Friday, December 07, 2012

The Blue Dragon (Glaucus atlanticus) blue Crabs 2

The Blue Dragon (Glaucus atlanticus) blue Crabs 2

The Blue Dragon (Glaucus atlanticus), one of the world’s rarest and most beautiful mollusks.
Reminds me of this one of me AKA ISLAND (.jp), also……

Creepy Crabs on Japan Aka Beach

Ra Ra

Brief on activation, meditative technique,enlightenment #Tools #DL #meditation #ONE

Brief on activation, meditative technique, enlightenment #Tools #DL #meditation #ONE [Freedom Teachings ®]

brief on activation, meditative technique, enlightenment
A Sense of interconnectedness and/or enlightening is a direct result of the alignment of a consciousness unit and the field of protoplasmic light consciousness/quantum void/ground of being that birthed that consciousness. All life and all beings are a direct emergence from a field of consciousness. Physiologically the awakening involves activation of subtle energy circuit relays or “gating” systems that we call sha ka ras or chakras. More abnormal sensory experiences or greater levels of opening involve multiple stage harmonization meaning fusion of energies and systems functions of these consciousness centers.
On a more physical-atomic level it involves an alteration of currents energy or qi flow leading to changes in blood distribution &  pressure. The antagonism or breakdown/inhibition of bioactive chemicals changes such as melatonin which converts into harmaline, harmine, as well as DMT engaging a natural “hallucinogenic” experience which is nothing less than connection to higher levels of energy-consciousness through the lens of the activated pineal gland and the non-spatial hyperdimensional shift it generates moving perception from the base of physical 1-3D body into the soul body 4-6D.

today’s meditations
The first of which you may find here:
second recording
third recording
A Silver Wind (in Monad)
Straight: Engage, Expand, Renew

Thursday, December 06, 2012

The Ancient Path

the ancient path

Fundamentally embedded in our DNA is an intelligence that resonates with inter connectivity. For thousands of years the norm for human beings was a shared experience and one that was far more attuned to elements, forces, & beings than that of our present paradigm. This is the ancestral spirit we have inherited; it is a history defined by generations of experiences of the sacred.

The ancient path or the pathless path is our natural shared spirituality.

Compassion, self-perfection, and equanimity are its teaching.

Our traditions are diverse; the routes of change, transformation, & truth are many.

Communication between groups has been as poor as the practices have been genuine.

The unified whole of our body has known the conflicts of control. As each conflict passes it becomes more clear that there is no one way or one belief that is more definitive to the whole of the human race than any other. Human spiritual aspirations have many manifestations and each is worthy to consider as each is a gateway to the sacred.


Wednesday, December 05, 2012

tumblr_m6fylbGKjz1rsci0po1_1280twitter -update-

 • [ Journey - Don't Stop Believin' (Wolf SPirit Radio) ]  [ 00:17 ][ 64THz|44KHz ] Andrew Bartzis

listening To Andrew Bartzis's show.he good.. he is.  #water yes even for me. Powered by self-regeneration bluelunarhand its.all.connected

Day of Synchronisity Yep - now I tea. Laugh= sun good 2 past present future, reassess wave shock swarm EQ- Vision-quest Black Panther Grey owl Great White lion

23 minutes ago via Skype

hahah #Gif #THE HAMBURGLAR #Queue #hahaha rara

about an hour ago via Skype

0808 and black panther wakes me up2. and forgot top press enter also haha. cheers martijn xd.

about 2 hours ago via Skype

I AM the Truth that Spans the Sands of Time, I Am Prayer* #RA #SDM #XD

about 14 hours ago via Skype

Ra verse's -Skype- राकईश 5-Dec-2012

Twitter -update-

RA KESH ‏@RAKMEiSTER 22:54 ~RAKMEiSTER • [ Journey - Don't Stop Believin' (Wolf SPirit Radio) ]  [ 00:17 ][ 64THz|44KHz ] Andrew Bartzis

listening To Andrew Bartzis's show.he good.. he is.  #water yes even for me. Powered by self-regeneration bluelunarhand its.all.connected

Rakmeister राकईश
Day of Synchronisity Yep - now I tea. Laugh= good 2 past present future, reassess wave shock swarm EQ- Vision-quest Black Panther Grey owl Great White lion
23 minutes ago via Skype

hahah #Gif #THE HAMBURGLAR #Queue #hahaha rara

about an hour ago via Skype

0808 and black panther wakes me up2. and forgot top press enter also haha. cheers martijn xd.
about 2 hours ago via Skype

I AM the Truth that Spans the Sands of Time, I Am Prayer* #RA #SDM #XD
about 14 hours ago via Skype

Tuesday, December 04, 2012


4-12-2012 Check Check Pre ☑™ Skype ~Message/Non Verse~ oF Tha Day ~®Ⓐ~

So ima wake up to get that part ON AIR aired/told spoken. keywords received. frequency reality check check no pre check ✘  try cycle again.....

Rakmeister राकईश

just had to wake up to hear you go on off others... 1 in particular and laugh it away. kugh kugh reallity check. nope fail. try again. recycle your cycle end cycle. #care #your #work

about a minute ago via Skype

sure justine go dark on dawnjah on air,. your issues still justine you still havent learned, cali bunch. you not realizing it do you but but but but look in the mirror yes and respons-Able for your actins and speak it out, dont hide .. choice stupid nut. still stuck in polarity

23 minutes ago via Skype

maybe you need a frequency reset in ya brain selfenflicted realtime nowtime. and means being respons-Able for your past doings, cant hide simple as that. call it a frequency !stick slap self. lack of spin spend splice dice. vaporize not cig but magic greeen w33d. share realll. fake dissolves. funny.

20 minutes ago via Skype

what comes around goes around, karma is a bitch. laugh it away doesnt make it not there, so keep laughing at everyone and blamegame . mirror look into it some more. so where ya at. yet most so lost not looking....

13 minutes ago via Skype

10:13 @NL

next one/show...after roundtable  went Mad on Dr Barbara Young. Yep. who;s next   ask   Brainiac Steve Travesty

#RR choices...

So much Manipulation.......      Whoa!..       Cyber-Psychos


RA verse ✴ #Message of 1.1 - 13-11-2012 [Plus addon for Stench PsyStalker worfpoe Michael Hemmingson and rest 66 alliasses

Cyber-Psychos AOD ^M^H^

Re: [RationalUFOLOGY] War between Exofantasists intensifies. INCL #FUN NOTE #FormerWhitehat #RA #RA

    Ra Verse - 4-12-2012 Check Check Pre ☑™ Skype ~Message/Non Verse~ oF Tha Day ~®Ⓐ

    4-12-2012 Check Check Pre ☑™ Skype ~Message/Non Verse~ oF Tha Day ~®Ⓐ~

    So ima wake up to get that part ON AIR aired/told spoken. keywords received. frequency reality check check no pre check ✘  try cycle again.....

    Rakmeister राकईश

    just had to wake up to hear you go on off others... 1 in particular and laugh it away. kugh kugh reallity check. nope fail. try again. recycle your cycle end cycle. #care #your #work
    about a minute ago via Skype

    sure justine go dark on dawnjah on air,. your issues still justine you still havent learned, cali bunch. you not realizing it do you but but but but look in the mirror yes and respons-Able for your actins and speak it out, dont hide .. choice stupid nut. still stuck in polarity
    23 minutes ago via Skype

    maybe you need a frequency reset in ya brain selfenflicted realtime nowtime. and means being respons-Able for your past doings, cant hide simple as that. call it a frequency !stick slap self. lack of spin spend splice dice. vaporize not cig but magic greeen w33d. share realll. fake dissolves. funny.
    20 minutes ago via Skype

    what comes around goes around, karma is a bitch. laugh it away doesnt make it not there, so keep laughing at everyone and blamegame . mirror look into it some more. so where ya at. yet most so lost not looking....
    13 minutes ago via Skype

    10:13 @NL

    next one/show...after roundtable  went Mad on Dr Barbara Young. Yep. who;s next   ask   Brainiac Steve Travesty

    #RR choices...

    So much Manipulation.......      Whoa!..       Cyber-Psychos