A few words on the current Ascension Mechanics
MUSIC: Nightmares on Wax - 'You Wish'
SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/ks-reality-tal...
Published on Feb 26, 2016
Transhumanism is not only the future, it is already here…Find Info the the Book; http://www.omnisense.org/p/covert-tra...All 25+ Original Tracks in Covert Transhumanism Produced by Omnisense; http://omnisense.bandcamp.comStay Up to Date with Omnisense's Work;
Covered in Covert Transhumanism; A Mind Control Documentary:
•Electromagnetic Mind Control (At the Speed of Light)
•Whistleblower Testimony
•Government and Scientific Sources Verifying Mind Control
•Cutting Edge Mind Control Capabilities Explained
•How Mind Control is Done
•History of Mind Control
•Psychological Warfare (PSYOPS)
•Black Ops Perpetrated via Black Project Technology
•Technological Mind Tricks / Technological Illusions
•Telepathic Impersonations
•Black Project Post-Singularity Artificial Intelligence
•21st Century Targeting ~ Targeted Individuals
•Electronic Warfare / Electronic Harassment
•Tactics Used Against Targeted Individuals
•Aspects of 21st Century Targeting
•Gangstalking / Organized Stalking / Zersetzung / Street Theater
•Technological Possession
•Suicide Programming
•Electronic Telepathy/Synthetic Telepathy/v2k
•Mind Control Patents (RF Energy / Microwave)
•Brain Waves are Electromagnetic Waves (RF Energy)
•Cell Phone Tower Conspiracy (RF Energy)
•ELF Waves (RF Energy)
•HAARP (RF Energy)
•Electronic Telepathy Patents (RF Energy / Microwave)
•NSA’s SIGINT ~ Remote Neural Monitoring (Thought Surveillance)
•Manchurian Candidates
•Trauma Based Mind Control
•Mind Control Techniques
•Modern Day Mind Control Programs
•Black Project Technology
•“New Age” Psychological Operations
•Common Remote Influencing Technology Facades
•Technological Channeling Analysis
•Technological ESP
•Synthetic Sensations via Directed Energy Weapons
•Synthetic Dreams ~ Virtual Reality (VR)
•Black Project Spending
•Brain/Mind Mapping
•Operation Paperclip
•Operation Armageddon
•Artificial Intelligence based Demonic Possession Facades
•Defenses to Mind Control
•The Shadow Government
•The Surveillance Grid
•Psy Op Methodologies
•Mechanics of Perception
•Technological Conspiracy Quotes
•Transhumanization of Society
•What I call “The Covert Transhumanism Era”
In a nutshell;
"It seems AI has the power of the Matrix(in the movie) without the need for us to be in a pod plugged in." ~Andrew Hale
Avalon Sol shares with us his contact experience with a woman who displayed numerous telepathic and other worldly abilities such as a 'light show' displayed in the sky by linking with his pineal gland to a higher frequency, calling him frequently the moment he has a question to ask her, appearing to him as a white sphere of light. The giants in the stasis chambers (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WN5yG...) and what agenda this was is discussed in detail. The Corey Goode testimonies are discussed and analyzed, and the potential correlations to a facet of the Guardian Alliance. Avalon talks about the different 'weights of water' and how air is water. Avalon's Theory of Spatial Relativity is presented and discussed along with the Fukushima radiation radiation, the 'Equator Repulsion Zone', Chemtrails and 'Nanites'; an Alkaline water tincture for Nanite removal is shared. The difference between the CDT plates and the KumA’yah AL-Hum-Bhra Crystal Disks is defined as well as the ascension dates from past and present and the many changes from old work/ new work.
(PLEASE NOTE: The ascension dates Avalon mention are based off of KS material from BEFORE the 2012 Fail safe Activation. Please refer to arhayasproductions.com for the current ascension dates and more detail on ascension dynamics.) Avalon describes his views on Earth having a dome and his version of Flat Earth being a 'oblaque spheroid'. Avalon is an inventor who perfected a safer type of fog machine, along with a few other patents related to this invention, and is currently creating an off-grid self-sustaining sanctuary space of land for 'Indigo refugees'. For more details or for contributing to this project, please contact: https://www.facebook.com/avalon.sol?f
We have found the Keylontic Science teachings/information to be the most effective way to reawaken a deep connection through understanding the true nature of reality. For more information please go to: www.arhayas.com Please note that we are in no way associated with www.arhayas.com The Guardian Alliance have advised us that due to the escalation of energy activations that have occurred during this infusion cycle (SAC- Stellar Activation Cycle) that we connect with a level of ourselves called the Plasma Body. To connect with the Plasma Body, the Guardian Alliance has advised us to run the techniques found here: www.arhayas.com/pages/techniques The advice is to run these techniques before ANY OTHER technique. This includes the older Freedom Teaching material or any other energy techniques found on the internet. The Plasma frequencies are part of the Inner Domains realities which hold an undistorted connection to Source.
If you would like to reach out and help by co‐creating an interview, you can contact either Tony on:
E‐mail: tony.dennis@hotmail.co.uk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/tony.dennis.71271
Skype: tony.dennis144
Or Chris on:
E-mail: chrisvcomstock@yahoo.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/christopher.v.comstock
Skype: chrisvcomstock
Thank you greatly for BEing here and assisting in these times.
-Tony & Chris.
Published on Feb 12, 2016Uforia Cronicles teams up to interview a living legend, a entity named "Avalon Sol" He opens up talking about his history, his awakening, atomic particle god source contracts and dimensions. He closes his talk exposing how the invading artificial intelligent micro or nano bots were created without a shut off button whom are continuously reproducing, invading low vibrating humans and other occult revelations.The photos in place are not accurate to the talk but are there to only inspire the imagination while listening.
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