
The more quantum, the more alignment we have with the Source
consciousness fields the more easily and rapidly this occurs. Along with
greater alignment comes greater clarity regarding the structures and
processes of consciousness and as such we continue to aid one another by
refining and expanding our collective database of truths,
understandings, and best guesses.
Aligned thoughts mean greater harmony with the many
layers colors sounds and beings in existence, outwardly it often
manifests as greater silence and a sense of potency as a result of
having less thoughts & less lower frequency energy engagements. From
an energetic perspective we are talking about increasing the
focus/decreasing the diffusion, while engaging more dimensions and
frequencies of consciousness and more clearly comprehending the
structures and processes of existence.
Sound and light are the primary tools or processes
that we all use to interact with different phase-states of matter to
bring about change. The inner layers of our energy bodies respond more
to direct cellular connection or inner knowing and emotional potency
while the outer layers respond more to the contemplative or conceptual
structure and symbolism.
# morphogenetic # starseed # ascension # incension # unity # oneness # multidimensional # galactic # meditation # Spiritual Identity # consciousness

Saturday, July 20, 2013
GaiaPortal: Synchronizing of All Participants on All Dimensional Levels Occurs
Synchronizing of all participants on all dimensional levels occurs, as participant group consciousness has risen sufficiently to support such synchronization.
Transformational energetics are fully activated for those requiring such in the next few days of the time domain.
All Hue Beings are currently aligned with Gaia ascension transformation pathways.
Ready to proceed…

James Horak - Napoleon in the Great Pyramid Changing History through Time Manipulation
James Horak - Napoleon in the Great Pyramid
Napoleon, when he was in Egypt in 1798, asked to be left alone for a night in the King's Chamber inside the Great Pyramid of Giza. When he emerged, it was reported that he looked visibly shaken. When an aide asked him if he had witnessed anything mysterious, he replied that he had no comment, and that he never wanted the incident mentioned again - and then orders a cannoneer to fire on the face of the Sphinx.
Years later, when he was on his deathbed, a close friend asked him what really happened in the King's chamber. He was about to tell him and stopped. Then he shook his head and said, "No, what's the use. You'd never believe me." But there is an unsubstantiated story that Napoleon had hinted that he was given some vision of his destiny during his stay in the King's Chamber.
What happened inside the King's Chamber when Napoleon spent the night in the sarcophagus? And can this event account for his change from an ardent supporter of the French Revolution into an egomaniac who crowned himself a cesar?
Please fasten your seat belts, James Horak, again, is taking us far out on the limb and what we are told is also a warning - facilitators of the elite take note, this is for you to listen very closely!
If Napoleon had not been implanted a micro chip, if he would have stayed true to himself, history would have taken a very different course and the world would very likely be a better place.
Courtesy for audio editing:
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