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Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Friday, September 16, 2016
FutureAgeSage: God Star: Adashi One No-Time Code
#adashi, #ascended master, #unity #oneness, #multidimensional, #spiritual science, #mandala #sacred geometry, #spirit ,#god, #energetic synthesis, #master ,#starseed , #visionary,
Friday, February 22, 2013
Rigorous empirical and psychological implications
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image by FutureAgeSage #Original |
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_8bf1ebf301017rl7.html | Category: Zatan |
Comprehensive observed many cases, I think I need to talk about this issue here.
Recently read a other countries KSer, questioned, I do not entirely agree with the view, but think of the other questioned valuable to keep questioning can remind us to reflect, to avoid the "faith" to treat KS knowledge.
Also mentioned in this question the of psychological hint of individuals / groups, I have to admit that, even in the KSer,, which is a common phenomenon, and not less than any other system.
KS the abbreviation for Keylontic Science, Science is the meaning of [scientific]. That we need to verify a rigorous scientific spirit and treat, rather than [brain supplement] and [of fantasy literature] even [religion] attitude to deal with.
I also found that plunged into a new era, or the belief in the old days nothing attitude of the difference between blind and brain complement to many domestic and foreign KSer sometimes (no borders distinguish such phenomena).
If someone says, his energy attacks, my reaction is definitely "Oh"
If someone says he is so and so energy absorption, my reaction is certainly "
If someone says, his conversation with deities / aliens, my reaction is "Oh"
If someone says that the shadow of the negative body FATALE Metatron, in addition to my outside really did the other said.
I believe there are many real multidimensional communication and various energy interaction exists, but I can not believe the non-empirical personal feelings. This intermediate blending too much psychological implications and imagination. Susceptible to suggestive and subjective / brain complementary personal feelings / personal preference determines it is usually not my judgment thing Puppetry of the reference standard.
Online with the "awakening of the University" Galactic Federation farce, the parties and the Galactic Federation A house who have become a laughing stock. The parties and the believers in your faith, did not knew them self thinking and behavior in the eyes of outsiders repeat itself ridiculous, let alone whether to realize that they are lost in the faith. This farce is ridiculous ridiculous, but also very typical, is the pursuit of self-belief or truth can be used for self-Kam mirror. Although we have often stressed not to be too concerned about the opinions of others, but sometimes we still need to stand to look at yourself in someone else's point of view, someone else's point of view as a kind of mirror self-test yourself whether the identified beliefs under the guise of what is lost . If a person all day Yijingyizha ghost suddenly God suddenly the wind is how Rain motionless energy How often to feel what is there and what is wrong, and you think about how other people will see you: convulsions, neuropathy, the brain is not normal? If a person motionless on a bunch of big philosophical truths, to decorate their own self-righteous reasons or findings of others, this repair is not enough that the frequency is too low should how how circled boundaries ... you think others will see how all day you? Do you think in the back of the Little Red Book or learn the dog pee zoned site ah? Do not rush to complain that others do not understand you, or holding a surge of spiritual pride that others are mere mortals unknown So, first ask yourself what is not biased!
Yes, KS and knowledge really lead to a lot of people many miracles on the organism and can not with the current interpretation of Earth Sciences wonderful phenomenon, but also many people will self-imagined classified as the actual existence of the phenomenon. The majority of fans fascinated by mysticism and more from various arts industry / professional areas imagination has easily absorbed the advantages of new things and new ideas, but also has the disadvantage of less research rigor (just general, not absolute). Good imagination, blind faith justify the lack of testing and empirical spirit.
I understand that people in psychologically blind faith, it has been very careful to avoid the KS in China evolved into flooded imagined, the "ventilation pompous-devotional religious. At least, as long as there is still a "circle", as long as I'm still here, I will try to avoid such things openly here, and as much as possible to keep it a "scientific rigor" of pure.
KS GA returned the extraordinary knowledge, it is majestic, profound, ancient, detailed, fascinating. Make good use of it, good for the evolution of all races, abusing it harmful to the evolution of the whole race. I trust MCEO teaching, because it is given to me in addition to detailed enough clarity, there is enough evidence. This trust is not price, not tenure, supported by the fact that it needs to continue to be amiable certificate. The MCEO Is encouraged to view all the authenticity of the content, including its own teaching to encourage questioning contrast,. Indigos Federal can get back in the mainland of China, no GA trace of desert MCEO teaching, recover from the numerous traps throughout suspicions KS, thus becoming a major force in promoting and developing KS, has been relying on is constantly questioned and from the the negative argumentation core essence of things.
Complex multi-dimensional political front, no amount of caution and questioned insufficient, even in the face has always trusted groups. Where truth-seeking and truth-seeking is not this just an empty talk. I believe that to be able to withstand the most harsh questioning and inspection MCEO / AMCC-MCEO teaching is worthy of public trust, is entrusted to the public's knowledge can be assured. I also believe that the MCEO / AMCC-MCEO the teaching be able to withstand the most harsh questioning and inspection.
Rigorous, blind fanaticism and Light assert brought too many problems and lessons.
If people are really self-proclaimed KSer, I hope that the Chinese here, KSer to a scientific attitude to face KS knowledge, like the face of mathematics, physics or history as a mere attitude. Treat to learn, reference or use GA technology, history, current affairs, philosophy or physics, to question, to empirical actively look for the real answer. Instead of it as a non-questioning and examination of the truth or faith to look, not to seek empirical justify it as self-brain complement the theoretical basis of the imaginary situation.
This is not a request, just a proposal.
Look forward to this year, about aurora Earth changes Empirical early appear worthy of a truly great knowledge of our planet as a whole, should permit should permit new AMCC-MCEO teaching, really down-to-earth into a new era of blind .
May here never idolized, never religious, and only seek truth and the light in the guidelines.

Saturday, January 19, 2013
Owl Wisdom #12
http://patcegan.wordpress.com/2013/01/18/owl-wisdom-12/ |
can shift their responsibilities
to us, they do. In our need to
feel valuable and loved, we are
willing to carry loads that
are not ours. We serve neither
them nor ourselves when we do this.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Freedom Teachings: Veca Codes - Universal Christos-Trion-Meajhe Field


The Rha-Veca Code

The Khu-Veca Code

The Eckasha

not lined holds 50% distortions...
clean version i made. artistic version soon..
Codes Bi-Veca
The Dha-Veca Code
The Trinity -Veca Code
The Dha-Veca Code
Veca Codes:
(See: Code, High Veca Codes, Symbols, Geomancies) (register a acc(free) for more ACCESS words/Dictionary) @ http://www.keylonticdictionary.org
Veca Codes: the "Time Vector Codes"; mathematical programs of manifestation that govern the formation of Fire Letter Sequences in manifestation templates.
Each Dimensional Field, and the Primal Light and Sound Field have a set of Veca Code programs, that when activated in a Planet or Being allow the corresponding Life Force Current, in its original organic "Eternal Divine Blueprint" or "Divine Right Order" form, to progressively embody.
The High Veca Codes of D-12 Divine Blueprint and Primal Light/Sound Trion-Meajhe Fields above have the power to restore all Veca codes and Scalar Template below them to their original Divine Blueprint or "Divine Right Order."
Veca Code Bio-regenesis programs allow the unnatural 7 Jehovian Seals to be cleared from the body and Veca Code RRT's allow rapid anchoring of the D-12 Planetary Divine Blueprint for expedited fulfillment of the Planetary Christos Realignment Mission.
When used with the Temporary Maharic Seal, Toning of the Veca Code "names" (auditory translation of their core mathematical vibration. Mu-a'-va, Ha-sha, Shar-dA'z-a, DU-a'jha and Ec-ka), activates corresponding mathematical codes in the DNA Template, expediting embodiment of the personal D-12 Pre-matter Divine Blueprint and corresponding levels of personal expanded consciousness.
(Voyagers II - Page 517)
Veca Codes clear Radial Body and DNA Miasms on projection current, then Return Current carries Veca Code-corrected Divine Blueprint mathematical program back through personal anatomy and Kathara Grid
(See: Universal Life Force Currents)
Return Current continues on to carry corrected Divine Blueprint program back into Planetary Anatomy, clearing corresponding portions of the Planetary Grids, Radial Body (Memory Matrix), Merkaba Fields, Planetary Shields and Kathara Grid.
Creating a Personal Bio-Field Link to the
Universal Christos-Trion-Meajhe Field:
Induction of the High Vecas*
Use will also help clear Jehovian Seals Veca Codes Veca Codes are very specific SYMBOL CODES, each possessing corresponding Sound Tones or Arieas. Working with these codes assists us in opening the Maharic Shield to the Rishiac Shield (the level of our being at the 5th Density or Harmonic Universe Level: the Primal Light Fields), as well as balancing more smoothly the higher frequencies now anchoring on earth. Veca Code technologies facilitate the healing of the subconscious mind, helping us to intercept incoming distortions or miasms and also to begin to clear the backlog of these distortions in our own anatomy.
Induction or embedding of the High Veca Codes into the 15 Dimensional Anatomy involves placing individual Symbol Codes (mathematical programmes) over the regions of the physical body that correspond to the appropriate aspects of the Kathara Grid. The body placement of each code corresponds directly to its place in the Shields.
Once the Symbol is in place, the breath is used to direct D12 Maharata Current through each symbol code and body region. Use of the Maharata Current carrier wave (via induction of the Maharic Seal/Shield) is required to induce the code's mathematical programme into the various levels of the Kathara Grid, where the programme will then naturally transfer into the corresponding areas of the Level-1 Kathara 12-Tree Grid core template. This induction is amplified by the use of optical-pineal induction whereby the eyes are focused for a time upon the Image of the symbol code. The mathematical Veca Code programme enters the Pineal Seals through the Optical Currents and 6th Chakra, and then travels for embedding/ induction through the Central Vertical Current into the body regions to which the code corresponds. In the beginning stages of working with optical-pineal induction it is recommended to use a 'cross-eyed' focus in whatever way this feels most comfortable, either relaxed or more concentrated, to give a double, 'overlapping' image of the symbol code. This facilitates the realignment of distortions in the optical region (see CCR and SYCA workshops for further information on brain structure).
Once the High Veca and Eckasha Code Sequences are embedded/ induced into the Level 1 Kathara Grid, they are then activated in the Kathara Grid by TONING the corresponding Veca Code Ariea sequence. The longer the toning is sustained the greater will be the quantity and quality of Veca Code Activation. We are reflecting back to our Shields what is in them, and that reflection stimulates the vibration of the same pattern that is already in the Shields. When it vibrates, it begins to bring in the frequencies to which it is keyed. The Radial Body is our pre-sound, pre-light body, the radiating fields of energy and life force around and within us. It takes the primary form of a tissue capsule around the auric field and also smaller energy capsules around all of the atoms of the body. The Radial Body is not just the tissue capsule; it is also what is contained inside it. If there are distortions in the Radial Body, it is like projecting a film onto a damaged screen, thus the condition of the Radial Body, our manifestation arena, has a direct bearing on the quality of the life we experience as manifest around us. The Holographic Template or Thought-Energy Blueprint is the original thought-form construct upon which our universal structure is perpetually re-created. The Radial Body is the living theatre within which the consciousness held in our DNA and entire energetic structure can be experienced as a 3D hologram, the holographic refraction lens that allows the hologram to move through us. Veca Codes are Radial Body codes; in addition to clearing and realigning distortions at this level, they control the opening and closing of the Radial Body capsules. Every time we work with the Veca Codes we are releasing the Radial Body locks which hold the levels of the Radial Body separate from each other. This allows the levels of the Radial Body to blend together, facilitating the full activation of the whole Flame Body. Once activated, the Veca Code programmes travel upward through the stages of the Transduction Manifestation sequence, the process by which Source steps into manifestation in every moment, temporarily restoring the Christiac Merkaba Field, Radial Body and Memory Matrix Divine Blueprint. Frequent and continued use of these and other KS codes will progressively build Critical Mass of the Divine Blueprint programme simultaneously within ALL levels of the 15 Dimensional anatomy, eventually culminating in expedited full restoration of the D 12 Maharic Shield blueprint within the Body-Mind-Spirit system, via the Radial Body Trion (Light)- Meajhe (Sound) Field. To receive the full benefits of working with Veca Code technologies, the Emerald and Amethyst Awakenings Sequence should be fully run at least once in the life time beforehand.
Exercise - 1: Once per day, do Eckasha Maharic Seal then practice each set of Veca-tones separately while fixating visual focus on corresponding Veca-Code symbol; spend at least three or four minutes gazing at each symbol (optical-pineal induction) while toning corresponding tones (core template vibrational induction). With practice this will progressively expand the personal consciousness while activating the personal Christos-Trion-Meajhe Field of your Christos-Rishiac-Ascended Master identity levels within the cellular structure.
Exercise - 2: Once per week, directly after completing
Exercise - 1, place all Veca-Code symbols over designated body areas, activate Maharic Shield, breathe D-12 Maharata Current through each symbol and body area to induce code, using the Bi-Tri-Khu-Dha-Ra Sequence, then begin toning the corresponding tones following the Bi-Tri-Khu-Dha-Ra Sequence.
Memorize the tone sequence of the 5 High - Veca Codes as if it were a "song" and relax, close eyes and sing/tone this "song" (Psonn) for 5 to 10 minutes.
The longer you tone, the more frequency power you build within the body and the stronger your link will be to the Universal Christos - Trion Meajhe Field.
This exercise can also be used with groups, either singularly to create and amplify Christos - Trion - Meajhe Field links or just prior to beginning RRT work.
Frequent and consistent use of these two exercises will progressively develop the spin-rate capacity of the personal Christos Merkaba Field, while expanding higher consciousness within the body and progressively enhancing the health, immunity and integrity of the Mind-Body-Spirit system.
The High Veca Codes
Universal Time Codes for
Primal Frequency Access*
Veca Codes open the Radial Body Locks between the Veca Quadrant and the Ecka Core of the Ecka-Veca Body, allowing passage of Heliotalic Currents into the Manifest Density Body.
To hear a wave file of the toning sequence, Right Click HERE (464kb) and choose
"save link as". Save to your desktop so you will know where it is. Go to
desktop and double click the file to play.
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A & A Deane, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series

Friday, November 25, 2011
Multidimensional News - November 24, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
The Secret Of Light with Matt Presti
Tuesday, November 15, 2011 at 6:29PM
OffPlanet Radio Show Podcast-November 15, 2011-Randy Maugans with Matt Presti
Download The Secret Of Light with Matt Presti
Musician, media artist, metaphysician, and cosmic explorer, Matt Presti, joins us for a journey into the realms of consciousness, the new science of spirituality: the work of Walter and Lao Russell, and God's true science of Creation and Eternity...free thinking and free energy...
The priests of science, the priesthoods of religion...all the convoluted designs that keep humanity bound in the material realm dissolve when we grasp TRUTH. Truth is simple to understand when we walk out of the 3-dimensional boxes:
Matt Presti unfolds the Russelian world where science and Spirit intersect. Walter Russell's vision---along with his wife, Lao---was to bring to mankind a system to understand who we are, and the nature of the creation in which we exist. Science is not the sole realm of arcane physics and inscrutable mathematics, and physics is easily understood by the principles of equilibrium:
Listen as we discuss the liberation of the human soul...the path to right knowing and right living...it is all so SIMPLE!
Music featured on this show:
"Shine" by Matt Presti
"Find The Others"-Matt Presti (feat. Jeff Schneider & Mike Coulter)
Matt Presti on iTunes
Matt Presti on Amazon
The Secret Of Light - Matt Presti and Robert Otey's site on Unviersal Law, Natural Science, and Living Philosophy
"The Exploration of Consciousness" - Russellian Science Series: YouTube Playlist
Walter Russell Wikipedia article
OffPlanet Radio-11-15-2011-Matt Presti-Secret of Light
OffPlanet Radio Show Podcast-November 15, 2011-Randy Maugans with Matt Presti
http://thesecretoflight.com/ | http://mattpresti.com/
Download The Secret Of Light with Matt Presti
The priests of science, the priesthoods of religion...all the convoluted designs that keep humanity bound in the material realm dissolve when we grasp TRUTH. Truth is simple to understand when we walk out of the 3-dimensional boxes:
"The science I read was so utterly complex that it was beyond the average comprehension whereas the science of God's''plan in Nature which I wished to give was so simple that anyone of average intelligence could master it without difficulty." -Walter Russell
Matt Presti unfolds the Russelian world where science and Spirit intersect. Walter Russell's vision---along with his wife, Lao---was to bring to mankind a system to understand who we are, and the nature of the creation in which we exist. Science is not the sole realm of arcane physics and inscrutable mathematics, and physics is easily understood by the principles of equilibrium:
"God's universal body is a two-way compesnsating,continuous and eternal universe of absolute balance in every effect of motion, Generation equals radiation, compression equals expansion,the red half of the specrum equals the blue half, solid matter balances the potential of its surrounding space in every wave field, and each one of every opposite pair not only balances with its opposite but borns its opposite through sequential interchange." -Walter and Lao Russell, "UNIVERSAL LAW, NATURAL SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY", 1950
Listen as we discuss the liberation of the human soul...the path to right knowing and right living...it is all so SIMPLE!
Music featured on this show:
"Shine" by Matt Presti
"Find The Others"-Matt Presti (feat. Jeff Schneider & Mike Coulter)
Matt Presti on iTunes
Matt Presti on Amazon
The Secret Of Light - Matt Presti and Robert Otey's site on Unviersal Law, Natural Science, and Living Philosophy
"The Exploration of Consciousness" - Russellian Science Series: YouTube Playlist
Free Energy and Free Thinking - Walter Russell's work in Sacred Geometry
Walter Russell Wikipedia article
OffPlanet Radio-11-15-2011-Matt Presti-Secret of Light
Monday, July 18, 2011
Multidimensional Newsletter ~ July 2011
July 18, 2011
For Ascension on Sirius B Part I, please click:
Through expressing the deepest depths and the highest heights of our emotions, and mastering them both, we are able to transmute emotion into intuition.
Shaleem’s Story
My name is Shaleem Shakara. Tarmaine and I are Divine Complements. I shall now share my tale with you, for it is appropriate that you hear of our merging and ascension from my viewpoint. From where I am now, the journey from where I was then, would be far. Tarmaine and I were worst enemies for many hundreds of years. He hated and feared the darkness in himself that I represented. In turn, I hated and feared the light in myself that he represented. But in spite of the hate, in spite of the fear, we always, always felt the spark.
When we would enter the Planetary Council Meetings, he was the only person in the room for me. I even stopped attending the meetings for a while, as I was so disturbed by the feelings that I had for him. I was a Priestess of Darkness and lived in the deepest caves that were located on the planet’s surface. He was the enemy, as he represented the light, which would distract me from my duties. The Council of Darkness knew that in order to maintain the 3D Matrix, the polarities of light and dark would have to remain separate or our planet would return to Source. Therefore, we chose to separate from light. If we had to use fear in order to maintain this separation, it was a small price to pay to continue our physical reality.
I had heard of the Ancients, but I had never met one. In fact, I thought they were a myth, until they saved my life. It was shortly after the Council Meeting in which I “ran into Tarmaine.” Twice a year, when the moons were in opposition, the Councilors of Darkness and of Light met to discuss the important issue of controlling the 3D Matrix. Although we kept it a secret from our citizens, both Councils knew the Matrix was degrading and there was not much time left before our planet would transcend into the next dimension. We were much like the Priesthood in the final days of Atlantis who, no matter what price, wished to keep themselves in power as long as possible.
We told ourselves that we kept this information from the masses to protect them and give them more time to evolve. That was, of course, a lie. We did not tell the masses the truth, as we knew that it would diminish our power. As I was saying, hundreds of years before our ascension we knew that the 3D matrix was degrading. However, since we were the ones in power over others, we were the ones who were the least likely to embrace this change. We liked our power, and we wanted things to stay the same, so that we could suck the last nectar from the flower of our success.
We were successful at domination and control 0f others. We saw no need to focus on our inner world. In fact, we did not even have an inner world. Even our Goddess Mother was external to us. It was the service of the Council of Darkness to maintain separation and limitation so that our planet could play the 3D Game longer. In fact, even the Council of Light had an external God. Their God lived up in the sky somewhere. He was so far away from them that their Counselors even believed that they could hide things from Him!
They could be very ungodly outside of their Temple, but it was acceptable as long as they were godly inside the Temple. As Counselors of Darkness and servants to our Mother Planet, we were wise enough to know that the Great Mother saw everything and was everywhere. We also believed that the Mother Planet was an enemy of the Father God and his Council of Light. Therefore, we only interacted with the Council of Light at our bi-annual Planetary Council Meetings. Other than that, the light and the dark were forever separate. Therefore, when I finally returned to the Meetings and my old feelings resurfaced as soon I saw Tarmaine, I was greatly concerned.
I didn’t know what love was, but I did recognize attraction. I was so attracted to him that I could hardly be in the same room without looking at him. When I saw him at the Meeting, I practically flew from the room. Little did I know that he had had the same reaction and had escaped in the opposite direction. However, the corridors that we escaped into were circular, and in our haste to escape, we ran directly into one another. For just a moment, or was it an eternity, we looked into each other’s eyes.
In his eyes I saw unity. Somehow, I knew that he had seen that same unity in my eyes. I excused myself before I could look at him again and returned to the Temple of Darkness in great haste. Once there, I realized that when someone, such as myself, who had known only separation and fear, unites with love, it can cause great injury. My very physical form became almost instantly dis-eased. My body temperature rose to an enormously high level, and I ached everywhere. I could not eat, rest, move, talk or think. My body was infected with the virus of light, and I could feel it spreading throughout my system. I was dying.
For days and weeks I lingered on the verge of death. I was so distraught that no one could read my mind, even though that was normal for our society. I was now separate from the one group that I had been united with, the Council of Darkness. Finally, my fellow Councilors realized that, even though the journey might kill me, they would have to take me to the cave of the Ancients to be healed. We had always been forbidden to enter their Caves. In fact, we were not even sure that anyone was really inside of them. But we had to take the chance. My sisters brought me to the Cave and left, as they knew the Ancients would not come while they were there. By this time I was hallucinating. I was outside myself, watching my small, shaking body propped against the entrance to the Cave of the Ancients, as I moved farther and farther away.
I was sure I would never return to my physical form, when suddenly in a moment of excruciating pain, I was pulled back. The Ancients had come to save me. I cannot remember what happened after that. I can only remember that I was healed. My body was healed, my mind was healed and my spirit was healed. Actually, I was transformed. My heart was open, and I could not close it again. Eventually, I went back to my old world, but found I could no longer lived there. I could not tolerate the fear. For my entire life, I had used fear like a weapon. Now it was intolerable to me.
I knew from being a High Councilor that our leaders were not ready to change. I learned that Tarmaine had “defected” to the Threshold Dwellers. Somehow, knowing that allowed me to start a new life myself. Hence, I joined the Ancients. The Ancients were peace and love incarnate. I didn’t think that I would be able to feel either the peace or the love. However, much to my surprise, I could, and it was wonderful! I studied with the Ancients for many years. During that time, more and more of our citizens joined us. It seemed that once the Ancients opened their Cave to me, it remained open to anyone who wished to enter. Because the Ancients had Planetary Consciousness, their emanation of peace and love seeped out of their now open Caves, into the body of the Great Mother, and throughout our watery atmosphere.
Eventually, I could even sense the minds of many of my former friends in the Council of Darkness yearning to join the Ancients. These Councilors wanted to change, but they were afraid. Fear had been their ruler since the beginning of our time, so it took time and effort before they could release the hold of that fear and embrace the peace. However, gradually they did, until one day, most of my friends had joined the Ancients.
Allow me now to tell you of my next meeting with Tarmaine. Much time had passed since our “accidental” meeting in the corridor. During that time, he had joined the Threshold Dwellers, and I had joined the Ancients. In order for us to do so, he had had to face his inner darkness, and I had had to face my inner light. Therefore, when we met, it was not as two polarized halves, but instead as two complete beings. Since I had released my fear and joined with my light, I had a deep sense of love. Tarmaine had joined with and balanced his inner darkness and had a profound wisdom. Therefore, our second meeting was NOT an accident.
Since the awakening of Tarmaine and myself, our telepathic connection was greatly enhanced. Even though he resided in the Threshold Temples, and I resided in the deepest caves of the Ancients, our communication was almost constant. We were somewhat like what you would call in your world, imaginary friends. Finally, we both received from our inner selves that it was time for us to meet physically in the exact middle ground of our planet’s atmosphere. I was to pull the feminine polarized energy of the Great Mother up, while he was to carry the masculine polarized energy of the Divine Father down. I was to represent “matter,” and Tarmaine was to represent “spirit,” as we consummated our Mystical Marriage of spirit-into-matter.
The Divine Father and the Great Mother were to marry and give birth to the sacred child, our new world. Since we were the first of the High Counselors to “defect” to the Threshold Dwellers and the Ancients, we were the first to perform the ceremony; as each of the Divine Complements met as one, they would also perform the same ceremony. If both Divine Complements had served in the same Temple, light or dark, one of them would choose to study in the realm of the opposite polarity so that during their eventual joining, Divine Complement with Divine Complement, they could assist in de-polarizing the planet. I say “de-polarizing,” as polarities of good/bad, male/female, light/dark, even here/there, are what keep the 3D (in our case 3D/4D) Matrix intact. Each time two Divine Complements joined in mystical marriage, the 3D Matrix of our planet degraded further.
I would like to share with you my Mystical Marriage with Tarmaine. Since we were the first to unite in such a way, there was greater energetic resistance between our two polarities. Hence, there was greater power released when our polarities merged into ONE. My journey into the middle atmospheres was very difficult, as I had only been there during the Planetary Council Meetings. These meetings did not expose me to the light energy because our Council of Darkness had special vacuum tubes, like elevators, which maintained each Councilor’s own vibration in the “mid-world.” The Council of Light had the same devices.
Each Council believed that its way was right and did not want to taint its “purity” by exposure to the opposite polarity of the other Council. Also, both Councils had come to realize that these meetings of light and dark might have been a contributing factor to the degrading of the Matrix. Therefore, we created barriers to separate us during our meetings. However, the energy field between Tarmaine and I was so intense that we could feel each other even through the barrier.
Now, my journey to the mid-world was different, indeed, as I had studied many years with the Ancients in preparation of my Mystical Marriage. Since the beginning of our civilization, the Ancients had been the ones to protect the knowledge of the end days of transformation. In fact, that is why they had isolated themselves from the rest of our society. The Ancients, much like the Native Peoples of your planet, held the ancient secrets until the time of ascension.
The first to inhabit our planet, the Ancients would be the last to ascend. They were the “Captain” of our planetary “ship,” and would not abandon it. They would ascend with the planet, or not at all. The Ancients taught me that, in the beginning, our world was fourth dimensional. Then our planet gradually lowered its vibration to encompass the third dimension. The Ancients contributed to this process by dividing their formerly androgynous selves into Divine Complements, two genders, and sending one of their genders into the upper atmospheres. In this way, the male/female opposite polarities could stabilize the emerging 3D Matrix.
Since Tarmaine and I were the first Divine Complements to re-join, I was incredibly nervous. I had to constantly go within to find love, so that I could calm my fear. Fortunately, the Ancients were there to give me courage, while Tarmaine’s loving call urged me toward him. I had found my light within, but I had never experienced the light of the higher worlds. The further up the atmosphere I traveled, the more I had to confront my fear of the unknown.
Without the call of Tarmaine, I don’t believe that I could have made the journey. However, when I saw Tarmaine moving towards me in the mid-world, I knew that it all had been worthwhile. I felt a deep love and understanding within me project out towards the form of Tarmaine. As he came closer and closer, I gained an ever-growing knowledge of myself. When first we touched, the world disappeared. We were again ONE. There was no ceremony, or celebration. There was only Unity, Peace and LOVE.
We left our planet completely and traveled to our Source as the one being that we had always been. It was there that we learned all that was necessary to assist our planetary ascension.
Tarmaine’s Story
I am Tarmaine, here to continue my story. My first journey into the darkness was just as terrifying as Shaleem’s journey into the light. To me the darkness was not just unknown. It was the enemy.
My fellow Councilors and I believed that the enemy was always inside of others, since we fancied ourselves as being only light. When I first met Shaleem, I felt her darkness, but the thing that attracted and repulsed me, was that I felt “her” darkness inside of “me.” How could that darkness be inside of me, the one who was ONLY light? However, that was not the most disturbing thing. The most disturbing thing was that the darkness felt exciting. It felt powerful and fun. Fun was not something with which I had much experience.
In the Temples of Light, we were SO serious. We prayed, meditated, pondered, and controlled. We controlled what we thought, what we felt, what we ate and where we went. We even controlled others. There were strict rules for everything, and it was forbidden to ever question a rule, much less break it. Luckily, we believed we were all of all light, so none of us ever considered breaking a rule. That is, we never considered getting caught breaking a rule. We Beings of light were very ruthless about our subterfuge. If we broke a rule, we made sure that no one knew about it, no matter what we had to do.
From who I am now, I look back to that mindset and see how truly dark we actually were. However, we believed that we were right. In fact, we believed that we were perfect. That belief was the first inner darkness that I had to accept. I realized that my arrogance about my light was actually my greatest darkness. Once I realized that, I could not continue the lie about my perfection. Just as Shaleem did, I went into a deep depression and great fear after meeting her. I was afraid that I, this high and mighty Councilor of Light, was not good enough for my enemy, a Councilor of Darkness.
None of us had actually met our Complements. Nonetheless, when I ran into Shaleem in that corridor, I knew that she was my Divine Complement, and I was hers. I also knew instantly that I would have to break every rule there was to be with her. After much inner conflict I knew that I could no longer be a High Councilor of Light. I realized that my life, and all that I had so vehemently stood for, was a lie; a lie that I could no longer live. Therefore, I left my life and all that I had known. I threw off my symbols of station, and without a word to anyone, I disappeared into the world outside the Temple. It was a world that I had never experienced.
I had been born in the Temple and lived there my entire life. I wanted to see the people that I had spent my life ruling. For months I hid in shadows as my hunger grew. I had never worked and had no social skills. A life of labor had always been beneath my station. Yes, I did see members of our world laboring, but I also saw them as having fun. It was the thought of having fun that drew me from my shadows. However, I knew no social conventions and offended everyone with my arrogance. When I was around, everyone stopped having fun. They didn’t seem to realize why, nor did I, but my presence made everyone get serious. Who I was had not changed just because I had taken off my robes and escaped into the night.
I was still a controlling presence that made everyone feel uncomfortable. I traveled far and wide seeking a place where I could fit, but always it was the same. When I entered a gathering, everyone stopped having fun and gradually dispersed. I was totally alone now. I could not find a place for me, and I could never return to the Temple. So, I went off into the wasteland areas of our world where none traveled and none lived. Even though we were a water world, we still had a wilderness. This area was much like your desert in that it was flat, no peaks, and no caves. But most frightening of all, the wastelands led right to the precipice of the territory of Darkness. Since I had no responsibilities, there seemed to be no time, and since everything was flat and looked the same, there appeared to be no space.
I was alone without even time or space to define my essence. There was nothing left to hide behind, or in. I only had myself, and the memory of Shaleem. I became a nomad, traveling around the wilderness in search of food. My thoughts and feelings were focused on my physical survival, and on my great pain. Why did NO ONE wish to be with me? How could I have such a negative influence on everyone whom I encountered? How could they shun me? I was a High Councilor of Light. How could mere laborers turn away from my mighty presence? Of course! They were frightened by my great light, my great Power.
“How could they, so lowly in our civilization, not recognize my great LIGHT?” I shouted into the nothingness. It was then that I heard the laugh. It was NOT a happy laugh. It was a taunting one.
“Now you taunt me,” I cried indignantly. But, I realized that I was alone. There is no one here but me.
“You are never alone,” I heard inside. Was it the Collective Consciousness observing me in my sorrow?
“I AM your SELF. I AM in you, as well as beyond you,” replied the voice.
This time, it was not laughing. In fact, the voice felt compassionate and kind.
“How dare you be compassionate with me,” I yelled. “I am a High Councilor of Light. It is I who have the right to be compassionate—or not.”
“To me, you are a child,” replied the voice that I was beginning to hate.
“You taunt me, then you have compassion for me, then you judge me. How dare you be so arrogant with ME!”
“Why are you so angry at your SELF?”
“I am angry at you, not at myself.”
“But here is only you. Your arrogance has even cut you off from the Collective Consciousness.”
“How dare you call me arrogant? I am just out here trying to survive in this wasteland of nothingness. I came out here, as there was no one who would accept me, no one who could even be near me—ME—a High Councilor. Didn’t they know who I was?”
“Do you know who you are?” the voice softly whispered.
The quiet of the voice, and the truth of the words, stopped me. NO! I did not know who I was, but I knew then that I would have to find out. I had to go to the one group that accepted everyone and judged no one, the Threshold Dwellers.
The Ancients Speak
When Shaleem first came to us, she was on the verge of death. She had lived her life championing the cause of separation. Always, she had held the negative polarity of matter and third dimensional stability. When she joined with Tarmaine in the hall she was electrocuted by his positive charge of light. All the electrical circuits in her body were de-polarized in that moment of their meeting.
Tarmaine’s body did not suffer that injury, as his body was more ethereal and could absorb a brief depolarization. However, within that moment of unity, Tarmaine’s mind was opened and his thoughts were freed of limitation. He was formless, and experienced himself as pure consciousness in union with the Flow of All That Is. Henceforth, he would never again feel separate from another—even his “enemy,” and the dogma of the Council of Light was revealed to him as separatist, limited and judgmental.
However, what affected him the most was Shaleem’s opened heart. Just as Tarmaine’s mind had opened, Shaleem’s heart had opened, and she experienced a moment of pure, unconditional love. Within the moment of their meeting, they each had a fifth dimensional experience. However, since they were both still incomplete within themselves, the experience repelled them rather than united them.
Tarmaine’s opened mind had made him doubt all that he had formerly believed in, and threw him into self-doubt and confusion, while Shaleem’s opened heart made her release too much of her life force into Tarmaine. This sudden loss of life force was why she became so ill, and why she could not heal herself. In their brief meeting, their lives were changed. Together they experienced something that they could not experience apart—the fifth dimension. However, before they could stay there together, as ONE androgynous being, they would each have to find their SELF—separately.
The Threshold Dwellers Speak
When Tarmaine came to us, we were surprised to have a High Councilor of Light at our door. We knew who he was with our inner senses, but, externally, he appeared more like a peasant than a High Councilor. He had no arraignments of authority, and he looked beaten and broken. Our healers took him in at once to assist him, but his problems were not physical. He had released everything and everyone he had known. He felt totally lost. However, he seemed to have found an inner voice that none of us had yet remembered. Oh yes, and he had found Shaleem.
He believed he had lost her as well, and his inner voice constantly told him that he must find her. He found her first telepathically, inside himself. In fact, he talked to her often. Telepathic communication was not unusual in our society, but any communication between a High Councilor of Light and a High Councilor of Darkness outside of the Council Chambers was unheard of and totally forbidden.
When he first came to us, he kept to himself, but, gradually, he began to share his experiences in the wastelands and his long journey to join us. He had lived among the masses for years and released all sense of superiority and arrogance that all the other Councilors had. He did not try to lead us, but his essence was one of leadership and assurance. We sought him out for guidance, and yes, for comfort. He knew of darkness and pain, as he had gone into the depths of himself and had found him SELF.
One day, much to our distain, he told us he was leaving. He had shared all he had to give and must join with his Divine Complement, Shaleem. Tarmaine had spoken quite a bit about Divine Complements. With much patience, he finally convinced us that everyone had an opposite polarity, an opposite gender. He told us that, eventually, we would all merge with our Divine Complement and become our true androgynous, fifth dimensional SELF.
Then, one morning, he was gone. He left without a word and without any ceremony. He had gone to his wedding, his Mystical Marriage. We connected with him via our Collective Consciousness in order to support him in his “Joining.” We could feel that his journey to the mid-world was no longer a challenge for him. He was lowering his vibration, as Shaleem was raising hers. As he approached Shaleem, we saw her through his eyes, and we felt their great love through his heart. When at last they touched, there was a burst of light, and they were both gone.
Just as Tarmaine had said,
They had Joined and gone into the fifth dimension—as ONE.
They had Joined and gone into the fifth dimension—as ONE.
The Path between is hard to see
The One within is hard to BE
The One within is hard to BE
To BE the Darkness and the Light
Expands the hearing, hones the sight
Expands the hearing, hones the sight
The sight of ALL that does abound
Beyond the world of light and sound
Beyond the world of light and sound
The sound has trapped the Light within
Veils of Illusion—oh so thin
Veils of Illusion—oh so thin
Illusions now, they slip away
Preparing for another way
Preparing for another way
There is a way that’s in-between
All we’ve heard and what we’ve seen
All we’ve heard and what we’ve seen
Beyond the Dark, inside the Light
There is no wrong. There is no right.
There is no wrong. There is no right.
Compassion comes from finding how
To love the ALL, inside the NOW
To love the ALL, inside the NOW
Tomorrow may no longer be
And from the past, we now are free
And from the past, we now are free
Oh my ONE, take me inside
So in the TRUTH, I can abide
So in the TRUTH, I can abide
When judgment lies down with my pride
I feel that I must take a side
I feel that I must take a side
The side I take is down the Center
Into my SELF, I wish to enter
Into my SELF, I wish to enter
I enter NOW. I do not wait
As I am sure it is my fate
As I am sure it is my fate
The fate that I, myself, have made
As I walk the Path that I have laid
As I walk the Path that I have laid
I AM Kepier
We speak to you from the Starship Athena. We are readying ourselves for our first official visit with your reality. We speak to you from our fifth dimensional resonance. Hence, I use the plural term of we. Because we resonate beyond time, our visitation has already occurred. It is for this reason that we KNOW that we will meet you soon. “Soon,” is a term we often use when speaking with our time-bound ones to reassure them of ensuing events. However, your experience of any given event of which we speak, depends not on time, but on your frequency of consciousness. In other words, when your frequency of consciousness resonates to the fifth dimension, you will be able to perceive and experience our meeting.
Do not be concerned if each of you experience these meetings in a somewhat different way, as you are still holding your physical, individual forms. Because of this, you will each have your perceptions influenced by the thought-forms and emotions that are embedded within your earth vessel. This situation is by design. You all entered the experiment of life in a polarized reality to experience the many different individual expressions of the ONE. It is this individuality that you will donate to the ONE on your ascension into the reality of Unity.
We wish to share more about your transition with you. You see now how your earth vessel is changing more each day. Also, the news of our First Contact is becoming more and more commonplace. As we have told you, our First Contact with our grounded ones will be inside your consciousness rather than within your external, physical reality. We begin our contact in this manner to remind you that the Path to Ascension is not above you but within you. Therefore, to speak to you inside your heart and mind, you seek our communications by tuning, not into the third dimensional news, but into your own Inner Truth.
To find this inner truth, tune into your innate Multidimensional Consciousness to which you have been awakening. Then, because of the blissful feelings and bodily sensations that accompany our communications, your rational mind can more easily accept this inter-dimensional communication. Yes, it is the expansion of your consciousness that is our primary goal in preparation of our “landing.”
Again, we wish to remind you that it is your state of consciousness that will allow you to experience this landing, not the place in which you may be or the time that you should be there. Once you connect your consciousness to ours, or to any member of our Galactic Fleet, you will be on our “email list.” In other words, once your consciousness is united with ours, you will Know how you are to participate within this great transformational moment of First Contact.
We say First Contact because it has become a well-known term. However, there are many of our grounded ones of all our Galactic and Celestial Families that have experienced and are currently experiencing contact with us. Many of you have known us by a name that was already in your vocabulary as some form of deity. You chose these names for us because the feelings of bliss that our communications evoked in you were much like your feelings during meditation and prayer.
We wish to remind you again, that we are not deities in any manner. In fact, we are YOU in a higher frequency. The bliss that you experience is the unconditional love that has always been latent within your own earth vessel. This unconditional love reunites us with our grounded ones and can only be activated by a higher state of consciousness. The component of this Unity with which our grounded ones have the most difficulty, is the understanding that this unconditional love is best activated when you can love yourself unconditionally.
Fortunately, through communing with us, usually through what you would call meditation, you can feel our unconditional love entering your awareness. Since love given unconditionally is a rare experience in your dimension, you may need to first experience it from what initially appears to be a separate source. One of the most important things that we wish to relay to you today is that WE are NOT separate from our grounded ones.
We are ONE! It is within that ONE that you shall ascend. To prepare our grounded ones for our impending unity of consciousness of personal and planetary ascension, I, Kepier, will send you communications via your Youtube:
Preparing for Ascension
Releasing Time and Space
Releasing Time and Space
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