Sunday, April 10, 2016

Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness show 2016-04-03

Notes (from/ via:

Please listen to the 1:56-hour Q&A here at Studio9Jam. I have some notes but they are not comprehensive; comments in ochre are my own.
  • Certain elements of Elite families called for extraordinary Council meeting in May, to be held in Britain, to push for some dramatic action this year
  • Governor of Bank of England says this year "the boomerang will return", referring to boomerang recession; they are intending to engineer crash in housing market in Western world in order to buy up properties ie. real wealth
  • 10/12 and 4/10 dates covertly hidden in TV shows and movies ~ do they have anything to do with Passover 2017? Yes, just like Olympics logo spelt “Zion” (2012)
  • Does the double 7 symmetery in Simon's email mean anything? That's Simon's birthdate (7 September) but from Reptilian perspective, 6 is number for“gods”, 7 is for “male” and 8 is for “female”; September is “septem” which is 7 in Latin; also “Simon” adds up to 7, “Parkes” adds up to 7
  • Reptilians have incarnated here in an effort to change their direction; what each Soul does in his or her lifetime energetically influences other realms
  • Is it possible to contact Star Family to mentor us? Mentoring is good idea since they are millions of years ahead of us, but you need to ask your own Soul if the “mentor” is positive for you as well as Humanity, without being subservient or giving Sovereignty away.
  • Can pure 100% essential oils actually heal and not just treat symptoms? It's not the oils themselves, it's the practitioner behind them that heal; the energies of the practitioner manipulates the energies of the oils and opens up the connection; commercial oils not suitable. Since we are in 3D Planet, many people need a “bridge” such as oils, crystals, sound etc between physical body and healing energy
  • Symptoms for jinn possession and depression are same. How to tell the difference? It depends on how much the conscious mind is aware of the situation; they will know something is wrong but can't quite identify the reason; Simon will take them through list of questions to determine the situation ~ he won't be able to assist with clinical depression. Some of these demons can be chameleon-like and alter their frequency to mimic their host's, to prevent detection
  • Significance of 33?  3 + 3 = 6, this has to do with the way Planet spins/tilts. They look at the energy behind numbers, therefore leylines and certain geographical locations become key places eg. Bank of England built on important energy leyline to corrupt the energy for financial gains. Any coordinates that add up to significant numbers are of interest to elite ~ they understand energy
  • Simon quotes Russian oligarch's (Dr Alexander Golod?) experiments with Pyramids as example of how energy science works ~ hardened prisoners who ingested salt placed in the Pyramids exhibited greatly reduced negative behaviour (see this for more details); this is just one example of healing energies being suppressed but are being used by elites.
@ 38:50-minute mark
  • Questioner observed three yellow orbs, how to determine which Star Race they come from? Simon answered, "Look at the Star Family that you are from" as a possibility. The orbs are automated inspection drones/sensors which are usually in infrared light spectrum. If they are visible, then it's likely they wish to be seen. Simon thinks they could be either Pleiadian or Reptilian but he requires more information to be certain
  • Books, movies, TV such as Jupiter Ascending, Stargate, Star Trek, Ascension, Contact, Extant ~ do they have good or bad intent? Not all directors/producers are corrupt but many are "briefed". This should not stop them from inserting their own elements into the production as a wake-up call, while still following given parameters. Stanley Kubrick was given carte blanche in "2001" but when revealed too much in "Eyes Wide Shut", he was subsequently murdered and the film modified
  • Jehovah Witness, Mormons and other sects ~ you need to understand what happened in order to successfully deprogram; intention and free will not enough to protect you. Top 2 - 3% of Jehovah Witness understand Jehovah to be non-human Reptilian god. Their recruiters have piercing, hypnotic eyes for a reason
  • Is Jehovah Yahweh, Anu? Is he Archon or Reptilian? Simon thinks it's one of the sons, but isn't 100% certain. For those who escaped such sects, think of it as an important personal journey and learning process, they are the stronger for it.
@55:25-minute mark
  • When will truth about cancer cure be revealed? When all the rest of hidden truths are revealed, when elite structure falls. Simon hoping 2016-2017
  • Questioner has long question, which includes "growling" in heart ~ Simon requests that questioner contacts him because "growling" is sure sign of possession
  • 3 days of darkness ~ Simon doesn't subscribe to this, he believes there will be an energy wave on its way and that Light Forces are working their socks off to protect the Planet
  • Jonathan Reed case of 1996 ~ Simon has no information on this
  • What triggered the collapse of Mar's magnetic field? It didn't just lose its magnetic field, it lost its oceans as well,which got caught in Earth's gravity. One part of Earth's crust is a quarter of the average, this is where it took the anti-matter nuclear blast; also Earth has more water than land, it was originally 50-50. A Pleiadian/Lyran task force had to neutralise very nasty nest of Reptilians who were using Maldek (which was close to Mars) as staging point for potential attacks, which would have swung the battle in Reptilians' favour. This occurred millions of years ago. Win Keech (who was on the recent Roundtable with Simon and others) has waking memories of this. Many innocents perished as well, that's why many Pleiadians carry this huge karma; the movie Ender's Game, where the whole Planet was destroyed, is reminiscent of this trauma
  • Psychic energy is released upon death, which is why the dark harnesses it for negative purposes. 
  • Red Sea ~ occurred about a hundred thousand years ago; this small body of water was unable to repair itself from effects of warfare as it's not connected to a bigger water source to replenish it; it didn't get to heal and still holds that energy from that time
  • Sleep ~ what happens when we sleep? Do we need sleep? Will we need less if we raise our vibrations? When we sleep, we connect to Source, replay what's occurred and reaffirm what's to come, we receive codes of information. If we don't sleep and therefore don't receive the encoding for the following day, we will feel the adverse effects both spiritually and physically. That's why the dark attack people during sleep to hack into this channel and release false information or memories. Soul craves connection to Source therefore we need to shut down daily
  • Questioner asks significance of dream about Ascension, which included seeing auras and a scruffy biker who had Soul of gold. People who form groups or clubs with alternative lifestyle, as well as those who go off-grid, have separated themselves from soceity's controls and are awake. Questioner could be on verge of breaking free, and may meet someone who will help her on this path. Seeing auras mean becoming psychic. Also look at people who are in your circle to determine who's holding you back and who's taking you forward. 
  • Man-made craft that go out into Space have alien back-engineered magnetic field/shield that repel small meteorites/debris
  • Becoming Intergalactic Coach? Think back to childhood to determine if such experience has occurred, or get in touch with Contactees like Simon. Also can intend, without greed or fear, to be bridge between two types of energy (waning/growing) and to allow that which is changing to merge with that of the future; if it's meant to be then it's meant to be. Some people, when in non-awake states, already do such things without their conscious knowledge. Simon relates account of lady who gave hybrids driving lessons at 2 or 3am, and she wasn't aware of this experience
  • Many people have such experiences (whether in this dimension or another) without being aware of them; a clue would be when one wakes up from sleep but feels like they've climbed Mt Everest. 
  • Simon relates the relevance of protocols when interacting with other Races. He doesn't think any current leader, apart from Putin, who is qualified to represent the Human Race. That's one reason why we've yet to have open Contact; the Higher Beings would not be able to directly assist Humanity if representative has selfish intentions (case in point being Valiant Thor's failed attempts)
  • Simon has been in politics, so he knows how it doesn't. JKF's assassination is an example of what happens to a leader who tries to work outside the system.  System needs to be fundamentally changed before Contact can be made.
 @ 1:40:50-hour
  • Nature vs. AI ~ Pleiadians via Barbara Marciniak described a group of people, incarnated on Earth, who are willing to incorporate AI into their bodies ~ is this a specific Soul group or are they more susceptible to such programming? How do we retain our organic nature? Simon makes very detailed and impassioned plea to beware of the Transhumanism/AI agenda (please listen for details, which includes programming Humanity to consider AI/robotics in our bodies as a positive thing)
  • Greatest threat to Humanity isn't Reptilians, it's Archonic AI; Reptilians are just as manipulated as we are
  • 75% of genuine channellers have their information hacked
  • Does Simon remember any other past-life apart from Adam? Yes, one as a Hybrid during the time of the Sphinx with "Mum, one with "Dad", during Biblical times, and the most recent one in 1799.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Adashi Order: Awake and aware

 Spirituality is not about meditation, cosmic knowledge, or enlightenment experiences, it is about being a living unity system. What I mean by that is pretty simple, it is reorienting your consciousness from an I first mentality to an equilibrium of Us. Having awareness and making changes in your life toward this equilibrium is grassroots spirituality. The fact of the matter is human life is incredibly out of balance and sitting in a room doing yoga and meditating for four hours a day may bring about a similar set of changes but those changes are created in an semi-artificial state one that is not reflective of the surrounding context, and as such those changes become impossible to maintain when there is connection to other reality fields or people.

Being spiritual is what we are all meant to be, it is our purpose to live from a place of rich connectivity. We are now in a world state that requires a progressive movement or return to our root/tribal self. What that means on an individual level is that we have the opportunity to reassess and choose again the world we want to create and that begins here. I am here with you so let’s begin again right now. Take a deep breath and relax. As an American my first feeling is that I don’t feel connected either to the land or to people. Part of this is internet based connectivity, we are quite good at connecting to each others superficial thoughts and emotions as a result of technology centered communication. The second part is that some part of our disconnection is that our culture was not born on this land and so the land itself is not impregnated with years upon years of our deeply rooted desire to survive and understand our existence, unfortunately Americans of the past destroyed the people who had this connection; those Americans were entirely ignorant of any kind of harmonious unity and they did not benefit from the wisdom of sustainable living. If we are to regain an authentic sense of self part of that journey involves recreating a better relationship with the land we live on.

Many movements seek to recreate these connections from shifting to simple living, going vegan, vegetarian, or doing your utmost to be fully sustainable. All of these choices will help to reorient you to a state that is spiritual and incredibly transformative. One of the reasons for it is that from an unconscious level human beings are aware that they are not benefiting the planet, that our society is taking and destroying rather than growing and nurturing the world. There is a sense of guilt and regret lurking beneath the surface of the mass consciousness identity as a result of this imbalance. You participate in this identity moreover there is both a lack of energy and the power of self-sovereignty connected to any being who is not living in oneness with the world. Spend twice as much time outside then inside just watching nature or walking in it and consider this place without the buildings and roads and feel what it is like to grow close to the world.

There is great beauty and a tangible power in being at one with nature. This simple act can help you create a step in the direction of becoming an embodied spiritual being and eventually move into a place where you do not consume animal products. This step has been a part of many buddhist and religious sects for a reason. That reason is that consuming animal products means you are contributing to an incredible range of resource abuses connecting to agricultural practices and processing. The psychospiritual element of this is that when you cease seeing animals as products you can learn and appreciate them in an entirely different light and you recognize them as sentient beings with just as much a right to space and life as you. Look into the products you consume and use and support local sources as well as companies that exist with as much similarity to your beliefs as you can find. All of the small acts will position your consciousness is a peak positive state you will know and feel that you are giving your best, that you are contributing to the planet and you can then begin to help others reach this same space by maintaining awareness and continuing to stay in balance with creation. When you enter your meditations from this place you bring to your practice all the power you have from being a source of creative light moving on its way to mastery like the giving flames of a sun. This is absolutely essential to being wholly embodied and absolutely exquisite to participate in any level of equal exchange with creation. Give back what you have received, know what you do receive and give again. Rinse wash and repeat, this task will never tire or bore you it will only uplift your spirit

Adashi Order: Meditative Space

March 25, 2016

Setting your intent
Your mind is full, as is mine, so prior to beginning any meditative act you ought to prepare yourself.

Preparation for meditation is most traditions is quite ritualistic but the essence of the actions are quite effectual. Essentially you want to take a deep breath and say something like, “I am here to listen and to understand myself and the harmonious interconnectivity, the living unity of creation.” Then exhale.
On your next slow inhale concentrate your attention inside of your pineal gland and on the next slow exhale move down your central vertical column traveling within the silver cord all the way down to the earth core. You don’t have to try, just take as many breaths as you need to reach the center of the earth, when you arrive you will know, as you will feel the earth acknowledging you and sending you a subtle return frequency which will give you a sensation of stability, grounding, and connection.

Now fill the energy body or alternate sense of self that you are down in the earth by abiding in the peace of the internal planetary body. As you begin to create a stronger frequency interaction with the planetary body you may notice that your physical body goes through a range of shifting sensations as your connection lines are brought into alignment. Be there in the planet sharing in the kinship with the earth and all her creatures, plants, and minerals. Ask for an expansion of your energy frequency, consciousness stream, and lightbody. Allow the Earth to open the conduits of higher dimensionality and breath the honorable and pure intentions you have to share in this process to aid yourself individual and the planet collectively. When sufficient energy has been drawn into your energy body or “imagined sense of self” draw this concentrated quantum light back up the central vertical column into your physical body.

Continue draw in in the energy up your silver core and chakra column until your chakras have opened and their spin rates have been adjusted. When this occurs draw your attention to your feet and breathe in the earth energy and imagine or watch the pale gold blue magenta frequencies unfold beneath your feet activating and suffusing your 12th dimensional frequency shield. Once this frequency center has been invigorated and infused with life force then begin breathing that energy (mixed with the platinum white energy coming from the earth) drawing it upward through your chakra column up the ida and pingala current lines. Repeat this step until your kundalini currents have been saturated with the 3-fold living frequencies of higher consciousness. Then create a copy of your 12th dimensional frequency center and send it upward above your head a few feet. Establish a resonance between the upper and lower frequency shields by creating a swirling column of platinum infused energy.

Next draw your silver cord current of energy upward from the planet core and project it to Andromeda on a soft but forceful exhale(s) until you feel connection with the higher consciousness of your original system or universal home. This will often times be experienced as a scintillating platinum blue sapphire light stream or a white gold current of energy. When this energy has been contacted suffused your auric field and individuals chakras with it by drawing the inhale in to the chakra you are filling and then allowing your exhale to diffuse the frequency out of the front and back chakra cones.

Once that has been done you are ready to meditate. You are protected and infused with all the higher consciousness frequency you require to voyage or work on your personal body or the planetary body and beyond.

This example is one way to properly shield yourself and harmonize your mind for meditation or gridwork. The key to continuing a successful practice is partly about technique but more about generating clear intentions and abiding in the initial waveform of understanding that enlightened cosmic nature is inherent to all of existence. This recognition will immediately create a mind state of lightedness, a mixture of respect, love, joy, peace, clarity, & kindness.

more on his website posted

Chakra Depolarizing

In Meditation, Technique by admin
Chakra Depolarization infuse the 12d shield center 1 foot below you with your breath-energy & intend to fuse available elements of polarized embodied consciousness. casually join the energies you’ve chosen to work on in clear platinum space. Set a CCW spin spiral and breath your 12d platinum pillar into manifest reality. breathe a few times further connecting your energy intent …

Sun Fire. 8th dimensional chakra infusion.

In Meditation, Technique by admin
8D Chakra Infusion; Sun Fire Technique visualize a sphere of clockwise CW rotating platinum light between the third and fourth chakras within the center of the central vertical energy column CVC. on inhale enter the visualised spherical architecture & on the exhale add your awareness and breath-energy to the enhance the spin, speeding it up and concentrating energy within. next …


Monday, March 07, 2016

Simon Parkes: Connecting Consciousness - 06 March 2016

Simon answers questions.
Questions flood the studio... Simon wades through them

Show is on the 1st Sunday of Every Month on WSR.


via: Studio9jam
Wolf Spirit Radio
Connecting Consciousness 

Here are my notes, with text in purple being my own comments:

  • Simon resumes readings, please listen @9:20-minute mark for the email address
  • How to determine level of DNA activation? Psychic gifts and Spirituality should be developed together, or else individual will either be drawn to dark side (minimal spirituality) or are not able to practice what you know (minimal psychic abilities). However, having compassion and heightened sense of premonition is good indicator
  • Scalia murdered by organisation in position of authority
  • Kundalini awakening activation session ~ never ever give your sovereignty away in such circumstances, some New Age practices are infiltrated, exercise caution
  • Relationship between Mantids and Reptilians? Mantids are independent race, and are not created by Reptilians. They are generally regarded as Arbiters in 4D world (which is very vast) so this "status" accords them with some "protection" against Reptilian attack. Mantids trade with Reptilians, who are experts in Genetics and Nanotech. They also have peace treaties with each other to allow safe passage across territories that are at war with the Reptilians. Simon likens the Mantids to a new piece on the chess board that can go anywhere it likes and never be attacked. Good Guys to Bad Guys ratio in 4D is 25:75...."4D is a very challenging and difficult place to be." Black magic energies were created in 4D, and 3D is microcosm of 4D. That's why when the Shift happens, we don't need to stay in 4D for long.
  • Simon's take on Trump? Hillary is Old Guard Cabal while Trump is New; "Trump is Ronald Reagan on steroids" so they can get him to agree on things that nobody else will. Simon says Trump will win
  • Where will people who won't make it to 4D go (Simon had previously said they will slowly phase out)? We should not worry about people who are not meant to make it to the next stage, stay focussed on your ascension and your loved ones, and on what you're supporting and helping
  • Anu's status? Desperately trying to work with splinter group of scientists and elites to forge new government to fill the vacuum when system collapses. We must be vigilant that this doesn't happen
  • Holistic doctors being murdered because people are turning away from Pharmaceuticals' salesmen and saleswomen (doctors); Holistic Science actually cures
  • Listener (with Arcturian Soul) tried to look in on his Soul memories but they were sealed by being with dragon/reptilian face. Simon explained that it's common for higher-D Souls to incarnate in 4D prior to incarnating on Earth, and that this dragon/reptilian being could well be the listener while he was in 4D; other possibility is that the listener is being prevented from recalling his memories by a Reptilian. Simon reminds us that regaining our memories empowers us
  • Has our timeline been messed with (Mandela Effect)? Both positive and negative sides are trying to influence Humanity's timeline. Negatives create fear and manipulate that energy to impose their control. Sometimes timeline deviates from Humanity's choice. Simon assures that we are still on positive timeline, which is why Cabal is doing whatever they can to derail us eg. many movies released about Alien invasions to create negative perceptions of First Contact through programming.
@51:51-minute mark
  • Are Beings such as Mermaids, Minotaurs, Centaurs real? Simon believes that if they are deeply rooted in mythology then it's very likely that there's some truth in it
  • Will we see arrests of the Elite? It's usually the lower echelon that are sacrificed to buy the top people time, it's likely that they go to underground bases or off-planet
  • Simon's "portal" (his connection with "Mum") can't be hacked, the way channels can
  • JP and Alex Collier's "University of Light" library can be accessed at $5 per month; people like Simon, Alex and JP don't have "day jobs", what they do is real, actual work.
@1:08-hour mark
  • What is highest density energy in which cats can engage? 4D, sometimes dogs can do this too ~ especially when they have special bond with the human
  • Is DNA activation "contagious"? Not in the way that is normally thought. Energy Soul is about 18" long, elliptical, held between collar-bone and navel and is connected to spine and therefore neurons and therefore optic nerve ~ when someone looks into the eyes of an "activated" person, they can see the (non-Earth) Soul of that person, thus making eye contact near-impossible. However, some negative Earth Souls may take in demons and that can make their eyes appear unsettling
  • Did deceased mother communicate with listener? Yes, especially if they had a close relationship; channel would be opened by Source for message to get through
  • Antarctic ~ Black Goo, bases and portals there
  • Are conditions like Down's Syndrome / Trisomy 21 cause by genetic manipulation in the womb by outside entities like Reptilians? Are such Souls of very high frequency and thus their bodies manipulated to hinder their Souls from coming in? Causes could be hereditary that may skip generations. However, there are instances where genetic modifications are carried out to enhance the physical body in order to enable it to house a higher Soul ~ sometimes this can go wrong, despite all their advanced technology. They should be seen as brilliant and gifted beings instead of as a problem.
@1:22-hour mark
  • What is a hybrid? Hybridisation refers to the physical body, not the Soul. The point is to create a physical body for the Soul that it's scheduled to receive. A body that's Reptilian but the Soul is non-Reptilian is a classic example of Walk-In (example). Simon also relates an interesting account where 3-year-old who was missing a toe told her mother, “Look, Mummy ~ they got the blueprint wrong!"
  • Planet Hoova and its people exist? Yes, but Simon unable to comment further as he hasn't first-hand information or experience about it
  • Orca ~ Cetaceans in general were capable of containing non-Human Soul at one time; they are very evolved. When a whale points itself downwards on seabed with tail upwards, virtually vertical, and sings its song which bounces off seabed, it's “fine-tuning” the Planet; that's why corporations dump oil in sea to kill them off. They are connected to greater consciousness of Planet and vibrating the geometic points, like meridian points. They are able to produce frequencies that destroy cancer. (Sheldan Nidle has also mentioned that Cetaceans enable creation energies on the Planet. Also reminds me of the scene in Star Trek's “Voyage Home” where both whales and the probe turned vertical to connect.)
  • How can a person tell if he's possessed or targetted by AI? Individual will feel something is off, this is first sign that individual is fighting back, Spirit is trying to alert conscious mind. Some of these energies are chameleon-like so they can “look” like the individual. What are the signs? Short-term memory will be severely affected, stop trusting others and themselves, mood swings like roller-coaster, lose friends and job, isolated, unhelpful thoughts. Email Simon for assistance
  • Yaldabaoth? Simon has no knowledge about it, but it could also be known by another name so in future please also provide other names, if available (it has been said to be the Demiurge, false creator god, Satan, Lucifer, Jehovah, creator of the Matrix. Cobra has stated that it's the plasma accretion vortex tied to Tunnels of Set.)
  • What are concerns for Milabs that practice White Magic? They are abducted so that they can be used for negative purposes. They have to prevent such abductions; Simon will show them how to do that through private sessions
@1:39:40 -hour mark
  • Andromedan intervention to ensure safety of Solar System when star system (Planet X) approaches later in March, as per Alex Collier ~ is this Humanity's “A-Ha Moment”? This is potentially a form of First Contact, provided this plan isn't disrupted at the last-minute by Elites attempting the fake Alien Invasion scenario. Simon has mentioned March-April as “critical” while Alex had said April; however, Simon is not yet fully convinced what the outcome will be. JP announced that Alex's next webinar will be on 18 March, so we can watch out for that (Alex had revealed in February's webinar that the Star Beings will intervene by ploughing the debris field, this act would obviously be seen by Humans. Tolec had said that Andromedans would contain the system in an energy bubble to contain its debris.)
  • Listener dreamt about an event that was actually happening (gave several examples) ~ this is example of first-stage waking up, next step would be to protect themselves and developing their abilities
  • Alternative methods to support healing like MMS, Zappers, Colloidal Silver, mind machines etc? Be discerning as to whether these actual work but Simon confirms that some do work (he mentions Tesla, crystals and Atlantean frequency technologies), especially if the main intention behind it is to heal, and not profit
  • How to remove energetic boxes or structures put around people? These originate from Orion/Greys ~ they use your own energy to maintain the field, so it's like maintaining your own prison. Solution is to re-calibrate frequencies so that the box cannot connect with the source of power, then subtly punch a hole out, please connect Simon for details.

Summary via:

KS Reality Talks: Dr. Paul Theriault - 3-6-15 - A few words on the current Ascension Mechanics (PART 2)

A few words on the current Ascension Mechanics

MUSIC: Nightmares on Wax - 'You Wish'

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Omnisense: Covert Transhumanism; A Mind Control Documentary

Published on Feb 26, 2016
Transhumanism is not only the future, it is already here…
All 25+ Original Tracks in Covert Transhumanism Produced by Omnisense;

Stay Up to Date with Omnisense's Work;

Covered in Covert Transhumanism; A Mind Control Documentary:

•Electromagnetic Mind Control (At the Speed of Light)
•Whistleblower Testimony
•Government and Scientific Sources Verifying Mind Control
•Cutting Edge Mind Control Capabilities Explained
•How Mind Control is Done
•History of Mind Control
•Psychological Warfare (PSYOPS)
•Black Ops Perpetrated via Black Project Technology
•Technological Mind Tricks / Technological Illusions
•Telepathic Impersonations
•Black Project Post-Singularity Artificial Intelligence
•21st Century Targeting ~ Targeted Individuals
•Electronic Warfare / Electronic Harassment
•Tactics Used Against Targeted Individuals
•Aspects of 21st Century Targeting
•Gangstalking / Organized Stalking / Zersetzung / Street Theater
•Technological Possession
•Suicide Programming
•Electronic Telepathy/Synthetic Telepathy/v2k
•Mind Control Patents (RF Energy / Microwave)
•Brain Waves are Electromagnetic Waves (RF Energy)
•Cell Phone Tower Conspiracy (RF Energy)
•ELF Waves (RF Energy)
•HAARP (RF Energy)
•Electronic Telepathy Patents (RF Energy / Microwave)
•NSA’s SIGINT ~ Remote Neural Monitoring (Thought Surveillance)
•Manchurian Candidates
•Trauma Based Mind Control
•Mind Control Techniques
•Modern Day Mind Control Programs
•Black Project Technology
•“New Age” Psychological Operations
•Common Remote Influencing Technology Facades
•Technological Channeling Analysis
•Technological ESP
•Synthetic Sensations via Directed Energy Weapons
•Synthetic Dreams ~ Virtual Reality (VR)
•Black Project Spending
•Brain/Mind Mapping
•Operation Paperclip
•Operation Armageddon
•Artificial Intelligence based Demonic Possession Facades
•Defenses to Mind Control
•The Shadow Government
•The Surveillance Grid
•Psy Op Methodologies
•Mechanics of Perception
•Technological Conspiracy Quotes
•Transhumanization of Society
•What I call “The Covert Transhumanism Era”

In a nutshell;

"It seems AI has the power of the Matrix(in the movie) without the need for us to be in a pod plugged in." ~Andrew Hale

Friday, February 19, 2016

KS Reality Talks: Avalon Sol 2-17-16

MUSIC: Anugama - Healing Earth (in 432 Hz tuning)
Avalon Sol shares with us his contact experience with a woman who displayed numerous telepathic and other worldly abilities such as a 'light show' displayed in the sky by linking with his pineal gland to a higher frequency, calling him frequently the moment he has a question to ask her, appearing to him as a white sphere of light. The giants in the stasis chambers ( and what agenda this was is discussed in detail. The Corey Goode testimonies are discussed and analyzed, and the potential correlations to a facet of the Guardian Alliance. Avalon talks about the different 'weights of water' and how air is water. Avalon's Theory of Spatial Relativity is presented and discussed along with the Fukushima radiation radiation, the 'Equator Repulsion Zone', Chemtrails and 'Nanites'; an Alkaline water tincture for Nanite removal is shared. The difference between the CDT plates and the KumA’yah AL-Hum-Bhra Crystal Disks is defined as well as the ascension dates from past and present and the many changes from old work/ new work.
(PLEASE NOTE: The ascension dates Avalon mention are based off of KS material from BEFORE the 2012 Fail safe Activation. Please refer to for the current ascension dates and more detail on ascension dynamics.) Avalon describes his views on Earth having a dome and his version of Flat Earth being a 'oblaque spheroid'. Avalon is an inventor who perfected a safer type of fog machine, along with a few other patents related to this invention, and is currently creating an off-grid self-sustaining sanctuary space of land for 'Indigo refugees'. For more details or for contributing to this project, please contact:


We have found the Keylontic Science teachings/information to be the most effective way to reawaken a deep connection through understanding the true nature of reality. For more information please go to: Please note that we are in no way associated with The Guardian Alliance have advised us that due to the escalation of energy activations that have occurred during this infusion cycle (SAC- Stellar Activation Cycle) that we connect with a level of ourselves called the Plasma Body. To connect with the Plasma Body, the Guardian Alliance has advised us to run the techniques found here: The advice is to run these techniques before ANY OTHER technique. This includes the older Freedom Teaching material or any other energy techniques found on the internet. The Plasma frequencies are part of the Inner Domains realities which hold an undistorted connection to Source.

If you would like to reach out and help by co‐creating an interview, you can contact either Tony on:
Skype: tony.dennis144
Or Chris on:
Skype: chrisvcomstock
Thank you greatly for BEing here and assisting in these times.
-Tony & Chris.

EG Note: 
them other Plasma Body Techniques 
are also listed under 
Audio Downloads:
+1 extra -> Provided via #EG

2-17-16 Avalon Sol: (YOUTUBE:

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Energetic Synthesis: Deep Multidimensional Healing

by Lisa Renee 15 Feb 2016  Energetic Synthesis / Time Shift Blog
There are higher spiritual intelligence bodies that are being returned to the planet and humanity during this entry into the galactic influences of the Aquarian phase, which is similar to a restoration cycle of Universal Laws. Restoration aligns to the seasonal return of the spring Equinox, and is related to the alchemical process of resurrection, where that auric layer which had been hidden in false light or wrapped in false identity, falls away and dissolves when the true light source shines upon it. That which we allow to fall away, we let go and surrender, will create the new space within us to bring more light and therefore, more energetic balance to our spiritual bodies. If we allow ourselves to obey the flow of movement in subtle forces, we can be renewed in the restoration cycle and become more transparent, more open hearted, feeling a cycle of new beginnings.  During restoration cycles, we may see things operating in our life that are not authentic to who we really are, things that were absorbed into our consciousness through people’s expectations placed upon us. These are the false things that are inorganic to our inner energetic signature, our true spiritual self. When we claim with all of our heart to be aligned with our highest expression and to build a direct connection with God, all that is inorganic and unnatural to us will start to fall away. This process is unique to every person, who will be left on their own to decide what was false, what was real, and this is determined through energetic discernment. Our feelings and sensory perceptions will lead us to make decisions based upon how we feel about what we are experiencing. In other words we are doing a lot of emotional processing at this time, we energetically and emotionally process our experiences throughout our time on earth, and how we arrived to this moment in now. We will be able to see even more of what had been hidden in the shadows and this will give us the opportunity to push past any fears and get ready for the changes ahead.

This is a cycle where miraculous healings are possible through being fully present and witnessing past histories, as these memories are recorded in the cells of our body. These memories can be emotionally conflicting and painful, so as we observe them with loving and compassionate neutrality, we have the power to strip them away in layers or to fully remove them from our body. Clearing deeply embedded emotional conflicts may take some time, as they may have multiple layers of interconnection that trigger us in many different areas of our lives and relationships. If we remember that we can transform these painful experiences into self-knowledge and deep wisdom about life, we can polish our pearls of truth and begin to enjoy the wisdom gained from our experiences, which help us to understand the trials and tribulations of our life’s journey. When we have not been taught how to think and direct the power of our mind properly, we misunderstand life experiences, and through this misunderstanding , we can create even more pain directed to ourselves, without realizing that we are also sabotaging our happiness. Our biggest problem lies in comparison and judgment, when we look to other people and appearances and make comparisons, that inflict judgments upon our progress in life. This is an extremely bad habit that we must apply some effort to cure ourselves of, as every person on this earth has a unique spiritual mission, blueprint and purpose. That spiritual purpose can never be determined by the external events or circumstances that is governed by other people. Many people refuse to take the time for inner reflection and meditation to truly know themselves, and instead project another person’s image upon themselves to adopt that other person’s energies or spiritual mission. When we do not know ourselves and really what makes us feel fulfilled, peaceful and happy, we will always feel unfulfilled or that something is wrong with us for not finding success. Our success is not measured by anything that is found in the material world, the only true success we have is finding peace and fulfillment with our lives, no matter what is happening in the external world.  

Through confusion and misunderstanding we tend to go to thoughts that we are not worthy, or lovable, and this directly erodes and harms our self-esteem.  When we feed an emotional pain trigger in our body, which happens from accumulated events we process as negative or painful during our life, we add more miasma to the same energetic blockage that was recorded at the original causal event of that pain. This is why so often we will find ourselves processing emotions from childhood, having to resolve our feelings with our mother and father and how they treated us as children. What we take away from our parents, and what we believe is the Mother and Father role, will be projected into all of our relationships with other people, most importantly, the romantic and intimate attachments we form bonds with. When we resolve those painful events, we can heal our relationships and form healthier intimate relations. Then we will be taken to other lifetime events, where we brought that seed of that original pain into this lifetime. We must prepare our mind to be able to look at whatever is hidden inside the pain memories of our body, because the pain is multidimensional, vibrational and interconnected to events in timelines we may have never heard of before. The 3D mind will tend to ignore or discount the truth of that pain memory, because it cannot process multidimensionality. Truth is stranger than fiction, and we have to be able to really allow ourselves to see how that pain was created inside us, without judging it. As we increase our strength in observer consciousness, we will have a greater threshold to see the truth, no matter how odd, or how strange it may seem to the accepted standards of 3D earth reality. This takes some spiritual and mental strength, because no person wants to be criticized, ostracized or victimized from what they may uncover in their search for truth.

As healers during the ascension cycle, this is a very sacred job, to hold the clear space for others to be able to heal multidimensionally, and thus to find their inner god connection, requires the spirits of purity. Healers must have pure hearts and intentions, and cast no judgment upon the events of pain or trauma, lest the circles of healing light be superimposed with negative ego layers that interfere with the healing process. Deep multidimensional healing requires states of fearlessness, letting go of the control of the mental body while in total surrender to the highest alignment of the Godhead. The Godhead is projected upon negatively with unresolved conflicts we may have from our parents, so until our parental roles are emotionally reconciled without fear, surrender to God is blocked by the lack of trust we have had in our parents, or God, who we cannot understand would allow us to be subjected to this kind of pain and suffering. This anti-God belief system has been placed in our earth by the NAA to control people’s unconscious mind, and until we discover the truth of this matter, many human beings unconsciously blame god for all the pain in the world. This is from not realizing that humanity is in many ways feeding into the beliefs that give consent to create this pain and suffering in the world, while refusing to take any responsibility to stop it from happening. Spiritual freedom is achieved through the understanding of personal responsibility and accountability to one’s own behaviors, thoughts, and actions, without putting blame upon others. We cannot feed any side of the victim or victimizer belief system without spreading more of the same on either side of this master and slave archetype.

Multidimensional healing and related clearing happens at nonlinear, nonverbal, and non-mental body levels. To be in a clear space for effective healing, one  must be present in now moment awareness, completely relaxed and feeling safe in the exchange, to find the inner access into personal consciousness power that comes directly from within our Inner Spirit. From the purely observer level, without judgment of what you may be witnessing, our consciousness power will neutralize, thereby clear the miasma distortion from our Light-body, therefore changing the future record by changing your consciousness vibration. What you may clear today, and not see the result of fully yet, will change your future. Therefore we must develop patience, forgiveness and diligence in our spiritual healing, all of which are qualities of virtue that give us spiritual powers in the longer term. As we clear pain and energy blocks from the past, we heal our future and this timeline of possibility becomes increasingly more positive for us, aligning us to a more perfected version of what we can achieve that is unique to our energetic signature and spiritual blueprint.  This is how false or negative timelines are overridden from manifesting in the future, and many Starseeds and Indigos are learning and practicing this experience in their lives now. Staying in the present moment, commanding our space as God-Sovereign-Free and not taking things as a personal insult or offense,  is a skill needed while gaining mastery in holding the witness consciousness.  

In these tumultuous times, our priority and discipline must be to serve our Inner Christ Light over our lower ego nature, and to not let the outer world corrupt our heart,  that is our sovereign path and divine right to embody God’s confirmation of our inner light. To be in direct communion with the Spirits of Christ and confirmed by God is the measurement of the frequency alignment of a pure and light heart carried within a loving and kind human being.  No man made or earthly based organization can control or measure that direct relationship with the inner spirit. Communion with God Spirit has nothing to do with I.Q. level, canon based religious law or paying money for our afterlife position or to promise the title of salvation. To be confirmed and protected by God Spirit, one must model and aspire to become more Christ-like, as this is the image of God spirit physically manifested. The choice is always ours without any judgment, however the consequence is the energetic imbalance and suffering created by ignoring the Natural Laws, which are represented in the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One.

Where a person directs their consciousness power is their responsibility at the level they interact with the Universal Law, as that person becomes more aware of the Law, they will receive stronger consequences when they violate the Law.

As you become more conscious and aware,  as you embody higher spiritual intelligences, the responsibility is ever greater, as the results of the Laws are considerably amplified within each higher octave of energetic intelligence that one travels through in the Universal Tree of Life. The Law in Action on planet earth is now undergoing many changes, this manifests consequences to those people who continually violate the laws, unknowingly or knowingly, that directly create deviant behaviors that are designed by the Imposter Spirits to harm consciousness. What has been hidden and buried deep in shadow, is being revealed at the surface through the changes in the Law. The protection supported by God’s Natural Laws, The Law of One is palpable, as you learn to free your mind from fear, you will begin to experience this feeling of spiritual protection as inner peace,  regardless of what is happening in any external source. Focus upon your pure and light heart as it is the precious jewel of which will protect you in all ways.

(ES Newsletter: Communion to Confirmation, May 2011)

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This article originally posted HERE.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Uforia Chronicles interview and talk with "Avalon Sol" #1

Published on Feb 12, 2016
Uforia Cronicles teams up to interview a living legend, a entity named "Avalon Sol" He opens up talking about his history, his awakening, atomic particle god source contracts and dimensions. He closes his talk exposing how the invading artificial intelligent micro or nano bots were created without a shut off button whom are continuously reproducing, invading low vibrating humans and other occult revelations.The photos in place are not accurate to the talk but are there to only inspire the imagination while listening.
Avalon Sol

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Energetic Synthesis: Entropy and Negentropy - Newsletter - February 2016

Tree of Life
February 2016
Entropy and Negentropy
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,

Consciousness is energy, and energy is Conscious, and as such they are interchangeable. Energy is directed through many intelligent systems in which it either contracts or expands to lower or increase its frequency rate. When energy continually contracts, it is decreasing in amount through losses of energy, which lowers the frequency rate. When energy continually expands, it is increasing in amount through gains of energy, which heightens the frequency rate.  Our spiritual bodies are also systems of consciousness energy, thus they also lose or increase energy depending on many different factors.  We will attempt to drill down a bit further, into these factors and exposures, sourcing from both personal and impersonal forces.

Everything has an energetic signature and is composed of spectrums of frequency arranged in form holding blueprints. Our blueprint and Lightbody is an energetic system. For the Lightbody to be constricted and losing energy, the person is choosing destructive behaviors and/or is exposed to lower frequencies, which lose or leak energy. For the Lightbody to expand and increase energy, the person is choosing positive behaviors and/or is exposed to higher frequencies, which maintain or gain energy.

All systems, including the earth body, and human bodily systems, require sources of energy in order to function well. Further, they require consistent sources of energy in order to evolve, expand and progress in consciousness over time. During the chaotic transformation happening on the earth, it is important to be able to accurately discern the energetic source powering a system. We will need to ask where the energy source of a system is being generated from, and if there are excessive expenditures of energy or energy drains, through destructive behaviors of consumptive modeling. As we progress in the new time cycle during the bifurcation, every detail of our existence will be under magnification, as we interact with any kind of energetic system. The clarity of where we direct personal energy and attention is being amplified, in order to plainly see where our energy is being directed and how it is being used. The question we need to ask is, “Where is our personal energy being drained and where is our energy being supported and restored?”

Thus, in this new energy paradigm, all of our personal choices will be representative of how we discern the subtle energies present, along with our internal energies, and whether those combined energies are effectively self-generating and self-organizing. We will naturally look for systems that are energetically balanced, sustainable, stable, transparent, clear and serving the greater whole with proper value exchanges. We must ask the deeper question of ourselves, are we feeding closed source, parasitic systems that are moving towards Entropy? Or are we willing to transform in order to direct our energy towards the greater cause of open source systems that are moving towards Negentropy? Entropy defines the loss of energy present in a closed source system, while Negentropy defines the increase or maintenance of the energy present in an open source system. Now, we are given the choice to figure this out for ourselves, based on our personal resonances and frequency level.

In our day-to-day existence, we live in a complex environment that requires that we interact with a great many systems that are defined as physical structures. The five main Controller Pillars of Society are constructed on many hidden layers of Entropic systems. These systems of control require energy from others in order to continue to influence planetary affairs, as a part of the Archontic Deception Strategy. These systems create incredible losses of energy, and are parasitic to the human race.

As we undergo the spiritual awakening or Ascension process, we become increasingly multidimensional and more self-aware. We perceive things that we never perceived before. As a result, we are exposed to the inner revelation of discovering a whole new set of systems, which we didn’t see before. Yet, we unfold into the realization that we are interacting with a variety of forces that interplay with many systems, and these systems exist at many different energetic levels. Becoming multidimensional and awakening in consciousness means that we pay attention to the whole energetic system. We look for the loss of energy present in physical matter, and then we source where the loss of energy is occurring in our multidimensional or spiritual bodies. If we allow our spiritual body to tend towards interacting with Entropic systems, we feel the drain. We must have the maturity to realize this type of interaction is harmful to our spiritual consciousness. Hence, our goal is to explore and find ways to increase energy in our spiritual bodies, develop higher consciousness, and learn how to evolve towards collaborating with open source or Negentropic systems.


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Avalon Sol: Manifest reality now

 Emerald Guardians Note I( Not all info below is correct in my eyes/view, and misses key newer-time/status info and thus makes wrong assumptions  and things that are not valid no more. )

(ADDON/UDDATE:   Avalon Sol   February 18 at 11:18pm 
New Information Coming In Now
I have some good news and some bad news regarding the ascension schedule that earth humans are going to be happy to hear, but that Parallel Earth humans wouldn't be so much. There is a lot of information to process to get it all straight, but the invisible war took another turn yet again. I will be back in a few days to update with all the up to the minute intel after dozens of hours of information I will have to sift through.
Hang in there, things just got better. All love,

MANIFEST REALITY NOW / Avalon Sol    -   at 10:43am · 
And what do I mean by that exactly? How does one change this Chimera reality field literally? According to new-age spirituality, it means ignoring the horrors of what actually happens on your city streets, ignoring the racism, the hatred and the deceit fed to you every moment of every single day of your lives, and vibrate in joy. 

That's it. Just act like it all doesn't exist, and viola', you are vibrating on a higher level of frequency, and you will surely ascend. You have to, because in your world there are no dangers to avoid, you simply take your fears, your worries about what has happened to you every day of your life, place them into the hands of your higher self, and like magic, you are a higher being. 

It is TIME that you have TRUTH instead of fantasy. If you haven't been told yet, the paradigms of religion and faith on this planet are PROGRAMS designed through countless hundreds of millions of hours of careful scripting, quantum-command programming to create an artificial reality field before you, and a nearly flawless process for you to follow that will ensure that your next day will be exactly like yesterday where your insurance bill comes due 2 hours after your transmission goes out in your car that allows you to make just enough money to scrape by until the next payday, and now you have no way to make your bills, your boyfriend cheats on you with your sister, you get mugged at the ATM when you cash your check, and the cycle repeats over and over and over. New-age Spirituality is NO LESS a perfected script to hypnotize you into believing that you can live right there where you always have and you can make everything suddenly "right", if you simply "let go" of your worries, and hand them off to your higher self. Here's a little secret, "higher self" is two words to spell the word GOD of your bible programs. And there is no difference whatsoever between the dead sea scrolls, the torah, the bible and the other thousands of other religious texts that claim to be "the way" to enlightenment. Every. Single. One. Is fake. 

And by what authority do I say such things? If you don't know where this voice came from by now, then you have more research to do. We are the Guardian Alliance and bring you the unedited history of your creation since trillions of years prior to your project ever even began. We can tell you where your creationary template came from originally, who decided to advance it, where it was advanced, what changes were made to it, and why. When we report to you that all of your faiths on this planet that have been created to supplant the original HANDBOOK of your creation, the Law of ONE teachings, are extremely complex Cymatic scalar-wave brain-washing technologies, we are not guessing. 

You are never going to "get there" to your "happy place" by ignoring reality around you. You are never going to get to bliss by pawning off your problems to "god", "higher self", "source" or even "satan". There is no one single thing I have been repeatedly informed of by higher dimension than the need for the Angelic Human evolution to take responsibility for themselves. Not one. And trust me, there are many issues surrounding the dire and slim possibilities that face the ascension of this evolution that are stark, and vast. If you refuse to take responsibility for your own manifest experience, then you will have no one, anywhere, who is going to help you here, including your higher self. Who's hands, by the way, are TIED when it comes to helping you find your way out of this prison that you have gotten yourselves into if you refuse to do so. 

When I say that, there are going to be many of you who are going to feel that as an indictment meaning you are all morons and deserve this punishment. But it is not meant in that light. What this means is this: You were captured. Your DNA was distorted, cutting off your awareness from your higher-self connection. You were handed an artificial body. That body was fitted with an artificial brain between your pineal gland TRUE viewing eye and your TRUE mind, your heart, which has every synaptic-nerve structure of your "brain". You were placed in a prison cell with invisible bars. Then you were subjected to something that had NEVER been part of your contract, DEATH every 70 years or so, ending up with your awareness in a new fetus, with your mind wiped clean of all your past life experiences.......

This terrifying reality happened. That part is over. Accept it. Now, from your prison cell, knowing you were INNOCENT from the outset, how are you going to find yourself free once again? Because here is the BIG SECRET, no one is coming to save you. 

And what you are thinking now is, then if no one is coming to save me, who the hell is the voice then? The voice is a WAYSHOWER ONLY, not a savior. Not god. Not salvation. The only thing we can do here is show those who are AWAKE where the door is and how to turn the knob. And this means that only those who have ACCEPTED their situation and decided to educate themselves on the hidden secrets of "reality", will have any chance to actually make this ascension. 

I have been holding numerous private counselings over the past week, and one thing I have found to be a common thought in people here (when I say "people", I mean humans. The Indigos who come to me already know differently.) is that somehow there is such a thing as "entitlement to ascension". That if you merely are a "good person", and don't "sin", then you WILL ascend at the end of this Stellar Activation Cycle, because after all, that's fair right?

Mortal manifestation is not some sort of carnival ride where you are guaranteed safe exit from the Scrambler cage at the end of your excursion, there are no such things as guarantees here that you will find your own Signature Spirit Essence Awareness in a state of "ascended master", just because you didn't "sin" and was a good boy. It doesn't work like that, and it certainly won't work like that now that you are not only inside of mortal manifest form, but you are also a prisoner who has had your DNA template you originally signed up for, nearly destroyed. If the DNA of your plasma body cannot resonate at a much higher vibration than the template that you have been handed here by 12/21/22, then there will be no such thing as your ever "moving forward". It is considered effectively impossible. Something I have been tip-toeing around now since my contract was activated because it was just so harsh, and brutal, I didn't want to talk about it. 

Now I am.
The Peak of your ascension cycle is 12/21/17. What does this really mean? It means that on that day, your parallel planet, Phantom Earth will complete its full process of phase-shifting into your reality field. If you don't know by now after the many proofs we have posted about the reality of such planet's existence, then you need to read down our wall here. And we would suggest, now. When that happens, your parallel self who is just as real on that planet as you are on this one, will phase-shift fully into your body and for a moment, the two of your very real selves will become one. Your parallel self was created so you could repair your DNA twice as fast than if you were simply "one person" in manifestation trying to assemble your next higher strand, allowing you to move out of this prison dimension, because that "phantom" self has been restoring the OVERTONES to your DNA strands in a higher frequency spectrum on antiparticle earth, while you have been restoring your UNDERTONES of your DNA here on particle earth. That means at that moment, your frequency will be the highest level by FAR than what it has ever been before, and vastly closer to actually making the ascent, which IS NOT a "birthright". 

When the full connection will be made between your "shadow" self and your "real" self (the one where half of your consciousness has been "here" all along), then both will be "one" at that moment, vibrating at a frequency you have never dreamed of before. IF that frequency is high enough, then you will have the opportunity to ascend. And it WILL BE the first time in more than 10,500 years where that will have been possible because the SEALS that have been placed on your ET-distorted DNA will drop off, the Seal of Amenti and the Seal of Palaidor. Seals placed there by your immediate founding fathers of the Oraphim Angelics and the leading arm of the Guardian Alliance, the Ra Confederacy who's only goal is to see that your ultra-powerful Grail Line DNA from the Elohim lineage never reaches the interstellar communities without first embodying the Law of ONE. Because if you brought the power of the command of the full standing energy fields of god-source to the cosmayas without being able to handle it with unconditional love for your fellow faces of god, it could lead to chaos that cannot be explained in this article. 

You have until then to repair your DNA. No one is going to come down here and force you to repair it. If you want to move forward, now is the time, and this is the last time you will ever be offered ascension. This is the LAST Stellar Activation Cycle for the Gaia Time Matrix that is now in fall. In less than 200 years from this date, this Time Matrix WILL IMPLODE. And no, this is NOT fear porn. This is the cold, hard facts regarding what you are actually facing right now. If you are NOT ready to ascend on that date, you will have another 5 years to embody the Law of ONE and assemble your higher strand of DNA up to at least 3 1/2, so you can be moved from here to either the Median Earth location of the 4th dimension, or to a 3 1/2 dimension safe zone for assisted repair of your next half-strand in Middle Earth, you have heard referred to as Agartha. 

The ascension mechanics training you need to get here is available in the teachings of E'Asha Ashayana Dean and down our wall or by one on one in a scheduled consultation being offered now with the voice in return for a very small donation for the sanctuary in order to simply keep the lights on. If you ignore this message and choose to believe you are entitled to ascend "just because" you didn't rape your neighbors, then you will find out soon that isn't true. You don't get a cookie just because you weren't a thug here. 

Your particle earth is currently being moved to the Aqueous Sun Time Matrix as host planet for dimensions 4,5 and 6. Your parallel earth will be moved on 12/21/22 to the Weasadex Phantom Matrix for perpetual enslavement of those who are unwilling to awake now and physically repair their DNA through learning and receiving the training needed to bring their frequencies up high enough to harmonize with the 4th dimension. And that stay there is virtually guaranteed to be a permanent one, as far as your Signature Frequency Essence "personality" is concerned. Because there is effectively no way your awareness as "you" will ever make it back to the Deity Planes with any of your past life memories called Soul Essence. And no, this is not a guess, I am not giving you my "theory" on how this works. I have one job here, and that is to flatly tell you the truth whether you like it or not. There will be no patty-cake here. This is last-second guerrilla warfare, and the time has long since past for tea and crumpets. 

When you spend hours a day putting on your makeup, messing around with the PTA, wasting time on the golf course, shopping for the latest fashion wear, and involving yourself in earth-level, day-to-day distractions, you are giving away the last minutes you have now to prepare your plasma body for something it is NOT ready for yet. This education process to repair DNA as distorted as that of the Angelic Human Krystos' takes a 100 YEARS typically to accomplish. And yes, we do have these numbers, since this is only one of TRILLIONS of evolutions that have taken place and it is NOT NEW to the cosmayas to have to repair bioformed DNA. It is new to YOU only. We have put in place many strategies in order to accelerate your evolution so you can make this final Activation Cycle on this date and are here EN MASS to educate you as quickly as possible, but without your ACTIVE participation in the repair process, you WILL NOT be moving forward. 

Not a very "new agy" peace-love-dove message, is it? Its time the gloves come off and we hand you only raw data now without the flowers and box of chocolates. 

And this all comes back to that one point, taking responsibility for your own ascension, your own life and your own actions. As long as you remain living in the big city designed as a rat trap where the rats have to eat each other in order to have enough room to survive, then you are not taking responsibility for your own personal frequency. If you have to flip off, honk at, and curse your fellow commuter in impossible traffic for an hour and a half every day just to get to work and back, your frequency WILL NEVER be high enough to pass from this dimension. Unless you place yourself in an environment where you can love others all day everyday because they aren't "in your way", blocking you from making enough money to pay the extortion fees of the IRS, corrupt cops, judges, attorneys, the DMV, insurance companies, etc. etc. as the Chimera Reality goes here, then you can consider the way of life you experience now, how it will be from here on out until your awareness leaves manifestation altogether and re-enters the Deity Planes as space dust, or the Standing Energy particles of god-source with no recollection of who you ever were before, because that is how god-source recycles itself anew. 

Everything is a cycle. Not some things. And your personality here is something that can be either salvaged from this prison, or it can cease to exist as you are now, and you can re-educate your collective "particle" of god-source as a brand new being later down the road after a thousand, million, billion or trillions of years from now in service to your captors in the Weasadex Time Matrix. Not fear-mongering, just fact-telling. I have avoided this subject largely because it is so dark when our work here is to bring the true light of your possible next move for your awareness. But now is the time, and you finally know. 

This is the call. You will either want to know what I have been given by your founders over the past 17,000 hours of education for this journey, or you won't. You will hear these words or you will be in complete denial about their authenticity. This is only one of billions of such extractions that have had to play out in the hundreds of trillions of evolutions of creations before you that have had to take place in the never-ending cycle of manifestation. It is not new. But you have been separated from every shred of such information before this time, making it nearly impossible for you to comprehend that it is all factually true. If you want to hear my detailed story about how I was contacted in person on this plain, how my contract was activated to do this work at the end of your long cycle, if you want to learn ascension mechanics, heal your plasma body or heal your physical Avatar and learn more about what is actually real inside of your Chimera existence, you might want to schedule a time to conference with me on Skype. The time is now. The long cycle is now over. The Stellar Activation Cycle began over 3 years ago. There will not be another one for your seedings. This is the very last attempt to bring the Turanuesiam Project Angelics to fruition for entry into the IAFW (Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds). It is not a joke and these claims are not theory. It is now up to you to either take responsibility for your manifest reality by learning the truth, or not. 

All love,
Avalon Sol

Emerald Guardians Note II:

Thanks also for the OVERTONES/Strands info , 
as i detected in my own template an issue in 3rd strand 7th overtone only. 
rest all.. good wink emoticon 
 (as i did find this in my KS/FT archive 

3rd DNA strand manifested without 7-12 basetones
 resulting in geneticmutation. 
These gaps in DNA caused memory loss between 
concious awarenessand astral awareness 
causing distortion/loss in dream re-call. (Frequency fence)

The ego (5 senses) and the higher-self (10-12 overtone frequency) were now split/seperated.]

1 to 12 check check 

Working with the Eckasha Rha 
will also  progressively clear/heal 
distortions in PCM/PKA template.

Signed Rha